can simultaneously be so omnipotent and incompetent at the same time.
--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
* Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)
Msg : 111 of 185
From : David Johnston 1:342/14 .pä 17 .íâ 96 00:52
To : Michael Harper
Subj : Tv And Sf
-> The audience isn't the problem. The execs and the sponsors are the
-> problem. The government is a major problem when it comes to
-> nonrenewables. Read _Fallen Angels_ by Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle
-> and Michael Flynn. Then get back to me on nonrenewable resources.
I thought Fallen Angels was a silly book.
--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
* Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)
Msg : 112 of 185
From : David Johnston 1:342/14 .pä 17 .íâ 96 00:56
To : Chip Griffin
Subj : Re: Nuclear Bs
-> Greenpeace IS a TERRORIST organization, their methods prove it!
A terrorist organisation is one which kills noncombatants in an attempt
to throw fear into the general public and the political leadership.
When did Greenpeace do this?
--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
* Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)
Msg : 113 of 185
From : David Johnston 1:342/14 .pä 17 .íâ 96 01:08
To : Christian Raven
Subj : Re: Star Trek
-> I must have some problems with my terminal, I almost thought you said
-> "good" and "ST:Voyager" in the same sentence. The captain is a
-> woman, trying to be a man. Now if she were a lesbian (which... who
-> knows?) I might be able to take
That's really quite an idiotic statement. Giving orders is not a
defining characteristic of masculinity.
--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
* Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)
Msg : 114 of 185
From : Gerry Normandeau 1:163/430 .ōp 16 .íâ 96 02:45
To : Glenn Shaheen
Subj : Re: Star Trek Voyager
On 01-11-96 09:47 Glenn Shaheen strung up Aaron Turon on the gallows pole
because of Star Trek Voyager!
AT>I liked that episode where Nealix( that's probably spelled wrong, but I
AT>don't know how to spell it) lungs get taken out. There are a lot of other
AT>good ones, so if you know any and would like to discuss with me, just e-
AT>mail! thanks :)
GS> My favorite episode is when they find the planet freshely
GS> destroyed (Time And Again?).
I am sory but I must say about the episode Time And Again is that it's the
standard ST script that gives me gas. The episode starts with finding the
planet destroyed and goes on to discouver that they are responsible for it.
Great fantastic, untill the end. This is a standard happy happy joy joy,
we saved another world and skip happily along into the sunset! B**** S///!
To me the ending is a moral copout! If the wrighters are not willing to
live with the consequences of there actions then don't wright it! The idea
that the crew was responsibul for the destruction of a world would be
a fantastic way to show that space is not a nice place and that is why
there is a Prime Directive. The crew of the ship has had it easy too long.
What the show needs is major shot of realisum.
Thus endith my tirade! Halliluya Amen!
(honestly, not all that much works me into a lather, So why does it have to be
Trek? };>
... "Brother," said Pooh as he sabotaged Wile E. Coyote's latest trap.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Watership Down BBS, Kanata , ON (1:163/430)
Msg : 115 of 185
From : Jhereg 1:271/285 .ōp 16 .íâ 96 16:25
To : Todd Sullivan
Subj : elfquest
J> Like Barton, wasn't aware there was this much still out here in this
J> day and age. Is this all drawn and written by the Pini's or are they
J> done by other folks.
TS> What was mentioned before is. Last I heard, Marvel Comics was doing
TS> an EQ comic, and the Pinis were keeping a close watch, or were being
TS> consulted regularly.
No good, then, Todd. If it ain't DONE by the Pini's, it ain't worth
-=*< Jhereg >*=-
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: From Trekkies & from B5ers who hate Trek save us! (1:271/285.0)
Msg : 116 of 185
From : Todd Sullivan 1:202/720.3 .pä 17 .íâ 96 13:17
To : Ken Mayes
Subj : Etc.
While substituting for Q, Ken Mayes took extreme delight in saying to Frank
Glover, "You'll do anything I say?" Frank quailed when the words "nuclear BS"
were uttered.
KM> On Mon 15-Jan-1996 12:00a, Frank Glover wrote:
FG>> It's fairer to say we're heavily dependent on *electricity.* Nukes
FG>> are just one source of it, and not the biggest.
KM> Actually what I meant to say was that "We depend far too much
KM> on nuclear reactors for the electricity we get." I never intended to
KM> insinuate that we didn't rely on coal, oil and natural gas. We do and
KM> far too much as well. We need to pour at least as much money into
KM> exploring alternative sources as we do the older ones. If we did that,
KM> our energy problems would be solved or at least not as large as they
KM> are now.
Actually, most of the problems that exist today (pollution, energy shortages,
high prices, scarce resources) can be attributed to one thing: Too many people,
not enough of anything to go around.
There's a bad time coming, and nobody seems to care. The ones that survive are
going to have an easier time after the "shake-out".
What has this to do with SF? Ever read "Catastrophes", originally edited by
Asimov? There were several stories along those lines written in the last 50
years or so.
Todd Sullivan
... Dinner Not Ready: (A)bort (R)etry (F)etch tacos
-*- ASTG 1.9
--- Spot 1.3a Unregistered
* Origin: Todd's Spot in the Continuum (1:202/720.3)
Msg : 117 of 185
From : Christopher O'Conor 1:371/26 .pä 17 .íâ 96 16:59
To : MHS:Brandon Wolgast
Subj : Foundation Again
.TID: GE 1.11+
BW>Should you read the one(s) before it even
BW>though they were written after or even though they take place before
BW>should you read them after? (kinda like the Star Wars movies, even
BW>though all six will be out one of these days you should still watch
BW>parts 4, 5, and 6 first.)
I've only read the trilogy, so I can't help. But, for the record, Star
Wars has NINE parts, not six. (Three trilogies - one before "A New
Hope", one after "Return of the Jedi")
--- Worldgroup/MajorBBS
* Origin: AstroBBS Ft. Myers, FL 939-3009 (1:371/26)
Msg : 118 of 185
From : Todd Sullivan 1:202/720.3 .pä 17 .íâ 96 17:12
To : Mark Jones
Subj : nuclear safety
While substituting for Q, Mark Jones took extreme delight in saying to J.T.
Smith, "You'll do anything I say?" J.T. quailed when the words "nuclear safety"
were uttered.
MJ> On (10 Jan 96) J.T. Smith wrote to Chip Griffin...
JS>> into the atmosphere from TMI. BTW, did I forget to mention that
JS>> it's radioactive? Well guess what, it is! No thanks. I can think
MJ> What about the water? HOW radioactive is it? And for how long?
Not for very long, less than an hour, if I recall my Reactor Principles lessons
correctly. That's why it's used for a moderator in the reaction aboard subs.
MJ> The everyday environment is measurably radioactive.
About 5 rem per year, last I heard.
MJ> As for better sources of energy--name one. One that is doable with
MJ> today's technology, at commercially-acceptable prices, and which can
MJ> generate the sort of immense power we need.
It's all do-able, but the price is what stymies everyone; energy isn't cheap any
I once looked into building my own home solar array using off the shelf parts
(Radio Shack as the source). The cost in parts ran about $2000 (in 1985), never
mind the labor in assembly of about 200 cells and the enclosures needed to
protect them, building the power supplies and regulators, getting the the proper
inverter for what had to have AC.
Too much for one person to do, and that was just for 200 amp capacity for one
Todd Sullivan
... "Every puny whipster gets my sword." --Shakespeare
-*- ASTG 1.9
--- Spot 1.3a Unregistered
* Origin: Todd's Spot in the Continuum (1:202/720.3)
Msg : 119 of 185
From : Bianca Wesslak 1:132/152 .pä 17 .íâ 96 00:58
To : Judy Hayes
Subj : "Who" knew.
From a woman with an overactive imagination.
JH> Just a note picked up from Jay Badenhoop's "Mr. Data's Data" -
JH> "Actor Paul McGann (Alien 3, The Three Musketeers) has just been
JH> signed to play the title role in the new "Doctor Who" movie.
yeah I heard about the new doctor who movie, this is where they are
gonna introduce the third doctor. THe bbc and fox and a couple of other
people are putting it together. Do you know when it will be out perhaps?
... Eternity only goes in two directions.
--- Blue Wave v2.12 [NR]
* Origin: The Cereal Port BBS (OS/2) Rindge,NH 603-899-3335 (1:132/152)
Msg : 120 of 185
From : Ecarey 1:101/230 .cę 14 .íâ 96 14:50
To : Bianca Wesslak
BW>From a woman with an overactive imagination.
BW> -=>what is dresden fill me in.
BW> PL> It's a shame History classes leave out so much these days...
BW> TR> It shows us, however, that this person is less than 20 years old.
BW>Actually I am 21, and I did pretty well in my history classes, Dresden
BW>was never mentioned in either current events, world history, am. history1,2
BW>but thanks for filling me in.
Then you went to a wretchedly inferior school, and your teachers ought
to be ashamed to show their faces in pubic. For that matter, your
parents should, too.
* OLX 2.1 TD * --T-A+G-L-I+N-E--+M-E-A+S-U-R+I-N-G+--G-A+U-G-E--
--- FLAME v1.0
* Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)
Msg : 121 of 185
From : Chris Thurman 1:141/415 .ōp 16 .íâ 96 15:24