BC> Acquire this book; READ IT COVER TO COVER; then address
BC> any further questions, comments, etc., to Dr. Pournelle.
I recommend also "Know Nukes" in MINDS, MACHINES, AND EVOLUTION by
James P. Hogun.
--- PPoint 1.78
* Origin: Folcroft Sanitarium (hsmith@cure.com) (1:105/302.47)
Msg : 58 of 185
From : Mark Jones 1:105/302.47 .ķá 13 .íâ 96 16:15
To : Don Dellmann
Subj : nuclear BS
On (12 Jan 96) Don Dellmann wrote to Bianca Wesslak...
DD> The "native Americans" had a whole continent, one of the richest
DD> in the world in natural resources, and they didn't do anything
DD> with it.
DD> Good stewardship of resources means using them, and exploiting
DD> them wisely. Allowing the land to "lie fallow" and run wild is
DD> NOT good stewardship.
I beg to differ. If its *your* land, and you choose to let it lie
fallow, there's nothing wrong with that. (Demanding that someone else
let *his* land remain unworked is another matter.)
Whether or not the native americans made wise use of their land,
the point is moot. There are vastly more people living here today
than could ever possibly be supported in that fashion. We need large
scale agriculture and energy generation to support us all.
--- PPoint 1.78
* Origin: Folcroft Sanitarium (hsmith@cure.com) (1:105/302.47)
Msg : 59 of 185
From : Mark Jones 1:105/302.47 .ķá 13 .íâ 96 16:20
To : Frank Glover
On (11 Jan 96) Frank Glover wrote to Mark Jones...
FG> You know, we've seen plenty of hints of this in Star Trek's
FG> holodecks/holosuites. Remember the attempt to do an unauthorized scan
FG> of Major Kira so as to incorporate her into a scenario for one of
FG> Quark's customers? Or when that warpdrive engineer learned that Geordi
FG> had used a construct of her to help solve a previous problem (and she
FG> jumped to the wrong conclusion as to just what the problem was?).
Yep. In reality, I suspect the holodecks would get extensive use
as a holo-brothel. (This being the Federation, though, that of course
doesn't happen much.... Yeah. Right.)
FG> Me, I can see it now; "Computer, run program `Madonna1, version 3."
Exactly. You can program in anyone you like, and edit their
behavior so that they behave as you'd like them to, rather than as
they would in real life. (Like Barclay's fantasies of beating up
Riker and dominating the bridge crew.)
There's big money to be made in this field one day.
--- PPoint 1.78
* Origin: Folcroft Sanitarium (hsmith@cure.com) (1:105/302.47)
Msg : 60 of 185
From : STEPHEN ADAMS 1:377/77 .îí 15 .íâ 96 08:25
.TID: GE 1.2
RS> SA>Personally, I hope the the producers DON'T change the show
RS> I didn't know they were planning on changing it.
Hopefully, they aren't. What I was originally implying was that since
the show is being shown on the fledgling UPN network, that there could
come a time when UPN's execs decide that Nowhere Man needs to have
bigger ratings in order to stay in the schedule.
There are rumors flying around that Paramount might be considering
scrapping ST:DS9 and throwing all of its resources into ST:Voyager.
Why? In order to bolster the ratings of Voyager, which happens to be
the keystone show for UPN. If Voyager stumbles, then it is likely that
UPN would be on shaky ground. UPN may then try to stabilize itself with
shows that appeal more to the mass-market audiences. I just hope that
they don't try to turn Nowhere Man into one of those mass-market, no-
brainer (IMHO) shows.
If all of this speculation does indeed come true, then I'd rather see
the writers and producers of Nowhere Man either conclude the series, or
take it where they can continue on with the quality they've put out so
far; either in syndication or, perhaps, another network such as WB.
January 15, 1996 08:37 ET
* RM 1.3 * Eval Day 40 * Internet Email: stephen.adams@bandit-bbs.com
--- WC!/IM!/GE-PRO1.20!
* Origin: Longbow BBS! Tampa, FL (813)961-3653 USR V.34+ DS (1:377/77)
Msg : 61 of 185
From : STEPHEN ADAMS 1:377/77 .îí 15 .íâ 96 09:08
.TID: GE 1.2
On 01/12/96 at 17:53, MARK JONES, cyberspace traveller,
grabbed the attention of STEPHEN ADAMS by uttering these words...
which leads to this exchange:
MJ> SA> It's been established in an episode I saw before Christmas, that Tom's
MJ> SA> wife and mother are in on the Conspiracy.
MJ> And did they make any attempt to justify this? Are they acting under
MJ> duress? Are they brainwashed? Are they going along in hopes of getting
MJ> the conspiracy off his back if he'll cooperate?
No, in the end they didn't explain any of this. In that episode, they did
offer explanations for questions, but at the very end, his wife and mother
turned on him again - effectively blowing all of the explanations out of the
water! :)
MJ> Or are they simply coopted by fiat, because this shocking betrayal adds
MJ> to the paranoia level? [That would be my guess.]
And mine as well.
MJ> The way his wife turned on him in the pilot was one of the reasons I lost
MJ> interest in the show. That kind of 180 degree turn in her behavior
MJ> needed some heavy-duty justification. And there was *none*.
My take on this show is that it is to present to the audience what it is that
*Tom* is feeling, seeing, and/or experiencing. How many times in your own
lives have behavior changes in other people left us wondering what was going
on? (When I say other people, I'm talking about loved ones and friends that
we care deeply for and implicitly trust.) And of those times, in how many of
them did we get a sufficient explanation as to why they did what they did?
Not everything in life gets explained with some "heavy-duty" justification,
and it appears that Nowhere Man's production staff is just following this
For me, it is this overall *lack* of justification that brings me to watch
the next episode! I, too, have become part of Tom's search for answers! :)
MJ> If she was a ringer all along, why didn't they just have her *steal* the
MJ> negatives, or at least find out where he kept them (so experts could blow
MJ> the safe, for instance).
Well, if they did *that*, then there would be no more story. :)
This is not to say, in my opinion, that Nowhere Man's story is based squarely
upon The Conspiracy trying to get hold of the negatives. It is, I feel, just
a vehicle to get to the real story; that being *the search* by Tom for an
explanation, any explanation, as to why someone or some group would want to
completely destroy his life.
Regarding the negatives. Throughout this series, everyone has tried to get
Tom's negatives, but he has managed to hide them in some pretty unique
places. Besides, he's got the negatives scattered all throughout the
MJ> If she really *did* love him so much, why did she turn on him so
MJ> completely? And why isn't she a major star if she can be such a
MJ> convincing actress--pretending so consistently to love him (if she
MJ> didn't) or not to know him (if she's trying to protect him).
Tom's wife is not a major character in this series. Tom Veil is the ONLY
major character in Nowhere Man - view the opening credits if you don't
believe this. Bruce Greenwood is the only actor that appears in them, while
all of the other visiting actors appear in the closing.
That's why I think this show is truly about *how* one person feels, and it
excels in this. The viewer doesn't get justification as to why everybody is
out to get Tom, because *he* doesn't get any justification. :)
BTW, since you haven't been watching the series, every character who has
attempted to assist Tom has either been killed or hurt by The Conspiracy.
With the exception of Tom's wife and mother, no other characters have
appeared again in any episode. The wife and mother characters have appeared
in only one other episode since the pilot; that being the one I told you
Monday, January 15, 1996 at 10:29
Internet: stephen.adams@bandit-bbs.com
* RM 1.3 * Eval Day 40 *
--- WC!/IM!/GE-PRO1.20!
* Origin: Longbow BBS! Tampa, FL (813)961-3653 USR V.34+ DS (1:377/77)
Msg : 62 of 185
From : STEPHEN ADAMS 1:377/77 .îí 15 .íâ 96 10:39
.TID: GE 1.2
On 01/14/96 at 00:20, DAVID JOHNSTON, cyberspace traveller,
grabbed the attention of STEPHEN ADAMS by uttering these words...
*** Nowhere Man ***
which leads to this exchange:
DJ> SA> I know a few people who WON'T watch the show because it makes them
DJ> SA> feel uneasy;
DJ> Do you know anyone who just balks at the utter implausibility of what is
DJ> going on?
Not personally, but I'm sure that there are. I suppose if a person doesn't
believe in conspiracies, of any kind, at all, then viewing Nowhere Man would
be a waste of time.
Monday, January 15, 1996 at 10:45
Internet: stephen.adams@bandit-bbs.com
* RM 1.3 * Eval Day 40 *
--- WC!/IM!/GE-PRO1.20!
* Origin: Longbow BBS! Tampa, FL (813)961-3653 USR V.34+ DS (1:377/77)
Msg : 63 of 185
From : Tony Trujillo 1:280/9 .îí 15 .íâ 96 12:24
To : Judy Hayes
Subj : Re: "Who" knew.
.TID: GE 1.11+
JH> Just a note picked up from Jay Badenhoop's "Mr. Data's Data" -
JH> "Actor Paul McGann (Alien 3, The Three Musketeers) has just been signed
JH> to play the title role in the new "Doctor Who" movie.
I'm a Whovian from WAY back and all I have to say about this
news is...I'LL BELIEVE IT WHEN I SEE IT! :^)
They've been promising new DocWho material for a long time
now (especially a movie...and I'm talking about since Tom
Baker's reign) so I have to take this news with a grain of
Gallifreyian salt! :^)
Here's hoping that the movie actually (excuse the pun)
materializes this time.
... "Oh! Just like that Doctor?" "Who??" "Can't remember!"
--- Via Silver Xpress V4.02B03 SW01177
* Origin: South of the River - Overland Park KS - (913)642-7907 V.* (1:280/9)
Msg : 64 of 185
From : Tony Trujillo 1:280/9 .îí 15 .íâ 96 13:14
To : Myra I Fox
Subj : Re: Tom Holt & PTerry
.TID: GE 1.11+
MI> It was a lot of fun... I still have "Small Gods" on hand that I
MI> haven't read.
I have that one tucked away as well as SOUL MUSIC. I've been
waiting for Jo to get into a Pterry reading mood so we could