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Brutal combat in Swordsman VR!
Swords, Blood in VR: EPIC BATTLES in Swordsman!
Demon's Souls |#15| Dragon God
Demon's Souls |#14| Flamelurker

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   Or explored as a psychiatric tool. (It's already been applied to treat those
with a fear of heights.)

   Or...as a conditioning/brainwashing tool. Which brings us back to Brainstorm,
and a Next Generation episode where the Romulans captured Geordi, and fed him
selected inputs through his Visor connections....


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 27 of 185
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .cę 14 .íâ 96 20:11
 To   : David Durgee
 Subj : Re: Virtual reality issues

DD>  I can see where this kind of use of virtual reality could be fine in
DD>  a
DD>  theraputic setting, to deal with impulses and work out frustrations.
DD>  It
DD>  could also be put to good use in training exercises for dangerous
DD>  situations. I can also see it put to use in exploring environments
DD>  hostile
DD>  to human life.  But when it goes out of control it can become a
DD>  breeding
DD>  ground of all manner of evil.

   Yep. Like technology in general, a double-edged sword. (Consider the recent
case of the net fantasies written about a real person. A matter of degree, not
kind. And consider those who would react by censoring *everything* electronic.
But that's a debate for another place...)


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 28 of 185
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .cę 14 .íâ 96 20:14
 To   : David Durgee
 Subj : Re: nuclear

DD>  To tie this back into the Science Fiction topic of the area I read a
DD>  story
DD>  in Analog a few years back where they diverted the output of a SPS to
DD>  form a
DD>  "hot spot" in the ocean.  As the microwaves were absorbed in the
DD>  first few
DD>  inches of water this worked, allowing them to steer a hurricane away
DD>  from
DD>  the coast.  Whether this particular application is practical or not
DD>  it gives
DD>  us something to think about.

   Those following this thread may also want to read S.M. Stirling's `Power'
anthology, and `Fallen Angels' by Niven, Pournelle and Stirling.


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 29 of 185
 From : Phill Ash                           1:275/160       .îí 15 .íâ 96 07:25
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : tv and sf
.TID: GE 1.11+

 MJ> Keep in mind that they have no freedom of speech in Britain.  You're
 MJ> allowed to say only as much as the gummint *lets* you say.  That's a
 MJ> mighty steep price for the alleged superiority of their product.

        Not as such...
        But anyone can go to Speaker's Corner, stand up on their
        milkbox, and say whatever they please.  Be it blasphemy or high
        treason, as long as they're not *on* British soil and people are

Your pal:  PhlAsh
... Fallen matter from the cross.  Freedom that was never lost
 * Ųystertags v1.1 *
~~~ ReneWave v1.01 [NR]
--- Smile :)
 * Origin: * The Beast's Lair * (804)498-3070 * Va Beach VA * (1:275/160)

 Msg  : 30 of 185
 From : Phill Ash                           1:275/160       .îí 15 .íâ 96 07:26
 To   : David Johnston
 Subj : Sliders comic
.TID: GE 1.11+

 ->       No really...
 ->       Have *you* heard anything confirming or denying the return of
 ->       'Sliders'?

 DJ> From "Previews" (a comic book distributors magazine):

        It's been a xon (xon: an unknown but mutually understood length
        of time) since I've read a "Previews" 

 DJ> "As of this writing, the Sliders TV show has been scheduled to
 DJ> return as a mid season replacement on Fox, starting sometime in early
 DJ> '96. Stay updated and in tune on Slider's continuity as the (comic
 DJ> book) miniseries picks up where the TV show leaves off.  Don't get left
 DJ> out of the excitement and miss this landmark miniseries..."

        Good deal!  One more question, though.
        (pulling out my Lt Columbo notebook)
        Who did you say was publishing that comic? 

Your pal:  PhlAsh
 ū Ųystertags v1.1 ū Time is the essence.  Time is the season
~~~ ReneWave v1.01 [NR]
--- Smile :)
 * Origin: * The Beast's Lair * (804)498-3070 * Va Beach VA * (1:275/160)

 Msg  : 31 of 185
 From : Ken Mayes                           1:393/7         .îí 15 .íâ 96 07:27
 To   : Barton Paul Levenson
 Subj : Re: nuclear BS
        You're right about the expense involved. Here in Denton Texas most of
the surrounding communities get their electricity from the Comanche Peak nuclear
power plant in Glen Rose. Consequently they pay exorbitant rates. Denton however
declined to join that cooperative and elected to find alterative sources of
electricity. As a result three years ago most of us here not only paid less but
actually recieved a hundred dollar rebate on our electric bill at the end of the
year. I remember reading somewhere...I can't remember where darnit, so take it
with a grain of salt, but I read somewhere that not one single nuclear power
station had yet broken even financially, despite the fact that many have been in
operation for thirty years or more and are nearing the end of their operational
        The fact that the nuclear industry still pushes for more and more
reactors despite losses in the billions tells me that there is someone somewhere
making a killing figuratively if not literally.

--- CNet/3
 * Origin: The Bard's Tavern Denton, TX (817)243-5110 USR 28.8   (1:393/7)

 Msg  : 32 of 185
 From : Ken Mayes                           1:393/7         .îí 15 .íâ 96 07:31
 To   : Frank Glover
 Subj : Re: nuclear BS
On Mon 15-Jan-1996 12:00a, Frank Glover wrote:

FG>    It's fairer to say we're heavily dependent on *electricity.* Nukes  are
FG> just one source of it, and not the biggest.

        Actually what I meant to say was that "We depend far too much on nuclear
reactors for the electricity we get." I never intended to insinuate that we
didn't rely on coal, oil and natural gas. We do and far too much as well. We
need to pour at least as much money into exploring alternative sources as we do
the older ones. If we did that, our energy problems would be solved or at least
not as large as they are now.

--- CNet/3
 * Origin: The Bard's Tavern Denton, TX (817)243-5110 USR 28.8   (1:393/7)

 Msg  : 33 of 185
 From : Christian Raven                     1:393/7         .ōp 16 .íâ 96 02:36
 To   : All
 Subj : Re: Nowhere Man

MJ> The way his wife turned on him in the pilot was one of the reasons I
MJ> lost interest in the show.  That kind of 180 degree turn in her
MJ> behavior needed some heavy-duty justification.  And there was *none*.
MJ> If she was a ringer all along, why didn't they just have her *steal*
MJ> the negatives, or at least find out where he kept them (so experts
MJ> could blow the safe, for instance).

MJ> If she really *did* love him so much, why did she turn on him so
MJ> completely?  And why isn't she a major star if she can be such a
MJ> convincing actress--pretending so consistently to love him (if she
MJ> didn't) or not to know him (if she's trying to protect him).

  This is a very interesting part of the show... a part that, unlike the
respondant above, I saw as a good foreshadowing of some future event.  Tonite I
watched the latest episode, where the man that erased him (murdered him,
destroyed his caste in society?) was shot by... we didnt see.  But some unknown
helper, who is obviously high in the ranks of the conspiracy, has given him
information which will (supposedly) lead him to the head honcho of the great
(...).  I'm curious to know if anyone has any ideas on just who this might be,
because *personally* I think that it's going to end up being his wife, and that
the entire "hidden agenda" (the name of the picture which was stolen from him)
idea was merely a part of some bigger, hidden agenda.  I'm sure it will be
awhile before we actually find out, but if you guess right, at least in the end
you'll be able to say "told ya so!"
--- CNet/3
 * Origin: The Bard's Tavern Denton, TX (817)243-5110 USR 28.8   (1:393/7)

 Msg  : 34 of 185
 From : Christian Raven                     1:393/7         .ōp 16 .íâ 96 02:43
 To   : Kevin Van Houten
 Subj : Re: Hi!

KH> While shoveling reindeer droppings from the Promenade, Dan Kachoogian
KH> inexplicibly said "Hi!" to Aaron Turon.

KH>  AT>> Hello! I'm a total TREKIE! Does anyone else like it? Please
KH>  AT>> write back!

KH> No, I doubt there would be ANYONE on a Science Fiction and Fandom
KH> Echo who had ever heard of Star Trek.

  oh no, you've been sucked into a "meaningless message" wormhole by responding
to that ignorant "trekkie".  be prepared to power up the aft ignore drive.

--- CNet/3
 * Origin: The Bard's Tavern Denton, TX (817)243-5110 USR 28.8   (1:393/7)

 Msg  : 35 of 185
 From : Christian Raven                     1:393/7         .ōp 16 .íâ 96 02:54
 To   : Glenn Shaheen
 Subj : Re: Star Trek

GS> EA>Star Trek, yes, in all its incarnations except Voyager.  They need to
GS> hir
GS> EA>some writers.

GS>         VOYAGER?!?!!?! I think Deep Space 9 is the one who needs to get
GS> some writers. Voyager is actually pretty good.

  I must have some problems with my terminal, I almost thought you said "good"
and "ST:Voyager" in the same sentence.  The captain is a woman, trying to be a
man.  Now if she were a lesbian (which... who knows?) I might be able to take
it.  But give me a break.. a black vulcan, an indian commander (whom I think
should be captain, he's a decent actor, at least), and a female captain... w   I
must have missed the episode where Oprah Winfrey and Spock were involved in more
than just a mind meld... or was it Guinan?  Anyway I'm just waiting for the
episode where the chinese/japanese engineer guy discovers his homosexuality.
Give me a break.  I think UPN started another show which gives us some info on
where Voyager is going.  Hint: Thomas Veil...
--- CNet/3
 * Origin: The Bard's Tavern Denton, TX (817)243-5110 USR 28.8   (1:393/7)

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