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Конференции - SFFAN Весь текст 5859.38 Kb

май 1995 - сентябрь 1996

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in hopes that Sony/TriStar will realize the power of the disposable income of
"Forever Knight" fans.  We are suggesting a minimum donation of five dollars,
but you can give as much as you want and feel you can afford. After all, it
will go to a splendid cause.


Lisa Prince
PAF "Forever Knight" Group Charity Organizer
360 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 133
Norwalk, CT  06854-1824

*Make checks/ money orders out to the Pediatric AIDS Foundation.*

     B.)  Also, we ask that you consider following up your donation with a
postcard to TriStar, informing them ($ amount is optional) that you have
donated in the names of the cast and crew of "Forever Knight".  You might
also want to consider adding a sentence about how much you enjoy the show and
hope to see more of it in the future.  If you do not wish to send a separate
postcard, add a line about having given money in the charity drive to the
letters you write to TriStar.

   Purchase a symbolic donation to the cause in the form of one or two
scratch-off lottery tickets and include them in your letter.  The *intact,
unscratched* tickets are being sent to
Mr. Jon Feltheimer at TriStar (Full address can be found under the heading
above, "Letters"), with a note mentioning that you wish for the proceeds of
the winning tickets, if there are any (using the slogan "one chance in a
million"), to go towards funding the remainder of the season of "Forever
Knight".  Be upbeat and cheerful, not implying that TriStar et al. are
paupers who need a lottery in order to be able to afford to complete the show

In case TPTB are still interested in the number of "hits" each webpage gets,
don't forget to access the *main* SONY FK page at


and *answer the Sony Survey* at:


to tell them which of their shows you watch.

Another something that takes not much time at all:  Include the SOS effort in
your Internet sig.  Something like:  "Forever Knight is in imminent danger of
cancellation.  If you want more information, email me at (insert your
address) or check out the Save FK webpage at (insert URL)."

Other potentially useful addresses:

1. )  Sony Corporation
7-35 Kitashinagawa 6-chome Shinagawa-Ku
Tokyo, 141

2.)  Sony Corporation of America
One Sony Dr
Park Ridge, NJ  07656

3.)  Sony Pictures Entertainment
10202 W Washington Blvd
Culver City, CA  90232

4.)  Sony Pictures Entertainment Television Group
10202 W Washington Blvd
Culver City, CA  90232

We also have a list of the executives at said places;  if you are interested
in writing the parent companies, email Karen, at ktobin@tiac.net.


*January 16 - Syndication Appreciation Day!*

Call your local affiliate, tell them you want a 4th season and that they need
to ASK for it at NATPE, upcoming in Las Vegas!!!

Watch your syndicators' line-up for the day! Treat yourself to
some new programming! Sit and watch cartoons in the afternoon if need be! Let
them know that you appreciate them.  Send them a card, get a group together
and chip in for flowers or a balloon bouquet or send them a teddy bear! Make
them sit up and take notice!

*January 17 - Pediatric Aids Foundation Appreciation Day!*

Skip that special treat today or smoke less and send the saved money to the
Pediatric Aids Foundation via Lisa Prince, address above under "The Charity"
 (*To date, we have already collected over $5000! This money will be turned
over to the Pediatric Aids Foundation on this date. BUT...we will still be
collecting for a second wave of donations, until Valentine's Day, February

*January 18 - Overseas Appreciation Day!*

We have many fans overseas, today they too will be banding  together to show
their support!  Write a letter to Sony in Japan!  Addresses can be found in
this FAQ, and executives by mailing ktobin@tiac.net and requesting the Sony
Executive List.

*January 19 - Sponsor Appreciation Day!*

Eat a can of Spam and let Hormel know that you did! Or donate a can to your
local food bank. Let the sponsors of FK know that you are paying attention
during those commercials! Send the receipt in! Call their 800 number, listed
on the package of most products!  Receipts for purchased products may be sent
to the sponsor with your letters, let them know you care.

*January 20 - BLOOD DRIVE DAY!*

Baltimore: The Red Cross HQ on Mt Hope Dr beginning at 10AM

NYC: The Red Cross located on E.67th St between 1st and 2nd Aves. from
10-4:45 with a get together at Jekyll and Hydes' on the west side afterwards!

If you are not near one of these locations, go to your local Red Cross and
give blood and get a receipt! Tell them that you are donating to the FK

Receipts for your blood donation should be sent to:
          "The Friends Of Forever Knight"
           PO Box 30596
           Alexandria, VA 22310-9998

(Brought to you by The Friends of Forever Knight)


"It is said that there is at max six degrees of separation between any two
people on this earth. I'm sure that if you think about it, you know someone
who knows someone, who knows someone, etc... it is also called networking.

"We can not limit ourselves and our campaign to the net. It is time to move
away from your keyboards and talk to all those other people. Someone
somewhere will listen.

"So, talk to everyone you know.. maybe they know someone who might be
interested in our story."

If you have "Forever Knight" clothing or jewelry, start wearing it.  If you
want to get some, visit the FK fan merchandise page.   The URL is:


You can find more selections from Questinc@aol.com (Ron Katz).

*Get out there* and talk to your friends.  If you are a college student, talk
to dorm members, post it on a campus-wide bbs or through brief campus-wide
email.  Get together with friends of yours who have or had dearly-loved shows
in danger, and "trade" letters (i.e. 'I'll send an "American Gothic" letter
if you send a "Forever Knight" one').  If you're a homeowner, take an old
real-estate sign, make your own FK billboard!  Get people who have not yet
watched the show to watch, in its last precious known episodes as of now.
Convert new fans!!!


We also **need** media attention ASAP, and the more the better.  If you
happen to know of anyone involved in the fields of journalism, television,
advertising, or cable, get them interested in the plight of FK too!  TriStar
will need other sources of funding to replace the money that USA
contributed--- if you have any connections to production companies or
networks, use them!!  Several press releases can be found on the website,
listed below, also at the ftp site if you are "web-challenged"--- if you
would like the official version to send your local affiliate.

We are also sending some people to NATPE, the broadcasting convention where
TV station folk meet in Las Vegas to decide which syndicated shows they wish
to pick up for the following season.  Thousands upon thousands of
broadcasters attend.  FK Friends *will* be distributing "Save Forever Knight"
bags to the broadcasters attending.  If you have any connections in the Las
Vegas area, or if you know of or happen to be a staff member at any TV
stations who plan on sending representatives, now is the time to tell us.


for more details.

*THE*  homepage for information on our efforts, the "Save FK Homepage", can
be found at:


And it is case-sensitive, which means you must copy everything exactly, down
to the capitals, or you will not be able to access it.  Those who do not have
web access but have FTP access can find most of the information at:


This includes the documents necessary to compile a flyer to leave in public
places such as:  colleges and universities, public bulletin boards, meetings
of your local SF club, your local bookstores, gaming emporiums, and so forth.
 It is available in PC Word for Windows (sfkshort.doc) and Word Perfect 5.1
(sfkwp51.zip or sfkwp.doc) formats, as well as Word for Mac format
(sfkmac.mcw).  *Do not forget* to download the graphic    title.pct   as

If you know someone who is a fan and is not on the Internet at all, you may
also request to have them put on our snail-mail list.  Just mail
LGSoward@aol.com for more details.


*Write to those who advertise *.

Tell them how much you love their product BECAUSE of their ad on FK; tell
them of the nationwide effort to save the show -- and how much the loyal
viewers will pay back the favor by buying their product.  Be sincere, be
believable -- and do it!  If advertisers see a blip in revenues and sales,
*they will believe* -- copy TriStar (also Sony) on all the letters.  Write to
those who advertise on our local cable companies.  TriStar will listen if
cable companies in the top 100 markets say they want to see FK -- because
their local advertisers want to see it.

Write or call the local cable companies themselves.  Write to computer
companies and their suppliers.  If you bought a new modem, increased your
memory, etc. recently, send them copies of your bills and receipts.  Tell
them that you bought this equipment / use  this online service *specifically*
so that you could communicate with other people involved with *this* specific
TV show.

Write to local or national papers.  TV Guide also has a Sci-Fi page and a
Cheers and Jeers column that might respond.  Cheers & Jeers recently jeered
the cancellation of MST3K.

Columnist Ian Spelling writes a widely-read newspaper column which contained
a sympathetic, favorable FK article on Nov. 13th.  His snail-mail is:

Ian Spelling
c/o The New York Times Syndicate
122 E. 42nd St.
New York, NY 10168.

Use "Dedication and Request" call-in shows from the local radio stations to
plug our efforts.  The DJ might be interested enough to ask questions if you
call up and say "I'd like to request a song to be dedicated to the
hardworking cast and crew of the endangered TV series 'Forever Knight'".
 Songs with the words "Forever" and "(K)night" in the titles are seen as the
best choices, since it will repeat said phrases as many times as possible.
 However, any song which is catchy will do.  It is better to pick a readily
identifiable hit than an album cut, since it both increases listener
identification, and DJs are more likely to play it.  A knowledgeable
individual also has recommended that you *write and thank the deejay* after
he/she plays your song;  it will do wonders.  You want to establish a rapport
with your DJ.  In this as in all areas of the Save FK Campaign, THINK BIG.
 *Not Small*.  Send email to


if you want the most up-to-date decisions re:  which song to play, when to
play it, which stations accept dedications, etc.

Take ads in your own little (preferably free) hometown papers;  to get
letters, attention, or whatnot.  If we can manage to get the attention of
some heavy-hitters, perhaps other, wealthier entities will be willing to chip

Many of the people in "the industry" have been writing lately to stress this.
 The bottom line for all TV executives is MONEY.  If you're writing from
another country, they will want to hear from you at TriStar and Sony
*especially*.  A good chunk of the revenue is found in lucrative overseas
rights.  Don't forget your local station as well!  Remember the vast market
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