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Demon's Souls |#13| Storm King
Demon's Souls |#12| Old Monk & Old Hero

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Rambler's Top100
Źīķōåšåķöčč - SFFAN

ģąé 1995 - ńåķņ˙įšü 1996

 Msg  : 1 of 384
 From : Dana Zendell                        1:120/102       .óį 20 .ąé 95 11:35
 To   : All
 Subj : Help on X-Files Finale
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  91-0071
Hi everyone,

I missed the final episode of the X-Files as well as the highlights
which aired right before the show.  Would anybody be willing to send me
a copy of those 2 hours of X-Files?  I would really appreciate it.
From what I have heard, it sounded like it was very good finale.  And if
needed I could send a videotape to copy it on.


--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: The Atari Advocate Wildcat NEC Net 120  (1:120/102.0)

 Msg  : 2 of 384
 From : Gary Warren                         1:382/92        .īķ 22 .ąé 95 09:16
 To   : All
 Subj : CREATION REVIEW 1995 (part 2)
.TID: IMAIL-386 1.60+ PK32

By GARY L. WARREN (aka "glw")

(continued from last message)

        After we were firmly, but not happily, seated, we suffered
through the introductory music video (isn't ANYBODY who is vaguely
familiar with classical music, late 1970's rock or WAYNE'S WORLD
besides me tired of hearing Queen's version of "Bohemian Rhapsody" for
the 97th time?).  Then we concentrated a bit more on Arnold's
humourlessly spoken (to everyone but himself) news of  past and
forthcoming episodes of DEEP SPACE NINE and VOYAGER, as well as
last November's release of the movie GENERATIONS.  Among the tidbits


        °       Even though Paramount filmed 22 episodes of VOYAGER,
its first season will only include the first 16, with the remaining ones
probably added to next season's slate.
        °       Since Colm Meany (Miles O'Brien on DS9) has a contract
allowing him to include his outside movie roles with his regular DS9
appearances, his stay on that series is assured for several years.
        °       The subplot of Quark's nephew Nog's application to
Starfleet will surface again in the DS9 episode "Facets."
        °       DS9's Benjamin Sisco (Avery Brooks) will be promoted to
captain at the end of this season.
        °       Paramount has not been giving the Creation company nor
local television stations very many VOYAGER clips.  Arnold didn't
elaborate on why this was so.
        °       Even though Robert McNeil's Tom Paris on VOYAGER and his
earlier TNG Nick Lacarno from "The First Duty" have identical semi-bad guy
character backgrounds, the Lacarno character was rewritten into Paris in
order for Paramount to avoid paying the scripter(s) of "The First Duty"
residuals for each VOYAGER episode involving Lacarno. (And we thought
Paramount dishonestly credited or underpaid its TREK franchise
        °       Although GENERATIONS is next to last place's STAR TREK V:
THE FINAL FRONTIER in total profits, it is the MOST successful of the TREK
movies in overseas tickets.  Arnold also said (surprisingly, perhaps
disputingly) that the debut film STAR TREK:  THE MOTION PICTURE ranks
first in TOTAL sales.
    °  To avoid an R-rating for STAR TREK VI:
THE UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY, the Klingon blood bubbles were Pepto
Bismol-coloured.  "Purple blood," commented Arnold, "is considered
less violent than RED blood!"

        After a few more music and promotional videos (including an X-FILES
promo which consisted of only clips from a Fox TV news program and one of
the Sci-Fi Network's SCI-FI BUZZ episodes), a trivia contest
and a merchandise auction, special guest Shatner took the podium to a
rousing applause.  As usual, Shatner didn't sign autographs, and most
of his agenda consisted of a question-and-answer session.  Although we
heard most of his spiel last year, there were a few new items:

        °       Despite Paramount's monetary concerns, it always builds a
new Enterprise bridge for each movie.
        °       The horseback-riding scene with Patrick Stewart in
GENERATIONS took two days to shoot, where it was up to Shatner to teach
Stewart how to ride AND to wear panty-hose *inside* his pants.
        °       His new STAR TREK novel, ASHES OF EDEN, is part of a planned
trilogy.  He also added that VOYAGER and DS9 producer Rick Berman may
consider his screenplay for ASHES as part of another TREK film,
which would inevitably result in Captain James T. Kirk's "resurrection"
for at least this supposed movie.  However, Shatner admitted Berman
has been quoted as saying the next TREK project would be strictly a TNG one.
        °       While USA Network has canceled TEKWAR, a Canadian network
is considering producing more episodes.  Also, a line of TEKWAR CD-ROM
products would be released soon, presumably from a special effects
company Shatner bought.
        °       Shatner said he believes VOYAGER is "more in line" with the
exploratory premise of the Original Series than DS9, even though he
admitted seeing only "Caretaker," VOYAGER's two-hour debut.
        °       Among his most degrading entertainment assignments, Shatner
listed his role in the 1970's KINGDOM OF THE SPIDERS and his late
1960's rendition of "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds." He explained, however,
that the original cut included his reading from "Man from La Mancha"
intercut with his "interpretation" of the Beatles hit in order to provide
a sort of literary contrast of the times.  The purpose of the release
containing only "Lucy" was "to DEGRADE me!" Shatner exclaimed.
        °       Shatner included "The City on the Edge of Forever" (which
he labeled "The City on the Edge of the River") and "The Trouble with Tribbles"
("the one with the little tribbles in it") with his favorite Original
Series episodes.  He also mused that the show's finale "Turnabout Intruder"
("where a woman entered MY body!") was one of his most unforgettable TOS shows.

        Since we had our fill of Shatner and parking and seating hassles,
Teri and I didn't bother to stay for the rescheduled blooper reel.
If I was teaching at Teri's school where she works, I'd stamp a fat D-plus
(D+) for the convention's grade, with the only saving graces being the
informational bits and Shatner's appearance.  If I were to repeat my
oath from last year not to attend another Creation convention, I'd gladly
do so with crossed fingers. But I'd ALSO add the caveat that Creation needs
to come up with another convention site with better parking and audience
seating AND a convention host with a tumbleweed's inkling about
handicapped accessibility issues.

                                   -- glw --

Copyrighted (c) Gary L. Warren, POBox 529, Johnson City, Texas 78636,
(210) 868-4310.  This review may be uploaded to any electronic
computer bulletin board service (bbs) or any relevant computer network
forum or echo as long as full credit is given to
Ye Olde Critic.

... Handicaps are not the problem, attitudes are
--- Blue Wave/Max v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin:  Rendezvous!! 28.8_VFC Bastrop, Tx [512-303-1324] (1:382/92)

 Msg  : 3 of 384
 From : Michael Nellis                      1:240/99.58     .īķ 22 .ąé 95 11:21
 To   : Michael Tauson
 Subj : spitting

--> Note:

Moved (from: WRITING) by Shalanna Collins using timEd.

Hi, Michael.

MN> As a prisoner, Tasha was basically a slave and subjected to
MN> rape by the Romulan who kept her.
MT> Sounds like an alternate universe situation since that
MT> didn't happen in any episodes series that I remember prior
MT> to her demise.

Correct.  It came about when the Enterprise -D stopped to examine this
temporal anamoly.  Surprise, surprise, out popped the Enterprise -C.
That one had been on its way to respond to a distress call from the
Khitomer outpost, then under surprise attack by Romulans.  The problem
arose from the 1701-C no longer being in its properly appointed time.
The Klingon/Federation treaty then being effect, the Enterprise was
expected to respond to the distress signals and attempt to assist the
Khitomer outpost.  However, due to its sudden preciptation into the
future, it never arrived at the outpost.  This resulted in the Klingons
declaring the treaty as breached and declaring war on the Federation.

At the point where the 1701-D meets the 1701-C, the Federation is six
months away from losing the war.

Now, the only way Picard finds out that there has been a revision in the
time line, is because Guinan is sensitive that sort of thing.  In the
opening header, she is in Ten Forward when the temporal revision takes
place, and the Enterprise goes from being on exploration cruise, to
being on a war footing with a crew of about three thousand, most of them
being heavily armed marines.  She looks around herself at all these
jarheads and wonders what the Hell is going on.

Because of the revision, certain events in the history of the 1701-D did
not take place, of course.  For instance, the Federation never found
Data, Worf was never picked up from the ruins of the outpost to go to
StarFleet Academy, and there was no ship's counselor.

You probably remember that Yar was killed while going to Troi's rescue.
Since in this time line, there was no Troi on board, that episode never

It was a brilliant piece of paying attention to temporal manipulation.

At any rate, Yar finds out from Guinan, who never knew Tasha Yar, that
she was supposed to have died in a seperate time line.  Yar just
happened to have fallen for the first officer of the 1701-C, and she
figured, since she was dead anyway, why not go back with the 1701-C as
their tactical officer.  Since she had all this invaluable experience in
the Klingon/Federation war, she figured she could make a significant
difference in how the 1701-C handled itself at the Khitomer outpost,
so that, if destroyed, the Klingons would report favourably on the
honour with which the ship died.  Then the war would never take place
and everything would be as it should.

That did happen.  What nobody found out until later, was that some of
the crew was not killed in the battle, but taken prisoner, including
Tasha, of course.

What happens afterward can be left as the subject for some other
rambling post. 

MT> ===__-*-   The No-Win Trek Tagline  *--+/__ *--+/__  *--=/__

Kobayashi Maru, this is the USS Secondprize!  Drop your shields and


... Whichoneisthespacebar?
--- timEd-B11
 * Origin: Fang's Lair: where no one can hear you scream. (1:240/99.58)

 Msg  : 4 of 384
 From : Donald Jaramillo                    1:203/1701      .īķ 22 .ąé 95 18:04
 To   : Chris Baugh
 Subj : Vr.5
Knowing the world was about to end, Donald Jaramillo and Chris Baugh
wasted their last moments talking about Vr.5...

 CB> I saw the season finale, and I did like the idea that the VR
 CB> equipment (including gloves and goggles) has been as dramatically
 CB> miniaturized since 1978 as the rest of computer technology, but I
 CB> don't recall any mention of making a connection to a remote
 CB> mainframe.  I took the mention of a retina scan as referring to a
 CB> small camera which provided an image of the eyeball to a security
 CB> program running on Samantha's notebook computer, for the three
 CB> computers to be linked together.

Like I said, I may have missed it.  I could have sworn that I heard
Samantha say something about Sydney not actually being able to achieve
VR.5 unil her father had reactivated 'the system.'

I'll have to catch it on the rerun.

I, too, enjoyed the advance.  If they had been able to achieve VR.5 or
VR.5 back in 1978, they must have made some advances.  :-)

 CB> DJ> Interesting cliffhanger, though...wheels within wheels...

 CB> You bet!

 CB> It's seemed to me that there could easily be a tie-in between VR.5
 CB> and X-Files: maybe the twins were part of the genetically engineered
 CB> telepathy experiments, and the VR technology was derived from UFO
 CB> equipment - with VR.11 consisting of a direct telepathic link with
 CB> the mothership! :-)

I was thinking something like that when the mystery first began
unfolding.  Looks like it's all for naught.  According to the article
I read, VR.5 and Sliders have been canceled.  :-(

Internet address: djaramil@ls1.leg.ca.gov

... "We are Dreamers, Shapers, Singers, amd Makers."  --Elric the Technomage
 * Tag-X Pro v1.10 (Registered!) *
--- Blue Wave/TG v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin: The Itchy & Scratchy Show (916) 721-1701 (1:203/1701.0)

 Msg  : 5 of 384
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .īķ 22 .ąé 95 18:44
 To   : Steven Skaggs
 Subj : Star Wars
On (18 May 95) Steven Skaggs wrote to Jack Butler...

 SS> Well, I think he's had a basic idea for the rest of the movies
 SS> since he wrote the originals. He has stated several times over
 SS> the past few years that Episode I will be out sometime before the
 SS> end of the 20th century. Why would he lie about it?

There are several possibilities:

   ...because he's out of ideas.  He has no clue what to do next, and
is "vamping" desperately, hoping to come up with something.  (People
have been hearing this "any day now" stuff for nearly twenty years.
It would be embarrassing to admit that the well is dry.)

   ...because he doesn't *want* to do it, but can't find a way to
gracefully back out of it.  (People have been hearing this "any day
now" stuff for nearly twenty years.  It would be embarrassing to admit
that he just doesn't want to do it.)

   ...because keeping the hope alive helps fan the flames, selling
videos, toys, games and whatnot to all the fans who continue to slaver
for more; i.e., pure cynical profiteering.

   I don't claim that any of these is accurate--only that they *could*
be.  There are plenty of reasons not to make a new trilogy, possibly
more reasons than there are to do it.
   Lucas has got to have more money than he can every spend; Star Wars
was HUGE.  Not to mention a few little projects like Indiana Jones
that didn't do badly either.  He simply isn't *hungry*.
   Also, everyone will be expecting the new trilogy to be at least as
big as the original films.  That's a huge cross to bear.  If it
doesn't turn into a gold mine, he'll be seen to have failed (Hollywood
has a very short memory).
   If it isn't as mind-blowingly novel as the first film was (and I
don't think it *can* be), again he'll be seen as having failed.
   So...he has a lot to lose (losing money and getting panned hurts
even if you can live on the profits from the earlier films for the
rest of your life) if it doesn't all go perfectly.  And it almost
certainly won't go perfectly.

... I just want to be left alone.  Is that so wrooooong?

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: HQ of World Domination, Inc. (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 6 of 384
 From : FRANK SWARBRICK                     1:104/825       .īķ 22 .ąé 95 20:57
On 05-18-95  17:21 Skip Shayotovich, the little pine weasel, said:

 SS> = A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, Mark said: =

 MH> 5/08/95  216     Knives [Larry DiTillio]
 MH> 5/15/95  217     The Shadow of Z'ha'dum [JMS]

 SS> Ah... did anyone else get these two episodes reversed?  This past
 SS> weeks episode for me out here in Northern California was KNIVES, and
 SS> the week before that was THE SHADOW OF Z'HA'DUM.

Mark's list is a bit old.  "Knives" was filmed first but aired second.
It was done this way everywhere.  Dunno why...


... "How may I be honest with you today?" --Tuvok
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Silver Xpress Mail System 5.3W1G
 * Origin: Bailey Info Exchange : 303-674-0147 (1:104/825)

 Msg  : 7 of 384
 From : Pamela Crossett                     1:325/118       .ņp 23 .ąé 95 04:40
 To   : Demian Katz
 Subj : Re: Earth 2/So Long
I just saw the episode "all about eve" - do you know if that was the final

It sure raised a lot of questions, and boy will I be annoyed to have to make
them up for myself.

Also, was Riley played by a different actor in this episode than in the past

Why did Devon not get an implant? And how does she know she didn't. Has she been
holding out on us?

Tell me you thoughts (and any answers you may have).


--- Maximus/2 2.02
 * Origin: The Ozone Layer, Williston, VT. (802) 862-5058 (1:325/118)

 Msg  : 8 of 384
 From : Tony Trujillo                       1:280/9         .ņp 23 .ąé 95 09:07
 To   : Kay Shapero
.TID: GE 1.11+

 KS> Hanged if I know (be it noted that that particular rumor seems to be
 KS> chronic among tv shows everytime it looks like there might be a cast
 KS> shakeup). Or care frankly - the character I least wish to see vanish
 KS> from the lineup is the Professor. I happen to like John Rhys-Davies.

I thought the end of that episode was written the wrong way
round. I thought they should have shot Wade instead of
Quinn...on the basis that I felt they could probably lose
her without upsetting the cast balance too much. The only two
characters I think should remain the same should be Quinn
and Arturo.

BTW: They need to ditch the dog ASAP!

... There is intelligent life on Earth, but we are just visiting.
--- Via Silver Xpress V4.02B03 SW01177
 * Origin: South of the River - Overland Park KS - (913)642-7907 V.* (1:280/9)

 Msg  : 9 of 384
 From : Brion Lienhart                      1:213/700.2     .ņp 23 .ąé 95 13:36
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : CGI
On Sat May 20, Jack Butler said to Shawn Mcgrath:

 SM> No, there were _never_ any people in raptor suits. No raptor suits
 SM> were ever made. There were various raptor "parts" used, like the feet
 SM> for the counter- top closeup, and the head that breathed on the
 SM> window, but there were no godzilla-style raptor suits. People can't
 SM> move that way.

 -JB>     The closest they came to "raptor-suits" was "raptor-gloves", used
 -JB>for the "foreleg talons only" scenes.

Well, then I guess _The Making of Jurassic Park_ is just chock-full-o-lies then,
because there are lots of pictures and drawings of almost full body suits, legs
only rigs, head & body puppets, and all kinds of non-cgi things. Almost none of
the raptor scenes were done in CGI.

--- QM v1.31
 * Origin: Ministry of Peace - Carson City, NV (1:213/700.2)

 Msg  : 10 of 384
 From : Jan Rooth                           1:135/23        .ņp 23 .ąé 95 16:00
 To   : Gary Warren
 Subj : Re: SLIDERS season final

 -=> Quoting Gary Warren to All <=-

 GW> In spite of the simplistic storylines and the program's
 GW> basic hokiness, I stuck with the Fox network's science fiction series
 GW> SLIDERS because the show's parallel earth premise showed promise.

Actually, I think the basic hokiness, along with the little jokes,
are the show's most charming traits. Parallel earths, as a premise,
is a pretty old, overused idea.

[...] (critical review of season conclusion skipped)

 GW> episode would be a sure winner.  MY grade for this ep would be a
 GW> D-minus, with a C-minus for the overall season.

I'll give both a B-minus. But I think you're expecting more from
this show than I am. To me, it's just a bit of mindless fun. Look
too close, and a lot of flaws rear their ugly heads.


... Ivanova will personally rip your lungs out.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: Telcom Central (1:135/23)

 Msg  : 11 of 384
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .ņp 23 .ąé 95 18:24
 To   : Kay Shapero
On (22 May 95) Kay Shapero wrote to Tony Limbert...

 KS> Hanged if I know (be it noted that that particular rumor seems to
 KS> be chronic among tv shows everytime it looks like there might be
 KS> a cast shakeup). Or care frankly - the character I least wish to
 KS> see vanish from the lineup is the Professor. I happen to like
 KS> John Rhys-Davies.

Ditto--if Rhys-Davies takes a powder, I'll be mighty disappointed.

I also have nothing against Quinn.  And I like Wade.

It's *Rembrandt* I can't stand.  When the Lottery Police were driving
him off to a long and painful death, I was *cheering* them on.  (And
while I've come to like the actor playing the part, I don't think I'll
ever like the character.)

... Assassinate IRA KGB cryptographers stealing Zimmerman's cocaine!

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: HQ of World Domination, Inc. (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 12 of 384
 From : Joel Jessup                         1:2613/105      .ņp 23 .ąé 95 20:55
 To   : Arsenal
 Subj : SeaQuest DSV 5/21/95

 A> Lucus,Darwin is What his name(blank) are on a raft

Dagwood's the name

 A> I heard from the ups that some of the crew won't be returning.
 A> heard that Bridger is being reasigned and only
 A> returning once in a while..
 A> anyone heard any thing to the truth?

I haven't heard, but will post if I do...

--- Maximus 2.00
 * Origin: Desert Heat BBS (1:2613/105)

 Msg  : 13 of 384
 From : Starwolf                            1:163/214       .ņp 23 .ąé 95 22:07
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : Military values

JB>  "Defend"?  As in "they never attack"?  Sure they don't.

And they don't do all that great a job of defending, either.  In an early
episode of VOYAGER, one of her crew is kidnapped by the phage victims and has
one of his lungs removed forcibly against their will.

Capt. Janeway tells the miscreants that it was a naughty thing to do and that
they shouldn't do it again.  With that stern punishment, Voyager heads out.  A
couple of episodes later, the phage people are back and they kidnap ANOTHER
member of the crew and perform MORE medical interventions against the subject's
wishes.  What happens?  The subject is rescued by a transporter party and then
Voyager departs again, this time without so much as a stern warning.

If I were the crew of that ship, I'd worry about how little the captain was
willing to do in terms of letting potential enemies know they'd better keep
their mitts off.  I'd have thought a fractional megatonner or a couple of
well-placed torps would have got the point across a whole lot better than
Janeway's obviously ineffectual strategy.

--- Maximus 2.01wb
 * Origin: Land of Ill Repute (1:163/214)

 Msg  : 14 of 384
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .pä 24 .ąé 95 02:40
 To   : Chris Carter
 Subj : Centauri Tech
 Quoth Chris Carter, "Nevermore".

 CC> As best I can tell, the only real advantages the Centauri have over
 CC> EarthForce is a reactionless maneuvering system, (seen on their
 CC> fighters) and the possibility of possession of artificial gravity
 CC> (JMS hasn't come clean on this point).  Neither one of these things
 CC> are of particular significance.

     I dunno.  You can do quite a bit with artificial gravity... and
reactionless motivation can be used for quite a bit more than just spaceship

 CC> Kinda makes one wonder how the Agamemnon would fare against a
 CC> Centauri cruiser...

     I think the Agamemmnon would tear a large hole in a Centauri thruster.
Just a personal feeling, myself.

     Jack Butler

... "If you'll believe in me, I'll believe in you" -- Pearled Unicorn
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 15 of 384
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .pä 24 .ąé 95 04:02
 To   : Myranya Werlemann
 Subj : Directorial Trademarks
 Quoth Myranya Werlemann, "Nevermore".

 MW> That's really interesting. Do you know _why_ it's 1138?

     The first movie George Lucas ever directed was THX 1138.  Since then
all of his movies have that number somewhere in it.

 MW> I can see how you can include 'See you next Wednesday' in a movie,
 MW> but "Klaatu Beratis Nikto"??? What movie(s) is that from???
 MW> I'm not that good when it comes to who directs what...

     Its originally a line from "The Day The Earth Stood Still".  (It's the
command given to Gort the robot.)

     Jack Butler

... Scotty!  Hurry!  Beam me uragg^*       NO CARRIER
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 16 of 384
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .pä 24 .ąé 95 04:41
 To   : Brian Henderson
 Subj : B5 Ripoff: Ds9
 Quoth Brian Henderson, "Nevermore".

 BH> No kidding.  I didn't say otherwise.  I did say, however, that B5 has
 BH> a higher purpose than *JUST* making a quick buck.

     Its a secondary purpose, but not necessarily higher.

 BH> For Warner, it quite possibly might be.  For Babylonian Productions,
 BH> however, it certainly is not.  If it were, JMS wouldn't be funneling
 BH> any production underruns back into the series, would he?

     Actually, he would.  Why, you ask?  Simple:  there is a concept out
there called "embezzelment".  If he were to do anything else with the money,
he'd go to jail for a long time.

     Jack Butler

... "You are fine now.  You may leave." -- Doc Zimmerman
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 17 of 384
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .pä 24 .ąé 95 04:43
 To   : Barry Blaes
 Quoth Barry Blaes, "Nevermore".

 SW> him back but the 2 new Sliders look like replacements

 BB> Ok... I give up... Who is the dog gonna replace...? ;>

     Arturo, obviously.

     Jack Butler

... When the patterns in the cycloid call in whipsers soft remembered
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 18 of 384
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .pä 24 .ąé 95 04:59
 To   : All
 Subj : Highlander Episodes
   Episode  Production                                   Air Date
     No.        No.          Title                     (On Week of)
                              First Season
      1       92102-1      "The Gathering"               10/01/92
      2       92103-4      "Innocent Man"                10/08/92
      3       92108-3      "Road Not Taken"              10/15/92
      4       92107-6      "Bad Day in Building A"       10/22/92
      5       92101-5      "Free Fall"                   10/29/92
      6       92111-8      "Deadly Medicine"             11/06/92
      7       92110-7      "Mountain Men"                11/13/92
      8       92109-10     "Revenge is Sweet"            11/19/92
      9       92112-9      "The Sea Witch"               12/03/92
     10       92115-12     "Eyewitness"                  12/10/92
     11       92106-2      "Family Tree"                 12/17/92
     12       92114-11     "See No Evil"                 02/04/93
     13       92118-13     "Band of Brothers"            02/11/93
     14       92117-14     "For Evil's Sake"*            02/18/93
     15       92116-15     "For Tomorrow We Die"         02/25/93
     16       92123-16     "The Beast Below"             03/07/93
     17       92120-17     "Saving Grace"                03/14/93
     18       92121-18     "The Lady and the Tiger"      04/22/93
     19       92122-20     "Avenging Angel"              04/29/93
     20       92124-19     "Eye of the Beholder"         05/06/93
     21       92125-21     "Nowhere to Run"              05/13/93
     22       92126-22     "The Hunters"                 05/20/93

                              Second Season
     23       93201-23     "The Watchers"                09/30/93
     24       93202-24     "Studies in Light"            10/07/93
     25       93203-25     "Turnabout"                   10/14/93
     26       93204-26     "The Darkness"                10/21/93
     27       93205-27     "Eye for an Eye"              10/28/93
     28       93206-28     "The Zone"                    11/04/93
     29       93207-29     "The Return of Amanda"        11/11/93
     30       93208-30     "Revenge of the Sword"        11/18/93
     31       93209-31     "Run for Your Life"           11/25/93
     32       93210-32     "Epitaph for Tommy"           12/02/93
     33       93213-35     "Bless the Child"             01/27/94
     34       93211-33     "The Fighter"                 02/03/94
     35       93212-34     "Under Color of Authority"    02/10/94
     36       93214-36     "Unholy Alliance, Part 1"     02/17/94
     37       93215-37     "Unholy Alliance, Part 2"*    02/24/94
     38       93216-38     "The Vampire"                 03/03/94
     39       93217-39     "Warmonger"                   03/17/94
     40       93218-40     "Pharaoh's Daughter"          05/05/94
     41       93219-41     "Legacy"                      05/12/94
     42       93220-42     "Prodigal Son"                05/19/94
     43       93221-43     "Counterfeit, Part 1"         05/26/94
     44       93222-44     "Counterfeit, Part 2"         06/02/94

                                Third Season
     45       94301-45     "The Samurai"                 10/09/94
     46       94302-46     "Line of Fire"                10/16/94
     47       94303-47     "The Revolutionary"           10/23/94
     48       94304-48     "The Cross of St. Antoine"    10/30/94
     49       94305-49     "Rite of Passage"             11/06/94
     50       94306-50     "Courage"                     11/13/94
     51       94307-51     "The Lamb"                    11/20/94
     52       94308-52     "Obsession"                   11/27/94
     53       94309-53     "Shadows"                     12/04/94
     54       94310-54     "Blackmail"                   12/11/94
     55       94311-55     "Vendetta"                    02/05/95
     56       94312-56     "They Also Serve"             02/12/95
     57       94313-57     "Blind Faith"                 02/19/95
     58       94314-58     "Song of the Executioner"     02/26/95
     59       94315-59     "Star-Crossed" *              03/05/95
     60       94316-60     "Methos"                      03/12/95
     61       94317-61     "Take Back the Night"         04/30/95
     62       94318-62     "Testimony"                   05/07/95
     63       94319-63     "Mortal Sins"                 05/14/95
     64       94320-64     "Reasonable Doubts"           05/21/95
     65       94321-65     "Finale, Part 1"              05/28/95
     66       94322-66     "Finale, Part 2"              06/04/95

        * Indicates the first of the "Paris Episodes" per season.

     Jack Butler
     Highlander Guru

... "You don't change when you're Immortal; you just live longer."
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 19 of 384
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .pä 24 .ąé 95 05:10
 To   : Todd Sullivan
 Subj : Stuff of TP, etc
 Quoth Todd Sullivan, "Nevermore".

 TS> As long as we're discussing SF in various shows, what say you about
 TS> "MacGyver in the Old West" AKA "Legend".  Never watched it, but I
 TS> thought John DeLancie saying "Engage!" in one of the promos was a
 TS> hoot, along with the various "anachronisms" that made their
 TS> appearances, ie. that hang glider.

     Haven't actually seen it yet, though I have been planning to.

     Jack Butler

... "Even the other goblin races shun the swamp goblins..."
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 20 of 384
 From : Patrick Long                        1:271/380       .pä 24 .ąé 95 08:02
 To   : Dave Whittier
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  94-0096

DW-=>PL>   Hello, my name is Dave Rhodes.  Two years ago I was broke, my car wa
  -=>PL>repossessed, you've heard my story hundreds of times....

DW-=>Well done, Patrick!  Hope people get the hint...

Wish I could take credit for writing it, but it's someone else's work.
I just like tossing it out as a response to those types of schemes.  8)

... Next to the originator of a good sentence is the first quoter of it.

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: The Gondor BBS, member of Fidonet, the best RPG's!  (1:271/380.0)

 Msg  : 21 of 384
 From : Kay Shapero                         1:102/524       .pä 24 .ąé 95 08:02
 To   : Scott Gates
 Subj : B5 CATCH-UP
On , Scott Gates (1:2602/320) wrote to Kay Shapero:

KS=>ascii text (archived by ARJ) for file request or download.  The
KS=>system is Brian & Wendy's BBS (1:163/598).  I've got a current
KS=>list around here that posted recently if you want a copy.

 SG>Do you know how I could get these from internet ftp?

FTP doesn't do f'req; but I believe there's someone on the internet picking
these things up for ftp.  Ask John Kahane at Brian & Wendy's - he ought to know.

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 22 of 384
 From : Phill Ash                           1:275/160       .pä 24 .ąé 95 08:05
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : Vorlon Immortality
.TID: GE 1.11+

>MY theory is that lurking inside that encounter suit is none other
>than JAMES T. KIRK.
>My reasoning:
>1.  EVERYONE knows who James T. Kirk is.  And Delenn said that
>       *everyone* would recognize Kosh without his encounter suit.
>2.  Kosh is one of the last remaining "Old Ones".  Sounds like the
>       ST:TOS cast/crew to me....
>3.  Kosh has battled universe-threatening Evil (tm) before, and lived
>    to fight them again.  James T. Kirk made a *career* out of stopping
>    the unstoppable foe, saving the universe and generally being A Hero
>Who else *could* it be?

        Artoo Deetoo
   1.  Obi-wan told Yoda that there was "another".  He wasn't referring
        Leia, as she'd received no training.  Besides, you don't think
        that it was actually *Yoda* hwo lifted the X-Wing out of the
        swamp, do you?

   2.   Listen to Kosh's speech.  Clearly some form of translation
        device (probably salvaged from C3PO's carcass) has been
        installed in the encounter suit.

   3.   With a suitable power-supply and enough spare-parts, Kosh/R2
        would understand the concept of immortality.
I rest my case.

Your pal:  PhlAsh
... IKE Locksmiths:  If we can't open it...It ain't locked!
 * PhlAshMail 1.0 *
~~~ ReneWave v1.00.wb2 (unregistered)
--- GEcho 1.11+
 * Origin: * The Beast's Lair * (804)425-1618 * Va Beach VA * (1:275/160)

 Msg  : 23 of 384
 From : Patrick Long                        1:271/380       .pä 24 .ąé 95 08:08
 To   : Steven Wesen
 Subj : Re: Computer Lottery scam
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  94-0096

SW-=>I read your post but I wanted to make my position clear on any of
  -=>these type  of scams because this post is for Science Fiction and

Science fiction and fantasy as well - and I think those that believe
those scams will work are living in a fantasy world.  8)

  -=>I did not mean to come in with a flamethrower but I have seen to
  -=>many of those scams to not remain silent.

Funny, but I don't seem  recall seeing you blaze way at person who
posted the scam itself, just at the parody I posted.  You've made an
excellent impression.

Anyway, consider the thread dropped.

... Steven's playing his oboe with just one reed.

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: The Gondor BBS, member of Fidonet, the best RPG's!  (1:271/380.0)

 Msg  : 24 of 384
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .pä 24 .ąé 95 08:12
 To   : Rumble
 Subj : Earth 2/So Long
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.b9 8060
R "Spielberg used to own Earth 2 but when he saw the ratings for it he
R "just smiled and slowly walked away.

Earth 2 is still produced by Amblin Entertainment, though, so he didn't
walk very far! :-)

--- CMPQwk 1.42-R2 #145 ---
Computer, microwave decks 5-10 until piping hot.  BEEP!

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 2.2 Gig * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 25 of 384
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .pä 24 .ąé 95 08:12
 To   : Tom Huber
 Subj : ST: The Original Series
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.b9 8060
TH "sharing the wealth of the acting opportunities. Of course, Nichelle
TH "Nichols got basically shafted in the movies as far as roles were
TH "concerned. At least during the series (including the animated
TH "series), she had more opportunities.

And yet at one time, she felt she was being shafted in ST:TOS, too! In
fact, she said in William Shatner's Star Trek Memories, that she was
ready to quit the series and that it was only because of something
Martin Luther King told her that made her stick it out...

TH "There was a least one episode
TH "in the animated series where she led a team to rescue Kirk and
TH "company.

I'll bet that made Ms. Nichols feel real good! :-)

TH "by the transporter into two distinct personalities.

TH "FE>What did you think when the writers of Voyager basically
TH "did the same thing with Lt. Torres?

TH "Hm. I missed that one. I'll have to watch for it during the summer
TH "reruns.

The episode is called "Faces", but it could just as easily have been
called "feces", because it was such a blatant re-use of previous

TH "Speaking of reruns, I find that I actually enjoy rewatching old
TH "Voyager episodes... Now that says something. I found watching an old
TH "NG episode (that I'd seen before) to be boring and lifeless...

I expect my 10 tapes of ST:TNG to get lots of use during the dreary TV
days of summer. I actually watched ST:V's "Cathexis" again last night
(to make sure I wanted to keep a copy) and really enjoyed it. Since
then, however, the episodes weren't worth watching the first time, had
there been anything better to watch during UPN's time slot for ST:V...

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 2.2 Gig * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 26 of 384
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .pä 24 .ąé 95 08:12
 To   : Michelle Willey
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.b9 8060
MW "I got to admit it doesn't bother me much if I miss an episode.
MW "However, I like the character of Neelix. He injects a bit of humor
MW "and common sense into an otherwise unexceptional show. Likewise the
MW "doctor. The stories themselves do seem to be same ole, same ole.

I wouldn't complain about Neelix if he didn't seem to always be employed
as Barclay was in TNG. Of all the characters, I find the holo-doc the
most interesting. Perhaps it's because he seems to be more of an "adult"
(even though he's probably quite childlike when it comes to
understanding the human condition) than the rest of the crew who seem to
be fresh out of the academy and just barely beyond puberty. I really
dislike how demographics is having such a profound effect on TV...

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 2.2 Gig * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 27 of 384
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .pä 24 .ąé 95 08:12
 To   : All
 Subj : Tekwar Cancelled!
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.b9 8060
GW "While USA Network has canceled TEKWAR, a Canadian network is
GW "considering producing more episodes.

Hmmm... I must be a prophet! :-) A couple weeks ago, after noticing we
were not getting any new episodes, I commented here that it was as if
USA had cancelled the series without telling anyone!

While the whole idea of Tekwar was a bit like reinventing police story,
the series was getting good toward the end. I especially liked the ep in
which Lt. Winger was in danger of not being allowed to recharge his
circuits (effectively killing him, if that term could ever apply to a
robot). I guess we should have known something was wrong when they wrote
Jake's partner out of the series and replaced him with an attractive

I simply can not believe that Tekwar wasn't one of USA's bigger draws!
With all of their crummy B movies, can they actually be so picky? What's
more likely is that Tekwar just cost more than it was bringing in. This
does not bode well for original sci-fi on TV, if a cable company like
USA can't make money on it...

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 2.2 Gig * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 28 of 384
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .pä 24 .ąé 95 08:12
 To   : Earl Green
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.b9 8060
EG "  the possibility of John Rhys-Davies departing.  This show's in
EG "  trouble.

I really am a prophet! :-) When Sliders first aired, I commented that
JRD was the most likely to move on, because of his distinguished movie
career. I just couldn't see him sticking around in a weekly TV show when
he could be doing stuff like Indiana Jones 4...

--- CMPQwk 1.42-R2 #145 ---
I yam Popeye of Borg... Prepares to be askimilgrated!

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 2.2 Gig * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 29 of 384
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .pä 24 .ąé 95 08:12
 To   : Gary Warren
 Subj : Sliders
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.b9 8060
GW "        In spite of the simplistic storylines and the program's
GW "basic hokiness,
GW "lottery for terrible television programs, this episode would be a
GW "sure winner.  MY grade for this ep would be a D-minus, with a
GW "C-minus for the overall season.         And to think I dismissed
GW "Fox's VR5 for being TOO esoteric and hard to follow!

I personally think Sliders was a much better show than VR5, and would
have made a better lead-in for The X-Files. I hope it does survive, but
it probably won't be quite the same if Quinn dies...

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 2.2 Gig * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 30 of 384
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .pä 24 .ąé 95 08:12
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : Who is Kosh, really?
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.b9 8060
MJ "3.  Kosh has battled universe-threatening Evil (tm) before, and
MJ "lived to fight them again.  James T. Kirk made a *career* out of
MJ "stopping the unstoppable foe, saving the universe and generally
MJ "being A Hero (tm).

MJ "Who else *could* it be?

Flash Gordon... :-)

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 2.2 Gig * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 31 of 384
 From : Steven Wesen                        1:271/236       .pä 24 .ąé 95 09:52
 To   : Barry Blaes
.TID: GE 1.11+
I feel that they might try to replace Quinn with 2 characters to help
split Quinn's personality .

Thedog is Quinn's loyalty and steafast friendship.

It is a Next Generation thing you wouldn't understand :)


--- GEcho 1.11+
 * Origin: THE TIME MACHINE (804)599-6401 TRAVEL THE PORTALS! (1:271/236)

 Msg  : 32 of 384
 From : Karmin St.jean                      1:321/309       .pä 24 .ąé 95 10:40
 To   : Chris Baugh
 Subj : Star Blazers
 >JS> I believe the reference is to a holo-projection room on board
 >JS> the Yamato (I think that's the ships's name) in the
 >JS> Japanimation show "Starblazers." (Good series, IMO.)
 > Gosh, that came on so many years ago I don't remember much about it
 > - but I do remember that I enjoyed the characteries, stories and
 > animation.  Around the same time there was also an animated Flash
 > Gordon series that I thought was really well done.

The original name of the series was Space Cruiser Yamato, but the ship was
renamed the Argo in Star Blazers. There were three series created, only two of
which "Quest for Iscandar" and "Battle Against the Comet Empire" were ever shown
on American TV. The third series, "The Bolar Wars" is available but was not
aired (at least not in wide syndication like the other two.)

Another series, often mistakenly called "G-Force" was known as "Battle of the
Planets" and was produced by Sandy Frank (that name we all keep seeing at the
beginning of all the REALLY bad movies on MST3K).

Tranzor Z is yet another anime serial that is not easy to find.
 (note, many of these may get a second chance at life this fall when the SciFi
Channel introduces it's new Saturday Morning Anime lineup!)

--- FLAME v1.1
 * Origin: Final Approach BBS - Spfld, MA (413)783-5853 (1:321/309)

 Msg  : 33 of 384
 From : Karmin St.jean                      1:321/309       .pä 24 .ąé 95 10:45
 To   : Dave Whittier
 Subj : Lotterys in the mail
Okay, so I spelled it wrong. But look at it this way. It's a lottery, just the
same as scratching one of those tickets you buy at the store, and when you don't
win on those you don't get all upset. So, if you play a lottery and don't win,
then if you've only paid a dollar or two dollar or five dollars tops, then shrug
and get on with it. If, however, you were dumb enough to pay $20.00 or paid
$20.00 in good faith, which if you're smart enough to read this post is more
likely, then find the jerk who conned you out of it and beat the living
daylights out of him, or give him the Vulcan Neck Pinch (THERE! I mentioned
Vulcans, so now the message is on topic, or at least was for that sentence.)...
And now ,....back to our topic!

--- FLAME v1.1
 * Origin: Final Approach BBS - Spfld, MA (413)783-5853 (1:321/309)

 Msg  : 34 of 384
 From : Karmin St.jean                      1:321/309       .pä 24 .ąé 95 10:51
 To   : Denis Lamy
 Subj : Q and DS9
DS9 couldn't even get Q right! On TNG at least Q took them places, DID things
with them. Acted like Q. On DS9 Q just sat around moping and all just because
Vash wouldn't go back to him. And He already had Amanda, so it's not like he
NEEDED the whiny little toad anyhow.
I always thought it would have been great if they'd returned five months later
instead of two years later and Vash was pregnant but no one knew if it was
Picard's or Q's.  Maybe she was. It's possible that Vash was carrying Q's child
but that Bashir didn't tell her because she was advanced enough that he assumed
she already knew. Wouldn't that be a surprise for ol' Q!
Let's see.. ways we can spice up DS9 a bit...

A second version of Q (still human from the time he was being punished) created
in a similar transporter accident to the one that created the second Riker,
joins the Maquis to help out Thomas Riker (and he and T.R. become close

--- FLAME v1.1
 * Origin: Final Approach BBS - Spfld, MA (413)783-5853 (1:321/309)

 Msg  : 35 of 384
 From : Tony Trujillo                       1:280/9         .pä 24 .ąé 95 11:08
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : Re: Sliders Continuity
.TID: GE 1.11+

 TT>> Not always...some shows just disappear off the face of the
 TT>> earth without the benefit of a "goodbye" show.
 JB>      Heard the word through Entertainment Weekly's show.  Sliders has
 JB>      been picked up for next season, and Jerry O'Connell is *still*
 JB>      going to be a regular.

Glad to see that they decided to give SLIDERS a chance as a
regular series on their line up. I haven't been too excited
by X-FILES since they decided to go for the "hack and slash"

 JB>      So yes, Quinn gets shot, but no, Quinn doesn't die.

I'd really like to see them do something interesting with
this plot line other than just having Quinn getting better
and sliding as if nothing had happened. If he was indeed
shot in the head I would think recuperation time would be
more than a few days.

... Don't crush that dwarf! Hand me the pliers!
--- Via Silver Xpress V4.02B03 SW01177
 * Origin: South of the River - Overland Park KS - (913)642-7907 V.* (1:280/9)

 Msg  : 36 of 384
 From : Tony Trujillo                       1:280/9         .pä 24 .ąé 95 11:59
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Re: SeaQuest Survives
.TID: GE 1.11+

 FE> I believe those characters who were deleted were all supposed to have
 FE> moved on to other jobs... Stacy Haiduk (her character) took a job as oil
 FE> freighter Captain, I seem to recall...

I remember there was some talk about it in one of the
episodes but at the time I think that's all it was.

 FE> Yes, he's become just another Wesley Crusher, always saving the day...

I guess that's what the "kids" want...

... BIO-GENETIX ENGINEERING LABS: "Playing God so you don't have to."
--- Via Silver Xpress V4.02B03 SW01177
 * Origin: South of the River - Overland Park KS - (913)642-7907 V.* (1:280/9)

 Msg  : 37 of 384
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .pä 24 .ąé 95 12:34
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : Vorlon Immortality
In a message of , Jeff Hancock scribed:

                          SPOILER ALERT!!!
                           / _________ \
                          / /         \ \
         / ______________________________________________ \
        / /                                              \ \
       / /                                                \ \
       \ \                                                / /
         \ \                       ____________________ / /
           \ \                    l-------------------  /
             \ \                                    / /
             /   \                                /   \
            / / \  \               ____________ /  / \ \
           / /    \  \            l-----------   /    \ \
          / /      /   \                    /   \      \ \
         / /      /  /\  \                /  /\  \      \ \
         \ \_____/  /   \  \            /  /   \  \_____/ /
          \________/      \  \________/  /      \________/

 JK> Of course, in the light of "In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum,"
 JK> JH>> How did Kosh have video footage (or whatever) of the
 JK> JH>> Icarus encounter to show Sheridan? Mental projection of
 JK> JH>> what he "knew" would have occurred?
 JK>> Nope.  I think we now know what happened during the little
 JK>> "encounter" that Kosh and Morden had way back in "Signs and
 JK>> Portents," when Kosh's encounter suit was damaged. 

 JH> Believe it or not, I thought about that.... but why wouldn't
 JH> Morden know too much about Kosh in return? Either seeing
 JH> through the damaged encounter suit, feeling him in his mind,
 JH> or just plain suspicion... if not Morden, then the Shadows
 JH> who were with him. Unless they were born after the wars and
 JH> the Shadows don't have any form of history, you'd think
 JH> they'd figure it out... unless they really believe all the
 JH> ancient ones left.

     Well, as was established in "In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum", the Shadows are an
ancient race, and existed before some of the other Ancient Ones came into
existence (including the Vorlons), but I don't think your bit about history is
the right one.  Kosh has obviously got some sort of protection, whether psionic
or something that the Ancient Ones have learned, about how to cloak themselves
from the Shadows knowing who they are, although "ItSoZ" also established that he
wears the encounter suit for the simple reason that it obscures him from sight.

     While the Shadows are always with Morden, as Delenn pointed out, I think
that it's possible Kosh may have surprised Morden in their encounter in "Signs
and Portents" to such a degree that he was able to rip the knowledge (or plunder
it) from Morden's mind before he came under attack by the Shadows that are
always with Morden (this latter point being a fact that Joe has confirmed over
on CompuServe).

 JK>> I think that Kosh took the memory of what happened when the
 JK>> Icarus landed on Z'ha'dum from Morden's mind...among other
 JK>> things. :)

 JH> But not everything was from Morden's POV...

     The vision of the events of the Icarus landing on Z'ha'dum were not all
from Morden's view, but it's also likely that a Shadow viewpoint was also part
of that - something perhaps that is part of Morden's mind now that he's a
servant.  It's also possible that the Shadows and their agents are
telepathically linked (I refuse to accept a hive-mind assumption for this), and
that Kosh took from Morden's mind a perspective from another of the Icarus crew
who also sided with the Shadows.

 JH> BTW, what do you think that was with Delenn saying she had
 JH> known about it for the past THREE years? Perhaps they told
 JH> her (or she read about) the Shadows upon her appointment to
 JH> ambassador? Couldn't be the Grey Council, since that was
 JH> long before.

     Actually the time of Valen and the Grey Council is about 1,000 years ago,
which fits in with the business of the last time that the Shadows tried to rise,
and were put down again by an alliance that included the Vorlons and the
Minbari.  As for Delenn's knowing about this for three years, well...there could
be all kinds of reasons for that.  I like to think that it would be part of the
wisdom passed down to the Religious caste members who join the Council. This
would certainly explain Neroon's ignorance of something this basic, which you'd
think he'd comment on.

 JK> JH>> And do you suppose the "conference" Talia referred to
 JK> JH>> during her first scene was the event covered in the B5
 JK> JH>> book _Voices_?
 JK>> That seems to make as much sense as anything else.  And it
 JK>> would be a reasonable assumption to make, based on Talia's
 JK>> comments about the "conference" mentioned in passing in the
 JK>> episode.

 JH> All she said about it was that "things were rather hectic".
 JH> How many conferences have you been to that were hectic without
 JH> what happened in _Voices_? ;)

     Hey, I just said that it seemed reasonable to me.  Besides, JMS said that
the books are canon and that they would be "incorporated" into the series
continuity.  Without making fans who've not read the first book feel like they'd
missed something, the reference is one that those fans who've read the book can
nod and smile at, while the rest of the fans aren't all that worried about it.
Speaking of the books, John Vornholt posted a message noting that the next book
in the series, his _Blood Oath_ (dealing with the Narns) won't be out until late
in the year. :(

A good bookshop is just a genteel Black Hole that knows how to read. (G!G!)

--- GoldED 2.41
 * Origin: JohnK's Point OS/2Warp - Ottawa, Ontario (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 38 of 384
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .pä 24 .ąé 95 12:47
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : Vorlon Immortality /2
In a message of , Jeff Hancock scribed:

                          SPOILER ALERT!!!
                           / _________ \
                          / /         \ \
         / ______________________________________________ \
        / /                                              \ \
       / /                                                \ \
       \ \                                                / /
         \ \                       ____________________ / /
           \ \                    l-------------------  /
             \ \                                    / /
             /   \                                /   \
            / / \  \               ____________ /  / \ \
           / /    \  \            l-----------   /    \ \
          / /      /   \                    /   \      \ \
         / /      /  /\  \                /  /\  \      \ \
         \ \_____/  /   \  \            /  /   \  \_____/ /
          \________/      \  \________/  /      \________/

 JK> JH>> And I'm still confused as how to anyone, especially
 JK> JH>> people who would know nothing of the "first ones", would
 JK> JH>> recognize Kosh as being one unless it was some universal
 JK> JH>> interracial
 JK>> There could be all sorts of things that could be asked here,
 JK>> Jeff. :)

 JH> Like?

     Well, I can't think of anything right off the top, Jeff...  But we don't
know all that much about some of the races, although there have been hints in
the medical episodes about physiologies and the like.  "Confessions and
Lamentations" had one of these as well, in a very sad context.  Brilliant story,
btw, and right up there with "Believers" as a Franklin episode.

 JK>> I suspect that a lot of this has to do with Kosh's earlier
 JK>> talk with Sheridan about teaching and preparing him "to fight
 JK>> legends."

 JH> Yes, but what legends exactly?

     The legends are the Shadows, obviously.  Since they are a race that was old
when the other Ancient races (such as the Vorlons) were young, it makes sense
they would be considered legends.  (JMS has also said the race that Catherine
Sakai encountered at Sigma 957 is another of these races, too...)

 JH> And how is it that every race (apparently) would have the
 JH> same exact legends?

     Not necessarily the same set of legends, Jeff.  G'Kar's reference work from
G'Quan is a religious text, one that is obviously not given much accreditation
(as we've seen so far), although the Kha'Ri seems to have paid it more attention
of late.  But stories are told late at night about all kinds of horrific things
in the past, and these are passed on as legends, myths, fables, that sort of
thing.  "Confessions and Lamentations" has another good example of this, that
the Markab doctor tells Franklin.  Watch for it, and I won't spoil your
enjoyment of that episode again.

 JH> I don't recall any Earth legends involving giant spiders, for
 JH> one... unless this is another LOTR jab. 

     While it's possible, and I suspect that Joe would disclaim it, I don't
think so.  The Shadows that we saw in "ItSoZ" didn't appear to be spider-like to
me at all.

 JK>> Given the origins of the Vorlons, the Shadows, and perhaps
 JK>> the race whose ship Catherine Sakai encountered at Sigma 957
 JK>> (as JMS has hinted at

 JH> Ah yes, I don't think we ever finished that discussion. The
 JH> Logbook writer seems to think that was the first appearance
 JH> of the Shadows, but you say JMS disagrees?

     Not disagrees, totally different.  Joe says that the race that Catherine
encountered at Sigma 957 was another of the Ancient Ones, a race that is no
longer concerned with affairs of the little races from its time.  He's also said
that some stuff will be clarified about this race...whatever that meant. :)

 JK>> I wouldn't be surprised to find something totally predictable
 JK>> underneath the Vorlon encounter suit.

 JH> Like what, an angel? That's not universal even on Earth... I
 JH> suspect everyone with any contact of civilization would
 JH> recognize one, but that's still not "Every one". I suppose
 JH> he'll look like the classic cliche of God?

     Nope, not like God or an angel.  That's been the consensus on some of the
B5 echoes and newsgroups, and to be honest with you, I don't think that JMS
would do something like that.  I suppose it's possible, given the emphasis on
souls and stuff that we've seen in the series to this point...

 JK>> Btw, have you seen "Knives" yet?  Interesting episode,
 JK>> and one

 JH> Yep. Just once, though... haven't dubbed it, and missed the
 JH> re-airing.

     I'm not sure what you mean about the dubbing of the episode, but never

 JH> BTW, I'm not sure B5 will really make it in syndication...
 JH> something I keep meaning to bring up but never do is that
 JH> stations have this nasty habit of cutting bits on reruns, and
 JH> while it may not matter much for your average sitcom, just
 JH> think how it would affect B5's story.

     B5 is not the same kind of series as ST and the like, and therefore I think
the syndication of such a series would be more difficult.  I like to think that
the popularity of the series, and an interest in seeing the entire run of the
series (depending on how long it stays on the air) re-air depends on other
factors.  But let's face it...B5 has been on the air barely two years, and
that's not long enough to have the show start airing in syndie.

 JH> Reason I mention this is that I did catch the station showing
 JH> it here cutting a bit on the second showing from the original
 JH> twice;

     This is something that I've noticed on the local station here in Ottawa,
but it's not something that the FOX network has done at all.  One of the reasons
why I watch the FOX episode and tape that one, rather than the local one.  Even
with the horrible, midnight on Tuesday time slot. :(

The significant owl hoots in the night. (G!G!)

--- GoldED 2.41
 * Origin: JohnK's Point OS/2Warp - Ottawa, Ontario (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 39 of 384
 From : Brion Lienhart                      1:213/700.2     .pä 24 .ąé 95 12:53
 To   : Todd Sullivan
 Subj : Vorlon Immortality
On Tue May 23, Todd Sullivan said to Chris Carter:

CC >A fellow on rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5 proposed that Kosh is
CC >actually a large sentient Big Mac.

 -TS>AAARRRRRGH!  "Run awaaaaayyy!" :)

It's ambassador McCheese. And the Vorlon Burgler.

--- QM v1.31
 * Origin: Ministry of Peace - Carson City, NV (1:213/700.2)

 Msg  : 40 of 384
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .pä 24 .ąé 95 13:02
 To   : Scott Gates
 Subj : B5 Catch-Up
On , Scott Gates wrote to Kay Shapero:

 KS>> For those on the net, John Kahane has been doing detailed
 KS>> synopses of each episode, posting them to the Babylon 5 echo
 KS>> and also making them available ascii text (archived by ARJ)
 KS>> for file request or download.  The system is Brian & Wendy's
 KS>> BBS (1:163/598).  I've got a current list around here
 KS>> that posted recently if you want a copy.

 SG> Do you know how I could get these from internet ftp?

     Unless someone's posted them up to the internet sites, as far as I'm aware
they're not available on the Internet side of things.  I could be wrong, but it
would be nice if the creator of said files was made aware of these things. :)

Moules (n.):  A game of skill and dexterity, involving tortoises. (G!G!)

--- GoldED 2.41
 * Origin: JohnK's Point OS/2Warp - Ottawa, Ontario (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 41 of 384
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .pä 24 .ąé 95 13:04
 To   : Scott Gates
 Subj : SeaQuest
On , Scott Gates wrote to John Kahane:

 FE>> Same goes for the first season of SeaQuest.

 JK>> Yep, same here.  Pity what they did with the series in
 JK>> the second seas *sigh* :(

 SG> Yeah, with only a few exceptions, SeaQuest's second season
 SG> Sucks.  The babes ain't bad though.

     Frankly, based on this post and a couple of others that I've seen from you,
you sound sexist when it comes to some of these sf series.  If the "babes" are
why you and a lot of the audience are watching this stuff, it's no wonder why
there's such a turn-around on sf series on tv.

     The *stories* in SEAQUEST's second season are what were pathetic, not the
characters.  The characters, particularly the telepath/doctor and the Dagger,
could have been made very interesting, but as usual the series concentrated on
the wrong things.  SEAQUEST lost its edge, its driving force, when the producer
decided to go with science fantasy as opposed to science fiction and an
ecological mind set.  Stacy Haiduk's commander in the first season was a
terrific character, because she was a *strong* female role model and because she
had an interesting past.  The character in the second season, such as Edward
Kerr's (can't remember his name), Henderson, Piccolo, and some of the others
were...boring and undeveloped.  Personally, I don't understand *why* the series
was renewed for a third year...

You had to hand it to the Patrician. If you didn't, he sent men to come and take
it away. (G!G!)

--- GoldED 2.41
 * Origin: JohnK's Point OS/2Warp - Ottawa, Ontario (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 42 of 384
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .pä 24 .ąé 95 13:11
 To   : Barry Blaes
 Subj : Not SLIDERS
On , Barry Blaes wrote to Frank Swarbrick:

 BB> If you or anyone else wishes to help keep the show on the
 BB> air you can send via the Internet a mail message to
 BB> "sliders@delphi.com".

 BB> Tell them you like the show and want to see them renew the show.

     Personally, I'm more concerned at this point with keeping BABYLON 5 on the
air.  And getting to see the last four episodes of Season Two before October,
whereas the Europeans are going to be seeing them any time now.

"If anyone ever sets fire to this city, it's going to be *me*." - Captain Vimes

--- GoldED 2.41
 * Origin: JohnK's Point OS/2Warp - Ottawa, Ontario (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 43 of 384
 From : Holly Sullivan                      1:363/110       .pä 24 .ąé 95 14:27
 To   : Jeff Young
 Subj : Re: Red Dwarf
In a message to All <05-20-95 13:42> Jeff Young wrote:

JY> The Red Dwarf International Echo is available to all who wish to
JY> recieve it.
JY> This echo is not on the Zone 1 backbone yet, but with your help it
JY> can be.

Wish it was backboned... (sigh)

JY> We even have our own resident Holly
JY> (well, not really but I thought it would add to the advert).

(EVIL GRIN)  Be *very* careful what you ask for... you just might get it...


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Bear's Den BBS  Winter Park, FL USA  (407)629-6458 (1:363/110)

 Msg  : 44 of 384
 From : Bruce Baugh                         1:105/290.50    .pä 24 .ąé 95 15:34
 To   : Chris Carter
 Subj : Kosh's Karaoke machine
On (23 May 95) Chris Carter wrote to All...

 CC> Before Garibaldi can answer Kosh says, "A moment of perfect
 CC> beauty," and proceeds out of the ballpark. Garibaldi and
 CC> Lennier follow silently, with cheesy grins on their faces.
 CC> Sheridan, looking perplexed, asks the computer to initiate
 CC> batting practice.

Attention, Citizen! Report to the nearest Food Reclamation Center

... OPEN THE REST ROOM DOORS, HAL. HAL! Oh, never mind.....

--- PPoint 1.92
 * Origin: Bruce's Cleverly Named Point (1:105/290.50)

 Msg  : 45 of 384
 From : Earl Green                          1:3822/1        .pä 24 .ąé 95 16:32
 To   : Frank Swarbrick

FS>After only eight episodes two of the actors want to ditch the show
FS>already?  Sheesh!  So are you saying Quinn really is dead?  I find that
FS>hard to believe.

  I don't know about Quinn for sure, but Rhys-Davies said in TV Guide
  that he would be out of there if there wasn't a greater commitment to
  the sci-fi aspects of the series.
     As recently as a fax sent yesterday, Fox still considers Sliders to
  be a viable and renewable property.  I'll keep an eye on further

FS>Anyway, weren't you the one who dissed the pilot movie so much a few
FS>months ago?  Have you changed your mind?

  I got to really like the show with "The Last Day."  I still can't
  profess a liking for the pilot, but the weekly installments were
  getting better and better.  If it's gone, I will be sorry to see it
  go.  (Heck, I even got to like Quinn, quite a major achievement
  considering my initial opinion of him! )
 * SLMR 2.0 * Forty laps around the cargo bay.  Start running.  Now.

--- QScan/PCB v1.17b / 01-0162
 * Origin: Jackalope Junction  501-785-5381 Ft Smith AR (1:3822/1)

 Msg  : 46 of 384
 From : Kay Shapero                         1:102/524       .pä 24 .ąé 95 16:45
 To   : Jeff Kovach
On , Jeff Kovach (1:114/318) wrote to Mark Jones:

 JK>Or the idiots could cancel the show, like I read in this
 JK>morning's paper.

Rats!  That was one of the two shows on TV that I was making a point to watch
every week (the other being Babylon 5 - I sure hope IT survives).

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 47 of 384
 From : Tony Limbert                        1:2215/420      .pä 24 .ąé 95 16:59
 To   : Kay Shapero
While summoning Cthulhu, I overheard Kay say :

 KS> Hanged if I know (be it noted that that particular rumor seems to be
 KS> chronic among tv shows everytime it looks like there might be a cast
 KS> shakeup). Or care frankly - the character I least wish to see vanish
 KS> from  the lineup is the Professor. I happen to like John Rhys-Davies.

You mean Pavarotti. :)


... Beware Mortal! Thou art crunchy, and good with ketchup!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/M 2
 * Origin: New Visions, PCBoard 15.21, Kent/Ohio 216-677-1040/9812 (1:2215/420)

 Msg  : 48 of 384
 From : Jeff Kovach                         1:114/318       .pä 24 .ąé 95 18:50
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : Sliders Continuity
On 20 May 95  05:56:01 Jack Butler wrote...

JB>      Heard the word through Entertainment Weekly's show.  Sliders has
JB> been picked up for next season, and Jerry O'Connell is *still* going
JB> to be a regular.      So yes, Quinn gets shot, but no, Quinn doesn't
JB> die.

To which Jeff Kovach replies...

Seeing that FOX announced that they cancelled the show, is it possible that
someone else picked it up or that it might go into syndication?

--- RATSoft/FIDO v1.12 [JetMail 0.99beta9]
 * Origin: STAR*LINX BBS - Mesa, AZ - (602)464-4817 (1:114/318)

 Msg  : 49 of 384
 From : Kay Shapero                         1:102/524       .pä 24 .ąé 95 19:14
 To   : Chris Carter
 Subj : Kosh's Karaoke machine
On , Chris Carter (1:105/302.23) wrote to All:

 CC>Before Garibaldi can answer Kosh says, "A moment of perfect
 CC>and proceeds out of the ballpark.  Garibaldi and Lennier follow
 CC>silently, with cheesy grins on their faces.  Sheridan, looking

OOOK!  Can I crosspost that to FILK?  Please?

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 50 of 384
 From : Rumble                              1:163/436       .pä 24 .ąé 95 20:41
 To   : Steven Wesen
 Subj : Re: SeaQuest Survives
Remeber the explosion on the alien ship was in the middle. They were on the
outside, so they may survive. I know that some of them are goind to plus the
seaQuest can reapare a hole in itself. It has bioginetic skin or something.

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: Coven's Den (613)746-3584 = 650+ Echoes & 4.3+ Gigs (1:163/436)

 Msg  : 51 of 384
 From : Rumble                              1:163/436       .pä 24 .ąé 95 20:43
 To   : Robert Lidgren
didint you hear? seaQuest was moved to wednsdays at eight. Besides 90210 ll the
networks pulled their "powerhouse" shows from that time slot. They must be
afraid of seaQuest or something.

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: Coven's Den (613)746-3584 = 650+ Echoes & 4.3+ Gigs (1:163/436)

 Msg  : 52 of 384
 From : Rumble                              1:163/436       .pä 24 .ąé 95 20:46
 To   : John Kahane
 Subj : SeaQuest
Piccalo is obiously seaQuest's Quark. I think he's hilarious. I wonder waht the
plots will be like next year. I think they need a mix. Some science plots to
keep the scince fiction aspect up and some fantasy/action plots to keep another
part of the audience. You have to admit that seaQuest has more action than any
other sci-fi show.

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: Coven's Den (613)746-3584 = 650+ Echoes & 4.3+ Gigs (1:163/436)

 Msg  : 53 of 384
 From : Steven Skaggs                       1:3608/250      .pä 24 .ąé 95 22:02
 To   : Steve Martin
 Subj : Re: Star Wars
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  94-2198

 -=> Quoting Steve Martin to Steven Skaggs <=-

 SS> Well, I think he's had a basic idea for the rest of the movies since
 SS> he wrote the originals. He has stated several times over the past few
 SS> years that Episode I will be out sometime before the end of the 20th
 SS> century.  Why would he lie about it?

 SM> He already has.  Dates have been given before...

 When did Lucas give a specific date on when the new movies would definately
 be out? I've heard dates before too but usually from other sources...

... I am Perot of Borg: You will be assimilated with a giant sucking sound
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: Double Springs BBS Panama City, FL 904-784-6336  (1:3608/250.0)

 Msg  : 54 of 384
 From : Steven Skaggs                       1:3608/250      .pä 24 .ąé 95 22:06
 To   : Bruce Baugh
 Subj : Re: Star Wars
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  94-2198

 -=> Quoting Bruce Baugh to Steven Skaggs <=-

 BB> On (21 May 95) Steven Skaggs wrote to Bruce Baugh...

 SS> Lucas himself said the first one will be released 'Before the
 SS> year 2000'. I don't see any reason for him to lie about it.

 BB> I don't think he's lying. He _has_ publicly made projections that
 BB> didn't work out, in the past. Optimism is powerful, and can lead one
 BB> astray. That's why I'll start really believing in the new movies
 BB> when I see solid steps being taken toward getting them actually
 BB> made.

 Well, I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't come out on-time so to speak
 but I would be surprised if they never came out at all. Lucas could always
 change his mind I suppose.

 BB> I _do_ take a certain encouragement from things Barbara Hambly and
 BB> Michael Kube-McDowell have said on GEnie. Both of them got the
 BB> definite idea that their Star Wars novels (and everyone else's) are
 BB> part of a reasonably carefully timed schedule. The studio being
 BB> willing to spend the money on the books shows that at least someone
 BB> takes it seriously.

 I think all licenses for the books and all other Star Wars related material
 expire in '96 or '97. Another indication that he has plans. He has also
 forbidden authors from using certain things in the novels, so I understand.

... Shh! Be vewy qwiewet!  I'm hunting wuntime ewwors.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: Double Springs BBS Panama City, FL 904-784-6336  (1:3608/250.0)

 Msg  : 55 of 384
 From : Richard Yamagata                    1:203/955       .åņ 25 .ąé 95 02:49
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : B5: Bear Facts

JH> I liked it... but what exactly was there to say? ;-)
JH> and wondered every time how it appeared so quickly out of nowhere (if
JH> you're approaching an unknown piece of debris, shouldn't you go
JH> slowly enough to see it before hitting it?), how they manage to get a
JH> cockpit coverin that's strong enough to protect against random debris yet
JH> sounds just like plastic when something hits it, and why the bear slid
JH> off to the side the way it did as if wind was blowing it off.

All very fascinating questions Jeff, there is enough here to start 3 or 4
threads.  And, this all came from one sequence in Babylon 5!

JH> There must be a specialized set of automated drones that go
JH> around collecting debris from space combat around the station,

Well, at least here I think it is safe to say that this must be one of the
functions of the maintenance bots.  A lot of them seemed to be flying around out
there in the "And now for a word..." episode.  Thanks for your deep analysis.

 * Origin: Dynasoft 916-753-8788  3Gig C C++ Everyone (1:203/955)

 Msg  : 56 of 384
 From : Richard Yamagata                    1:203/955       .åņ 25 .ąé 95 03:12
 To   : John Kahane
 Subj : B5: ItSoZ Thoughts
* In a message originally to Kay Shapero, John Kahane said:

JK> In a message of , Kay Shapero
JK> scribed:

JK>                           SPOILER ALERT!!!
JK>                             __________
JK>                            / _________ \
JK>                           / /         \ \
JK>           ------------------------------------------------
JK>          / ______________________________________________ \
JK>         / /                                              \ \
JK>        / /                                                \
JK> \
JK>        \ \                                                /
JK> /
JK>          \ \                       ____________________ / /
JK>            \ \                    l-------------------  /
JK>              \ \                                    / /
JK>              /   \                                /   \
JK>             / / \  \               ____________ /  / \ \
JK>            / /    \  \            l-----------   /    \ \
JK>           / /      /   \                    /   \      \ \
JK>          / /      /  /\  \                /  /\  \      \ \
JK>          \ \_____/  /   \  \            /  /   \  \_____/ /
JK>           \________/      \  \________/  /      \________/
JK>                             \__________/

First off, I would like to say that I like your use of the Psi-Corp emblem,
because my son gets kick out of seeing it scroll on to the screen.

JK> series but very, very confused.  Then there is "Knives,"
JK> which was a throwaway episode to me, except for the business
JK> with Londo and his old friend and the revelation of where
JK> the mental force that had invaded Sheridan's mind had come
JK> from.

I do not want to seem hyper-critical here or nit-picking, but what else was
there in this episode besides these 2 plot lines?  There was that itsy-bitsy
sequence about that goverment department of peace, straight out of James Orwell,
but I have to say your 2 plot lines was the episode.  I found it interesting
that JMS patterned the Centauri culture in this episode after Renassiance (yes I
can't spell) Italy.

JK> arises... Someone obviously knew what kind of poison to use
JK> on Kosh, since the ancient one in the suit should not be
JK> known to the universe in general.  Whoever was behind this
JK> *knew* how to kill the not-Vorlon in the suit.  Assuming
JK> that the whole poisoning business wasn't faked to begin
JK> with.

Actually, this is not surprising, if it was not faked as you point out.  It was
made clear that the Minbari know the Vorlons and fought along side the Vorlons a
1000 years before B5's time against the Shadows.  It would seem to me if you
fight along side someone, you would learn how they die.  I am sure that the
Shadows know how to destroy the Vorlons and vice versa.

On the other hand, even Sinclair wondered in one of the episodes if the
poisoning was no faked.  What I got from that episode is that Sinclair wondered
if it was not all some plot by Kosh to garner understanding of humans to place
them in crisis.  Kosh got to interact with that Psi-corp psychic -- and he went
to great lengths to examine the current psychic with that cyborg.
It is obvious from "In the shadow..." that psychics will be important in
locating Shadows from that "passing in the corridor sequence."  That may be part
of what JMS was building up to with all this fascination of Kosh's with
psychics. Ry

 * Origin: Dynasoft 916-753-8788  3Gig C C++ Everyone (1:203/955)

 Msg  : 57 of 384
 From : Richard Yamagata                    1:203/955       .åņ 25 .ąé 95 03:24
 To   : Brian Henderson
 Subj : B5 Ripoff: Ds9
* In a message originally to Jakc Butler, Brian Henderson said:

BH> No kidding.  I didn't say otherwise.  I did say, however,
BH> that B5 has a higher purpose than *JUST* making a quick buck.

I do not know if this is true or not, but I would like to think that it is true
for B5.  From the amount of energy that JMS expends by posting on GEnie and CIS,
I believe that B5 means much more to him than a meal ticket.  My son
is waiting for his B5 micro-machines, but from what I garner from JMS posts, it
seems JMS finds this type of marketing, demeaning.

BH> out but that's not the issue, is it?  For Paramount and the
BH> makers of Star Trek, money is the biggest issue. For Warner, it quite
BH> possibly might be.

All I know is that from looking at the Nielsens, the Paramount Network's success
is all owed to ST Voyager.  I think that the ST Voyager Q&A was a cheap ploy to
get Voyager fans to sit through hours of vapid programming just to find the Q&A
sequence.  I think this supports your arguement about "selling grandma."  As for
Warner, their network ratings are lower than Fox and Paramount.  How much lower
and non-profitable can you get?  It may be a blessing that B5 is syndicated an
not a Warner Network offering.  Ry

 * Origin: Dynasoft 916-753-8788  3Gig C C++ Everyone (1:203/955)

 Msg  : 58 of 384
 From : Richard Yamagata                    1:203/955       .åņ 25 .ąé 95 03:37
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : B5 VS ST

FE> The phrase "worthy undertaking" seemed to connote socially
FE> redeeming values. IMO, I do believe B5 has these, but more importantly
FE> to me than socially redeeming values is "entertainment value", which B5
FE> has by the truckload.

In that regard, Babylon 5 has won an Award for Quality Television.  I think you
are correct in that there is a lot of entertainment value in B5.  I still
find it interesting that this is the only series that I am motivated to record
and save.

On the other hand, it may not be surprising.  That long narrative by Delenn
about the Shadows, the First Ones, the Vorlons, drove me MAD!!!  I played that
sequence over and over -- TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHAT MIRA WAS MUMBLING.  It is
rediculous that she could not ennunciate better.  I do not think it was a
directional ploy to heighten suspense.

The only thing that let me understand what Mira muffed was a transcript of that
part of the episode.  I think that this narrative was as critical to the
B5 plot line as the dialog between Sheridan and Kosh about "understanding."

As always, it is good posting with you Frank.  Ry

 * Origin: Dynasoft 916-753-8788  3Gig C C++ Everyone (1:203/955)

 Msg  : 59 of 384
 From : Richard Yamagata                    1:203/955       .åņ 25 .ąé 95 03:40
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : B5 Catch-Up

FE> RY someone should do a paperback serialization of the B5 episodes,
FE> RY in the same vein as the TOS books by James Blish.
FE> This would be nice but it would require a company like Simon & Schuster
FE> to envision a profit for such a series of books. I personally think
FE> there are few publishers who would consider such a series
FE> profitable at this early stage, with B5 still a somewhat unproven
FE> commodity...

You are right about this.  To make the point more poignant for my son, "where
are the micro-machines?"

 * Origin: Dynasoft 916-753-8788  3Gig C C++ Everyone (1:203/955)

 Msg  : 60 of 384
 From : Richard Yamagata                    1:203/955       .åņ 25 .ąé 95 04:03
 Subj : B5 TALK

FS> but than neither should Mira Furlan (Delenn).  In fact,
FS> she's probably my least favorite character.

I think that I am starting to get disenchanted with Delenn.  Her character has
gone from malevolent in the pilot to a wimp after emerging from the Chrysalis. I
am thoroughly disgusted with her mumbling the crucial tail in "In the Shadow..."
I have to say that I like her character better bald.

FS> times.  (In Thompson's case I think it's more the character than the
FS> actor, though.  She was excellant in a Quantum Leap episode I saw.)

Thinking about your words, you are probably right.  In most of the episodes she
is just a prop.  Only in a few episodes have I felt close to her character.
Actually, only in 2 episodes have I liked what they did with her. There was the
Iron Heart episode and there was the episode with her ex-husband on board.  In
all actuality, I think I do not like her character.  A good part of that has to
do with the plotlines with the Susan Ivanova character.

FS> Anyway, I'm babbling, but I just wanted to agree that Biggs
FS> is a wonderful

No, your words are important for me to read.  I was shaken up when I was told
that there are a group of San Francisco State Univ. students that collectively
all dislike Richard Biggs as an actor.  They think he over acts, is pompous,
is... basically a William Shatner!  I stand by my assessment that Richard Biggs
is the best at delivering lines, look and feel on the screen of all the
actors portraying earth force roles.  Actually, I have to admit that even though
I cannot stand William Shatner outside of his acting, he has a vast dramatic
range.  It is this dramatic range that took Star Trek in so many directions.  I
have no idea how Richard Biggs is as a person.  For entertainment purposes, I
can care less -- just like I still can sit through in rapt fascination all of
the TOS and 4 of the 7 Trek movies.  Thanks for sharing your thoughts,
publically.  Ry

 * Origin: Dynasoft 916-753-8788  3Gig C C++ Everyone (1:203/955)

 Msg  : 61 of 384
 From : Richard Yamagata                    1:203/955       .åņ 25 .ąé 95 04:07
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : B5: ItSoZ Thoughts

JB> JK> Someone obviously knew what kind of poison to use on Kosh, since the
JB> JK> ancient one in the suit should not be known to the universe in
JB> JK> general.  Whoever was behind this *knew* how to kill the not-Vorlon
JB> JK> the suit. Assuming that the whole poisoning business wasn't faked to
JB> JK> begin with.

JB>      The Minbari know who the Vorlons are.  Or at least some
JB> do.  Maybe one of them hired the assassin.

No, it WAS a Minbari of the warrior caste that was the assassin using a
changeling net.  We saw the Minbari warrior before he snapped his wrist and blew
himself up in the pilot.  Ry
 * Origin: Dynasoft 916-753-8788  3Gig C C++ Everyone (1:203/955)

 Msg  : 62 of 384
 From : Rumble                              1:163/436       .åņ 25 .ąé 95 15:10
 To   : James Walton
 Subj : Purpose of ST-DSN & ST-V
They can say this: Space the final frontier. These are the Voyages of teh Star
Ship Voyager.... ah screw it if any of this is getting through send help

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: Coven's Den (613)746-3584 = 650+ Echoes & 4.3+ Gigs (1:163/436)

 Msg  : 63 of 384
 From : Ken Mayes                           1:393/7         .åņ 25 .ąé 95 18:42
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : Re: B5, B9
On Tue 23-May-1995  5:20p, Jack Butler wrote:

JB>      Hardly.  His point was that there were entire species in the Trek
JB> Universe using living, sentient starships.  There has been, however, only
JB> one.  And one does not consititute a species.

JB>      Jack Butler

        Tin Man if you recall was said to BE the Last of it's species. The fact
that there was one says that there logically HAD to be a species of them
somewhere at sometime.
        (Not to mention Picard's reference to Data as a species of one. 8?})

--- CNet/3
 * Origin: The Bard's Tavern Denton, TX (817)243-5110 USR 28.8   (1:393/7)

 Msg  : 64 of 384
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .˙ņ 26 .ąé 95 22:29
 To   : Michael Nellis
 Subj : Re: spitting

MN>  not take place, of course.  For instance, the Federation never found
MN>  Data, Worf was never picked up from the ruins of the outpost to go to

   Data was indeed present in the new timeline, and still a helmsman.

   But what I thought would've been a nice twist would be if the Klingon
commander that ordered the Enterprise-D to surrender had turned out to be an
alternate Worf...!


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 65 of 384
 From : Samantha Dobbs                      1:229/436       .ņp 23 .ąé 95 18:34
 To   : Tippi Blevins
 Subj : Re: H.R. Giger
I have a postcard book that costs more the my comic collection!! I love Giger's
work and he did do the monsters for Aliens and album covers and there is even a
poster in a Dead Kenedey(sp?) album called Frankenchrist! The singer (Jello
Biafra) nearly when to jail over it!! If you do get any more Giger books watch
out!! They are VERY pricy!!!

--- CNet/3
 * Origin: Daily Planet BBS   10 Lines o' Fun   (905)436-6509 (1:229/436)

 Msg  : 66 of 384
 From : FRANK SWARBRICK                     1:104/825       .ņp 23 .ąé 95 19:41
 Subj : Movie: Miracle Mile
On 05-20-95  11:43 Bruce Baugh, the little pine weasel, said:

 BB> On (15 May 95) FRANK SWARBRICK wrote to BRUCE BAUGH...

 FS> Yes, yes! I saw this movie a month or two ago and I *loved* it.
 FS> I have never seen anything like it. Do you know of any movies
 FS> with, umm, a similar disposition? Meaning, not the same
 FS> subject, but the same kind of "feel."

 BB> Hmm, let's see. Neither JACOB'S LADDER nor KAFKA has the initial
 BB> comedy, but both have similar emotional wallops at the end. (JACOB'S
 BB> LADDER has very nice acting from Macauley Culkin, too, as Tim
 BB> Robbins' maybe-dead son.) The first of these is about a Vietnam vet
 BB> working for the Post Office who finds himself being hunted by
 BB> demons. Then things get weird. KAFKA is about, of all things, Franz
 BB> Kafka, working in early 20th-century Prague, except that it's Prague
 BB> the way he wrote it, complete with The Castle. He's working at an
 BB> insurance company, and ends up finding out just how sinister the
 BB> government is.

 BB> RAN is one of Akira Kurosawa's masterworks, more or less KING LEAR
 BB> adapted to fit Japanese history: the old warlord divides up his
 BB> kingdom among his three sons, and things go badly.

 BB> SWING KIDS is about jazz fanciers in Nazi Germany just before World
 BB> War II.

 BB> Oh, yes, and THE MISSION is a truly stunning work, about Franciscans
 BB> in colonial Brazil not interested in going along with imperial
 BB> schemes of conquest. Jeremy Irons stars in this one as well as in
 BB> KAFKA. The ending of THE MISSION has, of all of these, an impact
 BB> most similar to the ending of MIRACLE MILE.

Thanks for the info.  From what I remember from the writeups when it
first came out Jacob's Ladder sounds like a must.  I may try most of the
others, but Swing Kids?  You must be kidding.  Of course, I haven't seen
it, but I've heard terrible things about it.  Are you actually serious
about it?  (No offense.)


___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Silver Xpress Mail System 5.3W1G
 * Origin: Bailey Info Exchange : 303-674-0147 (1:104/825)

 Msg  : 67 of 384
 From : Pamela Crossett                     1:325/118       .pä 24 .ąé 95 02:34
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : Highlander Scedule

 JB>      The producers are claiming that they let Lisa Howard go because
 JB> of a lack of "chemistry" between her and Adrian Paul.  Personally, I
 JB> think they are bowing to fan pressure.

This sounds like you have an "insider" giving you information.

Or are you actually part of the show?

I always enjoy reading your posts, more so, as they all seem to end up
coming true.

I'm sad about the departure of Lisa Howard, although it actually adds a
touch or realism, having someone who was at least built up for some shows
(albeit not enough) turn Duncan down.

I mean, how many women could really handle the pressure? It would be worse
than being a NYC policeman's wife (and Bruce Willis's wife left him in the
3rd Die Hard movie - "who can blame her????"

Especially since many immortals have proven to be less than honorable
about hurting another immortal's woman.

 JB>      Well, at least Stan Kirsch and Peter Wingfield (Methos) are
 JB> going to be back.

Again, how do you get this info?  Will you reveal your source?

I'm so glad to hear Peter Wingfield will be back as Methos. That was the
best plot line of this season! And he was excellent for leaving a sense of
mystery around long-term immoratals.

Good talking with ya,


 This copy of Freddie 1.2.5 is being evaluated.

--- Maximus/2 2.02
 * Origin: The Ozone Layer, Williston, VT. (802) 862-5058 (1:325/118)

 Msg  : 68 of 384
 From : Jeff Schlenker                      1:288/19        .pä 24 .ąé 95 23:31
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : Re: X-Files Finale

-=> Jack Butler was overheard speaking to All <=-

 JB> PS  I think I know how Mulder got out of the buried refrigeration
 JB> car.

OK, I'll bite.  What dot you think?


Jeffrey A. Schlenker                          >>Internet<<
Hazel, South Dakota                   jeff.schlenker@lake-city.com

... URA Redneck if you think your boyfriend hits you 'because he cares'.
___ TagDude 0.87 [Unregistered]

--- Blue Wave/Max v2.12
 * Origin: LakeCity BBS * V34/4 Gigs Watertown SD 605 886-0849 (1:288/19)

 Msg  : 69 of 384
 From : Bruce Baugh                         1:105/290.50    .åņ 25 .ąé 95 00:53
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : Sliders-Luck of the Draw
On (22 May 95) Jack Butler wrote to FRANK SWARBRICK...

 JB> "Soylent Green is people!"

Soylent Green: it's the People Food.

... Since the Bible was written in Farenheit that's good enough for me.

--- PPoint 1.92
 * Origin: Bruce's Cleverly Named Point (1:105/290.50)

 Msg  : 70 of 384
 From : David Johnston                      1:342/14        .åņ 25 .ąé 95 01:22
 To   : Brian Henderson
 Subj : B5 Ripoff: Ds9
-> purpose than *JUST* making a quick buck.  Star Trek would kill it's
-> own grandmother for a buck, so to speak, violate any rule, do
-> anything.  B5 has a

Unfair.  Star Trek may not have a grand masterplan, but it's
inconsistencies are not monetary in origin.

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
 * Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)

 Msg  : 71 of 384
 From : David Johnston                      1:342/14        .åņ 25 .ąé 95 01:27
 To   : Scott Gates
 Subj : Sliders - Bathroom? Wash
->     The energy requirements are too large to replicate large objects,
->     instead, they replicate component parts then let humans assemble
->     them.

Um...the energy requirements in order to replicate a large object are
identical to those required to replicate all of it's components, no
matter how the replicators work.

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
 * Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)

 Msg  : 72 of 384
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .åņ 25 .ąé 95 07:41
 To   : Scott Gates
 Subj : BEST SF
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.b9 8060
SG "FE=>        Read Harlan Ellison's comments in the latest issue of
SG "FE=>Sci-Fi Universe for his views on Star Trek (not that he is the
SG "FE=>only authority who really counts, mind you...) They are truly
SG "FE=>eye-opening! Even though he is a 'conceptual consultant' on B5,
SG "FE=>he has some complaints about that show, too!

SG "Harlan's problem with B5 is he doesn't get his way 110% of the time.
SG "(the extra 10% comes when he does get his way, was wrong, and will
SG "blame someone else.

He did sound like a whiny baby in the SFU interview...

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 2.2 Gig * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 73 of 384
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .åņ 25 .ąé 95 07:41
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : Torres in Faces
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.b9 8060
MJ "   I actually hoped (for a few minutes) that they intended to
MJ "*leave* her completely human.

Funny you say this because I felt the same way! Also, think of the time
and money they could have saved not having to apply a turtle to her
forehead every shooting day?! :-)

MJ "   THAT would have made the silly techno-babble worthwhile.

I'm beginning to see why you're so opposed to "techo-babble"! It really
is getting rather deep, especially in the last episode in which they had
to figure out a way to "cure" the bio-gel-packs! IMO, the last 3 shows
have definitely taken a nosedive in quality. Perhaps the writers are
getting burnt out...

MJ "would have given them a chance for some real angst--as B'lanna is
MJ "forced to learn how to get through life as a human.  She'd have to
MJ "figure out just how much of her personality was genetically
MJ "determined, and how much was learned--and just how much she could
MJ "compensate for the loss.

In addition to the factors you mentioned, how would she react to her
parents... all sorts of neat complications!

MJ "   So the Holo-Doctor simply takes DNA from the klingon corpse, and
MJ "uses it to rewrite every cell in her body so that a week later (by
MJ "the next episode) she is back to square one (and completely
MJ "unaffected emotionally by an ordeal no one in the universe--except
MJ "James T. Kirk ninety years ago--has ever experienced.
MJ "   (And if they can do *that* to her, why the hell couldn't they
MJ "recreate Neelix's lungs?)

Doc Zimmerman is not as obnoxious as Wesley Crusher, but he's being used
basically the same way. Save another crew member? Just ask Doc Zimmerman
to go well beyond his normal programming, and he'll save the day every

--- CMPQwk 1.42-R2 #145 ---
Dogs come when you call. Cats have answering machines...

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 2.2 Gig * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 74 of 384
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .åņ 25 .ąé 95 07:41
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : Voices: John Vornholt
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.b9 8060
JH "Eh? Where I left off they were going to have the Psi-Corps
JH "conference on B5 due to the explosion on Mars, and the cover blurb
JH "says something about someone going to stop that too. So what's the
JH "rest of it doing on Earth?

Kosh helps Ms. Winters escape, and she takes off for Earth, where she
expects to find a way to clear her name.

BTW, I have been reading volume #2 in the B5 series (by Lois Tilton).
It's called "Accusations". It is the typical who-dun-it, with the B5
characters slapped on. Sheesh... I'll probably never buy another B5
novel. Foolish of me to think that the paperback writers would be
allowed to advance the B5 STORYLINE, or actually tell a good sci-fi

JH "but anyway, aside from that possibility, I'd wager on the mental
JH "projection or that sentient minds can't comprehend seeing a Vorlon
JH "and percieve their vision of whatever an ancient wise supernatural
JH "being is.

I think I'd rather not speculate. Perhaps JMS will come up with an
episode that clears this matter up...

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 2.2 Gig * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 75 of 384
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .åņ 25 .ąé 95 07:41
 To   : All
 Subj : B5 COMIC
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.b9 8060
According to the letters column in issue #5, DC Comics will be rotating
teams of artists/writers. So, even though the current look has improved,
there is no guarantee this same team will continue to produce the B5

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 2.2 Gig * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 76 of 384
 From : Kay Shapero                         1:102/524       .åņ 25 .ąé 95 09:30
 To   : James Walton
 Subj : Purpose of ST-DSN & ST-V
On , James Walton (1:129/260) wrote to Denis Lamy:

 JW>As far as Voyager goes, I have never seen it, but since the show
 JW>isn't about a planned trip, not too much can be said.

OTOH, the number of filks to the Gilligan's Island theme that this thing has
inspired is pretty impressive... :->

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 77 of 384
 From : DAVE WHITTIER                       1:134/10        .åņ 25 .ąé 95 12:25
KS>Okay, so I spelled it wrong. But look at it this way. It's a lottery, just t
KS>same as scratching one of those tickets you buy at the store,

I think you're missing the point.  It's not a lottery, it's a con, and
it's illegal

KS> ...then find the jerk who conned you out of it and beat the
KS>living daylights out of him, or give him the Vulcan Neck Pinch...

Does the Vulcan Neck Pinch work by email?  Or by post?  Get the picture?
These people want you to send money all over the country on the promise
that IF everyone else does it, you'll be rich.  How do you "beat the
living daylights" out of a post office box?  It's not just a dumb idea,
it's against the law.

So, how about them X-files?  :)

 ž SLMR 2.1a ž All hope abandon, ye who enter messages here.

--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 78 of 384
 From : Gloria Darcy                        1:124/8107      .åņ 25 .ąé 95 21:57
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : Highlander Scedule

JB> Quoth Brian Kuhnel, "Nevermore".

JB>     The producers are claiming that they let Lisa Howard go because of a
JB>lack of "chemistry" between her and Adrian Paul.  Personally, I think they
JB>are bowing to fan pressure.

        maybe!  I could tell from day one that those two had no
        chemistry whatsoever!

JB>     Well, at least Stan Kirsch and Peter Wingfield (Methos) are going to be

        Great news, Jack!  What about Joe?  I haven't seen the second
        part yet of the season finale.


 X OLX 2.1 TD X Highlander ... There can be only one!

--- Maximus/2 2.02
 * Origin: Palindrome WriterNet [Fiction&Non] (1:124/8107)

 Msg  : 79 of 384
 From : Morten M.nsson                      2:235/335.17    .åņ 25 .ąé 95 22:45
 To   : All
 Subj : Starfleet Rules as...
Hi All, Copenhagen calling!

Having read something about Starfleet rules, as interpreted by Captain
Picard and the crew of Enterprise, I got the urge to add a few more rules...:


 8. If a dangerous solution to a problem, haven't been tested before, try one
    of the following commands: "Redirect Power..." or "Reverse Polarity..."

 9. If access to a high-level-security-system or area is impossible,
    try the ventilation duct or the loose access-panel right next to it.

10. If your ships highly sophisticated automatic controls are unable to cope
    with an unnatural cosmic fenomenon, try flying it better manually!


With Prosperous Greetings
Morten "Meanie" MĘnsson

--- GEcho 1.00
 * Origin: Cardassian Fairytales: so the wolf ate her. The End! (2:235/335.17)

 Msg  : 80 of 384
 From : Morten M.nsson                      2:235/335.17    .åņ 25 .ąé 95 22:46
 To   : All
 Subj : My friend Max
 Good Evening Everyone! Copenhagen calling - The jury has decided as follows:

>Max Headroom: 10 points!

 Can anybody tell me, what the difference is between the UK and the US
 versions of the show. Are there different actors? Different episodes? Or..??

 If anyone has a short episode listing from either version,
 preferably both, you will be included in my bedtime prayers! ;-)

 And that concludes the judging of the danish jury.....next caller please!

 Bye no-no-no-no-now!
 Morten "Max" MĘnsson

--- GEcho 1.00
 * Origin: Ferengi Fairytales: Grandma, why are your ears so big (2:235/335.17)

 Msg  : 81 of 384
 From : Morten M.nsson                      2:235/335.17    .åņ 25 .ąé 95 22:46
 To   : All
 Subj : X-FILES konference??
Hi again everybody!

Can anybody please confirm, or the opposite ;-(, the rumour about,
there being a seperate X-Files konference called - plainly: X-FILES ??

And...Can someone tell me the names of the Movie related Echo's.
There has to be some, don't there? Noone over here knows anything...

Thanks a lot. Tooteloo!
Morten "Mean" MĘnsson

--- GEcho 1.00
 * Origin: "911 emergency - how may we save you?" (2:235/335.17)

 Msg  : 82 of 384
 From : FRANK SWARBRICK                     1:104/825       .˙ņ 26 .ąé 95 01:55
 Subj : Stuff of TP
On 05-22-95  15:31 John Kahane, the little pine weasel, said:

 JK> In a message of , FRANK SWARBRICK scribed:

 FS> Anyway, I watched the pilot movie when Bravo aired it on
 FS> Halloween night last year.  I was *not* blown away, and found
 FS> parts of it rather annoying (mostly Laura's mothers darn
 FS> bawling through the whole thing!).

 JK> But there was a reason for Laura's mother bawling her head off
 JK> for most of the episode.  She is/was a psychic, and had "visions" of
 JK> things...

Didn't say there wasn't a reason.  Only said it was annoying!  :-)

 FS> (And of course I'll have to rent the "Fire Walk With Me" movie.)

 JK> Some of us will have to rent or buy the movie, Frank.  I still
 JK> haven't seen FIRE WALK WITH ME. :)

I finished the series the other day.  May rent "Fire Walk With Me"
this weekend.  I saw it at Blockbuster the other day, along with the
pilot movie and the first seven episodes.

 FS> On to the questions...  First, can someone match the actor's
 FS> names with the characters for me.  I know probably less than
 FS> half of them.  I'm interested in the main credit stars, the
 FS> beginning credit stars, and even the main guest stars.

 JK> Boy, you don't ask the little questions, do you? :)


Thanks for the list.  How did you manage to know all this?  Anyway, it's
missing a few important characters.  Giant was of course played by Carel
Struyken.  I saw that David Lynch himself played someone in a few episodes.
At first I thought it must the rather Caucasian looking Chinese guy ,
but of course that turned out to be Catherine Martell in disguise.  So
I figure it must be Cooper's boss Gordan (Pratt?).  Still, could be wrong.
I've seen Lynch once (on the Tonight Show), but I can't picture him, other
than I remember he had a rather strange hairdo.

Oh, and how about Annie Blackburn?  She was a rather important character,
even though she was only in the last half dozen episodes or so.  I found
her and Cooper to make quite a cute couple.  :-)

Then there's the old waiter guy, but I think I can get his name from
the ending credits.  Oh, you ever notice that the little guy was listed
as The Man From Everywhere, or some such thing?  Wierd.

Looking at your list it looks like you don't have anyone from after the
Laura Palmer mystery was solved.  Not a criticism by any means.  Just
a comment.

How about Thomas Eckhart, Andrew Packard (yes, those last two have the names
listed with the actors), the mayor, Lana, Dick Tremaine, Jack (who Audrey
fell for).  I know the guy who played Squiggy on Laverne & Shirley (David
L. Landers?) played someone, but I can't remember the character's name!

Oh, and the Renault brothers.  And others I can't think of.  Ah well

 FS> How about an episode title list?  I got a list from someone
 FS> else that seems to be pretty reliable, but I'm not sure on it.

 JK> To the best of my knowledge, the episodes of TWIN PEAKS didn't
 JK> have any titles.  If they did, I'd sure as heck appreciate a full list
 JK> of titles for the stories.

 FS> Next question is, did season one end after Cooper got shot?

 JK> Correct. :)

 FS> So the first season would be six episodes, and seven hours.

 JK> Nope.  According to my videotape collection, the first season
 JK> consists of the two-hour premiere, and seven one-hour episodes.

Hmm, this seems to be correct.  I didn't have the so-called episode title
list until after well into the "second season," so I couldn't follow
along at the time.

 FS> The second season would be 24 episodes and 25 hours (or 26 if
 FS> there were two two hour episodes).

 JK> The second season consists of a two-hour premiere again, and 21
 JK> one-hour episodes as well.

OK...The list I have seems to be totally made up, and not quite accurate
even in which episode goes where.  (huh?)  Still, most of the titles
actually went quite well with what the episodes were actually about.
Fer instance it has the pilot as "Wrapped In Plastic," the season one
finale as "Bite The Bullet," the episode with Laura's secret diary as
"The Diary of Laura Palmer," the episode where Maddy is killed is, well,
"Maddy."  Actually, most of the later titles aren't all too creative.
I'll post it in the next message just so you can see it.

Another thing which indicates there were no titles is the videos that
are out are simply listed as "Episode 001," "Episode 002," etc.  (With
episode 001 being the first one hour episode.)  Still, many TV shows
(including the X-Files) have titles that are just not listed onscreen.

 FS> More comments...  I've heard comments that after the Laura
 FS> Palmer mystery was "solved" (such as it is) people say that
 FS> it went downhill and just got plain wierd.

 JK> Yep, this is pretty accurate in some ways.  Once the Laura Palmer
 JK> mystery was cleared up, the series went in a direction that not many
 JK> fans of the show appreciated (at least I don't think they did).  Weird
 JK> is one word for it. :)

Having just finished it, I actually don't agree.  I didn't get much into
the first few after the LPalmer mystery was solved (such as the whole
Jean Renault thing and the James/Evelyn story), but I liked most of it.
I especially liked the whole Annie Blackburn(?) thing, and the final
episode was quite cool.

 FS> Welp, I'm done rambling.  I hope I'm not totally off topic.
 FS> If anyone wants to talk with a new TP convert/fanatic, I'd
 FS> love to hear your comments!

 JK> Well, you've got some of mine above; I trust that you can start a
 JK> whole new conversation about the series with me now! 

Heh heh.  I still have more questions, but I'll stop for now.


... The Psi Corps Is Your Friend.  Trust The Corps.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Silver Xpress Mail System 5.3W1G
 * Origin: Bailey Info Exchange : 303-674-0147 (1:104/825)

 Msg  : 83 of 384
 From : FRANK SWARBRICK                     1:104/825       .˙ņ 26 .ąé 95 02:03
 Subj : Twin Peaks
On 05-22-95  06:00 Jack Butler, the little pine weasel, said:

 JB> Quoth FRANK SWARBRICK, "Nevermore".

 FS> I never saw Twin Peaks when it originally aired.  I worked until after
 FS> 9:00 at night and didn't have a VCR.  I do remember there was a big
 FS> thing regarding "The Diary of Laura Palmer," but I don't remember much
 FS> more than that.

 JB> Well, "The Diary of Laura Palmer" was a "spin-off" book written
 JB> by Jennifer Lynch (daughter of David Lynch, the producer of Peaks, and
 JB> a  director/producer in her own right).  I read part of it, and wasn't
 JB> that impressed except to note that Laura Palmer, it turned out, was not
 JB> a nice person at all...

Yeah, I remember seeing this book at the place I worked.  Don't really
plan to look for it.  Probably couldn't find it anymore anyway.

 FS> I still have four more episodes to go, though Bravo finished with it
 FS> last week.  (And of course I'll have to rent the "Fire Walk With Me"
 FS> movie.)

 JB> Frank, I mean this:  you don't have to watch "Fire Walk With Me".
 JB> You may not even want to.  The best thing I can say about it is that
 JB> both Sheryl Lee and Moira Kelley (the "replacement" Donna) look good
 JB> nekkid.  Oh, and David Bowie's cameo is interesting.  But that's it.

Replacement Donna?  How could they!  Hmm, not sure if I'll get it this
weekend after all.  Perhaps some day, if there's nothing else to do.
Thanks for the info.

 FS> On to the questions...  First, can someone match the actor's names
 FS> with the characters for me.

 JB> The only ones I can remember (its been a while since I've seen
 JB> it, and I was working during the recent Bravo airing) are Kyle
 JB> MacLachlan (Special Agent D.B. Cooper), Michael Ontkean (Sheriff Harry
 JB> Truman), Everett McGill (Ed Hurley), Joan Chen (Josie Packard), Machen
 JB> Amick (Shelly Johnson), Eric De Ray (Leo Johnson), Carol Struyken (The
 JB> Giant), Charles Gray (The Dancing Dwarf), and Sheryl Lee (Laura
 JB> Palmer/Madeline Furguson).

Actually, the Dancing Dwarf (the Man from Everywhere) was played by
Michael Anderson.  I know this for sure because he was in an X-Files
episode, not to mention John Kahane confirmed it with his list.

 FS> Of course, for all I know these episode titles could be totally bogus.
 FS> The guy who I got them from is a total flake, but they seem to match
 FS> what the episodes were about.

 JB> I don't seem to remember there being episode titles...

Seems to be a bogus list.

 FS> Next question is, did season one end after Cooper got shot?

 JB> No... 

John Kahane says yes.  Or were you just kidding?

 FS> More comments...  I've heard comments that after the Laura Palmer
 FS> mystery was "solved" (such as it is) people say that it went downhill
 FS> and just got plain wierd.  I have to say that I was a little let down
 FS> by the first few episodes after it, but they were still enjoyable and I
 FS> got "re-interested" again quite soon.

 JB> I thought it nosedived right into imcomprehensibility, but stayed
 JB> with it all the way.

Well, it didn't make all that much sense before then, so I really can't
agree with that.  I liked almost the entire series.

 FS> I hope to record them when TP comes around again on Bravo.

 JB> Me too, now that you got me interested again.  

Heh heh!  Dunno when it will be on again.  They're doing Brooklyn Bridge
right now, and will probably follow it with Max Headroom again (all 14
hours...).  Hopefully they'll show TP again after that.

I'd copy my tapes for ya, but I only have one VCR...


___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Silver Xpress Mail System 5.3W1G
 * Origin: Bailey Info Exchange : 303-674-0147 (1:104/825)

 Msg  : 84 of 384
 From : FRANK SWARBRICK                     1:104/825       .˙ņ 26 .ąé 95 02:22
 To   : ALL
 Subj : fake Twin Peaks ep list
OK, the original list I got had the two hour episodes listed as two
separate episodes (ie, "Wrapped In Plastic (I)" and "Wrapped In Plastic
(II)", as well as saying that both "Bite The Bullet" and "One Stone At
A Time" were both two parts.  Still, it worked pretty well, except that
when I reconcile it I can only manage to get 6 one hour episodes in
season one, when in fact there were seven.  And there's an extra one in
season two, but I can't figure out which one.  Unfortunately I deleted
the original info when I make my list.  It could be that OSAAT was
the episode where Cooper got shot, except that doesn't make sense title-
wise.  Not to mention that it would mean I missed TSDoLP, and I know
for a fact that I saw the first episode with the secret diary.  (I
missed the first one hour episode of the second season, which ever one
that was...)

The notes after the asterisks are just notes to me so I can make sure to
record them because I missed them the first time around.

All in all, interesting titles, if rather uncreative toward the end.

Remember--these titles seem to be totally *fake*, unless I can get someone
else to verify them!  :-)

Twin Peaks - Season One
Ep.#  Episode Title
====  ================================
  1.  "Wrapped In Plastic" (2 hours)
  2.  "Jacoby & Heart"
  3.  "The Dream of the Red Drapes"
  4.  "Funeral For Laura"
  5.  "One Armed Man & Veternarian"
  6.  "The Log Speaks Yet Waldo Dies"
  7.  "Bite The Bullet"

Twin Peaks - Season Two
Ep.#  Episode Title
====  ================================
  8.  "One Stone At A Time" (2 hours)
  9.  "You And I" * need to record
 10.  "The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer"
 11.  "Audrey Kidnapped"
 12.  "Rescue Of Audrey"
 13.  "Mike"
 14.  "Bob Revealed" * need to re-record?
 15.  "Maddy"
 16.  "Expulsion"
 17.  "Disappearance" * need to record!
 18.  "Dennis/Denise"
 19.  "Return" * need to record!
 20.  "Capture Of Renault"
 21.  "Windom Earle"
 22.  "Evelyn"
 23.  "Josie"
 24.  "The Box"
 25.  "The Symbol"
 26.  "The Petrocliff"
 27.  "Return Of Bob"
 28.  "Revenge"
 29.  "Possession of Cooper" (Part I)
 30.  "Possession of Cooper" (Part II)

 n/a  "Twin Peaks:  Fire Walk With Me" (2 hour movie)

Just for a little more perspective, "Expulsion" seems to be the episode
where they find out Leland (as Bob!) killed Laura, and he (Leland) dies.
The next one, where Major Briggs disappears, is of course "Disapearance,"
and from there on they're fairly obvious.  ("Josie" is where Josie dies,
etc.)  The final one makes sense as "Possession of Cooper," but I don't
know why he called the one before that "part 1" of it.


... The Truth Is Out There -- The X-Files
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Silver Xpress Mail System 5.3W1G
 * Origin: Bailey Info Exchange : 303-674-0147 (1:104/825)

 Msg  : 85 of 384
 From : FRANK SWARBRICK                     1:104/825       .˙ņ 26 .ąé 95 02:58
 Subj : Kosh's Karaoke machine



... No one can hear when you're Screaming in Digital!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Silver Xpress Mail System 5.3W1G
 * Origin: Bailey Info Exchange : 303-674-0147 (1:104/825)

 Msg  : 86 of 384
 From : FRANK SWARBRICK                     1:104/825       .˙ņ 26 .ąé 95 19:10
 Subj : VR.5
On 05-21-95  14:10 Skip Shayotovich, the little pine weasel, said:

 SS> = A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, Frank said: =

 FS> I'm curious to know if anyone out there (besides me) actually liked
 FS> VR.5...

 SS> I do... a lot actually, but I can see how it would be difficult
 SS> for someone who hasn't been watching it from the start to jump in and
 SS> watch any of the episodes.

Alas, 'tis been cancelled.

 FS> Anyway!  I very much hope FOX gives the show another chance, even if
 FS> it's their lowest rated one.  I hear that the new Morgan/Wong
 FS> (ex-X-Files producers) show Space is going to lead in for The X-Files
 FS> in the fall, so that's discouraging where VR.5 is concerned.

 SS> Really? I hadn't heard that... what's SPACE about, do you know?
 SS> If Fox does cancel it, I at least hope they don't leave us hanging
 SS> without a closure episode.

Found out that Space is going to be on Sunday nights at 7:00pm (6:00
central/mtn).  The storyline seems to be thus...

A group of first year military cadets are thrust to the frontline of an
interstellar war when a previously unknown alien race attacks the
Earth and destroys it's elite fighting squad.  Sounds pretty good!  I've
also seen it refered to as "Top Gun in space," but that's a little shallow.

I wonder how far the show has been planned out.  Hopefully they've
planned out in advance like Babylon 5 (well, maybe not five years in
advance, but...) so they have a story "goal" to work toward.  I'm looking
forward to it, even if the time slot sucks.  I stopped watching Earth 2
in part because it was in that time slot.


... No one can hear when you're Screaming in Digital!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Silver Xpress Mail System 5.3W1G
 * Origin: Bailey Info Exchange : 303-674-0147 (1:104/825)

 Msg  : 87 of 384
 From : Arsenal                             1:362/708       .˙ņ 26 .ąé 95 21:20
 To   : Joel Jessup
 Subj : SeaQuest DSV
.REALNAME: James Ward
       In the mess of my work and my life I caught a line...
I will post you if I hear anything about the loss of the SeaQuest Crew.
Question: do you know any info sooner than other than us Viewers?
Cause I for one would like to know the happenings before all else.
(am the next to last to hear the facts, just rumbleings)
BTW thanks for the Dagwood point (Blanking at post times is a pain!)

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The Inner Circle: Cleveland TN, (615) 479-3686 (1:362/708)

 Msg  : 88 of 384
 From : Bruce Baugh                         1:105/290.50    .˙ņ 26 .ąé 95 23:30
 Subj : Movie: Miracle Mile
On (23 May 95) FRANK SWARBRICK wrote to BRUCE BAUGH...

 FS> Thanks for the info. From what I remember from the writeups
 FS> when it first came out Jacob's Ladder sounds like a must. I may
 FS> try most of the others, but Swing Kids? You must be kidding. Of
 FS> course, I haven't seen it, but I've heard terrible things about
 FS> it. Are you actually serious about it? (No offense.)

No offense taken. I think it's glorious - one of the best films
about Nazi German culture I've ever seen. Gorgeously produced,
excellent soundtrack by James Horner, rich and satisfying story.
Kenneth Branagh has an oustanding part as a Gestapo agent whose
motives are all too comprehensible, and by no means entirely
villainous (which, IMHO, sharpens and humanizes the evil). Initially
small differences add up as the story goes along. The final shot is
a wee tad campy, but the scene surrounding it is finely tragic.

... The refrigerator light DOES go out. Now let me out of here.

--- PPoint 1.92
 * Origin: Bruce's Cleverly Named Point (1:105/290.50)

 Msg  : 89 of 384
 From : Debra Milner                        1:112/285       .˙ņ 26 .ąé 95 23:33
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : X-Files Finale

 >      Jack Butler

 >      PS  I think I know how Mulder got out of the buried
 > refrigeration car.

 Please fill me in....

We went to get a new living room set tonight, and the VCR didn't tape as it was
supposed to...(of course, the fact that I forgot to set it could have been one

How DID Mulder get out of that car?

--- GEcho 1.00
 * Origin: Wolverine's Asylum, past the boonies in Macclenny, FL (1:112/285)

 Msg  : 90 of 384
 From : Debra Milner                        1:112/285       .˙ņ 26 .ąé 95 23:39
 To   : Dana Zendell
 Subj : Help on X-Files Finale

 > Hi everyone,

 > I missed the final episode of the X-Files as well as the highlights
 > which aired right before the show.  Would anybody be willing to send
 > me
 > a copy of those 2 hours of X-Files?  I would really appreciate it.
 > From what I have heard, it sounded like it was very good finale.  And
 > if
 > needed I could send a videotape to copy it on.

I have both on tape, and tell you what, I'll be more than happy to send you a
copy, if you can send me your address...BTW, did you by any chance get tonight's
(part 2) episode on tape?  Guess what dummy forgot to set the VCR tonight...

--- GEcho 1.00
 * Origin: Wolverine's Asylum, past the boonies in Macclenny, FL (1:112/285)

 Msg  : 91 of 384
 From : Jim Cushing                         1:123/75        .óį 27 .ąé 95 01:33
 To   : Gary Warren


 GW> By GARY L. WARREN (aka "glw")

 GW> After we were firmly, but not happily, seated, we suffered
 GW> through the introductory music video (isn't ANYBODY who is vaguely
 GW> familiar with classical music, late 1970's rock or WAYNE'S WORLD
 GW> besides me tired of hearing Queen's version of "Bohemian Rhapsody" for
 GW> the 97th time?).

 Actually no! Queen is still one of my favorite groups.

 GW> Then we concentrated a bit more on Arnold's humourlessly spoken
 GW> (to everyone but himself)

 Having been to a con where Arnold was one of the guest speakers I can
 sympathize with you.


 GW> flag!:::]

 GW> Since Colm Meany (Miles O'Brien on DS9) has a contract
 GW> allowing him to include his outside movie roles with his regular DS9
 GW> appearances, his stay on that series is assured for several years.

 Colm has also stated that one of his main reasons for staying on DS9 is
 that he gets a steady paycheck something most actors don't receive.

 GW> °       The subplot of Quark's nephew Nog's application to
 GW> Starfleet will surface again in the DS9 episode "Facets."

 I've heard that O'brien will be "assisting" Nog with application and
 training for the academy.

 GW> °       DS9's Benjamin Sisco (Avery Brooks) will be promoted
 GW> to captain at the end of this season.

 About time!

 GW> °       Even though Robert McNeil's Tom Paris on VOYAGER and
 GW> his earlier TNG Nick Lacarno from "The First Duty" have identical
 GW> semi-bad guy character backgrounds, the Lacarno character was rewritten
 GW> into Paris in order for Paramount to avoid paying the scripter(s) of
 GW> "The First Duty" residuals for each VOYAGER episode involving Lacarno.
 GW> (And we thought Paramount dishonestly credited or underpaid its TREK
 GW> franchise scriptwriters--AHEM!!)

 Paramount is a business of making money while "trying" to give its viewers
 "quality" programs.

 GW> ° To avoid an R-rating for STAR TREK VI:
 GW> THE UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY, the Klingon blood bubbles were Pepto
 GW> Bismol-coloured.  "Purple blood," commented Arnold, "is considered
 GW> less violent than RED blood!"

 Blood is blood no matter what the color it is. They still showed the
 violence. Changing the color of blood because purple is less violent
 than red blood is stupid. If anything they should have "cut" back on the
 graphic violence while keeping the red blood.

 GW> As usual, Shatner didn't sign autographs,

 I know he has a signature contract with QVC but that is ridiculous! The
 man gets paid $25,000 for a weekend show plus first class airline tickets
 plus over $100.00 per day for food and he can't take time out to sign

 GW> °       Despite Paramount's monetary concerns, it always
 GW> builds a new Enterprise bridge for each movie.

 If Shatner said that he is either a liar or he dosen't read the books
 his collaborators wrote for him. In his Movie Memories book he clearly stated
 that all through the series and movies Paramount either remade, refurbished
 or upgraded the current sets.

 GW> °       The horseback-riding scene with Patrick Stewart in
 GW> GENERATIONS took two days to shoot, where it was up to Shatner to
 GW> teach Stewart how to ride AND to wear panty-hose *inside* his pants.

 Stewart knew how to ride! Stewart was not prolific horseman like Shatner.

 GW> °       His new STAR TREK novel, ASHES OF EDEN, is part of a
 GW> planned trilogy.

 Did he also state that 80% of the book was written by Gar and Judith

 GW> He also added that VOYAGER and DS9 producer Rick Berman may consider his
 GW> screenplay for ASHES as part of another TREK film, which would inevitably
 GW> result in Captain James T. Kirk's "resurrection" for at least this
 GW> supposed movie.

 I hope not after all Shatner last idea(ST5 In search of "God")was a flop!
 Besides "He's dead Bill" and I hope he stays that way.

 GW> While USA Network has canceled TEKWAR, a Canadian network is considering
 GW> producing more episodes.

 At times I enjoyed TEKWAR and I hope a Canadian network will produce more!

 GW> °       Shatner said he believes VOYAGER is "more in line"
 GW> with the exploratory premise of the Original Series than DS9, even
 GW> though he admitted seeing only "Caretaker," VOYAGER's two-hour debut.

 How would he know? He has admitted that he has never watched TNG or DS9 so
 how can he make a statement like that plus he only saw the debut episode
 of Voyager.

 GW> °       Among his most degrading entertainment assignments,
 GW> Shatner listed his role in the 1970's KINGDOM OF THE SPIDERS and his
 GW> late 1960's rendition of "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds." He explained,
 GW> however, that the original cut included his reading from "Man from La
 GW> Mancha" intercut with his "interpretation" of the Beatles hit in order
 GW> to provide a sort of literary contrast of the times.  The purpose of
 GW> the release containing only "Lucy" was "to DEGRADE me!" Shatner
 GW> exclaimed. °

 Hey the man needed work! Plus he had been through a bitter divorce with
 his first wife which pratically left him pennyless and living out of his
 pickup truck.(he stated that on an interview with Howard Stern)

 GW> Shatner included "The City on the Edge of Forever" (which he labeled
 GW> "The City on the Edge of the River") and "The Trouble with Tribbles"
 GW> were his favorite Original Series episodes.  He also mused that the
 GW> show's finale "Turnabout Intruder" ("where a woman entered MY body!")
 GW> was one of his most unforgettable TOS shows.

 Bill must be suffering from memory loss. When I last saw him at a convention
 he stated that his favorite was "The devil in the dark"(the Horta episode)
 because his father died either just before filming began or while they were
 filming the episode.

 GW> Since we had our fill of Shatner and parking and seating
 GW> hassles, Teri and I didn't bother to stay for the rescheduled blooper
 GW> reel. If I was teaching at Teri's school where she works, I'd stamp a
 GW> fat D-plus (D+) for the convention's grade, with the only saving graces
 GW> being the informational bits and Shatner's appearance.  If I were to
 GW> repeat my oath from last year not to attend another Creation
 GW> convention, I'd gladly do so with crossed fingers. But I'd ALSO add the
 GW> caveat that Creation needs to come up with another convention site with
 GW> better parking and audience seating AND a convention host with a
 GW> tumbleweed's inkling about handicapped accessibility issues.

 Good idea!

... I am Bjorn Borg.  Stop making fun of my name, dangit!
--- Blue Wave/RA v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin:  Weyr Galifrey - Memphis, TN  +1.901.685.0017 (1:123/75)

 Msg  : 92 of 384
 From : Jim Cushing                         1:123/75        .óį 27 .ąé 95 01:33
 To   : Phill Ash
 Subj : Re: SeaQuest Survives

 PA> Phill Ash nasally exhaled his coffee upon hearing this:

 >Did you hear?! Next year it will be on Wendsdays! Nothing to compete
 >with it, And nothing to preempt it with.

 PA> Wednesday in what time slot?

 8:00 ET

 PA> Will it be competing with Babylon5?

 Who knows! If one of your local stations telecast B-5 on Wednesday's at
 8:00 then yes it will compete in your local station area not nation wide.



 PA> Possibly Sliders?

 Sliders is not on FOX's fall lineup but it hasn't been cancelled and may
 return as a mid season replacement somewhere in FOX's lineup. Not necessarily
 on Wednesday nights.

 PA> Or will they do the smart thing and put it in Quantum Leap's
 PA> old timeslot (10 est)?

 What is so smart about that time slot?

... Captain, there be mail here!
--- Blue Wave/RA v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin:  Weyr Galifrey - Memphis, TN  +1.901.685.0017 (1:123/75)

 Msg  : 93 of 384
 From : Jim Cushing                         1:123/75        .óį 27 .ąé 95 01:33
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : Re: Highlander, The Series

 JB> Quoth Marc Zingarelli, "Nevermore".

 MZ> I'm just waiting to see if he'll be in the season next year since he's
 MZ> been  banished from europe.

 JB> Not only will Richie be back next season, but so will Methos and
 JB> Amanda.
 JB> I cannot wait for the finale.  The final fight with Kallas was
 JB> filmed on the *real* Eiffel Tower.  I wonder how they turned that
 JB> little trick...
 JB> Jack Butler
 JB> Highlander Guru

 Friday's Entertainment Tonight did a segment on the season finale. The actors
 involved stated it was very dangerous especially the dance sequence with
 Amanda and Duncan's final encounter with Kalas.

... I am Ernest Angley of Borg. Prepare to be HHHEEEEAAAALLLEEEDDD!
--- Blue Wave/RA v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin:  Weyr Galifrey - Memphis, TN  +1.901.685.0017 (1:123/75)

 Msg  : 94 of 384
 From : Jim Cushing                         1:123/75        .óį 27 .ąé 95 01:33
 To   : Starwolf
 Subj : Re: Scope?

 TH>Kubrick brought his vision to the screen and Clarke novelized the

 St> Not quite.  Clarke wrote THE SENTINEL short story which gave rise to
 St> the idea of a film and then wrote 2001 and the film followed.  Proof?

 I have proof read Clarke introduction to the latest edition of 2001 in
 it he states that The Sentinel did not give rise to the idea for the film.
 Mow read the intro to 2010 in it Clarke stated that the book and movie 2001
 were made simultaneously. Clarke worked hand in hand with Kubrick. Feeback
 was given freely among them. The movie was released first followed a few months
 later by the book.

 St> In the book, the Discovery goes to Saturn, but in the film they go to
 St> Jupiter.  Why?  When they started the film they found out the effects
 St> technology of the time wasn't up to a convincing Saturn and they had
 St> to rewrite the story to have it take place around Jupiter instead.

 Kubrick rewrote the screenplay changing Saturn to Jupiter. Clarke elected
 to keep Saturn as the focal point in the book.

 St> Sure, the STAR WARS trilogy were razzle-dazzle fun, but they lacked the
 St> palpable depth of 2001.


... Prune juice:  The drink of warriors everywhere!
--- Blue Wave/RA v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin:  Weyr Galifrey - Memphis, TN  +1.901.685.0017 (1:123/75)

 Msg  : 95 of 384
 From : Karmin St.jean                      1:321/309       .óį 27 .ąé 95 08:57
 To   : Dave Whittier
 > Does the Vulcan Neck Pinch work by email?  Or by post?  Get the
 > picture?
 > These people want you to send money all over the country on the
 > promise
 > that IF everyone else does it, you'll be rich.  How do you "beat the
 > living daylights" out of a post office box?  It's not just a dumb
 > idea,
 > it's against the law.

Against the law? So is mail fraud. BTW, it's NOT against the law to give their
PO Box # to ALL the junk mail senders in the world. :) (heheh)

Also, NO! The VNP does NOT work by email or post. You have to FAX it. (heheh)

--- FLAME v1.1
 * Origin: Final Approach BBS - Spfld, MA (413)783-5853 (1:321/309)

 Msg  : 96 of 384
 From : Kay Shapero                         1:102/524       .óį 27 .ąé 95 17:38
 To   : Frank Glover
 Subj : Re: The Lost Lines of Kirk
On , Frank Glover (1:2613/477) wrote to Kay Shapero:

 FG>   ...Which are often the last two words on cockpit voice
 FG>recorders before the sound of impact. I suspect the writers knew

So did I.  Which is what made it so entertaining; one more sign of Data's

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 97 of 384
 From : Patrick Thoms                       1:229/510       .óį 27 .ąé 95 19:24
 To   : All
 Subj : what's in a name?
Can anyone tell me that name of that 3rd Highlander movie? I've seen two
different versions and am not sure which one is the real one.
Highlander: The Sorcerer
Highlander: The Final Dimension.
 ž OLX 2.1 TD ž Is it Immortal, or is it a Highlander.
--- FidoPCB v1.4 [ff238/x]
 * Origin: OnLine Now  Thunder Bay  ON, Canada (807)-345-1531 (1:229/510)

 Msg  : 98 of 384
 From : Todd Sullivan                       1:363/60        .óį 27 .ąé 95 19:44
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : Stuff of TP, etc
.TID: FastEcho 1.41/g 10118

JB > Quoth Todd Sullivan, "Nevermore".
JB > TS> "MacGyver in the Old West" AKA "Legend".  Never watched it, but I
JB > TS> thought John DeLancie saying "Engage!" in one of the promos was a
JB > TS> hoot, along with the various "anachronisms" that made their
JB > TS> appearances, ie. that hang glider.

JB >     Haven't actually seen it yet, though I have been
JB >planning to.

Just with myself, it's your own fault :)
 * Origin: Fell From The Trap Door (407)382-2955 (1:363/60)

 Msg  : 99 of 384
 From : Brian Stoll                         1:260/801       .óį 27 .ąé 95 19:47
 To   : Mark Jones
.TID: FastEcho 1.41/g 7785
You mention a couple of possible outcomes, to the sliders season finale.
Too bad none of them are even remotely going to happen since they
cancelled it. Oh well, we will just have to find another show to enjoy
and watch it go away too.

... I used up all my sick days, so I'm calling in dead!!!
--- Blue Wave/RA v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin: The Barracks Rat BBS ][ *ZyXEL 19.2* Pine Valley, Ny (1:260/801)

 Msg  : 100 of 384
 From : Todd Sullivan                       1:363/60        .óį 27 .ąé 95 19:51
 To   : Joel Jessup
 Subj : SeaQuest DSV 5/21/95
.TID: FastEcho 1.41/g 10118
* In a message originally to Arsenal, Joel Jessup said:

JJ > A> Lucus,Darwin is What his name(blank) are on a raft
JJ >Dagwood's the name
JJ > A> I heard from the ups that some of the crew won't be returning.
JJ > A> heard that Bridger is being reasigned and only
JJ > A> returning once in a while..
JJ > A> anyone heard any thing to the truth?
JJ >I haven't heard, but will post if I do...

LAst word was that SeaQuest's been renewed, but nothing more. They're going to
have to top (and explain how EVERYone survives :) ) the cliffhanger they gave
On the bright side, there's plenty of opportunity to catch what we missed this
 * Origin: Fell From The Trap Door (407)382-2955 (1:363/60)

 Msg  : 101 of 384
 From : Todd Sullivan                       1:363/60        .óį 27 .ąé 95 19:58
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : B5 COMIC
.TID: FastEcho 1.41/g 10118
* In a message originally to All, Frank Eva said:

FE >According to the letters column in issue #5, DC Comics will
FE >be rotating
FE >teams of artists/writers. So, even though the current look
FE >has improved,
FE >there is no guarantee this same team will continue to
FE >produce the B5
FE >comic...

It seems (from similar changes at Marvel) that they're rotating the teams to
keep them from burning out, and to get a fresh look, ala' the long run John
Byrne had on Superman, Batman, and Marvel's X-Men and Avengers.  A different
look can do wonders, and saves the pencillers and inkers and writers from the
loony bin.
 * Origin: Fell From The Trap Door (407)382-2955 (1:363/60)

 Msg  : 102 of 384
 From : Todd Sullivan                       1:363/60        .óį 27 .ąé 95 20:03
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : BEST SF
.TID: FastEcho 1.41/g 10118
* In a message originally to Scott Gates, Frank Eva said:

FE >SG "FE=>        Read Harlan Ellison's comments in the latest
FE >issue of
FE >SG "FE=>Sci-Fi Universe for his views on Star Trek (not that
FE >he is the
FE >SG "FE=>only authority who really counts, mind you...) They
FE >are truly
FE >SG "FE=>eye-opening! Even though he is a 'conceptual
FE >consultant' on B5,
FE >SG "FE=>he has some complaints about that show, too!
FE >SG "Harlan's problem with B5 is he doesn't get his way 110%
FE >of the time.
FE >SG "(the extra 10% comes when he does get his way, was
FE >wrong, and will
FE >SG "blame someone else.

FE >He did sound like a whiny baby in the SFU interview...

Harlan's been that way before all of us made our collective debut. I find his
general behavior amusing (looking at a child, I suppose), but he makes some good
points, especially if you've read "The Glass Teat" and "The Other Glass Teat".
Hmmmm, now there's an idea:  A B-5 version of TGT.  I wonder how long that would
 * Origin: Fell From The Trap Door (407)382-2955 (1:363/60)

 Msg  : 103 of 384
 From : Todd Sullivan                       1:363/60        .óį 27 .ąé 95 20:06
 To   : Rumble
 Subj : SeaQuest
.TID: FastEcho 1.41/g 10118
* In a message originally to John Kahane, Rumble said:

RR >Piccalo is obiously seaQuest's Quark. I think he's
RR >hilarious. I wonder waht the plots will be like next year. I
RR >think they need a mix. Some science plots to keep the scince
RR >fiction aspect up and some fantasy/action plots to keep
RR >another part of the audience. You have to admit that
RR >seaQuest has more action than any other sci-fi show.

Mostly because SQ is postulating that even though we might actually get a world
gov't that everyone accepts, it can't control everything, ie. the outlaw
whalers, that sleazeball general and his buddy that put Brody's mom on ice, etc.
Sorta like the US and its problems with its various agencies.
 * Origin: Fell From The Trap Door (407)382-2955 (1:363/60)

 Msg  : 104 of 384
 From : Todd Sullivan                       1:363/60        .óį 27 .ąé 95 20:07
 To   : Rumble
.TID: FastEcho 1.41/g 10118
* In a message originally to Robert Lidgren, Rumble said:

RR >didint you hear? seaQuest was moved to wednsdays at eight.
RR >Besides 90210 ll the networks pulled their "powerhouse"
RR >shows from that time slot. They must be afraid of seaQuest
RR >or something.

More likely they don't want to kill NBC's chances of having a time slot of its
own.....Sorry, lost my mind for a second. :)
 * Origin: Fell From The Trap Door (407)382-2955 (1:363/60)

 Msg  : 105 of 384
 From : Todd Sullivan                       1:363/60        .óį 27 .ąé 95 20:11
 To   : Rumble
 Subj : Re: SeaQuest Survives
.TID: FastEcho 1.41/g 10118
* In a message originally to Steven Wesen, Rumble said:

RR >Remeber the explosion on the alien ship was in the middle.
RR >They were on the outside, so they may survive. I know that
RR >some of them are goind to plus the seaQuest can reapare a
RR >hole in itself. It has bioginetic skin or something.

Perhaps, but that "hole" was half SeaQuest's beam across.  You might be right,
but SQ's going to need one hell of a rebuild...just similar enough to when they
scuttled SQ #1 to get your attention.
Kinda makes you wonder how they'll permanently kill her.  Overload the reastors
and set off the nukes?  No, that's been done THIS season...or will be in the
next's finale.
 * Origin: Fell From The Trap Door (407)382-2955 (1:363/60)

 Msg  : 106 of 384
 From : Todd Sullivan                       1:363/60        .óį 27 .ąé 95 20:14
 To   : Jeff Kovach
 Subj : Sliders Continuity
.TID: FastEcho 1.41/g 10118
* In a message originally to Jack Butler, Jeff Kovach said:

JK >On 20 May 95  05:56:01 Jack Butler wrote...

JK >JB>      Heard the word through Entertainment Weekly's show.  Sliders has
JK >JB> been picked up for next season, and Jerry O'Connell is *still* going
JK >JB> to be a regular.      So yes, Quinn gets shot, but no, Quinn doesn't
JK >JB> die.

JK >To which Jeff Kovach replies...

JK >Seeing that FOX announced that they cancelled the show, is
JK >it possible that
JK >someone else picked it up or that it might go into
JK >syndication?

Syndication?  Not likely, as it has to run for 3 years (I think) before any show
can be syndicated.
Before you mention it, ST:TNG _was_ released in syndication, but that was after
20 years of re-runs, which were in syndication, and Roddenberry's reputation,
which was still solid after the aforementioned 20 yrs.
 * Origin: Fell From The Trap Door (407)382-2955 (1:363/60)

 Msg  : 107 of 384
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .óį 27 .ąé 95 21:49
 To   : ALL
Earth 2 is CANCELLED.  Didn't like that decsion at all.  Now Sliders has been
cancelled!  Two series with great promis have been zapped while SeaQuest DSV
has been retained.  Evil demons just might exist based on the facts above.

Hey, by the way, do letters from fans make ANY DIFFERENCE AT ALL at this point
in time???  I'd be interested in input from ANYONE on this.

I wonder if Babylon 5, ST Voyager, ST Deep Space 9 and X-Files will now be
cancelled too so the networks can bring back "Lost in Space:  The 90's
edition":  AAARRRRGhhhhhhhh!!!

Is there any GOOD NEWS out there???
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 108 of 384
 From : Myranya Werlemann                   2:283/1701      .ņp 30 .ąé 95 08:37
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : Directorial Trademarks

 -=> Quoting Jack Butler to Myranya Werlemann <=-

 MW> I can see how you can include 'See you next Wednesday' in a movie,
 MW> but "Klaatu Beratis Nikto"??? What movie(s) is that from???
 MW> I'm not that good when it comes to who directs what...
 JB> Its originally a line from "The Day The Earth Stood Still".
 JB> (It's the command given to Gort the robot.)

 Doesn't 'directorial trademark' means it's included in all the movies
 from that director, though? How in the big wide world is he gonna
 put that line in all the movies???? I mean, the numbers, okay. 'See
 you next Wednesday', harder, but it'll work. "K. B. N." -?!? Or
 does he have the robot as a directorial trademark, too? 



... "If you let it, it'll almost fly itself."
--- Blue Wave/RA v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin: EMICLAER BBS +31-33-553286 (2:283/1701)

 Msg  : 109 of 384
 From : VINCENT MCCONNELL                   1:2601/574      .óį 20 .ąé 95 07:15
 Subj : Re: what's in a name?

 -=> Quoting Patrick Thoms to All <=-

 PT> Can anyone tell me that name of that 3rd Highlander movie? I've seen
 PT> two different versions and am not sure which one is the real one.
 PT> Highlander: The Sorcerer
 PT> &
 PT> Highlander: The Final Dimension.

In the States it's the latter, elsewhere, the former.

... "Could you continue your petty bickering? I find it most intriguing."
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- GOMail v2.0v5 Beta [94-0191]
 * Origin: Image Gallery, 28.8, Internet, Adult and more! (1:2601/574)

 Msg  : 110 of 384
 From : Brian Henderson                     1:207/241       .óį 20 .ąé 95 15:32
 To   : Richard Yamagata
 Subj : B5 Ripoff: Ds9
Richard Yamagata wrote about B5 Ripoff: Ds9

RY> I usually only quote 5 lines per post, but this needed setting up.
RY> In defense of Robyn, I have to agree with her about B5.  It does
RY> take an investment of time to follow it and the plotlines do not end
RY> neatly.

I'm not saying that Robyn was wrong.  I said that B5 *WAS* an investment of
time and that is what I like about it.  The plotlines *WILL* end neatly at the
end of the series, I assume, but you do have to spend some time thinking about
the show.  That is one of it's best qualities.

You said at the end that "unfortunately, B5 is not like Star Trek".  There is
nothing unfortunate about it.  It is not supposed to be like Star Trek, and if
it was, I certainly wouldn't watch it.

... "Babylon 5 was a dream given form..." B5

 X RM 1.3  X Eval Day -25 X

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The Belching Dragon Inn & Tavern (1:207/241)

 Msg  : 111 of 384
 From : Brian Henderson                     1:207/241       .óį 20 .ąé 95 15:36
 To   : Frank Swarbrick
 Subj : B5 Ripoff: Ds9
Frank Swarbrick wrote about B5 Ripoff: Ds9

FS> Actually, the Shadow attack on the Narn vessel in the openning
FS> credits is from "Revelations," the second episode of the second
FS> season.

  You're right.  Whoops.

... "This is starting to sound like a really BAD Trek episode."

 X RM 1.3  X Eval Day -25 X

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The Belching Dragon Inn & Tavern (1:207/241)

 Msg  : 112 of 384
 From : Brian Henderson                     1:207/241       .óį 20 .ąé 95 15:37
 To   : Richard Yamagata
 Subj : B5 Vs St
Richard Yamagata wrote about B5 Vs St

RY> Brian, you have really hit the nail on the head.  I just kept
RY> watching IN THE SHADOW OF Z'HA DUM over and over trying to get more
RY> out of it.  Watching the coming attraction for the next episode,
RY> KNIVES, it just forces you to watch the next episode to find out if
RY> there was a price for the actions Sheridan took in the present
RY> episode!

Absolutely.  I think I've seen most of the heavy arc episodes at least 5-6
times now.  You just have to keep going back and picking up the clues in light
of new information.  My next episode will be "Deathwalker" to try to piece
together the Kosh/Talia angle.

RY> Another astute observation, the world of "downunder" is so
RY> un-Utopian and so realistic -- that is part of the magic of B5!!!

B5 *HAS* magic.  It makes you look forward to the next episode.  I can't say
that in all the years I watched Star Trek, even TOS, I ever cared what
happened the next week, simply because it was so disjointed from the action of
this week.  So what?  B5 is a show that appeals to fans of written sci-fi.
Star Trek, apparently, is for those who have very short attention spans and
the inability to commit to a long-term relationship, at least in entertainment

... A bad episode of B5 is better than ANY TNG/DSN episode!

 X RM 1.3  X Eval Day -25 X

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The Belching Dragon Inn & Tavern (1:207/241)

 Msg  : 113 of 384
 From : Brian Henderson                     1:207/241       .óį 20 .ąé 95 15:41
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Old Vs New
Frank Eva wrote about Old Vs New

FE> I wish I could be like you... I recently watched an episode of UFO
FE> (the series by Gerry Anderson that he did right before Space 1999)
FE> on the Sci-Fi Channel, and it was so dated, I just thought it was
FE> stupid...

But I *LIKE* stupid movies as well as the old 30s serials.  In fact, I have
dozens of them on tape... Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon, Radar Men on the Moon,
etc.  It's an acquired taste, certainly, but one worth cultivating IMO.

... "I though you said your dog didn't bite."  "That's *not* MY dog!"

 X RM 1.3  X Eval Day -25 X

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The Belching Dragon Inn & Tavern (1:207/241)

 Msg  : 114 of 384
 From : VINCENT MCCONNELL                   1:2601/574      .óį 20 .ąé 95 21:53
 To   : ALL
 Subj : Sliders
I really wish the execs/writers at SLIDERS would start reconsidering their
plots and tackling some of the more interesting aspects of world-hopping.
They have one of the biggest potentials of any show to date, but they've
been wasting it (for the most part) on very trivial and minute things.

I like the show.  But it could do so much more.   The pilot, "Woman World",
and the Finale are the only three that really come close to how great the
show could be.  "Hippie World", "Slider is Elvis World", etc, may be mildly
entertaining, but mildly entertaining shows don't last a long time on the
most part.  The ones that survive are usually the memorable ones...

... AD&D Lesson #126 - Don't play fetch the stick with Cerebus.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- GOMail v2.0v5 Beta [94-0191]
 * Origin: Image Gallery, 28.8, Internet, Adult and more! (1:2601/574)

 Msg  : 115 of 384
 From : VINCENT MCCONNELL                   1:2601/574      .cź 21 .ąé 95 13:42
--+:Tony Limbert spake thusly:+-

 TL> Ok gang! We all saw Friday's episode.... sooooooo

 TL> Does anyone else here smell GENESIS by W. A. HARBINSON?

 TL> Smallpox Vaccination... hmmm.....

 TL> [ Can you say entered another car? Buried himself under the bodies? ]

Yeah, it wasn't much of a cliffhanger as season finales go, but nevertheless
was a good episode.  I also enjoyed the trailer, "Secrets of the X-Files".

... My other vehicle is a Super Star Destroyer.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- GOMail v2.0v5 Beta [94-0191]
 * Origin: Image Gallery, 28.8, Internet, Adult and more! (1:2601/574)

 Msg  : 116 of 384
 From : Pramod Korathota                    3:712/505       .pä 24 .ąé 95 17:48
 To   : Rumble
 Subj : The New Sq Series..
Yello Rumble,

On the 18-5, Rumble rumbled something like this :)

RR> seaQuest is in BIG TROUBLE. But it has been renewed
RR> again. It will air on Wendsays here.

   Well, let's all hope that SeaQuest will pull it itself o
ut of trouble.

   Have u seen the new series (the 3rd one) yet? How waz it??
Who were the cast, like how many of the old cast is still around?
Have they thrown Bridger out and made Lucus Captain?? The way the
shows been going, it sure lookes like it eh?

   And hows the boat doing?? Is it bigger and badder? Does the
interior look any different, and how waz the scripts??

   A lotta questions, I know :). But I'm like dying to know..
BTW, you might have noticed that I really don't like the producers
attempts to make SeaQuest like 90210, or Melrose Place etc?? Well
I'd like to say that I *REALLY* don't want it to be that way.. Anyway,
to the point...would you be suprised if I said that I am 17, no joke!

   What I mean is, most of my friends from my fav BBS (who r about my
age) also do not want SeaQuest to become like 90210.. What everyone
really seems to want is proper sci-fi, don't the producers get that??

BTW, who are your favourite authors?? I like Raymod E Fiest, David
Eddings, Isaac Asimov, A C Clarke, Robert Jordan etc... :)

bye 4 now,

 X RM 1.3  X Eval Day -37 X

--- Maximus/2 2.02
 * Origin: Sydney PC Users Group Mail Exchange (3:712/505)

 Msg  : 117 of 384
 From : Dexter Fernandez                    1:203/1701      .åņ 25 .ąé 95 04:20
 To   : John Kahane
 Subj : Re: SLIDERS
"So, Kahane, we meet for the first time for the last time!"

 JK> While this is true, there's been little word on this.  JMS
 JK> recently said that they pitched the next season and other stuff to the
 JK> PTEN folks, and will hear about renewal by the end of May.

I just read in the Sacramento Bee that they killed Sliders....:(

Ah, well..it was fun while it lasted...

Curzon Dex
Moderator, Terok Nor Echo

... "Rambo, what mean...expendable?"
--- Blue Wave/TG v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin: The Itchy & Scratchy Show (916) 721-1701 (1:203/1701.0)

 Msg  : 118 of 384
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .˙ņ 26 .ąé 95 06:36
 To   : Myra I Fox
 Subj : Highlander Scedule
 Quoth Myra I Fox, "Nevermore".

 MIF> Oh, I didn't know she was definitely gone... I figured that she would
 MIF> come back into the storyline later... oh, well .

     It is beginning to look like she may actually show up for an episode
or two in the fourth season.

     BTW, the premiere of the 4th season is being directed by Adrian Paul,
and will feature several scenes which were filmed in Scotland.

 MIF> I look forward to seeing Methos again, he was quite interesting but
 MIF> he disappeared right after we "met" him.

     He'll be back, at the very least for the finale of season 3.

     Jack Butler
     Highlander Guru

... "It's about coincidence." -- Richie Ryan
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 119 of 384
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .˙ņ 26 .ąé 95 06:40
 To   : Myra I Fox
 Subj : X-Files Finale
 Quoth Myra I Fox, "Nevermore".

 MIF> And if you are interested in way out conspiracy theories he now
 MIF> moderates the MufoNet CONSPIRACY echo.

     ROFL!  Thanks, Myra, but no thanks.  I got enough to worry about with
the "real world" conspiracies (i.e., the Religious Reich and their hidden
agenda) to get involved in the really strange stuff...

 MIF> I *liked* him.  And did you notice he seemed as surprised as
 MIF> everyone else that there was Mulder wasn't in the boxcar?

     Yeah.  Makes my theory even more plausible.

 MIF> I think she is open to finding the truth both for Mulder's
 MIF> sake and because she wants to know why her name is in that
 MIF> file.

     This might be it.

 MIF> Why didn't that hacker take a few minutes and start his
 MIF> computer downloading that file to different bbs's? He could
 MIF> have started that going automatically and he still could
 MIF> have been out of there with his copy.  And just what *did*
 MIF> happen to him?  Did they mention and maybe I missed it?

     Yeah, they mentioned it.  Cancer man said "the young man who stole it"
meaning the file "has come forward."  The Hacker apparently told "Them"
(whoever *they* are...) that he gave the files to Mulder... and I don't
get the feeling that he told "Them" willingly...

 JB> PS  I think I know how Mulder got out of the buried refrigeration
 JB> car.

 MIF> I would love to hear your theory.... more than one boxcar
 MIF> connected to that one?  he's buried under the bodies?  he
 MIF> got beamed up to the mother ship?

     Heh.  I'm keeping mum (don't want to look like a fool if I turn out to
be off-base), but you are close...

     Jack Butler

... "Unless there was a neon sign saying `dig here'." -- Mulder
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 120 of 384
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .˙ņ 26 .ąé 95 06:44
 To   : Chris Carter
 Subj : Kosh's Karaoke machine
 Quoth Chris Carter, "Nevermore".

 CC> Garibaldi, wearing civvies, is followed closely by Ambassador Kosh
 CC> and Lennier into Babylon 5's baseball park.


 CC> Sheridan, looking perplexed, asks the computer to initiate batting
 CC> practice.

     You sick, sick little monkey.  

     Jack Butler

... "Don't be so happy to see me." -- Quark
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 121 of 384
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .˙ņ 26 .ąé 95 06:48
 To   : John Kahane
 Subj : Confessions et. al.
     The rat-bastards who run WOFL, FOX 35 decided that Confessions and
Lamentations was just a bit too intense, so they re-ran Knives instead.  Do
me a favor, if you will, and netmail me as detailed a synopsis of that
episode as you can, please...

     God, I hate censors...

     Jack Butler

... "Blood calls out for blood." -- Londo Molari
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 122 of 384
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .˙ņ 26 .ąé 95 08:08
 To   : Starwolf
 Subj : ST: Voyager
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.b9 8060
S "But I'm getting disenchanted with that universe.  It is really
S "getting sloppy and badly written.  In an earlier episode, Janeway
S "warned the race of monumentally ugly phage victims to lay off her
S "crew.  So, what happens?  They are at it again a couple of weeks ago.
S "What does she do?  Nothing, beyond grabbing her people and
S "hightailing it out of there.

I'm getting more and more disenchanted with STV, too, but not for the
same reasons. I simply found the last few episodes to be rehashes of
previous stories, like "Faces", which is a blatant rehash of the ST:TOS
episode "The Enemy Within". "Jetrell" was so dull and boring, it
reminded me of a public service announcement. Finally, bloated
technobabble in "Learning Curve" was countered with totally predictable
cadet indoctrination. These writers really need the summer off! :-)

--- CMPQwk 1.42-R2 #145 ---
Confuse the world... smile all day Monday!

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 2.2 Gig * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 123 of 384
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .˙ņ 26 .ąé 95 08:08
 To   : Frank Swarbrick
 Subj : B5 TALK
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.b9 8060
FS "he's not in every episode, but than neither should Mira Furlan
FS "(Delenn).  In fact, she's probably my least favorite character.

She used to be one of my favorites, before she underwent the "change"...

--- CMPQwk 1.42-R2 #145 ---
OK, I'm weird! But I'm saving up to be eccentric.

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 2.2 Gig * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 124 of 384
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .˙ņ 26 .ąé 95 08:08
 To   : Robert Lidgren
 Subj : White Dwarf
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.b9 8060
RL "Okay, Francis Ford Coppola's name is an instant draw for me.  Now I
RL "see that a TV Movie called White Dwarf is on its way.  So far I've
RL "only been able to glean
RL "tidbits about the film from the promos.  Has anyone else come across
RL "any further information they might share here??

Yeah, it was very difficult to follow, and kind of boring... He should
change his name to Crappola... :-)

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 2.2 Gig * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 125 of 384
 From : VINCENT MCCONNELL                   1:2601/574      .˙ņ 26 .ąé 95 12:11
 Subj : Sliders Continuity
--+:Jeff Kovach spake thusly:+-

 JK> Seeing that FOX announced that they cancelled the show, is it possible
 JK> that someone else picked it up or that it might go into syndication?

When'd they announce this and where?

... "Bother," said Pooh, as all the women sniffed.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- GOMail v2.0v5 Beta [94-0191]
 * Origin: Image Gallery, 28.8, Internet, Adult and more! (1:2601/574)

 Msg  : 126 of 384
 From : Karmin St.Jean                      1:321/325       .˙ņ 26 .ąé 95 17:25
 To   : Dave Whittier
 Subj : Lotterys In The Mail
Well, actually, you have to give the Vulcan Neck Pinch over a fax
machine. Beating the living daylights out of a post office box
(especially someone else's) is illegal, however it is not against the
law to give someone's post office box number to all the junk mail
senders in the world!

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/M 10
 * Origin:  (1:321/325)

 Msg  : 127 of 384
 From : Starwolf                            1:163/214       .˙ņ 26 .ąé 95 19:24
 To   : Demian Katz
 Subj : Re: Earth 2/So Long

DK>Earth 2 will be missed...  It's my second favorite sci-fi show ever,

That it had potential, there was no doubt.  But it went to the other
extreme from the usual "cosmic events resolved in one, fourty-five
minute episode" and dragged things out waayy to long.  It would have
made a terrific two-part film, two hours each, but a whole season of
this drawn-out story ... no.

 * SLMR 2.1a * "Conserve material:  wear a mini-skirt today!"

--- Maximus 2.01wb
 * Origin: Land of Ill Repute (1:163/214)

 Msg  : 128 of 384
 From : Starwolf                            1:163/214       .˙ņ 26 .ąé 95 19:30
 To   : Denis Lamy
 Subj : Purpose of ST-DSN & ST-V

DL>But when ST-DSN and ST-V start, we only get some kind of elevator music,
DL>no message, no word, nothing.

What would you say?  As far as DEEP-SIXED NINE is concerned, they're
just a customs shed for the Wormhole.  Kinda hard to give it a noble
sense of purpose.  And for VOYAGER, you'd have the problem of telling
the story, without making it sound like LOST IN SPACE all over again.
Which, come to think of it, it is.

DL> * VbReader 2.22 #67 * Tact: decrire les autres comme il se voit eux-meme.

Bien dit!

 * SLMR 2.1a * Politically Correct Zone:  no thinking allowed.

--- Maximus 2.01wb
 * Origin: Land of Ill Repute (1:163/214)

 Msg  : 129 of 384
 From : Skip Shayotovich                    1:161/42        .˙ņ 26 .ąé 95 20:22
 To   : Jeff Kovach
 = A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, Jeff said: =

 JK> Or the idiots could cancel the show, like I read in this morning's
 JK> paper.

     That's what I read too... cancelled, but not dead.  It MIGHT show
up as a mid-season replacement.  For PARTY OF FIVE no doubt (one could
only hope).

--- FLAME v1.1
 * Origin: Records Department TBBS - Pleasanton, CA (510) 426-0470 (1:161/42)

 Msg  : 130 of 384
 From : Skip Shayotovich                    1:161/42        .˙ņ 26 .ąé 95 20:23
 To   : Jack Butler
 = A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, Jack said: =

 FS> Question is now, will it be picked up in the fall?

 JB> So far, all indications are good.

     Oh ya?  Where did you read this, cause I read in my newspaper
that it, along with VR5, had been canceled.  It wasn't dead though...
it MIGHT show up a mid-season replacement.

--- FLAME v1.1
 * Origin: Records Department TBBS - Pleasanton, CA (510) 426-0470 (1:161/42)

 Msg  : 131 of 384
 From : Starwolf                            1:163/214       .óį 27 .ąé 95 00:37
 To   : Chris Carter
 Subj : B5 Baseball

CC>Garibaldi, wearing civvies, is followed closely by Ambassador Kosh
CC>and Lennier into Babylon 5's baseball park.

I wondered about that.  In the opening film, you've got the captain
commenting to Deleen that it was real tricky, what with the huge space
needed for life support and other essential functions, to have this
teeny, tiny space set aside for a Zen garden.

But they had the room to spare for a baseball diamond???

Must have been written by a baseball fan.

 * SLMR 2.1a * "Opposites attract.  Example:  LONG hair and SHORT skirt"

--- Maximus 2.01wb
 * Origin: Land of Ill Repute (1:163/214)

 Msg  : 132 of 384
 From : VINCENT MCCONNELL                   1:2601/574      .óį 27 .ąé 95 01:38
 Subj : Star Wars
--+:Mark Jones spake thusly:+-

First off, I have yet to see any official quotes from Lucas/Lucasfilm/Lucasart
saying any other date but 97 for the remakes of the old movies and "soon
thereafter" for 1-3.  This discussion is based on rumor and fan speculation
which turned into "good sources" about the new movies, and has been going
on for years now.  Lucas/Film/Arts has released several statements actually
confirming this one.

 MJ> ...because he's out of ideas.  He has no clue what to do next, and
 MJ> is "vamping" desperately, hoping to come up with something.  (People
 MJ> have been hearing this "any day now" stuff for nearly twenty years.
 MJ> It would be embarrassing to admit that the well is dry.)

If Lucas were out of ideas he would get someone to write them for him.  It's
that simple.  He has NOT been delaying these films, because there have
been no official releases before the 1998 one.  And the fact remains that
if he were out of ideas... someone else would write them.

 MJ> ...because he doesn't *want* to do it, but can't find a way to
 MJ> gracefully back out of it.  (People have been hearing this "any day
 MJ> now" stuff for nearly twenty years.  It would be embarrassing to admit
 MJ> that he just doesn't want to do it.)

If he didn't want to do them he would not.  People have been hearing BS
for years now, and until it was confirmed they never actually *expected*
anything.  If he didn't want to do them it would have been oh-so-easy
to have done just that.

 MJ> ...because keeping the hope alive helps fan the flames, selling
 MJ> videos, toys, games and whatnot to all the fans who continue to slaver
 MJ> for more; i.e., pure cynical profiteering.

The SW re-hype has been doing well enough without hope of a new movie in
1998/99.  The fact is, not many read SW Insider, and the merchandise
is just appealing in itself to a crowd.

... "Mia ayende, Aes Sedai" - Mat Cauthon
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- GOMail v2.0v5 Beta [94-0191]
 * Origin: Image Gallery, 28.8, Internet, Adult and more! (1:2601/574)

 Msg  : 133 of 384
 From : Pamela Crossett                     1:325/118       .óį 27 .ąé 95 01:51
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : Highlander

 JB> All the information I have says she is gone like Banquo.

God I hate to sound illiterate, but then I hated almost all of
Shakespeare's tragedies. So just how did Banquo disappear?

 JB>  I don't know about you, but every rushed relationship I have ever
 JB> been party to falls apart fairly quickly.

Well, perhaps I am extremely unusual but I rushed into my only two
relationships - and the first lasted over 2 1/2 years and the second is
still going on, almost 7 years now.

Of course, I will admit that the majority of "rushed relationships" do
seem to bite the dust, as statistics bear out. But statistics are only
numbers, and by their very nature they indicate that if 90% fail, then 10%
DON'T - or if they average only 3 or 4 months, then for everyone that last
one night, there are those that last 4 or 5 years.

About how long, chronologically, would you estimate Duncan and Anne's went
on (for it's abysmally short period) anyway?

 JB> talks with Sheena Easton have broken down for the forseeable future.

Well, she will be an asset when and if they get her.

 JB> As for Peter Wingfield (the gentleman who played Methos) he will be
 JB> back in the season Finale, and again next season in a kind of "Obi
 JB> Wan Kenobi" role.

I will look forward to both. He was great.

Was he ever in the series before this season's two-parter?

 JB> Speaking of, next season is Season Four, the last year of the
 JB> contract. Whether or not there will be a season five is still up in
 JB> the air.

What is "the contract" - Fox's contract w/Adrian Paul, the owners of the
Highlander concepts contract w/Fox?? What?

 JB> Also, there are supposedly "big changes" in store for the show.

Come on - give me a hint.

Actually, give me more than a hint. I want all the details. I want it all.
Can you arrange that?

Now, I just read this is one of your postings to someone else:

 JB> Not only will Richie be back next season, but so will Methos and
 JB> Amanda.

Well, obviously, then the "big changes will not be Ritchie's demise. So
What are they?

 JB> I cannot wait for the finale.  The final fight with Kallas was
 JB> filmed on the *real* Eiffel Tower.  I wonder how they turned that
 JB> little trick...

Once again you have more insider information. And you didn't explain how
you get it. Now if you want to keep your source a secret, fine. I'll try
to stop asking.

But don't stop talking to me.

I really appreciate all your input.


 This copy of Freddie 1.2.5 is being evaluated.

--- Maximus/2 2.02
 * Origin: The Ozone Layer, Williston, VT. (802) 862-5058 (1:325/118)

 Msg  : 134 of 384
 From : Tammy Blandino                      1:106/7315      .óį 27 .ąé 95 02:44
 To   : Andrew Clarke
 Subj : Re: Enterprise
While skinny dipping Andrew Clarke was talking to Kay Shapero
about Re: Enterprise.

 JH>        I think that's it, unless you want to go into the whole
 JH>_how do
 JH> people avoid walking into the holo-deck wall again?_ thing,

 KS> Hmm... maybe they DON'T avoid walking into the holo-deck
 KS> wall... and that explains most of the rest of your
 KS> questions... :->

 AC> I've always figured that the floor moved under them so they could go
 AC> as far as they wanted.  If anyone with a Tech manual is reading
 AC> this...help us out.
 AC> Andrew Clarke

 A friend of mine once said that the holodeck would have worked better
 as sphere instead of a box.  The sphere would turn as you walked giving
 the illusion of moving while staying in the same place.

... Long live Middle-age Mutant Ninja SysOps!
--- FreeMail & Blue Wave/TAG v2.12
 * Origin: The Wizard's Realm ** (713) 946-7315 ** (1:106/7315)

 Msg  : 135 of 384
 From : Tammy Blandino                      1:106/7315      .óį 27 .ąé 95 02:47
 To   : James Walton
 Subj : Re: Directorial Trademarks
While skinny dipping James Walton was talking to Jack Butler about
Re: Directorial Trademarks.

 JW> You were speaking about the "Clone Wars" from Star Wars when you
 JW> said:
 > Palpatine to overthrow the Old Republic.  I'm not sure who the
 > sides were (except that the phrases "Lords of Sith" have been associated
 > with them), but
 JW> From what I have read, there can be only one "Dark Lord of the Sith"
 JW> at a time.  During the three Star Wars movies this position was held
 JW> by Darth Vader.  (If I remember correctly, in the Star Wars
 JW> novelization that came out 2 years before the first movie, Vader was
 JW> addressed as  "My Dark Lord Vader of the Sith.")

 You know I would dearly like to see the source for this information.
 Unfortunately I don't have my copy of the books where I can grab them,
 but I seem to remember something somewhere about "Sith Lords", describing
 them as existing at the same time.

 Please let us know WHERE you read this information.

... God made whiskey to keep the Irish from ruling the world!
--- FreeMail & Blue Wave/TAG v2.12
 * Origin: The Wizard's Realm ** (713) 946-7315 ** (1:106/7315)

 Msg  : 136 of 384
 From : Tammy Blandino                      1:106/7315      .óį 27 .ąé 95 02:52
 To   : Colin Dijkgraaf
 Subj : Coen
While skinny dipping Colin Dijkgraaf was talking to Marco Catalano
about Re: Can you hear me (#4).

 MC> Please forgive my curiousity, Colin, but are you or one of your
 MC> parents Dutch? Your family-name, "Dijkgraaf", is a typical Dutch name.

 CD> Not just one parent, both parents, and I'm Dutch also, although I
 CD> wasn't born in the Netherlands but Suriname.  I did live in the
 CD> Netherlands for five years and have been back for a visit in 1990.
 CD> And just to clarify Colin isn't the name that is on my birth
 CD> certificate it is Coen, but since that can be a deragatory term in
 CD> English I was  advised by Imegration to change it.

 I find that interesting because I can't think of any derogatory term
 that they might have been thinking about in regards to the name.  Perhaps
 I am pronouncing it wrong.  How do you pronounce it?

 Frankly I think (in regards to names) that imigration has its head up
 its collective arse.

... I told her to expect you to deny everything. -- Calvin
--- FreeMail & Blue Wave/TAG v2.12
 * Origin: The Wizard's Realm ** (713) 946-7315 ** (1:106/7315)

 Msg  : 137 of 384
 From : Tammy Blandino                      1:106/7315      .óį 27 .ąé 95 03:23
 To   : Michelle Willey
While skinny dipping Michelle Willey was talking to Frank Eva about

 MW> On 17 May 95 07:36am, FRANK EVA wrote to ALL:

 FE> Is it just me, or does it seem like ST:Voyager is already seeming a bit
 FE> worn out? Doesn't it seem like ST:V is going "where everyone has gone
 FE> already"? Looks like Neelix is ST:V's answer to ST:TNG's Barclay... If
 FE> it's medical, Neelix is the one who gets it. "Jetrell" had to be easily
 FE> the most boring Star Trek episode I've ever seen. It could have been a
 FE> public service announcement against the depredations of scientists and
 FE> the weapons they help to create...

 MW> I got to admit it doesn't bother me much if I miss an episode.
 MW> However, I like the character of Neelix. He injects a bit of humor and
 MW> common sense into an otherwise unexceptional show. Likewise the doctor.
 MW> The stories themselves do seem to be same ole, same ole. --Mich

 Aw Come on guys.  It the first season, give it a break.  We know the
 team of Berman, Pillar, and Taylor can do some really wonderful stuff.
 Give 'em a chance.  Sheesh.  It seems like everytime there's a new ST
 everyone boohoo's it, but a few give it a chance and stick with it.
 Each one of the series since TOS has gone through this experience.

 If you really feel the need to bitch, write to ST at Paramount and
 EXPLAIN (not gripe) what you disliked, or even liked.  It would be more

 Hey, (for you B5 fans) even B5 got off to a slow start.  Remember that
 first season?

... "Bother" said Pooh as Kirk beamed him down in a red shirt.
--- FreeMail & Blue Wave/TAG v2.12
 * Origin: The Wizard's Realm ** (713) 946-7315 ** (1:106/7315)

 Msg  : 138 of 384
 From : Tammy Blandino                      1:106/7315      .óį 27 .ąé 95 03:37
 To   : Myranya Werlemann
 Subj : Re: Directorial Trademarks
While skinny dipping Myranya Werlemann was talking to Jack Butler about
Directorial Trademarks.

 -=> Quoting Jack Butler to Marco Catalano <=-

 JB> Lucas's trademark is the numbers 1138.  They appear in every one
 JB> of his films *somehow*.
 MW> [   ]
 MW> That's really interesting. Do you know _why_ it's 1138?

 The very first movie George Lucas *EVER* made was a science fiction movie
 called _THX 1138_.  Since then he uses over and over.  In the novelized
 version of Star Wars, The Imperial that is trying to contact the
 Stormtrooper whose armor Han appropriated, That Imperial identified that
 Stormtrooper as THX 1138.  Of course this was changed in the movie.  :)

 Now, Lucas' movie empire has created the latest state of the art sound
 system which they call....THX Sound.....

 I've seen a few movies in auditoriums that have had THX Sound.  Talk about
 mindblowing!  It leaves Dolby Stereo in the *DUST*!

 B> Besides Hitchcock and his cameo's, and Spielberg and his falling
 JB> stars, there's John Landis and the phrase "See you next Wednesday", and
 JB> Sam Raimi's inclusion of "Klaatu Beratis Nikto".

 MW> I can see how you can include 'See you next Wednesday' in a movie,
 MW> but "Klaatu Beratis Nikto"??? What movie(s) is that from???
 MW> I'm not that good when it comes to who directs what...

 "Klaatu Beratis Nikto" is from _The Day The Earth Stood Still_ .  That
 was the phrase that stopped the giant robot from destroying everything.

 I've seen it parodied in a number of movies...the most recent being
 _Army of Darkness_, an absolutely hilarious spoof...from which my
 tagline comes from... :)

... Good... Bad... I'm the guy with the gun! -- Ash
--- FreeMail & Blue Wave/TAG v2.12
 * Origin: The Wizard's Realm ** (713) 946-7315 ** (1:106/7315)

 Msg  : 139 of 384
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .óį 27 .ąé 95 04:56
 To   : John Kahane
 Subj : B5, B9
 Quoth John Kahane, "Nevermore".

 JK> Flattery won't get you anywhere with this one, Jack.  But it's
 JK> the truth of the matter, and you made my (unstated) point for me.
 JK> They could only come up with *one* example of what we're talking
 JK> about.

     Yes, and they wave it in our faces like it was the Holy Grail, or the
Unified Field Theory... we ask about *fleets* of living ships, and they give
us an individual specimen.  Hardly convincing...

     Jack Butler

... "Must go home and kill parents." -- Mike Nelson
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 140 of 384
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .óį 27 .ąé 95 04:58
 To   : Marc Zingarelli
 Subj : Highlander Scedule
 Quoth Marc Zingarelli, "Nevermore".

 MZ> Methos is always good for a few laughs.  BTW I couldn't find the his
 MZ> last  episode on tape which means my wife must've forgot to record it.
 MZ> Hard as  that is to believe since she's the Highlander Goddess.

     When Methos first appeared, my reaction was "Cool, a laid back
immortal.  Bout damned time!"

     And about your wife:  remember, accidents do happen.  Forgive her and
let her back in the house... 

     BTW, the latest word is that Annie will be returning for at least a
couple of eps in season 4.

     Jack Butler
     Highlander Guru

... "The boredom of my life would kill you." -- Duncan MacLeod
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 141 of 384
 From : Steven Wirsz                        1:377/50        .óį 27 .ąé 95 09:45
 To   : Brian Henderson
 Subj : B5 Ripoff: Ds9
BH****Refresh my memory.  What story was TNG trying to tell?  Man is obnoxious?
BH****cannot see *ANYTHING* even *RESEMBLING* a storyline in TNG, DS9 *OR* Voyag

ST:TOS - Man will survive through resourcefulness
ST:TNG - Socialist Utopias (The "enlightened" Federation) will
         save the universe
ST:DS9 -   ""
ST:Voy -   ""

B5     - Got two or three pages to spare??
 * OLX 2.2 * "Press to test."  "Release to detonate."
--- FidoPCB v1.4 [ff083/x]
 * Origin: The GIFfer BBS, 175,000+files (813)969-1089 USR/V.all (1:377/50)

 Msg  : 142 of 384
 From : Steven Wirsz                        1:377/50        .óį 27 .ąé 95 09:48
 To   : John Kahane
 Subj : B5 TALK
JK****     Aww, you noticed. :)  Seriously though, that's one of the things that
JK****really annoys me about BABYLON 5.  The show is definitely *not* on in prim
JK****time in the area I get it.  Unless prime time has been moved to midnight!

Here and in most places I've seen it, PTEN programs definetly do come on
in prime time.  Try 8:00 PM Wed - and the repeat 11:00 PM Saturday.  All
you're area needs is a bit of letter writting.
 * OLX 2.2 * Washington DC: America's work-free drug place.
--- FidoPCB v1.4 [ff083/x]
 * Origin: The GIFfer BBS, 175,000+files (813)969-1089 USR/V.all (1:377/50)

 Msg  : 143 of 384
 From : J Hulley-Miller                     1:107/330       .óį 27 .ąé 95 12:25
 To   : All
 Subj : FUBS
Greetings All!

Is the FUB Squad still active ? tnx.


... I love running Windows! NOT!
--- GoldED/2 2.50.A0517+ [1068US3]
 * Origin: * Informatix/2 * (1:107/330)

 Msg  : 144 of 384
 From : FRANK SWARBRICK                     1:104/825       .óį 27 .ąé 95 13:11
 To   : ALL
 Subj : X-Files episode list
For your enjoyment...

The X-Files - First Season
Ep.# Air Date  PCode  Episode Title
==== ========= =====  ====================================================
  1. Sep 10 93  1X79  "Pilot:  The X-Files"
  2. Sep 17 93  1X01  "Deep Throat"                 The Truth Is Out There
  3. Sep 24 93  1X02  "Squeeze"                     The Truth Is Out There
  4. Oct  1 93  1X03  "Conduit"                     The Truth Is Out There
  5. Oct  8 93  1X04  "The Jersey Devil"            The Truth Is Out There
  6. Oct 22 93  1X05  "Shadows"                     The Truth Is Out There
  7. Oct 29 93  1X06  "Ghost In The Machine"        The Truth Is Out There
  8. Nov  5 93  1X07  "Ice"                         The Truth Is Out There
  9. Nov 12 93  1X08  "Space"                       The Truth Is Out There
 10. Nov 19 93  1X09  "Fallen Angel"                The Truth Is Out There
 11. Dec 10 93  1X10  "Eve"                         The Truth Is Out There
 12. Dec 17 93  1X11  "Fire"                        The Truth Is Out There
 13. Jan  7 94  1X12  "Beyond The Sea"              The Truth Is Out There
 14. Jan 21 94  1X13  "GenderBender"                The Truth Is Out There
 15. Feb  4 94  1X14  "Lazarus"                     The Truth Is Out There
 16. Feb 11 94  1X15  "Young At Heart"              The Truth Is Out There
 17. Feb 18 94  1X16  "E.B.E."                      The Truth Is Out There
 18. Mar 18 94  1X17  "Miracle Man"                 The Truth Is Out There
 19. Apr  1 94  1X18  "Shapes"                      The Truth Is Out There
 20. Apr 15 94  1X19  "Darkness Falls"              The Truth Is Out There
 21. Apr 22 94  1X20  "Tooms"                       The Truth Is Out There
 22. Apr 29 94  1X21  "Born Again"                  The Truth Is Out There
 23. May  6 94  1X22  "Roland"                      The Truth Is Out There
 24. May 13 94  1X23  "The Erlenmeyer Flask"        Trust No One

The X-Files - Second Season
Ep.# Air Date  PCode  Episode Title
==== ========= =====  ====================================================
 25. Sep 16 94  2X01  "Little Green Men"            The Truth Is Out There
 26. Sep 23 94  2X02  "The Host"                    The Truth Is Out There
 27. Sep 30 94  2X03  "Blood"                       The Truth Is Out There
 28. Oct  7 94  2X04  "Sleepless"                   The Truth Is Out There
 29. Oct 14 94  2X05  "Duane Barry" (Part 1 of 2)   The Truth Is Out There
 30. Oct 21 94  2X06  "Ascension" (Part 2 of 2)     Deny Everything
 31. Nov  4 94  2X07  "3"                           The Truth Is Out There
 32. Nov 11 94  2X08  "One Breath"                  The Truth Is Out There
 33. Nov 18 94  2X09  "Firewalker"                  The Truth Is Out There
 34. Dec  9 94  2X10  "Red Museum"                  The Truth Is Out There
 35. Dec 16 94  2X11  "Excelsis Dei"                The Truth Is Out There
 36. Jan  6 95  2X12  "Aubrey"                      The Truth Is Out There
 37. Jan 13 95  2X13  "Irresistible"                The Truth Is Out There
 38. Jan 27 95  2X14  "Die Hand Die Verletzt"       The Truth Is Out There
 39. Feb  3 95  2X15  "Fresh Bones"                 The Truth Is Out There
 40. Feb 10 95  2X16  "Colony" (Part 1 of 2)        The Truth Is Out There
 41. Feb 17 95  2X17  "End Game" (Part 2 of 2)      The Truth Is Out There
 42. Feb 24 95  2X18  "Fearful Symmetry"            The Truth Is Out There
 43. Mar 10 95  2X19  "Dod Kalm"                    The Truth Is Out There
 44. Mar 31 95  2X20  "Humbug"                      The Truth Is Out There
 45. Apr 14 95  2X21  "The Calusari"                The Truth Is Out There
 46. Apr 28 95  2X22  "F. emasculata"               The Truth Is Out There
 47. May  5 95  2X23  "Soft Light"                  The Truth Is Out There
 48. May 12 95  2X24  "Our Town"                    The Truth Is Out There
 49. May 19 95  2X25  "Anasazi"                     Ei 'Aaniigoo 'Ahoot'e


... I Want To Believe -- The X-Files
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Silver Xpress Mail System 5.3W1G
 * Origin: Bailey Info Exchange : 303-674-0147 (1:104/825)

 Msg  : 145 of 384
 From : Colin Dijkgraaf                     3:772/1138      .óį 27 .ąé 95 17:16
 To   : Jan Rooth
 Subj : Re: Orson Scott Card
 -=> Jan Rooth spoke to Colin Dijkgraaf regarding Re: Orson Scott Card and said

 JR> RE: _Earthborn_ aka _Keeper of the Earth_

 JR> Yes, book five is the conclusion. You have some good reading to look
 JR> forward to. I found books four and five to be the best of the
 JR> series (even better than book one, which I enjoyed tremendously).

 Thanks for the info, I'll look forward to obtaining my copies and reading


... Okay, okay, Ender......but I want a REMATCH!!!!!
~~~ ReneWave v1.00.wb2 (unregistered)
--- Renegade v10-05 Exp
 * Origin: THE *** AIRFIELD *** BBS  Ph 528-9860  24 Hours!! (3:772/1138)

 Msg  : 146 of 384
 From : Chris Baugh                         1:105/290.5     .óį 27 .ąé 95 18:12
 To   : Karmin St.jean
 Subj : Star Blazers
On (24 May 95) Karmin St.jean wrote to Chris Baugh...

 KS> The original name of the series was Space Cruiser Yamato, but the ship was
 KS> renamed the Argo in Star Blazers. There were three series created, only
 KS> two of which "Quest for Iscandar" and "Battle Against the Comet Empire"
 KS> were ever shown on American TV. The third series, "The Bolar Wars" is

I have no idea which one I saw, and I know I only saw a handful of
episodes many years ago - but I seem to remember some of the
Yamato's crew being stranded on a desert world, and the ship being
either repaired or equipped with new weaponry.  I saw it so long
ago (and was paying so little attention at the time) that these may
not be accurate recollections.

 KS> Another series, often mistakenly called "G-Force" was known as "Battle of
 KS> the Planets" and was produced by Sandy Frank (that name we all keep seeing
 KS> at the beginning of all the REALLY bad movies on MST3K).

I do remember enough of that one to recall that it was BAD!   Of
course, I'd love to see it presented on MST.

 KS> Tranzor Z is yet another anime serial that is not easy to find.

Don't think I've heard of this one before.

 KS>  (note, many of these may get a second chance at life this fall when the
 KS> SciFi Channel introduces it's new Saturday Morning Anime lineup!)

I sure hope they include the Flash Gordon series I mentioned, as I
recall it being truly outstanding (of course, this could be more
from the patina of nostalgia).

... Hi. I'll be your tagline for this evening.

--- PPoint 1.92
 * Origin: "Bother," said Pooh (1:105/290.5)

 Msg  : 147 of 384
 From : Chris Baugh                         1:105/290.5     .óį 27 .ąé 95 18:15
 To   : Dana Zendell
 Subj : Help on X-Files Finale
On (20 May 95) Dana Zendell wrote to All...

 DZ> I missed the final episode of the X-Files as well as the highlights
 DZ> which aired right before the show.  Would anybody be willing to send me

The highlights show was a disappointment, for me at least.  The
announcer sounded like the annoying "Lots of Action!" guy that does
so many movie ads, and the selection of clips left out many ideas I
would have thought important to include, while not shedding any new
light on the show, nor including anything of behind-the-scenes
interest or previews of upcoming episodes.  Seems to me this may
have been put together at the last minute just to fill the time

The finale, however, was excellent - one of their best shows.  I
don't have it on tape.

... thwoppa,thwoppa,thwoppa,thwoppa...........eh!

--- PPoint 1.92
 * Origin: "Bother," said Pooh (1:105/290.5)

 Msg  : 148 of 384
 From : Chris Baugh                         1:105/290.5     .óį 27 .ąé 95 18:22
 To   : Chris Carter
 Subj : Vorlon Immortality
On (25 May 95) Chris Carter wrote to Todd Sullivan...

 CC> A fellow on rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5 proposed that Kosh is
 CC> actually a large sentient Big Mac.

More scary things for Kosh to say:
"You are not ready for the secret of the Special Sauce."
"The coffee is hot, and the lawyers are nearby."
"Would you like fries with that?"

... Screeeeech!!!Crash!!!Crunch!!Whooooosssshh!!Crackle, Crackle, Whuuummmp!

--- PPoint 1.92
 * Origin: "Bother," said Pooh (1:105/290.5)

 Msg  : 149 of 384
 From : Rumble                              1:163/436       .óį 27 .ąé 95 19:51
 To   : Tony Trujillo
 Subj : Re: SeaQuest Survives
She said she would take the Captaintancy job in the season finale. I remeber
because Cmdr. Ford was offered 300000 dollars a year to do it and she was
offered 400000 dollars a year, she said that it was a fact the women make better
captains of merchant ships.

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: Coven's Den (613)746-3584 = 650+ Echoes & 4.3+ Gigs (1:163/436)

 Msg  : 150 of 384
 From : Andrew Clarke                       1:109/369       .óį 27 .ąé 95 20:35
 To   : Barry Blaes
 Subj : Re: Not SLIDERS

 -=> Quoting John Kahane to Barry Blaes <=-

 JK> On , Barry Blaes wrote to Frank Swarbrick:

 BB> If you or anyone else wishes to help keep the show on the
 BB> air you can send via the Internet a mail message to
 BB> "sliders@delphi.com".

 BB> Tell them you like the show and want to see them renew the show.

How would I go about doing that if I'm not on any services like AOL or
Compuserve and don't have an Internet address?

Andrew Clarke

... Forrest Fudd:  "Wife is wike a box of chocowates."
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- Maximus/2 2.02
 * Origin: UFOria (Clifton, VA) 703-803-6420 (1:109/369)

 Msg  : 151 of 384
 From : Steven Skaggs                       1:3608/250      .óį 27 .ąé 95 23:36
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : Re: Star Wars
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  94-2198

 -=> Quoting Mark Jones to Steven Skaggs <=-

 MJ> There are several possibilities:

 MJ> ...because he's out of ideas.  He has no clue what to do next, and
 MJ> is "vamping" desperately, hoping to come up with something.  (People
 MJ> have been hearing this "any day now" stuff for nearly twenty years.
 MJ> It would be embarrassing to admit that the well is dry.)

 No, I believe he has said what the other movies or going to be about, at
 least in a general sense. He has had the basic idea for quite some time.

 MJ> ...because he doesn't *want* to do it, but can't find a way to
 MJ> gracefully back out of it.  (People have been hearing this "any day
 MJ> now" stuff for nearly twenty years.  It would be embarrassing to admit
 MJ> that he just doesn't want to do it.)

 Lucas hasn't been saying "any day now". He has said several times over the
 past several years that the first one will be out before 2000. I don't
 really see why he would keep saying he is going to make new ones when he
 doesn't want to.

 MJ> ...because keeping the hope alive helps fan the flames, selling
 MJ> videos, toys, games and whatnot to all the fans who continue to slaver
 MJ> for more; i.e., pure cynical profiteering.

 Yeah, he really needs the money. 0
 I wonder how much he's making from ILM alone?

 MJ> I don't claim that any of these is accurate--only that they *could*
 MJ> be.  There are plenty of reasons not to make a new trilogy, possibly
 MJ> more reasons than there are to do it.
 MJ> Consider:
 MJ> Lucas has got to have more money than he can every spend; Star Wars
 MJ> was HUGE.  Not to mention a few little projects like Indiana Jones
 MJ> that didn't do badly either.  He simply isn't *hungry*.
 MJ> Also, everyone will be expecting the new trilogy to be at least as
 MJ> big as the original films.  That's a huge cross to bear.  If it
 MJ> doesn't turn into a gold mine, he'll be seen to have failed (Hollywood
 MJ> has a very short memory).
 MJ> If it isn't as mind-blowingly novel as the first film was (and I
 MJ> don't think it *can* be), again he'll be seen as having failed.
 MJ> So...he has a lot to lose (losing money and getting panned hurts
 MJ> even if you can live on the profits from the earlier films for the
 MJ> rest of your life) if it doesn't all go perfectly.  And it almost
 MJ> certainly won't go perfectly.

 Maybe there are more reasons not to make a new trilogy then there is to make
 one. But that doesn't explain why he keeps saying that he will make another
 one. George Lucas is set for life as far as money is concerned. Star Wars
 will always be remembered and I don't see how George Lucas would ever be
 considered a failure. Sequels are rarely as good as the originals but Empire
 Strikes back and Return of the Jedi were sequels and both were very good
 (at least I think so) and all did extremely well. Same goes for the
 Indiana Jones movies.

... To err is human, to forgive is against company policy
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: Double Springs BBS Panama City, FL 904-784-6336  (1:3608/250.0)

 Msg  : 152 of 384
 From : Michael Vergara                     1:2605/631      .cź 28 .ąé 95 00:10
 To   : Frank Swarbrick
 Subj : Sliders & VR.5 cancelled!
.TID: GE 1.11+
[FRANK SWARBRICK Ø Sliders & VR.5 cancelled!]

 FS> Of course, we do get the new show Space.  Hope that one works out.

What is it about?  I've heard is it's about a bunch of military cadets who get
stuck right in the middle of a big war.

 FS> Saw White Dwarf last night.  So so, but I doubt it will become a
 FS> series.

I agree.  It was interesting (only because it was strange), but it didn't really
hold my attention (I kept channel surfing during the show).  I do wish that VR.5
wasn't cancelled -- as for Sliders, I knew a lot of people in my area that it.
I thought that would be a show which would have lasted at least another season.


... I was born in the log cabin I helped my father build.
--- Blue Wave/TAG v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin: The MindScape BBS (1:2605/631)

 Msg  : 153 of 384
 From : Bryan Browder                       1:147/61        .cź 28 .ąé 95 00:40
 To   : Gary Warren
 Subj : Re: Sliders
.NOTE: IceEdit 1.30 [Eval]
.TID: FastEcho 1.41/g 8036

GW> As I've said before, both VR5 and SLIDERS are long gone, as of early
GW> this week.

    That's too bad. Sliders is simply a fun show.


--- FastEcho 1.41g
 * Origin: Arrakis BBS - "How're ya DUNE?" (405)752-8955 (1:147/61)

 Msg  : 154 of 384
 From : Bryan Browder                       1:147/61        .cź 28 .ąé 95 00:49
 To   : David Johnston
 Subj : Voyager Nose Diving?
.NOTE: IceEdit 1.30 [Eval]
.TID: FastEcho 1.41/g 8036

DJ> Essentially this means that we have three mature starship officers
DJ> and four young adult starship officers. I don't see the problem.
DJ> The original crew was every bit as "young". Only if you are using
DJ> a Picard median would Voyager's crew be described as barely post
DJ> puberty.

    No crew is like the next ( or previous ). Comparing one crew to another is
like comparing green and red apples. Each has its pro and con but neither one is
particularly 'bad'.


--- FastEcho 1.41g
 * Origin: Arrakis BBS - "How're ya DUNE?" (405)752-8955 (1:147/61)

 Msg  : 155 of 384
 From : Chris Carter                        1:105/302.23    .cź 28 .ąé 95 01:32
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : Vorlon Immortality

 JH> An _unused_ scene? You mean you've gotten hold of a
 JH> "director's cut", or just a scene that hasn't had any
 JH> reference made to it since?

Hot off the 'Lost Scenes' webpage at Hyperion, here's a cut that
didn't make final edit of the B5 pilot, "The Gathering."

[begin text import]

The following scene is excerpted from the script for "The
Gathering." It was filmed, but was eliminated from the final cut due
to time restraints. Earlier in the story, Dr. Benjamin Kyle has
had...an encounter with what is inside the Vorlon's encounter suit.


 where Laurel and Kyle look through the glass at Kosh.

                So, Doctor...just what *did* you see
                when you looked inside that suit?

                      (a long beat, then:)
                There are moments in your life when
                everything crystallizes.  When the
                whole world reshapes itself, right
                down to its component molecules, and
                everything changes.
                I've looked upon the face of a
                Vorlon, Laurel...and nothing's the
                same anymore.

 And, his thoughts distant, Kyle moves off, leaving Laurel
 to peer through the mist at the shrouded figure within the
 isolab, and wonder....

[end text import]

Not exactly *revealing*, but at the very least, we know that folks
who see Kosh don't come away from the experience unchanged.

Chris - carter@teleport.com

--- cPoint v2.17/FreeWare
 * Origin: Carter's Conspicuous Consumption (1:105/302.23)

 Msg  : 156 of 384
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .cź 28 .ąé 95 02:47
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : ST: The Next Generation
On (24 May 95) Jeff Hancock wrote to Mark Jones...

 MJ> uses it to rewrite every cell in her body so that a week later
 MJ> (by the next episode) she is back to square one (and completely
 MJ> unaffected [.....] (And if they can do *that* to her, why the
 MJ> hell couldn't they recreate Neelix's lungs?)
 JH> Because they didn't have a week before Neelix would have died?


Wrong--but thanks for playing!

Neelix was perfectly capable of living for an indefinite period while
in that stasis field, with the holo-lungs doing his breathing for him.
 They had *plenty* of time to clone up some new ones.  (And a good,
old-fashioned "heart-lung machine" -- as seen in real-world hospitals
all over the USA today -- could have kept him alive when they switched
off the holo-lungs to install the real ones....)

... The meaning of your communication is the response you get....

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: HQ of World Domination, Inc. (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 157 of 384
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .cź 28 .ąé 95 02:51
 To   : David Johnston
 Subj : Sliders - Bathroom? Wash
On (25 May 95) David Johnston wrote to Scott Gates...

 DJ> -> The energy requirements are too large to replicate large
 DJ> -> objects, instead, they replicate component parts then let
 DJ> -> humans assemble them.
 DJ> Um...the energy requirements in order to replicate a large object are
 DJ> identical to those required to replicate all of it's components, no
 DJ> matter how the replicators work.

True enough--but not the whole story.  (I agree that the "we can't
replicate really *big* things argument is an excuse for not making
full use of the technology, but....)

My modem is capable of transmitting as much data as anyone else's--but
only at 2400 baud (yes, I'm using stone-age technology here).

It might take as much *total* energy to replicate an entire engine
block as to replicate the parts--but that's irrelevant if they can't
produce all the energy needed in one burst.

... If you're done speaking freely, please step into the oven....

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: HQ of World Domination, Inc. (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 158 of 384
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .cź 28 .ąé 95 02:54
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Torres in Faces
On (25 May 95) Frank Eva wrote to Mark Jones...

 FE> I'm beginning to see why you're so opposed to "techo-babble"! It
 FE> really is getting rather deep, especially in the last episode in
 FE> which they had to figure out a way to "cure" the bio-gel-packs!
 FE> IMO, the last 3 shows have definitely taken a nosedive in
 FE> quality. Perhaps the writers are getting burnt out...

"And lo, the scales did fall from his eyes and he saw anew!"

Yeah, they seem to think that making up a pseudo-scientific problem
and then spending 50 minutes trying pseudo-scientific solutions
constitutes a watchable plot.  It doesn't.  The pseudo-science should
simply propel them *into* the real conflict.

The story about B'Lanna being split into her Klingon and Human halves
is the sort of "technobabble" I can accept.  The notion of splitting
her into two separate beings is as unlikely as everything else they've
done--but I was willing to grant the premise in order to see how the
character dealt with the problem.  (Unfortunately, she dealt with it
by having everything made okay again by more super-science.  Yuck.)

 FE> In addition to the factors you mentioned, how would she react to her
 FE> parents... all sorts of neat complications!

...if she ever sees them again.

 FE> Doc Zimmerman is not as obnoxious as Wesley Crusher, but he's
 FE> being used basically the same way. Save another crew member? Just
 FE> ask Doc Zimmerman to go well beyond his normal programming, and
 FE> he'll save the day every time!

Now, if we could only get him to doctor the SCRIPTS....

... When the Master of Sinanju speaks, the Minbari Grey Council listens!

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: HQ of World Domination, Inc. (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 159 of 384
 From : Myra I Fox                          1:123/10        .cź 28 .ąé 95 09:11
 To   : Barry Blaes
 Subj : X-Files Finale

-=>Quoting Barry Blaes to Myra I Fox<=-

 MI> I would love to hear your theory.... more than one boxcar
 MI> connected to that one?  he's buried under the bodies?  he
 MI> got beamed up to the mother ship?

 BB> Nope... The team from sliders came in just after the kid shut the lid.

 BB> The timer only had 45 seconds on the display. Mulder heard the
 BB> chopper. Fearing the worst... when the portal opened for the slider
 BB> team he jumped with them! :-)

 A great theory with only 2 minor flaws... I don't know much
 about sliders... and I heard they were cancelled   .

 Maybe O'Brien beamed him through time and space to DS9.

 Or Scotty came by in that shuttle he has been wandering
 around in and rescued him.

 Maybe he is hiding in Kosh's encounter suit.

 He's sharing a curry with Lister on the Red Dwarf.

 He is really a Shambala master and slipped through to
 Shambala to wait this one out, only to reappear later when
 things "cool down" in the boxcar.

... When the Master of Sinanju speaks, the Minbari Grey Council listens!
--- Blue Wave/RA v2.12
 * Origin: The Electric Fox - Memphis,Tn. (901)327-1008 (1:123/10)

 Msg  : 160 of 384
 From : Lawrence Heinke                     1:291/69        .cź 28 .ąé 95 14:36
 To   : Ecarey
 Subj : The Klingons vs The Borg!
.TID: InterEcho 1.07 6E010918

-> But the Romulans and Cardassians and Klingons didn't have anything ca
-> beating the Borg either -

Wrong!!! The Klingons have a weapon that could be lethal to the Borg. The weapon
could easily defeat them. It is called Blood Seed. I forget the episode but in
TNG all of some planets lifeforms were being eradicated. The Enterprise was on
some goose-chase looking for DNA. The Klingons had beaten them there, got the
DNA and, destroyed the planet with Blood Seed a life devouring plasma. The
Klingons could fire it at the Borg, the Borg would see it as not a threat, it
would thereby destroy all DNA and render the ship inert. Klingons 1 - Borg 0!

--- InterEcho 1.07
 * Origin: SABRETOOTH BBS, WICHITA KS, U.S.A. (316-729-7526) (1:291/69)

 Msg  : 161 of 384
 From : Earl Green                          1:3822/1        .cź 28 .ąé 95 14:43
 To   : Frank Eva

FE>EG "  the possibility of John Rhys-Davies departing.  This show's in
FE>EG "  trouble.

FE>I really am a prophet! :-) When Sliders first aired, I commented that
FE>JRD was the most likely to move on, because of his distinguished movie
FE>career. I just couldn't see him sticking around in a weekly TV show when
FE>he could be doing stuff like Indiana Jones 4...

  You do have to admit, though, Rhys-Davies was a BIG part of that
  show's appeal.  I most emphatically did NOT like Quinn or Wade when
  the show started up; I got to where I liked Wade two or three episodes
  in, and I was finally starting to like Quinn just as they offed him.
  But Arturo and Rembrandt had me hooked - if not for them, I wouldn't
  have stuck around for the first hourly episode. 
     e <-- Earl Green (earl.green@f1.n3822.z1.fidonet.org) 1:3822/1
 * SLMR 2.0 * "Honey, men...I have something awesome to reveal to you."

--- QScan/PCB v1.17b / 01-0162
 * Origin: Jackalope Junction  501-785-5381 Ft Smith AR (1:3822/1)

 Msg  : 162 of 384
 From : Earl Green                          1:3822/1        .cź 28 .ąé 95 14:43
 To   : Kay Shapero

KS> EG>     As recently as a fax sent yesterday, Fox still considers

KS>A fax from whom to whom?  Considering that Fox already announced to the pape
KS>that it was cancelling the thing (turned up in the LA Times the other day),
KS>they're just throwing rumors around to help in contract negotiations or
KS>something, I think they're overdoing it a tad...

  The fax was a daily news digest from Broadcasting & Cable Weekly
  magazine.  I've still have yet to see a fax from Fox indicating the
  show is dead, but it may still be forthcoming.
 * SLMR 2.0 * "The eggs?  Let's just call them...'the phenomena.'"

--- QScan/PCB v1.17b / 01-0162
 * Origin: Jackalope Junction  501-785-5381 Ft Smith AR (1:3822/1)

 Msg  : 163 of 384
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .cź 28 .ąé 95 16:32
 To   : RUMBLE
-> I really enjoyed the series and i'm sorry to see it go. But at least
-> seaQuest is still on! It is much more exiting, and weirder. BTW do you know
-> if there are more than three seaQuest books. I've only found the first three
-> and they are all about last years cast.

I haven't found season 2 of SeaQuest as much to my liking as you have.
However, I am an optimist about science fiction on TV so I'm hoping the story
lines change to more hard science and less fantasy next season.  Earth 2 was,
for me, a series with greater promise--especially since so much of it was shot
on location.  I much prefer that approach to the virtually 100% studio shoot of
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 164 of 384
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .cź 28 .ąé 95 16:36
-> Count me into that group.....I didn't miss it, and if I was not going to be
-> home, had the episode taped....I had not heard it was getting cancelled.

Re: The Demise of Earth 2

I wonder if the series failed, in part, because not one of the characters was
exceptionally strong.  A powerful Matriarch or Patriarch figure sometimes helps
along with, perhaps, a smaller "core" of key players.  We may laugh at Cpt.
Kirk from the original Star Trek because he was so much larger than life but at
least you knew what he stood for and he made decisions and took the
consequences.  In Earth 2, leadership was much more ambiguous and quavering.
Maybe this played a part??
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 165 of 384
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .cź 28 .ąé 95 16:38
-> Not me this series is not what the fans I knew wanted and the Writing was
-> not seasoned enough to draw in watchers.
-> I thought it might be good when I first saw the Pilot but it look more like
-> a Paranoid Lost in Space and Yates was the Robot "warning , warning this
-> show lacks"

You take a strong position and defend it fairly well.  The series that will
last has power-packed stories and characters that stand out.  Maybe the Earth 2
figures were diluted a bit too much because we never got to really care so much
about any one of them.  Geez, Morgan stood out--and he was a pain much of the
time.  Maybe if Danzigger led a bit more things might have turned out
differently.  Who knows??
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 166 of 384
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .cź 28 .ąé 95 16:40
-> colonists stranded without supplies on an alien world. The premise offered a
-> lot of scope that was simply ignored by the writers. IMHo. Don't know what
-> the TV schedule was like in your area, but here the show was constantly
-> being preempted or delayed for as much as 90 minutes. If this was normal for
-> other areas of the US, the ratings had to be pretty bad. --Mich

That's the point, isn't it, a promise unfulfilled seems to be a frequent
post-mortem comment on Earth 2.  The delays and preempted slots just made the
matter worse.
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 167 of 384
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .cź 28 .ąé 95 16:43
-> What do you think of this trend of novelization of television shows?
-> Were any of them any good? Did you read them?
-> RL> What is a surprise is that SeaQuest DSV did make the "cut" instead!
-> Just haven't gotten into this series.
-> What a disappointment about Earth2!

Novels are quite often more interesting because we get to use our imagination
more and, naturally, more room is available for descriptive narrative.  The
Earth 2 novels were engaging if not classic fare.  I enjoyed them but one could
see that they were a bit rushed and certainly raw around the edges.
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 168 of 384
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .cź 28 .ąé 95 16:46
-> its original inhabitants, and this piqued my interest. I'm now sorry to see
-> it was axed. I'm not surprised, though, because if they kept SeaQuest, they
-> probably didn't think they could afford both and just tossed a coin to see
-> which one to keep. Perhaps, though, Spielberg's association with SeaQuest
-> gave that show a bit of an edge...

Well, Frank, the cancellation was a disappointment but certainly not hard to
predict.  I guess I was even more surprised by the cancellation of Sliders.
This series had even more promis and the stroies broadcast were always
engaging.  I am enough of an optimist to still believe the Earth 2 premise is
one which could be successfully re-worked down the line.
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 169 of 384
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .cź 28 .ąé 95 16:49
-> There were some technical inconsistencies that bothered me, especially the
-> concept that the isolated colony wasn't all that isolated and that "big
-> brother" could move in any time and take over...

The VR connection with "big brother," as you call it, did act as an unneeded
distraction.  The series would have been stronger, I suppose, had the colonists
been ENTIRELY cut-off.  Colonists in our history quite often found themselves
in precisely this situation.  The west was "opened" precisely because those who
survived had to be especially strong and self-reliant characters.
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 170 of 384
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .cź 28 .ąé 95 16:51
-> Yea, I liked it as well.  When it first came on, I wasn't too impressed, but
-> I kept watching and I guess it sorta grew on me.

Let's hope down the line something from a non-Star Trek universe can succeed
and do so in a powerful way.  I guess X-Files demonstrates that such fare is
possible and can be produced with innovative scripts and with characters who
have a tremendous charisma.
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 171 of 384
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .cź 28 .ąé 95 16:53
-> Earth 2 will be missed...  It's my second favorite sci-fi show ever, and I
-> don't think it deserves to die..  The ratings weren't that bad from what
-> I've seen, but I guess network tv has higher expectations. Ah well, at least
-> there are still a fair number of quality shows on.

Sorry for the delay in replying Demian...  Yeh, it will be missed but I'll miss
Sliders even more.  Now that cancellation was even a bigger double-whammy.  No
logic or "heart" seems attached to the networks.  It's all numbers, dollars,
demographics and the "bottom line."  Welcome to free enterprise.  On the other
hand, there SHOULD BE  a place for quality entertainment that does not have
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 172 of 384
 From : Michelle Willey                     1:379/37        .cź 28 .ąé 95 16:55
 To   : Frank Eva
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  92-0315

 FE> I wouldn't complain about Neelix if he didn't seem to always be employed
 FE> as Barclay was in TNG. Of all the characters, I find the holo-doc the
 FE> most interesting. Perhaps it's because he seems to be more of an "adult"
 FE> dislike how demographics is having such a profound effect on TV...

I agree Neelix seems to be the Barclay too often. The doc on the other hand
has a slightly cynical edge that I like. I find it ironic that the only
character with any depth is the simulated person. But the same thing happened
in NextGen. Data was more human than the humans and the humans all began to
seem artificial. Even on those rare occasions when a character gets angry it
does not seem very real. Pooh on demographics. Just because we don't buy the
action figures no one wants to make science fiction for grown ups.

|Xpress User                                                     |

... Where am I going?  And, WHY AM I IN THIS HANDBASKET?????
 * Evaluation copy of Silver Xpress. Day # 17
 * Silver Xpress V4.01

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: Borderline! BBS Concord,N.C. (704)792-9241  (1:379/37.0)

 Msg  : 173 of 384
 From : Michelle Willey                     1:379/37        .cź 28 .ąé 95 16:55
 To   : Frank Swarbrick
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  92-0315
On 24 May 95 07:50pm, FRANK SWARBRICK said the following:

 FS> Well, for everone wondering if Quinn is going to die...we'll never know.
 FS> Sliders has been cancelled.  As has VR.5 (big surprise there).  Sheesh,

Well ?*@#^*@! Now what am I supposed to watch on Wednesday nights? So far we
have cancellations on TekWar, Sliders, VR.5, and Earth 2. But we get to keep
SeaQuest? Life just ain't fair.


... Information is always good for something. -Austin James
 * Evaluation copy of Silver Xpress. Day # 17
 * Silver Xpress V4.01

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: Borderline! BBS Concord,N.C. (704)792-9241  (1:379/37.0)

 Msg  : 174 of 384
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .cź 28 .ąé 95 16:56
->    It's really weird I taped the E2 tv-movie on a bit of a lark as I
-> had already pre-judged it as being cut in the same mold as SQ-DSV seemed to
-> have been (large budget, but not much in the way of stories).
->    It turns out the total opposite was true.  I wound up watching
-> every episode religiously. It was such a uniquely different series: one
-> which seemed structured more like a play.  The Terrians could have come off
-> as being some kind of warm 'n fuzzy hippies, but they turned out to be
-> fascinating.
->    Even Uly had the fascinating evolution of his DNA sub-plot making
-> him a totally different character from the weak character I had anticiapted.

Of all the responses to my original message, I guess yours coincides most
directly with my own.  I guess there were morte than 25 of us enjoying Earth 2.
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 175 of 384
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .cź 28 .ąé 95 16:59
-> Well once again we see the people at NBC have no concept of how to run
-> Science Fiction on their network.  The network that cancelled Star Trek has
-> done it again!  E2 was a great show they never gave a chance.  I personally
-> think NBC killed it intentionally when Steven Speilberg  pulled his name
-> off it. It was a show that demanded the viewers attention as it built on
-> itself week after week (much like Babylon 5), but how often was it on more
-> than 2 weeks in a row without being preemted, cancelled or repeated?  No
-> wonder it got bad ratings.  I loved the show and couldn't even keep track of
-> it!  Perhaps Universal will be able to sell it to a real network to keep
-> this great show alive!

Hey, Earth 2 was cancelled and now Sliders has been too!  Go figure.  Just what
do the networks want-nothing but SITCOMS???!!!  I mean sitcoms are safe and
non-threatening entertainemnt fare but damn good dramas should be given a
chance too.  The ARE more RISKY.  They do require a greater intellectual
involvement but, in the end, I think we walk away more enriched.  Just one
man's opinion but Earth 2 and Sliders should have been retained at least for a
second season.
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 176 of 384
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .cź 28 .ąé 95 17:02
-> Yeah, it was very difficult to follow, and kind of boring... He should
-> change his name to Crappola... :-)

Gee, Frank, was it really that bad??  I have only seen the first half hour of
the tape but will see better what you mean when I catch the last 90 minutes.
He ususally makes films that we rememebr--is this a slide into dementia or
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 177 of 384
 From : Gary Warren                         1:382/92        .cź 28 .ąé 95 17:55
 To   : Jim Cushing
.TID: IMAIL-386 1.60+ PK32

 -=> Quoting Jim Cushing to Gary Warren <=-

 GW> After we were firmly, but not happily, seated, we suffered
 GW> through the introductory music video (isn't ANYBODY who is vaguely
 GW> familiar with classical music, late 1970's rock or WAYNE'S WORLD
 GW> besides me tired of hearing Queen's version of "Bohemian Rhapsody" for
 GW> the 97th time?).
 JC> Actually no! Queen is still one of my favorite groups.

Well, Queen WAS one of my fave late 70's/early 80's groups (alongside
Abba, Wings, ELO and Blondie!), but WAYNE'S WORLD and the repetitive
music video on MTV and VH1 about killed any appreciation I had for
the group!

 GW> Then we concentrated a bit more on Arnold's humourlessly spoken
 GW> (to everyone but himself)
 JC> Having been to a con where Arnold was one of the guest speakers I can
 JC> sympathize with you.

I figure most fans would.  ;D

 GW> Since Colm Meany (Miles O'Brien on DS9) has a contract
 GW> allowing him to include his outside movie roles with his regular DS9
 GW> appearances, his stay on that series is assured for several years.
 JC> Colm has also stated that one of his main reasons for staying on DS9
 JC> is  that he gets a steady paycheck something most actors don't
 JC> receive.

Actors must eat to act, that's why soap operas are a constant revolving
door of actors.

 GW> °       The subplot of Quark's nephew Nog's application to
 GW> Starfleet will surface again in the DS9 episode "Facets."
 JC> I've heard that O'brien will be "assisting" Nog with application and
 JC> training for the academy.

Which Miles will no doubt love to do.  ::ahem!::

 GW> °       DS9's Benjamin Sisco (Avery Brooks) will be promoted
 GW> to captain at the end of this season.
 JC> About time!

Yeah, I thought he already WAS a captain.

 GW> °       Even though Robert McNeil's Tom Paris on VOYAGER and
 GW> his earlier TNG Nick Lacarno from "The First Duty" have identical
 GW> semi-bad guy character backgrounds, the Lacarno character was rewritten
 GW> into Paris in order for Paramount to avoid paying the scripter(s) of
 GW> "The First Duty" residuals for each VOYAGER episode involving Lacarno.
 GW> (And we thought Paramount dishonestly credited or underpaid its TREK
 GW> franchise scriptwriters--AHEM!!)
 JC> Paramount is a business of making money while "trying" to give its
 JC> viewers "quality" programs.

As the current brouhaha over FOREST GUMP's writer proves.  "Greed" is
Paramount's middle name.

 GW> ° To avoid an R-rating for STAR TREK VI:
 GW> THE UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY, the Klingon blood bubbles were Pepto
 GW> Bismol-coloured.  "Purple blood," commented Arnold, "is considered
 GW> less violent than RED blood!"

 JC> Blood is blood no matter what the color it is. They still showed the
 JC> violence. Changing the color of blood because purple is less violent
 JC> than red blood is stupid. If anything they should have "cut" back on
 JC> the graphic violence while keeping the red blood.

 Well, Standards and Practice departments of networks and studios have
 strange ideas about sex and violence content, so it's not as far-fetched
 as we may like to think.

 GW> As usual, Shatner didn't sign autographs,
 JC> I know he has a signature contract with QVC but that is ridiculous!
 JC> The man gets paid $25,000 for a weekend show plus first class airline
 JC> tickets plus over $100.00 per day for food and he can't take time out
 JC> to sign autographs!

Well he needs the spare time to ride his horses!  ;D

 GW> °       Despite Paramount's monetary concerns, it always
 GW> builds a new Enterprise bridge for each movie.
 JC> If Shatner said that he is either a liar or he dosen't read the books
 JC> his collaborators wrote for him. In his Movie Memories book he
 JC> clearly stated that all through the series and movies Paramount either
 JC> remade, refurbished  or upgraded the current sets.

I'm waiting for the paperback version of MOVIE MEMORIES to come out, as I
did with his first MEMORIES book (of which I ended up spending only
45 cents, thanks to my bookstore card!).

 GW> °       The horseback-riding scene with Patrick Stewart in
 GW> GENERATIONS took two days to shoot, where it was up to Shatner to
 GW> teach Stewart how to ride AND to wear panty-hose *inside* his pants.
 JC> Stewart knew how to ride! Stewart was not prolific horseman like
 JC> Shatner.
 GW> °       His new STAR TREK novel, ASHES OF EDEN, is part of a
 GW> planned trilogy.
 JC> Did he also state that 80% of the book was written by Gar and Judith
 JC> Stevens!

I'm still waiting for him to admit Ron Goulart (sp?) wrote his TEKWAR

 GW> He also added that VOYAGER and DS9 producer Rick Berman may consider his
 GW> screenplay for ASHES as part of another TREK film, which would inevitably
 GW> result in Captain James T. Kirk's "resurrection" for at least this
 GW> supposed movie.
 JC> I hope not after all Shatner last idea(ST5 In search of "God")was a
 JC> flop! Besides "He's dead Bill" and I hope he stays that way.

I dunno.  Won't you miss seeing two hours of his toupees?  ::gryn!::

 GW> While USA Network has canceled TEKWAR, a Canadian network is considering
 GW> producing more episodes.
 JC> At times I enjoyed TEKWAR and I hope a Canadian network will produce
 JC> more!

 So does my wife.

 GW> °       Shatner said he believes VOYAGER is "more in line"
 GW> with the exploratory premise of the Original Series than DS9, even
 GW> though he admitted seeing only "Caretaker," VOYAGER's two-hour debut.
 JC> How would he know? He has admitted that he has never watched TNG or
 JC> DS9 so  how can he make a statement like that plus he only saw the
 JC> debut episode of Voyager.

Because he's a Creation Con star and is paid to say anything he wants!

 GW> °       Among his most degrading entertainment assignments,
 GW> Shatner listed his role in the 1970's KINGDOM OF THE SPIDERS and his
 GW> late 1960's rendition of "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds." He explained,
 GW> however, that the original cut included his reading from "Man from La
 GW> Mancha" intercut with his "interpretation" of the Beatles hit in order
 GW> to provide a sort of literary contrast of the times.  The purpose of
 GW> the release containing only "Lucy" was "to DEGRADE me!" Shatner
 GW> exclaimed. °
 JC> Hey the man needed work! Plus he had been through a bitter divorce
 JC> with his first wife which pratically left him pennyless and living out
 JC> of his pickup truck.(he stated that on an interview with Howard Stern)

One of his little-known "beggar" roles of the 70's *I* admire him for was
the narrator of a documentary series on entrepreneurship our high
school government class had to watch during class.

 GW> Shatner included "The City on the Edge of Forever" (which he labeled
 GW> "The City on the Edge of the River") and "The Trouble with Tribbles"
 GW> were his favorite Original Series episodes.  He also mused that the
 GW> show's finale "Turnabout Intruder" ("where a woman entered MY body!")
 GW> was one of his most unforgettable TOS shows.
 JC> Bill must be suffering from memory loss. When I last saw him at a
 JC> convention  he stated that his favorite was "The devil in the
 JC> dark"(the Horta episode) because his father died either just before
 JC> filming began or while they were filming the episode.

Well he mentioned "Devil in the Dark" in passing as a fave, too.

 GW> Since we had our fill of Shatner and parking and seating
 GW> hassles, Teri and I didn't bother to stay for the rescheduled blooper
 GW> reel. If I was teaching at Teri's school where she works, I'd stamp a
 GW> fat D-plus (D+) for the convention's grade, with the only saving graces
 GW> being the informational bits and Shatner's appearance.  If I were to
 GW> repeat my oath from last year not to attend another Creation
 GW> convention, I'd gladly do so with crossed fingers. But I'd ALSO add the
 GW> caveat that Creation needs to come up with another convention site with
 GW> better parking and audience seating AND a convention host with a
 GW> tumbleweed's inkling about handicapped accessibility issues.

 JC> Good idea!

We just have to see if Creation will take a hint.


... Attend! The! William! Shatner! School! Of ... Acting!
--- Blue Wave/Max v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin:  Rendezvous!! 28.8_VFC Bastrop, Tx [512-303-1324] (1:382/92)

 Msg  : 178 of 384
 From : SEAN CASZATT                        1:2601/512      .cź 28 .ąé 95 18:47
In a message to All <05/27/95> Robert Lidgren wrote:

RL> I wonder if Babylon 5, ST Voyager, ST Deep Space 9 and X-Files will now be
RL> cancelled too so the networks can bring back "Lost in Space:  The 90's
RL> edition":  AAARRRRGhhhhhhhh!!!

UPN recently announced that VOYAGER will be the only series of theirs
that will be returning next season.

Sean Caszatt <-> Project Aurora

... Hey God why are you doing this to me?  -- NIN
--- Platinum Xpress/Wildcat! v1.0b
 * Origin: Project Aurora - The Truth is Out There! - (1:2601/512)

 Msg  : 179 of 384
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .cź 28 .ąé 95 22:11
RE:  Your question about the two versions of MAX HEADROOM-->

-> >Max Headroom: 10 points!
-> Can anybody tell me, what the difference is between the UK and the US
-> versions of the show. Are there different actors? Different episodes? Or..??

The US version was cast with entirely different actors, as I recall.  The only
hold-over was the actor who played Max.  The British version was much better.
It had a grittier feel to it and a somewhat darker tone.  The humour was more
sophisticated.  Here in Canada we saw the entire run of both versions so I can
speak from direct knowledge.
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 180 of 384
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .cź 28 .ąé 95 22:13
-> JK> Seeing that FOX announced that they cancelled the show, is it possible
-> JK> that someone else picked it up or that it might go into syndication?
-> When'd they announce this and where?

I read about the announcement of the cancellation in The Globe and Mail
newspaper this past week.
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 181 of 384
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .cź 28 .ąé 95 22:22
 Subj : BEST SF
-> Harlan's been that way before all of us made our collective debut. I find
-> his general behavior amusing (looking at a child, I suppose), but he makes
-> some good points, especially if you've read "The Glass Teat" and "The Other
-> Glass Teat".  Hmmmm, now there's an idea:  A B-5 version of TGT.  I wonder
-> how long that would last...

Hi there.  I am responding to a message you posted re:  Harlan Ellison's
comments.  The point about Ellison is that NO MATTER WHAT HE SAYS the responses
are strong, heated and show that he makes so much sense so much of the time
that he CONTINUES to be a major gadfly in the science fiction/speculative
fiction arena.  He rails in a pyrotechnic way about the antics of weird SF fans
and documents said opinions with a myriad of examples.  The one that I can't
get out of my head is his stpory about a sci-fi conference he attended where
another author was approached by a "fan" as he entered an elevator.  The guy
simply ran up and dumped a cup of fresh vomit on his clothing.  Not a word was
said by the creep-he simply took off.  One has to point out that such idiot
behavior is exhibited only by the "lunatic fringe" but Harlan's article made me
see why he usually makes caustic comments or at least iconoclastic ones.
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 182 of 384
 From : Pamela Crossett                     1:325/118       .cź 28 .ąé 95 23:28
 To   : Gloria Darcy
 Subj : Re: Earth 2 & HIGHLANDER

  >"And I wonder if Devin is really dead?"

yes, i agree, i don't like being left haing at the end of a season, not to
mention if they completely cut it off - and i have to write the rest of the
series for my own satisfaction.

about highlander. are you happy now that it looks like anne is off the show?
I've seen some of the latest postings about it, and the concensus seems to be
that she's been axed.

would you object to any love interest, of is it just her? (you are the gloria i
corresponded with about this before aren't you?) if not, i apologize.

seeYa on the net,


--- Maximus/2 2.02
 * Origin: The Ozone Layer, Williston, VT. (802) 862-5058 (1:325/118)

 Msg  : 183 of 384
 From : Pamela Crossett                     1:325/118       .cź 28 .ąé 95 23:33
 To   : Gloria Darcy
 Subj : Highlander, The Series
i just sent you another message, sorry. i now have the question answered.

i figured you would be pleased with her axing. but the question in my other
posting stands. would you object to any pairing with duncan other than tessa?

i have seen some of the tessa years, but only maybe five or so. i'd really like
to see all of season one, and maybe half of season two to catch up.

but i did rent highlander 3 and saw those two tessa episodes. i've rented
everything that says highlander, including the infamous episode 2. i'll watch it

just got a director's cut version of highlander, the final dimension -
supposedly with scenes not seen in the version released several months ago

am looking forward to watching. my friend said there are some extra steamy
scenes he didn't remember from the movie, but he wasn't sure how much esle there

did you see the movie? did you like it?



--- Maximus/2 2.02
 * Origin: The Ozone Layer, Williston, VT. (802) 862-5058 (1:325/118)

 Msg  : 184 of 384
 From : Debra Milner                        1:112/285       .cź 28 .ąé 95 23:53
 To   : Dana Zendell
 Subj : Help on X-Files Finale

 > I have both on tape, and tell you what, I'll be more than happy to
 > send you a copy, if you can send me your address...BTW, did you by
 > any chance get tonight's (part 2) episode on tape?  Guess what dummy
 > forgot to set the VCR tonight...

Dana.....bad news.....

My husband, in his haste to make sure B5 was taped for me last week while I was
at class and had (again) forgotten to set the VCR, taped over on the tape that
was in the VCR.....yep....X-Files.........I'd kill him, but he was doing
it for me.....

--- GEcho 1.00
 * Origin: Wolverine's Asylum, past the boonies in Macclenny, FL (1:112/285)

 Msg  : 185 of 384
 From : Debra Milner                        1:112/285       .īķ 29 .ąé 95 00:48
 To   : All
 Subj : NBC address for Earth 2 email
Does anyone have the e-mail address for NBC?  I would like to send them e-mail
letting me know how disappointed I am in the cancellation of Earth 2....seems
they have a tendency to cancel my favorites.....

--- GEcho 1.00
 * Origin: Wolverine's Asylum, past the boonies in Macclenny, FL (1:112/285)

 Msg  : 186 of 384
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .īķ 29 .ąé 95 06:20
 Subj : Twin Peaks
 Quoth FRANK SWARBRICK, "Nevermore".

 FS> Yeah, I remember seeing this book at the place I worked.  Don't really
 FS> plan to look for it.  Probably couldn't find it anymore anyway.

     Probably not.  Look in the "4 for a Dollar" bins.  Or try and find a
library which owns it.

 FS> Replacement Donna?  How could they!  Hmm, not sure if I'll get it this
 FS> weekend after all.  Perhaps some day, if there's nothing else to do.
 FS> Thanks for the info.

     Lara Flynn Boyle wasn't interested.

 FS> Next question is, did season one end after Cooper got shot?

 JB> No... 

 FS> John Kahane says yes.  Or were you just kidding?

     I was kidding.  

     Jack Butler

... "I prefer Indiana."    "We named the *dog* Indiana."
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 187 of 384
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .īķ 29 .ąé 95 08:22
 To   : Pamela Crossett
 Subj : Highlander Scedule
 Quoth Pamela Crossett, "Nevermore".

 PC> This sounds like you have an "insider" giving you information.
 PC> Or are you actually part of the show?

     I am not now, nor have I ever been, a part of the production team that
makes Highlander.  I am, however, good friends with one of the production

 PC> I'm so glad to hear Peter Wingfield will be back as Methos. That was
 PC> the  best plot line of this season! And he was excellent for leaving a
 PC> sense of  mystery around long-term immoratals.

     I agree.

     Jack Butler
     Highlander Guru

... "Nino!  Fetch me another... this one's broken." -- Kallas
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 188 of 384
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .īķ 29 .ąé 95 08:27
 To   : Gloria Darcy
 Subj : Highlander
 Quoth Gloria Darcy, "Nevermore".

 GD> I just wish Alexandria had fought harder with the producers and/or
 GD> writers to make her character stronger and not the victim all the
 GD> time, as she had wished.

     That wasn't why she left the show.  She left the show because she
got tired of spending half a year in Vancouver, away from her family.  Plus,
she wanted to have more babies, something that Tessa by definition couldn't
do easily.  So she quit.  Amicably, but she still quit.
     And its "Alexandra".  Minor correction.

     Jack Butler
     Highlander Guru

... "Well... Life as we know it is over..." -- Methos
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 189 of 384
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .īķ 29 .ąé 95 08:28
 To   : Gloria Darcy
 Subj : Highlander Scedule
 Quoth Gloria Darcy, "Nevermore".

 GD> Great news, Jack!  What about Joe?  I haven't seen the second part yet
 GD> of the season finale.

     As of right now, Joe Dawson will be back.

     Jack Butler

... "I spoke of unbreakable rules.  This is one of them." -- MacLeod
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 190 of 384
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .īķ 29 .ąé 95 08:29
 Subj : Sliders Continuity
 Quoth FRANK SWARBRICK, "Nevermore".

 JB> Personally, I thought this was a brilliant move on the part of
 JB> the producers.  The two men look close enough alike to be "identical",
 JB> but are different enough ("our" Rembrandt has a couple of scars "their"
 JB> Rembrandt didn't have, in addition to the extra padding) to be separate
 JB> individuals.

 FS> Is this for real?  At the time it did seem to me that they did have
 FS> some dissimilarities, but I took it to be good makeup and good acting.
 FS> Twin brother, huh?  Interesting...


     Jack Butler

... "I'll get you, my pretty... and your little dog, too!"
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 191 of 384
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .īķ 29 .ąé 95 08:31
 To   : Richard Yamagata
 Subj : B5 Catch-Up
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.bA 8060
RY "FE> This would be nice but it would require a company like Simon &
RY "FE> Schuster to envision a profit for such a series of books. I
RY "FE> personally think there are few publishers who would consider
RY "FE> such a series profitable at this early stage, with B5 still a
RY "FE> somewhat unproven commodity...

RY "You are right about this.  To make the point more poignant for my
RY "son, "where are the micro-machines?"

Yes, that's the same thing. Is the series popular enough to warrant a
line of B5 toys? With the threat of cancellation looming over the show,
I don't think anyone will find this license a safe investment...

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 192 of 384
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .īķ 29 .ąé 95 08:31
 To   : Richard Yamagata
 Subj : Babylon 5 (PTEN)
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.bA 8060
RY "On the other hand, it may not be surprising.  That long narrative by
RY "Delenn about the Shadows, the First Ones, the Vorlons, drove me
RY "MAD!!!  I played that sequence over and over -- TRYING TO FIGURE OUT
RY "WHAT MIRA WAS MUMBLING.  It is rediculous that she could not
RY "ennunciate better.  I do not think it was a directional ploy to
RY "heighten suspense.

RY "The only thing that let me understand what Mira muffed was a
RY "transcript of that part of the episode.  I think that this narrative
RY "was as critical to the B5 plot line as the dialog between Sheridan
RY "and Kosh about "understanding."

Perhaps this transcript would help me understand better what was being
said, too. I don't have the time or patience to go back and watch an
episode a dozen times. In fact, I like to only watch them again much
later, when I've basically forgotten much of what happened. This helps
we while away the dreary days of summer TV. So, if you happen to have
this transcript in a text file, could you net-mail it to me?

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 193 of 384
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .īķ 29 .ąé 95 08:31
 To   : Tony Trujillo
 Subj : SeaQuest Survives
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.bA 8060
ref: Lucas...

FE> He's become just another Wesley Crusher, always saving the day...

TT "I guess that's what the "kids" want...

Yeah, and isn't it sad when demographics rules what we see on TV? I was
perfectly happy with the first season, but when the new producer decided
to target a different audience, he lost me...

--- CMPQwk 1.42-R2 #145 ---
Talk is cheap because supply exceeds demand.

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 194 of 384
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .īķ 29 .ąé 95 08:31
 To   : Gary Warren
 Subj : Sliders
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.bA 8060
GW "As I've said before, both VR5 and SLIDERS are long gone, as of early
GW "this week.

Sliders has been cancelled? Sorry, but I haven't seen you say this, and
it is a major disappointment, if true...

--- CMPQwk 1.42-R2 #145 ---
I used up all my sick days, so I'm calling in dead.

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 195 of 384
 From : Marc Zingarelli                     1:226/110       .pä 31 .ąé 95 13:29
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : Highlander
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  92-0004
Jack Butler was overheard talking to Marc Zingarelli,
about Highlander, in "Joe's Place" and said:

JB>     Certain characters are not going to survive the season finale.  And
JB>the info I am getting tells me that Duncan is going to be getting a might
JB>darker in the future...

I hope that we can count on Amanda Surviving.  She provides comic relief.
And Joe also.  I'd have to change my header if Joe gets killed.

JB>     More cynical and "lone-wolf" like.  Understandable, considering what
JB>Kallas put him through...

Understandable.  Wonder if they're trying to Connorize him?



 Circleville Fire Department
 Local 1232
 Internet:  marc.zingarelli@tcr.com

 * OLX 1.52 * "Another time, MacCleod."

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: The Computer Room-Pickerington, Oh (614)861-8377  (1:226/110.0)

 Msg  : 196 of 384
 From : Marc Zingarelli                     1:226/110       .pä 31 .ąé 95 13:49
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : Highlander Scedule
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  92-0004
Jack Butler was overheard talking to Myra I Fox,
about Highlander Schedule, in "Joe's Place" and said:

JB>     BTW, the premiere of the 4th season is being directed by Adrian Paul,
JB>and will feature several scenes which were filmed in Scotland.

Besides the fact that I'm not a summer person and summer TV sucks now I'm
really gonna be miserable waiting for these.



 Circleville Fire Department
 Local 1232
 Internet:  marc.zingarelli@tcr.com

 * OLX 1.52 * A gun in hand is better than a cop on the phone!

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: The Computer Room-Pickerington, Oh (614)861-8377  (1:226/110.0)

 Msg  : 197 of 384
 From : Marc Zingarelli                     1:226/110       .pä 31 .ąé 95 13:50
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : Highlander Scedule
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  92-0004
Jack Butler was overheard talking to Marc Zingarelli,
about Highlander Schedule, in "Joe's Place" and said:

JB>     And about your wife:  remember, accidents do happen.  Forgive her and
JB>let her back in the house... 

But she and the dog have become such good friends.

JB>     BTW, the latest word is that Annie will be returning for at least a
JB>couple of eps in season 4.

On her return all I can say is I am vindicated.  Remember if they're still in t



 Circleville Fire Department
 Local 1232
 Internet:  marc.zingarelli@tcr.com

 * OLX 1.52 * "Bother" said Pooh, it's your husband and he has a .45!

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: The Computer Room-Pickerington, Oh (614)861-8377  (1:226/110.0)

 Msg  : 198 of 384
 From : Demian Katz                         1:2626/102      .pä 31 .ąé 95 14:57
 Subj : Re: Sliders & VR.5 cancelled!
> Sliders has been cancelled.  As has VR.5 (big surprise there).  Sheesh,
> they hardly even gave Sliders a chance.  As for VR.5, well I wanted it

Twice as long a chance as Space Rangers got.  And at least Sliders was shown in
the right order. :)  (Nothing against Sliders, but I'm taking another
opportunity to whine about Space Rangers. It's a habit of mine. :) )

--- DB 1.58/005132
 * Origin: Castrovalva BBS  610-917-0380 (1:2626/102)

 Msg  : 199 of 384
 From : Demian Katz                         1:2626/102      .pä 31 .ąé 95 18:35
 To   : Morten M.nsson
 Subj : Re: X-FILES konference??
> Can anybody please confirm, or the opposite ;-(, the rumour about,
> there being a seperate X-Files konference called - plainly: X-FILES ??

There is one, but to my knowledge it isn't backboned, and is thus only available
in a limited area.

--- DB 1.58/005132
 * Origin: Castrovalva BBS  610-917-0380 (1:2626/102)

 Msg  : 200 of 384
 From : Demian Katz                         1:2626/102      .pä 31 .ąé 95 18:36
 To   : Morten M.nsson
 Subj : Re: Starfleet Rules as...
> 8. If a dangerous solution to a problem, haven't been tested before, try
> one of the following commands: "Redirect Power..." or
> "Reverse Polarity..."

Actually, that reverse polarity bit seems more appropriate in Doctor Who
emergencies. :)


... "I'll just reverse the polarity of the neutron flow..."

--- DB 1.58/005132
 * Origin: Castrovalva BBS  610-917-0380 (1:2626/102)

 Msg  : 201 of 384
 From : Brian Henderson                     1:207/241       .˙ņ 26 .ąé 95 13:08
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : B5 Ripoff: Ds9
Jack Butler wrote about B5 Ripoff: Ds9

JB> Actually, he would.  Why, you ask?  Simple:  there is a concept out
JB> there called "embezzelment".  If he were to do anything else with
JB> the money, he'd go to jail for a long time.

Actually, he says that a lot of other shows have cast parties, etc. all of
which are sanctioned by the producing company.  JMS is putting all the money
that could be used for other non-B5 purposes back into special effects, etc.

... "Sleeping is not the problem.  Waking up is the problem" - Ivanova, B5

 X RM 1.3  X Eval Day -19 X

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The Belching Dragon Inn & Tavern (1:207/241)

 Msg  : 202 of 384
 From : Brian Henderson                     1:207/241       .˙ņ 26 .ąé 95 13:10
 To   : Richard Yamagata
 Subj : B5 Ripoff: Ds9
Richard Yamagata wrote about B5 Ripoff: Ds9

RY> I do not know if this is true or not, but I would like to think that
RY> it is true for B5.  From the amount of energy that JMS expends by
RY> posting on GEnie and CIS, I believe that B5 means much more to him
RY> than a meal ticket.  My son is waiting for his B5 micro-machines,
RY> but from what I garner from JMS posts, it seems JMS finds this type
RY> of marketing, demeaning.

Go to any Toys-R-Us for the Micro Machines.  They are *VERY* nice (I have all
four sets).  And yes, JMS is very bothered by the way the Star Trek Marketing
Machine works and has vowed to have B5 stand alone, not just be a vehicle to
sell action figures and toys.  I admire someone who can stand up for their
principles like that rather than sell out to the highest bidder.

RY> All I know is that from looking at the Nielsens, the Paramount
RY> Network's success is all owed to ST Voyager.  I think that the ST
RY> Voyager Q&A was a cheap ploy to get Voyager fans to sit through
RY> hours of vapid programming just to find the Q&A sequence.  I think
RY> this supports your arguement about "selling grandma."  As for
RY> Warner, their network ratings are lower than Fox and Paramount.  How
RY> much lower and non- profitable can you get?  It may be a blessing
RY> that B5 is syndicated an not a Warner Network offering.  Ry

Well, considering that both UPN and WBN have dumped their entire programming
lineup (except for Voyager and DS9, natch), I don't think either one was very
happy with the way it went.  Let's face it, when Fox started, they were the
absolute lowest, most awful nonsense on the tube, but they have improved
dramatically.  It will also happen for UPN and WBN.

... "He started dying on his own." - G'Kar, B5

 X RM 1.3  X Eval Day -19 X

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The Belching Dragon Inn & Tavern (1:207/241)

 Msg  : 203 of 384
 From : Brian Henderson                     1:207/241       .˙ņ 26 .ąé 95 13:14
 To   : David Johnston
 Subj : B5 Ripoff: Ds9
David Johnston wrote about B5 Ripoff: Ds9

DJ> Unfair.  Star Trek may not have a grand masterplan, but it's
DJ> inconsistencies are not monetary in origin.

Well, no.  It's inconsistencies are the result of incompetence.  However, I
firmly believe that if it would make them money, they'd do anything, no matter
how ridiculous.

... "Pottypottypottypotty." Wakko, A!

 X RM 1.3  X Eval Day -19 X

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The Belching Dragon Inn & Tavern (1:207/241)

 Msg  : 204 of 384
 From : Brian Henderson                     1:207/241       .˙ņ 26 .ąé 95 13:18
 To   : Scott Gates
 Subj : B5 Catch-Up
Scott Gates wrote about B5 Catch-Up

SG> Do you know how I could get these from internet ftp?

Synopses of every B5 episode is available from ftp.hyperion.com in

... "No one on Babylon 5 is quite what they seem..." - G'Kar, B5

 X RM 1.3  X Eval Day -19 X

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The Belching Dragon Inn & Tavern (1:207/241)

 Msg  : 205 of 384
 From : Brian Henderson                     1:207/241       .˙ņ 26 .ąé 95 13:21
 To   : Frank Swarbrick
 Subj : B5 Talk
Frank Swarbrick wrote about B5 Talk

FS> I have to totally agree with you on the Richard Biggs.  He is a
FS> wondeful actor, and I personally don't see any reason why he
FS> couldn't be in every episode.  (After all, McCoy always was. )  I
FS> don't know that he should get starring credits, simply *because*
FS> he's not in every episode, but than neither should Mira Furlan
FS> (Delenn).  In fact, she's probably my least favorite character.

Screen Actor Guild rules demand that if the actor is in a certain number of
episodes (I think it is 12, but am probably wrong), they must be pictured in
the opening credits.

... "Hokey Pokey, it doesn't mean A THING!!??" Londo to Delenn, B5

 X RM 1.3  X Eval Day -19 X

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The Belching Dragon Inn & Tavern (1:207/241)

 Msg  : 206 of 384
 From : Brian Henderson                     1:207/241       .˙ņ 26 .ąé 95 13:27
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Best Sf
Frank Eva wrote about Best Sf

FE> SG "Harlan's problem with B5 is he doesn't get his way 110% of the
FE> time. SG "(the extra 10% comes when he does get his way, was wrong,
FE> and will SG "blame someone else.
FE> He did sound like a whiny baby in the SFU interview...

Well... he *IS*.  Don't get me wrong, I've known Harlan for a long time, but
a bad attitude is about the best you'll ever expect to get from him.  Sheesh,
you want to see bad, try to see him at a SF convention sometime.  He sits
around and badmouths the con, the people, his fans, you name it and then
volunteers to come again next year.

... "Run out of small children to BUTCHER?" - G'Kar, B5

 X RM 1.3  X Eval Day -19 X

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The Belching Dragon Inn & Tavern (1:207/241)

 Msg  : 207 of 384
 From : Victor O'Rear                       1:202/1313      .óį 27 .ąé 95 06:24
 To   : All
 Subj : San Diego Comic-Con WWW page
 * Forwarded from "a.fandom.cons"
 * Originally by Janet Tait
 * Originally to All
 * Originally dated 24 May 1995, 17:01

Fm IntrNet:  jtait@ucsd.edu  [alt.fandom.cons]

The San Diego Comic-Con WWW page has just been updated. It now includes
registration information and forms, hotel information and a map of downtown
San Diego, contact information for Comic-Con, a current guest list, guest
interviews, information on programming, special events, the exhibit hall,
and nominations for the 1994 Will Eisner Comics Industry Awards. For those
without access to the web, some of the more vital information is below:

Dates: July 27-30, 1995
Places: San Diego Convention Center, 111 W. Harbor Dr., Downtown San Diego
Films Rooms: Convention Center and Hyatt Regency
Gaming Rooms: Convention Center and Clarion
Hours: Thursday: doors open at 10 a.m. for preregistered members, on-site
registration begins at
11 a.m. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday: Doors open at 10 a.m. Exhibit Hall
closes at 7 p.m. except
on Sunday, when it closes at 5 p.m.
Events: Eisner and Inkpot Awards Ceremony, Friday, Mariott Marina.
Saturday night party, Under the Sails area, Convention Center.
Masquerade: Saturday night at the Civic Theatre (shuttles will be
Deadlines: Preregistration: June 19; Hotel reservations, June 23

Preregistration (by mail, postmarked no later than June 19, 1995)
Adults over 16: $45 for all four days
Children 7-16: $22.20 for all four days
Children under 7 free with adult member

Please note correction from Update#2

On-Site registration (available on site only):
Adults over 16: $55 for all four days
Children 7-16: $27for all four days
Children under 7 free with adult member


Neil Gaiman
Stan Lee
Rob Liefeld
Scott Bakula
Clive Barker
Roger Corman
Tom Sito (director of _Pocahontas_)
Ryoichi Ikegami
Simon Bisley
James Gurney
Jeff Smith
Joe Sinnott
Ramona Fradon
Mike Baron
Alan Davis
Stan Sakai
Gil Kane
Mike Peters
Irv Novick
Harvey Pekar
Charles Burns
Greg and Tim Hildebrandt
Will Eisner

Unfortunately Art Spiegelman and Francoise Mouly will not be joining us due
to a
scheduling conflict. Christopher Lambert, announced as a guest in the San
Diego Comic-Con Update #2, has also been forced to cancel due to scheduling

San Diego Comic-Con Address:

San Diego Comic-Con
P.O. Box 128458
San Diego, CA 92112-8458
Ph: 619-491-2475
Fax: 619-544-0743
WWW: http://www.digimark.net/wraith/SDCC/
Email: sdccweb@aol.com

Janet Tait
SDCC Publications Coordinator

--- JMail-H 2.80 (Omega 3) [UNREGIS
 * Origin: Written Worlds 619.697.4073 (NONDMN 1:202/1313)

 Msg  : 208 of 384
 From : Gamin Davis                         1:202/1313      .óį 27 .ąé 95 19:28
 To   : Bruce Baugh
 Subj : B5 VS ST
Bruce Baugh while mentioning B5 VS ST said:

BB>On (09 May 95) Mark Jones wrote to Bruce Baugh...
BB>No fooling? It's not ringing any bells, honestly. Colonel Green's
  >War and the Eugenics Wars, yes, but not WW3.

    It WAS mentioned--I have the episode.  "Bread and Circuses", I
believe.  You're rusty on your TOS facts.
                                 Gamin Davis

From the house where Star Trek:  The Original Series Rules!
... If this isn't war, why is CNN massing on the border?
 * TLX v4.00 *

--- JMail-H 2.80 (Omega 3) [UNREGIS
 * Origin: Written Worlds BBS - 619.697.4073 (NONDMN 1:202/1313)

 Msg  : 209 of 384
 From : Gamin Davis                         1:202/1313      .óį 27 .ąé 95 19:28
 To   : Deana Kristof
 Subj : Counselor Troi
Deana Kristof while mentioning Counselor Troi said:

DK>Tell me.  Do you think a real MILITARY organization lacking discipline
  >last very long?    Do you think a real MILITARY organization lacking ha
  >security procedures wouldn't be taken advantage of in a second?

     Jesus H. Christ, are we back to THIS argument again???  Get this
through your head, everybody: STARFLEET *IS* A MILITARY ORGANIZATION!!
It's one with a few variations in focus, but it IS a military! Nor does
it "lack discipline" or "security procedures".  Anybody who thinks that
simply hasn't been paying attention.

DK>Starfleet has ideals.  That's something that MILITARY organizations lac
  >Sure, there's a chain of command, and it's a bureaucracy just like a
  >military organization.  But just becasue they defend what they believe
  >(get that DEFEND) does not make them a military organization.   The fac
  >that Starfleet, (until recently; the Defiant) does not have Warships te
  >us that Starfleet is decidely Not a military organization.  Sure, Starf
  >is the most militarily-oriented section of the Federation, but their mo
  >like a Police force than a Military organization.  Starfleet does not i
  >unless provoked, they defend their own territories and do not attack wi
  >due provocation.  Doesn't sound very military to me...

     You obviously know nothing about the military, then, because
everything you just described is an attribute of a MILITARY
ORGANIZATION.  If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, odds are,
it's a duck.  (BTW, I am a Navy wife so I have some basis for
                                     Gamin Davis

From the house where Star Trek:  The Original Series Rules!
... How can we have a mutiny if nobody's in command?
 * TLX v4.00 *

--- JMail-H 2.80 (Omega 3) [UNREGIS
 * Origin: Written Worlds BBS - 619.697.4073 (NONDMN 1:202/1313)

 Msg  : 210 of 384
 From : Tammy Blandino                      1:106/7315      .cź 28 .ąé 95 19:23
 To   : Karmin St.jean
 Subj : SF Channel and Anime
While skinny dipping Karmin St.jean was talking to Chris Baugh.

 KS> (note, many of these may get a second chance at life this fall when
 KS> the SciFi Channel introduces it's new Saturday Morning Anime lineup!)


 Unfortunately SciFi Channel isn't offerred by my cable company, but I
 have friends who have it....thanks....

... I think that I'm dizzy, and I rather like it. --Pinky
--- FreeMail & Blue Wave/TAG v2.12
 * Origin: The Wizard's Realm ** (713) 946-7315 ** (1:106/7315)

 Msg  : 211 of 384
 From : Tippi Blevins                       1:106/7315      .cź 28 .ąé 95 19:53
 To   : Frank Swarbrick
 Subj : Sliders & VR.5 cancelled!
*** Quoting Frank Swarbrick to All dated 05-24-95 ***

> Well, for everone wondering if Quinn is going to die...we'll never know.
> Sliders has been cancelled.  As has VR.5 (big surprise there).  Sheesh,
> they hardly even gave Sliders a chance.  As for VR.5, well I wanted it
> to continue but I didn't hold out much hope.  I'm surprised that
> Sliders

Well I hear tell that we get a new Aaron Spelling TV series about vampires.
ARGH!  I don't know what it's called, but how about "Transylvania 90210"?

--- FreeMail/T.A.G. 2.7c Standard
 * Origin: The Wizard's Realm ** (713) 946-7315 ** (1:106/7315)

 Msg  : 212 of 384
 From : Tippi Blevins                       1:106/7315      .cź 28 .ąé 95 19:54
 To   : Debra Milner
 Subj : Help on X-Files Finale
*** Quoting Debra Milner to Dana Zendell dated 05-26-95 ***

> I have both on tape, and tell you what, I'll be more than happy to send
> you a copy, if you can send me your address...BTW, did you by any
> chance get tonight's (part 2) episode on tape?  Guess what dummy forgot
> to set the VCR tonight...

You didn't miss part 2;)  Part 2 won't be on till next season.  This past
Friday's episode was a repeat (the one where a ghost tried to solve its own

Hope that helps!:)

--- FreeMail/T.A.G. 2.7c Standard
 * Origin: The Wizard's Realm ** (713) 946-7315 ** (1:106/7315)

 Msg  : 213 of 384
 From : Skip Shayotovich                    1:161/42        .īķ 29 .ąé 95 06:38
 To   : Frank Swarbrick
 Subj : VR.5
 = A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, Frank said: =

 FS> Alas, 'tis been cancelled.

     Fox has developed a VERY bad habit of cancelling SF shows that end
on cliff hangers... they're REALLY starting to wear thin with me and my

 FS> Found out that Space is going to be on Sunday nights at 7:00pm (6:00
 FS> central/mtn).  The storyline seems to be thus...

     It does sound good... and it better be VERY good if they want to
appease me at this point.  They canned ALIEN NATION (a GREAT SF show) way
back when it was still a fledgling network, now they cancel two more good
SF shows.  NOT good.

 FS> I wonder how far the show has been planned out.  Hopefully they've
 FS> planned out in advance like Babylon 5 (well, maybe not five years in
 FS> advance, but...) so they have a story "goal" to work toward.

     I think ALL SF shows should do that... Babylon 5 is an excellent
series, in part because of this 5 year story arc.  Other SF produced
series should take note.

--- FLAME v1.1
 * Origin: Records Department TBBS - Pleasanton, CA (510) 426-0470 (1:161/42)

 Msg  : 214 of 384
 From : Skip Shayotovich                    1:161/42        .īķ 29 .ąé 95 06:39
 To   : Patrick Thoms
 = A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, Patrick said: =

 PT> Highlander: The Sorcerer

     That was one of the original names...

 PT> Highlander: The Final Dimension.

     This was THE final title.  Reason?  Probably because "Dimension"
films was the only company dumb enough to release it and they undoubtedly
had a clause in the contract stating their company name should be put in
the FINAL title.

--- FLAME v1.1
 * Origin: Records Department TBBS - Pleasanton, CA (510) 426-0470 (1:161/42)

 Msg  : 215 of 384
 From : Lanae Lauderdale                    1:106/440       .īķ 29 .ąé 95 19:59
.TID: InterEcho 1.04 6E010618
Babylon 5 is extended for another year. Heard it straight from Jerry Doyle  at a
con a few weeks ago. He had just received the news.

--- GTMail 1.25
 * Origin: Bay Area LightSpeed San_Leon, TX (1:106/440.0)

 Msg  : 216 of 384
 From : FRANK SWARBRICK                     1:104/825       .īķ 29 .ąé 95 20:55
 Subj : B5 Baseball
On 05-27-95  00:37 Starwolf, the little pine weasel, said:

 St> I wondered about that.  In the opening film, you've got the captain
 St> commenting to Deleen that it was real tricky, what with the huge space
 St> needed for life support and other essential functions, to have this
 St> teeny, tiny space set aside for a Zen garden.

 St> But they had the room to spare for a baseball diamond???

Priorities, man, priorities!


... No one can hear when you're Screaming in Digital!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Silver Xpress Mail System 5.3W1G
 * Origin: Bailey Info Exchange : 303-674-0147 (1:104/825)

 Msg  : 217 of 384
 From : FRANK SWARBRICK                     1:104/825       .īķ 29 .ąé 95 21:00
On 05-28-95  22:11 Robert Lidgren, the little pine weasel, said:

 RL> RE:  Your question about the two versions of MAX HEADROOM-->

 -> >Max Headroom: 10 points!
 -> Can anybody tell me, what the difference is between the UK and the US
 -> versions of the show. Are there different actors? Different episodes?


 RL> The US version was cast with entirely different actors, as I recall.
 RL> The only hold-over was the actor who played Max.  The British version
 RL> was much better. It had a grittier feel to it and a somewhat darker
 RL> tone.  The humour was more sophisticated.  Here in Canada we saw the
 RL> entire run of both versions so I can speak from direct knowledge.

You mean there was a whole British Max Headroom series?  I thought there
was just one movie.  Interesting...


... No one can hear when you're Screaming in Digital!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Silver Xpress Mail System 5.3W1G
 * Origin: Bailey Info Exchange : 303-674-0147 (1:104/825)

 Msg  : 218 of 384
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .īķ 29 .ąé 95 23:57
 Subj : Star Wars
On (27 May 95) VINCENT MCCONNELL wrote to MARK JONES...

 VM> discussion is based on rumor and fan speculation which turned
 VM> into "good sources" about the new movies, and has been going on
 VM> for years now. Lucas/Film/Arts has released several statements
 VM> actually confirming this one.

Talk is cheap.  Even "official" talk.  I still haven't seen or heard
anything to convince this is anything *but* talk.

 VM> If Lucas were out of ideas he would get someone to write them for
 VM> him. It's that simple. He has NOT been delaying these films,
 VM> because there have been no official releases before the 1998 one.
 VM> And the fact remains that if he were out of ideas... someone else
 VM> would write them.

And maybe someone will.  But it HASN'T HAPPENED YET.  And until
there's more evidence than a Hollywood *press release* (for God's
sake!), I still don't believe it will happen.

 VM> If he didn't want to do them he would not. People have been
 VM> hearing BS for years now, and until it was confirmed they never
 VM> actually *expected* anything. If he didn't want to do them it
 VM> would have been oh-so-easy to have done just that.

People have been expecting (and slavering for) more Star Wars movies
since ROTJ.  That's one of the reasons I don't believe it *now*.
Maybe *you* didn't expect anything until this recent "official"
release--but lots of other people did.  And they're *still* waiting.
I think they'll still be waiting when 2000 rolls around.

 VM> The SW re-hype has been doing well enough without hope of a new
 VM> movie in 1998/99. The fact is, not many read SW Insider, and the
 VM> merchandise is just appealing in itself to a crowd.

...and if the studio fanned the flames with rumors of an impending new
trilogy, the stuff will probably sell even better.  No marketing exec
ever thought that "good enough" couldn't be improved.

   You guys seem to take it as a personal affront that I don't believe
that the second coming of Star Wars is imminent.
   If you think so, fine.  Somebody asked why I didn't believe it.
These were my reasons.  If you aren't convinced, that's fine too.
Time will tell who was right.

... Waco:  proof that Janet Reno approves of children smoking....

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: HQ of World Domination, Inc. (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 219 of 384
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .ņp 30 .ąé 95 00:09
 To   : Morten M.nsson
 Subj : Starfleet Rules as...
On (25 May 95) Morten MĘnsson wrote to All...

 MM> Having read something about Starfleet rules, as interpreted by Captain
 MM> Picard and the crew of Enterprise, I got the urge to add a few more
 MM> rules...:

 MM>  8. If a dangerous solution to a problem, haven't been tested before,
 MM>     try one of the following commands: "Redirect Power..." or
 MM>     "Reverse Polarity..."
 MM>  9. If access to a high-level-security-system or area is impossible,
 MM>     try the ventilation duct or the loose access-panel right next
 MM>     to it.
 MM> 10. If your ships highly sophisticated automatic controls are unable
 MM>     to cope with an unnatural cosmic fenomenon, try flying it
 MM>     better manually!

And I've got a couple, as well:

11.  The use of fuses and circuit breakers is strictly prohibited!

12.  All manual overrides must be electronically operated.

... Mulder!  FBI!  Drop the sword, McLeod--I have a few questions....

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: HQ of World Domination, Inc. (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 220 of 384
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .ņp 30 .ąé 95 07:02
 To   : Pamela Crossett
 Subj : Highlander
 Quoth Pamela Crossett, "Nevermore".

 PC> God I hate to sound illiterate, but then I hated almost all of
 PC> Shakespeare's tragedies. So just how did Banquo disappear?

     He evaporated.  Banquo was a ghost...

 PC> About how long, chronologically, would you estimate Duncan and Anne's
 PC> went  on (for it's abysmally short period) anyway?

     Perhaps four months, five on the outside.

 PC> I will look forward to both. He was great.
 PC> Was he ever in the series before this season's two-parter?

     He first appeared in "Methos", the third episode in the "Song of the
Executioner" storyline.

 PC> What is "the contract" - Fox's contract w/Adrian Paul, the owners of
 PC> the  Highlander concepts contract w/Fox?? What?

     The production contract guaranteed four years of episodes.  We are now
going to enter the fourth year.  No word has been made on whether or not
there will be a year five.

 PC> Come on - give me a hint.
 PC> Actually, give me more than a hint. I want all the details. I want it
 PC> all.  Can you arrange that?

     Okay, I won't go into detail, but:  at least one of the current crop
of characters is *not* going to survive into the next season.  Also, MacLeod
is going to get a bit edgier, a bit darker.  Not surprising considering
everything he has gone through lately...

     Jack Butler

... Beam me up, Scotty!  It ate my phaser!
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 221 of 384
 From : Dan Kachoogian                      1:107/953       .ņp 30 .ąé 95 11:00
*** Quoting ROBERT LIDGREN to ALL ***

RL> I wonder if Babylon 5, ST Voyager, ST Deep Space 9 and X-Files
RL> will now be
RL> cancelled too so the networks can bring back "Lost in Space:  The
RL> 90's
RL> edition":  AAARRRRGhhhhhhhh!!!

Comparing basic premise alone, isn't ST:V the SAME SHOW as Lost in Space?


 * Origin: The Juice Bar BBS (908) 298-0764 (1:107/953)

 Msg  : 222 of 384
 From : Jeff Schlenker                      1:288/19        .ņp 30 .ąé 95 11:24
 Subj : Re: EARTH 2/SO LONG

-=> ROBERT LIDGREN was overheard speaking to JEFF SCHLENKER <=-

 -> Yea, I liked it as well.  When it first came on, I wasn't too impressed, bu
 -> I kept watching and I guess it sorta grew on me.

 RL> Let's hope down the line something from a non-Star Trek universe can
 RL> succeed and do so in a powerful way.  I guess X-Files demonstrates that
 RL> such fare is possible and can be produced with innovative scripts and
 RL> with characters who have a tremendous charisma.

There *is* one thing we can be pleased about.  At least more shows are
getting a chance (albeit a small chance sometimes).  It wasn't long ago
when Star Trek was the *only* show of the genre that seemed to be


*  Jeffrey A. Schlenker                >>>Internet<<<           *
*  Hazel, South Dakota           jeff.schlenker@lake-city.com   *

... "All new Pentium systems now come with a *free* pocket calculator!"
___ TagDude 0.87 [Unregistered]
--- < Sig-It > v3.00 by Brandon S. Bell

--- Blue Wave/Max v2.12
 * Origin: LakeCity BBS * V34/4 Gigs Watertown SD 605 886-0849 (1:288/19)

 Msg  : 223 of 384
 From : Paul Worley                         1:2601/515      .ņp 30 .ąé 95 15:25
 To   : all
 Subj :
Anybody know when GENERATIONS will be coming out on video?


--- GoldED 2.42.G0614
 * Origin: USS Wolf - Wheatland, PA  (1:2601/515)

 Msg  : 224 of 384
 From : Joel Jessup                         1:2613/105      .ņp 30 .ąé 95 22:43
 To   : Arsenal
 Subj : SeaQuest DSV
Sadly, no.  I generally don't hear much on Seaquest before the rest of the
world.  (IMHO, I don't think NBC knows: a) What they want to do with the show
and b) what they're doing period)
I do scan the web for Star Trek related items, but haven't come across any site
that touches upon Seaquest.  If I do, I'll let you know.

--- Maximus 2.00
 * Origin: Desert Heat BBS (1:2613/105)

 Msg  : 225 of 384
 From : David Johnston                      1:342/14        .pä 31 .ąé 95 01:24
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Voyager Nose Diving?
-> DJ "Frankly I don't find Chakotay and Janeway particularly youthful
-> in DJ "their appearance or their demeanor.  Paris, Kim, Torres and
-> Tuvok DJ "are fairly youthful, or more accurately give that
-> impression. DJ "Essentially this means that we have three mature
-> starship officers DJ "and four young adult starship officers.  I
-> don't see the problem.
-> I agree, Chakotay and Janeway are not the ones I was referring to. I
-> don't have a complete answer to this question, but I do know that to
-> me, this series is going rapidly downhill. In addition to bad writing
-> and constantly trying to retell old stories, I find the demographics
-> of the crew unappealing. You have no problem with this... I do...

So, you don't like Paris and Kim?

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
 * Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)

 Msg  : 226 of 384
 From : Chris Carter                        1:105/302.23    .pä 31 .ąé 95 03:54
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : Kosh's Karaoke machine

 JB> You sick, sick little monkey.  

I always take Dramamine before I go swinging from branches. ;~)

Chris - carter@teleport.com

--- cPoint v2.17/FreeWare
 * Origin: Carter's Conspicuous Consumption (1:105/302.23)

 Msg  : 227 of 384
 From : Rumble                              1:163/436       .pä 31 .ąé 95 06:42
 To   : Pramod Korathota
 Subj : The New Sq Series..
I heard that next year there will be a mix of wierd and sci-fi plots. that
should be excellent!

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: Coven's Den (613)746-3584 = 650+ Echoes & 4.3+ Gigs (1:163/436)

 Msg  : 228 of 384
 From : Rumble                              1:163/436       .pä 31 .ąé 95 06:45
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : SeaQuest Survives
The plot are suppost to swing back to sci-fi next year so try to tune in.

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: Coven's Den (613)746-3584 = 650+ Echoes & 4.3+ Gigs (1:163/436)

 Msg  : 229 of 384
 From : Karmin St.jean                      1:321/309       .pä 31 .ąé 95 12:17
 To   : Morten M.nsson
 >  Can anybody tell me, what the difference is between the UK and the
 > US
 >  versions of the show. Are there different actors? Different
 > episodes? Or..??
 >  If anyone has a short episode listing from either version,
 >  preferably both, you will be included in my bedtime prayers! ;-)

YES! The major difference is in Bryce Lynch, Max's creator.

In the British film version that was made for Cinemax, Bryce was downright
evil. For example, when Grossman (called Grossberg in the tv series) told Bryce
that Edison had gotten "Too damned close twice already." Bryce replied. "Well,
fire him. Or you could always kill him." as if it were the same as tossing out
an old newspaper rather than an ol' news reporter. Also in that version Bryce
was portrayed by actor Paul Spurrier (who hasn't been heard from since!)

In the American made for ABC version, Bryce was played by Chris Young. He wasn't
evil, in this version, he merely had trouble coping with emotions and people who
displayed them because he'd grown up in front of a tv screen and a computer and
didn't seem to have any of his own. He was probably a borderline sociopath
because of his sheltered upbringing, but he wasn't evil. For example, he didn't
suggest killing Edison like Paul's Bryce did.

Other cast changes:

ABC: Jere Burns
ENGLAND: Hilton McRae (not the same as Major Dad, I don't think.)

ABC: Jeffrey Tambor
can't recall the one who played him in the English version.

ABC: George Coe
again, I forget who played him in the English version.

Also, in the end of the British version of Max Headroom Bryce and Grossberg were
both cornered by Edison while in the American version Bryce helped Edison and
became friends with him, even to the point in saving his life during the
"Neurospin" episode. Note: Neurospin means "Head Trip" and refers to the
hallucination Edison had, not to the bracelet he was wearing that caused it. and
in the British version Max ended up in the hands of Big Time TV.

I hope that answers your quetion.

--- FLAME v1.1
 * Origin: Final Approach BBS - Spfld, MA (413)783-5853 (1:321/309)

 Msg  : 230 of 384
 From : Karmin St.jean                      1:321/309       .pä 31 .ąé 95 12:19
 To   : Robert Lidgren
 > The US version was cast with entirely different actors, as I recall.
 >  The only
 > hold-over was the actor who played Max.  The British version was
 > much better.
 > It had a grittier feel to it and a somewhat darker tone.  The humour
 > was more
 > sophisticated.  Here in Canada we saw the entire run of both
 > versions so I can
 > speak from direct knowledge.

Actually, Amanda Pays and G.W. Morgan (Theora and Blank Reg) were also held
over from the series.

I feel sorry for Paul Spurrier and Chris Young, though. Bryce Lynch was a jinxed

--- FLAME v1.1
 * Origin: Final Approach BBS - Spfld, MA (413)783-5853 (1:321/309)

 Msg  : 231 of 384
 From : Kay Shapero                         1:102/524       .pä 31 .ąé 95 13:08
 To   : Tony Trujillo
 Subj : Re: Sliders Continuity
On , Tony Trujillo (1:280/9) wrote to K.c. Jones:

 TT>Looks like the show hasn't been renewed by FOX at this time
 TT>but there's hope that it will be picked up as a summer
 TT>replacement OR by another network. I'm not counting SLIDERS
 TT>out yet but I'm crossing my fingers that it will slide back
 TT>onto television in the future.

They'll have to do it pretty quickly, or the cast will have scattered to the
winds (I really doubt John Rhys-Davies will be available for long...) Of course
if they do I do have one little suggestion...

...lose the dog

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 232 of 384
 From : Kay Shapero                         1:102/524       .pä 31 .ąé 95 13:10
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Confessions & Lamentation
On , Frank Eva (1:154/750) wrote to All:

 FE>                           SPOILER ALERT!!!
 FE>                             __________
 FE>                            / _________ \
 FE>                           / /         \ \
 FE>           ------------------------------------------------
 FE>          / ______________________________________________ \
 FE>         / /                                              \ \
 FE>        / /                                                \ \
 FE>        \ \                                                / /
 FE>          \ \                       ____________________ / /
 FE>            \ \                    l-------------------  /
 FE>              \ \                                    / /
 FE>              /   \                                /   \
 FE>             / / \  \               ____________ /  / \ \
 FE>            / /    \  \            l-----------   /    \ \
 FE>           / /      /   \                    /   \      \ \
 FE>          / /      /  /\  \                /  /\  \      \ \
 FE>          \ \_____/  /   \  \            /  /   \  \_____/ /
 FE>           \________/      \  \________/  /      \________/
 FE>                             \__________/

 FE>like MedLab, Sheridan said... "I can't let you out". If the
 FE>disease truly was "airborn", why would it have made any difference
 FE>to let Delenn and Lennier out, since EVERYONE had already been exposed?

There are degrees of exposure, and theirs would certainly have been higher.
However I suspect the real reason would be political - everybody on the station
was afraid of catching it too and they'd be in serious danger if they left again
before there was a cure, evidence they were not suceptable, or both.

 FE>2. Now that the Markabs have been totally wiped out, we viewers
 FE>are deprived of what seemed to be a very interesting race of aliens.

And the Babylon 5 universe of one more slant of view on the universe.  A bit
loss all around.  You'll note that that news announcer said that there were
probably surviving individuals in remote places, but the Markab civilization was
dead; maybe some of these survivors will pop up later.

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 233 of 384
 From : Kay Shapero                         1:102/524       .pä 31 .ąé 95 13:19
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Knives
On , Frank Eva (1:154/750) wrote to Richard Yamagata:
[Knives, also Confessions and Lamentations]

 FE>                           SPOILER ALERT!!!
 FE>                             __________
 FE>                            / _________ \
 FE>                           / /         \ \
 FE>           ------------------------------------------------
 FE>          / ______________________________________________ \
 FE>         / /                                              \ \
 FE>        / /                                                \ \
 FE>        \ \                                                / /
 FE>          \ \                       ____________________ / /
 FE>            \ \                    l-------------------  /
 FE>              \ \                                    / /
 FE>              /   \                                /   \
 FE>             / / \  \               ____________ /  / \ \
 FE>            / /    \  \            l-----------   /    \ \
 FE>           / /      /   \                    /   \      \ \
 FE>          / /      /  /\  \                /  /\  \      \ \
 FE>          \ \_____/  /   \  \            /  /   \  \_____/ /
 FE>           \________/      \  \________/  /      \________/
 FE>                             \__________/

 FE>to me, it was also a "throwaway", just like "Confessions and
 FE>Lamentations". I know how hard this must be, especially when JMS
 FE>uses other writers who don't have a full comprehension of the 5 year
 FE>B5 story arc, but I wish he would reveal more of the main story arc
 FE>with each new episode...

By the very nature of things, we don't know for sure just how much of the story
arc is really effected by an episode.  Both of the above involve strong
character focus, and changes to the environment as a whole be it the political
repercussions of Londo's live opera plot in Knives, or the loss of an entire
civilization in "Confessions".  The effects THIS could have are many and varied.

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 234 of 384
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .pä 31 .ąé 95 16:01
 To   : Pamela Crossett
 Subj : Highlander, The Series
 Quoth Pamela Crossett, "Nevermore".

 PC> but i did rent highlander 3 and saw those two tessa episodes. i've
 PC> rented everything that says highlander, including the infamous episode
 PC> 2. i'll watch it all.

     For the record, that is *not* Highlander 3, was never intended to *be*
Highlander 3, and should not be thought of as Highlander 3.  What it is, on
the other hand, is the first of the episode releases on videotape.
     The rest of the episodes will be released in fits and spurts over the
next several years.

     Jack Butler
     Highlander Guru

... "Eternal peace.  I hope she finds it." -- Michael Moore
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 235 of 384
 From : Rumble                              1:163/436       .pä 31 .ąé 95 16:13
 To   : David Johnston
 Subj : Voyager Nose Diving?
Well when it comes to TNG you seem to hate all the most popular people!

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: Coven's Den (613)746-3584 = 650+ Echoes & 4.3+ Gigs (1:163/436)

 Msg  : 236 of 384
 From : Kay Shapero                         1:102/524       .pä 31 .ąé 95 17:43
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : Confessions et. al.
On , Jack Butler (1:363/309) wrote to John Kahane:

 JB>     The rat-bastards who run WOFL, FOX 35 decided that
 JB>Confessions and Lamentations was just a bit too intense, so they
 JB>re-ran Knives instead.

Sheesh!  Those Shadows are everywhere!

(If you can, get hold of a tape - it was a good episode despite temptations to
get more than a bit heavy handed.)

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 237 of 384
 From : Debra Milner                        1:112/285       .pä 31 .ąé 95 18:42
 To   : Frank Glover
 Subj : X-Files Finale

 > DM>  How DID Mulder get out of that car?

 >    We don't know how, or even *if.* That's the cliff-hanger...

You mean......it's like "who shot JR"? and the to-be-continued is NEXT season?

I HATE when they do that....

--- GEcho 1.00
 * Origin: Wolverine's Asylum, past the boonies in Macclenny, FL (1:112/285)

 Msg  : 238 of 384
 From : Myra I Fox                          1:123/10        .pä 31 .ąé 95 19:10
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : Highlander Schedule

-=>Quoting Jack Butler to Myra I Fox<=-

 MIF> Oh, I didn't know she was definitely gone... I figured that she would
 MIF> come back into the storyline later... oh, well .

 JB> It is beginning to look like she may actually show up for an
 JB> episode or two in the fourth season.

It isn't that I particularly liked her - I just liked the idea of
a strong female interest in the story.

I like Amanda and I do hope they don't kill her off the way most
of Duncan's friends have been done away with... I would like to
see some of the 'good' Immortals hang around even if they are not
directly in the show.  I liked Darius and thought he was a very
interesting variation.  I also liked Hugh FitzCairn and I enjoyed
him showing up in more than one episode.  Maybe Methos and Amanda
will hang around.

 JB> BTW, the premiere of the 4th season is being directed by Adrian
 JB> Paul, and will feature several scenes which were filmed in Scotland.

That will be interesting... does this season end on a cliffhanger
or do we find out the outcome of the fight?  I know, Saturday
I'll see for myself .

... "Never over-extend your thrust..." -- Ramirez
--- RA/FD/FMail.98
 * Origin: The Electric Fox - Memphis,Tn. (901)327-1008 (1:123/10)

 Msg  : 239 of 384
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .pä 31 .ąé 95 22:35
-> Not me this series is not what the fans I knew wanted and the Writing was
-> not seasoned enough to draw in watchers.
-> I thought it might be good when I first saw the Pilot but it look more like
-> a Paranoid Lost in Space and Yates was the Robot "warning , warning this
-> show lacks"

I sympathize with your feelings.  I felt that way too, at times.  I guess I
just WISH the whole enterprise would have packed a more powerful PUNCH.  And,
I'm sure the people working on the series worked their hearts out trying to
make it a success.  Oh well, it wasn't a waste of time and it does teach us
lessons.  I just hope that non-Star Trek universe series can thrive.  We need
all the variety possible.

Robert Lidgren
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 240 of 384
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .pä 31 .ąé 95 22:41
-> When Fans accept formula plot and writing subtext then you see the results.
-> Potential will never be reached because that would envolve and effort to
-> create and not follow formula.Here Lies Earth 2 a victem of its own
-> shortsidness.

You are right but not totally.  I'm sure plenty of fans would also look forward
to soemthing really new, innovative and challnging in a science fiction series.
 I am old enough to remember watching The Outer Limits and Rod Serling's The
Twilight Zone and even "One Step Beyond" when I was a kid.  MANY of those
stories were a challenge and were breaking new ground.

People who read science fiction stories and novels have been able to get far,
far beyond ray-guns in outer space.  I think many would support damn good
writing and production values in the 1990's too.

Now, do you think any networks will be willing to take more chances?
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 241 of 384
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .pä 31 .ąé 95 22:46
-> the majority of the supplies.....couple that with the fact that a good
-> portion of the group, who had their own pecking order and owed no loyalty to
-> the colony "leader", had no intentions of ever staying on the surface of the
-> planet, and I should think that leadership WOULD be ambiguous until things
-> could settle out.....

-> Many just didn't give the series a chance.  The plotline developed into one
-> that I think was becoming fairly strong and complex....by the time many came
-> back to see a second or third episode, they were lost, not having followed
-> the various threads from the beginning.

Your thoughts show great understanding.  All that you say is plausible.  One of
the reasons this conference or "echo" keeps my interest is because people like
you hang around here and say things that make me think and, often, reassess my

The fact that an Earth 2 "Post Mortem" should generate quite a bit of input
makes me think that it wasn't a total botched job and despite the critics I
believe it was fixable.

I'm always keen to read what you have to say.  By the way where do you live?
I am typing from Calgary, Alberta Canada (yeh, that place due north of
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 242 of 384
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .pä 31 .ąé 95 22:48
-> Where did you get your information?
-> I Know that Sliders was a mid season replacement for Party of Five but it
-> did better than in in ratings .

My source was an article in The Globe and Mail, a newspaper published out of
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 243 of 384
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .pä 31 .ąé 95 22:50
-> I think the cancelation of Earth 2 and Sliders was a real STUPID
-> mistake.Earth 2 was one of my favorites,still deciding about Sliders,I
-> mainly liked the idea of inter-dimensional travel.
->       Sean McCormick

Hi Sean!  Yes, this was an unwelcome event.  I agree with you that
demise of Sliders was a BIGGER shock.  That show was a delight and I hope the
idea of a mid-season replacemnt isn't beyond the realm of possibility.  Let's
keep our fingers crossed!
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 244 of 384
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .pä 31 .ąé 95 22:53
-> RL>Is there any GOOD NEWS out there???
-> Yes... VR5 was also cancelled! :-)

Frank!  You just made me spill my coffee-I was laughing so hard.  Good one!
A sense of humour is a terrific anodyne and that's especially needed these

We need to remember these are just TV shows!  A bike ride with my nine-year-old
will always be a much bigger deal for me.

Robert Lidgren
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 245 of 384
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .pä 31 .ąé 95 22:56
-> Amazing! I never knew, that there were another version. Was it anygood or
-> did it become to "camp"? Since the British version never was released on
-> cassettes, do you know if the US version is available on cassettes.

Gee, I'm not sure if it is or not.  I do know I RENTED a videocassette of the
first two hours of the Britsih series a few years ago.  The title:  simply "Max

Frewer?  Yes, I rember that now.  He has been in a few televsion shows since
then but I would imagine Max was the character which keeps him in our minds.
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 246 of 384
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .pä 31 .ąé 95 22:58
 To   : ALL
I think HBO or one of the other U.S. cable networks broadcast "Roswell" about
the UFO crash in New Mexico in 1947.  I haven't seen it yet.  Can you let me
know what you thought of it?


Robert Lidgren
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 247 of 384
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .pä 31 .ąé 95 23:02
I think you are referring to the episode guide I posted.  I'd be happy to send
it along.  Would you mind giving me your e-mail address or refresh me on
netmail.  So far I've only used my local provider to read SFFAN and reply to
messages as well as sending things off to Internet addresses.

Robert Lidgren
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 248 of 384
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .pä 31 .ąé 95 23:04
 Subj : X-Files Stuff
Frank, did you get the X-Files espisode guides and other X-Files things I
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 249 of 384
 From : John Harrington                     1:326/406       .åņ 01 .žķ 95 00:38
 To   : Karmin St.jean
KS> Hi, Doc!
KS> Don't know if you mean *me* but I've got some Max Headroom (8 Eps.)

        Cool! Could you send me your E-mail adress, I'm at


        I can send you tapes, and money for shipping and all.

        -The Doc-

 -- SPEED 1.40 [NR]:

--- FLAME v1.1
 * Origin: *AcornBBS*Freeport,ME*USA*207-865-3004* (1:326/406)

 Msg  : 250 of 384
 From : John Harrington                     1:326/406       .åņ 01 .žķ 95 00:38
 To   : Tony Trujillo
TT> This is true. Speaking of SLIDERS, to be totally realistic
TT> they haven't really slid into a "high improbability" Earth
TT> as of yet....I mean something that REALLY changes earth
TT> history like....what if the Dinosaurs never became extinct?
TT> How would this affect man's development? How about an earth
TT> were evolution took a whole different path? Now that would
TT> make for an interesting episode! :^)

        Ah, but you forget the one all-powerful, quantum rule of
 Sliders: FX budget! 

        (Then again, since Jurasic Park, CDI tech has dropped
 considerably in price, and the spider/wasps were pretty cool! To
 bad Sliders is allmost all video toaster effects)

        -The Doc-

        "Imagine a world, where Jimmy Carter is god..."- yet another

 -- SPEED 1.40 [NR]:

--- FLAME v1.1
 * Origin: *AcornBBS*Freeport,ME*USA*207-865-3004* (1:326/406)

 Msg  : 251 of 384
 From : John Harrington                     1:326/406       .åņ 01 .žķ 95 00:38
 To   : Tony Limbert
TL> Damn... and to think that I was beginning to LIKE Quinn.


        Just let me say, that if that yuppie slime is supposed to take
 Quin's place, the casters are complete morons. No Quin, means no one
 to fix the silly slide box, and no slide box, means the danged series
 burns on for ever in simple, "we have to escape this world!" plots, lead
 by tight tips, the nearly euthanized yuppy.

        There, that's my anger, now for the plus side:

        Maybe that cliff hanger was just put in to scare us, so when Quin
 survives, we'll all be happy. (didn't work for Ross Perot) Next, maybe
 a soft wousey who comes from a peaceful, happy world, will be more fu-
 filling, when he actually has to stand up and save the group. (A bit
 a hatred and disrespect from Arturo and Rembrant would be cool at first,
 since Quin did sacrifice himself for, uh, what's his name, Sparky,
 the cianide boy) Next, the death of a character reminds us that bad things
 can ACTUALLY happen. (I they just could have done it at ANY other time than
 now, since we all know he left over money, not plot)
        Then, comes the Ranger theory: I was stuck babysitting a hyper 10
 year old, who loved the PowerRangers, and made me watch the thing every
 day of the two weeks I was there. As anyone who has seen the show knows,
 the plots just loop, repeating the monster arrrives-monster fights-monster
 loses scenario over and over, and all I could think, was wouldn't it be
 cool if say, a Ranger got killed, maybe three of them while we're at it,
 and the last two are all demoralized, and have to fight desperately, alone.
 That would be so scarry, since we all know that the silly plots just loop,
 with no change.
        Apply this to Sliders, and it would be cool, even with just a few
 left, who don't believe they'll ever get home, and who have to find something
 new, a new goal, to keep from manic depression.
        Okay, it might still suk, but at least it would keep the show fresh.
 Doomed struggle is part of what's kept the X-files going so long.
        last line: the only thing that would ruin the "half are dead" kind
 of theme, is if they teamed up two who get along great, like Sparky and
 Wade. For this idea, Sparky and Rembrant would be more appropriate, since
 they have no chemistry, and would surprise us with any team work.
        Anyway, the show needs work to keep us all watching, and I wish they
 didn't have to "kill off" Quin, that kind of merciles slaughter is what
 made Alien3 such a bomb.
        Thanks for reading this enormous post':)

        -The Doc-

        "Oh no! Wade's dog peed' on the slide-box!"

 -- SPEED 1.40 [NR]:

--- FLAME v1.1
 * Origin: *AcornBBS*Freeport,ME*USA*207-865-3004* (1:326/406)

 Msg  : 252 of 384
 From : John Harrington                     1:326/406       .åņ 01 .žķ 95 00:38
 To   : Tony Trujillo
TT> Not always...some shows just disappear off the face of the
TT> earth without the benefit of a "goodbye" show.

        Some get a season finale, that never get picked up later, like
 "Alien nation", which set up the big threat of disease among the newcomers,
 and then, thphphphph, gone. They didn't resolve that thread till five
 years later, when Fox inexplicably made a two hour episode, that finished
 the plot off. It had taken so long, I forgot about the finale all together,
 until the Sci-Fi channel aired the "they pulled the plug!" marathon.

        -The Doc-

 -- SPEED 1.40 [NR]:

--- FLAME v1.1
 * Origin: *AcornBBS*Freeport,ME*USA*207-865-3004* (1:326/406)

 Msg  : 253 of 384
 From : Tony Trujillo                       1:280/9         .åņ 01 .žķ 95 03:15
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Re: SeaQuest Survives
.TID: GE 1.11+

>> Lucas...

FE>> He's become just another Wesley Crusher, always saving the day...
FE>> TT> "I guess that's what the "kids" want...

 FE> Yeah, and isn't it sad when demographics rules what we see on TV? I was
 FE> perfectly happy with the first season, but when the new producer decided
 FE> to target a different audience, he lost me...

I think he might have lost a good majority of people who
made it possible for SEAQUEST to continue. I'm no sure who's
watching SEAQUEST right now but I do know that nobody that I
know (who loved the first season of the show) watches the
show anymore.

... "Oh bother!" said Pooh, as his "lock-on" indicator wailed
--- Via Silver Xpress V4.02B03 SW01177
 * Origin: South of the River - Overland Park KS - (913)642-7907 V.* (1:280/9)

 Msg  : 254 of 384
 From : Nicolai Shapero                     1:102/524       .åņ 01 .žķ 95 04:29
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Harlan Ellison
On , Frank Eva (1:154/750) wrote to Todd Sullivan:

 FE>He is supposed to be working on a B5 adaptation of "The Glass
 FE>(which, BTW, I've never read). From the length of time is seems
 FE>to be
 FE>taking to bring this episode to the screen, it would seem that
 FE>he's back
 FE>to his old tricks (aka "City on the Edge of Forever")...

He was, in theory, working on a sequel to the Outer Limits episode, "DEMON WITH
A GLASS HAND" entitled "DEMON ON THE RUN" for B5.  But I haven't heard anything
about this lately (no news is good news?)

-- Nicolai Shapero, the Mad Russian Sysop of StormGate Aerie

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 255 of 384
 From : Jeff Kovach                         1:114/318       .åņ 01 .žķ 95 15:50
 To   : Demian Katz
 Subj : Re: X-FILES konference??
On 31 May 95  18:35:17 Demian Katz wrote...

DK> > Can anybody please confirm, or the opposite ;-(, the rumour about,
DK> > there being a seperate X-Files konference called - plainly: X-FILES
DK> > ??
DK>   There is one, but to my knowledge it isn't backboned, and is thus
DK> only available in a limited area.

To which Jeff Kovach replies...

Incorrect - it is backboned.

--- RATSoft/FIDO v1.12 [JetMail 0.99beta9]
 * Origin: STAR*LINX BBS - Mesa, AZ - (602)464-4817 (1:114/318)

 Msg  : 256 of 384
 From : J Hulley-Miller                     1:107/330       .pä 31 .ąé 95 15:39
 To   : Patrick Long
 Subj : FUBS
Felicitations Patrick!

Monday May 29 1995 20:12, Patrick Long wrote to J Hulley-miller:

>PL> Salutations!

JH-=>> Is the FUB Squad still active ? tnx.
>PL> We're still active over in Science Fiction...

There was a move ? Or did I have the wrong conference completely ?


... How do you spell relief? OS/2!
--- GoldED/2 2.50.A0517+ [1068US3]
 * Origin: * Informatix/2 * (1:107/330)

 Msg  : 257 of 384
 From : J Hulley-Miller                     1:107/330       .pä 31 .ąé 95 15:44
 To   : Morten M.nsson
 Subj : FUBS
Greetings Morten!

Tuesday May 30 1995 00:21, Morten MĘnsson wrote to All:

JH>> Is the FUB Squad still active ? tnx.
>MM>  Sounds interesting!
>MM>  Can I have some info, please?

The acronym is 'Fidonet Used Book Squad'. Its a group of people that keep an eye
out for books. So if there are books that are very difficult/impossible for you
to find. They keep an eye out for them. If found, you pay the cost + shipping
and get the book :)


... Windows NT: Vapourware of the desperate and scared.
--- GoldED/2 2.50.A0517+ [1068US3]
 * Origin: * Informatix/2 * (1:107/330)

 Msg  : 258 of 384
 From : Jeff Schlenker                      1:288/19        .ņp 30 .ąé 95 23:47
 To   : Chip Garner
 Subj : Re: Star Trek

-=> Chip Garner was overheard speaking to All <=-

 CG> Any Star Trek Voyager Fans out there?  I think Nelix sucks at acting.
 CG> Tuvok kicks butt as a Vulcan though!!!

 CG> Tell me what YOU think...

Hmmm, I thought the actor playing Neelix was very good.  And as far as
NewSpock, I mean Tuvok, is concerned.  Well he's just that, another
Spock.  Thus far, anyway.  I expect Tim Russ to make the part more
distinctive as the series progresses.


*  Jeffrey A. Schlenker                >>>Internet<<<           *
*  Hazel, South Dakota           jeff.schlenker@lake-city.com   *

... Thinking quickly, Spock opens a can of peas with his ears
___ TagDude 0.87 [Unregistered]
--- < Sig-It > v3.00 by Brandon S. Bell

--- Blue Wave/Max v2.12
 * Origin: LakeCity BBS * V34/4 Gigs Watertown SD 605 886-0849 (1:288/19)

 Msg  : 259 of 384
 From : Jeff Schlenker                      1:288/19        .ņp 30 .ąé 95 23:51
 To   : Sean McCormick
 Subj : Re: White Dwarf

-=> Sean McCormick was overheard speaking to All <=-

 SM> It's been almost a week since the White Dwarf showing,and I haven't
 SM> seen a single message about it.I liked the show myself.The tissue
 SM> gloves were most amazing.

Well, I must admit that I just couldn't get into it.  After about 45
minutes, I shut the tape off.  I don't know, maybe I missed something,
but to me it was generally boring.


*  Jeffrey A. Schlenker                >>>Internet<<<           *
*  Hazel, South Dakota           jeff.schlenker@lake-city.com   *

... Yoda of Borg am I.  Assimilated will you be!
___ TagDude 0.87 [Unregistered]
--- < Sig-It > v3.00 by Brandon S. Bell

--- Blue Wave/Max v2.12
 * Origin: LakeCity BBS * V34/4 Gigs Watertown SD 605 886-0849 (1:288/19)

 Msg  : 260 of 384
 From : Evan Malik                          1:209/224       .pä 31 .ąé 95 14:05
 Subj : Re: EARTH 2/SO LONG
.TID: FastEcho 1.40 7171


 RL> Hey, Earth 2 was cancelled and now Sliders has been too!  Go figure.
 RL> Just what do the networks want-nothing but SITCOMS???!!!  I mean
 RL> sitcoms are safe and non-threatening entertainemnt fare but damn good
 RL> dramas should be given a chance too.  The ARE more RISKY.  They do
 RL> require a greater intellectual involvement but, in the end, I think we
 RL> walk away more enriched.  Just one man's opinion but Earth 2 and
 RL> Sliders should have been retained at least for a second season.

Hi there Robert,

Well it seems as if you are right.  Give us a unique series where the viewer
has to think, or even worse, pay attention, and the networks are more than
likely to kill it.  Once these bean counters who sit behind thier desks
relize that shows like these are the exact audience (i.e. thier advertisers
most likely clients) they are looking for I'm afraid that good quality
science television-that lasts more than a season-will be few and far between.

As I see it there is simply no way to accuralty determine the audience with the
stupid way ratings are taken now.  The only way to accuratly determine viewer
ship is to hook a box to EVERYONES TV and see who is really watching what.  I
remember reading that a few months after NBC cancelled Star Trek for the last
time, the ratings were redone and -surprise- it showed Star Trek was the #1
rated show for the demographics NBC was after.  Who's to say the current system
is any more accurate?  Have you ever seen an election where poll after poll
shows somebody winning by a large margin, only to have the underdog win it?
TV ratings are a crapshoot just like that.  Anybody know where I can write
the neilson company so I can be surveyed?  :)


... Coming to Las Vegas in 1996-Star Trek:The Experience!!!
--- Fastecho 1.40+
 * Origin: S P E L L B O U N D ! ---Las Vegas--- (702)254-9672 (1:209/224)

 Msg  : 261 of 384
 From : Barry Blaes                         1:107/960       .pä 31 .ąé 95 15:39
 To   : Andrew Clarke
 Subj : Not SLIDERS
.TID: FastEcho 1.41/g 8167
On 27 May 95 08:35pm, Andrew Clarke wrote to Barry Blaes:

 AC> How would I go about doing that if I'm not on any services like AOL or
 AC> Compuserve and don't have an Internet address?

Hows about writing to the network...?

End Barry's log, StarDate 9772.76. InterNet: Btblaes@ix.netcom.com.

... Bother, said Pooh as he received his Compuserve bill.
 * Tag-X Pro v1.10 *
--- Fastecho 1.41
 * Origin: The Bears Den. (1:107/960)

 Msg  : 262 of 384
 From : Tony Trujillo                       1:280/9         .åņ 01 .žķ 95 23:25
 To   : Kay Shapero
 Subj : Re: Sliders Continuity
.TID: GE 1.11+

 TT>>replacement OR by another network. I'm not counting SLIDERS
 TT>>out yet but I'm crossing my fingers that it will slide back
 TT>>onto television in the future.
 KS> They'll have to do it pretty quickly, or the cast will have
 KS> scattered to the winds (I really doubt John Rhys-Davies
 KS> will be available for long...)

He's really the only actor the show can't really
afford to lose. My enjoyment of the series would be greatly
diminished if JRD is out of the series.

 KS> Of course if they do I do have one little suggestion...
 KS> ...lose the dog

I rolled my eyes when the dog leaped into the "bridge"
portal. I wouldn't have even considered taking the dog with
me when his barking gave away Wade's position behind the
curtain to the members of the LottoPolice.

... Ok Space Cadets! Prepare to hurtle through the cosmos!
--- Via Silver Xpress V4.02B03 SW01177
 * Origin: South of the River - Overland Park KS - (913)642-7907 V.* (1:280/9)

 Msg  : 263 of 384
 From : Tony Trujillo                       1:280/9         .˙ņ 02 .žķ 95 01:51
 To   : John Harrington
.TID: GE 1.11+

 JH>  Some get a season finale, that never get picked up later, like
 JH>  "Alien nation", which set up the big threat of disease among the
 JH>  newcomers, and then, thphphphph, gone. They didn't resolve that thread
 JH>  till five years later, when Fox inexplicably made a two hour episode,
 JH>  that finished the plot off.

I'm glad they finally decided to give that show another
chance at life...even as a occasional two hour movie. I
really loved the show and was really upset when they did
decide to cancel the show with a major cliffhanger like
that. All of the actors looked pretty close to what they
looked like when the series ended except for the young
actress who played Emily.

... Is HELL is a infinite stack of XANTH novels?! :^)
--- Via Silver Xpress V4.02B03 SW01177
 * Origin: South of the River - Overland Park KS - (913)642-7907 V.* (1:280/9)

 Msg  : 264 of 384
 From : VINCENT MCCONNELL                   1:2601/574      .īķ 22 .ąé 95 23:27
 Subj : Re: White Dwarf
|Sean|, of sept |Mccormick'ashain|, spoke thusly::

 SM> It's been almost a week since the White Dwarf showing,and I haven't
 SM> seen a single message about it.I liked the show myself.The tissue
 SM> gloves were most amazing.
 SM> Sean McCormick

WHITE DWARF was convoluted, hard to follow, drab, dull, interesting only
in a few respects, with a creative facade slapped on a generic plot.

I found myself staring at the ceiling in the middle of major plot points,
for no reason other than entertainment.

... DMs love a hero; DMs also love a good joke.  Think about it.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- GOMail v2.0v6 Beta [94-0191]
 * Origin: Image Gallery, 28.8, Internet, Adult and more! (1:2601/574)

 Msg  : 265 of 384
 From : Un Young Park                       1:153/859       .åņ 25 .ąé 95 04:56
 To   : James Walton
 Subj : Re: Purpose of ST-DSN & ST-V
Overquoting a message from James Walton to Denis Lamy...

JW> Think about it.  "These are the voyages of the Starship
JW> Enterprise..."
JW> A spacestation doesn't voyage, it sits and waits for something to
JW> happen.  And the spacestation wasn't even built by/for the
JW> Federation!

     Well they can still have Avery Brooks voicing over something to the extent
of "...as we stand guard at the gateway to the gamma quad..."  But I would think
that kind of gimmicky voice over would just be that a gimmick...

JW> As far as Voyager goes, I have never seen it, but since the show
JW> isn't about a planned trip, not too much can be said.

     And the same could be said for Voyager "...as we continue our journey
home..."  And once again it would sound like they were just trying to cash in on
the success of ST:TOS and ST:TNG...

 * Origin: Gallows Howe BBS (1:153/859)

 Msg  : 266 of 384
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .ņp 30 .ąé 95 21:37
 To   : Earl Green
On (28 May 95) Earl Green wrote to Frank Eva...

 EG> You do have to admit, though, Rhys-Davies was a BIG part of that
 EG> show's appeal. I most emphatically did NOT like Quinn or Wade
 EG> when the show started up; I got to where I liked Wade two or
 EG> three episodes in, and I was finally starting to like Quinn just
 EG> as they offed him. But Arturo and Rembrandt had me hooked - if
 EG> not for them, I wouldn't have stuck around for the first hourly
 EG> episode. 

Really?  I wanted nothing from that show so much as to see Rembrandt
die an exquisitely painful and prolonged death.  (When he was being
taken to the "Municipal Processing Center" in the last episode for
execution, I was *cheering* the cops.)

... "A democracy in which votes are not secured by arms is a farce." H. B. Piper

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: HQ of World Domination, Inc. (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 267 of 384
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .ņp 30 .ąé 95 21:42
 To   : Starwolf
 Subj : B5 Baseball
On (27 May 95) Starwolf wrote to Chris Carter...

 S > I wondered about that.  In the opening film, you've got the captain
 S > commenting to Deleen that it was real tricky, what with the huge space
 S > needed for life support and other essential functions, to have this
 S > teeny, tiny space set aside for a Zen garden.
 S >
 S > But they had the room to spare for a baseball diamond???
 S >
 S > Must have been written by a baseball fan.

Not necessarily--but the station *designers* may have been baseball
fans.  EarthForce seems to be strongly influenced by (if not descended
from) the American government and culture.  Americans, as a whole, are
bigger fans of baseball than of zen.  So when they had X cubic meters
of space left over after building all the essential bits, they had a
choice to make:  devote most of it to a baseball diamond, or a zen

The choice was obvious....

... God, please grant me more patience...RIGHT NOW!

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: HQ of World Domination, Inc. (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 268 of 384
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .ņp 30 .ąé 95 21:46
 To   : Pamela Crossett
 Subj : Highlander
On (27 May 95) Pamela Crossett wrote to Jack Butler...

 PC>  JB> Also, there are supposedly "big changes" in store for the show.
 PC> Come on - give me a hint.
 PC> Actually, give me more than a hint. I want all the details. I
 PC> want it all. Can you arrange that?

It looks to *me* like the "big changes" will consist of someone
letting the immortal cat out of the watchers' bag.

Even if 99% of the public reads about head-hunting immortals amongst
us and then laughs and says, "Yeah--right," that last one percent
could be a real problem.  Consider Duncan MacLeod, for instance.

He's in the Watcher database for Europe, complete with bio and
picture.  Presumably many (if not all) of his battles are on file,
including who he capped and when and where.

If the French government were to begin checking out reports of
headless bodies found around France and comparing them to Duncan's
file...well, they'd find a very hard-to-shrug-off correlation.  He
might have some explaining to do.

... If you're done speaking freely, please step into the oven....

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: HQ of World Domination, Inc. (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 269 of 384
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .ņp 30 .ąé 95 21:52
 To   : Brian Henderson
 Subj : Old Vs New
On (20 May 95) Brian Henderson wrote to Frank Eva...

 BH> But I *LIKE* stupid movies as well as the old 30s serials. In
 BH> fact, I have dozens of them on tape... Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon,
 BH> Radar Men on the Moon, etc. It's an acquired taste, certainly,
 BH> but one worth cultivating IMO.

I certainly agree.

"Do you, Ming the Merciless, take this woman to be your empress of the

"Of the hour?  Yes."

"Do you promise to use her as you will?"


"Not to blast her into space?" (Ming glares) "Uh...until such time as
you grow weary of her?"

"I do...."

... "...with the blood of patriots AND TYRANTS."  T. Jefferson

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: HQ of World Domination, Inc. (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 270 of 384
 From : Starwolf                            1:163/214       .pä 31 .ąé 95 22:03
 To   : Tony Trujillo
 Subj : Re: Sliders Continuity

TT>Glad to see that they decided to give SLIDERS a chance as a
TT>regular series on their line up. I haven't been too excited

Last day or so has seen newspapers reporting that the series had been
shot down by FOX.  I do wish the REAL story would come out, once and for

 * SLMR 2.1a * "I'm NOT making this up, you know!" - Anna Russell

--- Maximus 2.01wb
 * Origin: Land of Ill Repute (1:163/214)

 Msg  : 271 of 384
 From : David Johnston                      1:342/14        .åņ 01 .žķ 95 01:01
 To   : Chip Garner
 Subj : Star Trek
-> Any Star Trek Voyager Fans out there?  I think Nelix sucks at acting.
-> Tuvok kicks butt as a Vulcan though!!!

I think you are confusing being a good actor with being a good
character.  Neelix is a weaselly loser and I think that the actor is
portraying a weaselly loser very believably.  Now think about this: do
you dislike Neelix because the actor's demeanor and deliver aren't right
for his lines?  (Which would be bad acting).  Or do you just dislike him
for being a repellent character?

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
 * Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)

 Msg  : 272 of 384
 From : Pamela Crossett                     1:325/118       .åņ 01 .žķ 95 04:10
 To   : Gloria Darcy
 Subj : Highlander, The Series

 GD> Where do you live?

I live in Burlington, Vermont.

Where are you? I don't truly understand fido's numbering system (and more
than likely will never remember much more than that 1 means USA and
anything over 1 is out of the country).

 GD> a lot of people on this echo said it was just AWFUL!

Yes, I read these posts.

I personally found something to enjoy in all three (even 11, which I'll
admit was a tad weird, but I love the character Sean Connery plays, so it
was pretty cool to have him back, even in that incredibly fantisized

And it was almost campy.

 GD> Also, I have become a BIG Adrian Paul fan and it's hard for me to see

 GD> someone else play Duncan McLeod.

As I said in my previous post (and I'm sorry if I didn't say it clearly)
Thank God the role in the movies ISN'T Duncan, but CONNOR McLeod.

And Christopher Lambert has some interesting qualities of his own, if you
can forget Adrian Paul for an hour and half or so. His voice is very
melodious and has a cool accent all it's own.

In terms of scenery, 111 is very similar to 1 in that it has some
excellent shots of Scotland's craggy coast. Since that is an area I just
love looking at, that alone made the movie worth going to. Admittedly it
isn't quite as spectacular on a small t.v. screen, but still nice shots.

111 also follows the story line set down in 1 (completely ignoring 11's
weird additions), and unfortunately sort of dismisses the series as a
possibility (but hey, it's a movie. so it's fantasy. it can stand on it's
own!) - but my advice is just ignore the implications there, and enjoy it
as a thing-unto-itself. After all, episode one, "The Gathering" had both
Conner and Duncan in it.

Here's an excerpt from one of the versions of episode listings summerizing
that episode:

      Duncan Macleod is roused from his peaceful existence with
      the love of his life, Tessa Noel, when he is confronted by
      two fellow Immortals from his past. Connor MacLeod, (played
      by Christopher Lambert, reprising his role from the films)
      an old friend and fellow clansman, finds Duncan after many
      years and attempts to convince him to join the fray in the
      battle of Good versus Evil. Connor also has plans to finish
      off the likes of Slan Quince (Played by Richard Moll) an Evil
      Immortal who has tracked down Duncan with plans of combat.
      Realizing that he can be a threat, Duncan confronts Richie
      and later befriends the boy. The threats of Slan Quince come
      to an end on a bridge when Duncan saves the life of his comrade
      Connor and gains a powerful Quickening at the expense of Slan.

So unfortunately, movie 111 doesn't address the issues inherent in having
the movie reality match/correspond with the t.v. series (and for those of
us who love the series on television, that's quite annoying).

On the other hand, there is the question of what if two friendly immortals
are the only two left - and since "there can be only one" what would they
do? I mean, the movies seem to give the impression that immortals are
driven to be that one and only far more so than on television series.

I mean Duncan certainly seems to try to give everyone, even some of the
obviously "bad" ones a second chance before he "kills them off." Actually,
in the movie 111, Connor chooses NOT to kill his teacher, but other than
that, they seem to delight in whacking each other as quickly as possible.

Even in movie one, I seem to recall Connery telling Lambert they would
eventually have to face each other (even as he was teaching him the

But movie 111 is worth it for the special effects alone. And the MAGIC!
With the cool Japanese master.

It also had a real cool sword move where one person is without a sword and
is lunged at by their opponent and they manage to turn and take the sword
and win. Very cool! and it's repeated at least twice. (the nice thing
about VCR's is you can slow it down and really catch things).

 GD> Maybe a woman's opinion is what I need to hear before I go rent it.

So rent it, and enjoy! I did!



 This copy of Freddie 1.2.5 is being evaluated.

--- Maximus/2 2.02
 * Origin: The Ozone Layer, Williston, VT. (802) 862-5058 (1:325/118)

 Msg  : 273 of 384
 From : Pamela Crossett                     1:325/118       .åņ 01 .žķ 95 04:46
 To   : Gloria Darcy
 Subj : Re: Earth 2 & HIGHLANDER

   > Well, at least I wasn't the only

one that felt that way!

I know this is true. You just seemed to be one of the most vocal. From what Jack
wrote, a lot of people objected. He said (I believe) that the producers "caved"
under pressure - so there had to be more than just one person complaining.

Did you ever write into the show letting them know your feelings?

That's something I always mean to get around to, but never do.

I am looking forward to the season finale's second part tonight. Although I bet
we're left hanging somehow. (here's a nother reason to hate Dallas - "who shot
JR" really made everyone step up the series cliff-hangers.



--- Maximus/2 2.02
 * Origin: The Ozone Layer, Williston, VT. (802) 862-5058 (1:325/118)

 Msg  : 274 of 384
 From : Pamela Crossett                     1:325/118       .åņ 01 .žķ 95 04:52
 To   : Gloria Darcy
 Subj : Highlander, The Movie (3)
thank god Connor McLeod is the lead, and not Duncan - that's something that
confused me at first. I just assumed they got another actor for the series (and
was I glad, I like Adrian Paul much better than Christopher Lambert) although I
do have to admit he (Lambert) grows on me.

So if you can get over the longing for Adrian Paul, and take the movie on it's
own terms (which in III do NOT tie into the series "real world" at all) it's
quite an interesting movie.

A lot of special effects, and an interesting storyline that really emphasizes an
immortal's gaining another's powers once they kill them.

I'll write you more, cause I'm out of on-line time.


--- Maximus/2 2.02
 * Origin: The Ozone Layer, Williston, VT. (802) 862-5058 (1:325/118)

 Msg  : 275 of 384
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .åņ 01 .žķ 95 07:44
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : Torres in Faces
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.bA 8060

MJ>The story about B'Lanna being split into her Klingon and Human halves
MJ>is the sort of "technobabble" I can accept.  The notion of splitting
MJ>her into two separate beings is as unlikely as everything else
MJ>they've done--but I was willing to grant the premise in order to see
MJ>how the character dealt with the problem.

Except that it had already been done before in ST:TOS' The Enemy Within.
To me, that is unacceptable...

MJ> FE> Doc Zimmerman is not as obnoxious as Wesley Crusher, but he's
MJ> FE> being used basically the same way. Save another crew member?
MJ> FE> Just ask Doc Zimmerman to go well beyond his normal programming,
MJ> FE> and he'll save the day every time!

MJ>Now, if we could only get him to doctor the SCRIPTS....

Yep, they need a miracle! :-)

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 276 of 384
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .åņ 01 .žķ 95 07:44
 To   : Michelle Willey
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.bA 8060

MW>I agree Neelix seems to be the Barclay too often. The doc on the
MW>other hand has a slightly cynical edge that I like. I find it ironic
MW>that the only character with any depth is the simulated person.


MW>the same thing happened in NextGen. Data was more human than the
MW>humans and the humans all began to seem artificial. Even on those
MW>rare occasions when a character gets angry it does not seem very

I never thought of ST:TNG this way, but you're right!

MW>real. Pooh on demographics. Just because we don't buy the action
MW>figures no one wants to make science fiction for grown ups.

Well, let's hope B5 finishes its 5 year story arc. Of all the sci-fi
that hasn't been axed this season, it is the most adult...

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 277 of 384
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .åņ 01 .žķ 95 07:44
 To   : Robert Lidgren
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.bA 8060

FE>-> At the end of last season, someone uploaded a complete episode
FE>-> list WITH descriptions of each episode...

RL>I can easily get it and post same but doesn't everyone here have
RL>access to the World Wide Web too?  All I do is use the web browser
RL>and type in the X-Files as
RL>a subject to search.  The results are episode guides, biographies,
RL>FAQs, images, sound files etc., etc.

I have only limited access to WWW through America Online, at this time.
And I really don't want to go searching for what I need. I was hoping
someone on this echo might already have this. There was a list of titles
uploaded the other day, but no descriptions, and without those
descriptions, it'll be very difficult to identify individual episodes.

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 278 of 384
 From : Chris Carter                        1:105/302.23    .åņ 01 .žķ 95 08:20
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Confessions & Lamentation

 FE> Her "change" has made her far less intriguing, and I'm still
 FE> unconvinced that Mira Furlan didn't have something to do with
 FE> this divergence of the storyline.

She did.  She was getting very tired of the heavy-duty prosthetics,
and wanted to go through less time in the makeup chair.  She also
didn't want her hair hidden underneath a bone-crest.  Hence, the

The Chrysalis was a pre-planned part of the arc, it was the
implementation that got changed, partly at Mira's request.

 FE> I'm not crazy about the entire concept of a "psi-corps". To
 FE> me, it doesn't seem based on science but rather on whimsy. I
 FE> like the character of Talia Winters, and would like it much
 FE> better if she were more gainfully employed, as perhaps an EA
 FE> officer (like Ivanova). I felt the same way about the empathic
 FE> Counselor Troi.

I don't get this Frank.  You just contradicted yourself.  Troi *is*
a Starfleet officer.  Yet you feel the same way about her as Talia?
And you would prefer it if Talia were an EA officer?  That paragraph
doesn't add up.

Chris - carter@teleport.com

--- cPoint v2.17/FreeWare
 * Origin: Carter's Conspicuous Consumption (1:105/302.23)

 Msg  : 279 of 384
 From : Todd Sullivan                       1:363/60        .åņ 01 .žķ 95 09:18
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : B5 COMIC
.TID: FastEcho 1.41/g 10118

FE >I would think something like this would be more important to
FE >the
FE >writers, but regardless, that is the gist of what they said
FE >in the
FE >"letters" column. I personally will not be buying another
FE >issue, anyway.
FE >Like the B5 novels, the stories don't progress along with
FE >the B5 story
FE >arc. So, for me they're just a waste of money, and not even
FE >very
FE >interesting sci-fi (too much cloak & dagger/murder she
FE >wrote, for me).

To  paraphrase Heinlein's comments, "You have to be entertaining.
Art for art's ske pays no bills."
DC knows (or think they do) what B-5  i all about, and the fact the comic sells
means that they're notthat far off.
 * Origin: Fell From The Trap Door (407)382-2955 (1:363/60)

 Msg  : 280 of 384
 From : Todd Sullivan                       1:363/60        .åņ 01 .žķ 95 09:24
 To   : Jeff Kovach
 Subj : Sliders Continuity
.TID: FastEcho 1.41/g 10118

JK >No - I don't mean syndicating the reruns.  I mean
JK >distributing new
JK >episodes of the show that way, like they do with Highlander
JK >and many
JK >other shows.  Independent of any one network.

That's more along the liness of "independent release" than syndication
Bt I'ut I'll admit that I don't know as much about the television
industry as others might claim they do about everything.
 * Origin: Fell From The Trap Door (407)382-2955 (1:363/60)

 Msg  : 281 of 384
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .åņ 01 .žķ 95 10:06
 To   : Gloria Darcy
 Subj : Earth 2/So Long
On , Gloria Darcy wrote to Pamela Crossett:

 PC>> I just saw the episode "all about eve" - do you know if
 PC>> that was the final episode?

     Strangely enough, it wasn't.  The episode last week was a new one, but one
that was out of continuity order.  It explained how Alonzo came to terms with
his being "grounded" and how they acquired the geo-lock that caused all kinds of
problems in the hands of Morgan Martin.

 PC>> Also, was Riley played by a different actor in this episode
 PC>> than in the past ones?

     Nope, Riley or Reilly was played by the same actor who had portrayed him
before.  The character just added a moustache, and a bit more hair, that's all!

 GD>         And I wonder if Devin is really dead?

     Devon Adair isn't dead.  We know this for two reasons.  First, she is still
alive some sixteen years later.  Remember the episode where we meet the adult
Uly? :)  Secondly, she was placed in coldsleep while they hopefully figured out
what was killing her.  Given that she will suffer coldsleep sickness or whatever
it was called when she emerges, there will be all kinds of new problems facing
her and her friends at that time.

People who used magic without knowing what they were doing usually came to a
sticky end. All over the entire room, sometimes. (MP)

--- GoldED 2.41
 * Origin: The Point Away From Home (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 282 of 384
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .åņ 01 .žķ 95 10:11
 To   : Barry Blaes
 Subj : Not SLIDERS
In a message of , Barry Blaes scribed:

 JK>> Personally, I'm more concerned at this point with keeping
 JK>> BABYLON 5 on the air.  And getting to see the last four
 JK>> episodes of Season Two before October, whereas the
 JK>> Europeans are going to be seeing them any time now.

 BB> Din't see any thing on the internet for B5, but, then again
 BB> I'm not reading any B5 stuff.

     There are whole newsgroups and ftp sites that have information and the like
devoted to BABYLON 5, but I guess it depends on what you're looking for and all
that. :)  The Brits (and presumably the rest of Europe) are going to be seeing
the final four episodes of the second season in June/July; we're going to have
to wait until October for them. *sigh*

"You know, it's really lucky for me that I met you." - Cut-me-own-Throat Dibbler

--- GoldED 2.41
 * Origin: The Point Away From Home (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 283 of 384
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .åņ 01 .žķ 95 10:15
 To   : Kay Shapero
 Subj : B5 Thought
On , Kay Shapero wrote to Tony Limbert:

 KS> Speaking of Pavarotti.. did you see the Babylon 5 episode
 KS> Knives a couple of weeks back?  That plot with Londo and his
 KS> old friend was straight out of Grand Opera...

     Yeah, wasn't that great, Kay? :)  "Knives" was pretty much a throwaway
episode of B5, but the sub-plot with Londo and the old friend was the only truly
redeeming aspect of the episode.  That and Sheridan's reaction to learning that
Keffer was taking jaunts into hyperspace to find his "bogey."

"Isn't life interesting when you see it from someone else's perspective?" -
Victor Tugelbend (MP)

--- GoldED 2.41
 * Origin: The Point Away From Home (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 284 of 384
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .åņ 01 .žķ 95 10:21
 To   : Frank Swarbrick
 Subj : Stuff of TP
In a message of , Frank Swarbrick scribed:

 FS>> Halloween night last year.  I was *not* blown away, and
 FS>> found parts of it rather annoying (mostly Laura's mothers
 FS>> darn bawling through the whole thing!).

 JK>> But there was a reason for Laura's mother bawling her head
 JK>> off for most of the episode.  She is/was a psychic, and had
 JK>> "visions" of things...

 FS> Didn't say there wasn't a reason.  Only said it was annoying!
 FS> :-)

     :)  I suppose.  I don't recall thinking of it that way at the time,
although I suppose that some would find it annoying.  The visions were kind of
neat though, don't you think?

 FS>> (And of course I'll have to rent the "Fire Walk With Me"
 FS>> movie.)
 JK>> Some of us will have to rent or buy the movie, Frank.  I
 JK>> still haven't seen FIRE WALK WITH ME. :)

 FS> I finished the series the other day.  May rent "Fire Walk
 FS> With Me" this weekend.  I saw it at Blockbuster the other day,
 FS> along with the pilot movie and the first seven episodes.

     Ah, interesting.  I had no idea that some of the episodes of TWIN PEAKS
were actually on video at all.  I'd still like to see FIRE WALK WITH ME, but
haven't found a video shop that rents it; might have to add it permanently to
the collection of tapes, if I can find a copy of it for sale.

 FS>> On to the questions...  First, can someone match the actor's
 FS>> names with the characters for me.  I know probably less than
 FS>> half of them.  I'm interested in the main credit stars, the
 FS>> beginning credit stars, and even the main guest stars.

 JK>> Boy, you don't ask the little questions, do you? :)

 FS> [deleted]

 FS> Thanks for the list.

     You're welcome. :)

 FS> How did you manage to know all this?

     At one point I was fascinated by this stuff, so I had drawn up a list of
various characters from the series.  Stopped doing so after a while, but hey...

 FS> Anyway, it's missing a few important characters.  Giant was
 FS> of course played by Carel Struyken.

     That's "Struycken," of course. :)

 FS> I saw that David Lynch himself played someone in a few
 FS> episodes. At first I thought it must the rather Caucasian
 FS> looking Chinese guy ,

     *chuckle*  No, that turned out to be Catherine Martell in disguise.  David
Lynch guested as Cooper's superior, Gordon.  And he seems to have developed a
crush on Madchen Amick's character, Shelley, and regained his hearing properly
when he was around her.  It must have been love. 

 FS> Oh, and how about Annie Blackburn?  She was a rather
 FS> important character, even though she was only in the last
 FS> half dozen episodes or so.  I found her and Cooper to make
 FS> quite a cute couple.  :-)

     Yeah, they did...except that she proved to be Cooper's downfall, of course.
I can't for the life of me remember who played Annie, but I will take a look at
the videotapes at some point soon and see what I can dig up on this. Might be a
while, however...life hasn't been slow since I got back from KC.

 FS> Looking at your list it looks like you don't have anyone from
 FS> after the Laura Palmer mystery was solved.  Not a criticism by
 FS> any means.  Just a comment.

     Correct. :)  That's about the time that I stopped with the notes on cast
members, since I was more concerned with trying to figure out *what* was going
on after that!

 FS> How about Thomas Eckhart, Andrew Packard (yes, those last two
 FS> have the names listed with the actors), the mayor, Lana, Dick
 FS> Tremaine, Jack (who Audrey fell for).

     Dick Tremayne (sp?) was played by Ian Buchanan, of GENERAL HOSPITAL fame. I
rather liked his over-the-top performance in that.  Reminded me of some of the
characters out of various Tom Holt novels. :)

 FS> Oh, and the Renault brothers.  And others I can't think of.
 FS> Ah well

     You said it.  Geez, you're wanting a lot of stuff here! :)  Oh, and the
Renault brothers were called Jean and Jacques.  Actor names escape me at the
moment, but I can dig these up some time, too. :)

 FS>> Next question is, did season one end after Cooper got shot?
 JK>> Correct. :)
 FS>> So the first season would be six episodes, and seven hours.
 JK>> Nope.  According to my videotape collection, the first
 JK>> season consists of the two-hour premiere, and seven one-hour
 JK>> episodes.

 FS> Hmm, this seems to be correct.  I didn't have the so-called
 FS> episode title list until after well into the "second season,"
 FS> so I couldn't follow along at the time.

     That's what I kind of figured, Frank...but as I said in the earlier post,
to the best of my knowledge, the episodes of TWIN PEAKS didn't have individual
titles.  And if they did, I'd like to know a) the source of the titles that your
friend had, and b) the full list of episode titles.

 FS>> The second season would be 24 episodes and 25 hours (or 26
 FS>> if there were two two hour episodes).
 JK>> The second season consists of a two-hour premiere again, and
 JK>> 21 one-hour episodes as well.

 FS> OK...The list I have seems to be totally made up, and not
 FS> quite accurate even in which episode goes where.  (huh?)

       My reaction, exactly. :)  That makes no sense to me, since
the episodes would have to be in order or one couldn't make sense out of what
was going on.

 FS> Still, most of the titles actually went quite well with what
 FS> the episodes were actually about.

     Which doesn't mean that these are actually the episode titles, you know.
For example, I've seen every episode of EARTH2 that's aired to this point, and
while I know that the episodes *do* have titles, I've never seen them or a list
of them.  I've come up with some of my own titles, some of which are likely
better or worse than the actual titles of the stories.

 FS> Fer instance it has the pilot as "Wrapped In Plastic," the
 FS> season one finale as "Bite The Bullet," the episode with
 FS> Laura's secret diary as "The Diary of Laura Palmer," the
 FS> episode where Maddy is killed is, well, "Maddy."  Actually,
 FS> most of the later titles aren't all too creative. I'll post
 FS> it in the next message just so you can see it.

     Please do.  I'd like to see it.  One thing I can tell you is that I'd love
to get a confirmation on whether the episodes had titles or not.  Perhaps
someone else out there is knowledgeable about this matter.

"Walk a mile on these paws and call me a liar." - Gaspode (MP)

--- GoldED 2.41
 * Origin: The Point Away From Home (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 285 of 384
 From : Michael Vergara                     1:2605/631      .åņ 01 .žķ 95 17:03
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Confessions & Lamentation
.TID: GE 1.11+
Said Frank Eva to Richard Yamagata about Confessions & Lamentation:

 FE> which sympathy is  needed (Confessions & Lamentations). I find it hard
 FE> to equate Delenn  with the warrior race that brought Earth to its
 FE> knees...

Then again, she isn't a warrior.  The Minbari are divided into seperate castes,
like the religious and the warrior (Delenn being a member of the religious
caste, I think).  Not all of the Minbari are warriors, just like not all
politicians are lawyers.


... Hey Worf!!....I hooked Data up to a modem!....Wanna see??
--- Blue Wave/TAG v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin: The MindScape BBS (1:2605/631)

 Msg  : 286 of 384
 From : Peter Tam                           1:250/836       .åņ 01 .žķ 95 17:43
 To   : Robert Lidgren
I saw Roswell starring Agent Cooper from Twin Peaks(I can't spell Kyle's last
name:)).  I thought it was entertaining.  It didn't convince me about the
government finding aliens but it was compelling.  I liked JFK too.

--- Maximus 2.01wb
 * Origin: USS Proxima = Toronto  (416)265-3867 (1:250/836)

 Msg  : 287 of 384
 From : Tony Limbert                        1:2215/420      .åņ 01 .žķ 95 17:49
 To   : Kay Shapero
While summoning Cthulhu, I overheard Kay say :

 KS> On , Tony Limbert (1:2215/420) wrote to Kay Shapero:

 TL>How about a FARNHAM FREEHOLD world where whites are still slaves?
 TL>That would be an interesting adventure for Remmy.

 KS> Bet they'd still wish a doomed romance on him there too...

Yeah, but with THE GIRL?! :)


... Gimme a shot of reality...BANG...again...BANG...again...
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/M 2
 * Origin: New Visions, PCBoard 15.21, Kent/Ohio 216-677-1040/9812 (1:2215/420)

 Msg  : 288 of 384
 From : Rumble                              1:163/436       .åņ 01 .žķ 95 20:11
 To   : David Johnston
 Subj : Voyager Nose Diving?
--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: Coven's Den (613)746-3584 = 650+ Echoes & 4.3+ Gigs (1:163/436)

 Msg  : 289 of 384
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .åņ 01 .žķ 95 20:57
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Re: B5 Catch-Up

FE>  Yes, that's the same thing. Is the series popular enough to warrant a
FE>  line of B5 toys? With the threat of cancellation looming over the
FE>  show,
FE>  I don't think anyone will find this license a safe investment...

    Probably right...yet one toymaker marketed a series of action figures from
the movie `Alien' *years* after not only theatrical release, but after it had
made the rounds on cable and broadcast TV...


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 290 of 384
 From : Boris CDuke                         2:463/2.22      .pä 07 .žķ 95 00:23
 To   : Paul Worley
 Subj :
Hi Paul!

 PW> Anybody know when GENERATIONS will be coming out on video?

Never ;)

Bestest, Boris
aka 2:463/2.22
aka 2:463/702.22
aka boris@sfclub.freenet.kiev.ua

 * Origin: Imagineering (2:463/2.22)

 Msg  : 291 of 384
 From : Jonathan Tinsley                    1:366/4017      .ņp 16 .ąé 95 22:30
 To   : Steven Wesen
Focusing on the matrix Steven called out to Ecarey saying:

 SW> Star Trek Voyager's Q&A should have had this question :
 SW> Why did is their backbone story Ideas stolen from Red Dwarf?

 SW> A Ship 3 million light years from home.

More or less.  At least the Voyager crew isn't 3 million years in their
future as well.

 SW> A Hologramatic crew member.

And almost as annoying as Rimmer! ;)

 SW> Short cuts are constanty provided and fail.

This is true...

 SW> And the cheaky reference when they went by a Red Dwarf.

Which referrence was this?  What did I miss?  What did I miss?

... "3 million years!  I've still got that library book!" - Lister
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: USS Scorpion * 904-678-3663 * v32b/v42b/vfc! (1:366/4017)

 Msg  : 292 of 384
 From : Jonathan Tinsley                    1:366/4017      .ņp 16 .ąé 95 22:30
 To   : Phill Ash
 Subj : B5, B9
Focusing on the matrix Phill called out to John saying:

 >thanks that's all I wanted to know.   there ARE a couple
 >instances in ST where there are living ships too...
 >(coincidence?) ;)

 >I'd be curious to have you name them, just so that we can do a
 >comparison between ST and B5 in this particular element of the series.

 PA> Tin Man, for one.

Is that the egg-shaped ship that spun around several times and sent out
those energy pulses that totally annihilated those two Romulan ships?

... CONFUSED?  Call Counselor Troi: 1-900-NCC-1701: $1.95/min
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: USS Scorpion * 904-678-3663 * v32b/v42b/vfc! (1:366/4017)

 Msg  : 293 of 384
 From : Jonathan Tinsley                    1:366/4017      .ņp 16 .ąé 95 22:30
 To   : Tom Huber
 Subj : B5 VS ST
Focusing on the matrix Tom called out to Robyn saying:

 TH> B5, on the other hand, doesn't have this theme. Some of the shows have
 TH> it, but it doesn't seem to be central to the show - at least, not like
 TH> Trek. Instead, B5 has a much larger theme that is less personal in
 TH> nature. It deals with entire races - much like Asimov's Foundation
 TH> Series vs. his Caves of Steel stories. The Foundation stories dealt
 TH> with the sweep of the human adventure on a cosmic scale, whereas Caves
 TH> dealt with the human adventure within a future society (reacting to it,
 TH> rather than being a force in it).

  I'd like to interject that the `Robots series' to
which you refer is part of the greater `Foundation, Robots, and Empire
Universe'.  Check out Robots and Empire, and I believe the other is
Foundation and Earth.

 TH> Trek and B5 fill similar roles, with B5 being closer to Asimov's
 TH> Foundation series in its scope, and Trek following more closely with
 TH> the Caves of Steel scope. Note that B5 seldom deals with humans living
 TH> within the society and coping with it. It deals with people that are
 TH> shaping the destiny of the universe. Trek deals with people that are
 TH> living within a universe and somehow managing to survive.

Gee, and representing the entire human race in a trial to determine
humanity's fate isn't shaping the destiny of the universe?  Defeating the
Borg isn't shaping the universe?  Creating a subrace of Borg that aren't
part of the collective isn't?  The countless diplomatic problems with
Klingons, Romulans, Cardassians, Maquis, etc.?  Come on!  While the show
was running, the universe revolved around the Enterprise (1701, 1701A,
1701C, and 1701D)!

 TH> I think that is the "hope" that people see in Trek. Because it isn't
 TH> always well-done, I've grown somewhat tired of Trek and no longer
 TH> watch Deep Space Nine (It was good while it was the only real
 TH> alternative to Next Generation). I catch B5 and Voyager when I can.

I still watch DS9, but as far as space stations stories go, B5 has DS9
beat hands down.  Let's face it, the Star Trek writers just aren't as good
when they don't have a ship to send blundering into every manner of
trouble.  The runabouts just can't take the kind of punishment that Trek
writers like to dole out, hence the Defiant. :)

 TH> I can understand why you do not want to deal with B5. Hopefully, when
 TH> you aren't carrying the load you have in college, you'll be able to go
 TH> back and concentrate on B5's story. I think you'll find you'll like it
 TH> at that point. In the meantime, I agree - it is a lot of work to
 TH> follow everything that's going on, especially at the diplomatic level
 TH> of the story - which is the continuing element.

This is true, but we fans make time! :)

 TH> Trek, on the other hand, does not require as much concentration and is

This is _very_ true! ]:>

 TH> I agree with you on the "battle" between the two camps. It is silly
 TH> and the two shows are not as comparable as one might think. They have
 TH> and serve different audiences and frankly, I like that variety.

Which is why I keep watching them both - ST:Anything is easily digested
entertainment (as a general rule) while B5 is hard core for TV sci-fi.

... To boldly go where no intelligent lifeform in its right mind would go.
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: USS Scorpion * 904-678-3663 * v32b/v42b/vfc! (1:366/4017)

 Msg  : 294 of 384
 From : David Johnston                      1:342/14        .˙ņ 02 .žķ 95 01:11
 To   : Rumble
 Subj : Voyager Nose Diving?
-> Well when it comes to TNG you seem to hate all the most popular
-> people!

I gotta be me.

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
 * Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)

 Msg  : 295 of 384
 From : David Johnston                      1:342/14        .˙ņ 02 .žķ 95 01:23
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : Highlander, The Series
Hey, Jack.  I was just thinking about the latest discarded love
interest.  I haven't seen all the episodes but of the ones I have seen,
this seems to be the first one in which a non-immortal directly
witnessed a kill.  And she was pregnant.  I figure it's pretty standard
for doctors to counsel pregnant women to avoid exotic stimuli.  Does the
Quickening count as exotic?

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
 * Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)

 Msg  : 296 of 384
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .˙ņ 02 .žķ 95 07:48
 To   : Robert Lidgren
 Subj : Part3/X-Files Episodes
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.bA 8060
I now have all of my taped episodes identified! Thanks very much for the

--- CMPQwk 1.42-R2 #145 ---
Dogs come when you call. Cats have answering machines...

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 297 of 384
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .˙ņ 02 .žķ 95 07:48
 To   : Tom Huber
 Subj : United Paramount Network
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.bA 8060

TH>UPN really doesn't have much going for it. I'll be surprised if
TH>Paramount can hold it together. The comedies are worse than drivel...

You mean their "sitcoms" (Pig Sty & Platypus Man)? Agreed, they're no
better than 99% of the drek out there already...

TH>But then, I've enjoyed "Legend." Now there's a show that reminds me a
TH>bit of "The Wild, Wild West," which was a mix of science fiction (for
TH>them) and the wild west.

I've enjoyed Legend, too, but it reminds me of some of Brisco County's
episodes, especially the ones in which his scientist friend was working
on his contraptions!

--- CMPQwk 1.42-R2 #145 ---
Help stamp out and abolish redundancy!

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 298 of 384
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .˙ņ 02 .žķ 95 07:48
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : Voices: John Vornholt
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.bA 8060

JH>FE>Sheesh... I'll probably never buy another B5 novel. Foolish of me
JH>FE>to think that the paperback writers would be allowed to advance
JH>FE>the B5 STORYLINE, or actually tell a good sci-fi story...

JH>Unless JMS writes it? ;) I wonder how he feels about these poor

Probably the same way he feels about the B5 comics, which also don't do
much about advancing the storyline... It's just another source of
income, and a way to keep B5 in the public eye...

ref: Kosh revealed?

JH>I'm thinking it'll be a CGI ball of light,

Based on the first season episode in which Kosh as a "ball of light"
moved back and forth in front of a translucent screen?

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 299 of 384
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .˙ņ 02 .žķ 95 07:48
 To   : All
 Subj : B5 RERUNS???
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.bA 8060
Does anyone know what happened to the last 5 episodes in this season's
schedule? (The Long Twilight Struggle, Divided Loyalties, Comes the
Inquisitor, The Price of Peace, and The Fall of Night (season finale)).
We've had reruns 3 weeks in a row!

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 300 of 384
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .˙ņ 02 .žķ 95 07:48
 To   : Robert Lidgren
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.bA 8060

RL>By the way, I am thankful that X-Files will be back!!  This has been
RL>a season of cancellations, hasn't it?  I'll miss Earth 2 but wasn't
RL>really surprised it was cancelled.  However, I was quite angry that
RL>Sliders wasn't picked up.  It had ALL OF THE INGREDIENTS for a
RL>successful series.

All of the cancellations don't bode well for sci-fi on TV. While I won't
miss Earth 2, or VR5 that much, I was really shocked when I heard
Sliders had been axed. Oh well, there are a few new sci-fi shows in the
wings, and I hope they will be even more entertaining than Sliders. I
heard (if memory serves) of one called, simply "Space". Perhaps someone
who knows more about next season's projects can post some synopses here.

BTW, I sure hope Babylon 5's next season is secure...

RL>One of the problems with the Internet is that I never seem to know
RL>what city people are writing from.  I live in Calgary, Alberta,
RL>Canada.  From where do you hail?

Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA!

--- CMPQwk 1.42-R2 #145 ---
Tried to play my shoehorn... all I got was footnotes!

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 301 of 384
 From : Starwolf                            1:163/214       .˙ņ 02 .žķ 95 11:21
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : B5 Baseball
I don't think they have the technology to be able to build-holodeck-level
entertainment areas.

--- Maximus 2.01wb
 * Origin: Land of Ill Repute (1:163/214)

 Msg  : 302 of 384
 From : David Johnston                      1:342/14        .˙ņ 02 .žķ 95 12:31
 To   : Tippi Blevins
 Subj : Sliders & Vr.5 Cancelled!
-> Well I hear tell that we get a new Aaron Spelling TV series about
-> vampires. ARGH!  I don't know what it's called, but how about
-> "Transylvania 90210"?

You know, you sound like all of the people appalled at letting Tom
Cruise play a vampire.

That program, entitled "Kindred" will be based on the best-selling White
Wolf roleplaying game "Vampire, the Masquerade".  It will focus on two
brothers (probably twins) one of whom is still alive and the other who
is now a vampire.  Given it's sources, one can expect it to be moody and
emotional, with sexual undertones.

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
 * Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)

 Msg  : 303 of 384
 From : James Ward                          1:362/708       .˙ņ 02 .žķ 95 15:20
 To   : Joel Jessup
 Subj : SeaQuest DSV
Coolness as you said before,if you hear any SeaQuest info ,will pass it on.
 and so will I...
BTW little story if you like... I was at MGM and got some Great pics of the
outside of studio 21 or is it 19? (as of post time didn't remember) and some of
the trailer the actor's live in, but sadly no pics of the actors :(
that was when the new season was starting and they didn't have Darwins pool
done, I wanted to go into that studio sooo BAD! it was cool to take the tour
past it anyhow....

**Message to Lukas from Capt. Bridger Commanding Officer  UEO SeaQuest**
************************ Message Follows *******************************
******* "We've Had it kid! don't let them tell you what to think! ******

Message Intereupted   End.

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The Inner Circle: Cleveland TN, (615) 479-3686 (1:362/708)

 Msg  : 304 of 384
 From : Rumble                              1:163/436       .˙ņ 02 .žķ 95 22:49
 To   : Tony Trujillo
 Subj : Re: SeaQuest Survives
Hey I still what it and i'm a guy, so I dont want to see Lucus. Next year they
are going to try to satisfy everyone. More than half of the plots will be real
sci-fi with technobable here and there. And there will still be the wierd ones

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: Coven's Den (613)746-3584 = 650+ Echoes & 4.3+ Gigs (1:163/436)

 Msg  : 305 of 384
 From : Starwolf                            1:163/214       .óį 03 .žķ 95 02:24
 To   : Debra Milner
 Subj : X-Files Finale

DM>How DID Mulder get out of that car?

We didn't see ALL of the interior.  There may have been a hidden cranny.
He might have hidden under the pile of bodies.  They should have
protected him from a short blast of heat.  There may have been a gap
under the car if the sand didn't fill everything in and he might have
got out via a service hatchway under the car.

 * SLMR 2.1a * "I think I'm allergic to governments." - StarWolf

--- Maximus 2.01wb
 * Origin: Land of Ill Repute (1:163/214)

 Msg  : 306 of 384
 From : Starwolf                            1:163/214       .óį 03 .žķ 95 03:43
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : ST: Voyager

FE>technobabble in "Learning Curve" was countered with totally predictable
FE>cadet indoctrination. These writers really need the summer off! :-)

They need new writers.  Period.  I've seen Peter David's work for B5,
and it beats the stuffings out of what's been coming out of VOYAGER.
Even coming in cold to that show he could write spheres (not mere
circles) around the current crop of so-called writers.

 * SLMR 2.1a * "The State has no place in the bedrooms of the nation"

--- Maximus 2.01wb
 * Origin: Land of Ill Repute (1:163/214)

 Msg  : 307 of 384
 From : SEAN CASZATT                        1:2601/512      .óį 03 .žķ 95 14:02
 Subj : X-FILES konference??


> Can anybody please confirm, or the opposite ;-(, the rumour about,
> there being a seperate X-Files konference called - plainly: X-FILES ??

 DK> There is one, but to my knowledge it isn't backboned, and is thus only
 DK> available in a limited area.

It was recently added to the Backbone and should be available everywhere

 * AmyBW v2.11 *
... Hello, I am message number ||#||||#||#||#||.
--- Platinum Xpress/Wildcat! v1.0b
 * Origin: Project Aurora - The Truth is Out There! - (1:2601/512)

 Msg  : 308 of 384
 From : SEAN CASZATT                        1:2601/512      .óį 03 .žķ 95 14:07

-=> Quoting ROBERT LIDGREN to ALL <=-

 RL> I think HBO or one of the other U.S. cable networks broadcast "Roswell"
 RL> about the UFO crash in New Mexico in 1947.  I haven't seen it yet.  Can
 RL> you let me know what you thought of it?

The movie ROSWELL was a Showtime movie.  It's recently been released on

It's a good movie that doesn't go "off the deep end".  It presents
the case in a fairly level-headed manner.  The acting is quite good.

Check it out.

 * AmyBW v2.11 *
... I am Sharon Stone of Borg: Clothing is irrelevant!
--- Platinum Xpress/Wildcat! v1.0b
 * Origin: Project Aurora - The Truth is Out There! - (1:2601/512)

 Msg  : 309 of 384
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .óį 03 .žķ 95 12:44
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : Re: Starfleet Rules as...

MJ>  And I've got a couple, as well:
MJ>  11.  The use of fuses and circuit breakers is strictly prohibited!
MJ>  12.  All manual overrides must be electronically operated.


   Under no circumstances, no matter how damaged the ship, must the artificial
gravity fail.

   (The only case of this I remember was the Klingon ship in ST6...)


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 310 of 384
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .óį 03 .žķ 95 12:58
 To   : Dan Kachoogian

DK>  RL> cancelled too so the networks can bring back "Lost in Space:  The
DK>  RL> 90's
DK>  RL> edition":  AAARRRRGhhhhhhhh!!!

DK>  Comparing basic premise alone, isn't ST:V the SAME SHOW as Lost in
DK>  Space?

   In a sense, neither one was. In Voyager, they know *where* they are, (even
the galaxy is finite, and there are too many extra-galactic references to be
truly lost), they just can't get home in a practical time without some sort of

   And in Lost in Space, they spent most of their time stuck on one planet. They
seemed to know where they were, they just couldn't get off.

   But at least ST-V can reasonably keep running into trouble on the way home,
just as the Enterprise did while *looking* for it. On LIS, their planet seemed
to be the center of the bad-alien universe. Everything seemed to come out of the
blue to happen to *them.*

   (Submarine shows like Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea, and Sea Quest suffer
from the same limitation. Everything seems to come from light-years away to zero
in on not just one little planet,but one little submarine in it. At least Sea
Quest's second season has been kind of like that. There's just so much you can
do when limited to the oceans of one well explored, heavily inhabited world...)


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 311 of 384
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .óį 03 .žķ 95 13:01
 To   : Paul Worley
 Subj : ST-Generations

PW>  Anybody know when GENERATIONS will be coming out on video?
PW>  Paul

   I've asked two local video stores. One had no idea, the other believed it
would be on the shelves by fall, but available for rental before that....


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 312 of 384
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .˙ņ 19 .ąé 95 15:09
 To   : John Kahane
 Subj : B5 TALK
 >>> E "PTEN isn't actually a network, or trying to be a network.
 >FE>> You wouldn't know it by their NAME, after all, that IS what
 >>> the "N" stands for ...
 >E> Yes, I know what their name is: Prime Time Entertainment Network.
 >E> But you'll notice, their shows also aren't usually on in prime
 >E> time.:)
 JK>      Aww, you noticed. :)  Seriously though, that's one of the
 > things that really annoys me about BABYLON 5.  The show is
 > definitely *not* on in prime time in the area I get it.  Unless
 > prime time has been moved to midnight! 

Syndicated shows have to fight for time-slots, and B5 doesn't have Trek's
thirty-year money-making record. For that matter, except for Voyager, which
\isn't\ syndicated, \Trek\ doesn't reliably get a "prime time" slot - 7:00pm
Saturday or Sunday, the times when DS9, and TNG before it ended, have normally
been broadcast in Boston, which IS a major market, simply doesn't qualify as
"prime time." In fact, B5 is doing a little \better\ - the last month or so,
it's been broadcast at 8:00pm Sunday.:)

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 313 of 384
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .˙ņ 19 .ąé 95 15:21
 To   : Brian Henderson
 Subj : B5 RIPOFF: DS9
 > EE> Dan, you're gonna confuse Deanna \real\ bad, including the first
 > two
 > EE> Trek series in that list, after saying B5 is better.:)
 BH> But they both deserve to be in the list.  Both Treks have been
 > influential in
 > the way TV SF has been viewed and have set standards for special
 > effects, if
 > not necessarily writing.  B5 *IS* better than TNG (and at least as
 > good as
 > TOS), but it has not made it's mark on TV SF.

Oh, I agree completely, but Deana's one of the either/ors - you're only allowed
to like EITHER Trek OR B5, but not both - and therefore Dan's approval of B5
"ought" to mean he has no respect for Trek.:)

 > EE> If the last significant series sf on tv had been LOST IN SPACE
 > or
 > EE> BATTLESTAR GALACTICA, he'd have had a much tougher time
 > marketing an
 > EE> sf show that's so obviously for adults.
 BH> Actually, Lost In Space was quite influential for it's time.  TOS
 > was accused
 > of being a LIS rip-off for much of it's original airing.  The
 > problem is that
 > while TOS might have made it easier to market sf on television, TNG
 > most

LOST IN SPACE  was a kiddie show, and it took a looong time for TOS to overcome
the perception that therefore, ALL sf must be kiddie shows. Despite that
perception, however, TOS was in fact a far more adult and ambitious show,
regularly tackling serious contemporary issues. Eventually, that fact, and the
fact that TOS had an audience that didn't go away just because the show got
cancelled, penetrated the minds of the dim bulbs at Paramount and elsewhere.

BATTLESTAR GALACTICA was even worse than LOST IN SPACE, not only a kiddie show,
but a kiddie show that was a badly written, badly acted, expensive and
spectacular \failure\.

Painful as it may be for you to admit it, TNG \was\ important in breaking down
the resistance to new sf shows on television, because it demonstrated that TOS
wasn't necessarily a fluke. Granted that few wanted to risk challenging it
directly; but when TNG was headed for cancellation, and DS9 was on the air, ALSO
successful but not the perceived terrifying juggernaut that TNG was, we suddenly
got a spate of attempts at new sf shows.

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 314 of 384
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .˙ņ 19 .ąé 95 15:25
 To   : Steven Wesen
 > I Know that Voyager was not a direct rip off of Red Dwarf but it is
 > to close in some of its core properties that it seems just a copy
 > and we do not need this kind of Science Fiction.

Have you ever read the Odyssey?

This is NOT an irrelevent question.

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 315 of 384
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .˙ņ 19 .ąé 95 15:31
 To   : Frank Eva
 > E "Harlan Ellison has a major grudge against STAR TREK, which is
 > E "partially justified and partially not. I wouldn't look to him for
 > E "objective commentary on it.
 FE>         Yes, I read all about his "grudge" in William Shatner's Star
 > Trek Memories. It was very revealing, and I feel his grudge was
 > justified. I personally think his take on Star Trek is valid. Since
 > he
 > also takes a few potshots at B5, it's obvious he isn't prejudiced
 > against Star Trek alone. I personally think his grudge is against
 > TV/SF
 > in general...

Harlan Ellison is an extremely successful Hollywood scriptwriter, who has
managed to alienate virtually everyone he has ever worked with. When he's been
under contract to a show, rather than merely selling individual scripts, he has
usually managed to get fired, except on those occasions when he has QUIT.

He hasn't got a grudge against B5 or tv or sf generally - he's just naturally
cantankorous, and criticizes everything, regardless of whether he's associated
with it or not.

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 316 of 384
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .˙ņ 19 .ąé 95 15:34
 To   : Tom Huber
 > E>TH>Aside from Enemy Mine, I cannot think of anything in motion
 > pictures
 >>TH>that equals B5 for scope. Dune might qualify, but the scope of Herbert's
 >>TH>work was left on the cutting room floor.
 > E>Even ENEMY MINE chickened out - the ending of the movie was vastly
 >>softened from the punch-in-the-gut ending of the original.
 TH> It sounds like I've got to chase down the story it was based upon. I

Oh, definitely, you NEED to read the original.

 > liked the ending, even though it was a bit abrupt, in my book... But
 > then, I tend to write abrupt endings, too... I just don't project
 > them
 > as far into the future as Enemy Mine did their ending...

It certainly wasn't a \bad\ ending, IF you don't know what Longyear did in the
original. Compared to the original, it's a cowardly ending tacked on by people
who assumed the real ending would upset the audience and scare 'em off.

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 317 of 384
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .˙ņ 19 .ąé 95 15:41
 To   : Robert Lidgren
 > Well, if Entertainment Tonight can be believed, Earth 2 will not be
 > back.
 > That's too bad, I was hoping to see further adventures but sometimes
 > these
 > things happen.  What is a surprise is that SeaQuest DSV did make the
 > "cut"
 > instead!  So, the Earth 2 psaperbacks will go into history as
 > interesting
 > collectables from a one-season wonder.
 > By the way, does ANYONE else feel sorry Earth 2 has bitten the dust?
 >  Sometimes
 > I got the impression that I was among, oh, maybe 25 people in North
 > America who
 > watched the series and generally enjoyed it!

And I'm another of the twenty-five.:(

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 318 of 384
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .óį 20 .ąé 95 08:48
 To   : Frank Glover
 Subj : B5 VS ST
FG>FE>          Hmmm... I don't remember the reference to WW3, but I believe
FG>FE>  you. This just didn't have an impact on me, again, because I look at
FG>FE>  as entertainment, not prophecy in disguise...

FG>   Actually, there was at least one contradiction on this score. In one epis
FG>(whose title escapes me) Spock makes reference to "The (X) millions of peopl
FG>killed in your first World War, the (X) millions killed in your Second World
FG>War, the (X) millions killed in your third..."

FG>   But in `The Omega Glory' he makes reference to how "...They fought the wa
FG>your Earth avoided."

FG>  Go figure.

No necessary contradiction there - the world of Omega Glory apparently
fought an all-out war with nuclear devices and biological weapons that
destroyed their civilization completely.  Earth managed to turn back
from the brink, and fought a war that was damaging but not sufficient
even to seriously slow progress into space, much less knock Earth back
to Stone Age/hunter-gatherer level.

 * OLX 2.1 TD * Press "+" to see another tagline.

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 319 of 384
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .īķ 22 .ąé 95 15:36
 To   : Tom Huber
 > There were some technical inconsistencies that bothered me,
 > especially
 > the concept that the isolated colony wasn't all that isolated and
 > that
 > "big brother" could move in any time and take over...

That's because, even though they didn't know it when they arrived, Big Brother
was \already there\, and had his own plans inconsistent with theirs.

It wasn't, in fact, a "technical inconsistency".

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 320 of 384
 From : VINCENT MCCONNELL                   1:2601/574      .åņ 25 .ąé 95 19:03
 Subj : Re: Star Wars
|Mark|, of sept |Jones'ashain|, spoke thusly::

 MJ> You guys seem to take it as a personal affront that I don't believe
 MJ> that the second coming of Star Wars is imminent.
 MJ> If you think so, fine.  Somebody asked why I didn't believe it.
 MJ> These were my reasons.  If you aren't convinced, that's fine too.
 MJ> Time will tell who was right.

I don't take personal affront, I think it's silly that you seem to be
utterly unbelieving in a press release by a pretty damn major company.
If you want to hold this huge evil opinion of SW fans, fine, but
having the mindset that Lucasfilm is outright lying is pretty absurd.

... "Bother," said Pooh, as the Red Ajah captured him.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- GOMail v2.0v6 Beta [94-0191]
 * Origin: Image Gallery, 28.8, Internet, Adult and more! (1:2601/574)

 Msg  : 321 of 384
 From : VINCENT MCCONNELL                   1:2601/574      .åņ 25 .ąé 95 19:45
 Subj : Re: Sliders & Vr.5 Cancel
|David|, of sept |Johnston'ashain|, spoke thusly::

 DJ> That program, entitled "Kindred" will be based on the best-selling
 DJ> White Wolf roleplaying game "Vampire, the Masquerade".  It will focus
 DJ> on two brothers (probably twins) one of whom is still alive and the
 DJ> other who is now a vampire.  Given it's sources, one can expect it to
 DJ> be moody and emotional, with sexual undertones.

Wow.  Are you kidding?

Of course, it won't stay true to VTM I'm sure, but that will be neat to see.

... Force Strength Meter ->  weak ##################---- strong
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- GOMail v2.0v6 Beta [94-0191]
 * Origin: Image Gallery, 28.8, Internet, Adult and more! (1:2601/574)

 Msg  : 322 of 384
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .óį 27 .ąé 95 09:45
 To   : Richard Yamagata
 Subj : B5 RIPOFF: DS9
RY>* In a message originally to Jakc Butler, Brian Henderson said:
RY>BH> No kidding.  I didn't say otherwise.  I did say, however,
RY>BH> that B5 has a higher purpose than *JUST* making a quick buck.

RY>I do not know if this is true or not, but I would like to think that it is t
RY>for B5.  From the amount of energy that JMS expends by posting on GEnie and
RY>CIS, I believe that B5 means much more to him than a meal ticket.  My son
RY>is waiting for his B5 micro-machines, but from what I garner from JMS posts,
RY>seems JMS finds this type of marketing, demeaning.

He finds what type of marketing demeaning?

We all know that JMS has said that B5 will "never be a franchise", but
in fact there's already books, and comics, and in the first book, an add
for mugs and t-shirts.

So what type of marketing is it that JMS finds demeaning?  Just the

RY>BH> out but that's not the issue, is it?  For Paramount and the
RY>BH> makers of Star Trek, money is the biggest issue. For Warner, it quite
RY>BH> possibly might be.

RY>All I know is that from looking at the Nielsens, the Paramount Network's
RY>success is all owed to ST Voyager.  I think that the ST Voyager Q&A was a ch
RY>ploy to get Voyager fans to sit through hours of vapid programming just to f
RY>the Q&A sequence.  I think this supports your arguement about "selling
RY>grandma."  As for Warner, their network ratings are lower than Fox and
RY>Paramount.  How much lower and non-profitable can you get?  It may be a
RY>blessing that B5 is syndicated an not a Warner Network offering.  Ry

If the WB Network had even one decent show, they might be doing better.
If the PTEN shows were pulled from syndication and moved to the WB
Network, they'd have a bunch of shows with pre-built audiences that
could then be seen in something resembling "prime time" - it would
probably be a win all around.

As for trying to get fans of one show to sit through the following
shows, by various devices, that's not "selling grandma" - that's normal
network marketing.  The  other networks aren't currently doing this
particular version of it, but they have in the past.

 * OLX 2.1 TD * Back Up My Hard Drive? I Can't Find The Reverse Switch!

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 323 of 384
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .óį 27 .ąé 95 09:45
 To   : Frank Eva
FE>I wouldn't complain about Neelix if he didn't seem to always be employed
FE>as Barclay was in TNG. Of all the characters, I find the holo-doc the
FE>most interesting. Perhaps it's because he seems to be more of an "adult"
FE>(even though he's probably quite childlike when it comes to
FE>understanding the human condition) than the rest of the crew who seem to
FE>be fresh out of the academy and just barely beyond puberty. I really
FE>dislike how demographics is having such a profound effect on TV...

Frank, the demographics of the Voyager crew are the normal demographics
of a naval ship - except that the average age of the Voyager crew may in
fact be a tad HIGHER than in "real life".

Note that in TOS, the junior officers we did see were also young -
Chekov, Sulu, Rand. etc.

The officers on B5 are older, because that's a diplomatic post with lots
of tensions just below the surface.

The demographics on both Voyager and B5 are reasonable for the
story/setting each of the series has.

 * OLX 2.1 TD * This tagline is umop apisdn

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 324 of 384
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .óį 27 .ąé 95 09:45
 To   : Richard Yamagata
 Subj : B5 VS ST
RY>On the other hand, it may not be surprising.  That long narrative by Delenn
RY>about the Shadows, the First Ones, the Vorlons, drove me MAD!!!  I played th
RY>sequence over and over -- TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHAT MIRA WAS MUMBLING.  It i
RY>rediculous that she could not ennunciate better.  I do not think it was a
RY>directional ploy to heighten suspense.

RY>The only thing that let me understand what Mira muffed was a transcript of t
RY>part of the episode.  I think that this narrative was as critical to the
RY>B5 plot line as the dialog between Sheridan and Kosh about "understanding."

Strangely, I had no difficulty understanding or following Ms. Furlan's
speech.  Perhaps I simply have a better tv than you do - though that
seems unlikely, given how OLD the wretched thing is.:)


--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 325 of 384
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .īķ 29 .ąé 95 13:25
 To   : Barry Blaes
BB> JK>      Personally, I'm more concerned at this point with keeping BABYLON
BB> JK>      5 on the air.  And getting to see the last four episodes of Season
BB> JK>      Two before October, whereas the Europeans are going to be seeing
BB> JK>      them any time now.

BB>Din't see any thing on the internet for B5, but, then again I'm not reading
BB>any B5 stuff.

There's rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.  And an alt. topic on B5, and at least
one web page. And a mailing list. And archives available.

[Can you tell I just recently got access to newsgroups and the WWW ?:)]

 * OLX 2.1 TD * Hello, I am part number ¦ŗŽŗ¦ŗ¦Ū¦ŗŻ¦ŗŻ¦¦

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 326 of 384
 From : Ralph Strauser                      1:105/314       .pä 31 .ąé 95 09:45
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : Confessions & Lamentation
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  91-0012

 -=> Quoting Jeff Hancock to Frank Eva <=-

 FE>1. I noticed that the Markab spacecraft was not being towed with
 FE>grapples, but that Starfuries had attached themselves to the hull of
 FE>the vessel and were using their own thrusters to move the ship.

 JH> Are you sure? It looked to me as if they had attacked their grapples
 JH> to parts of the ship.

 JH> BTW, in Knives, do you think that knob on the rear was put there for
 JH> the express purpose of towing Starfuries like that?

    Sounds like typical Military Redundency. Shoot you ever notice that
    most military rigs have a pto connection on the back axle and the
    front of the tranny?

... Get your modem runnin, Head out for the Highwaves!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: COM-DAT BBS  (1:105/314.0)

 Msg  : 327 of 384
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .pä 31 .ąé 95 18:12
 To   : Lawrence Heinke
 > EC-> But the Romulans and Cardassians and Klingons didn't have
 > anything ca
 > -> beating the Borg either -

 LH> Wrong!!! The Klingons have a weapon that could be lethal to the
 > Borg. The weapon could easily defeat them. It is called Blood Seed.
 > I forget the episode but in TNG all of some planets lifeforms were
 > being eradicated. The Enterprise was on some goose-chase looking for
 > DNA. The Klingons had beaten them there, got the DNA and, destroyed
 > the planet with Blood Seed a life devouring plasma. The Klingons
 > could fire it at the Borg, the Borg would see it as not a threat, it
 > would thereby destroy all DNA and render the ship inert. Klingons 1
 > - Borg 0!

Of course, you're wrong.

The Federation and the Cardassians and the Romulans can ALL fairly easily
destroy all life on a \planet\. "Life-devouring plasma" is a good description of
most any of their energy weapons.

What none of them can do is generate enough power in those weapons to break
through the Borg shields and do significant damage to the Borg ships.

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 328 of 384
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .åņ 01 .žķ 95 11:26
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : B5 CATCH-UP
 > RY "FE> This would be nice but it would require a company like Simon
 > &
 > RY "FE> Schuster to envision a profit for such a series of books. I
 > RY "FE> personally think there are few publishers who would consider
 > RY "FE> such a series profitable at this early stage, with B5 still
 > a
 > RY "FE> somewhat unproven commodity...
 > RY "You are right about this.  To make the point more poignant for
 > my
 > RY "son, "where are the micro-machines?"
 FE> Yes, that's the same thing. Is the series popular enough to warrant
 > a
 > line of B5 toys? With the threat of cancellation looming over the
 > show,
 > I don't think anyone will find this license a safe investment...

FWIW, I talked to the program director at WSBK, the station that carries B5 in
the Boston market, and she said that B5 HAS been renewed. This is not the same
level of reliability as getting the information direct from Warner/PTEN, but it
surely means something, that WSBK expects to have B5 in its fall line-up.

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 329 of 384
 From : Cmcdonough                          1:101/230       .åņ 01 .žķ 95 20:05
 To   : Myranya Werlemann
MW> JB> Lucas's trademark is the numbers 1138.  They appear in every one
MW> JB> of his films *somehow*.
MW> [   ]
MW> That's really interesting. Do you know _why_ it's 1138?

  His first film was *THX-1138*

        /s/ Craig
 (or was it *TXH-1138*?)

 * OLX 2.1 TD * A clean, neat, desk is a sign of a sick mind.

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 330 of 384
 From : Cmcdonough                          1:101/230       .åņ 01 .žķ 95 20:57
 To   : Ecarey
::Steve Wesen wrote to Elisabeth Carey::

SW> > I Know that Voyager was not a direct rip off of Red Dwarf but it
SW> > is too close in some of its core properties that it seems just a
SW> > copy and we do not need this kind of Science Fiction.

EC>Have you ever read the Odyssey?

EC>This is NOT an irrelevent question.

Also, brownie points to those who can identify a movie considered
"classic" in SF that boldly/blatantly stole the plot from Shakespear's

     /s/ Craig

 * OLX 2.1 TD * "I drank WHAT!?" - Socrates

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 331 of 384
 From : Michelle Willey                     1:379/37        .åņ 01 .žķ 95 23:18
 To   : Jack Butler
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  92-0315
On 26 May 95 06:48am, JACK BUTLER said the following:

 JB>      The rat-bastards who run WOFL, FOX 35 decided that Confessions and
 JB> Lamentations was just a bit too intense, so they re-ran Knives instead.
 JB>  Do me a favor, if you will, and netmail me as detailed a synopsis of
 JB>  that episode as you can, please...

 JB>      God, I hate censors...

Now that really sucks. Especially since the remote control makes censorship
at the personal level ever so easy. What I don't want to see, I can cut by
flipping to another channel for a while. But I really hate it when some ivory
tower exec decides for me what should be seen and not seen, heard and not
heard. Sympathies, fellow watcher.


... The future is just not what it used to be.
 * Evaluation copy of Silver Xpress. Day # 21
 * Silver Xpress V4.01

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: Borderline! BBS Concord,N.C. (704)792-9241  (1:379/37.0)

 Msg  : 332 of 384
 From : Michelle Willey                     1:379/37        .åņ 01 .žķ 95 23:18
 To   : John Kahane
 Subj : RE: B5 TALK
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  92-0315

 SW> JK****     Aww, you noticed. :)  Seriously though, that's one of the
 SW> things that
 SW> JK****really annoys me about BABYLON 5.  The show is definitely *not*
 SW> on in prim
 SW> JK****time in the area I get it.  Unless prime time has been moved to
 SW> midnight!

I'm really lucky. In Charlotte, NC, B5 is on at 8:00pm on Saturday, and at
11:00pm on Sunday (same episode). Two different channels carry the program so
even if one preempts (a dastardly act), I can still catch it on the other


... Evolution is God's way of issuing upgrades.
 * Evaluation copy of Silver Xpress. Day # 21
 * Silver Xpress V4.01

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: Borderline! BBS Concord,N.C. (704)792-9241  (1:379/37.0)

 Msg  : 333 of 384
 From : Michelle Willey                     1:379/37        .åņ 01 .žķ 95 23:18
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : RE: KNIVES
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  92-0315
Michelle is replying to FRANK who replied to RICHARD on 29 May 95 08:31am

 FE> Lamentations". I know how hard this must be, especially when JMS uses
 FE> other writers who don't have a full comprehension of the 5 year B5
 FE> story arc, but I wish he would reveal more of the main story arc with
 FE> each new episode...

I'm kind of torn on this issue. On one hand I really like the mystery and
having things revealed a little at a time. OTOH, I'm anxious to find out what
happens. I find myself caught between intrigued and frustrated.


... Planet 98% full. Delete politicians? (Y/y)
 * Evaluation copy of Silver Xpress. Day # 21
 * Silver Xpress V4.01

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: Borderline! BBS Concord,N.C. (704)792-9241  (1:379/37.0)

 Msg  : 334 of 384
 From : Bruce Baugh                         1:105/290.50    .˙ņ 02 .žķ 95 20:10
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : B5 Baseball
On (30 May 95) Mark Jones wrote to Starwolf...

 MJ> Not necessarily--but the station *designers* may have been
 MJ> baseball fans. EarthForce seems to be strongly influenced by
 MJ> (if not descended from) the American government and culture.
 MJ> Americans, as a whole, are bigger fans of baseball than of
 MJ> zen.

For that matter, baseball is also _tremendously_ popular in Japan,
and in parts of the Third World. That part of the station could well
have been designed by someone other than an American.

... Rotisserie: A ferris wheel for chickens.

--- PPoint 1.92
 * Origin: The Home Trepanning Club (1:105/290.50)

 Msg  : 335 of 384
 From : David Johnston                      1:342/14        .óį 03 .žķ 95 01:23
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : Sliders - Bathroom? Wash
-> True enough--but not the whole story.  (I agree that the "we can't
-> replicate really *big* things argument is an excuse for not making
-> full use of the technology, but....)
-> My modem is capable of transmitting as much data as anyone
-> else's--but only at 2400 baud (yes, I'm using stone-age technology
-> here).
-> It might take as much *total* energy to replicate an entire engine
-> block as to replicate the parts--but that's irrelevant if they can't
-> produce all the energy needed in one burst.

Of course the simple answer is just to build a bigger replicator.

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
 * Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)

 Msg  : 336 of 384
 From : Paul Worley                         1:2601/515      .óį 03 .žķ 95 02:45
 To   : Nicolai Shapero
 Subj : Harlan Ellison
01 Jun 95 04:29, Nicolai Shapero wrote to Frank Eva:

 NS> He was, in theory, working on a sequel to the Outer Limits
 NS> for B5.  But I haven't heard anything about this lately (no news
 NS> is good news?)

Harlan is supposed to show up at DragonCon in July (Atlanta, GA) I'll try to
remember to ask him when I get up to him in the autograph line. Hope you can
wait 6 more weeks!!


--- GoldED 2.42.G0614
 * Origin: USS Wolf - Wheatland, PA  (1:2601/515)

 Msg  : 337 of 384
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .óį 03 .žķ 95 03:19
 To   : Gamin Davis
 Subj : Counselor Troi
On (27 May 95) Gamin Davis wrote to Deana Kristof...

 GD> Jesus H. Christ, are we back to THIS argument again??? Get this
 GD> through your head, everybody: STARFLEET *IS* A MILITARY
 GD> ORGANIZATION!! It's one with a few variations in focus, but it IS
 GD> a military! Nor does it "lack discipline" or "security
 GD> procedures". Anybody who thinks that simply hasn't been paying
 GD> attention.

Well, actually, Deana vanished shortly after lighting the fuse on this
particular flame-fest.  (Presumably she either learned her lesson or
gave us all up as mind-numbed proponents of militarism....)

But as long as you've brought it up....

I'll agree that Starfleet has "discipline", if by that you mean to say
that they have established procedures for disciplining people.  I will
laugh long and loud if you claim they have *effective* discipline.

I'll also agree that Starfleet has "security procedures".  And I'll
laugh even longer and louder if you argue that they are reasonable or

... God, please grant me more patience...RIGHT NOW!

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: HQ of World Domination, Inc. (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 338 of 384
 From : Myra I Fox                          1:123/10        .óį 03 .žķ 95 07:25
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : Joe Dawson

-=>Quoting Jack Butler to Gloria Darcy<=-

 GD> Great news, Jack!  What about Joe?  I haven't seen the second part yet
 GD> of the season finale.

 JB> As of right now, Joe Dawson will be back.

I haven't seen the second part yet... but I couldn't believe that
he was actually going to *use* the gun, I thought it was just a
last ditch effort to threaten her into giving the disk back to
him.  Of course, that wasn't going to work since she really
believes that she is doing the right thing.

I wonder if he will get to sing again?  Guess there are lots of
opportunities to sing the blues on this show.

... "Something strange is happening, MacLeod..." -- Joe Dawson
--- RA/FD/FMail.98
 * Origin: The Electric Fox - Memphis,Tn. (901)327-1008 (1:123/10)

 Msg  : 339 of 384
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .óį 03 .žķ 95 07:56
 To   : All
 Subj : B5 TRIVIA
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.bA 8060
Question: What Babylon 5 personality stars in the upcoming interactive
CD, Solar Eclipse, for the Sega Saturn?

Answer: Claudia Christian!

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 340 of 384
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .óį 03 .žķ 95 07:56
 To   : All
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.bA 8060
The first 2 in this new series of original novels has been released, and
according to the salesman at Barnes and Noble, have been selling
briskly. In fact, the first novel, "Goblins", was completely sold out,
and I had to settle for #2, "Whirlwind", instead!

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 341 of 384
 From : Karmin St.jean                      1:321/309       .óį 03 .žķ 95 08:07
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : Starfleet Schmarfleet
 >MM> 10. If your ships highly sophisticated automatic controls are unable
 >MM>     to cope with an unnatural cosmic fenomenon, try flying it
 >MM>     better manually!
 > And I've got a couple, as well:
 > 11.  The use of fuses and circuit breakers is strictly prohibited!
 > 12.  All manual overrides must be electronically operated.

It would be so much easier if you just changed the gravitational constant of
the Universe.

--- FLAME v1.1
 * Origin: Final Approach BBS - Spfld, MA (413)783-5853 (1:321/309)

 Msg  : 342 of 384
 From : Steven Skaggs                       1:3608/250      .óį 03 .žķ 95 22:22
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : Re: Star Wars
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  94-2198

 -=> Quoting Mark Jones to Vincent Mcconnell <=-

 MJ> Talk is cheap.  Even "official" talk.  I still haven't seen or heard
 MJ> anything to convince this is anything *but* talk.

 MJ> And maybe someone will.  But it HASN'T HAPPENED YET.  And until
 MJ> there's more evidence than a Hollywood *press release* (for God's
 MJ> sake!), I still don't believe it will happen.

 I take talk that comes directly from George Lucas a little more seriously
 than just talk in general or Hollywood press realeases for that matter.
 There was a short interview with George Lucas in TV guide several months
 ago where he stated he would have a new Star Wars movie out by 2000. Yes,
 he could change his mind but I kind of doubt it. He has been intending to
 make more Star Wars movies for quite a while now.

 MJ> ...and if the studio fanned the flames with rumors of an impending new
 MJ> trilogy, the stuff will probably sell even better.  No marketing exec
 MJ> ever thought that "good enough" couldn't be improved.

 That really doesn't explain why Lucas says he will do new movies. He
 certainly doesn't need the money.

... You can tell fantasy from reality - if it sucks, it's real!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: Double Springs BBS Panama City, FL 904-784-6336  (1:3608/250.0)

 Msg  : 343 of 384
 From : Earl Green                          1:3822/1        .óį 03 .žķ 95 22:46
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : B5 RERUNS???

FE>Does anyone know what happened to the last 5 episodes in this season's
FE>schedule? (The Long Twilight Struggle, Divided Loyalties, Comes the
FE>Inquisitor, The Price of Peace, and The Fall of Night (season finale)).
FE>We've had reruns 3 weeks in a row!

  First off..."Fall of Night" is the final title of an episode that was
  originally named "The Price of Peace"; the latter title was instead
  used for one of the comics.
  As for the big question, Warner Bros. has decided to hold the last
  four episodes until *October*, allegedly to build interest for the
  beginning of the third season, which hasn't even been approved at this
  time.  Season 2 will be re-running ad nauseum till then.
 * SLMR 2.0 * "Bother," said Pooh as Piglet sacrificed him to dark gods

--- QScan/PCB v1.17b / 01-0162
 * Origin: Jackalope Junction  501-785-5381 Ft Smith AR (1:3822/1)

 Msg  : 344 of 384
 From : Richard Yamagata                    1:203/955       .óį 03 .žķ 95 23:19
 To   : John Kahane
 Subj : B5 Catch-Up
Hello John and all visitors to this echo!  The sight with the plot synopsis and
analysis that I visit regularly is:  http://www.hyperion.com
From there you just select: The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5 to go into the most
complete B5 site in the world -- at least that is my opinion.

Your work posting the synopsises on the B5 echo is wonderful.  It is also a lot
of work.  I try to collect what is posted on the World Wide Web and I have to
cut and nip and format and...  it is a lot of work.  Matter of fact, I do not
bother to even fix what I collect up, unless someone like Frank Eva requests me
to netmail something to him.  I have 2 netmail requests at present and I am
trying to fulfill them.  Ry

 * Origin: Dynasoft 916-753-8788  3Gig C C++ Everyone (1:203/955)

 Msg  : 345 of 384
 From : Richard Yamagata                    1:203/955       .óį 03 .žķ 95 23:23
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : B5 COMIC

FE> According to the letters column in issue #5, DC Comics will be rotating
FE> teams of artists/writers. So, even though the current look has improved,
FE> there is no guarantee this same team will continue to produce the B5
FE> comic...

Hi Frank, I just signed up a Comic shop with my Web Presence development firm.
So, I will soon be getting the B5 comics, regularly.  Hopefully, I will be able
to pick-up the back issues without losing a limb in the process.  Ry

 * Origin: Dynasoft 916-753-8788  3Gig C C++ Everyone (1:203/955)

 Msg  : 346 of 384
 From : Richard Yamagata                    1:203/955       .óį 03 .žķ 95 23:48
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : B5 TALK

FE> FS "(Delenn).  In fact, she's probably my least favorite
FE> character.

FE> She used to be one of my favorites, before she underwent the
FE> "change"...

I have to say that I found this last episode very unsettling when it came to
Delenn.  We are in the re-run phase that will last until August, I read on the
Net, so I can discuss this weird scene.  Where are they going with this, "will
you call me John?"   As it is, they imply that Delenn and Commander Sinclair
were married in that episode long ago where they were exchanging culture and
customs.  It seems that this bit was penned by JMS back, before they decided
that Sinclair was to leave.  It made no sense to me.

Other than that, I loved this episode.  I think that Richard Biggs makes every
plot line and scene on B5 that he is a part -- work.  This episode, I could find
not a single scene of his that I could criticize.  When I first saw the promos,
my first thought was, "oh no, another attempt at trying to capitalize
on that Dustin Hoffman movie."  Well, I do not think you could say that.  This
episode had a message and a moral.  It also ended in a way that shakes you to
the core.  I find it ironic that they were able to save the race of carrion
eaters and yet not save a race with eating habits more in line with humans.

This was an excellent episode for me.  It was interesting that they used a
little person (PC) to play the young girl, not a child.  That was an interesting
choice.  It seems that all in all, you cannot say that Billy Mummy is given
fluff pieces.  His part in this episode was significant.  It was also memorable
and left a lasting impression upon me.  It also adds to the arguement why the
role of the Narn Ambassador aide changed.

Lastly, after this, I think that the Janet Greek season finale written by JMS is
going to be something that is going to knock everyone's socks off and have the
VCR playing over and over.  She is the finest of the B5 directors in my opinion.
The sound tracks of her episodes should be nominated for awards and sold on CDs.
I am so excited by what the future portends for this series. We are seeing the
creation of another classic series.  JMS builds up the plot
lines and the expectations, but he has yet to disappoint me.

I remember that BATTLESTAR GALACTICA would build up these new and unique plot
lines that had all types of implications and then... just peter out or have some
rediculous conclusion that was a no-brainer.

B5 just gets better and better.  JMS, the directors and the actors all are
honing their art -- by year 5 it will be something that very few Sci-fi
programmers could not even begin to match coming out of the future starting
blocks.  Ry

 * Origin: Dynasoft 916-753-8788  3Gig C C++ Everyone (1:203/955)

 Msg  : 347 of 384
 From : Richard Yamagata                    1:203/955       .óį 03 .žķ 95 23:58
 To   : Brian Henderson
 Subj : B5 Ripoff: Ds9

BH> I'm not saying that Robyn was wrong.  I said that B5 *WAS* an investment
BH> of time and that is what I like about it. The plotlines *WILL* end neatly
BH> BH> at the end of the series, I assume, but you do have to spend some BH>
BH> time thinking about the show. That is one of it's best qualities.

Here, here, you are preaching to the choir!  You are absolutely, 100% correct.
(This is in no reference and not meant to paraphrase OJ .)

BH> You said at the end that "unfortunately, B5 is not like Star
BH> Trek".  There is nothing unfortunate about it. It is not supposed to be
BH> like Star Trek, and if it was, I certainly wouldn't watch it.

Again, I have to agree with you.  I do not watch DS9.  I do not watch Voyager
on a regular basis.  I may tape the episodes for someone else to watch, but that
is where it ends.  The only show that I tape, archive an watch religiously is
BABYLON 5.  B5 is the only show that I try to interest people in watching on a
regular basis.  Ry

 * Origin: Dynasoft 916-753-8788  3Gig C C++ Everyone (1:203/955)

 Msg  : 348 of 384
 From : Richard Yamagata                    1:203/955       .cź 04 .žķ 95 00:06
 To   : Brian Henderson
 Subj : B5 Vs St

BH> Absolutely.  I think I've seen most of the heavy arc episodes at least 5-6
BH> times now. You just have to keep going back and picking up the clues in
BH> light of new information. My next episode will be "Deathwalker" BH> to try
BH> to piece together the Kosh/Talia angle.

You are a person that should be commended as one of the FAITHFUL.  It is people
like you that will keep the interest in this series high with inciteful
discussion.  Matter of fact I would like to hear what your conclusions are from
this episode.  Did Ivanova really say something to the effect that the Vorlon
were immortal?  What does the episode show that Dr. Franklin do with
DEATHWALKER's blood sample?

BH> B5 *HAS* magic.  It makes you look forward to the next episode. I can't
BH> this week. So what? B5 is a show that appeals to fans of written sci-fi.

Some of your analysis I will have to keep around and quote in a feature article
about Babylon 5!  I agree with you completely on this.

"Everyone eventually comes to Babylon 5."   Even more true today, than it was
4 years ago! Ry

 * Origin: Dynasoft 916-753-8788  3Gig C C++ Everyone (1:203/955)

 Msg  : 349 of 384
 From : Richard Yamagata                    1:203/955       .cź 04 .žķ 95 00:09
 To   : Gary Tincher
 Subj : Who to write to for B5
Gary, Good News, B5 has been renewed and the future is BRIGHT.  MICROMACHINES
has come out with Babylon 5 toys, which means that the powers that be are sure
that B5 is something that will be marketable for some time to come.

Did you send in your postcard?  That in itself shows the marketing potential for
the show and shows advertisers that the people that watch B5 do see the
commercials and act upon them.  I send in at least a half dozen by now.
SUPPORT BABYLON 5.  Convert your friends to B5 watchers!  Converse with JMS on
GEnie, CIS or Delphi!  Ry

 * Origin: Dynasoft 916-753-8788  3Gig C C++ Everyone (1:203/955)

 Msg  : 350 of 384
 From : Richard Yamagata                    1:203/955       .cź 04 .žķ 95 00:32
 To   : Gary Tincher
 Subj : Who to write to for B5
* In a message originally to All, Gary Tincher said:

GT> Anyone have an address to write to to keep B5 on the air?
GT> Or is it too late... :(

I thought about your request and heck, it is never too late to show your local
station that you support Babylon 5.  Just tell me the city and state that the
TV station is locate that you receive your B5 broadcasts from, and I will supply
you with the address.

Thank you for your willingness to write and show your support for B5.  Maybe we
can demonstrate enough B5 support that next year B5's renewal will become a
foregone conclusion!!!  Ry

 * Origin: Dynasoft 916-753-8788  3Gig C C++ Everyone (1:203/955)

 Msg  : 351 of 384
 From : Richard Yamagata                    1:203/955       .cź 04 .žķ 95 00:34
 To   : Steven Wirsz
 Subj : B5 Ripoff: Ds9

SW> ST:TOS - Man will survive through resourcefulness
SW> ST:TNG - Socialist Utopias (The "enlightened" Federation) will save the

             universe SW> ST:DS9 -   ""

SW> ST:Voy -   ""

SW> B5     - Got two or three pages to spare??

Excellent summary!

 * Origin: Dynasoft 916-753-8788  3Gig C C++ Everyone (1:203/955)

 Msg  : 352 of 384
 From : Richard Yamagata                    1:203/955       .cź 04 .žķ 95 00:40
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : B5 Catch-Up

FE> RY "You are right about this.  To make the point more
FE> RY poignant for my son, "where are the micro-machines?"
FE> Yes, that's the same thing. Is the series popular enough to warrant a
FE> line of B5 toys? With the threat of cancellation looming over the show,
FE> I don't think anyone will find this license a safe investment...

It is fortunate that dreams do take form and become reality.  Babylon 5 has been
renewed for season 3 and Micro-Machines have produced 4 sets of B5 models.  Of
course this is only fraction of the number of Trek Micro-Machines, but it is a
healthy start!  What I feared is that JMS would put a kabosh on the whole deal
with his view that marketing and fanchising can be demeaning -- one of the
messages found in one of the recent episodes.  I think this is a very good sign
that we will see all 5 years of Babylon 5.  Ry

 * Origin: Dynasoft 916-753-8788  3Gig C C++ Everyone (1:203/955)

 Msg  : 353 of 384
 From : Richard Yamagata                    1:203/955       .cź 04 .žķ 95 01:01
 To   : Brian Henderson
 Subj : B5 Ripoff: Ds9

BH> Go to any Toys-R-Us for the Micro Machines.  They are *VERY* nice (I have
BH> all four sets). And yes, JMS is very bothered by the way the Star Trek
BH> Marketing Machine works and has vowed to have B5 stand alone, not just BH>
BH> be a vehicle to sell action figures and toys. I admire someone who can stand
BH> up for their principles like that rather than sell out to the highest
BH> bidder.

I really appreciate this post.  I will head out there ASAP.  My son's birthday
is coming up an this will be perfect timing!  Considering the detail on the Trek
and Star Wars Micro Machines, I expect the B5 ones to be made with as much eye
to detail.

As for your words about JMS and marketing, we will have to see as Frand Eva
says.  If we see Lando dolls and B5 bears, we will know that someone has sold
out or lost control of the licensing.

BH> Well, considering that both UPN and WBN have dumped their entire
BH> programming lineup (except for Voyager and DS9, natch), I don't think

This is laughable.  So, you mean to tell me that VOYAGER Q&A did not save the
UPN line-up like they thought it would?  It shows that Trekkers are not as rabid
as Paramount was banking on them to be.

As for one show, Platypus Man, I liked that show and watched it when it came on
after Voyager.  Once they moved it a half hour a way, I did not follow it,
for I am a rabid Kelley fan and switche to CHICAGO HOPE.  Of course I do not
think it would matter now, considering I do not even watch Voyager regularly at
this period in time.

Thanks again for this post.  Ry

 * Origin: Dynasoft 916-753-8788  3Gig C C++ Everyone (1:203/955)

 Msg  : 354 of 384
 From : Richard Yamagata                    1:203/955       .cź 04 .žķ 95 01:04
 To   : Brian Henderson
 Subj : B5 Talk

BH> Screen Actor Guild rules demand that if the actor is in a certain number
BH> of episodes (I think it is 12, but am probably wrong), they BH> must be
BH> pictured in the opening credits.

Brian, What I want people to comment on is that Richard Biggs is not listed as a
headliner star.  It says "also starring."  I want him elevated to "Starring" an
to appear in as many episodes as possible.  Ry

 * Origin: Dynasoft 916-753-8788  3Gig C C++ Everyone (1:203/955)

 Msg  : 355 of 384
 From : Chris Carter                        1:105/302.23    .cź 04 .žķ 95 01:34
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : Vorlon Immortality

 CC> Hot off the 'Lost Scenes' webpage at Hyperion,

 JH> Cool. Any more of these you could share?

I suppose.  But when will the right context come up in which to post
this stuff?  Should I just start posting lost scenes from B5 until I
run out?

 CC> "I've looked upon the face of a Vorlon, Laurel...and nothing's
 CC> the same anymore."

 JH> So they have faces, at least to human observers. Hmm.

But is the face referred to literal, (like the face of a corporeal
being) or the Doctor speaking in a more figurative sense?  I'm
inclined to believe that latter, myself.

 CC> Not exactly *revealing*, but at the very least, we know that
 CC> folks who see Kosh don't come away from the experience
 CC> unchanged.

 JH> Heck, we knew that from Delenn. 


 JH> I think they're going to see what they think of as God... how
 JH> JMS will show that so that the viewers will visualize that
 JH> without making it overobvious and/or cheesy, I dunno.

I certainly have no clue on this either.  But I don't underestimate
Straczynski's ability to do it well.

As long as Vorlons don't look like that thing at the center of the
galaxy from Star Trek 5, I'll be forgiving.

Chris - carter@teleport.com

--- cPoint v2.17/FreeWare
 * Origin: Carter's Conspicuous Consumption (1:105/302.23)

 Msg  : 356 of 384
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .cź 04 .žķ 95 02:56
 To   : Jeff Schlenker
 Subj : White Dwarf
On (30 May 95) Jeff Schlenker wrote to Sean McCormick...

 JS> Well, I must admit that I just couldn't get into it.  After about 45
 JS> minutes, I shut the tape off.  I don't know, maybe I missed something,
 JS> but to me it was generally boring.

It wasn't just you.  It *was* incoherent, implausible and boring.

It looked to me like the writers thought that science fiction is
anything that involves a) other planets, b) weird gadgetry (like
"tissue gloves"), c) preposterous animals, and d) plots that are
incomprehensible (expecting the audience to simply go along with the
gag, like the emperor's new clothes).

... Power corrupts, and absolute power... is absolutely divine!

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: HQ of World Domination, Inc. (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 357 of 384
 From : Tony Trujillo                       1:280/9         .cź 04 .žķ 95 02:57
 To   : Kay Shapero
 Subj : Re: Sliders Continuity
.TID: GE 1.11+

 KS>> ...lose the dog
 TT>>I wouldn't have even considered taking the dog with
 TT>>me when his barking gave away Wade's position
 KS> Ditto.

Dear Quinn and Company,
                         Hate you
                         Took the "slide" box
                         Find your own way back home
                                                    -- Henry

 KS> until I heard the show had been cancelled.

That's really going to put a crimp on the folks who were
trying to get a Fidonet SLIDERS echo going. That's one thing
about starting a echo based on a single television series is
that when it goes off the air you're stuck for conversation.
I have a fear that will happen to MST3K (the echo I
"moderate") but at least we get a season 7 (shortened season
however) and a movie that should be coming out sometime by
the end of this year.

All in all it should make for a interesting year for MST3K.

... Honest, Officer! The dwarf was on fire when I got here!
--- Via Silver Xpress V4.02B03 SW01177
 * Origin: South of the River - Overland Park KS - (913)642-7907 V.* (1:280/9)

 Msg  : 358 of 384
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .cź 04 .žķ 95 03:05
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Torres in Faces
On (01 Jun 95) Frank Eva wrote to Mark Jones...

 MJ> The story about B'Lanna being split into her Klingon and Human
 MJ> halves is the sort of "technobabble" I can accept. The notion of
 MJ> splitting her into two separate beings is as unlikely as
 MJ> everything else they've done--but I was willing to grant the
 MJ> premise in order to see how the character dealt with the problem.
 FE> Except that it had already been done before in ST:TOS' The Enemy
 FE> Within. To me, that is unacceptable...

It would have *been* acceptable (to me, anyhow, and possibly even to
you) if they had LEFT her that way.  If B'Lanna had been *permanently*
transformed into a mere human, her Klingon self dead dead dead...that
would have made it worthwhile.  We could have had many, many episodes
worth of angst.

She'd have had to recreate her identity from ashes.  How much of what
she had been was genetic, and how much environmental?  How much of the
traits she admires (in herself and in others) were *solely* the
product of her Klingon half, and which weaknesses?  And can she find
the resources in what's left to recreate those admirable qualities?
What previously unexpressed weaknesses would she suffer, now that the
Klingon persona was gone forever?

THIS would have been new ground.  Kirk was split in half, true--but
only temporarily.  B'Lanna could have been forced to live with the
transformation forever.  It would have been a great episode.

Instead, of course, they made sure she was completely restored to the
status quo by the next episode.  Blech!

... Ex Unu, Plurus (From One, Many) - This option looks better every day!

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: HQ of World Domination, Inc. (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 359 of 384
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .cź 04 .žķ 95 03:14
 To   : Pamela Crossett
 Subj : Earth 2 & HIGHLANDER
On (01 Jun 95) Pamela Crossett wrote to Gloria Darcy...

 PC> I am looking forward to the season finale's second part tonight.
 PC> Although I bet we're left hanging somehow. (here's a nother reason to
 PC> hate Dallas - "who shot JR" really made everyone step up the series
 PC> cliff-hangers.

So was I, blast it.  But those unprintable ***-*******, *************
rat bastards at KATU, who only air it at 12:35 a.m. on Sunday morning
in the first place, preempted it this week for a *#%&#@(%(#
"Children's Miracle Network Telethon".

May they rot in hell.

...not that I'm at all bitter, mind you.

... Mail not found.  Begin whine/pout sequence? (Y/n)?_

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: HQ of World Domination, Inc. (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 360 of 384
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .cź 04 .žķ 95 03:19
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : ST: The Next Generation
On (01 Jun 95) Jeff Hancock wrote to Mark Jones...

 JH> MJ>Wrong--but thanks for playing!
 JH> Wrong or not (and guess which one I'm picking), you do not have
 JH> to be so smartassed about it.

No offense intended.  Next time I'll add the :-) symbol.

 MJ> Neelix was perfectly capable of living for an indefinite period
 MJ> while in that stasis field, with the holo-lungs doing his
 MJ> breathing for
 JH> Didn't the doctor state that that could not be done for an extended
 JH> period of time?

Uhhmmm...maybe he did.  Even so, completely editing B'Lanna's DNA was
only going to take a week, according to the holo-doc, so if Neelix
could last a week or so with holo-lungs...the story doesn't hold

 JH> Admittedly it makes no sense, but their "advanced" form of that
 JH> machine wouldn't work for more than what, 48 hours? It may be a
 JH> step backward, but that's the way the writers set it up.

Which is why I find it silly.  When your advanced technology is less
capable than stone-age 20th century technology, something is wrong.
Since the doc is programmed (in his own words) with the full history
of Federation medicine, presumably he is aware of the 20th century
heart-lung machine...and could have had one replicated (or built by
the engineering staff).

 JH> What would make more sense is to put him into a transporter
 JH> buffer loop such as was done with Scotty.

I dunno.  To quote Larry Niven out of context, "*I* wouldn't ride in
the damn thing!"

Given the frequency with which Voyager is attacked or damaged
accidentally, and the power shortages...I don't think being stored in
RAM is particularly safe.  If they just cut to the chase and backed
him up on disk, that'd be something else again.

... Mac, this is Dana Scully.  Agent Scully, Duncan McLeod....

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: HQ of World Domination, Inc. (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 361 of 384
 From : Starwolf                            1:163/214       .cź 04 .žķ 95 03:22
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : B5 Baseball

 MJ> bigger fans of baseball than of zen.  So when they had X cubic meters
 MJ> of space left over after building all the essential bits, they had a
 MJ> choice to make:  devote most of it to a baseball diamond, or a zen
 MJ> garden?
 MJ> The choice was obvious....

Yes.  Unfortunately, they managed to get it wrong anyway.

--- Maximus 2.01wb
 * Origin: Land of Ill Repute (1:163/214)

 Msg  : 362 of 384
 From : Richard Yamagata                    1:203/955       .cź 04 .žķ 95 03:32
 To   : Brian Henderson
 Subj : Best Sf

BH> Well... he *IS*.  Don't get me wrong, I've known Harlan for a long time,
BH> a bad attitude is about the best you'll ever expect to get
BH> from him.  Sheesh, you want to see bad, try to see him at a SF convention
BH> sometime.  He sits around and badmouths the con, the people, his fans, you
BH> name it and then volunteers to come again next year.

This is the best characterization that I have read of Harlan Ellison in years!!!

 * Origin: Dynasoft 916-753-8788  3Gig C C++ Everyone (1:203/955)

 Msg  : 363 of 384
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .cź 04 .žķ 95 03:32
 To   : Tom Robinson
On (02 Jun 95) Tom Robinson wrote to Robert Lidgren...

 TR>      I remember tuning out the "who's the leader" thread months ago
 TR> after they tried to leave Julia behind.  What a crock that was.

   It was actually the first intelligent thing they'd ever done since
they landed on that stupid planet.  Naturally, they changed what
passes for their minds in the next episode.

 TR>      I don't mean to be bitter about this, but I'm tired of people
 TR> trying to pick E2 apart like a bunch of scavengers.  There was nothing
 TR> wrong with the show as it was.  The characters were fully realized,
 TR> the sicence/society was well thought out, and the story development
 TR> was far more interesting than B5 could ever hope to be.

   The characters were fools, the "science" was laughable and the
society was preposterous.  This show was tripe of the worst kind.

   This is all just my opinion, of course.

   Up to now, I've held my tongue while you folks lamented the demise
of Earth2.  I had absolutely no use for the show, but I'd already
taken my shots at it months ago and gloating over its corpse didn't
seem like a very productive thing to do.  Just because I didn't like
it didn't mean it wouldn't be missed.
   But if you're going to bitch about the criticisms, I'll feel free
to respond.

... Waco:  proof that Janet Reno approves of children smoking....

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: HQ of World Domination, Inc. (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 364 of 384
 From : Richard Yamagata                    1:203/955       .cź 04 .žķ 95 03:35
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Babylon 5 (PTEN)
* In a message originally to Brian Henderson, Frank Eva said:

FE> BH>You said at the end that "unfortunately, B5 is not like Star Trek".
FE> BH>There is nothing unfortunate about it.  It is not supposed to be like
FE> BH>Star Trek, and if it was, I certainly wouldn't watch it.

FE> I think what Richard meant was that B5 is not as accepted as
FE> Star Trek; therefore, it's future is always going to be tenuous...

Thank you Frank for making it clear what I meant; it is unfortunate that B5 does
not share in the "sure thing" mentality that Voyager seems to enjoy. I mean, I
have not heard of any of the B5 cast going out and buying a condo in Malibu or a
Porsche, like I heard some of the Voyager Cast did when they had their contract
in hand. Ry

 * Origin: Dynasoft 916-753-8788  3Gig C C++ Everyone (1:203/955)

 Msg  : 365 of 384
 From : Rumble                              1:163/436       .cź 04 .žķ 95 09:48
 To   : All
 Subj : I saw the missing Earth 2 Episode!!!
I saw the missing Earth 2 episode! It was pretty good. Dansiger and Bess were
sprayed by some pollen and it controlled them and made them walk up north to
deposit it in a big hole, you know just like bees move frome flower to flower. I
should have taped it for you guys but I remebered when I was half way through

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: Coven's Den (613)746-3584 = 650+ Echoes & 4.3+ Gigs (1:163/436)

 Msg  : 366 of 384
 From : Gary Tincher                        1:372/57        .cź 04 .žķ 95 12:02
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : B5 RERUNS???

 -=> Quoting Frank Eva to All <=-

 FE> Does anyone know what happened to the last 5 episodes in this season's
 FE> schedule? (The Long Twilight Struggle, Divided Loyalties, Comes the
 FE> Inquisitor, The Price of Peace, and The Fall of Night (season
 FE> finale)).  We've had reruns 3 weeks in a row!

They won't be shown until the end of the year.. like october. to run into
the new season 3 if there is one..


... "There can be only One!" Connor McCloud.   'Highlander'
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- QScan/PCB v1.17b / 01-0389
 * Origin: Dazed & Confused BBS - 8 Nodes/24 CD's - 803-873-5797 (1:372/57)

 Msg  : 367 of 384
 From : Gary Tincher                        1:372/57        .cź 04 .žķ 95 12:02
 To   : Earl Green
 Subj : Fox facts
Any news on B5 or Kung Fu.?


... I am Barney of Borg. Being assimilated is fun!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- QScan/PCB v1.17b / 01-0389
 * Origin: Dazed & Confused BBS - 8 Nodes/24 CD's - 803-873-5797 (1:372/57)

 Msg  : 368 of 384
 From : Nicolai Shapero                     1:102/524       .cź 04 .žķ 95 12:33
 To   : Jeff Schlenker
 Subj : Re: Star Trek
On , Jeff Schlenker (1:288/19) wrote to Chip Garner:

 JS>*  Jeffrey A. Schlenker                >>>Internet<<<           *
 JS>*  Hazel, South Dakota           jeff.schlenker@lake-city.com   *

 JS>... Thinking quickly, Spock opens a can of peas with his ears
 JS> ___ TagDude 0.87 [Unregistered] --- --- < Sig-It > v3.00 by Brandon S. Bell

 JS>--- Blue Wave/Max v2.12

Multi-line signatures like the above are quite common on the Internet.  In
Fidonet, however, where the communications cost is born by individuals more
frequently than by large corporations, they are frowned upon.  In this
conference, which I moderate, they are outlawed.  Please cut the signature down
to a maximum of one line.

Thank you for your cooperation,

-- Nicolai Shapero, Moderator of the SFFAN echo

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 369 of 384
 From : Keith Stokes                        1:280/9         .cź 04 .žķ 95 12:41
 To   : Jeff Ewart
 Subj : WorldCon in LA/96
.TID: GE 1.11+
Quoting a message from Jeff Ewart to All:

 JE> I'm planning to going to LA for the '96 WorldCon and was
 JE> wondering if anybody had suggestions on what else to do
 JE> while there (guest juror at the O.J. Simpson trial). Should
 JE> be an awesome tour as we plan on flying to Vegas and
 JE> driving to LA via the Grand Canyon. Hopefully California
 JE> will not have fallen into the ocean by then.

The more obvious sights include Disney World, Martha's Vineyard, the
LA Club's Clubhouse, the movie studeos and Forry Ackerman's home.

See you there!

 KC 2K
 * Origin: South of the River - Overland Park KS - (913)642-7907 V.* (1:280/9)

 Msg  : 370 of 384
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .cź 04 .žķ 95 13:12
 To   : Todd Sullivan
 Subj : B5 COMIC
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.bA 8060

TS>To  paraphrase Heinlein's comments, "You have to be entertaining.
TS>Art for art's ske pays no bills."
TS>DC knows (or think they do) what B-5 is all about, and the fact the
TS>comic sells means that they're not that far off.

All well and good, but I won't be buying another issue because the
comics don't reveal enough new information for me...

--- CMPQwk 1.42-R2 #145 ---
Confuse the world... smile all day Monday!

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 371 of 384
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .cź 04 .žķ 95 13:12
 To   : Kay Shapero
 Subj : Confessions & Lamentation
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.bA 8060

KS> FE>like MedLab, Sheridan said... "I can't let you out". If the
KS> FE>disease truly was "airborn", why would it have made any
KS> FE>difference  to let Delenn and Lennier out, since EVERYONE had
KS> FE>already been exposed?

KS>There are degrees of exposure, and theirs would certainly have been
KS>higher.  However I suspect the real reason would be political -
KS>everybody on the station was afraid of catching it too and they'd be
KS>in serious danger if they left again before there was a cure,
KS>evidence they were not suceptable, or both.

Good point!

KS> FE>2. Now that the Markabs have been totally wiped out, we viewers
KS> FE>are deprived of what seemed to be a very interesting race of
KS> FE>aliens.

KS>And the Babylon 5 universe of one more slant of view on the universe.
KS>A big loss all around.  You'll note that that news announcer said
KS>that there were probably surviving individuals in remote places, but
KS>the Markab civilization was dead; maybe some of these survivors will
KS>pop up later.

Yeah, that was kind of the gist of the last comment in my post, that
somehow JMS could discover an isolated colony of Markabs... if he wants
to bring them back...

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 372 of 384
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .cź 04 .žķ 95 13:12
 To   : Nicolai Shapero
 Subj : Harlan Ellison
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.bA 8060

NS>He was, in theory, working on a sequel to the Outer Limits episode,
NS>haven't heard anything about this lately (no news is good news?)

Or, he could just be stalling, like he did when he wrote City on the
Edge of Forever. Of course, you can't rush an artiste! :-)

--- CMPQwk 1.42-R2 #145 ---
My ship just came in.  It was the Kobiyashi Maru.

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 373 of 384
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .cź 04 .žķ 95 13:12
 To   : Kay Shapero
 Subj : Knives
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.bA 8060

KS>By the very nature of things, we don't know for sure just how much of
KS>the story arc is really effected by an episode.  Both of the above

Anyone who knows the main storylines in the arc would not agree with
this comment... and I'm afraid I'm one of them! :-)

KS>involve strong character focus, and changes to the environment as a
KS>whole be it the political repercussions of Londo's live opera plot in
KS>Knives, or the loss of an entire civilization in "Confessions".  The
KS>effects THIS could have are many and varied.

Sure, you need this kind of stuff in a series, I don't deny that. Star
Trek proved that you can't have a successful sci-fi on TV without good
character development. I simply wish they could come up with a decent
balance between character development and story arc development in each
episode. That would make the series more interesting to me...

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 374 of 384
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .cź 04 .žķ 95 13:12
 To   : David Johnston
 Subj : Voyager Nose Diving?
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.bA 8060

DJ>So, you don't like Paris and Kim?

Not particularly... But not enough to stop watching. I am also not
enamored with Torres, Tuvok, Janeway, Kes, and Neelix, either...

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 375 of 384
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .cź 04 .žķ 95 14:10
 To   : J.T. Smith

JS>   SW> Star Trek Voyager's Q&A should have had this question :
JS>   SW> Why did is their backbone story Ideas stolen from Red Dwarf?
JS>   SW> A Ship 3 million light years from home.
JS>   SW> A Hologramatic crew member.
JS>   SW> Short cuts are constanty provided and fail.
JS>   SW> And the cheaky reference when they went by a Red Dwarf.
JS>   Them passing by a red dwarf is nae uncommon.  As for the others, I
JS>  think ye
JS>   may be reading a wee bit much into it.

   Agreed. Trek long ago established the possibility of self-aware holographic
characters (*too* often, if anything), Voyager is only 70k light years from
Federation known space (3 million would not only be outside the galaxy, but even
past Andromeda), and red dwarf (note the lower case) stars are more common in
the universe than any other stellar type. (Astronomy magazine, April 1991, p.
31, for those who wish to check me out) So in any particular direction, your
chances of passing relatively near one are pretty good....

   And since getting home in a practical period of time is Voyager's problem,
and the series as we know it would end if they succeeded (though I don't see why
we couldn't follow the further adventures of the USS Voyager if they did...), we
can expect to see a number of stories with potential shortcuts home that fail.
(After all, an unintentional shortcut *put* them there, and DS9 advenntures are
based on their proximity to a stable wormhole to another otherwise inaccessable
part of the galaxy....


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 376 of 384
 From : Michael Vergara                     1:2605/631      .cź 04 .žķ 95 18:22
 To   : Tom Robinson
 Subj : Earth 2
.TID: GE 1.11+
Said Tom Robinson to Robert Lidgren about EARTH 2/SO LONG:

 TR> I don't mean to be bitter about this, but I'm tired of people
 TR> trying to pick E2 apart like a bunch of scavengers.  There was nothing
 TR> wrong with the show as it was.  The characters were fully realized,

I sometimes think that there was a problem with the _people_ who watch the show
(or try to) and not the show itself.  To follow the plot, the show had to be
watched from show to show continuously, and if you missed one, you had to pray
for one of the few times they'd rerun an episode.  Alot of the people I know
just didn't want to commit themselves to watching it during Earth 2's time slot
(because of all of the reschedualing the show had to endure) or didn't like the
idea of having to watch EVERY episode EVERY week, and watching it the WHOLE way
through.  If you didn't, you'd miss an important part of the underlying plot, a
clue to one of the mysteries, or a scene which develops one of the characters
(like the episode where they leave Julia behind -- that shocked me, considering
she was their only doctor on an alien planet).

Of course, most of the people I know that didn't like the show are the
channel-surfing type who switch from show to show every 12 seconds and have an
attention span of zilch.

After this last episode (the series finally), I hope NBC re-runs the series
during the summer so I can get a last glimpse of Earth 2 before it bites the

... Sexist?  Why some of my best friends are Bimbos!
--- Blue Wave/TAG v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin: The MindScape BBS (1:2605/631)

 Msg  : 377 of 384
 From : Keith Stokes                        1:280/9         .cź 04 .žķ 95 20:44
 To   : Jeff Ewart
 Subj : WorldCon in LA/96
.TID: GE 1.11+

My reply should have included Disney Land not World and Knot's Berry Farm not
Martha's Vineyard.

I must stop posting when I am sober!

CBIP 226/309 in Emma Bull's WAR FOR THE OAKS.


 * Origin: South of the River - Overland Park KS - (913)642-7907 V.* (1:280/9)

 Msg  : 378 of 384
 From : Kay Shapero                         1:102/524       .cź 04 .žķ 95 21:39
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : B5 RERUNS???
On , Frank Eva (1:154/750) wrote to All:

 FE>Does anyone know what happened to the last 5 episodes in this
 FE>season's schedule? (The Long Twilight Struggle, Divided Loyalties,
 FE>Comes the Inquisitor, The Price of Peace, and The Fall of Night (season
 FE>finale)). We've had reruns 3 weeks in a row!

There seem to be 4, not 5; not sure of the titles.  And I'm afraid you'll have a
lot more reruns - evidently the new episodes are being held until October.
Here's what JMS had to say on the subject in an interview on Delphi:

  Are the rumors true that the last 4 episodes of season 2 won't be
  shown in the US until October ?

  Yes, they are correct.  Ain't my decision.  The Powers That Be
  figure that if they hold off the last 4, they can use them to lead
  up to the start of the (hopefully) new season in November, and get
  us off to a good start.  They say that HUTS (Households Using TV)
  figures are very low for June, July and August, since everybody's out.
  In September, you're right up against the new blockbuster network
  shows, and their PR machine, so that leaves October.  My opinion...
  ...is my opinion.  ga   (I can chew glass too when required.)

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 379 of 384
 From : Kay Shapero                         1:102/524       .cź 04 .žķ 95 21:50
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : B5 RERUNS???
Just checked - the four episodes yet to be aired this season are:
"Divided Loyalties"
"The Long, Twilight Struggle"
"Comes the Inquisitor"
"The Fall of Night"

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 380 of 384
 From : Derek Wakefield                     1:393/7         .cź 04 .žķ 95 22:15
 To   : Karmin St.jean
 Subj : Re: Star Blazers
On Wed 24-May-1995 10:40 , Karmin St.jean said to Chris Baugh:

KS> The original name of the series was Space Cruiser Yamato, but the ship was
KS> renamed the Argo in Star Blazers. There were three series created, only
KS> two of which "Quest for Iscandar" and "Battle Against the Comet Empire"
KS> were ever shown on American TV. The third series, "The Bolar Wars" is
KS> available but was not aired (at least not in wide syndication like the
KS> other two.)

Star Blazers 3 (The Bolar Wars) was aired on Ch-66 in Chicago back in the 84-85
timeframe.  It was offered for syndication, but very few stations picked it up
because of the original "barter" oriented licencing system used by Claster TV
when the first two series were originally distributed in 79.  It is also
practically an uncut version of the original Yamato III series.  Therefore, in
light of the violent nature, and the "religious war" subplots involved, this
probably caused a number of local stations to pass on it.  There were also a lot
of Japanime shows hitting the airwaves during this period of time; such as
Voltron, Robotech, Captain Harlock and the Queen of a Thousand Years, etc.  This
caused local stations to be a bit leary of picking up yet another one.

Derek (/\).

--- CNet/3
 * Origin: The Bard's Tavern Denton, TX (817)243-5110 USR 28.8   (1:393/7)

 Msg  : 381 of 384
 From : Pamela Crossett                     1:325/118       .cź 04 .žķ 95 22:40
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : HighLander, The Series

 MJ> It looks to *me* like the "big changes" will consist of someone
 MJ> letting the immortal cat out of the watchers' bag.

 MJ> Consider Duncan MacLeod, for instance.

 MJ> If the French government were to begin checking out reports of
 MJ> headless bodies found around France and comparing them to Duncan's
 MJ> file...well, they'd find a very hard-to-shrug-off correlation.  He
 MJ> might have some explaining to do.

Well, you've made a very good point, although my take on the finale was
that Kallas' computer was destroyed BEFORE it sent out the faxes to all
newspapers (etc.). But, it certainly would make things a bit hairier.

Or maybe too hairy?????

You know, up until I got your post, I was satisfied with the finale as not
leaving me hanging. Now I'm cursing & moaning, and of course anxiously &
impatiently awaiting next season. So I don't know whether to bless you and
damn you   :-(   :-)   ????   But thanks for the fresh point of view.

I hope that they renew contracts Jack is talking about and there is a
season 5. This is one of my top three shows and I will be disappointed to
see it end. There is so little good stuff on the tube these days, and I
hate to let go of anything with this much potential.

I feel there is a lot of ground yet to cover. I greatly admire Gregory
Weiden's conception of the characters and would like to know more. Do you
have any idea of where I could "read more about it?"

Good hearing from you, and thanks for writing.


 This copy of Freddie 1.2.5 is being evaluated.

--- Maximus/2 2.02
 * Origin: The Ozone Layer, Williston, VT. (802) 862-5058 (1:325/118)

 Msg  : 382 of 384
 From : Nicolai Shapero                     1:102/524       .īķ 05 .žķ 95 04:52
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : B5 RERUNS???
On , Frank Eva (1:154/750) wrote to All:

 FE>Does anyone know what happened to the last 5 episodes in this

As I understand it, they will be broadcast in October or November.

-- Nicolai Shapero, the Mad Russian Sysop of StormGate Aerie

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 383 of 384
 From : Nicolai Shapero                     1:102/524       .īķ 05 .žķ 95 05:09
 Subj : LOCALE?
On , ROBERT LIDGREN (1:134/10) wrote to NICOLAI SHAPERO:

 RL>By the way, from what city do you hail?

San Mateo, originally.  Currently hanging my hat in the Desolation of Smog (Los
Angeles, California, USA).

 RL>Where is Stormgate Aerie located?  That's one of the puzzles of
 RL>the Internet

FidoNet, not Internet.


-- Nicolai Shapero, the Mad Russian Sysop of StormGate Aerie

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 384 of 384
 From : Andrew Boudreaux                    1:396/82        .īķ 05 .žķ 95 13:55
 To   : All
 Subj : Tommy is better...
.TID: FastEcho 1.41/g 7992
   The results are in and Tommy is approved to stand up, work at his regular
job(s)and will be cleared soon to have sex(with a partner).
   This sickness has effected his brain.  He can not function for setting a
meeting date yet.  From time to time he forgets where he parked his hard drive.
Now he can get lost on a road trip to visit CoCo users out of town.
   So everyone try to be nice to Tommy while he is recoverring from this
terrible illness.  If he breaks off and starts talking about anything in the
middle of a conversation, just go along with it. Tina said that this thought
process works great because the minute he starts talking about sex she can
change the subject to the weather.  How Crule can someone be.
=+= Captain Andy - King of the low blows =+=
 * Origin: The New Node 3 Ø 504-391-2929 Ø WINNT 3.5  Ø ZyXEL 19.2 (1:396/82)

 Msg  : 1 of 322
 From : Sean McCormick                      1:226/1330      .pä 31 .ąé 95 15:32
 To   : All
 Subj : MAIL
Hello everyone.The BBS crashed on 5/16 and it just got up today.Sorry to anyone
with late mail.
    Sean McCormick
 ž MegaMail 2.10 #0:Ho ho ho gotta go gotta go!

 * Origin: The Lore Board - Mt. Vernon, Ohio - 1:226/1330 (1:226/1330)

 Msg  : 2 of 322
 From : Sean McCormick                      1:226/1330      .pä 31 .ąé 95 15:32
 To   : Mark Jones
¦MJ> Quinn could be seriously injured--but will ultimately pull through     ¦
¦MJ> (though they'll have some explaining to do in a world anything like    ¦
¦MJ> ours, where the authorities always want to question gunshot victims).  ¦

     Of course he will,despite the fact he took a shot in the back and they're
in a dimension that could be totally backwards...
        Sean McCormick
 ž MegaMail 2.10 #0:Ho ho ho gotta go gotta go!

 * Origin: The Lore Board - Mt. Vernon, Ohio - 1:226/1330 (1:226/1330)

 Msg  : 3 of 322
 From : Sean McCormick                      1:226/1330      .pä 31 .ąé 95 18:38
 To   : Morten M.nsson
 Subj : X-FILES konference??
¦MM> Can anybody please confirm, or the opposite ;-(, the rumour about,     ¦
¦MM> there being a seperate X-Files konference called - plainly: X-FILES ?? ¦

   There is an X-Files conference.It's been on the back bone for aboput a month
I think.
    Sean McCormick
 ž MegaMail 2.10 #0:Ho ho ho gotta go gotta go!

 * Origin: The Lore Board - Mt. Vernon, Ohio - 1:226/1330 (1:226/1330)

 Msg  : 4 of 322
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .óį 03 .žķ 95 05:57
 To   : Marc Zingarelli
 Subj : Highlander Scedule
 Quoth Marc Zingarelli, "Nevermore".

 JB>     BTW, the latest word is that Annie will be returning for at least a
 JB>couple of eps in season 4.

 MZ> On her return all I can say is I am vindicated.  Remember if they're
 MZ> still in t show.

     Hmm... part of this got lost, but I am assuming it says "If they're
still in the credits, they're still in the show."  This is true, and was
the first clue *I* (and apparently you too) had that she wasn't quite as
gone as some persons would have preferred.

     Jack Butler
     Highlander Guru

... "Let's try this again, boy.  More friendly like." -- Mako
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 5 of 322
 From : Dan Kachoogian                      1:107/953       .óį 03 .žķ 95 09:09
 To   : All
 Subj : Garden State Science Fiction Conspiracy Update
Well, here's an update on The Garden State Science Fiction Conspiracy:

  We've been meeting for over 3 months now and have had a meeting every
Thursday at 7 PM at Jahn's. Once, so far, we have had our meeting
elsewhere. Noone has a problem with Jahns (unless they order seafood,
which should be a general rule of thumb... avoid seafood in diners in
NJ), but we do want to branch out every once in a while. Tonight I may
discuss having a regular schedule of meetings in places other than Jahn's
(like every 3rd Thursday or something).
  The general focus of the club remains at any and all f&sf relevant, or
irrelevant, topics. Our largest meeting so far included 14 people,
however, if everyone decided to show up at once, it'd be easily over 2
  Noone seems to have had any personality conflicts so far, which is
great. (although 2 of our attendees were smokers, which dismayed a few
people, I plan on bringing that issue to light should it arise again.
My personal feelings are that the dining area where the club meets are
  Last week, we had a new waitress, who said she switched shifts so
she could help wait our table... she's into vampires big time and wanted
to hang out with us a little bit. ("Of COURSE I know who you guys are...
I've been looking forward to your club meeting all week..")
  Interest from people who haven't attended yet seems to have dropped
off a bit. That's probably my fault. I need to put up more flyers and
send out more advertisements... and then the phone will start ringing
  I've also had a few feelers from fans who are a bit younger.. however
I think the group is a bit older than the high-school age crowd, but I
do not intend to enforce any kind of restrictions.. As long as they can
handle their own dinner and check, they're welcome.
  Well, that's it for me. Pardon the rambling wording, I'm hopped up on
allergy medicine. :-)

         Speaking for the Garden State Science Fiction Conspiracy,
         I bid thee well...

                         Dan Kachoogian



 * Origin: The Juice Bar BBS (908) 298-0764 (1:107/953)

 Msg  : 6 of 322
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .óį 03 .žķ 95 12:04
 To   : Cmcdonough
CM>SW> > I Know that Voyager was not a direct rip off of Red Dwarf but it
CM>SW> > is too close in some of its core properties that it seems just a
CM>SW> > copy and we do not need this kind of Science Fiction.

CM>EC>Have you ever read the Odyssey?

CM>EC>This is NOT an irrelevent question.

CM>Also, brownie points to those who can identify a movie considered
CM>"classic" in SF that boldly/blatantly stole the plot from Shakespear's

Oh, that's too easy.  Has anyone here not seen FORBIDDEN PLANET a
hundred times?

 * OLX 2.1 TD * Chicken heads are the chief food of captive alligators.

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 7 of 322
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .óį 03 .žķ 95 21:36
-> The movie ROSWELL was a Showtime movie.  It's recently been released on
-> videotape.
-> It's a good movie that doesn't go "off the deep end".  It presents the case
-> in a fairly level-headed manner.  The acting is quite good.

Thanks for the info and the tip Sean!
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 8 of 322
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .óį 03 .žķ 95 21:41
-> miss Earth 2, or VR5 that much, I was really shocked when I heard Sliders
-> had been axed. Oh well, there are a few new sci-fi shows in the wings, and I
-> hope they will be even more entertaining than Sliders. I

Yes, I was amazed they would yank Sliders.  This decision doesn't make any
sense at all.  I'll challenge ANYONE to provide good reasons for such a move.
I mean, do re-runs of Roseanne really make more sense???

-> RL>One of the problems with the Internet is that I never seem to know
-> RL>what city people are writing from.  I live in Calgary, Alberta,
-> RL>Canada.  From where do you hail?
-> Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA!

Well thankyou very much!  Now I can place a pin on my map for Milwaukee!
Faceless and place-less is a pain.  Now at least I have a place to ponder.
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 9 of 322
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .óį 03 .žķ 95 21:43
-> I now have all of my taped episodes identified! Thanks very much for the
-> effort!

Well this is a FIRST!  I had posted the X-Files FAQ and episodes and your
message is the only one I've read that indicated it went beyond my finger tips.


Robert Lidgren

--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 10 of 322
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .óį 03 .žķ 95 21:54
->    Do you really think that all Ellison does all day is work on one thing?
-> He himself has stated that he has about nine different jobs running all at
-> once right now.  Novels, short stories, scripts, his comic book, lectures,
-> his appearances on Sci-Fi Buzz, the "Harlan Ellison's Watching" column, and
-> whatever it is he is doing for Babylon 5 when he is not writing "Demon On
-> The Run".

Yeh, he does have a lot on the go.  I also remember his account of what
happened the day of the California earthquake.  There was a fair bit of broken
glass and he and his wife, Susan Ellison, had to scramble out of the house over
books that were about one meter deep most of the place.  "Ellison Wonderland"
must have thousands of books.

I enjoy his fiction but I think I enjoy his columns and social commentary just
as much.  His books are damn hard to find in bookstores very often but I have
managed to compile a fairly complete collection.

By the way, after a letter I wrote to him on a column in Asimov's Science
Fiction about crazy fans he actually called me.  I was out in the alley at the
time.  My son said:  Hey, Dad, "Harlan Ellison called," when I returned.  I
managed to track down his number in Sherman Oaks and returned the call.  It was
a delightful conversation, if brief (he said he was "on deadline" and couldn't
chat long).  The point is that he is approachable, not a madman from hell, and
his humorous epigrams during the call "confirmed" I wasn't talking to an
imposter.  By the way, Susan Ellison edits "Rabbit Hole," the official
publication of HERC and she has always been kind to me in correspondence.  I
think he's found someone exceptional in Susan.


Robert Lidgren
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 11 of 322
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .óį 03 .žķ 95 21:58
->    Again, we differ.
->    Sci-fi should act as an echo of the fears of the day.  In this
-> sense it was the idea that - try as you may - you can't outrun the reach of
-> the state.  And the many ways in which they attempted to sabotage the
-> mission acted as a perfect example.

I don't really see that we "differ" that much.  I think your points are

Besides, I enjoy communicating with people who see things differently than I
do.  If everyone agreed with me all the time I don't imagine I'd last more than
15 minutes before having to run screaming into the street.

"Differences" help all of us re-ecvaluate pour opinions and change them when it
makes sense.
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 12 of 322
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .óį 03 .žķ 95 22:07
-> > I wonder if the series failed, in part, because not one of the characters
-> > was
-> > exceptionally strong.  A powerful Matriarch or Patriarch figure sometimes

->    Huh?  Robert.  What show were you watching?
->    Devon WAS a strong character.  The Eden project was essentially
-> created by her.  And she continued to fight to keep that dream going
-> throughout the entire season.

I was watching the same show you did.  I don't think Devon or anyone else was
"exceptionally strong" and that was the crux of my statement.  My pont simple
was that I posed an hypothesis that maybe having no one VERY STRONG leader

->    I don't mean to be bitter about this, but I'm tired of people
-> trying to pick E2 apart like a bunch of scavengers.  There was nothing wrong
-> with the show as it was.  The characters were fully realized, the
-> sicence/society was well thought out, and the story development was far more
-> interesting than B5 could ever hope to be.   Its biggest

Well, you err STRONGLY if you think my messages were EVER intended to "PICK
APART" Earth 2.  I liked the show, posted several messages saying that it
disappointed me that it was cancelled and have tried to figure out why it was
cancelled.  My musings on this are meant as a monologue where I try to assess
what went wrong.  This is ESPECIALLY TRUE because I think the series NEEDED A

Because we discuss flaws in a series has NOTHING WHATEVER to do (necessarily)
with our position on its cancellation.  Besides, ANY IDIOT CAN CRITICIZE AND
look for the good and the bad and encourage improvement.
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 13 of 322
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .óį 03 .žķ 95 22:19
-> I'm not to old but I remember reading the Tom Swift books and Asimov's and
-> Bradbury's Space Cadet books and now people read when they have to. A good
-> story line I thought of is showing the trend of Illiteratecy in a context of
-> Graphic User Interfaces on computers replacing the printed word and watching
-> the results on the future.

Rememebr, it's only something like 10% of the population who read novels.
That's a scary statistic but it's accurate as far as I know.  If you DON'T READ
SCIENCE FICTION you haven't a clue about what the possibilities might be for a
science fiction film or TV series.

You obviously are a reader and know how the printed word opens up worlds to us
that really enrich life.  I think "the dumming of America" is more than just a
catch phrase.  There does seem to be a REAL move away from respect for book
learning.  Geez, you simply can't understand the complexities of the Bosnia
situation from the nightly news or CNN.  Newspapers, magazines and books MUST
BE read to get a more complete picture.  In the same way, how can people REALLY

-> What we have is a nation of  Video minede Science Fiction fans who will
-> never know the wonder of reading clasic because they see butchered twisted
-> versions of them on Video.

Video-minded science fiction fans...good term.

By the way, I don't condemn anyone or put myself on a pedestal.  Feeling
superior and lam-basting others is for idiots and the self-righteous!  I just
feel sad that so many people never get to enjoy OTHER riches by exploring the
written word more.


Robert Lidgren
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 14 of 322
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .óį 03 .žķ 95 22:23
Hi there!

I just read your message to Gloria Darcy re:  Highlander:  The Series.
This IS a special series and seems to be watched by a relatively small elite.

Have you noticed the dictinct similarities between Sean Connery's voice and the
lead in the series, Adrian Paul?

The story lines always have me guessing and I really enjoy the character
development.  It is a real gem.

Robert Lidgren
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 15 of 322
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .óį 03 .žķ 95 22:28
-> stupid way ratings are taken now.  The only way to accuratly determine
-> viewer ship is to hook a box to EVERYONES TV and see who is really watching
-> what.  I remember reading that a few months after NBC cancelled Star Trek
-> for the last time, the ratings were redone and -surprise- it showed Star
-> Trek was the #1 rated show for the demographics NBC was after.  Who's to say
-> the current system
-> is any more accurate?  Have you ever seen an election where poll after poll

Gee, it doesn't take a rocket scientist (if I may be allowed to beat a cliche
to death) to figure out the current ratings system needs one hell of a lot more
than "fine tuning."  Your message was well constructed.  I wish more people
would heave a heavy brick through the Neilsen Ratings System like you have.

Bravo!!  Everyone should read you original message!
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 16 of 322
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .óį 03 .žķ 95 22:33
 To   : ALL
Recently I posted X-Files materials I picked up on the WWW.  Many of you seemed
to enjoy them.

If you would like to see FAQs and Episode Guides for other Science Fiction
series posted here, let me know wh\ich ones you'd like to see and I'll try to
track them down.


Robert Lidgren

--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 17 of 322
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .óį 03 .žķ 95 22:39
Hi, again, Sean!

Thanks for the information.  I'll certainly track down ROSWELL!  I have usually
enjoyed Kyle's work too.  My only difference of opinion comes when people try
to force me to believe BLUE VELVET was a "classic."  It left me cold.
Knife-kill and victimization films have been dumped out dozens of times.  I
hate when women are treated like merde as the core of a film.  I don't find
those stories entertaining.

Call me abysmally OLD FASHIONED.  I prefer stories where people try to build up
and encourage others.
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 18 of 322
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .óį 03 .žķ 95 22:44
 Subj : sci-fi CAT

You are responsible for much bruising.  When I read your tagline "Dogs come
when you call. Cats have answering machines..."  I fell to the floor in
uncontrollable laughter.

I was naive enough when we got our cat to believe that one could train them to
come on command.  Dogs do.  Dogs love you no matter what.  Cats approach when
they damn well feel like it or want food.

By the way, those X-Files items I posted were secured by searching using the
WWW.  My BBS provider also has Internet Access.  I just use LYNX to do all of
the navigating and Web Crawler to do the searches.
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 19 of 322
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .cź 04 .žķ 95 04:36
 To   : Marc Zingarelli
 Subj : Highlander Scedule
 Quoth Marc Zingarelli, "Nevermore".

 MZ> Besides the fact that I'm not a summer person and summer TV sucks now
 MZ> I'm  really gonna be miserable waiting for these.

     Yeah, well... I'm on my toes waiting for the three season premieres
that matter most in the world, now:  Highlander, Lois and Clark, and
X-Files.  Don't have much time to watch TV right now (I'm too busy planning
the assassination of the programming director for WOFL, FOX-35 here in
Orlando for what he did to the locals over an episode of Babylon 5.

     Jack Butler

... "That's Homer Simpson.  One of the carbon blobs in sector 7-G."
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 20 of 322
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .cź 04 .žķ 95 06:46
 To   : Myranya Werlemann
 Subj : Directorial Trademarks
 Quoth Myranya Werlemann, "Nevermore".

 MW> Doesn't 'directorial trademark' means it's included in all the movies
 MW> from that director, though? How in the big wide world is he gonna
 MW> put that line in all the movies???? I mean, the numbers, okay. 'See
 MW> you next Wednesday', harder, but it'll work. "K. B. N." -?!? Or
 MW> does he have the robot as a directorial trademark, too? 

     The two best examples of this trademark was, in one film, "Klaatu
Beratis Nikto" was used as "magic words".  In another, it was duing a
muffled phone conversation (the hero says to the heroine "bad connection...
sounds like he just said "Klaatu Beratis Nikto...").

     Jack Butler

... "Marvelous thing, technology..." -- Kallas
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 21 of 322
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .cź 04 .žķ 95 07:01
 To   : Myra I Fox
 Subj : Finale, Part 2
     By the time this gets out into general distribution, everyone should
have seen the season finale.  If not, scram.

     Myra, this message continues below.

 MIF> I like Amanda and I do hope they don't kill her off the way most
 MIF> of Duncan's friends have been done away with... I would like to
 MIF> see some of the 'good' Immortals hang around even if they are not
 MIF> directly in the show.

     Well, the way the storyline is shaping up, both Methos and Amanda
return to America with MacLeod (Methos as Joe's partner and Amanda as, well,
MacLeod's partner).  Both Peter Wingfield and Elizabeth Gracen are discussing
"continuing regulars" contracts rather than "featured guest star"

 MIF> I liked Darius and thought he was a very interesting variation.

     Too bad about Werner Stocker, though.  I loved his character.

 MIF> That will be interesting... does this season end on a cliffhanger
 MIF> or do we find out the outcome of the fight?  I know, Saturday
 MIF> I'll see for myself .

     Whaddidya tink?  Myself, I thought that this was a satisfying wrap-up
for the "Song of the Executioner" story.  Personal favorite scenes were
the tango (of course), Kallas badly underestimating the Watcher Vermas and
nearly paying for it with his life, and the Methos's "father/son" chat
with MacLeod ("The brashness of youth..." immediately became a tagline...).
And of course the final fight was incredibly choreographed.  Someone let
Adrian Paul show off.  His performance displayed three separate styles of
Kenjutsu during this one fight:  Yagyu Shinkage, Suio, and Kagen Etsu.
And David Robb should be complemented on his talent with the blade as well.
     And last, but not least, all I can say about the finish is *WOW*!  This
was the largest and most powerful Quickening display since Grayson's blew
up the sulfur boat.  No, wait... I think I have to go all the way back to
the Kurgan for a topper to this one...

     BTW, Myra, I'll netmail you a list of the taglines I pulled from
this episode.

     Jack Butler

... "What a dilemma, MacLeod..." -- Kallas
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 22 of 322
 From : Star Hawk                           1:362/708.6     .cź 04 .žķ 95 11:37
 To   : Earl Green
 Subj : Fox facts
From my perch I saw this come out of the gravity well from Earl Green:

  [> Earl Green [> * Sliders isn't quite dead yet; it will be repeated
  [> Sunday nights at 7pm ET.  Fox also says they HAVE NOT given Sliders
  [> the guillotine for sure.  (Yet.)  Repeat: the cancellation IS NOT

     Right up against 60 Minutes... this doesn't sound all that great.

                                        Star Hawk, the EchoTrickster

--- MacWoof Eval:23Dec93
 * Origin: William Bull Hedrick @ Hawk Haven's Orbital Point (1:362/708.6)

 Msg  : 23 of 322
 From : Steve Martin                        1:271/285       .cź 04 .žķ 95 12:25
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : Directorial Trademarks
Big Brother caught Jack Butler & Tammy Blandino crimespeaking about
Directorial Trademarks.

 JB> Besides Hitchcock and his cameo's, and Spielberg and his falling
 JB> stars, there's John Landis and the phrase "See you next Wednesday", and
 JB> Sam Raimi's inclusion of "Klaatu Beratis Nikto".

 TB> "Klaatu Beratis Nikto" is from _The Day The Earth Stood Still_ .

 TB> I've seen it parodied in a number of movies...the most recent being
 TB> _Army of Darkness_, an absolutely hilarious spoof...from which my
 TB> tagline comes from... :)

 JB> Which, by the way, was directed by Sam Raimi, thereby proving my
 JB> point...

Gee, that means he also directed an episode of _Darkwing Duck_!  ;)

... Rodents of Unusual Size?  I don't think they exist.
--- Blue Wave/QBBS v2.12
 * Origin: From Trekkies & from B5ers who hate Trek save us! (1:271/285.0)

 Msg  : 24 of 322
 From : Steve Martin                        1:271/285       .cź 04 .žķ 95 12:27
 To   : David Johnston
 Subj : Highlander, The Series
Big Brother caught David Johnston & Jack Butler crimespeaking about
Highlander, The Series.

 DJ> Hey, Jack.  I was just thinking about the latest discarded love
 DJ> interest.  I haven't seen all the episodes but of the ones I have
 DJ> seen, this seems to be the first one in which a non-immortal directly
 DJ> witnessed a kill.  And she was pregnant.  I figure it's pretty
 DJ> standard for doctors to counsel pregnant women to avoid exotic stimuli.
 DJ> Does the Quickening count as exotic?

How do you think new immortals are born?  ;)

Remember "The Elephant Man"?  Could it be that new immortals occur when
a pregnant woman is scared by the death of an immortal?

Actually, there's been at least one earlier mortal witnessing a kill
(and getting it on tape).  And with the Watchers around, especially
the evil watchers, there are bound to have been others.

... It's true, forgiveness IS easier to get than permission
--- Blue Wave/QBBS v2.12
 * Origin: From Trekkies & from B5ers who hate Trek save us! (1:271/285.0)

 Msg  : 25 of 322
 From : Bruce Baugh                         1:105/290.50    .cź 04 .žķ 95 18:55
 To   : Jeff Ewart
 Subj : WorldCon in LA/96
On (02 Jun 95) Jeff Ewart wrote to All...

 JE> I'm planning to going to LA for the '96 WorldCon and was
 JE> wondering if anybody had suggestions on what else to do while
 JE> there (guest juror at the O.J. Simpson trial).

If at all possible, make a half-day to see the Huntington Library
and Botanical Gardens, in Pasadena. The library's public displays
include a Gutenberg bible, first edition Shakespeare, original
Audobon and Jack London, all kinds of neat stuff. The botanical
gardens run from Japanese to desert - they can be seen in the
background of Duran Duran's video whose name escapes me, with them
wandering around garden scenes. Beautiful all around.

I don't know where exactly the con will be, but from wherever it is,
a jaunt up to Pasadena for the above can be combined nicely with an
excursion to the public displays at Jet Propulsion Labs, at the
other end of Pasadena.

... Alex, I'll take "Things That Only I Know" for $500...

--- PPoint 1.92
 * Origin: The Home Trepanning Club (1:105/290.50)

 Msg  : 26 of 322
 From : Bruce Baugh                         1:105/290.50    .cź 04 .žķ 95 19:03
 To   : David Johnston
 Subj : Sliders & Vr.5 Cancelled!
On (02 Jun 95) David Johnston wrote to Tippi Blevins...

 DJ> That program, entitled "Kindred" will be based on the
 DJ> best-selling White Wolf roleplaying game "Vampire, the
 DJ> Masquerade". It will focus on two brothers (probably twins)
 DJ> one of whom is still alive and the other who is now a
 DJ> vampire. Given it's sources, one can expect it to be moody
 DJ> and emotional, with sexual undertones.

...and with all the pretentiousness and angst one can shovel

I'm minded of a friend's line - "Real men feel heroic despair.
Weenies feel angst."

... Colt: the original point and click interface

--- PPoint 1.92
 * Origin: The Home Trepanning Club (1:105/290.50)

 Msg  : 27 of 322
 From : Rumble                              1:163/436       .cź 04 .žķ 95 20:56
 To   : Ecarey
Just letting every one know I am one of the ever growing 25 people who watch
Earth 2.

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: Coven's Den (613)746-3584 = 650+ Echoes & 4.3+ Gigs (1:163/436)

 Msg  : 28 of 322
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .cź 04 .žķ 95 23:03
 To   : Frank Glover
 Subj : Starfleet Rules as...
On (03 Jun 95) Frank Glover wrote to Mark Jones...

 FG> MJ>  11.  The use of fuses and circuit breakers is strictly
 FG>           prohibited!
 FG> MJ>  12.  All manual overrides must be electronically operated.

 FG>    And:
 FG>    Under no circumstances, no matter how damaged the ship, must the
 FG> artificial gravity fail.

 But wait!  There's more!

13.   All threats by Federation commanders must be as verbose and
      non-threatening as possible.

(Captain Janeway is particularly bad about this one.  She has a
tendency to say things like "Any attack on this ship or it's crew will
be met with the deadliest of force."  It isn't *bad*, exactly, but it
could be a little more direct, a little more explicit.  "If you
threaten this ship, we'll blast you to atoms.")

... If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll do it for you.

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: HQ of World Domination, Inc. (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 29 of 322
 From : Phill Ash                           1:275/160       .īķ 05 .žķ 95 06:59
 To   : Jonathan Tinsley
 Subj : B5, B9
.TID: GE 1.11+
 Phill Ash nasally exhaled his coffee upon hearing this:

>Tin Man, for one.

>Is that the egg-shaped ship that spun around several times and sent
>out those energy pulses that totally annihilated those two Romulan

        Yep, that's the one...
        the one that looks like a space-going MG EX181 

Your pal:  PhlAsh
... Earl Scheib of Borg here!...I'll assimalate any race for just $99.99!
 * PhlAshMail 1.0 *
~~~ ReneWave v1.00.wb2 (unregistered)
--- GEcho 1.11+
 * Origin: * The Beast's Lair * (804)425-1618 * Va Beach VA * (1:275/160)

 Msg  : 30 of 322
 From : Phill Ash                           1:275/160       .īķ 05 .žķ 95 07:00
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : Confessions & Lamentation
.TID: GE 1.11+

>Sheridan said... "I can't let you out". If the disease
>truly was "airborn", why would it have made any difference to let
>Delenn and Lennier out, since EVERYONE had already been exposed?
>Beats me. ;)

        Theorizing that an unknown bacterium or virus is airborne, one
        still does not know the life-expectancy or gestation period of
        said bacterium/virus.  Isolation is still the best course of
        action until such time as life-expectancy and/or gestation
        period can be deduced.

        Any further cases can be put into isolation *and* the time lag
        (along with "weather" conditions) can be used to determine
        gestation period.

Your pal:  PhlAsh
... If you sufficiently torture the data, it *will* confess.
 * PhlAshMail 1.0 *
~~~ ReneWave v1.00.wb2 (unregistered)
--- GEcho 1.11+
 * Origin: * The Beast's Lair * (804)425-1618 * Va Beach VA * (1:275/160)

 Msg  : 31 of 322
 From : Phill Ash                           1:275/160       .īķ 05 .žķ 95 07:00
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : ST: The Next Generation
.TID: GE 1.11+
        Talking 'bout Neelix' lungs:

>What would make more sense is to put him into a transporter buffer
>loop such as was done with Scotty.

        Ah...but that's a trick that was unsafe to begin with,
        demonstrated a 50% reliability, and was only barely understood
        by a "laForge-rated" Engineer.

Your pal:  PhlAsh
... I am Homer of Borg...prepare to be...OHHHH, donuts...
 * PhlAshMail 1.0 *
~~~ ReneWave v1.00.wb2 (unregistered)
--- GEcho 1.11+
 * Origin: * The Beast's Lair * (804)425-1618 * Va Beach VA * (1:275/160)

 Msg  : 32 of 322
 From : Phill Ash                           1:275/160       .īķ 05 .žķ 95 07:00
 To   : Chris Carter
 Subj : Confessions & Lamentation
.TID: GE 1.11+

>She did.  She was getting very tired of the heavy-duty prosthetics,
>and wanted to go through less time in the makeup chair.  She also
>didn't want her hair hidden underneath a bone-crest.  Hence, the

        It's my understanding that Mira was beginning to experience
        dermatological problems stemming from the broad use of
        prosthetics in her character design.

        If I remember correctly, B5 make-up uses a multi-part
        "cold-foam" system which, unlike "whipped latex" (which is used
        by Trek).  "Cold-Foam" is a completely synthetic polymer which
        is more similar in nature to epoxy than latex 

        I use a 2-part system which causes me minor irritation.  It
        emits some really nasty fumes in the curing procedure.  But the
        final effect is well worth the trouble of additional ventilation
        on minor rashes (of course, I don't wear appliances under
        Production-Grade lighting for 10 hours a day/5 days a week,
        either )

Your pal:  PhlAsh
... What a drag it is getting old!
 * PhlAshMail 1.0 *
~~~ ReneWave v1.00.wb2 (unregistered)
--- GEcho 1.11+
 * Origin: * The Beast's Lair * (804)425-1618 * Va Beach VA * (1:275/160)

 Msg  : 33 of 322
 From : Phill Ash                           1:275/160       .īķ 05 .žķ 95 07:00
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : "The Gathering"
.TID: GE 1.11+
Hey Jack...

In "The Gathering" did Richard Moll's character get whacked by Conner or

Your pal:  PhlAsh
 ž PhlAshMail 1.0 ž I am the Lorax and I speak for the Trees!
~~~ ReneWave v1.00.wb2 (unregistered)
--- GEcho 1.11+
 * Origin: * The Beast's Lair * (804)425-1618 * Va Beach VA * (1:275/160)

 Msg  : 34 of 322
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .īķ 05 .žķ 95 08:12
 To   : Frank Glover
 Subj : Merchandizing
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.bA 8060

FG>FE>  Yes, that's the same thing. Is the series popular enough to
FG>FE>  warrant a
FG>FE>  line of B5 toys? With the threat of cancellation looming over
FG>FE>  the show,
FG>FE>  I don't think anyone will find this license a safe investment...

FG>    Probably right...yet one toymaker marketed a series of action
FG>figures from the movie `Alien' *years* after not only theatrical
FG>release, but after it had made the rounds on cable and broadcast

They may have known a "sequel" was in the works, and that it would help
propel their sales, don't you think?

--- CMPQwk 1.42-R2 #145 ---
The UART's won't take this speed, Captain...

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 35 of 322
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .īķ 05 .žķ 95 08:12
 To   : Chris Carter
 Subj : B5 Novels and Comics
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.bA 8060

CC>If you want to see arc advancement, watch the show.  If you want to
CC>read stories set in the B5 universe, read the comic and novels.

Yeah, that's why I'll never buy another B5 novel or comic, which is too
bad. I had years worth of enjoyable reading with ST:TOS' original
novels, but it's obvious that since the B5 story arc is paramount to me,
I'll not be getting any of that anywhere besides the TV series. If only
these original novelists would have been given the freedom to explore
more sci-fi subjects, and less of the cloak and dagger stuff...

--- CMPQwk 1.42-R2 #145 ---
Strangely, Data finds himself relating to HEAVY METAL.

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 36 of 322
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .īķ 05 .žķ 95 08:12
 To   : Frank Glover
 Subj : Confessions & Lamenta
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.bA 8060

FG>   Less physically attractive, too. Some people look *better* as an
FG>alien than a human. Robin Curtis is one...Mira Furlan, IMHO, is

Agreed! However, she still looks better than she did in the pilot. She
looked almost manly, then...

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 37 of 322
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .īķ 05 .žķ 95 08:12
 To   : Michael Vergara
 Subj : Confessions & Lamentation
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.bA 8060

MV> FE> which sympathy is  needed (Confessions & Lamentations). I find
MV> FE> it hard to equate Delenn  with the warrior race that brought
MV> FE> Earth to its knees...

MV>Then again, she isn't a warrior.  The Minbari are divided into
MV>seperate castes, like the religious and the warrior (Delenn being a
MV>member of the religious caste, I think).  Not all of the Minbari are
MV>warriors, just like not all politicians are lawyers.

Well, my point was that she does not equate to the race her people in
general represented to Earth... a dangerous threat based on their
military capability. Remember, prior to the "change", Delenn was a
member of the Gray Council, the same group that was responsible for

--- CMPQwk 1.42-R2 #145 ---
Beam me aboard, Scotty... "Will a 2x4 do, Captain?"

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 38 of 322
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .īķ 05 .žķ 95 08:12
 To   : Lori Brown
 Subj : White Dwarf
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.bA 8060

LB>I agree. Found it very boring...especially for the first hour of it.
LB>Was  only slightly more interesting the 2nd hour. I'm sure it was the
LB>pilot for a series...haven't heard if it was picked up. Hope not.

Same here... I can't imagine a series based on such a boring pilot!

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 39 of 322
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .īķ 05 .žķ 95 10:30
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : Vorlon Immortality
In a message of , Jeff Hancock scribed:

*************Minor Spoiler Warning******************


 JH> Still?

     Yep...  You never know who's not seen the episode in question yet, so it
makes sense to do so...

 JH> BTW, I thought the next episode was supposed to be _The Long,
 JH> Twilight Struggle_, which was being hyped as one of the best
 JH> episodes ever produced... but here they seem to be repeating
 JH> _The Long Dark_.

     The next *new* episode is going to be _The Long, Twilight Struggle_, but it
won't be airing in North America now until some time in October.  PTEN has
decided to hold off on the final four episodes of the second season until then,
and then segue right into the third season (assuming that B5 is renewed).
Meantime, the Brits and Europeans will see the four episodes when they were
scheduled to air - in the June/July slot. :(

 JK> JH>> why wouldn't Morden know too much about Kosh in return?
 JH> [...]
 JK> JH>> Unless they were born after the wars and the Shadows
 JK> JH>> don't have any form of history, you'd think they'd figure
 JK> JH>> it out... unless they really believe all the ancient
 JK> JH>> ones left.

 JK>> Well, as was established in "In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum",
 JK>> the Shadows are an ancient race, and existed before some of
 JK>> the other Ancient Ones came into existence (including the
 JK>> Vorlons), but I don't think your bit about history is the
 JK>> right one.  Kosh has obviously

 JH> I wonder how old the Shadows are that are with Morden, then...

     No way to know...but we don't know all that much about them.  We know that
they are at least 12,000 years old and that they were old when the other First
Ones, such as the Vorlons, were young.

 JH> and why no one walks into them by accident.

     Probably because they're phased. :)

 JK>> got some sort of protection, whether psionic or something
 JK>> that the Ancient Ones have learned, about how to cloak
 JK>> themselves from the Shadows knowing who they are, although
 JK>> "ItSoZ" also established that

 JH> Hmmm, good point. I wonder if the encounter suit is also part
 JH> of that protection, perhaps generating a scrambler field or
 JH> just blocking mental emanations.

     This would certainly seem to be the case, given that the Shadows in "Signs
and Portents" attempted to get through the suit to see what was inside.  That's
how Kosh's encounter suit got damaged, although it's obvious now that the Shadow
allies of Morden didn't manage to penetrate Kosh's disguise.  If they had, the
war with the Shadows would have started in deadly earnest by now.

 JH> Say, how does this tie in with _The Gathering_?

     No one knows, Jeff...at least no one other than JMS...and he ain't talking.

 JH> I can't remember exactly what happened, but wasn't a telepath
 JH> involved? And didn't the doctor who saw Kosh go to the Rim,
 JH> where he could run into Shadows?

     There were actually three people involved.  The doctor, Benjamin Kyle, was
the first to see the Vorlon after saving him from the poison, and he was
transferred back to Earth and became part of President Santiago's personal
medical staff.  In "Hunter, Prey," JMS later said that he'd not thought of
having Kyle being the doctor on the run, and that it would have been very
interesting.  Lyta Alexander, the Psi Corps rep on the station in "The
Gathering," did the psi scan of Kosh to find out who had poisoned him.  Lyta was
transferred off the station back to Earth as well, but she'll be back in
"Divided Loyalties," iirc.  Laurel Takashima, the second-in-command, was
involved in the assassination attempt up to her neck, and she was the staff
member who was transferred out to the Rim (this was something that JMS said in
posts and the like); a lot of us believe that she'll be back as a Shadow agent
before the story is finished.

"It's just that life is a habit that's hard to break..." - Albert (RM)

--- GoldED 2.41
 * Origin: The Point Away From Home (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 40 of 322
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .īķ 05 .žķ 95 10:41
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : Vorlon Immortality /2
(continued from the previous)

 JK>> While the Shadows are always with Morden, as Delenn pointed
 JK>> out, I think that it's possible Kosh may have surprised
 JK>> Morden in their encounter in "Signs and Portents" to such
 JK>> a degree that he was able

 JH> Surprised? I don't remember Morden seeming that surprised, he
 JH> was as confident as ever.

     Watch the episode again, Jeff, if you can. :)  Morden was surprised to see
the Vorlon the first time and hid from him in one of the off-shoot tunnels from
the docking bays when Kosh returned to the station.  He avoided Kosh for most of
the episode, and the final confrontation with Kosh was the latter's doing, not
Morden's idea.  JMS has said that it was the Shadows that are always with Morden
that attacked Kosh, not Morden personally, and that they were the ones who
damaged the encounter suit.

 JK>> to rip the knowledge (or plunder it) from Morden's mind
 JK>> before he came under attack by the Shadows that are always
 JK>> with Morden (this latter point being a fact that Joe has
 JK>> confirmed over on CompuServe).

 JH> Which point exactly, that the Shadows were always with
 JH> Morden, that the Shadows attacked Kosh, or that the knowledge
 JH> was plundered before the attack? I'm not sure which part of
 JH> your statement was confirmed.

     Joe confirmed that the Shadows are always with Morden (which was confirmed
by Delenn in "In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum"), and that it was the Shadows that
attacked Kosh and damaged the encounter suit in "Signs and Portents."  Morden's
knowledge being taken by Kosh is the only explanation of how Kosh could have
known what happened to the Icarus, and it's something that explains the sequence
that we saw in "ItSoZ"; the perspective we seem to have is that of Morden, if
you watch it more critically.

 JK> JH>> But not everything was from Morden's POV...
 JK>> The vision of the events of the Icarus landing on Z'ha'dum
 JK>> were not all from Morden's view, but it's also likely that
 JK>> a Shadow viewpoint was also part of that - something perhaps
 JK>> that is part of

 JH> Hmmm.... But if the Icarus woke up the Shadows on the surface
 JH> of Za'ha'dum, then how could a Shadow ship have been in space
 JH> to watch the Icarus before it landed?

     Perhaps it wasn't a Shadow ship.  Perhaps it was an automated system that
the Shadows, once awake, could have awareness of.  Perhaps it was a Vorlon or
other First Ones orbital scanning/surveillance device.  Who knows?

 JK>> Shadows and their agents are telepathically linked (I refuse
 JK>> to accept a hive-mind assumption for this), and that Kosh
 JK>> took from

 JH> Telepathically, perhaps... but whatever it is, I don't think
 JH> they're always in contact. While Morden is in custody, you
 JH> can see him doing something which would seem to suggest he's
 JH> making contact with the Shadows.

     True.  And yet, go back to "Chrysalis"... that's the episode where he's
sitting comfortably and the Shadows are on either side of him talking to him.
He's not communing or meditating in that sequence to contact them.  It strikes
that his actions in "ItSoZ" while in custody was a blatant attempt to get
Sheridan to see the Shadows.

 JH>  Curiously enough, it looks as if he's making a triangle with
 JH> his fingers... What if he has one of those Minbari widgets, or
 JH> perhaps the Minbari got them from the Vorlons or Shadows in some
 JH> way?

     We don't really know what the triangular symbol with his hands was, but
perhaps it's something from Shadow and other First Ones religions that has been
adopted by the Minbari (and perhaps other races).  I doubt very much that he has
a triluminary...

 JK> JH>> BTW, what do you think that was with Delenn saying she
 JK> JH>> had known about it for the past THREE years? Perhaps
 JK> JH>> they told her (or she read about) the Shadows upon her
 JK> JH>> appointment to ambassador? Couldn't be the Grey Council,
 JK> JH>> since that was long before.

 JK>> Actually the time of Valen and the Grey Council is about
 JK>> 1,000 years ago, which fits in with the business of the last
 JK>> time that the

 JH> Sorry, I was unclear. Obviously Minbari aren't told just
 JH> because they joined the Grey Council, since then she would
 JH> have known for longer than three years.

     While this is possible, it also represents the fact that Delenn had only
been on the Grey Council for the last three to five years or so, a recent
recruit (in Minbari terms), perhaps.  That said, the Grey Council may or may not
know the full details; it depends on how Valen and the Nine decided to handle
things back when.  And the fact that Valen balanced the Council with three from
each caste suggests that he felt that there was merit to having the religious,
warrior, and worker caste viewpoints in all matters - something that the current
Council seems to have forgotten perhaps.

 JH> But then, maybe she just was only talking about the time she
 JH> had been on the station, since her former life was not really
 JH> part of his business, and the Grey Council *never* tells _all_
 JH> the truth. ;-)

     Which seems more likely. :)

 JK>> I like to think that it would be part of the wisdom
 JK>> passed down to the Religious caste members who join the
 JK>> Council. This would certainly explain Neroon's ignorance of
 JK>> something this basic, which you'd think he'd comment on.

 JH> Maybe not,... Delenn mentioned the great evil as if they all
 JH> knew about it, and if the reason he was given for the end of
 JH> the war was that they would need the Earthling's help to fight
 JH> the Shadows, he would certainly be insulted and say that they
 JH> didn't need the puny humans' help.

     True, but it depends on other things.  Frankly, I had the impression that
Neroon's mind was totally closed, once he learned about humans having Minbari
souls, and hence the reason for the surrender to Earth.  While he might still
know of the coming great evil and all, his own biases and dislike of the Humans,
evidenced in the stories that he's appeared in, would prevent him from desiring
or even wanting the Humans' aid.

 JK>> John Vornholt posted a message noting that the next book in
 JK>> the series, his _Blood Oath_ (dealing with the Narns) won't
 JK>> be out until late in the year. :(

 JH> Considering what I keep hearing about them, doesn't sound like
 JH> it'll be a loss.

     I suppose not.  Still, it would be nice to have some new B5 fiction to read
during the six-month drought between new episodes, now wouldn't it?  I guess the
comics will have to serve during this time... *sigh*

"You don't find wolves lurking behind rocks ready to mug a passing badger." -
Lupine (RM)

--- GoldED 2.41
 * Origin: The Point Away From Home (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 41 of 322
 From : Debra Milner                        1:112/285       .īķ 05 .žķ 95 10:43

 > people like
 > you hang around here and say things that make me think and, often,
 > reassess my

Awww, you're making me blush.....thanks...;-)

 > The fact that an Earth 2 "Post Mortem" should generate quite a bit of
 > input
 > makes me think that it wasn't a total botched job and despite the
 > critics I
 > believe it was fixable.

I think it was quite fixable....but the networks don't want to take the time to
allow a good series to develop......I've always been fond of watching character
developments, and that is what was happening on Earth 2....now, if they had
'glamorized' it, and gone for massive special effects instead of character
development, it would have made it.....

Doubts?  look at Seaquest.....I watched it the first season, thought it showed
good potential....then, they ran it down the tubes this year, making the
characters shallow with great FX......look who go renewed and who

 > I'm always keen to read what you have to say.  By the way where do
 > you live?

Jacksonville, FL (actually, just west of there)

 > I am typing from Calgary, Alberta Canada (yeh, that place due north
 > of
 > Montana).

Ahhh, Cold country.....

--- GEcho 1.00
 * Origin: Wolverine's Asylum, past the boonies in Macclenny, FL (1:112/285)

 Msg  : 42 of 322
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .īķ 05 .žķ 95 10:57
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : Vorlon Immortality /3
In a message of , Jeff Hancock scribed:

 JH> It sounded like you had thought of some of those questions...
 JH> aside from that, nothing else has occurred to me.

     There's been all kinds of speculations, Jeff...things about angels, and the
like - but Joe has said that only one person has actually guessed the truth
about the Vorlons.  And he wouldn't say who...

 JK>> we don't know all that much about some of the races, although
 JK>> there have been hints in the medical episodes about
 JK>> physiologies and the

 JH> About how they would recognize Kosh as an ancient one? I'm not
 JH> following. You mean it's something physical?

     I suspect so.  Remember Kyle's reaction to Kosh in "The Gathering"? There's
also the bit that was posted here from the scene that was cut from the 2-hour
movie, where Kyle talks to Laurel Takashima, and tells her that he's "been
changed" by what he saw.  Something to think about.

 JK>> "Confessions and Lamentations" had one of these as well, in a
 JK>> very

 JH> Lousy joke, though... Do you suppose this is the homeworld that
 JH> JMS said would be destroyed? I thought it would be that of a
 JH> major race.

     Yes, the Markab homeworld is the one that was meant by Joe.  A nice touch,
a rather brutal kind of lesson, and something that most of the fans weren't
expecting.  As for the Markab being a "major race" or not, who knows what they
might have accomplished during the series?  Their legends spoke of the Shadows
and their servants, so perhaps the plague wasn't an "accident of nature" at all.

 JH> While I'm thinking of it, someone mentioned the number 2.5
 JH> showing up in B5 a number of times, do you suppose it's also
 JH> a coincidence that both station captions happen to share the
 JH> creator's first and last initials? ;)

     I'm not sure I understand what you mean here...

 JK> JK>>> with Kosh's earlier talk with Sheridan about teaching and
 JK> JK>>> preparing him "to fight legends."
 JK> JH>> Yes, but what legends exactly?
 JK>> The legends are the Shadows, obviously.  Since they are a
 JK>> race

 JH> Yes, but... They'd be our legends too, and what legends are
 JH> there on Earth of anything like the Shadows?

     One never knows, does one?  I could have said "Only the Shadow(s) know"...
but that would have been rather tacky of me. 

 JK> JH>> And how is it that every race (apparently) would have the
 JK> JH>> same exact legends?
 JK>> Not necessarily the same set of legends, Jeff.  G'Kar's

 JH> But still... similar enough so that Shadows would fit into
 JH> everyone's legends.

     Yes, similar enough to the legends of other races, that there is a very
large grain of truth here.  No different than some of the legends that we see on
Earth.  All cultures have vampire legends of some sort, faeries are common to
quite a few cultures (even if the nature and shape of faeries differs), dragons
in Eastern tales, and the like.

 JK>> thing. "Confessions and Lamentations" has another good
 JK>> example of this, that the Markab doctor tells Franklin.
 JK>> Watch for it, and I won't spoil your enjoyment of that
 JK>> episode again.

 JH> Um.... I think I missed it. Casulty of only seeing it once.

     It'll air again during the repeats sequence that we're about to "enjoy",
Jeff.  You'd better make a note about this on a post-it, I think. :)

 JK> JH>> I don't recall any Earth legends involving giant spiders,
 JK> JH>> for one... unless this is another LOTR jab. 
 JK>> While it's possible, and I suspect that Joe would disclaim it,
 JK>> I don't think so.  The Shadows that we saw in "ItSoZ" didn't
 JK>> appear to be spider- like to me at all.

 JH> Then what do you think they look like? I dunno, I see the eyes,
 JH> the legs, the shape, and think spider.

     I'm not going to comment on what they look like at this point.  Suffice it
to say, I have a distinct theory about the Shadows.  And the creature we saw on
Z'ha'dum didn't appear to be spider-like at all, like I said. :)

 JK> JH>> Logbook writer seems to think that was the first
 JK> JH>> appearance of the Shadows, but you say JMS disagrees?
 JK>> Not disagrees, totally different.  Joe says that the race
 JK>> that Catherine encountered at Sigma 957 was another of the
 JK>> Ancient Ones, a

 JH> Someone needs to update the Logbook, then.

     Personally, the Logbook is a wonderful thing, but it's based on supposition
and assumptions made by the writer.  The fact that he hasn't updated the thing,
or that he didn't pay attention to what Joe said about this (if the writer has
access to Internet/GEnie at all) is another matter.  But if you're going to do
something like the Logbook, then you've got to update it once per season, so...

 JK>> race that is no longer concerned with affairs of the little
 JK>> races from its time.  He's also said that some stuff will be
 JK>> clarified about this race... whatever that meant. :)

 JH> Let's hope so, and while they're at it, when does JMS say we'll
 JH> hear from Draal again?

     Later this season, Jeff. 

 JK> JK>>> I wouldn't be surprised to find something totally
 JK> JK>>> predictable underneath the Vorlon encounter suit.
 JK> JH>> I suppose he'll look like the classic cliche of God?
 JK>> Nope, not like God or an angel.  That's been the
 JK>> consensus on some of the B5 echoes and newsgroups, and to be
 JK>> honest with you, I

 JH> What was the consensus, that Kosh would, or wouldn't?

     That Kosh would look like an angel or God, but since Joe's said that only
one person got it right, well... ;)

 JK>> don't think that JMS would do something like that.  I
 JK>> suppose it's possible, given the emphasis on souls and
 JK>> stuff that we've seen in the series to this point...

 JH> I'm leaning towards people seeing what their image of an
 JH> ancient and wise being would be. Delenn might have seen
 JH> Valen, Sheridan might see the Dali Lama, Franklin his
 JH> reflected God, and so forth.

     Could be.  I don't personally think so, since that doesn't seem to make
sense within the context of the First Ones, and Joe's a bit more subtle than
that, imo.

 JK> JK>>> Btw, have you seen "Knives" yet?  Interesting episode,
 JK> JH>> Yep. Just once, though... haven't dubbed it, and missed
 JK> JH>> the re-airing.
 JK>> I'm not sure what you mean about the dubbing of the
 JK>> episode, but

 JH> I usually watch each episode two to three times, record it the
 JH> first time, sometimes catch the re-airing, and then again when
 JH> I dub it onto an archive copy and remove the commercials.

     Ah, ok...

 JK> JH>> BTW, I'm not sure B5 will really make it in syndication...
 JK>> B5 is not the same kind of series as ST and the like, and
 JK>> therefore I think the syndication of such a series would be
 JK>> more difficult.

 JH> But syndication is the goal and the reason for the five-year
 JH> run... and I don't know how well it'll do when you can't count
 JH> on stations showing them all in sequence without cutting out
 JH> parts you need to understand or enjoy certain parts.

     While this is true, the series has to reach the end of its five-year
run...something that may or may not happen, depending on the tv climate.  Joe
didn't write B5 as a five-year arc for this reason - he's doing it that way
because he feels that this is what he needs in order to tell the story that he's
trying to get across.  Syndication is something that annoys me - it makes it
difficult to find the time slot of the program you want to watch, among other

No matter how fast light travels it finds the darkness has always got there
first, and is waiting for it. (RM)

--- GoldED 2.41
 * Origin: The Point Away From Home (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 43 of 322
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .īķ 05 .žķ 95 11:12
 To   : Patrick Long
 Subj : FUBS
On , Patrick Long wrote to J Hulley-miller:

 JH-=>> Is the FUB Squad still active ? tnx.

 PL> We're still active over in Science Fiction...

     Ain't that the truth? 

"Some people just don't know how to behave in a house of religion." - High
Priest of Offler (RM)

--- GoldED 2.41
 * Origin: The Point Away From Home (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 44 of 322
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .īķ 05 .žķ 95 11:22
 To   : Lanae Lauderdale
 Subj : B5 Thought
On , Lanae Lauderdale wrote to Robert Lidgren:

 LL> Babylon 5 is extended for another year. Heard it straight
 LL> from Jerry Doyle  at a con a few weeks ago. He had just
 LL> received the news.

     Neat trick...considering that as of May 30th, JMS didn't know if the series
was going to be renewed yet.  There was still some episode showing and other
negotiations going on, but he expected to hear on this by the end of the first
week of June.


--- GoldED 2.41
 * Origin: The Point Away From Home (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 45 of 322
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .īķ 05 .žķ 95 11:25
 To   : Nicolai Shapero
 Subj : Harlan Ellison
On , Nicolai Shapero wrote to Frank Eva:

 FE>> He is supposed to be working on a B5 adaptation of "The
 FE>> Glass Hand" (which, BTW, I've never read). From the length
 FE>> of time is seems to be taking to bring this episode to the
 FE>> screen, it would seem that he's back to his old tricks
 FE>> (aka "City on the Edge of Forever")...

 NS> He was, in theory, working on a sequel to the Outer Limits
 NS> for B5.  But I haven't heard anything about this lately (no
 NS> news is good news?)

     From what I understand from the B5 FAQ, among other places, the Ellison
episode for B5 is still literally on the drawing board, and there are no plans
for this episode to be completed at the moment.

"If the Creator had meant us to shift rocks by witchcraft, he wouldn't have
invented shovels." - Nanny Ogg (WA)

--- GoldED 2.41
 * Origin: The Point Away From Home (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 46 of 322
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .īķ 05 .žķ 95 14:10
 To   : All
 Subj : Crosspost
     I saw this on Usenet-Highlander, originally posted by Noah Johnson.

     You know you've been watching Highlander too much when you hear a song
by The Who come on the radio, and you think it's too bad they can't record
any new stuff since their lead singer got killed.

     Jack Butler

... "Let's not get stuck on petty details." -- Kalas
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 47 of 322
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .īķ 05 .žķ 95 14:15
 To   : All
 Subj : Xavier St. Cloud and the Quickening
     Another cross post.  This is also original to Noah Johnson:

     I know, I know, I usually stay away from Quickening theories, but I
couldn't resist this time.  Suppose the more Quickening you've got, either
your own or other people's, the faster you heal?  We could no doubt find
anecdotal evidence both for and against this.  And further suppose that
Immortals can in fact regrow lost limbs, but it takes a long time, like
around a minimum of several years?
     Now, we know that Xavier St. Cloud lost a hand to Duncan.  We also know
that shortly thereafter, he embarked on a mad head-hunt:  not eliminating
enemies, not looking for a good fight, apparently not caring who he killed,
just collecting all the Quickening he could by any means possible, in his
case using Hunters and mercenaries. Okay, it's a safe bet that Xavier was
less than happy about losing his hand.  It also put him at a slight
disadvantage in a fight. ("But I am not left-handed!  Oh, right, yes I am.
Uh-oh.")  Suppose he was attempting to regrow the damn thing as fast as he
possibly could, and for this purpose was racking up Quickenings as quick as
he could, whether or not it meant breaking the rules?  It would explain his
being the only Immortal we've ever seen who broke the rules; we've seen evil
Immortals, and we've seen underhanded Immortals, but how often have we seen
desperate Immortals?
     Of course, Kenny and Brian Cullen could be considered desperate, and
they both also used dishonorable, nasty tricks in fights, backstabbing and
vans and the like.

     Jack Butler

... "Young men... they think they'll live forever." -- Maurice
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 48 of 322
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .īķ 05 .žķ 95 14:31
 To   : John Kahane
 Subj : Confessions et. al.
 Quoth John Kahane, "Nevermore".

 JK> I'll do the best I can about this, Jack, but it'll take me a bit
 JK> of time. I'm up to my butt right now in projects, and there's a paying
 JK> one (for writing an article or two) that I need to finish up first.
 JK> Can you wait a bit on this? (Not like we'll be seeing new episodes of
 JK> B5 until October now... :>)

     Not a problem at all...

     Jack Butler

... "Outside, all the lights of the world were going out."
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 49 of 322
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .īķ 05 .žķ 95 14:34
 To   : David Johnston
 Subj : Highlander, The Series
 Quoth David Johnston, "Nevermore".

 DJ> And she was pregnant.  I figure it's pretty standard for doctors to
 DJ> counsel pregnant women to avoid exotic stimuli.  Does the Quickening
 DJ> count as exotic?

     No doubt.  I hadn't thought of that angle...

     Jack Butler

... "Item two:  you snore." -- Ivanova   "No, I don't." -- Sheridan
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 50 of 322
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .īķ 05 .žķ 95 16:32
 To   : Earl Green
 Subj : Fox facts
 Quoth Earl Green, "Nevermore".

 EG> * For those interested: there was not a word mentioned about Earth
 EG> 2.
 EG> Hope this is of use to the curious.  All info comes from Fox
 EG> Programming's summer affiliate fax.

     Not surprising that FOX had no information about Earth 2, seeing as it
was an NBC show...

     Jack Butler

... "Believe me, nothing is trivial!" -- The Crow
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 51 of 322
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .īķ 05 .žķ 95 16:41
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : B5 Reruns
In a message of , Frank Eva scribed:

 FE> Does anyone know what happened to the last 5 episodes in
 FE> this season's schedule? (The Long Twilight Struggle, Divided
 FE> Loyalties, Comes the Inquisitor, The Price of Peace, and The
 FE> Fall of Night (season finale)).

     Four episodes actually, Frank.  "The Price of Peace" is the original name
of "The Fall of Night" as I understand it.

 FE>  We've had reruns 3 weeks in a row!

     So far, after "Confessions and Lamentations" we've had a single week of
re-runs now.  But we're in for about six months worth of them, since "The Long,
Twilight Struggle" won't air until sometime in October. :(

"You can't trust folk songs. They always sneak up on you." - Granny Weatherwax

--- GoldED 2.41
 * Origin: JohnK's Point OS/2Warp - Ottawa, Ontario (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 52 of 322
 From : Kay Shapero                         1:102/524       .īķ 05 .žķ 95 17:36
 To   : Tony Trujillo
 Subj : Re: Sliders Continuity
On , Tony Trujillo (1:280/9) wrote to Kay Shapero:

 TT>Dear Quinn and Company,
 TT>                         Hate you
 TT>                         Took the "slide" box
 TT>                         Find your own way back home
 TT>                                                    -- Henry


--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 53 of 322
 From : Kay Shapero                         1:102/524       .īķ 05 .žķ 95 17:38
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Knives
On , Frank Eva (1:154/750) wrote to Kay Shapero:

KS>By the very nature of things, we don't know for sure just how much of
KS>the story arc is really effected by an episode.  Both of the above
 FE>Anyone who knows the main storylines in the arc would not agree
 FE>with this comment... and I'm afraid I'm one of them! :-)

Do you mean you somehow got hold of JMS' files, or just that you figure you've
deduced the lot by this point in the story?  Like the guys who kept insisting it
was all Lord of the Rings.  He did say to expect surprises...

 FE>character development. I simply wish they could come up with a
 FE>decent balance between character development and story arc development
 FE>in each episode. That would make the series more interesting to me...

Unfortunately that's sufficiently subjective that it would probably require a
different balance for each watcher.  I do rather wish that if Knives had to
involve Sheridan bouncing puppyishly into trouble, that he'd nearly gotten his
head handed to him instead of what did happen, I must admit.

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 54 of 322
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .īķ 05 .žķ 95 21:08
 To   : Chip Garner
 Subj : Re: Star Trek

CG>  since
CG>  when does a captain of a Star Trek series have a family.  That just
CG>  limits
CG>  all the love affairs on the ship.  I think she should of stayed with

   Why not? I suspect that Kirk and Piccard are exceptions, rather than the
rule. Besides, the nature of their problem is such that any civilization where
she may meet someone is one they'll never see again. For the Enterprise, there
was always the *possibility* of coming back.

CG>  the first REAL problem they encounter.  Also, I wanna see more ACTION
CG>  like
CG>  fighting, phasers, away missions, photon torpedos, ROMBULANS AND
CG>  are a must.  I wanna see how powerful that "New Technology" ship
CG>  really is
CG>  against a familliar advasary.

   Again, the nature of their problem (being in a very distant part of the
galaxy, and unable to get home in a practical time at warp speeds) means seeing
no familiar adversaries. The Romulan we saw required an unusual set of
circumstances. To meet familiar adversaries means being in familiar space, and
only weeks or months from home...end of story.

   And don't forget, *unknown* adversaries may themselves be advanced enough to
be unimpressed by whatever new technologies USS Voyager has. Don't forget, the
Borg experience began when Q ( maybe we'll see him??) sent the Enterprise far
enough out of Federation known space that it would've taken them *2* years to
get back....

   And as Janeway has pointed out, they have a finite load of photorps aboard,
and phasers may need starbase-level overhauls in time, too....


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 55 of 322
 From : Tony Trujillo                       1:280/9         .ņp 06 .žķ 95 15:11
 To   : Kay Shapero
 Subj : Re: Sliders Continuity
.TID: GE 1.11+

 TT>>Dear Quinn and Company,
 TT>>                         Hate you
 TT>>                         Took the "slide" box
 TT>>                         Find your own way back home
 TT>>                                                    -- Henry

I can't take much credit for that since it's a slight
mutation of a more popular dog's frustration with his owner.

Speaking of SLIDERS, did it ever have time to spawn a few
FILK songs? I always thought the song THE MIGHTY QUINN would
have made a fairly obvious choice...

"When Quinn and The Sliders get here...everybody's going to
hit the ground...."

BTW: Is there a mailing address I can send something to?

... Revenge is a dish best served...with stuffing instead of potatoes!
--- Via Silver Xpress V4.02B03 SW01177
 * Origin: South of the River - Overland Park KS - (913)642-7907 V.* (1:280/9)

 Msg  : 56 of 322
 From : Craig Palme                         1:120/999       .pä 31 .ąé 95 21:46
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Voyager Nose Diving?
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.11  94-2158

FE>Is it just me, or does it seem like ST:Voyager is already seeming a bit
FE>worn out? Doesn't it seem like ST:V is going "where everyone has gone

That may be premature. I'd like to give the show a chance. Remember that
when ST:TNG first came on, people didn't like it and made comparisons
to ST:TOS.

But your point is well made. I think it has to do with the fact that
there is no underlying story unfolding. No plots and sub-plots that
trail from episode to episode as is with Babylon 5.

I'll have to wait and see what develops down the road. Hopefully it
won't turn out to be as disappointing as ST:DS9 has turned out to be.
 * QMPro 1.53 * CCITT- Can't Conceive Intelligent Thoughts Today

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.11
 * Origin: CDS#2 BIG BOARD, 810-548-7078  (1:120/999.0)

 Msg  : 57 of 322
 From : Craig Palme                         1:120/999       .pä 31 .ąé 95 21:49
 To   : Richard Yamagata
 Subj : B5 Catch-Up
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.11  94-2158

RY>B5 fans should do everything in their power to facillitate this.  I want to
RY>see the last episode, 3 years from now.  Hopefully, it will be directed by
RY>Janet Greek -- my favorite B5 director.  She will be directing this
RY>season's finale.  Don't miss it!  Ry

They won't be airing the last 4 episodes of this season until October.
PTEN wants to get a running start on the next season, assuming it's
renewed, which is likely.

The last 4 episodes will air in July over in England.
 * QMPro 1.53 * Dogs come when you call. Cats have answering machines.

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.11
 * Origin: CDS#2 BIG BOARD, 810-548-7078  (1:120/999.0)

 Msg  : 58 of 322
 From : Craig Palme                         1:120/999       .pä 31 .ąé 95 21:50
 To   : Chris Carter
 Subj : New shows for UPN
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.11  94-2158

CC>This is Chris Carter, programming director of UPN, (Utterly
CC>Pointless Network) signing off...

That was good.
 * QMPro 1.53 * He does the work of 3 Men...Moe, Larry & Curly

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.11
 * Origin: CDS#2 BIG BOARD, 810-548-7078  (1:120/999.0)

 Msg  : 59 of 322
 From : Brian Henderson                     1:207/241       .˙ņ 02 .žķ 95 11:52
 To   : Steven Wirsz
 Subj : B5 Ripoff: Ds9

SW> ST:TOS - Man will survive through resourcefulness
SW> ST:TNG - Socialist Utopias (The "enlightened" Federation)
SW> will save the universe
SW> ST:DS9 -   ""
SW> ST:Voy -   ""

SW> B5     - Got two or three pages to spare??

Just about what I was trying to say in the first place.  Thanks
 X RM 1.3  X Eval Day -12 X   Sitting in a bunker, here behind my Wall

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The Belching Dragon Inn & Tavern (1:207/241)

 Msg  : 60 of 322
 From : Brian Henderson                     1:207/241       .˙ņ 02 .žķ 95 11:53
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Babylon 5 (Pten)

FE> I think what Richard meant was that B5 is not as accepted as Star
FE> Trek; therefore, it's future is always going to be tenuous...

Which is very true. B5 isn't "accepted" because B5 doesn't have a big
corporation the keeps throwing money at it in almost limitless amounts.
I *WISH* B5 had that kind of support, but there are few, if any other
shows that do get the kind of monetary and media push that Paramount has
given Star Trek in all of it's later incarnations.

 X RM 1.3  X Eval Day -12 X Here kitty kitty kitty, Let's see if you're

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The Belching Dragon Inn & Tavern (1:207/241)

 Msg  : 61 of 322
 From : Brian Henderson                     1:207/241       .˙ņ 02 .žķ 95 11:57
 To   : Steven Wirsz
 Subj : B5 Talk

SW> Here and in most places I've seen it, PTEN programs definetly do
SW> come on in prime time.  Try 8:00 PM Wed - and the repeat 11:00 PM
SW> Saturday.  All you're area needs is a bit of letter writting.

Yep. We get it at 8pm on Thursday (used to be on Wednesday, but was
moved back in January-ish) with repeat at 10pm on Sunday. I hadn't
heard of *ANYONE* who didn't get the first showing in primetime,
although I have heard that the repeats were getting shown at all sorts
of silly times (we used to get it at 1am on Friday, just five hours
after the original showing).

 X RM 1.3  X Eval Day -12 X Dyslexia: it can warn without striking!

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The Belching Dragon Inn & Tavern (1:207/241)

 Msg  : 62 of 322
 From : Brian Henderson                     1:207/241       .˙ņ 02 .žķ 95 12:03
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : St: Voyager

FE> How about Legend? While this show may not be getting rave reviews, I
FE> have found it worthwhile entertainment. I never bothered to watch
FE> Voyager Q&A; it seemed like a tremendous waste of time.

Yeah. I don't care about Voyager, why would I care about Voyager Q&A? It
seemed like a complete waste, and those few Q&As that I did end up
seeing were pretty stupid.

 X RM 1.3  X Eval Day -12 X Alas Poor Yorick, I think you're dead

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The Belching Dragon Inn & Tavern (1:207/241)

 Msg  : 63 of 322
 From : Jason C Marshall                    1:250/836       .óį 03 .žķ 95 02:33
 To   : Sean McCormick
 Subj : White Dwarf
All folded in system and saw Sean say White Dwarf

 SM> It's been almost a week since the White Dwarf showing,and I haven't
 SM> seen a single message about it.I liked the show myself.The tissue
 SM> gloves were most amazing.
 SM> Sean McCormick

 Reverse motion film.  Period.  Old trick and badly done considering
todays capabilities.

... I had three kids once. I was hungry that night.
--- Blue Wave/Max v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin: U.S.S. Proxima = Toronto, Canada (416)265-3867 (1:250/836)

 Msg  : 64 of 322
 From : Morten M.nsson                      2:235/335.17    .óį 03 .žķ 95 19:58
 To   : Karmin St.jean
 Hi Karmin!

 31 May 95 12:17, Karmin St.jean wrote to Morten MĘnsson:

 MM>> what is the difference between the UK and the US versions of the show...

 KSJ> YES! The major difference is in Bryce Lynch, Max's creator.....In the
 KSJ> British film version made for Cinemax, Bryce was downright evil...
 KSJ> ...In the American ABC version, Bryce was played by Chris Young...
 KSJ> ...Other cast changes:.....the bracelet he was wearing that caused it.
 KSJ> and in the British version Max ended up in the hands of Big Time TV.

 KSJ> I hope that answers your quetion.

 It certainly did! Thanks a lot!

 Yours Sincerely
 Morten "Max" MĘnsson

--- GEcho 1.00
 * Origin: Alien Fairytales: -so the wolf impregnated grandma! (2:235/335.17)

 Msg  : 65 of 322
 From : Morten M.nsson                      2:235/335.17    .óį 03 .žķ 95 20:05
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : Starfleet Rules as...
 Hi Mark!

 30 May 95 00:09, Mark Jones wrote to Morten MĘnsson:

 MM>> Having read something about Starfleet rules, as interpreted by Captain
 MM>> Picard and the crew of Enterprise, I got the urge to add a few more...:

 MJ> And I've got a couple, as well:
 MJ> 11. The use of fuses and circuit breakers is strictly prohibited!
 MJ> 12. All manual overrides must be electronically operated.

 Great stuff! ;-)
 Anybody else, out there? I'll collect them and repost them, if you want to!

 MJ> ... Mulder!  FBI!  Drop the sword, McLeod--I have a few questions....


 Med Venlig Hilsen
 Morten "Mean" MĘnsson

--- GEcho 1.00
 * Origin: >> Lavender Blue << Point #17, Copenhagen, Denmark (2:235/335.17)

 Msg  : 66 of 322
 From : Morten M.nsson                      2:235/335.17    .cź 04 .žķ 95 00:08

 31 May 95 23:02, ROBERT LIDGREN wrote to MORTEN MĻNSSON:

 RL> I think you are referring to the episode guide I posted.  I'd be happy
 RL> to send it along. Would you mind giving me your e-mail address or refresh
 RL> me on netmail. So far I've only used my local provider to read SFFAN and
 RL> reply to messages as well as sending things off to InterNet connections.

 You're right. Thanks anyway though. Someone here in Denmark, saw my
 desperate cries for help, and mailed me a copy of it, so I'm okay now.

 Morten "Mulder" MĘnsson

--- GoldED 2.42.G1219

--- GEcho 1.00
 * Origin: (2:235/335.17)

 Msg  : 67 of 322
 From : Morten M.nsson                      2:235/335.17    .cź 04 .žķ 95 02:25

 01 Jun 95 23:15, ROBERT LIDGREN wrote to FRANK SWARBRICK:

 FS>> You mean there was a whole British Max Headroom series?
 FS>> I thought there was just one movie.  Interesting...

 Oh yeah! I on the other hand, never knew about the US version!

 RL> Yes there was.  I don't know how many episodes there were,
 RL> but I suspect it was something like 8 to 12.

 The UK version was shown on one of our networks (TV2), back in 1991.
 It was at least 14 episodes. I have seen the mastertapes with the numbers
 on them myself. Unfortunately I never got any copies myself! ;-(((

 So! Tell me about the US version. How many episodes were there? What year?

 Yours Sincerely!
 Morten "Mean" MĘnsson

--- GEcho 1.00
 * Origin: >> Lavender Blue << Point #17, Copenhagen, Denmark (2:235/335.17)

 Msg  : 68 of 322
 From : Morten M.nsson                      2:235/335.17    .cź 04 .žķ 95 02:29

 01 Jun 95 23:16, ROBERT LIDGREN wrote to KARMIN ST.JEAN:

 ->> Actually, Amanda Pays and G.W. Morgan (Theora and Blank Reg)
 ->> were also held over from the series.

 RL> Thanks!  You jogged my memory!  Now I do recall Amanda Pays and...

 Who can forget her? ;-)

 Morten "Max" MĘnsson

--- GEcho 1.00
 * Origin: >> Lavender Blue << Point #17, Copenhagen, Denmark (2:235/335.17)

 Msg  : 69 of 322
 From : Morten M.nsson                      2:235/335.17    .cź 04 .žķ 95 02:32

 31 May 95 22:56, ROBERT LIDGREN wrote to MORTEN MĻNSSON:

 RL> I do know I RENTED a videocassette of the first two hours of the
 RL> British series a few years ago. The title: simply "Max Headroom."

 Yeah. We had a few cassettes in our shops many years ago. Before the show
 was even on danish TV (??) You could get 3 different cassettes with 2 eps.
 on each. Then suddenly they were all gone, withdrawn by the distributor I
 think. A few years later (1991 I think), the series was shown on national
 TV (TV-2), but no reruns! Turns out, they didn't buy the rights for reruns,
 so now everyone tries to make the network show the reruns, but alas no luck.
 They just won't shell out the dough!

 Yours Sincerely
 Morten "Max" MĘnsson

--- GEcho 1.00
 * Origin: >> Lavender Blue << Point #17, Copenhagen, Denmark (2:235/335.17)

 Msg  : 70 of 322
 From : Morten M.nsson                      2:235/335.17    .cź 04 .žķ 95 02:34

 31 May 95 23:02, ROBERT LIDGREN wrote to MORTEN MĻNSSON:

 RL> I think you are referring to the episode guide I posted.  I'd be happy to
 RL> send it along.  Would you mind giving me your e-mail address or refresh me
 RL> on netmail.  So far I've only used my local provider to read SFFAN and
 RL> reply to messages as well as sending things off to Internet addresses.

 Just saw all your postings on the subject. Awesome stuff! Thanks a lot!

 Yours Sincerely!
 Morten "Mean" MĘnsson

--- GEcho 1.00
 * Origin: >> Lavender Blue << Point #17, Copenhagen, Denmark (2:235/335.17)

 Msg  : 71 of 322
 From : Morten M.nsson                      2:235/335.17    .cź 04 .žķ 95 02:41
 To   : All
 Subj : Movie related Echo's
 Hi All!

 I know, that I have asked the questions before,
 but I simply can't understand that I haven't gotten any answers yet.

 The questions are simple:

 Aren't there any Echo's about Movies in general??
 Somebody please post me the names of those, so that I can get them on my
 backbone here in Denmark. I can't imagine there being none whatsoever??
 I mean, what if I have a question about a western or Stallone or such???

 Thanks in advance!

 Yours Sincerely
 Morten "Mean" MĘnsson

--- GEcho 1.00
 * Origin: >> Lavender Blue << Point #17, Copenhagen, Denmark (2:235/335.17)

 Msg  : 72 of 322
 From : Brian Woodward                      1:207/241       .cź 04 .žķ 95 06:25
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Re: B5 RERUNS???

 -=> Quoting Frank Eva to All <=-

 FE> Does anyone know what happened to the last 5 episodes in this
 FE> season's  schedule? (The Long Twilight Struggle, Divided Loyalties,
 FE> Comes the  Inquisitor, The Price of Peace, and The Fall of Night
 FE> (season finale)).  We've had reruns 3 weeks in a row!

On another SF echo I get, someone wrote that thay are not going to
show those episodes until the start of next season.  No reason was

... "Live long and prosper......NOT!!!!!!!"
--- Blue Wave/Max v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin: The Belching Dragon Inn & Tavern (1:207/241)

 Msg  : 73 of 322
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .cź 04 .žķ 95 21:38
 To   : Tony Trujillo
 Subj : Sliders Continuity
On (04 Jun 95) Tony Trujillo wrote to Starwolf...

 TT> It seems that DEAD isn't quite DEAD when it comes to series.
 TT> There's been talk that the show isn't quite dead yet (it's
 TT> resting?) but I think they better get production started
 TT> again soon before the cast members start looking for other
 TT> roles that will take them away from the show. I'm sure no
 TT> actor is going to want to be committed to a dead/doomed
 TT> series.

It is my belief that we're going to be seeing more and more
independently-syndicated series in the years ahead.  As a side effect,
I think we'll also see more and more examples of Network A (or virtual
Network A, as in UPN or PTEN) cancelling a series, only to have
another network (or virtual network) pick it up, believing that either

a) *they* can make it work, or...

b) they'll be happy with ratings the other (larger?) network found

So far USA Network is the champ at this.  They grabbed Airwolf when
CBS gave it the axe and produced an (absolutely abysmal) extra season
before they started syndicating it.  They also bought up Silk
Stalkings and have had great success with it.  And just recently they
announced that they're taking on Forever Knight as well.

... "Psychically, I'm very well endowed." -- L. Cranston

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: HQ of World Domination, Inc. (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 74 of 322
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .cź 04 .žķ 95 21:44
 To   : David Johnston
 Subj : Sliders - Bathroom? Wash
On (03 Jun 95) David Johnston wrote to Mark Jones...

 DJ> -> It might take as much *total* energy to replicate an entire
 DJ> -> engine block as to replicate the parts--but that's irrelevant
 DJ> -> if they can't produce all the energy needed in one burst.
 DJ> Of course the simple answer is just to build a bigger replicator.

Yeah!  Like space-dock sized replicators powered by a ring of
matter-antimatter reactors.  Build a starship, get it fully equipped,
fully provisioned, fully crewed.  Slide it into the replicator dock
and scan it.  File the data away.

When the Borg come calling, send them a message:

"Crunch all you want.  We'll make more!"

Turn out starships as fast as you can cycle them through the airlock!

... Power corrupts, and absolute power... is absolutely divine!

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: HQ of World Domination, Inc. (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 75 of 322
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .cź 04 .žķ 95 21:46
 To   : Steven Skaggs
 Subj : Star Wars
On (03 Jun 95) Steven Skaggs wrote to Mark Jones...

 MJ> ...and if the studio fanned the flames with rumors of an
 MJ> impending new trilogy, the stuff will probably sell even better.
 MJ> No marketing exec ever thought that "good enough" couldn't be
 MJ> improved.
 SS>  That really doesn't explain why Lucas says he will do new movies. He
 SS>  certainly doesn't need the money.

Look, I've given you three scenarios for why Lucas might claim he was
going to produce more Star Wars movies even if he didn't really intend
to do it.  That's enough.

I don't believe it.  I *won't* believe it until there is far more
substantial evidence for it than has been provided so far.

If you believe it's gonna happen, fine.  Time will tell who was right.

... E [\......] F  (Just as I thought--you desperately need a clue!)

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: HQ of World Domination, Inc. (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 76 of 322
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .cź 04 .žķ 95 21:49
 To   : Myra I Fox
 Subj : Joe Dawson
On (03 Jun 95) Myra I Fox wrote to Jack Butler...

 MI> I haven't seen the second part yet... but I couldn't believe that
 MI> he was actually going to *use* the gun, I thought it was just a
 MI> last ditch effort to threaten her into giving the disk back to
 MI> him.  Of course, that wasn't going to work since she really
 MI> believes that she is doing the right thing.

I figured he'd actually do it.  It's been made clear enough over the
last couple of seasons that he takes the Watchers very seriously.  And
it isn't just the immortals who'd be screwed if the news leaks out
(and is believed by The Powers That Be); the Watchers would be slated
for interrogation cells too.

On the other hand, Joe was suffering from Author-Induced Stupidity in
this episode.  He had a *perfect* opportunity to take the disk from
her when he discovered her looking at the database in the used book
store.  At best, he could simply have ejected it from the computer and
put it in his pocket before she stopped him.  At worst, he could have
smacked her around with his cane and *then* taken the disk.

Sure, she'd have been furious--she might even have had him arrested
for assault.  But that wouldv'e been a lot better than *killing* her,
don't you think?

... "...with the blood of patriots AND TYRANTS."  T. Jefferson

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: HQ of World Domination, Inc. (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 77 of 322
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .cź 04 .žķ 95 21:54
 To   : Starwolf
 Subj : B5 Baseball
On (04 Jun 95) Starwolf wrote to Mark Jones...

 S >  MJ> The choice was obvious....
 S >
 S > Yes.  Unfortunately, they managed to get it wrong anyway.

Now, now.  Don't be bitter.  Bitter isn't zen.  (At least, I don't
think it is.  But I don't know from zen, so maybe....)

I can see it now.  Zen Bitterness.

"What is the sound of one hand clapping?"

It's the sound of the Master slapping anyone who brings up that stupid
koan again....

... A police state is a wonderful thing--if you're the police.

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: HQ of World Domination, Inc. (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 78 of 322
 From : Alisanne Fleitman                   1:107/955       .īķ 05 .žķ 95 11:14
Thanks very much for posting the information about Sliders.  This has been one
of our family's favorite shows.  Alas, my daughter's favorite, even more than
this one, was Earth2.  :-(  It is hard to explain to a five year old why they
cancelled her favorite show.

           ** Alisanne **

 * Origin: Self Help BBS * Elizabeth NJ * 908-289-3981 (1:107/955)

 Msg  : 79 of 322
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .īķ 05 .žķ 95 17:24
 To   : All
 Subj : More Crosspost
     This one is from Jill Kirby:

     You know you've been watching too much Highlander when you listen to
the song "Dust in the Wind" on the radio and you get all misty about Tessa
over a year later...

... "I know his name." -- The Kurgan
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 80 of 322
 From : Michael Vergara                     1:2605/631      .ņp 06 .žķ 95 00:23
 To   : Mark Jones
.TID: GE 1.11+
Said Mark Jones to Tom Robinson about EARTH 2/SO LONG:

 TR>      I remember tuning out the "who's the leader" thread months ago
 TR> after they tried to leave Julia behind.  What a crock that was.

 MJ> It was actually the first intelligent thing they'd ever done since
 MJ> they landed on that stupid planet.  Naturally, they changed what
 MJ> passes for their minds in the next episode.

 MJ> The characters were fools, the "science" was laughable and the
 MJ> society was preposterous.  This show was tripe of the worst kind.

I don't think they would have had a choice (going back to Julia after they left
her).  They had NO DOCTOR, and Julia had NO SUPPLIES;  naturally, they need each
other to survive.

The characters were not fools.  They were people dealing with the stresses of
being alone on an alien world, and took risks when necissary when they had to
stay alive.  If I were in their situation, I don't see what much else I could
have done better.

As for Morgan, I think his entire purpose was to _BE_ a fool..


--- Blue Wave/TAG v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin: The MindScape BBS (1:2605/631)

 Msg  : 81 of 322
 From : Crah                                1:2601/515      .ņp 06 .žķ 95 02:12
 To   : Frank Glover
 Subj : ST-Generations
03 Jun 95 13:01, Frank Glover wrote to Paul Worley:

 PW>> Anybody know when GENERATIONS will be coming out on video?

 FG>    I've asked two local video stores. One had no idea, the other
 FG> believed it would be on the shelves by fall, but available for
 FG> rental before that....

Thanks! Strange that the rental places will have it before it's on the shelf to
buy. Kinda supports pirating copies, doesn't it?


--- GoldED 2.42.G0614
 * Origin: USS Wolf - Wheatland, PA  (1:2601/515)

 Msg  : 82 of 322
 From : Chris Carter                        1:105/302.23    .ņp 06 .žķ 95 03:29
 To   : Richard Yamagata
 Subj : B5 TALK

 RY> As it is, they imply that Delenn and Commander Sinc were
 RY> married in that episode long ago where they were exchanging
 RY> culture customs.  It seems that this bit was penned by JMS
 RY> back, before they dec that Sinclair was to leave.  It made no
 RY> sense to me.

JMS stated quite clearly on Usenet that the bit with Delenn and
Sinclair getting married was a ruse, and as such can be entirely

Chris - carter@teleport.com

--- cPoint v2.17/FreeWare
 * Origin: Carter's Conspicuous Consumption (1:105/302.23)

 Msg  : 83 of 322
 From : Steven Wesen                        1:271/236       .ņp 06 .žķ 95 07:45
 To   : Tony Trujillo
 Subj : Re: Sliders Continuity
.TID: GE 1.11+
The Rummors of Sliders death is slightly exagerated.
The show was a midseason replacement for Party of Five and  most likely  will
return during the middle of the season.


--- GEcho 1.11+
 * Origin: Time Machine Node 2, Newport News, VA 595-9383 (1:271/236)

 Msg  : 84 of 322
 From : Steven Wesen                        1:271/236       .ņp 06 .žķ 95 07:56
 To   : Frank Glover
.TID: GE 1.11+
Ah but the idea of holigramtic CREW member had never been esablished in the Star
Trek Universe and the Idea of a shifting Hard Light to Soft Light conversion for
the DR. was also done on RED DWARF.
The Holideck was invented by Star Trek in the 70's in the Animated series but
did not create people on the Holideck .
The Idea of Holigramatic crew members or Holigramatic people was created by
RED DWARF months before Star Trek the Next Generation even started filming thier
first episode.
I do not want knock Star Trek but there are other forms of Science Fiction they
Steven (Merlyn)
--- GEcho 1.11+
 * Origin: Time Machine Node 2, Newport News, VA 595-9383 (1:271/236)

 Msg  : 85 of 322
 From : Phill Ash                           1:275/160       .ņp 06 .žķ 95 08:24
 To   : Cmcdonough
.TID: GE 1.11+

>Have you ever read the Odyssey?
>This is NOT an irrelevent question.

>Also, brownie points to those who can identify a movie considered
>"classic" in SF that boldly/blatantly stole the plot from Shakespear's

        "Forbidden Planet"

for other Shakespeare adaptations see:
        West Side Story.....Romeo & Juliet
        Men of Respect.............MacBeth

Your pal:  PhlAsh
... I made my geology roll by 6, what's it made of?--er, uh, gymnasium!
 * PhlAshMail 1.0 *
~~~ ReneWave v1.00.wb2 (unregistered)
--- GEcho 1.11+
 * Origin: * The Beast's Lair * (804)425-1618 * Va Beach VA * (1:275/160)

 Msg  : 86 of 322
 From : Bruce Baugh                         1:105/290.50    .ņp 06 .žķ 95 10:59
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : Directorial Trademarks
On (04 Jun 95) Jack Butler wrote to Myranya Werlemann...

 JB> The two best examples of this trademark was, in one film,
 JB> "Klaatu Beratis Nikto" was used as "magic words". In another,
 JB> it was duing a muffled phone conversation (the hero says to
 JB> the heroine "bad connection... sounds like he just said
 JB> "Klaatu Beratis Nikto...").

Just to get this straight, it's "Klaatu Barada Nikto".

... We're from Washington. We came to help ourselves to everything!

--- PPoint 1.92
 * Origin: The Home Trepanning Club (1:105/290.50)

 Msg  : 87 of 322
 From : J Hulley-Miller                     1:107/330       .ņp 06 .žķ 95 12:07
 To   : Karmin St.jean
 Subj : SF Channel and Anime
Greetings Karmin,

Sunday May 28 1995 19:23, Tammy Blandino wrote to Karmin St.jean:

KS>> the SciFi Channel introduces it's new Saturday Morning Anime
KS>> lineup!)

I missed this, could you please repost the list ? Tnx.


--- GoldED/2 2.50.A0517+ [1068US3]
 * Origin: * Informatix/2 * (1:107/330)

 Msg  : 88 of 322
 From : Gerald Hoffman                      1:3654/70       .ņp 06 .žķ 95 12:30
 To   : Cmcdonough
.TID: GE 1.11+

Cm>Also, brownie points to those who can identify a movie considered
Cm>"classic" in SF that boldly/blatantly stole the plot from Shakespear's

Cm>     /s/ Craig

Can you say "Forbidden Planet"? Sure, I knew you could. 


P.S. When do I get my brownie points?

 * Wave Rider 1.10 [NR] *
--- Blue Wave/RA
 * Origin: The Key Board - Greensboro, NC - (910) 282-6957 (1:3654/70)

 Msg  : 89 of 322
 From : Allison Urschel                     1:123/75        .ņp 06 .žķ 95 15:26
 To   : All
 Subj : X-Files
 Hi, I'm an X-Files and Voyager fan. Now that Voyager has it's own board, what
about X-Files? It's a great show, why hasn't anyone started an X-Files board. I
live in Memphis, and would appriciate if any other fellow Memphians have
discovered one that maybe I've over looked.
 i also wouldn't mind someone becominf g sort of and X-Files penpal. If you are
just write me your opinion on the show, hopefully a positive one. Catch ya
 * Origin:  Weyr Galifrey - Memphis, TN  +1.901.685.0017 (1:123/75)

 Msg  : 90 of 322
 From : Chris Baugh                         1:105/290.5     .ņp 06 .žķ 95 19:45
 Subj : White Dwarf
On (23 May 95) ROBERT LIDGREN wrote to ALL...

 RL> If Al Pacino turns up I wouldn't be shocked though.

Ain't he too tall to play a White Dwarf?  (Maybe not, with the magic
of special effects!)

... I am Perot of Borg: You will be assimilated with a giant sucking sound

--- PPoint 1.92
 * Origin: "Bother," said Pooh (1:105/290.5)

 Msg  : 91 of 322
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .pä 07 .žķ 95 17:59
 To   : Dkimmel
 Subj : B5 RERUNS???
 > EC>Warner/PTEN had a brainstorm, and decided to HOLD those last four
 > episodes
 > EC>until October, starting the "third season" four weeks early with
 > the last fo
 > EC>episodes of season two, and thus getting a jump on some of the
 > other shows -
 > EC>hopefully building the audience a bit right before the sweeps in
 > November, b
 > EC>getting people in the habit of watching B5 while other things
 > it's up agains
 > EC>are still in reruns.
 > EC>Many people, for reasons which are mysterious to me, regard this
 > as a Bad
 > EC>Thing.
 > From a *fan's* point of view it is a Bad Thing for several reasons:
 > a.) The four shows will air this month in England, which means that
 > those of us getting B5 notes via the Internet may inadvertently pick
 > up
 > spoilers.

A) Apparently they WON'T be airing in England this month - they're being held
'til October in the UK as well as here.  Saw this on the Internet today.

B) The fact that it's syndicated results in many people either seeing, or having
to take fairly active steps to avoid seeing, spoilers in any case.

 > b.) The series is conceived in five seasons with each season
 > constructed
 > in a particular way.  It would be like a magazine editor arbitrarily
 > moving the last ten pages of part II of a serial to part III.  Thus
 > the
 > climactic season finale will immediately be followed by the new
 > season
 > while the "de facto" season finale, while dramatic, was not the note
 > the
 > second season was to end on.

This is a genuine drawback, but hardly a disastrous one. The "average" viewer
won't be too distressed because they're likely not to \notice\ the disruption to
the intended flow of the series - it's not as the episodes are being shown in
different \order\ than intended, after all.  And the hooked-in fannish viewer
\knows\ what's happened, and will watch the "first four episodes" next season
\knowing\ they're actually the last four episodes of the second season, and
derive from them much of the intended effect.

 > c.) Because of syndication scheduling this will happen again NEXT
 > year.
 > Why not simply start season three in October, so that it can END at
 > the
 > conclusion of the May sweeps?
 > From a business point of view, moving four first run episodes from
 > July
 > to October makes perfect sense because of increased viewership and,
 > hence, increased ad rates.

Thus making it FAR more likely that we'll actually get to SEE all five seasons.

Puttting the episodes where they have the best chance to build viewership for
the series is A Good Thing for the fans who want to see JMS'
novel-for-television complete.  It would have been better if Warner/PTEN had
understood the potential viewership for the show to begin with, and scheduled it
accordingly, but they didn't, and now they're stuck with working with the
original schedule and \making\ things fit.

But July would have been a lousy time to run the episodes, and everyone should
be GLAD Warner/PTEN has rethought that particular bit of idiocy.

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 92 of 322
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .pä 07 .žķ 95 18:08
 To   : Richard Yamagata
 Subj : B5 CATCH-UP
 > It is fortunate that dreams do take form and become reality.
 > Babylon 5 has been renewed for season 3 and Micro-Machines have
 > produced 4 sets of B5 models.  Of course this is only fraction of
 > the number of Trek Micro-Machines, but it is a healthy start!  What
 > I feared is that JMS would put a kabosh on the whole deal with his
 > view that marketing and fanchising can be demeaning -- one of the
 > messages found in one of the recent episodes.  I think this is a
 > very good sign that we will see all 5 years of Babylon 5.  Ry

For all the talk about JMS finding "this sort of marketing" "demeaning", he does
not yet appear to have said NO to \anything\ that will generate more B5-related
income - so far we have B5 Micromachines, comics, novels, and I've seen
advertisements for caps and t-shirts.

And note that this is while B5 is only in its second season - the only shows
that have gotten tie-in products out faster have been shows that were conceived
for the \purpose\ of selling "tie-ins".

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 93 of 322
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .pä 07 .žķ 95 18:14
 To   : Richard Yamagata
 Subj : BABYLON 5 (PTEN)
 > FE> BH>You said at the end that "unfortunately, B5 is not like Star
 > Trek".
 > FE> BH>There is nothing unfortunate about it.  It is not supposed to
 > be like
 > FE> BH>Star Trek, and if it was, I certainly wouldn't watch it.
 > FE> I think what Richard meant was that B5 is not as accepted as
 > FE> Star Trek; therefore, it's future is always going to be
 > tenuous...
 RY> Thank you Frank for making it clear what I meant; it is unfortunate
 > that B5 does not share in the "sure thing" mentality that Voyager
 > seems to enjoy. I mean, I have not heard of any of the B5 cast going
 > out and buying a condo in Malibu or a Porsche, like I heard some of
 > the Voyager Cast did when they had their contract in hand. Ry

STAR TREK is nearly thirty years old now, and Voyager is the FOURTH Trek series,
not the first. It would be no credit to the intelligence of the actors in the B5
cast if they ASSUMED that a series that hadn't even gone on the air yet [at that
point] was as much of a sure thing as Voyager with its built-in audience and its
built-in Trek commercial credibility.

If B5 survives to finish its planned five-year run, it will have been
significantly more successful than the first Trek series.  If the [hypothetical]
second Babylon series is also a success, then \perhaps\ actors signed to the
cast of the \third\ series will have the same confidence as the actors signed to
the cast of the fourth Trek series.

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 94 of 322
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .pä 07 .žķ 95 18:19
 To   : Bruce Baugh
 >MJ> Not necessarily--but the station *designers* may have been
 >MJ> baseball fans. EarthForce seems to be strongly influenced by
 >MJ> (if not descended from) the American government and culture.
 >MJ> Americans, as a whole, are bigger fans of baseball than of
 >MJ> zen.
 BB> For that matter, baseball is also _tremendously_ popular in Japan,
 > and in parts of the Third World. That part of the station could well
 > have been designed by someone other than an American.

All through Latin America, the Philippines, Korea - European soccer snobbery
aside, baseball IS an international sport.  It's just not popular in \Europe\.

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 95 of 322
 From : Jeff Schlenker                      1:288/19        .åņ 08 .žķ 95 00:04
 To   : Crah
 Subj : Re: ST-Generations

-=> Crah was overheard speaking to Frank Glover <=-

 PW>> Anybody know when GENERATIONS will be coming out on video?

 FG>    I've asked two local video stores. One had no idea, the other
 FG> believed it would be on the shelves by fall, but available for
 FG> rental before that....

 Cr> Thanks! Strange that the rental places will have it before it's on the
 Cr> shelf to buy. Kinda supports pirating copies, doesn't it?

Yes that is strange, but it was done that way with True Lies.  You could
rent it long before it arrived in stores to buy.

I don't get it.


Jeffrey A. Schlenker               jeff.schlenker@lake-city.com

... "i" before "e", except in Budweiser.
___ TagDude 0.87 [Unregistered]
--- < Sig-It > v3.00 by Brandon S. Bell

--- Blue Wave/Max v2.12
 * Origin: LakeCity BBS * V34/4 Gigs Watertown SD 605 886-0849 (1:288/19)

 Msg  : 96 of 322
 From : Paul Worley                         1:2601/515      .åņ 08 .žķ 95 02:16
 To   : Joel Jessup
 Subj : Generations Video
06 Jun 95 21:16, Joel Jessup wrote to Paul Worley:

 JJ> I heard a July 11 release date for RENTAL, followed by a general
 JJ> release later in the year, probably november or the holidays. JGJ

I heard a rumor that it'd hit the shelves, for rental and sales in August.
I;ve heard just about everything, including a new seven-movie commemerative set
with lots of goodies. What do the people who bought the 5 and 6 cassette
editions do with the old ones now?


--- GoldED 2.42.G0614
 * Origin: USS Wolf - Wheatland, PA  (1:2601/515)

 Msg  : 97 of 322
 From : Cyndi Edwards                       1:324/116       .åņ 08 .žķ 95 10:36
 To   : Frank Glover
 Subj : ST-Generations
I spoke to my video store here and they have been telling everyone to expect it
in the middle to the end of July.  I hope that helps.

--- FMail 0.96ņ
 * Origin: Electric Dreams (508)682-5279 - 5.2 Gigabytes online! (1:324/116)

 Msg  : 98 of 322
 From : Cyndi Edwards                       1:324/116       .åņ 08 .žķ 95 10:40
 To   : Tony Trujillo
 Subj : Sliders Continuity
According to what I have been reading on USENET about Sliders is that it is not
quite cancelled but will be a mid-season replacement again next season.  I don't
know how reliable that information is but I hope it is true.

--- FMail 0.96ņ
 * Origin: Electric Dreams (508)682-5279 - 5.2 Gigabytes online! (1:324/116)

 Msg  : 99 of 322
 From : Cyndi Edwards                       1:324/116       .åņ 08 .žķ 95 10:43
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : White Dwarf
I know what you mean I sat through the whole show but just to get my "hacker
card".  It is like they took a half hour show and turned it into 2 hours, talk
about slow.  I will probably give it a second chance if they do decide to make a
series but only one more shot.

--- FMail 0.96ņ
 * Origin: Electric Dreams (508)682-5279 - 5.2 Gigabytes online! (1:324/116)

 Msg  : 100 of 322
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .åņ 08 .žķ 95 11:21
 To   : Robert Lidgren
 > Rememebr, it's only something like 10% of the population who read
 > novels.
 > That's a scary statistic but it's accurate as far as I know.  If you
 > SCIENCE FICTION you haven't a clue about what the possibilities
 > might be for a
 > science fiction film or TV series.

It only sounds like a scary statistic when you take it in isolation and don't
ask intelligent questions about WHICH DIRECTION readership has been going in.

My grandparents were illiterate.  My mother and her siblings were dropped by
their friends as stuck-up snobs when my illiterate grandmother decided that all
her children were going to GRADUATE from high school. Most of my cousins have
been to college, and a few, like me, have graduate degrees.

More people then ever before in the history of the world are getting some of
their recreation from \reading\, and the most desperately insecure of the
intellectual snobs have been forced to resort to such strategems as declaring
that some collections of bound pages covered with printed words telling a story
aren't "real books".

Book sales in the US have been going straight UP for the last couple of decades.
Sales of individual \titles\ are \down\, but the total \number\ of titles, and
the total sales of books, are skyrocketing.  More people are reading more
different things.

Mall bookstores are sneered at, often with reason, but when was the last time
you saw a mall without a bookstore? Often there's two.  A bookstore is as
necessary a feature of a mall as the two anchor stores and someplace to eat
lunch.  Why do you suppose this is, if nobody is reading?

And look at what's happening with non-mall bookstores.  Superstores are taking
over - lots and lots of different titles, in a pleasant atmosphere which
includes \chairs\ and frequently an espresso bar.  It's the whole basis of
Borders, it's the way Barnes and Noble is going, and only Waldenbooks, of the
national chains, doesn't have such stores.  Waldenbooks is experiencing some
difficulties because sales aren't keeping up with their competitors...

Malls need bookstores, but little mall bookstores with limited selections are no
longer where money is made in bookselling.  The big money is all in the big
stores with lots of selection. This is as true of independents as it is of the
chains.  The independents need to either have great depth in a specialty area
[sf&f, women's, gay&lesbian, African-American, children's, etc.] or they need to
have the same breadth and the same browse-all-you-want want atmospher as the
chain superstores in order to compete.

People are reading. They're just not all following sheeplike in the reading
footsteps of the fashion leaders.

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 101 of 322
 From : Dkimmel                             1:101/230       .åņ 08 .žķ 95 13:42
 To   : Ecarey
 Subj : JMS STUFF 6/1
Thought you might be interested in this item from the B5 echo:

MM>>Why is PTEN holding the last four?

MM>    The last 4 episodes of this season are being held by PTEN until
MM>October, in theory to lead into the year three (not yet approved) debut
MM>in November.  I think I finally sussed out why this is being done; I
MM>heard the other day that Voyager is doing the same thing.  So that means
MM>PTEN is counter programming it.
MM>                                                       jms

 * SLMR 2.1a * When correctly viewed, EVERYTHING is lewd.

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 102 of 322
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .åņ 08 .žķ 95 16:47
 To   : Richard Yamagata
 Subj : B5 Catch-Up
In a message of , Richard Yamagata scribed:

 RY> Hello John and all visitors to this echo!

     Visitors to this echo?  Umm...errr...what did I miss here? :)

 RY> The sight with the plot synopsis and analysis that I visit
 RY> regularly is: http://www.hyperion.com From there you just
 RY> select: The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5 to go into the most
 RY> complete B5 site in the world -- at least that is my opinion.

     This is what I've heard as well...however, I've also heard from folks
who've downloaded stuff like the Lurker's Guide, who say that some of the files
badly need updating.  Not to mention a few corrections.

 RY> Your work posting the synopsises on the B5 echo is wonderful.

     Thanks for the compliment.  Glad you like it.

 RY> It is also a lot of work.

     Yes, it is.  I do this more as a labour of love, than anything else.  When
it becomes work, I'll likely stop. :)  I hope that some of my material will be
posted up to the www or to Internet some day, but have no idea whether it's
already there.  If so, I'd appreciate knowing about it.

One pennyworth of example was worth a pound of punishment. (WA)

--- GoldED/2 2.42.G0614
 * Origin: JohnK's Point OS/2Warp - Ottawa, Ontario (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 103 of 322
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .åņ 08 .žķ 95 16:52
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Confessions & Lamentations
On , Frank Eva wrote to Kay Shapero:

 KS>> You'll note that that news announcer said that there were
 KS>> probably surviving individuals in remote places, but the
 KS>> Markab civilization was dead; maybe some of these survivors
 KS>> will pop up later.

 FE> Yeah, that was kind of the gist of the last comment in my
 FE> post, that somehow JMS could discover an isolated colony of
 FE> Markabs... if he wants to bring them back...

     I think the whole business with the Markabs was brilliant, and
well-executed.  The fact that there are likely to be one or two isolated
colonies out there is a good indicator that the Markabs will be seen again in
the series.  The question now becomes what will happen with the Markab
homeworld, and will some other species stake a claim to it?

     The really neat thing is that the business with the Markabs is not the
"decimation of a major race's homeworld" that JMS has been hinting at for a
while.  Looks like the dying hasn't even started yet.

"What good is being a witch if you don't do magic?" - Magrat Garlick (WA)

--- GoldED/2 2.42.G0614
 * Origin: JohnK's Point OS/2Warp - Ottawa, Ontario (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 104 of 322
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .åņ 08 .žķ 95 16:58
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : Confessions et. al.
In a message of , Jack Butler scribed:

 JK>> I'll do the best I can about this, Jack, but it'll take
 JK>> me a bit of time. I'm up to my butt right now in projects,
 JK>> and there's a paying one (for writing an article or two)
 JK>> that I need to finish up first. Can you wait a bit on this?
 JK>> (Not like we'll be seeing new episodes of B5 until October
 JK>> now... :>> )

 JB>      Not a problem at all...

     Thanks, muchly.  Just do me a favour, please, and give me a gentle
reminder about this in a month or so.  Not that I'm likely to forget, with the
post-it on the computer, but you never know... 

People didn't hit you over the head with farmhouses back home. (WA)

--- GoldED/2 2.42.G0614
 * Origin: JohnK's Point OS/2Warp - Ottawa, Ontario (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 105 of 322
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .åņ 08 .žķ 95 17:03
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Mira and Delenn
In a message of , Frank Eva scribed:

 FG>> Less physically attractive, too. Some people look *better*
 FG>> as an alien than a human. Robin Curtis is one...Mira Furlan,
 FG>> IMHO, is another.

 FE> Agreed! However, she still looks better than she did in the
 FE> pilot. She looked almost manly, then...

     She was *meant* to look manly in "The Gathering," Frank. :)

One day a tortoise will learn how to fly. (SG)

--- GoldED/2 2.42.G0614
 * Origin: JohnK's Point OS/2Warp - Ottawa, Ontario (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 106 of 322
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .åņ 08 .žķ 95 17:58
 To   : Dkimmel
 Subj : JMS STUFF 6/1
 DK> Thought you might be interested in this item from the B5 echo:
 > MM>>Why is PTEN holding the last four?
 > MM>    The last 4 episodes of this season are being held by PTEN
 > until
 > MM>October, in theory to lead into the year three (not yet approved)
 > debut
 > MM>in November.  I think I finally sussed out why this is being
 > done; I
 > MM>heard the other day that Voyager is doing the same thing.  So
 > that means
 > MM>PTEN is counter programming it.
 > MM>                                                       jms

Makes sense. It's one thing to "waste" four episodes in July and start the
season in November if everyone else is starting in November, and another thing
to do that if the most direct competition the show has is holding four episodes
to start in October. And while DS9 is more similar in tone and feel, it's
Voyager that's currently the other sf series which is fighting for an audience
and likely to get one.

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 107 of 322
 From : David Johnston                      1:342/14        .˙ņ 09 .žķ 95 01:06
 To   : All
 Subj : How Many?
How many Minbari:  Two.  One to change it, and one to hand it to the
first one in a ceremony lasting three days.
How many Centauri:  Once we were a GREAT PEOPLE!  Once we knew how to
change our own and had more than any one else...What was the question?
How many Vorlons:  Yesss

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
 * Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)

 Msg  : 108 of 322
 From : Bruce Baugh                         1:105/290.50    .˙ņ 09 .žķ 95 04:55
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : B5 Renewed!
On (07 Jun 95) Frank Eva wrote to Richard Yamagata...

 FE> I think what makes this look bad is that prior to the offer,
 FE> JMS took such a hard line against franchising B5. He now
 FE> looks a bit hypocritical...

I'll argue both the major and minor premises - and I've been
following B5 discussions on GEnie since before the pilot aired.

JMS has never taken "a hard line" against franchising. He's taken a
hard line against schlock. From what I hear, the MicroMachines
models are well-done. Which is fine.

He's never quite come out and said, "The B5 novels bite the wax
tadpole." But he's sure danced up to the edge of saying that; it
sounds like the deal he ended up with there is not the deal he
thought he had, and any hypothetical future books are going to be
written by people _he_ picks, rather than assigned to him by the

Likewise, he's been pretty decent about not bashing the faults of
the comic book, starting with the ghastly coloring. But his quiet
about a lot of aspects is itself indicative.

By the way, I must say that I don't think much of your complaint
aobut the comic not advancing the arc. What did you expect? The
point of the TV show is that it should stand on its own - people
shouldn't _have_ to get anything but the show to follow the major
developments. We are fortunate in having secondary media that affect
the show at all: compare the Trek novels and comics, with their
total disconnection from the show.

Back at the screed, then, I think you've misunderstood JMS' original

... Madness takes its toll. Please have exact change.

--- PPoint 1.92
 * Origin: The Home Trepanning Club (1:105/290.50)

 Msg  : 109 of 322
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .˙ņ 09 .žķ 95 06:20
 To   : Brian Henderson
 Subj : Babylon 5 (Pten)
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.bA 8060

BH>FE> I think what Richard meant was that B5 is not as accepted as Star
BH>FE> Trek; therefore, it's future is always going to be tenuous...

BH>Which is very true. B5 isn't "accepted" because B5 doesn't have a big
BH>corporation the keeps throwing money at it in almost limitless

According to the latest TV Guide, B5 didn't even rank in the top 120
shows this season... What gives?

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 110 of 322
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .˙ņ 09 .žķ 95 06:20
 To   : Kay Shapero
 Subj : Babylon 5 (PTEN)
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.bA 8060

KS>Do you mean you somehow got hold of JMS' files, or just that you
KS>figure you've deduced the lot by this point in the story?  Like the

Oh come on Kay, do you mean to tell me you don't recognize the ongoing
storyline revolving around the "shadows" as perhaps the most important
facet to the story arc revealed so far?

KS>guys who kept insisting it was all Lord of the Rings.  He did say to
KS>expect surprises...

That wasn't me, and I do expect lots of surprises... :-)

--- CMPQwk 1.42-R2 #145 ---
I multitask... I read in the bathroom!

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 111 of 322
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .˙ņ 09 .žķ 95 06:21
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : Babylon 5 (PTEN)
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.bA 8060

JH>FE>Probably the same way he feels about the B5 comics, which also

JH>So how is that, then? I didn't think you had contact with JMS.

Just guessing, but it seems obvious to me that JMS is not going to let
the B5 comics or novels advance the main storyline of B5: The TV Series.

JH>FE>ref: Kosh revealed?
JH>FE>JH>I'm thinking it'll be a CGI ball of light,

JH>FE>Based on the first season episode in which Kosh as a "ball of
JH>FE>light" moved back and forth in front of a translucent screen?

JH>Partially, although I don't remember/haven't seen that one; JK told
JH>me about it. I'm just guessing at it being reminiscent of the classic
JH>portrayal of angels/God in some way without being too obvious/cheesy.

Last season, because of this episode, I speculated that Kosh's people
were "energy beings", but then I was reminded that they do need an
artificial "environment" inside B5, and that Kosh had actually been
poisoned in one episode, both of which seem to imply more than an energy
being is inside that encounter suit...

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 112 of 322
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .˙ņ 09 .žķ 95 06:21
 To   : Craig Palme
 Subj : Voyager Nose Diving?
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.bA 8060

CP>That may be premature. I'd like to give the show a chance. Remember
CP>that when ST:TNG first came on, people didn't like it and made
CP>comparisons to ST:TOS.

I have given it a chance. I taped all of the first 9 episodes, and will
keep them in my collection. Since then, the quality has nosedived, and
the writers seem content to rehash old themes.

BTW, I thought the first season of TNG was EXCELLENT! I was not one of
the doomsayers. At this point, I plan on giving Voyager a chance, but I
really hope the writers are rejuvenated by next season...

CP>But your point is well made. I think it has to do with the fact that
CP>there is no underlying story unfolding. No plots and sub-plots that
CP>trail from episode to episode as is with Babylon 5.

I have never expected a "continuing" story in any Star Trek. In fact,
that is proving a major disadvantage for diehard B5 fans who have now
been told that they won't have any more of the B5 story until next
October. If this show hadn't been a continuing story, it would have been
much easier to accept a major postponement, but to have 4 episodes
postponed 4 months when you were expecting them now, is almost too much
to bear, especially considering we won't even see the 2nd season
"finale" this season!

CP>I'll have to wait and see what develops down the road. Hopefully it
CP>won't turn out to be as disappointing as ST:DS9 has turned out to be.

Yeah, that's one show I can not bring myself to watch! And that's quite
an admission coming from a diehard trekker like myself...

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 113 of 322
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .˙ņ 09 .žķ 95 06:21
 To   : All
 Subj : B5 TAPES?
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.bA 8060
Well, the videotapes of the first season of B5 that were supposed to be
released 6 months ago have still not arrived! For those of you who were
expecting/hoping for the tapes (and/or the laserdiscs), I suggest you
not hold your breath! :-)

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 114 of 322
 From : Lanae Lauderdale                    1:106/440       .˙ņ 09 .žķ 95 07:09
 To   : Jeff Hancock
.TID: InterEcho 1.04 6E010618
Interesting.... Wonder why Jerry Doyle told us he had just received the news?
Just trying to impress us? That didn't seem to be his style!

--- GTMail 1.25
 * Origin: Bay Area LightSpeed San_Leon, TX (1:106/440.0)

 Msg  : 115 of 322
 From : Demian Katz                         1:2626/102      .˙ņ 09 .žķ 95 11:00
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Re: I saw the missing Earth 2
> Was this the one that was preempted by the NBA game? How the heck did
> you get to see it?

NBC put it on sneakily in a late-night time slot, and it wasn't listed
in the TV Guide here...  I missed it, and so far have been unable to find
anyone who taped it.. :(


... Internet: whovian@locke.ccil.org

--- DB 1.58/005132
 * Origin: Castrovalva BBS  610-917-0380 (1:2626/102)

 Msg  : 116 of 322
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .˙ņ 09 .žķ 95 11:19
 To   : Frank Eva
 > E>Frank, the demographics of the Voyager crew are the normal
 > E>demographics of a naval ship - except that the average age of the
 > E>Voyager crew may in fact be a tad HIGHER than in "real life".
 FE> That matters not to me... I simply don't like the balance they've
 > achieved and all the reasoning in the world about the 'reality' of
 > it,
 > isn't going to get me to change my mind.

OH, so you're saying they had an obligation to be guided by the demographics
that you personally prefer, rather than by what's plausible for the setting of
the show, in order to be considered a "good" show?

 > E>The officers on B5 are older, because that's a diplomatic post
 > with
 > E>lots of tensions just below the surface.
 FE> Yes, and I prefer it this way. Even Lt. Keffer looks more like an
 > adult
 > than some of Voyager's wet-behind-the-ears crew.

All you're saying here is that you personally prefer a show with older
characters.  This is as reasonable a personal preference as any [and one I
partially share - remember the discussions of who and how old the captain of the
Voyager was going to be?], but it's strictly personal preference and says
nothing about the quality of the show.

Having such young characters making up a large part of the personnel of B5 WOULD
be poor work, because such young characters don't belong in those jobs.  But
equally, having the Voyager crew consist entirely of older, experienced officers
without a large contingent of brand-new academy grads would ALSO be poor work,
because it's so implausible for the setting.  Older officers are doing other
jobs. Only the captain, XO, and department heads would tend to be older people,
and that's what we have on Voyager, except in engineering, where all the older
officers were \killed\.

Once they decided on the setting for the new Trek show, the fact that most of
the officers and crew would be young was a forgone conclusion. So they didn't
produce exactly the show YOU want - so what?  Both DS9 and B5 have older casts
and are aimed at somewhat older audiences.  You're not being persecuted, Frank.

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 117 of 322
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .˙ņ 09 .žķ 95 11:26
 To   : Brian Henderson
 Subj : BABYLON 5 (PTEN)
 > FE> I think what Richard meant was that B5 is not as accepted as
 > Star
 > FE> Trek; therefore, it's future is always going to be tenuous...
 BH> Which is very true. B5 isn't "accepted" because B5 doesn't have a
 > big
 > corporation the keeps throwing money at it in almost limitless
 > amounts.
 > I *WISH* B5 had that kind of support, but there are few, if any
 > other
 > shows that do get the kind of monetary and media push that Paramount
 > has
 > given Star Trek in all of it's later incarnations.


And that last is the critical point, of course. B5 isn't being specially
put-upon; it's just a new show in a category the industry doesn't understand all
that well, that hasn't had Trek's three decades yet to build its audience and
\convince\ Warner to lavish money on it the way Paramount lavishes money on

Remember, B5 has only just come to the end of its second season.  At the end of
ITS second season, Trek was \cancelled\ and saved only by the unprecedented
enthusiasm of its fans.  And in its third season, it was given a lousy time-slot
and starved for funds.

Compared to where Trek was at this point in its history, B5 is doing quite well,
so quitcherbellyachin'.

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 118 of 322
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .˙ņ 09 .žķ 95 11:31
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : B5 RERUNS???
 > EG>  As for the big question, Warner Bros. has decided to hold the
 > last
 > EG>  four episodes until *October*, allegedly to build interest for
 > the
 > EG>  beginning of the third season, which hasn't even been approved
 > at
 > EG>  this time.  Season 2 will be re-running ad nauseum till then.
 FE> Maybe the WB Network intends to make B5 its "flagship" next year???
 > But
 > don't they think they can have 4 great episodes ready for the start
 > of
 > next season??? How can they have a season 2 "finale" if they
 > postpone it
 > until next season???
 FE> IMO, this seems like a really BAD move... It is going to incense
 > diehard
 > B5 fans who were expecting 4 more eps this season...

But they're less interested in the "die-hard B5 fans" WHO WILL WATCH THE SHOW
ANYWAY, than they are in the larger audience they need and want for the show to
be really profitable, and who will by and large NOT be watching much television
in July and hence would MISS those four episodes.  It's much more useful from
the perspective of building a larger general audience for the show, and
generating more ad revenue to PAY for the show, to hold the four episodes and
run them in October, when most of its competition will still be in reruns, but
the viewers will be home and watching tv.

There's advantages to starting the season four weeks early.

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 119 of 322
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .˙ņ 09 .žķ 95 11:39
 To   : Steven Wesen
 > The Idea of Holigramatic crew members or Holigramatic people was
 > created by
 > RED DWARF months before Star Trek the Next Generation even started
 > filming  thier first episode.

Too late to have much influence on TNG, even assuming that the Trek staff
noticed RED DWARF \immediately\, which is unlikely. Certainly it could have had
some influence on Voyager, but the similarities are much less than you seem to
think, and some of the things you think are stolen from RED DWARF have been
around for several millenia - I was NOT kidding when I asked if you'd read THE

 > I do not want knock Star Trek but there are other forms of Science
 > Fiction  they emulate.

You have seemed to be making a determined effort to identify every feature of
Trek as a ripoff of RED DWARF. Unfortunately, your reference in an earlier post
to the "cheeky" reference to a "red dwarf" renders whatever point you might have
had utterly foolish.  Red dwarf stars are quite real, and common enough that
\failure\ to encounter one occasionally would be far more striking in a show
about intersteller travel.

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 120 of 322
 From : Allison Urschel                     1:123/75        .˙ņ 09 .žķ 95 16:11
 To   : All
 Subj : I Found An X-files BOard
 I was just playing around on a BBS when I decided to go through the message
areas to see if it had X-Files, and it did. Of course I live in Memphis,
Tennessee, so probably everyone doesn't have it. If you want the number, just
ask. Basically all the BBS is is the regular, you know, games, files, and a
message area.
 * Origin:  Weyr Galifrey - Memphis, TN  +1.901.685.0017 (1:123/75)

 Msg  : 121 of 322
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .˙ņ 09 .žķ 95 17:44
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : B5 Delays
In a message of , Jeff Hancock scribed:

 JK>> The Brits (and presumably the rest of Europe) are going to
 JK>> be seeing the final four episodes of the second season in
 JK>> June/July; we're going to have to wait until October for
 JK>> them. *sigh*

 JH> Has there been any explanation given for why this is?

     All I know, based on what Joe has said elsewhere, is that it had something
to do with a) the way the contracts for B5 showing in European markets were set
up and b) a decision on the part of PTEN to show the episodes near the beginning
of the 3rd Season here so as to avoid the pitfalls of small television markets
over the course of the summer.

     There may be more to it than that, but if there is, I don't know about it.

The trouble with being a god is that you've got no one to pray to. (SG)

--- GoldED/2 2.42.G0614
 * Origin: JohnK's OS/2Warp Point - Ottawa, Ontario (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 122 of 322
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .˙ņ 09 .žķ 95 17:51
 To   : Richard Yamagata
 Subj : B5 RERUNS???
On , Richard Yamagata wrote the following to Frank

 RY> The executives at PTEN decided that airing the last 4 episodes
 RY> of Babylon 5 during the "summer" was a waste of good, first
 RY> run material.  These episodes are not going to be run in the US
 RY> until October, right before the start of the 1995-6 season.
 RY> It makes no sense to me.  My list for Sacramento is:

 RY> 10/01/95  Divided Loyalties
 RY> 10/08/95  The Long, Twilight Struggle
 RY> 10/15/95  Comes the Inquisitor
 RY> 10/22/95  The Fall of Night (season finale)

 RY> The price of peace seems to be missing from this list from
 RY> Channel 31.

     The reason "The Price of Peace" is missing from that list is the fact that
that was the former title of the episode that is now called "The Fall of Night."

Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, especially simian ones. They're not
all that subtle. (L&L)

--- GoldED/2 2.42.G0614
 * Origin: JohnK's OS/2Warp Point - Ottawa, Ontario (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 123 of 322
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .˙ņ 09 .žķ 95 17:54
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : B5 Takes
In a message of , Frank Eva scribed:

 FE> Except that we may not see the season's finale until NEXT
 FE> season! I simply don't understand how they can postpone the
 FE> last 4 eps until next season. This is a major disappointment
 FE> to me. I have sent e-mail to JMS asking him to confirm this
 FE> rumor...

     Not a rumour, Frank, a fact of life.  One that we're not all that happy
about, and one that JMS agrees with us on, even if he can't say so.  To be
honest, it was not in JMS's control, since it's a decision made by the Powers
That Be at PTEN.

"Go ahead, bake my quiche." - Magrat Garlick (L&L)

--- GoldED/2 2.42.G0614
 * Origin: JohnK's OS/2Warp Point - Ottawa, Ontario (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 124 of 322
 From : Lawrence E Dunlap                   1:106/2927      .˙ņ 09 .žķ 95 18:38
 To   : Robert Lidgren
 Subj : Re: EARTH 2/SO LONG Page 1

 -=> Quoting Robert Lidgren to Steven Wesen <=-
RL> I sympathize with your feelings.  I felt that way too, at times.  I
RL> guess I just WISH the whole enterprise would have packed a more
RL> powerful PUNCH.  And, I'm sure the people working on the series worked
RL> their hearts out trying to make it a success.  Oh well, it wasn't a
RL> waste of time and it does teach us lessons.  I just hope that non-Star
RL> Trek universe series can thrive.  We need all the variety possible.

RL> Cheers,
RL> Robert Lidgren  (1:134/10)

A Infuriated Lawrence E Dunlap is mad as the devil. He now can't bear to not
type the following:

_Earth 2_ lacked sufficient development time prior to premiering on NBC. Most
science fantasy programs which have failed also did so because
meddlesome/paranoid aged TV programming execs where their jobs are constantly on
'the bubble' if there isn't HIGH "TOP 10" RATINGS/HIGH AUDIENCE SHARE
out of the show they champion.

Network TV cannot risk losing advertisers who jump from low rated programs
because that means giving back dollars they've already taken to the bank.

So, rather than redesign the functional system for maintaining/increasing
advertising revenues and network profits, perhaps we should ask instead:
Will future attempts at Science fantasy TV take more time to properly predevelop
a show *before* trying to market it to a broadcast/cable company?

The other reason why _Star Trek_ sells so well is that little scientific
knowledge is required to assimilate the suitably of the shows for TV.
Evidently every previous Non Trek SF show has failed to sufficiently develop
their concept to obviate any substanial science knowledge in the
TV suits than normally believed tolerable by the mythical American TV viewer.

Are *college graduates* living and working *in* Network TV and Hollywood?

Perhaps we can't believe that.

The network sacrifical suits exhibit allergic reactions to any higher math
beyond that needed to manipulate the ancient
abacus, suffer symptoms of Scientific Information Tolerance Deficiency Syndrome
where the presence of Scientific Information
Tolerance is TV Audience HIV poisoning in the eyes of the suits exempt from
network ritual career sacrifices.

These sacrificible suits find low ratings and low market share (from total junk
SF series) fatal to their careers holding
possibilities for greater SF television because the exposed suits are fired

Some get several hundred thousand dollars of severance. Most go start production
companies who shy away from SF TV because of their history.
Others get all the way out of video production to mourn the loss of their chief

Some problems *are* due to movie/TV film technology, costs and revenues
allocated to development and preproduction suites for future programs.
Most of the main development problems are ideological, not technical

Nevertheless, I submit the above is a explication of the toxicity that science
fantasy holds for television executives.

We haven't started talking about the unwillingness of authors to deed over total
rights for strangers to the style
and concepts of the authors with total power to the total strangers/writers to
completely and absolutely butcher their novels and stories
-- where the authors cannot sue for damages because of television production
guild rules that won't be revised for fear of antitrust inspection
Now the name of an embarrassed author is ever connected with the totally
unrecognizable story/show.

Most authors are paranoid of Hollywood/New York City network producers/writers,
enough to completely refuse to allow butchery power over their work.
Networks will not work with anyone who will not grant such rights bilnd and deaf
to the reality that writers often impose their whim
and values on characters who came with their innate values from that author. I
am being general not alluding to any particular incidents

Some of the details comes between the lines of writings of spurned and jilted SF
authors and script writers for both cinematic and television movies.
Some of this was Gene Roddenberry's reportage and some sprigs of thoughts comes
from _Grumbles From The Grave_ compiled by Virginia Heinlein from the
late Robert A. Heiniein's personal letters to his literary agent.

Do you even want much more or should I stop now?

I think SF television can work, but how authors and network producers and
executives begin to peacably and cooperatively share a joint venture
is unforseeable to me at this time. Better SF will not come from the Big Three
(or do we want to say Big FOUR?)

Lawrence E Dunlap
-*- SF-Quick/BW1.00q [#39] -= Message split for length, Page: 1.

--- Alexi/Mail 2.02b (#10000)
 * Origin: Computer Living F'n BBS-Houston, TX 713-444-2927 (1:106/2927)

 Msg  : 125 of 322
 From : Lawrence E Dunlap                   1:106/2927      .˙ņ 09 .žķ 95 18:38
 To   : Derek Wakefield
 Subj : Re: Star Blazers

 -=> Quoting Derek Wakefield to Karmin St.jean <=-

DW> On Wed 24-May-1995 10:40 , Karmin St.jean said to Chris Baugh:

KS> The original name of the series was Space Cruiser Yamato, but the ship
DW> was
KS> renamed the Argo in Star Blazers. There were three series created, only
KS> two of which "Quest for Iscandar" and "Battle Against the Comet Empire"
KS> were ever shown on American TV. The third series, "The Bolar Wars" is
KS> available but was not aired (at least not in wide syndication like the
KS> other two.)

DW> Star Blazers 3 (The Bolar Wars) was aired on Ch-66 in Chicago back in
DW> the 84-85 timeframe.  It was offered for syndication, but very few
DW> stations picked it up because of the original "barter" oriented
DW> licencing system used by Claster TV when the first two series were
DW> originally distributed in 79.  It is also practically an uncut version
DW> of the original Yamato III series.  Therefore, in light of the violent
DW> nature, and the "religious war" subplots involved, this probably caused
DW> a number of local stations to pass on it.  There were also a lot of
DW> Japanime shows hitting the airwaves during this period of time; such as
DW> Voltron, Robotech, Captain Harlock and the Queen of a Thousand Years,
DW> etc.  This caused local stations to be a bit leary of picking up yet
DW> another one.

DW> Derek (/\) (1:393/7)

Lawrence E Dunlap (who liked _Star Blazers_) drops in the mess hall for a hot
synthetic coffee and real bran muffins to say:

_Star Blazers 1_ also was particularly adult for a children's audience in
Houston scheduled for 08:30 weekdays.

One episode involved IQ-9 developing a crush on Nova next to the interstellar
destination of the _Argo_. One scene showed the animated and emotionally upset
Nova out of uniform down to only her lingerie slip. and bare shoulders.

Do I need to say more?

_Star Blazers 2_ didn't have such a adult scene during its run that I detected
from daily viewings of every episode.

_Star Blazers 3_ might have had some adult situations that clashed with the
animated program standards.

Why buy PG-13 animated SF progams containing minimally dressed animated females
when you could just show a live action PG-13 science fantasy movie with the
lead's uniform at seninude half-mast during some romance?  Kids living in
of conservative parents won't be allowed to see that and double-standard adults
drink it up.

While I could speculate about the duplicity of such people, it's definitely

I rest my case.

Lawrence E Dunlap
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
-*- SF-Quick/BW 1.00q [#39]

--- Alexi/Mail 2.02b (#10000)
 * Origin: Computer Living F'n BBS-Houston, TX 713-444-2927 (1:106/2927)

 Msg  : 126 of 322
 From : Jeff Schlenker                      1:288/19        .˙ņ 09 .žķ 95 18:53
 To   : Patrick Long
 Subj : Ferengis in ST:V  (From Re: Star Trek)

-=> Patrick Long was overheard speaking to Jeff Schlenker <=-

 JS>Hmmmm, now that I think of it, there COULD be two Ferengi "scientists"
 JS>in a future episode of Voyager.  They were stranded in the Delta
 JS>Quadrant in a TNG episode from a few years back (3rd season episode,
 JS>"The Price").

 PL> Now that's an interesting thought...

 PL> I wonder how much trouble those Ferengi have caused?  8)

IF they were smart enough to survive.

Jeffrey A. Schlenker               jeff.schlenker@lake-city.com

... Die Hard: Without a Chance
___ TagDude 0.87 [Unregistered]
--- < Sig-It > v3.00 by Brandon S. Bell

--- Blue Wave/Max v2.12
 * Origin: LakeCity BBS * V34/4 Gigs Watertown SD 605 886-0849 (1:288/19)

 Msg  : 127 of 322
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .˙ņ 09 .žķ 95 20:17
-> -=> Rumble was overheard speaking to Ecarey <=-
-> Ru> Just letting every one know I am one of the ever growing 25 people Ru>
-> who watch Earth 2.
-> Hey me too!  I'm number 26.  But shouldn't it be "I *was* one who *watched*
-> Earth 2?  :(
-> Jeffrey A. Schlenker               jeff.schlenker@lake-city.com
-> ... You're a redneck if: You call your spouse "Cuz".

Since I was the one who started this thread and am the author of the "25
people" concept, I am delighted to see so many people did watch Earth 2 and of
those many enjoyed it.  I figure I can update my estimate to 57 now!

I wonder why there were so few positive comments while the series was a

What the cancellation has done is cause many to re-evaluate just what makes a
series good, how soon you should unload your guns and savage a new series and
whether or not some leeway should be given so that improvement is possible and

Robert Lidgren

--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 128 of 322
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .˙ņ 09 .žķ 95 20:43
 To   : ALL
Here's some info. on location work for the new movie Batman Forever.
I did not write this but am transferring it from the Batman Forever "Home Page"
on the WWW

On Location

    With the cast and crew in place, director Schumacher and producer
   Peter Macgregor- Scott spearheaded the start of production in the
   place which was the very foundation for Gotham ---New York City.

   Neither of the two previous "Batman" films had filmed on actual city
   streets, relying instead on studio exteriors and interiors. But
   Schumacher, Macgregor-Scott, production designer Barbara Ling and
   cinematographer Stephen Goldblatt knew that "Gothamizing" the narrow
   corridors of Lower Manhattan, which are bordered by massive
   skyscrapers, could give tremendous visual breadth to the film.

   "I wish we could have done a month of work in New York," notes Ling,
   "but in fact we only shot there for a week. I picked out a unique
   street in Lower Manhattan, which gave us the kind of narrowness and
   height quality of what Gotham is to me---towering corridors of
   buildings looming over tightly packed avenues.

   "Exchange Place---just one block from Wall Street itself---has that
   amazing illusion. We added immense sculptures and overscaled signage
   that helped take what is already the giant molding of New York and
   make it look even bigger. We had colored steam and smoke pouring out
   of the sidewalk grilles, which created another sense of scale so it
   looks like the sidewalks are melting into the ground."

   Shooting on Exchange Place presented a unique on-location challenge to
   the company: How do you run the brand-new, top-secret,
   never-before-seen Batmobile along the street without having the entire
   city witness its maiden voyage? The problem was solved by giant,
   moveable slats of flatwood that closed off Exchange Place from general
   view. But later into the night, another shot was required for the
   Batmobile on Gold Street, several blocks from Exchange Place. The
   clock was racing, and rather than place the vehicle into its
   custom-built truck, it was decided for the sake of time to just drive
   it there, with full N.Y.P.D. escort!

   Also in New York, the massive Surrogate's Court Building on Chambers
   Street, a Beaux Arts behemoth built in 1907, served as the exterior
   and interior location of the Gotham Municipal Police Complex. For the
   exterior of the swank Ritz Gotham Hotel, the "Batman Forever" company
   secured the old U.S. Customs Building just weeks before it re-opened
   as the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian. The crew then
   traveled to Glen Cove, Long Island, where the Webb Institute of Naval
   Architecture stood in for the faade of Wayne Manor.

   But the monumental challenge of shooting began in earnest when the
   production returned to Southern California. The huge physical backdrop
   of "Batman Forever" required more than just a soundstage or two. In
   fact, it required more than an entire studio. For the more than 60
   sets designed by Barbara Ling, the production utilized several stages
   and backlot sets at Warner Bros. Studios, one huge stage nearby at
   Universal Studios, several actual locations in the city of Los
   Angeles, and the entire 140,000 square feet of the imposing Dome in
   Long Beach, which once housed Howard Hughes' massive World War II-era
   transport plane, the Spruce Goose.


Robert Lidgren
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 129 of 322
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .˙ņ 09 .žķ 95 20:47
 To   : ALL
Batman Forever info on Heroes and Villains
Note:  All material below is from the Batman Forever
"Home Page" on the WWW


New Hero, New Villains

   Joel Schumacher has always been noted for his ability to find the
   right actors for the right roles, as borne out by his previous
   ventures. "St. Elmo's Fire" helped launch the careers of a group of
   then-emerging stars, including Demi Moore and Andie MacDowell;
   "Flatliners" and "Dying Young" were among the first features to tap
   into the talents of Julia Roberts; "Falling Down" effectively
   exploited Michael Douglas' image as an archetypical leading man; and
   "The Client" earned Susan Sarandon an Academy Award nomination as Best

   "Batman Forever" presented him with a rich opportunity to cast roles
   that demanded fearless and audacious performers. The greatest
   challenge for Schumacher, of course, was to find the actor who would
   don the cowl and cape as the immortal title character. When Michael
   Keaton parted ways with the role, Schumacher knew the actor he wanted
   to breathe new life into the Dark Knight: Val Kilmer, one of the most
   dedicated and versatile young leading men in American cinema.
   Schumacher was certain that Kilmer could manage a role whose demands
   range from conveying the authority of a billionaire businessman to the
   athleticism of a nighttime crime-fighter.

   "First of all," says the director, "he's a great actor. He's extremely
   handsome, and has an incredible bearing which can make you believe him
   as Bruce Wayne. As Batman, Val is heroic and sexy. There's also a
   tremendous amount of depth, sensitivity and mystery to Val . . . all
   qualities tailor-made for the role."

   Kilmer recalls his reaction to being offered the high-profile part:
   "It was an extraordinary opportunity, but one that you could never
   plan. The circumstances were all so strange anyway, since Batman is
   such a substantial character and the two other films were so
   successful, and Michael Keaton was so good. I never thought, 'They're
   going to do a third Batman film, and I wonder if they're going to
   recast it.' It was just a happy series of bizarre circumstances."

   By the time he was ready to step into character, Kilmer recognized the
   power of the role he was about to inherit. "There's obviously
   something fascinating and of primal interest to audiences as far as
   Batman is concerned," he says. "The Batman comics deal with the gray
   areas in between good and evil. He's not always on steady ground with
   the community. Batman's compulsion is to extract justice at night, but
   he also has a real sense of irony, in a wonderful comedic style that
   Bob Kane invented."

   The gallery of characters surrounding and frequently opposing Batma
   in the motion-picture series has been comprised of powerhouse roles
   for equally commanding performers: "Batman" presented the Joker in the
   imposing person of Jack Nicholson, and "Batman Returns" gave us
   Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman and Danny DeVito as the Penguin. For
   "Batman Forever," the decision was made early to continue delighting
   Batman fans by featuring stellar interpretations of both time-honored
   and original supporting characters. This third installment would
   introduce filmgoers to two new arch-villains, Two-Face and the
   Riddler; a new love interest, Dr. Chase Meridian; and a young man by
   the name of Dick Grayson, who interjects himself into the
   crime-fighting world of Batman and insists on standing by his side in
   a new guise, Robin.

Robert Lidgren
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 130 of 322
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .˙ņ 09 .žķ 95 20:58
-> Well, I'm a major Doctor Who fan, and if you can find any Space Rangers
-> information (I know, strange request) I'd be interested in seeing it...
-> Thanks a lot for the previous, and hopefully future, information!

Hi there Demian!  I'll look around for the Dr. Who and Space Rangers stuff.
Keep checking here!

Robert Lidgren

--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 131 of 322
 From : Greg Mcneil                         1:228/500       .˙ņ 09 .žķ 95 22:49
 To   : Patrick Long
 Subj : Re: Out to sea...

-=> Patrick Long Commented to All about Out to sea... <=-

 PL> Just for warning, I will be out of touch for about three weeks
 PL> starting the 10th of this month.  My wife should be pulling the mail
 PL> down for me to catch any personals that may come in during this time
 PL> period.
 PL> Gotta love the Navy - after all, it's paid for the computer, at least.
 PL> 8)

 PL> ... Listen - can you hear it?     [distant maniacal laughter]

Hey, just don't get lost trying to Find:

1. A B.T. Punch.
2. Batteries for sound powered phones.
3. Relative bearing grease. -yes, there is such a thing, but it has to be
   speicaly ordered from supply.
4. Food for the captain's gold fish.
5. That Red, White, and Blue bouy, that has the ships mail in it.

Sea ya!

... Abolish the ATF.. Save a life neer you!
--- Blue Wave/Max v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin: |=[Bloom Co. Hospital>=--- |[GRapids,MI] (616)361-8345 (1:228/500)

 Msg  : 132 of 322
 From : SEAN CASZATT                        1:2601/512      .˙ņ 09 .žķ 95 22:56

-> By the way, did you see Kyle in the movie version of "Dune."  It disa
-> many who read Frank Herbert's novelsÓQ@ but I thought it did grap muc
-> Dune's "essence."  What I did think at that time was that Kyle had mu
-> promise.  It turned out to be true.  His aŽAgent Dale Cooper characte
-> winner."

I rented it a long time ago, when it was first released to video...but
I was really not into it.  I was probably too young at the time to get
into it.  I don't remember too much about it, other than I didn't "get

I liked Kyle in THE HIDDEN though.

--- Platinum Xpress/Wildcat! v1.0d
 * Origin: Project Aurora - The Truth is Out There! - (1:2601/512)

 Msg  : 133 of 322
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .˙ņ 09 .žķ 95 23:28
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Re: Merchandizing

FE>  FG>    Probably right...yet one toymaker marketed a series of action
FE>  FG>figures from the movie `Alien' *years* after not only theatrical
FE>  FG>release, but after it had made the rounds on cable and broadcast
FE>  FG>TV...
FE>  They may have known a "sequel" was in the works, and that it would
FE>  help
FE>  propel their sales, don't you think?

   Maybe, but I had misspoken (mistyped?). The action figures were from
`Aliens,' plural. Not the first film. Specifically they were Ripley and the
Colonial Marines. Even down to the flamthrower. If they knew there'd be a third
movie (which 20th Cent. Fox neednt've bothered with, considering the results)
they wasted their time since Hicks and Bishop were the only surviving


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 134 of 322
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .˙ņ 09 .žķ 95 23:33
 To   : Mark Jonesep
 Subj : Re: Sliders - Bathroom? Wash

MJ>  Yeah!  Like space-dock sized replicators powered by a ring of
MJ>  matter-antimatter reactors.  Build a starship, get it fully equipped,
MJ>  fully provisioned, fully crewed.  Slide it into the replicator dock
MJ>  and scan it.  File the data away.
MJ>  When the Borg come calling, send them a message:
MJ>  "Crunch all you want.  We'll make more!"
MJ>  Turn out starships as fast as you can cycle them through the airlock!

   Um, aren't there some ethical problems with replicating the *crews* too? At
the very least, there's the question of deciding who's killed in action, when
you can just bring out the file and recreate the ship and everyone on it...


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 135 of 322
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .˙ņ 09 .žķ 95 23:41
 To   : Steven Wesen

SW>  The Idea of Holigramatic crew members or Holigramatic people was
SW>  created by
SW>  RED DWARF months before Star Trek the Next Generation even started
SW>  filming  thier first episode.

   Well, then one could go back to that one-season wonder called `Automan' for
other solid holographic characters...

SW>  I do not want knock Star Trek but there are other forms of Science
SW>  Fiction  they emulate.
SW>  Steven (Merlyn)

   Understood. But it's also possible that there's more than one interpretation
of a real technology (which holograms are, after all, though i've never been
comfortable with the notion of a *solid* one. If you can touch it, it's more
than simple holography, anyway....)


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 136 of 322
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .˙ņ 09 .žķ 95 23:43
 To   : Crah
 Subj : Re: ST-Generations

Cr>  Thanks! Strange that the rental places will have it before it's on
Cr>  the shelf to
Cr>  buy. Kinda supports pirating copies, doesn't it?

   I agree. I thought it was kind of strange, too. Usually rental and retail are


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 137 of 322
 From : Tony Trujillo                       1:280/9         .óį 10 .žķ 95 00:43
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : Re: Sliders Continuity
.TID: GE 1.11+

 MJ> So far USA Network is the champ at this.  They grabbed Airwolf when

Umm...this isn't exactly the best example to bring up! :^)

 MJ> CBS gave it the axe and produced an (absolutely abysmal) extra season
 MJ> before they started syndicating it.  They also bought up Silk
 MJ> Stalkings and have had great success with it.  And just recently they
 MJ> announced that they're taking on Forever Knight as well.

That;s interesting. I don't really watch much of the USA
network but they do have a habit of picking up shows (like
QUANTUM LEAP) that if I happen to catch while channel surfing
I'll stop and watch.

... "Oh bother!" said Pooh, as his Lugar misfired
--- Via Silver Xpress V4.02B03 SW01177
 * Origin: South of the River - Overland Park KS - (913)642-7907 V.* (1:280/9)

 Msg  : 138 of 322
 From : Starwolf                            1:163/214       .óį 10 .žķ 95 02:49
 To   : Frank Glover
 Subj : L.I.S.

FG>   And in Lost in Space, they spent most of their time
FG>stuck on one planet. They seemed to know where they were,
FG>they just couldn't get off.

They got off on the first episode of the second season.  Only to crash
on another planet in the third episode of that second season.  They took
off again at the end of the second season and then would spend much of
their time wandering about.  Given such amazing interchange as the
following between Major Don West (the pilot) and Alpha Control:

DW (passing 'over the sun') "We should see  Earth by now, passing by
Uranus and Arcturus."

AC "You are now leaving the galaxy, heading for outser space."

With that kind of piloting and control, makes you wonder how they ever
got off the pad in the first place.

FG>On LIS, their planet seemed to be the
FG>center of the bad-alien universe. Everything seemed to
FG>come out of the blue to happen to *them.*

I could live with THAT.  What bothered the heck out of me was how often
human explorers got to them.  In one episode, Dr. Smith's COUSIN made it
to the planet, apparently backed by a crime gang back on Earth.

 * SLMR 2.1a * Member of 'Nancy Kwan/Maggie Han/Nishida Hikaru' fan club

--- Maximus 2.01wb
 * Origin: Land of Ill Repute (1:163/214)

 Msg  : 139 of 322
 From : Gary Tincher                        1:372/57        .óį 10 .žķ 95 11:37
 To   : Earl Green

 -=> Quoting Earl Green to Gary Tincher <=-

 GT>Any news on B5 or Kung Fu.?
 EG> Nope, but they're not Fox shows.  The station I work for is also a
 EG> PTEN affiliate, but they've been real quiet lately.  As soon as I
 EG> have anything on those shows, I'll let everyone know. 8-]

Would appreciate that!


... Navy pilot's worst nightmare:  %#.* NO CARRIER
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- QScan/PCB v1.17b / 01-0389
 * Origin: Dazed & Confused BBS - 8 Nodes/24 CD's - 803-873-5797 (1:372/57)

 Msg  : 140 of 322
 From : Earl Green                          1:3822/1        .óį 10 .žķ 95 17:36
 To   : Ecarey

EC>Earth 2 was an NBC show, not Fox.  It seems perfectly reasonable to me that
EC>Fox would not be distributing information on the fate of a rival network's
EC>show, unless of course the information were that Fox was picking it up after
EC>NBC cancellation. There's been no hint that they might even be considering i

  I included the info for the benefit of any wondering whether it was
  being considered or not; believe me, I know what's on Fox, and what
     e <-- Earl Green (earl.green@f1.n3822.z1.fidonet.org) 1:3822/1
 * SLMR 2.0 * ...and the city don't know what the city is getting.

--- QScan/PCB v1.17b / 01-0162
 * Origin: Jackalope Junction  501-785-5381 Ft Smith AR (1:3822/1)

 Msg  : 141 of 322
 From : Jim Cushing                         1:123/75        .óį 10 .žķ 95 17:44
 To   : Dkimmel
 Subj : Re: B5 RERUNS???

 EC>Warner/PTEN had a brainstorm, and decided to HOLD those last four episodes
 EC>until October, starting the "third season" four weeks early with the last fo
 EC>episodes of season two, and thus getting a jump on some of the other shows -
 EC>hopefully building the audience a bit right before the sweeps in November, b
 EC>getting people in the habit of watching B5 while other things it's up agains
 EC>are still in reruns.

 EC>Many people, for reasons which are mysterious to me, regard this as a Bad

 Dk> From a *fan's* point of view it is a Bad Thing for several reasons:

 Dk> a.) The four shows will air this month in England, which means that
 Dk> those of us getting B5 notes via the Internet may inadvertently pick
 Dk> up spoilers.

 By now you know that the four episodes will not air in the UK until after
 they have been shown in the US

 Dk> b.) The series is conceived in five seasons with each season
 Dk> constructed in a particular way.  It would be like a magazine editor
 Dk> arbitrarily moving the last ten pages of part II of a serial to part
 Dk> III.  Thus the climactic season finale will immediately be followed by
 Dk> the new season while the "de facto" season finale, while dramatic, was
 Dk> not the note the second season was to end on.

 They held back the last episode of the first season and that didn't hurt
 the show. And they changed the leading actor!

 Dk> c.) Because of syndication scheduling this will happen again NEXT
 Dk> year. Why not simply start season three in October, so that it can END
 Dk> at the conclusion of the May sweeps?

 Look its PTEN's decision they pay the bills. To me it makes sense to have
 a strong lead into the November sweepstates.

 Dk> From a business point of view, moving four first run episodes from
 Dk> July to October makes perfect sense because of increased viewership
 Dk> and, hence, increased ad rates.


... Prune juice:  The drink of warriors everywhere!
--- Blue Wave/RA v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin:  Weyr Galifrey - Memphis, TN  +1.901.685.0017 (1:123/75)

 Msg  : 142 of 322
 From : Jeff Kovach                         1:114/318       .óį 10 .žķ 95 18:57
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : Crosspost
On 05 Jun 95  14:10:38 Jack Butler wrote...

JB>      You know you've been watching Highlander too much when you hear
JB> a song by The Who come on the radio, and you think it's too bad they
JB> can't record any new stuff since their lead singer got killed.
JB>      Jack Butler

To which Jeff Kovach replies...

Who?  Don't you mean Queen?

--- RATSoft/FIDO v1.12 [JetMail 0.99beta9]
 * Origin: STAR*LINX BBS - Mesa, AZ - (602)464-4817 (1:114/318)

 Msg  : 143 of 322
 From : Patrick Thoms                       1:229/510       .óį 10 .žķ 95 21:52
 To   : Skip Shayotovich

PT> Highlander: The Sorcerer
PT> I take it you didn't like it.

SS>"Hated it!"

PT>But then we like almost any move with Christopher Lambert in it.

SS>Don't get me wrong... I like Lambert, think he's a very good
 >actor, and like many of the films he's in... but this movie was again
 >not true to the Highlander Mythos.

Well, it was better than that strange HII... It was more like the 1st
and it at least cleared up a few unanswered questions from the first. It
was interesting to see the rookie cop from the first now is a detective
and still trying to put Conner in jail.
 ž OLX 2.1 TD ž Those who can't write, write manuals.
--- FidoPCB v1.4 [ff238/x]
 * Origin: OnLine Now  Thunder Bay  ON, Canada (807)-345-1531 (1:229/510)

 Msg  : 144 of 322
 From : Chris Carter                        1:105/302.23    .óį 10 .žķ 95 09:11
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : Vorlon Immortality

 CC> But when will the right context come up in which to post this
 CC> stuff?  Should I just start posting lost scenes from B5

 JH> Well, you COULD... ;-) Or maybe make a freqable file?

I can't make the files freqable.  I don't operate my own node, and
my uplink cannot be freqed from, since freqs shut his system down
(bug in the software).

I'll see what I can do about getting my hands on the other lost
scenes.  I don't think there are really that many.

 CC> But is the face referred to literal, (like the face of a
 CC> corporeal being) or the Doctor speaking in a more figurative
 CC> sense?  I'm

 JH> Hmmm... I dunno. But I tend to think that if it didn't have
 JH> something that could be perceived as a face (aside from the
 JH> alternate meaning of "a surface"), he might not have used that
 JH> phrasing. Have you ever heard anyone say they "looked upon the
 JH> face" of something that didn't have one?

But I think what's going on here, is the tendancy for humans to
apply human characteristics to things which aren't human, for
lingual convenience.  Whether or not Kosh actually has a face isn't
necessarily relevant to the Doctor's statement, in that the Doctor
was relating an experience he may not have been able to accurately
describe.  "Face" just happens to be an easy word to use when you
don't have a better word for the visage you're looking upon.

 JH> I just kind of hope it's not a huge buildup to a colossal
 JH> joke; such as Kosh really being James T. Kirk. ;-)

 JH> But, JK says otherwise, so... What other type of being would
 JH> give the same impression without being a God/Angel impression?

If Kosh says, "It's Morphin' time!" we're all in a great deal of
trouble.  And you thought the Shadows were bad...

 JH> I'm going to go WAYYYYYY out in left field here  and
 JH> say that whatever Kosh does look like, it'll probably raise
 JH> more questions than it answers.

That's in left field??!? ;~)  This is J. Michael Straczynski we're
talking about here.

Chris - carter@teleport.com

--- cPoint v2.17/FreeWare
 * Origin: Carter's Conspicuous Consumption (1:105/302.23)

 Msg  : 145 of 322
 From : Lisa Stapp                          1:106/2927      .óį 10 .žķ 95 12:00
 To   : All
 Subj : Apollo 13
Last night, I got an early peek at Ron Howard's next offering.  I have never
enjoyed a movie more!  It isn't just a rip-snortin' adventure, it's grand!  The
script, cast, effects, sound track, EVERYTHING  pulled me in.  I can't WAIT 'til
it opens for real!
If this movie doesn't revive a little interest in space, I am among people who
have been dead WAY too long!!!
--- Alexi/Mail 2.02b (#10000)
 * Origin: Computer Living F'n BBS-Houston, TX 713-444-2927 (1:106/2927)

 Msg  : 146 of 322
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .óį 10 .žķ 95 13:22
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Torres in Faces
On (08 Jun 95) Frank Eva wrote to Mark Jones...

 MJ> *permanently* transformed into a mere human, her Klingon self
 MJ> dead dead dead...that would have made it worthwhile. We could
 MJ> have had many, many episodes worth of angst. She'd have had to
 MJ> recreate her identity from ashes. How much of what she had been
 MJ> was genetic, and how much environmental? How much of
 FE> Ever since TNG, individual Trek characters have become less important
 FE> than the whole. To put this much development into the Torres character
 FE> would not be possible under this philosophy, IMO...

It doesn't have to be that way, though.  In fact, one story idea I'd
like to see them address is a mass defection.

Suppose Voyager came upon a world that was highly advanced
technically, highly advanced ethically, people with warm, friendly,
caring aliens who greet them with smiles and invite them to stay.

And suppose half the crew decides they *want* to stay?  After all, why
spend most of your life in a starship risking death by accident,
attack or simple failure of systems that aren't being maintained
properly (because they *can't* be) when you'll only get back home
after 70 years anyhow?  Why not stay on a very pleasant, friendly
world and build a new life there?

How does Janeway and the command crew handle this?  Do they lock
everyone in their quarters and warp out?  Do they send the security
teams downto retrieve the AWOL crewmen?  (CAN they do that?  TNG gives
me the definite impression that Star Fleet officers, at least, and
possibly crewmen, can quit at the drop of a hat.)

(And no fair cheating your way out of the dilemma either, by making
the world "too good to be true" and painting it as a deliberate trap
or a horrible fate that only looked good at first glance...which is
the standard Trek response to such conflicts, thereby destroying the
conflict potential.  This world really is all its cracked up to be.)

... If you're done speaking freely, please step into the oven....

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: HQ of World Domination, Inc. (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 147 of 322
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .óį 10 .žķ 95 13:35
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : ST: The Next Generation
On (08 Jun 95) Jeff Hancock wrote to Mark Jones...

 MJ> Since the doc is programmed (in his own words) with the full
 MJ> history of Federation medicine, presumably he is aware of the
 MJ> 20th century heart-lung machine...and could have had one
 MJ> replicated (or built by the engineering staff).
 JH> Here's something to think about: the lungs, of course, have
 JH> millions of little blood vessels hooked up to them; so as soon as
 JH> those lungs were removed that cavity would have filled up with
 JH> blood. Why didn't he die from internal bleeding, "electronic
 JH> lung" or no? And how did they seal those blood vessels up, create
 JH> the holo-lung, and then connect them back up like that? ;-)

Well, since I think 24th century medicine should be vastly more
effective than it appears to be, I'm willing to let them slide on that
one.  (But they're good questions nonetheless.)

 MJ> Given the frequency with which Voyager is attacked or damaged
 MJ> accidentally, and the power shortages...I don't think being
 MJ> stored in RAM is particularly safe.
 JH> True, true. But any less safe than using the holo-generators to make a
 JH> lung?

Yes--if Neelix's holo-lungs fail, he still has about 4 minutes
(assuming he's relatively human in that regard) before irreparable
brain damage due to lack of oxygen begins to occur.  That's time
enough to at least *try* to recreate the holo-lungs (assuming a
momentary power failure) or to put him in suspended animation, or
something equally desperate.

But if he's nothing more than a transporter pattern cycling endlessly
through the buffer, if the power fails...he's gone forever, like a
dropped QWK packet when somebody disconnects your modem!

 JH> MJ>If they just cut to the chase and backed him up on disk, that'd be
 JH> MJ>something else again.
 JH> I don't think they have an equivalent that holds that much information
 JH> in a non-volitile form.

Which strikes me as a silly double-talk dodge to avoid doing just
that.  If real-world computers are any indication of how Trek
computers operate, non-volatile storage will *vastly* exceed the RAM
available to them.  Besides, they can always use a compression scheme
on the transporter trace.  They can .ARC or .ARJ Neelix until they're
ready to recreate him....

... Assassinate IRA KGB cryptographers stealing Zimmerman's cocaine!

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: HQ of World Domination, Inc. (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 148 of 322
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .óį 10 .žķ 95 13:48
 To   : Ecarey
On (08 Jun 95) Ecarey wrote to Robert Lidgren...

 E > Malls need bookstores, but little mall bookstores with limited
 E > selections are no longer where money is made in bookselling.  The big
 E > money is all in the big stores with lots of selection. This is as true
 E > of independents as it is of the chains.  The independents need to
 E > either have great depth in a specialty area [sf&f, women's,
 E > gay&lesbian, African-American, children's, etc.] or they need to have
 E > the same breadth and the same browse-all-you-want want atmospher as
 E > the chain superstores in order to compete.

Which is why I'm very glad to be living in Portland, Oregon.  We have
POWELL'S CITY OF BOOKS here.  The *main* bookstore is a three-story
building covering an entire city block.  Then there's POWELL'S
TECHNICAL BOOK STORE, a couple of blocks away, a smaller (but still
quite large) bookstore devoted to technical tomes.  And there are, I
understand though I haven't visited them, still other satellite

And the new and used books are shelved together, so you can look for
*all* the books in a series in one fell swoop when/if you discover a
new author you enjoy.

... Western Civilization died today, after a long illness....

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: HQ of World Domination, Inc. (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 149 of 322
 From : Steven Skaggs                       1:3608/250      .óį 10 .žķ 95 22:47
 To   : Dwight T. Fidler
 Subj : Re: Star Wars
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  94-2198

 -=> Quoting Dwight T. Fidler to Steven Skaggs <=-

 SS> When did Lucas give a specific date on when the new movies would
 SS> definately be out? I've heard dates before too but usually from other
 SS> sources...

 DTF> Has He Come Out And Said That There Will For Sure Be More Movies??

 DTF> i've Heard Lotsa Rumours... The Last being That it All Fell
 DTF> Through!

 Yes he has. There was a short interview with him in TV guide several months
 ago. I forget what month and week exactly. It had a picture of the Voyager
 captain on the front of it. He said that the first of the new Star Wars
 movies will be out before the year 2000.

... "The monster gives you a nasty owie!"  -- Anonymous DM
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: Double Springs BBS Panama City, FL 904-784-6336  (1:3608/250.0)

 Msg  : 150 of 322
 From : Steven Skaggs                       1:3608/250      .óį 10 .žķ 95 22:52
 To   : Dwight T. Fidler
 Subj : Re: Star Wars
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  94-2198

 -=> Quoting Dwight T. Fidler to Steven Skaggs <=-

 DTF> Hopefully Before None Of The Youth Recognize Star Wars.
 DTF> it Was Disheartening When i Heard A Bunch of Yun-Uns Going
 DTF> Around Saying.... What Is Star wars...  Darth Who?
 DTF> Skywalker... What A Stupid Name.  Boring...
 DTF> Oh It Lowered My Soul To Hear That!

 That is pretty sad. Star Wars is still pretty prominant though. There are
 the books, the commercials (Micro Machines and Energizer Bunny) and the
 movies are shown now and then on both the sci-fi channels and USA. And there
 are even quite a few new toys out.

 DTF> What About TIMOTHY ZAHN's??? What'd Everyone think Of Them?

 I think that Timothy Zahn's books are the best to come out so far.

 SS> I think all licenses for the books and all other Star Wars related
 SS> material expire in '96 or '97. Another indication that he has plans.
 DTF> Really.... What Will That Mean?

 Probably that Lucas has other plans for Star Wars.

 DTF> Sorry to Jump In.... And Sorry To Be A Little Ignorant!
 DTF> I Do Love Star Wars Though...

 Doesn't everybody? 

... We secretly replaced their Protoculture with New Foldgers Crystals...
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: Double Springs BBS Panama City, FL 904-784-6336  (1:3608/250.0)

 Msg  : 151 of 322
 From : Tony Trujillo                       1:280/9         .cź 11 .žķ 95 05:44
 To   : Starwolf
 Subj : Re: Sliders Continuity
.TID: GE 1.11+

 S> Well, they'd better get on with it, then (production and making their
 S> minds up to continue the series).  It isn't "great", but it's a whole
 S> lot better than quite a bit of the drivel out there.

I really like the show because it doesn't take itself too
seriously...which is a quality that's been lacking in SF
series for awhile.

 S> Er, you wouldn't happen to have FOX' mailing address or FAX number?

I pulled this from the SLIDERS FAQ:


    Fox Broadcasting has not yet decided whether or not to renew
    SLIDERS for a second season. If you would like to see more
    episodes, please write a *polite* letter expressing your opinion

         Mr. John Matoyan
         Fox Broadcasting Company
         10201 W. Pico Blvd
         Los Angeles, CA 90035

    In this age of laser written mass mailings, a single hand-written
    letter to Mr. Matoyan may have as much impact as ten laser printed
    letters or a hundred e-mail messages to sliders@dephi.com.

    This name and address has been confirmed by Robert K. Weiss, the
    co-creator of SLIDERS so I know it's accurate.


... Don't blame me! I voted for BILL + OPUS!
--- Via Silver Xpress V4.02B03 SW01177
 * Origin: South of the River - Overland Park KS - (913)642-7907 V.* (1:280/9)

 Msg  : 152 of 322
 From : Kay Shapero                         1:102/524       .cź 11 .žķ 95 08:40
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Babylon 5 (PTEN)
On , Frank Eva (1:154/750) wrote to Kay Shapero:

KS>Do you mean you somehow got hold of JMS' files, or just that you
KS>figure you've deduced the lot by this point in the story?  Like the

 FE>Oh come on Kay, do you mean to tell me you don't recognize the
 FE>ongoing storyline revolving around the "shadows" as perhaps the most
 FE>important facet to the story arc revealed so far?

Oh quite likely, but many an apparent insignificant fact may turn out later to
be related TO that storyline.  What effect are all of those "stims" going to
have on Franklin in the crunch?  What exactly has been lost with the Marcab that
may turn out to be of vital importance later?  I'd say the repercussions from
Londo's fight with his best friend in "Knives" are apt to keep turning up - I
don't think there's any question that Centauri politics IS related to that main

What you're saying is that given the apparent direction of the story you *think*
certain things are not important to the story and others are.

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 153 of 322
 From : Michael Lynn                        1:393/7         .cź 11 .žķ 95 11:06
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Re: B5 TAPES?
      I have heard the ones released in the UK were very poor quality and that
the US release will be of much better and worth the wait.  I would love to see
it released on Laser Disc first.  As far as I know only the pilot and a few
other select episodes are out, I know that the 2 parter Voice in the Wilderness
is included in the list of those recieved.
--- CNet/3
 * Origin: The Bard's Tavern Denton, TX (817)243-5110 USR 28.8   (1:393/7)

 Msg  : 154 of 322
 From : Rumble                              1:163/436       .cź 11 .žķ 95 15:11
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : I saw the missing Earth 2
I saw it in partiall sindication. Would you like to but a copy from me?

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: Coven's Den (613)746-3584=650+ Echoes & 5+ Gigs (1:163/436)

 Msg  : 155 of 322
 From : Allison Urschel                     1:123/75        .cź 11 .žķ 95 16:24
 To   : Chris Carter
 Subj : X-Files
 Hey, out of curiousity, are you the creator of the X-Files? I was just
wondering because the guy who came up with it is named Chris Carter, too.
 * Origin:  Weyr Galifrey - Memphis, TN  +1.901.685.0017 (1:123/75)

 Msg  : 156 of 322
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .cź 11 .žķ 95 20:09
 To   : Starwolf
 Subj : Re: L.I.S.

St>  their time wandering about.  Given such amazing interchange as the
St>  following between Major Don West (the pilot) and Alpha Control:
St>  DW (passing 'over the sun') "We should see  Earth by now, passing by
St>  Uranus and Arcturus."
St>  AC "You are now leaving the galaxy, heading for outser space."
St>  With that kind of piloting and control, makes you wonder how they
St>  ever
St>  got off the pad in the first place.

   Another exchange that stands out in my mind to this day had Don West
and Judy Robinson out on the planet's surface, when a thunderclap-like sound
comes out of a clear sky:

   Judy: (looking up)"What was that? An Eclipse?"

   Don: (following her gaze) "No, it was too close for an eclipse."

   I wanted to tear my hair out....


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 157 of 322
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .cź 11 .žķ 95 20:47
 To   : Patrick Long
 Subj : Re: Star Trek

PL>  JS-=>Hmmmm, now that I think of it, there COULD be two Ferengi
PL>  "scientists"
PL>    -=>in a future episode of Voyager.  They were stranded in the Delta
PL>    -=>Quadrant in a TNG episode from a few years back (3rd season
PL>  episode,
PL>    -=>"The Price").
PL>  Now that's an interesting thought...
PL>  I wonder how much trouble those Ferengi have caused?  8)

   Assuming they even made it to an inhabited world. If I remember right, the
ships they used didn't have much range. They expected to return shortly via the
same wormhole.


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 158 of 322
 From : Tom Robinson                        1:244/211       .˙ņ 09 .žķ 95 14:31
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : Re: EARTH 2/SO LONG
  *In a message dated 04 Jun 95  03:32:24 Mark Jones writes:

> On (02 Jun 95) Tom Robinson wrote to Robert Lidgren...
>  TR>      I remember tuning out the "who's the leader" thread months ago
>  TR> after they tried to leave Julia behind.  What a crock that was.
>    It was actually the first intelligent thing they'd ever done since
> they landed on that stupid planet.  Naturally, they changed what
> passes for their minds in the next episode.

  Upon re-reading, I noticed that the crock appears to be ascribed to
the plot twist.  I meant it to relate to the discussion following the
plot twist (Heller being ousted).


--- MEBBSNet 1.168
 * Origin: Spectrum BBS  Hamilton, ON  905-388-2542 V.34 (1:244/211.0)

 Msg  : 159 of 322
 From : Dkimmel                             1:101/230       .óį 10 .žķ 95 12:04
 To   : Richard Yamagata
 Subj : B5 TALK
RY>* In a message originally to John Kahane, Ecarey said:
RY>EE> >E> Yes, I know what their name is: Prime Time Entertainment Network.
RY>EE> >E> But you'll notice, their shows also aren't usually on in prime
RY>EE> >E> time.:)

RY>PTEN "demands" that its programming be shown in the prime time slot on
RY>Wednesday.  My local station use to do this.  It seems that all the stations
RY>are now ignoring this "demand."  They seem to take the position, "well what
RY>they going to do if we don't do as they say?"  It is obvious that PTEN endin
RY>the feed and disolving the contract has no weight with the TV stations.  PTE
RY>with this, keeping the B5 viewers in suspense as to whether the show has bee
RY>renewed or not, has shown that it needs all the "affiliates" it can get.  Al
RY>with the red ink at Warner over the WB Network, I think that they are in no
RY>position to turn away any money.

When PTEN started it was a "pseudo-network" allowing independent
stations to pretend they had prime time network offerings one or two
nights a week.  What's happened is two "real" networks got launched
(UPN, WB) and gobbled up most of the remaining indies.  The PTEN station
in Boston is OWNED by UPN, and bumped B5 to Sunday at 8 p.m. and Fridays
at midnight.  They even dumped the last first run episode (until
October) when a Red Sox game ran over a couple of Sundays ago.
Fortunately I managed to tape the Friday repeat.

 * SLMR 2.1a * May you live in interesting times.

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 160 of 322
 From : Dkimmel                             1:101/230       .óį 10 .žķ 95 12:05
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : B5 TALK
FE>RY>Lastly, after this, I think that the Janet Greek season finale
FE>RY>written by JMS is going to be something that is going to knock
FE>RY>everyone's socks off and have the VCR playing over and over.

FE>Except that we may not see the season's finale until NEXT season! I
FE>simply don't understand how they can postpone the last 4 eps until next
FE>season. This is a major disappointment to me. I have sent e-mail to JMS
FE>asking him to confirm this rumor...

They will run in October and the decision was made by PTEN, not JMS.  I
understand the business reasons behind this but it wreaks havoc on the
narrative.  I hope they can schedule this better next season so the
season finale actually runs in the spring.

 * SLMR 2.1a * Gamera is really neat.  He is full of turtle meat.

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 161 of 322
 From : Pamela Crossett                     1:325/118       .óį 10 .žķ 95 18:54
 To   : Tammy Blandino
 Subj : spoilers

 tb> "While skinny dipping Pamela Crossett was talking to Mark Jones."

 tb> "Could you people PLEASE put spoiler alerts in your messages!  DAMMIT!"


i'm sorry, but what is a spoiler alert? i will certainly put one in my future
messages if you could clarify what it is. AND what it is for.


and sorry for my ignorance.


--- Maximus/2 2.02
 * Origin: The Ozone Layer, Williston, VT. (802) 862-5058 (1:325/118)

 Msg  : 162 of 322
 From : Pamela Crossett                     1:325/118       .óį 10 .žķ 95 18:57
 To   : Gloria Darcy
 Subj : HighLander, The Series

 gd> "really look forward to next year.  How about you?"


yes, me too! although after reading mark jones' post i'm not so sure we weren't
left hanging - but i am glad to hear that you, like me, felt that that was true.

with all the hints that jack has been dropping, i'm wondering who the "regular"
characters are that "won't be back????"

am really glad amanda survived kallas though. i LIKE her!



--- Maximus/2 2.02
 * Origin: The Ozone Layer, Williston, VT. (802) 862-5058 (1:325/118)

 Msg  : 163 of 322
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .óį 10 .žķ 95 20:35
 To   : Richard Yamagata
 Subj : B5 RERUNS???
RY>The executives at PTEN decided that airing the last 4 episodes of Babylon 5
RY>during the "summer" was a waste of good, first run material.  These episodes


RY>are not going to be run in the US until October, right before the start of t
RY>1995-6 season.  It makes no sense to me.  My list for Sacramento is:


Seems like simple logic to me.  They don't want to waste the episodes at
a time when viewership, and therefore \ad revenues\, are way  down.

RY>If you have friends in the UK, they will get to see these episodes in late
RY>July.  I read somewhere that they got pushed back by the Tour de France,
RY>otherwise the plan was to televise them over there, earlier.

It's being said on the Internet now that the UK won't see them til
October, either.

RY>To be more clear on the wording of the PTEN decision, the number crunchers s
RY>that viewership drops during the Summer as people do other things -- than wa
RY>Television.  It seems that they do not know about VCRs.  If I stick a 8
RY>hour tape in my VCR, I could be gone for 2 months and still capture all the
RY>episodes with the commercials -- barring a power failure.  Ry

Not everyone has a VCR, not everyone that has a VCR knows how to program
it, and the advertisers pay for \live\ viewers because it's too easy for
someone watching a tape to fast-forward through the commercials. PTEN
and the stations would lose money by showing the episodes in July rather
than in October.

 * OLX 2.1 TD * If this were an actual tagline, it would be funny.

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 164 of 322
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .óį 10 .žķ 95 20:35
 To   : Tom Huber
TH>E>Oh, definitely, you NEED to read the original.

TH> > > as far into the future as Enemy Mine did their ending...

TH>E>It certainly wasn't a \bad\ ending, IF you don't know what Longyear did in

TH>Yes, and I didn't read (and still haven't read) the original...

TH>EC>the original. Compared to the original, it's a cowardly ending
EC>tacked on b TH> >people who assumed the real ending would upset the
EC>audience and scare 'em TH> >off.

TH>I've definitely got to chase down the original. Who's the author?

  Barry Longyear.

 * OLX 2.1 TD * Unable to locate Coffee -- Operator Halted!

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 165 of 322
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .óį 10 .žķ 95 20:35
 To   : Tom Huber
TH> > > There were some technical inconsistencies that bothered me,
TH> > > especially
TH> > > the concept that the isolated colony wasn't all that isolated and
TH> > > that
TH> > > "big brother" could move in any time and take over...

TH>E>That's because, even though they didn't know it when they arrived, Big
TH> >Brother was \already there\, and had his own plans inconsistent with their

TH>E>It wasn't, in fact, a "technical inconsistency".

TH>Hm. I had problems with the idea that it was such a "big" undertaking on
TH>the part of the colonists, yet BB was there and they knew nothing of it.
TH>If I were whats-her-face (the leader), I would have been chewing and
TH>spitting nails had I realized what was happening. In fact, I would have
TH>done anything to totally destroy BB's presence on the colony world. Now
TH>that would have made for some good writing and shows.

It was a huge undertaking by the colonists in part because it was
\private\ expedition.  They didn't have the government's resources, but
the \government\ DID have the government resources.

As for Devon making destroying BB's presence on the planet her first
priority - HOW?  They were stranded with most of the supplies and
equipment the advance party was SUPPOSED to have lost or destroyed, and
they were a few thousand miles from where they needed to be when the
main colony ship arrived.

FIRST priority \had\ to be survival.

SECOND priority was reaching the intended landing site so that when the
rest of the colonists arrive, there's a base for them - and Devon and
Co. finally have some equipment & supplies.

Getting rid of BB would be nice project for sometime AFTER that, when
they have some \means\ for getting at BB.

 * OLX 2.1 TD * It's only a hobby ... only a hobby ... only a

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 166 of 322
 From : Dexter Fernandez                    1:203/1701      .óį 10 .žķ 95 20:49
 To   : Tony Trujillo
 Subj : Re: Sliders Continuity
"So, Trujillo, we meet for the first time for the last time!"

 TT> Speaking of SLIDERS, did it ever have time to spawn a few
 TT> FILK songs? I always thought the song THE MIGHTY QUINN would
 TT> have made a fairly obvious choice...

I was working on one based on "Mrs. Robinson" by Simon and Garfunkel...

Goes something like...

"Where are we now, Mr. Mallory?
 This tidal wave's about to make our day!
 Hey hey hey!"

Let you know when it's done...

 TT> BTW: Is there a mailing address I can send something to?

For filks? Get connected to Kay's Filk echo, or my Trek_Humor_Filk Echo...

Curzon Dex
Moderator, Terok Nor Echo

... All I did was tell Kira what do go do with herself. And she did.
--- Blue Wave/TG v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin: The Itchy & Scratchy Show (916) 721-1701 (1:203/1701.0)

 Msg  : 167 of 322
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .cź 11 .žķ 95 05:18
 To   : All
 Subj : Highlander Card Game
     Well, I have some new information.  When last I commented on the
upcoming Highlander card game, the official word was that it was going to
be released in September.  It has *now* been pushed back all the way to
March of 96.

     I'm beginning to thing that this game is a mirage...

     Jack Butler

... "I didn't know you could play.." -- Joe  "I don't." -- Duncan
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 168 of 322
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .cź 11 .žķ 95 07:25
 To   : All
 Subj : Highlander Novels
     Okay, here's the scoop.  The first Highlander novel, "The Element of
Fire" by Jay Henders, will be out around October.  The second novel,
"Scimitar" by Ashley McConnell, will be released after that.

     Jack Butler

... "There can be only one." -- Xavier St. Cloud
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 169 of 322
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .cź 11 .žķ 95 07:31
 To   : Gloria Darcy
 Subj : Crosspost
 Quoth Gloria Darcy, "Nevermore".

 GD> Regarding listening to The Who and thinking their lead singer got
 GD> killed.  I didn't know about this.  Please enlighten me as to the
 GD> situation?  Is it to do with Queen?

     Heh.  Roger Daltrey is very much alive.  However, the character he
in several two episodes of Highlander (Hugh FitzCairn) was killed by

     Jack Butler

... "You better start learning the game, and I mean now!" -- MacLeod
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 170 of 322
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .cź 11 .žķ 95 07:32
 To   : John Kahane
 Subj : Confessions et. al.
 Quoth John Kahane, "Nevermore".

 JK> Thanks, muchly.  Just do me a favour, please, and give me a
 JK> gentle reminder about this in a month or so.  Not that I'm likely to
 JK> forget, with the post-it on the computer, but you never know... 


     Jack Butler

... "Bibbity... bobbity..." -- S. Strange, M.D.
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 171 of 322
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .cź 11 .žķ 95 12:55
 Subj : Dr. Who Guide
Here is the Dr. Who Episode guide you requested.  It's for season 18 but ALL
are asvailable.

                                SEASON EIGHTEEN


Main Personnel

     * Doctor Who: Tom Baker
     * Romanadvoratrelundar (Romana): Lalla Ward
     * Voice of K-9: John Leeson
     * Producer: John Nathan-Turner
     * Executive Producer: Barry Letts
     * Script Editor: Christopher H Bidmead



     * Writer: David Fisher
     * Director: Lovett Bickford
     * Designer: Tom Yardley-Jones
     * Incidental Music: Peter Howell

526. Part One                30.08.80   6.15pm - 6.40pm   5.9M/77th
527. Part Two                06.09.80   6.20pm - 6.40pm   5.0M/103rd
528. Part Three              13.09.80   5.55pm - 6.20pm   5.0M/111th
529. Part Four               20.09.80   6.15pm - 6.40pm   4.5M/111th/65%

     * MENA Adrienne Corri
     * PANGOL David Haig
     * HARDIN Nigel Lambert
     * BROCK John Collins
     * VARGOS Martin Fisk
     * GUIDE Roy Montague
     * KLOUT Ian Talbot
     * TANNOY VOICE Harriet Reynolds (1,2,4 - uncredited for 2)
     * MORIX Laurence Payne (1)
     * GENERATOR VOICE Clifford Norgate (2-3)
     * STIMSON David Allister (1)
     * FOAMASI Andrew Lane (3-4)
     * UNCREDITED: BITS OF THE DOCTOR (all 1-2) Derek Chafer, David
       Rolfe, Roy Seeley
     * LOMAN Fred Redford
     * FOAMASI (all 3-4) David Bulbeck, David Korff, James Muir
     * BABY PANGOL Alys Dyer (4)
     * ARGOLIN GUIDES AND ATTENDANTS Maurice Connor, Julia Gaye, Annette
       Peters, Mary Rennie, Mike Reynell, Jenny Roberts, Ken Sedd,
       Douglas Star, Derek Suthern
     * VISITORS/EXPERIMENT ASSISTANTS Hi Chang, Ina Claire, Inga Daly,
       Sarah Gardner, Peter Graham, Emmanuel Josiah, Pauline Lewis,
       Ranjit Nakara, Patti Patience, Ansley Pollard, John Salpeas,
       Maureen Stevens, Ling Tai, Anna Van Karina, Willow Wipp, Huntley
       ASSISTANTS Norman Bradley, Eileen Brady, Martin Clark, Graham
       Cole, Michael Horner, Nick Joseph, Brian Massey, Tim Olroyd, Joe
       Phillips, Douglas Roe, Reg Woods
     * ARGLIN/PANGOL IMAGES Douglas Auchterlonie, Derek Chafer, David
       Cole, Bruce Guest, Eric Hamilton, Mike Handley, Ridgewell Hawkes,
       Bobby Jones, Ray Knight, Ray Lavender, Michael Leader, Mark
       Middler, Mike Mungarvan, Stuart Myers, Kevin O'Brien, Tim Olroyd,
       Harry Payne, Douglas Roe, David Rolfe, Roy Seeley, Harry Van
       Engel, Jeff Wayne, Leslie Weekes, Geoffrey Whitestone, Reg Woods.

   WORKING TITLE: The Argolin

   NOTES: This story introduces a new title sequence (the sixth one used
   for ths show), designed by Sid Sutton, and the first drastically
   different arrangement of the theme tune, by Peter Howell. John Leeson
   only provides his K-9 voice for Part One.

   NOVELISATION: "Doctor Who and the Leisure Hive" by David Fishe
   (1982/Number 39)


110 5Q - MEGLOS

     * Writers: John Flanagan and Andrew McCulloch
     * Director: Terence Dudley
     * Designer: Philip Lindley
     * Incidental Music: Paddy Kingsland (1) and Peter Howell (2-4)

530. Part One                27.09.80   6.15pm - 6.40pm   5.0M/105th/61%
531. Part Two                04.10.80   6.15pm - 6.40pm   4.2M/139th/64%
532. Part Three              11.10.80   5.45pm - 6.05pm   4.7M/129th
533. Part Four               18.10.80   5.40pm - 6.05pm   4.7M/127th/63rd

     * GENERAL GRUGGER Bill Fraser
     * LT BROTADAC Frederick Treves
     * ZASTOR Edward Underdown
     * LEXA Jacqueline Hill
     * CARIS Colette Gleeson
     * DEEDRIX Crawford Logan
     * EARTHLING Christopher Owen
     * TIGELLAN GUARD Simon Shaw
     * UNCREDITED: MEGLOS Tom Baker, Christopher Owen
     * GAZTACS Tony Allef, Bruce Callender, Hi Ching, John Holland, James
       Muir, Ranjit Nakara
     * TIGELLANS Michael Gordon Browne, Harry Fielder, Pater Gates
       Fleming, Laurie Goode, Geoff Whitestone
     * CEREMONIAL GUARDS Michael Brydon (4), David Cleeve (4)
     * SAVANTS (all 2) Howard Barnes, David Cole, Stephen Kane, John
     * LEXA'S DEONS (all 1,3,4) Terence Creasey, Ray Knight, Chris Marks,
       Eddie Sommer
     * DEON ELDERS (all 1,3,4) Lewis Hooper, Sylvia Mariott, Stephen

   WORKING TITLES: The Golden Pentangle, The Last Zolpha-Thuran

   NOTES: This story is notable for the appearance of Jacqueline Hill,
   some seventeen years after she played Barbara Wright.

   NOVELISATION: Terrance Dicks (1983/Number 75)



   Adric: Matthew Waterhouse



     * Writer: Andrew Smith
     * Director: Peter Grimwade
     * Designer: Janet Budden
     * Incidental Music: Paddy Kingsland

534. Part One                25.10.80   5.40pm - 6.05pm   5.9M/106th
535. Part Two                01.11.80   5.40pm - 6.05pm   3.7M/170th
536. Part Three              08.11.80   5.40pm - 6.05pm   5.9M/115th
537. Part Four               15.11.80   5.40pm - 6.05pm   5.5M/127th/65%

     Part One          Mon   03.08.81   6.30pm - 6.55pm   4.9M/85th
     Part Two          Tue   04.08.81   6.20pm - 6.45pm   4.2M/101st
     Part Three        Wed   05.08.81   6.20pm - 6.45pm   4.6M/92nd
     Part Four         Thu   06.08.81   6.20pm - 6.45pm   6,4M/60th

     * DECIDER LOGIN George Baker
     * DECIDER NEFRED James Bree
     * DECIDER GARIF Alan Rowe
     * VARSH Richard Willis
     * KEARA June Page
     * TYLOS Benard Padden
     * DEXETER Tony Calvin (1-3)
     * OMRIL Andrew Forbes (1-3)
     * DECIDER DRAITH Leonard Maguire (1)
     * RYSIK Adrian Gibbs (1)
     * MARSHMAN Barney Lawrence (uncredited for 1)
     * MARSHCHILD Norman Bacon (2-3)
     * UNCREDITED: MARSHMEN Stephen Calcutt, Graham Cole, Keith Guest,
       James Jackson, Steve Kelly, Stephen Watson
     * OUTLERS Nick Staverson (1), Terry John Wood (1).

   WORKING TITLE: The Planet That Slept

   NOTES: John Leeson's K-9 voice is not heard in Part Three. This was
   the first story in the E-Space Trilogy. Tom Baker announced his
   departure from the show on the same day as Part One was transmitted.

   NOVELISATION: Andrew Smith (1982/Number 26)



     * Writer: Terrance Dicks
     * Director: Peter Moffat
     * Designer: Christine Ruscoe
     * Incidental Music: Paddy Kingsland
     * Fight Arranger: Stuart Fell (4)

538. Part One                22.11.80   5.40pm - 6.05pm   5.8M/119th
539. Part Two                29.11.80   5.40pm - 6.05pm   5.3M/136th
540. Part Three              06.12.80   5.40pm - 6.05pm   4.4M/145th
541. Part Four               13.12.80   5.40pm - 6.05pm   5.4M/125th/69%

     * ZARGO (CAPTAIN MILES SHARKEY) William Lindsay
     * IVO Clinton Greyn
     * TARAK Thane Bettany
     * VEROS Stacy Davies
     * HABRIS Iain Rattray (1,2,4)
     * KALMAR Arthur Hewlett (1,2,4)
     * MARTA Rhoda Lewis (1-2)
     * KARL Dean Allen (1)
     * ROGA Stuart Fell (3)
     * ZOLDAZ Stuart Blake (3)
     * UNCREDITED: GUARD Alan Chuntz.

   WORKING TITLES: The Wasting, The Witch Lords, The Vampire Mutations

   NOTES: John Leeson does not provide his K-9 voice for Part Two

   NOVELISATION: "Doctor Who and the State of Decay" by Terrance Dicks
   (1981-2/Number 58)



     * Writer: Steve Gallagher
     * Director: Paul Joyce
     * Designer: Graeme Story
     * Incidental Music: Peter Howell

542. Part One                03.01.81   5.20pm - 5.45pm   7.1M/88th/59%
543. Part Two                10.01.81   5.10pm - 5.35pm   6.7M/93rd
544. Part Three              17.01.81   5.10pm - 5.35pm   8.3M/59th
545. Part Four               24.01.81   5.10pm - 5.35pm   7.8M/69th/59%

     * CAPTAIN RORVIK Clifford Rose
     * PACKARD Kenneth Cope
     * LANE David Kincaid
     * ALDO Freddie Earlle
     * ROYCE Harry Waters
     * SAGAN Vincent Pickering
     * BIROC David Weston (1,3,4)
     * GUNDAN Robert Vowles (1-2)
     * LAZLO Jeremy Gittins (2-4).
     * THARILS (all 3) Pat Gorman, Mike Mungarvan, Erika Spotswood.

   WORKING TITLE: Dream Time

   NOTES: Romana and K-9 leave at the end of this story. This was the
   first story to have Ceefax subtitles.

   NOVELISATION: "Doctor Who and the Warriors' Gate" by John Lydecker
   (alias Steve Gallagher) (1982/Number 71).



   Nyssa: Sarah Sutton



     * Writer: Johnny Byrne
     * Director: John Black
     * Designer: Tony Burrough
     * Incidental Music: Roger Limb

546. Part One                31.01.81   5.10pm - 5.35pm   7.6M/72nd
547. Part Two                07.02.81   5.10pm - 5.35pm   6.1M/106th
548. Part Three              14.02.81   5.10pm - 5.35pm   5.2M/112th
549. Part Four               21.02.81   5.10pm - 5.35pm   6.1M/103rd/63%

     Part One          Mon   10.08.81   6.30pm - 6.55pm   5.2M/71st
     Part Two          Tue   11.08.81   6.20pm - 6.45pm   4.4M/93rd
     Part Three        Wed   12.08.81   6.20pm - 6.45pm   5.2M/71st
     Part Four         Thu   13.08.81   6.20pm - 6.45pm   5.0M/74th

     * TREMAS Anthony Ainley
     * KASSIA Sheila Ruskin
     * KATURA Margot van der Burgh
     * LUVIC Robin Soans
     * PROCTOR NEMAN Roland Oliver
     * MELKUR/THE MASTER Geoffrey Beevers (credited as Melkur)
     * THE KEEPER Denis Carey (1-2)
     * SERON John Woodnutt (1-2)
     * FOSTERS Liam Prendergast (3), Philip Bloomfield (4)
     * UNCREDITED: FOSTER EXTRAS Maurice Connor, Michael Gordon-Browne,
       Pat Gorman, Donald Groves, Pat Judge, Barney Lawrence, Mark
       Midler, Jim Morriss, Ralph Morse, Stuart Myers, Fred Redford, Doug
       Roe, Tony Snell, Barry Summerford, Colin Thomas
     * THE MASTER Anthony Ainley (4).

   NOTES: This story saw the surprise return of the Master, starting a
   trilogy of linked stories to reintroduce the character.

   NOVELISATION: "Doctor Who and the Keeper of Traken" by Terrance Dicks
   (1982/Number 37)



   Tegan Jovanka: Janet Fielding



     * Writer: Christopher H Bidmead
     * Director: Peter Grimwade
     * Designer: Malcolm Thornton
     * Incidental Music: Paddy Kingsland

550. Part One                28.02.81   5.10pm - 5.35pm   7.1M/84th
551. Part Two                07.03.81   5.10pm - 5.35pm   7.7M/57th/61%
552. Part Three              14.03.81   5.10pm - 5.35pm   5.8M/102nd
553. Part Four               21.03.81   5.10pm - 5.35pm   6.1M/97th/65%

REPEAT DETAILS (as part of the BBC2 "Five Faces of Doctor Who" season -
positions just for that channel)
     Part One          Mon   30.11.81   5.40pm - 6.05pm   5.5M/11th
     Part Two          Tue   01.12.81   5.40pm - 6.00pm   5.0M/15th
     Part Three        Wed   02.12.81   5.40pm - 6.05pm   6.0M/7th
     Part Four         Thu   03.12.81   5.40pm - 6.05pm   5.4M/12th

     * THE MASTER Anthony Ainley
     * DETECTIVE INSPECTOR Tom Georgeson (1-2)
     * AUNT VANESSA Dolore Whiteman (1)
     * THE MONITOR John Fraser (2-4)
     * SECURITY GUARD Christopher Hurst (4)
     * DOCTOR WHO Peter Davison (4)
     * POLICEMEN (all 1-2) Ray Knight, Peter Roy, Derek Suthern
     * LOGOPOLITANS George Ballantine, Douglas Bather, Jim Delaney, Billy
       Gray, Jimmy Mac, Brynchan Powell, Terry Randle, Evan Ross, Roy
       Seeley, Charles Stewart, Colin Thomas, John Tucker, Walter Turner,
       Peter Whitaker, Bill Whitehead
     * PHAROS TECHNICIAN Robin Squire (4).

   NOTES: Sarah Sutton does not appear in Part One. This story sees the
   departure of Tom Baker and Barry Letts. The story features the first
   extensive flashback sequence (in Part Four). The clips are: The Master
   (The Deadly Assassin 1), a Dalek (Destiny of the Daleks 4), The Pirate
   Captain (The Pirate Planet 2), the Cyberleader (Revenge of the
   Cybermen 3), Davros (Genesis of the Daleks 5), a Sontaran (The
   Invasion of Time 5), a Zygon (Terror of the Zygons 3), the Black
   Guardian (The Armageddon Factor 6), Sarah (Terror of the Zygons 2),
   Harry (The Sontaran Experiment 2), the Brigadier (Invasion of the
   Dinosaurs 2), Leela (Robots of Death 1), K-9 (The Armageddon factor
   2), the first Romana (The Stones of Blood 1) and the second Romana
   (Full Circle 1).

   NOVELISATION: Christopher H Bidmead (1982/Number 41)



Robert Lidgren-
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 172 of 322
 From : John Giannini                       1:119/50        .cź 11 .žķ 95 14:05
 To   : All
 Subj : Starman
Does anyone know if the Blue Light Society, the fan organization devoted to the
TV series "Starman" (1988) is still around, and if so, how I might contact them?
This show is probably my favorite show of all time, and I have always meant to
get in touch with them.  I have several issues of the electronic magazine from
the group, (they even had a national convention in Oregon in 1990, with Robert
Hayes and other cast members), but I have never heard of anything since.  Anyone
who knows anything about this, please leave me a message.  Thanks!

--- GoldED 2.41
 * Origin:  The Moonshadow :*: 916.343.0534 :*: Chico, CA :*: (1:119/50)

 Msg  : 173 of 322
 From : John Giannini                       1:119/50        .cź 11 .žķ 95 14:18
 To   : Joel Jessup
 Subj : Generations video
On 06 Jun 95, Joel Jessup wrote to Kurt J. Tischer:

 KJT>> Man, I don't know, but when you get a confirmation
 KJT>> of this, let me know!

 KJT>> I would think maybe later this year, in time for Christmas.

 JJ> I have heard a release date for RENTAL of July 11th with a release to
 JJ> purchase later in the year, probably November/Holidays

Paramount's official pre-order flyer lists Generations as being out on July 18.
If you heard July 11, then it might be coming out early.  Disney did that last
year with Lion King on video - it came out a week before all the advertisements
in the media and video store prebook flyers said it would.

--- GoldED 2.41
 * Origin:  The Moonshadow :*: 916.343.0534 :*: Chico, CA :*: (1:119/50)

 Msg  : 174 of 322
 From : John Giannini                       1:119/50        .cź 11 .žķ 95 14:21
 To   : Allison Urschel
 Subj : X-Files
On 06 Jun 95, Allison Urschel wrote to All:

 AU>  Hi, I'm an X-Files and Voyager fan. Now that Voyager has it's own
 AU> board, what about X-Files? It's a great show, why hasn't anyone started
 AU> an X-Files board.

Hey, Allison!   There is a national X-files echo already on the backbone. I
started the conference back in December.  When I announced it, several systems
decided they would carry it, and with their help, it grew and grew. In early
April I got it onto Planet Connect, and by the end of April I had gotten enough
REC's to request the echo be put on the backbone that it finally made it!
(*That* was a happy day for me!)  Now, there're about 4-5 dozen systems that
carry it off the backbone feed.  Ask your sysop to bring it in it for you, the
tagname is "X-FILES".

 AU>  I live in Memphis, and would appriciate if any other
 AU> fellow Memphians have discovered one that maybe I've over looked.

See above...

--- GoldED 2.41
 * Origin:  The Moonshadow :*: 916.343.0534 :*: Chico, CA :*: (1:119/50)

 Msg  : 175 of 322
 From : Ken Mayes                           1:393/7         .cź 11 .žķ 95 18:54
 To   : Brian Henderson
 Subj : Re: B5 Ripoff: DS9
On Tue  6-Jun-1995 12:37a, Brian Henderson said to Ecarey:

BH> I'll agree, although both LIS and BG had "adult" fans. Let's face it,
BH> who are the majority of ST fans? Kids! That's why Paramount flaunted T&A
BH> all over the screen during TNG, because they were aiming at their
BH> audience. That doesn't necessarily mean that TNG or LIS or BG were
BH> necessarily aimed at a "kid" audience, those were simply the audiences
BH> that they garnered. Even today, the vast majority of Star Trek fans are
BH> males under the age of 16.

        Everything I've ever read about the demographics of Trek's viewership
suggested the vast majority of fans were males between the ages of 16 and 35.
That's why the vast majority of advertising is beer and jean commericials. If as
you suggest the audience was much younger they'd be advertising Power Ranger
action figures instead. Check your facts.

--- CNet/3
 * Origin: The Bard's Tavern Denton, TX (817)243-5110 USR 28.8   (1:393/7)

 Msg  : 176 of 322
 From : David Johnston                      1:342/14        .˙ņ 26 .ąé 95 01:57
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Voyager Nose Diving?
-> most interesting. Perhaps it's because he seems to be more of an
-> "adult" (even though he's probably quite childlike when it comes to
-> understanding the human condition) than the rest of the crew who seem
-> to be fresh out of the academy and just barely beyond puberty. I
-> really

Frankly I don't find Chakotay and Janeway particularly youthful in their
appearance or their demeanor.  Paris, Kim, Torres and Tuvok are fairly
youthful, or more accurately give that impression.  Essentially this
means that we have three mature starship officers and four young adult
starship officers.  I don't see the problem.  The original crew was
every bit as "young".  Only if you are using a Picard median would
Voyager's crew be described as barely post puberty.

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
 * Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)

 Msg  : 177 of 322
 From : James Heggie                        1:3417/20       .˙ņ 26 .ąé 95 15:23
 To   : Moderator
 Subj : Help and info
Hi!  I'd like to introduce myself, and I have some questions regarding
the rules for this echo.  Since I need some info ASAP, I hope you don't
mind my asking them outright.

As the Sysop of ERIDU BBS (and still fairly new to Fido) I am trying to
obey the rules for each echo we carry as I learn of them.  Several weeks
ago, I posted some info (about a guest ranch that I'd "discovered") in
some of the echos, but learned rather promptly that my postings were not

IF I post (or have posted) anything in your echo that was a violation of
the echo's rules... PLEASE accept my profound apologies now.  Most of my
"corrective messages" have been very polite (thankfully) but not all of
them.  And I don't particularly wish to go through anything like it
again (grin - I'm sure you can imagine).

I've made requests via our source for Fidonet for a complete listing of
the rules for each echo in Fido, but have yet to recieve anything.  I
would like to make such a list available to my users (and to reference
myself for that matter).  I will try to keep an eye out for the rules of
this (and other echos).  I was wondering (and hoping) if you wouldn't
mind posting the rules in a message addressed directly to me?  Once I
get them, I will begin compilation of a master list to make available
for download from my board.

I hope that this won't be too much trouble, and I'm also hoping that it
will also avoid improper postings from our users in the future.  I
basically need to know 2 things: (a) If the use of an Alias (handle) is
ok for postings, and (b) what the rules for this echo are.

Thanks for your time and effort in advance!

- James -  (alias "Marduk")
System Operator, ERIDU BBS

InsTAG 1.30 - "Fascinating."  Spock figures out the Energizer Bunny.
--- FMail/386 1.0g
 * Origin: ERIDU BBS - Red Deer, AB Canada (403) 342-1548 (1:3417/20)

 Msg  : 178 of 322
 From : David Johnston                      1:342/14        .cź 11 .žķ 95 01:57
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Babylon 5 (pten)
-> According to the latest TV Guide, B5 didn't even rank in the top 120
-> shows this season... What gives?

That's because it's a syndicated show.

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
 * Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)

 Msg  : 179 of 322
 From : Donald Jaramillo                    1:203/1701      .åņ 08 .žķ 95 12:42
 To   : Ecarey
Knowing the world was about to end, Tom Huber and
Ecarey wasted their last moments babbling about VORLON IMMORTALITY...

EE> TH> E> TH> Aside from Enemy Mine, I cannot think of anything in
EE> TH> E> TH> motion pictures that equals B5 for scope. Dune might
EE> TH> E> TH> qualify, but the scope of Herbert's work was left on the
EE> TH> E> TH> cutting room floor.

EE> TH> E> Even ENEMY MINE chickened out - the ending of the movie was
EE> TH> E> vastly softened from the punch-in-the-gut ending of the
EE> TH> E> original.

EE> TH> It sounds like I've got to chase down the story it was based
EE> TH> upon. I

EE> Oh, definitely, you NEED to read the original.

I would second that!  Not only the original _Enemy Mine_ story (not the
movie adaptation), but I'd recommend picking up the related _Tomorrow
Testament_ as well.  Just as powerful in it's own way.

... "Ehdevva sahn, Jeriba Shigan." -- Willis Davidge
... "Gavey 'kiz', Irkmaan?"
... "Irkmaan, yaa stupid Mickey Mouse is!"
... Accept not the absolute rightness of any path.--Shizumaat
... Accept the wholeness of no truth... -- Shizumaat
... As always, it is your choice.-- Shizumaat.
... Intelligent Life takes a stand -- Shizumaat
... Naatha nu enta va Zammis zea dos Jeriba, estay va Shigan,

Internet address: djaramil@ls1.leg.ca.gov

... "You must tell me of the teachings of Mickey Mouse." -- Jeriba Shigan
 * Tag-X Pro v1.20 (REGISTERED!!) *
--- Blue Wave/TG v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin: The Itchy & Scratchy Show (916) 721-1701 (1:203/1701.0)

 Msg  : 180 of 322
 From : Jeff Schlenker                      1:288/19        .óį 10 .žķ 95 03:57
 Subj : Re: EARTH 2/SO LONG

-=> ROBERT LIDGREN was overheard speaking to JEFF SCHLENKER <=-

 -> Hey me too!  I'm number 26.  But shouldn't it be "I *was* one who *watched*
 -> Earth 2?  :(

 RL> Since I was the one who started this thread and am the author of the
 RL> "25 people" concept, I am delighted to see so many people did watch
 RL> Earth 2 and of those many enjoyed it.  I figure I can update my
 RL> estimate to 57 now!

If we could have gotten... oh say... 20 million more when it was on,
maybe it would be back this fall.

 RL> I wonder why there were so few positive comments while the series was
 RL> a reality?

I dunno.  I guess there just wasn't enough people who liked it.  Also,
the fact that it was up against 60 Minutes didn't help much.

 RL> What the cancellation has done is cause many to re-evaluate just what
 RL> makes a series good, how soon you should unload your guns and savage a
 RL> new series and whether or not some leeway should be given so that
 RL> improvement is possible and likely.
 RL> Cheers,
 RL> Robert Lidgren

What happened to the good ole days when shows were given a chance.  I
remember a little sitcom called Cheers (my favorite of all time) that,
in it's first season, was near the bottom in the ratings.  We all know
what happened to that show, now don't we.  :)

Jeffrey A. Schlenker               jeff.schlenker@lake-city.com

... It's a dog-eat-dog world, and I'm wearing Milk-Bone underwear.
___ TagDude 0.87 [Unregistered]
--- < Sig-It > v3.00 by Brandon S. Bell

--- Blue Wave/Max v2.12
 * Origin: LakeCity BBS * V34/4 Gigs Watertown SD 605 886-0849 (1:288/19)

 Msg  : 181 of 322
 From : Ralph Strauser                      1:105/314       .óį 10 .žķ 95 23:36
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : Confessions & Lamentation
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  91-0012

JH>RS> JH> BTW, in Knives, do you think that knob on the rear was put there
JH>RS> JH>for the express purpose of towing Starfuries like that?
JH>RS>    Sounds like typical Military Redundency. Shoot you ever notice

JH>I don't quite follow you here...

    Well if you look at any military system you will find a plethora of
    redundencies. I.E. an aircraft doesn't have one radio for each
    frequency band but two plus the hand held the pilot carries. The
    Gaurd unit i was in had at least 4 radios on each freq band with 2
    in standby mode plus 3 more of each type sitting in the "spare
    parts" space.

JH>RS>that most military rigs have a pto connection on the back axle and
JH>RS>the front of the tranny?

JH>No, I hadn't... but the Starfuries don't have a knob on the front too,
JH>do they? Or do you mean that that knob serves some other function in
JH>addition to being available as a hitch?

   No but they do have the grapple, so that they could fit together
   sorta like legos. It kinda makes sense other than the grapple is
   targeted by the puter. I suspect that it could be done manually. If
   the producers of B5 ever release a set of Tech Diagrams like the
   folks at Paramount did for the trek series's we would find out

JH>I was rather confused during the part where Garibaldi is bringing him
JH>back... did he get flipped around so that his ship was facing forward
JH>with the grapple extending to the rear, take remote control of
JH>Sheridan's ship to tow him or fly in formation forwards, or fly
JH>ass-backwards the entire return trip?

   I think its more a case of no spacial references in space. basicly
   up is where your head is pointing. But i suspect they just flipped
   around though the grappling did bring up for me is could they somehow
   link the weopons systems together so you could use one or several
   furies as a pulse generator for the lead ship.

 * SLMR 2.1 * Nothing is so smiple that it can't get screwed up.

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: COM-DAT BBS  (1:105/314.0)

 Msg  : 182 of 322
 From : Dan Kachoogian                      1:107/953       .cź 11 .žķ 95 11:32
 To   : James Walton
 Subj : Re: Garden State Science Fiction Conspiracy Update
*** Quoting James Walton to Dan Kachoogian ***

JW>  >          Speaking for the Garden State Science Fiction
JW> Conspiracy,
JW>  >          I bid thee well...
JW> Just curious, but can't your club find a library to hold your
JW> meetings in?  I say this because a restaurant may be putting off
JW> some people. Not everyone may beable to afford a meal, and the
JW> younger people might not be allowed into an establishment which
JW> serves alcohol.
JW> The club I belong to, PARSEC, jumps around to various library
JW> branches in our area. (Pittsburgh, PA)  Memebers with small
JW> children prefer the library atmosphere.

Your point is well taken, however, we are not a literary group. To be associated
with a library implies we are all reader-fen. We're not (Though I personally
am). The point, as I set it forth, was to be strictly a social gathering of fans
of s/f and related s/f genre's.

In terms of a restaurant putting off some people, I agree, that is probably
true. But noone is required to eat, the place we usually meet has no minimum.

 * Origin: The Juice Bar BBS (908) 298-0764 (1:107/953)

 Msg  : 183 of 322
 From : Bruce Baugh                         1:105/290.50    .īķ 12 .žķ 95 01:41
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : ST: The Next Generation
On (10 Jun 95) Mark Jones wrote to Jeff Hancock...

 MJ> If real-world computers are any indication of how Trek
 MJ> computers operate, non-volatile storage will *vastly* exceed
 MJ> the RAM available to them.

Although this cycles back and forth. In the modern day, Bill George
(who as a field tech for Motorola hears all kinds of interesting
things) reports news of work on "hard drives" consisting entirely of
arrays of static RAM chips - megabyte upon megabyte of them. Just
picture a few hundreds of Mbs of these things, all as fast as the
RAM on your motherboard, and all saving their data so that you can
just flip a switch off, and then back on and resume wherever you
left off.


... Colt: the original point and click interface

--- PPoint 1.92
 * Origin: The Home Trepanning Club (1:105/290.50)

 Msg  : 184 of 322
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .īķ 12 .žķ 95 10:39
 To   : Gloria Darcy
 Subj : Earth 2/So Long
In a message of , Gloria Darcy scribed:

 GD> Hi John!  I"m not sure this message was originally mine, but
 GD> I think the question of is Devin really dead was mine.  Nice
 GD> to know she wasn't.  Thanks.

     More than welcome, Gloria.  I thought the final episode was kind of neat,
but the ending with Devon's being placed in the coldsleep chamber, kind of left
me numb...especially given that I'd already heard the word that EARTH2 was a
cancelled series.

Those who do not know their history are doomed to keep stepping in it. (TVG)

--- GoldED/2 2.42.G0614
 * Origin: The Point Away From Home (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 185 of 322
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .īķ 12 .žķ 95 10:41
 To   : Chris Carter
 Subj : Mira's Make-Up
On , Chris Carter wrote the following to Phill Ash:

 PA>> It's my understanding that Mira was beginning to experience
 PA>> dermatological problems stemming from the broad use of
 PA>> prosthetics in her character design.

 CC> Ah, that would explain things further.  Thanks for the info.

     Chris, this is a comment that can be taken with a grain of salt, I think.
JMS has said in quite a few forums that the plan to change Delenn's character to
the half-human, without the prosthetic make-up, has existed since Day 1 of the
series.  (The fact that she was originally meant to be male and then become
female is something else entirely.)

     While it's possible that Mira may have started experiencing problems with
the make-up, I would like to hear that from her.  Perhaps one of the folks going
to Toronto's Trek Fest can ask her about this, and confirm it for us.

"In toto" does *not* mean that Dorothy's dog ate it!

--- GoldED/2 2.42.G0614
 * Origin: The Point Away From Home (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 186 of 322
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .īķ 12 .žķ 95 10:46
 To   : All
 Subj : BABYLON 5 Renewal
     The good news is in folks!  John Copeland made the announcement on the
nets on June 6th, but it was confirmed by J. Michael Straczynski on June 9th
over on the various nets.  BABYLON 5 has been renewed for a third season!!  If
Nicolai permits, I can even post JMS's announcement here on the echo.

     We can all start to breathe again! 

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" - A very vain
witch, who should know better

--- GoldED/2 2.42.G0614
 * Origin: The Point Away From Home (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 187 of 322
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .īķ 12 .žķ 95 10:48
 To   : Lanae Lauderdale
 Subj : B5 Thought
On , Lanae Lauderdale wrote the following to John

 LL> Yes, that's VERY interesting! He was asked early on in the
 LL> con, and he said they didn't know yet, but he was expecting
 LL> to hear any time.  The next evening, he told us that he had
 LL> just received the news!  That was like April 28 or 29. Oh
 LL> well, I hope it IS renewed!

     See my previous post.  We can all breathe a sigh of relief, now. :)

Some realities are more allegorical than others.

--- GoldED/2 2.42.G0614
 * Origin: The Point Away From Home (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 188 of 322
 From : Earl Green                          1:3822/1        .īķ 12 .žķ 95 12:22
 To   : Lisa Stapp
 Subj : APOLLO 13

LS>Last night, I got an early peek at Ron Howard's next offering.  I have never
LS>enjoyed a movie more!  It isn't just a rip-snortin' adventure, it's grand!
LS>The script, cast, effects, sound track, EVERYTHING  pulled me in.

  I've got two questions: when does it open, and out of interest since
  you seemed to go out of your way to mention it, who did the music?
     e <-- Earl Green (earl.green@f1.n3822.z1.fidonet.org) 1:3822/1
     LogBook & Master Index file author / LogBook newsletter editor
     Ask me about the LogBook fanzine covering Trek, Babylon 5 & more!
 * SLMR 2.0 * You may get an unpleasant sensation of chloroform.

--- QScan/PCB v1.17b / 01-0162
 * Origin: Jackalope Junction  501-785-5381 Ft Smith AR (1:3822/1)

 Msg  : 189 of 322
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .īķ 12 .žķ 95 12:47
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Babylon 5 (Pten)
On , Frank Eva wrote the following to Brian

 BH>> Which is very true. B5 isn't "accepted" because B5 doesn't
 BH>> have a big corporation the keeps throwing money at it in
 BH>> almost limitless amounts.

 FE> According to the latest TV Guide, B5 didn't even rank in the
 FE> top 120 shows this season... What gives?

     For one thing, TV Guide's ranking of the top 120 shows is one that is
based more firmly in the Network-oriented shows than the non-Network stuff.
While ST: TNG and some of the spin-offs may show up in the rankings, I wouldn't
be worried about B5 not showing up in the rankings.  The figures that JMS has
provided in various posts on CIS and GEnie over the last few years have been
pretty good, and are stuff that come in direct to the PTEN and Babylonian
Productions offices.

Teenagers are God's punishment for enjoying sex!

--- GoldED/2 2.42.G0614
 * Origin: The Point Away From Home (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 190 of 322
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .īķ 12 .žķ 95 12:50
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Kosh, Kosh
On , Frank Eva wrote the following to Jeff Hancock:

 JH>FE>> Probably the same way he feels about the B5 comics, which
 JH>FE>> also don't
 JH>> So how is that, then? I didn't think you had contact with JMS.

 FE> Just guessing, but it seems obvious to me that JMS is not going
 FE> to let the B5 comics or novels advance the main storyline of B5:
 FE> The TV Series.

     While this is certainly true of the books to some extent, I think, you may
find you're wrong about the comics.  The current story arc going on in the B5
comic, with Garibaldi and Keffer on Mars dealing with Shadows, is relating to
the past when Sinclair first met Garibaldi...  A couple of things that Garibaldi
has said in the series and the comics relate, believe it or not.

 JH>> Partially, although I don't remember/haven't seen that one;
 JH>> JK told me about it. I'm just guessing at it being
 JH>> reminiscent of the classic portrayal of angels/God in some
 JH>> way without being too obvious/cheesy.

 FE> Last season, because of this episode, I speculated that Kosh's
 FE> people were "energy beings", but then I was reminded that they
 FE> do need an artificial "environment" inside B5, and that Kosh
 FE> had actually been poisoned in one episode, both of which seem
 FE> to imply more than an energy being is inside that encounter
 FE> suit...

     Both you and Jeff, and some of the other folks around the echoes, need to
watch "The Gathering" again, Frank.  Particularly the sequence with Dr. Kyle
doing his medical research on Kosh's conditions, and some of the diagnostics
that are being recorded about Kosh.  There is clear evidence there that
he/she/it is organic in nature.  Blood cells, crystalline structure,
respiration, cardiovascular system, and all.

     This doesn't relate one way or the other to angels or anything along these
lines, but we'll have to see...  Personally, I don't think it's going to be
angels or any other religious figure - that would be cheesy, and doesn't seem to
be in keeping with the sf nature of the series.

They got the library at Alexandria, but they're not getting mine!

--- GoldED/2 2.42.G0614
 * Origin: The Point Away From Home (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 191 of 322
 From : Nicole Wilson                       1:271/266       .īķ 12 .žķ 95 17:00
 To   : Robert Lidgren

RL>people" concept, I am delighted to see so many people did watch Earth 2 and
RL>those many enjoyed it.  I figure I can update my estimate to 57 now!

I guess I'm 58? and don't forget to add the 60 or so people in the
Earth2 fido echo, as well as the rather sizeable (hundreds) group on
AOL, and the groups of similar sizes on GEnie, Prodigy, Delphi,
Compuserve and the Usenet, (alt.tv.earth2) as well as the WWW pages (4
run by MCA, and 5 fan-run pages) which are being visited rather
frequently. I can't believe everything that's been going on as far as
Earth 2 is concerned. Earth 2 stuff is everywhere on the nets.

RL>I wonder why there were so few positive comments while the
RL>series was a reality?

There were, just not in this echo.
(Most E2ers lobby around the "Official" fan groups.)

RL>What the cancellation has done is cause many to re-evaluate just what makes
RL>series good, how soon you should unload your guns and savage a new series an
RL>whether or not some leeway should be given so that improvement is possible a

I agree with that assesment.
One thing that has popped up is that there are litrally hundreds of fans
rallying to revive the show, and fan groups have popped up.

                      --Nicole Wilson
                         Member, Earth 2 Foundations
                           and East Coast Earth 2 fan club

 ž OLX 2.2 ž "Yea, maybe they'll call it `Hell.'"-Julia Heller,Earth 2

--- QScan/PCB v1.16b / 01-0765
 * Origin: Olympus BBS, Newport News Va. 804-595-0117 (1:271/266)

 Msg  : 192 of 322
 From : Seth Horne                          1:129/260       .īķ 12 .žķ 95 17:56
 To   : All
 Subj : bABYLON5
Yo everyone...How exactly does the Jumpgate technology work, I mean, doesn't it
bend space or something?
Also, did they every describe the specification of those phat star furies??
They said that B5 was only 5 miles long. The inside views, when you look out
their windows, look so unrealistic. And when you look out at the whole view, it
doesn't even look 2 miles long. Shouldn't a station like that be important and
big? And what is that planet it is orbiting around?

--- Opus-CBCS 1.73a
 * Origin: ConFluence '95 goes to Mars! (1:129/260.0)

 Msg  : 193 of 322
 From : Myra I Fox                          1:123/10        .īķ 12 .žķ 95 18:24
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : FitzCairn

-=>Quoting Jack Butler to Gloria Darcy<=-

 JB> Heh.  Roger Daltrey is very much alive.  However, the character
 JB> he in several two episodes of Highlander (Hugh FitzCairn) was killed by
 JB> Kallas.

I really liked him too .  He was a good humerous companion
to pop up in the series - a balance to Duncan's rather serious

... "Marvelous thing, technology!" Kalas
--- RA/FD/FMail.98
 * Origin: The Electric Fox - Memphis,Tn. (901)327-1008 (1:123/10)

 Msg  : 194 of 322
 From : Kay Shapero                         1:102/524       .īķ 12 .žķ 95 19:20
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : Vorlon Immortality
On , Jeff Hancock (1:3600/7) wrote to John Kahane:

 JH>suspicion at the least, unless those particular Shadows don't
 JH>know diddley about those ancient wars. Wouldn't the very name
 JH>"Vorlons" tip them off? ;-)

Maybe they called themselves something else back then?

 JH>Thanks for the refresh. How did Lyta scan Kosh through the suit,
 JH>unless she's more powerful than Talia?

She didn't  - she took off her glove and reached in through the hole Kyle had
opened in the suit.  It didn't look like she actually touched him, but close.
(I just watched The Gathering today - kicking off my own personal one episode
per day Babylonathon for the summer.  :->)

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 195 of 322
 From : Kay Shapero                         1:102/524       .īķ 12 .žķ 95 19:31
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : Sliders - Bathroom? Wash
On , Jeff Hancock (1:3600/7) wrote to Mark Jones:

MJ>When the Borg come calling, send them a message:
MJ>"Crunch all you want.  We'll make more!"
MJ>Turn out starships as fast as you can cycle them through the airlock!

 JH>Somehow this strikes me as having as much effect as raindrops
 JH>hitting the sidewalk.

Ever witness a flash flood?

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 196 of 322
 From : Tony Limbert                        1:2215/420      .īķ 12 .žķ 95 19:58
 To   : Tom Huber
While summoning Cthulhu, I overheard Ecarey say :

 TH>I've definitely got to chase down the original. Who's the author?

 Ec> Barry Longyear.

You can find a copy of the story in the anthology "REEL FUTURES", along
with the original stories for [digging book up] ...

The Empire of the Ants
Herbert West - Re-animator    [The Re-Animator]
Armageddon 2419 A.D.          [Buck Rogers TV show]
Who Goes There?               [The Thing]
Farewell to the Master        [Day the Earth Stood Still]
This Island Earth
The Illustrated Man
The Sentinel                  [2001: A Space Odyssey]
The Seventh Victim            [The Tenth Victim]
The Racer                     [Death Race 2000]
The Fly
Eight O'Clock in the Morning  [They Live!]
We Can Remember It For You    [Total Recall]
Damnation Alley
Enemy Mine
Air Raid                      [Millennium]

I bought it for $5.00 at B. Dalton (it was on sale). Might still be in the
bargan bin at your local bookstore.

Tony Limbert

[ Limbert@corp.aldhfn.com ]

... "One grows tired of everything.  Except power.  " -- The Doctor
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/M 2
 * Origin: New Visions, PCBoard 15.21, Kent/Ohio 216-677-1040/9812 (1:2215/420)

 Msg  : 197 of 322
 From : Derek Wakefield                     1:393/7         .ņp 13 .žķ 95 02:58
 To   : Lawrence E Dunlap
 Subj : Re: Star Blazers
On Fri  9-Jun-1995 18:38 , Lawrence E Dunlap said to Derek Wakefield:

LD> _Star Blazers 1_ also was particularly adult for a children's audience in
LD> Houston scheduled for 08:30 weekdays.

It was shown at 15:30 in the Dallas/Ft Worth Area, while in the North East it
was generally broadcast at 06:30.  Still not a very flattering timeslot for such
an adult oriented show.

LD> One episode involved IQ-9 developing a crush on Nova next to the
LD> interstellar destination of the _Argo_. One scene showed the animated and
LD> LD> emotionally upset Nova out of uniform down to only her lingerie slip.
LD> and LD> bare shoulders.

LD> Do I need to say more?

The former happened during ep-16 when Nova and IQ-9 went down to Planet
Beemera/Beeland, however they cut the part of IQ-9 flipping up her skirt in the
mess hall in that ep.  The second scene never appeared in Star Blazers, having
ended up as part of the goodies on the cutting room floor.  As did the shot of
Nova in the buff during the Argo's first space warp (ep-4) and IQ-9 placing one
of his hands on her posterior in ep-6 when the two of them and Wildstar were
flying down to Saturn-Titan in search of a rare mineral known as Titanite.

LD> _Star Blazers 2_ didn't have such a adult scene during its run that I
LD> detected from daily viewings of every episode.

There were a number of adult scenes in Yamato 2, but all were chopped out of the
Americanized Star Blazers.  A few that come to mind include the shot of
Tokugawa/Orion relieving himself on the side of the drydock when they first
demonstrated the Time Radar, and Kato/Conroy doing the same when he noticed the
Andromeda following the ship a few episodes later.  The closest we got to actual
nudity was when Nova's uniform ripped in the space cyclone a number of episodes

LD> _Star Blazers 3_ might have had some adult situations that clashed with
LD> the animated program standards.

In fact, other than IQ flipping Nova's skirt once early in the series (which was
cut out), there wasn't much there to begin with.  Other than the love scene
between Wildstar and Nova in Final Yamato, and the nude Teresa/Trelania in
Arrivederci Yamato, first season was the most explicit of the shows (if once
could call it that).

LD> Why buy PG-13 animated SF progams containing minimally dressed animated
LD> females when you could just show a live action PG-13 science fantasy movie
LD> LD> with the female lead's uniform at seninude half-mast during some
LD> romance?  LD> Kids living in households of conservative parents won't be
LD> allowed to see LD> that and double-standard adults will drink it up.

Well, in regards to Yamato/Star Blazers, while a romantic oriented yarn, there
was a general lack of love making throughout the run of the saga.  From what
I've seen of Yamato 2520, they've already laid the ground work for a more risque
plotline (based on some of the dialogue running between Nambu and Marcy).  There
was room for it in the original, but the producers I suspect decided to keep the
main emphasis on the space wars, as opposed to the interpersonal relationships.

Derek (/\).
--- CNet/3
 * Origin: The Bard's Tavern Denton, TX (817)243-5110 USR 28.8   (1:393/7)

 Msg  : 198 of 322
 From : Myranya Werlemann                   2:283/1701      .ņp 13 .žķ 95 07:52
 To   : All
 Subj : "V" fan club.
Hi everyone,
Does anyone know if there's a "V" fan club still active,
and if there is, what's the address? Any info will be
appreciated... Any country, any planet... 

Greetx from the Mothership,


... "Where'd you get the uniform?" "They had a sale."
--- Blue Wave/RA v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin: EMICLAER BBS +31-33-553286 (2:283/1701)

 Msg  : 199 of 322
 From : Tom Huber                           1:115/477       .īķ 12 .žķ 95 02:45
 To   : Robert Lidgren
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.11  94-0102

  >-> were whats-her-face (the leader), I would have been chewing and spitting
  >-> nails had I realized what was happening. In fact, I would have done
  >-> to totally destroy BB's presence on the colony world. Now that would have
  >-> made for some good writing and shows.

RL>Gee, why didn't they hire YOU as a STORY CONSULTANT.  Nifty idea!  It would
  >have been absolutely GREAT to see Devon go ballistic and work to screw up
  >Big Brother-type organization.  Hell, she could enlist the aggresive hormone
  >of Danzigger too to get the job done!

Heh! I've got my own SF series in the works and although it is
considerably different from Earth 2 (or Trek, for that matter), there
are a lot of complex social issues around. There are a lot of politics
in the story, and those that come to realize what is happening find ways
to work the system to their advantage... Of course, I wouldn't have to
write SF to tell that story today - there's enough of that already

It takes the reader well into the third novel to find out the mystery
set up in the first novel. And each story runs in the neighborhood of
180,000 words, about twice the size of the typical Trek book (for want
of a better comparison).

What is really scary about the whole thing (especially the mystery) is
that that situation (suggested by the story) is rapidly becoming
something that will be necessary in our own time and technology.

Most SF that is really interesting takes place roughly 20 minutes into
the future.  Bring back Max Headroom!


--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.11
 * Origin: StarSpawn BBS, A MidWest FurNet BBS 616-983-1834  (1:115/477.0)

 Msg  : 200 of 322
 From : Tom Huber                           1:115/477       .īķ 12 .žķ 95 02:50
 To   : Robert Lidgren
 Subj : B5 VS ST              1/2
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.11  94-0102

RL>You are probably right about Asimov but, what the heck, even at less than hi
  >peak Isaac wrote brilliantly.  I especially enjoyed his straight science
  >articles and books.  There has never been ANY writer to equal him in his
  >ability to make complex scientific concepts understandable.  This was
  >especially true in his science articles in "Fantasy and Science Fiction"

So very, very true. What I find is that so many people want to claim
that Robert Heinlein is the "best" SF author of all time. I disagree,
and lay that title as Asimov's feet. What Heinlein was, was the ultimate
marketeer. He knew what to write for the time that he wrote it. While
the stories were good, I found Heinlein's politics too much of the
central issue (a good example is his relatively late "Friday" novel).

Asimov had politics, but they weren't an extension of today. More what
we might see in the future. I've done the same thing with my series and
used a "what if" approach to today's social problems. What if we passed
such and such a law? What would be the impact upon society and what kind
of problems might arise because of such a law? That's a central theme to
the first Star Spawn novel and an associated short story. The resulting
answer to the question is that it is a *bad* law. Yet, we have people in
power that would love to pass just such a restrictive law (or laws). I
won't go any further, but it is a major problem that our society faces
today, and gets too far off the SF theme of this echo to discuss (at
least, until the novels start to be published).


--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.11
 * Origin: StarSpawn BBS, A MidWest FurNet BBS 616-983-1834  (1:115/477.0)

 Msg  : 201 of 322
 From : Tom Huber                           1:115/477       .īķ 12 .žķ 95 02:56
 To   : Robert Lidgren
 Subj : B5 VS ST              1/2
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.11  94-0102

RL>Khan has always stood out as a terrific antagonist because he had:

RL>     1.  Sufficient "brawn" to satisfy those who thrive on WWF wrestling.


  >     2.  An intellect that put Kirk to the test mightily.

This is what I appreciated. I pulled that story a notch above the rest.
They (Paramount) attempted to duplicate this in the last OS movie with
the Klingons. However, it just didn't work. The story was too flawed by
uneven performances and writing. Again, too much in the FX department
and not enough concentration on the story line or characters. Plummer's
Klingon was too shallow - or not convincing - I'm not sure which.

  >     3.  A sufficiently "likeable" nature that we didn't ENTIRELY hate the

Yup. Khan had an element that *demanded* sympathy on the part of the
viewer. Plummer didn't pull this off with his character. Maybe part of
the problem was that there wasn't a central "bad guy" but rather, a
movement of "misguided" people in Trek 6.

  >     4.  A real "draw" or charisma that made him have considerable loyalty
  >         from his followers.  Compare, say, Captain Bligh from "Mutiny on th
  >         Bounty."  He was hated by some of the crew but his leadership
  >         those with him to survive a 3,000 open-ocean journey in an open
  >         life-boat.  In the same way, Khan's leadership helped HIS followers
  >         survive very nasty conditions on the planet ofuEB+= exile

Absolutely. Even in the original "Space Seed," you could see this. For
as old as that story is, it still holds up remarkably, even with the
stereotypical (for the time) attraction by the female scientist to Khan.


--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.11
 * Origin: StarSpawn BBS, A MidWest FurNet BBS 616-983-1834  (1:115/477.0)

 Msg  : 202 of 322
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .īķ 12 .žķ 95 08:00
 To   : John Kahane
 Subj : Confessions & Lamentation
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.bA 8060

JK>     The really neat thing is that the business with the Markabs is
JK>not the "decimation of a major race's homeworld" that JMS has been
JK>hinting at for a while.  Looks like the dying hasn't even started

Why do you say that? Couldn't it still be the Markabs that JMS was
talking about when he said we'd see the "decimation of a major race's

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 203 of 322
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .īķ 12 .žķ 95 08:00
 To   : John Kahane
 Subj : Mira and Delenn
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.bA 8060

JK> FE> Agreed! However, she still looks better than she did in the
JK> FE> pilot. She looked almost manly, then...

JK>     She was *meant* to look manly in "The Gathering," Frank. :)

Why? What was JMS thinking? That the Minbari would be unisexual aliens
or something?

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 204 of 322
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .īķ 12 .žķ 95 08:00
 To   : Michelle Willey
 Subj : Babylon 5 (PTEN)
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.bA 8060

MW>Now B5 has become almost an addiction with me. This surprises me
MW>since I couldn't even sit thru the pilot movie. The episodes just

It's surprising how well B5 is doing with sci-fi afficionados, even
after the rather disappointing pilot and a wait of almost a year before
the actual series began!

MW>keep getting better and the characters are strong, realistic, easy to
MW>identify with. The only thing I don't care for just now is what has
MW>been done to Delenn's character. If the show is cancelled before the
MW>story is done, I hope the books will at least tell us what happens.
MW>IMO, the aliens on B5 are better than the ones on NextGen. The
MW>NextGen ones don't bother me or anything, but after awhile they start
MW>to look alike. Don't really _seem_ alien or even very strange.

Exactly my thought about TNG (as well as DS9). You're right... The
aliens never seemed to be much more than humans with some sort of facial
appliance added...

MW>The same goes for Voyager populations. But B5 has some
MW>really creepy things walking around (or fading in and out). I guess I
MW>just like the *dark* element that runs as an under current in B5 and
MW>the humor is pretty good as well.

Yes, the dark element does seem to add a measure of intrigue you don't
get in any trek today. I think this may be why The X-Files is so
popular, too!

--- CMPQwk 1.42-R2 #145 ---
In his confusion, Kirk uses Scotty as toilet tissue...

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 205 of 322
 From : Frank Eva                           1:154/750       .īķ 12 .žķ 95 08:00
 To   : Bruce Baugh
 Subj : B5 Franchising
.TID: FastEcho 1.42.bA 8060

BB>JMS has never taken "a hard line" against franchising. He's taken a
BB>hard line against schlock. From what I hear, the MicroMachines
BB>models are well-done. Which is fine.

Hmmm... He seemed to be making a point against all franchising in the
episode in which a teddy bear was 'spaced'...

BB>He's never quite come out and said, "The B5 novels bite the wax
BB>tadpole." But he's sure danced up to the edge of saying that; it
BB>sounds like the deal he ended up with there is not the deal he
BB>thought he had, and any hypothetical future books are going to be
BB>written by people _he_ picks, rather than assigned to him by the

I don't care who he picks to write them, if he doesn't allow them to
advance the storyline in any way...

BB>By the way, I must say that I don't think much of your complaint
BB>about the comic not advancing the arc. What did you expect?

I never expected anything out of the comic book. I was hoping for more
and got less. I have learned my lesson and will not buy another issue.

BB>point of the TV show is that it should stand on its own - people
BB>shouldn't _have_ to get anything but the show to follow the major
BB>developments. We are fortunate in having secondary media that affect
BB>the show at all: compare the Trek novels and comics, with their
BB>total disconnection from the show.

This is an UNfortunate consequence of there being a 5 year story "arc",
which is something trek never had. Trek novelists had leeway to make
good original sci-fi stories. All we get from B5 novelists is 'cloak and
dagger' and 'murder-they-wrote'.

BB>Back at the screed, then, I think you've misunderstood JMS' original

Again, I am only stating my personal opinions. Whether they conflict
with JMS' position or not is irrelevant. They're still my OPINIONS!

 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 206 of 322
 From : John A. Leopard                     1:133/1063      .cź 11 .žķ 95 03:22
 To   : All
 Subj : Atlanta Fantasy Fair
        Come and meet the stars at: The New Atlanta Comics and Fantasy Fair,
Inc., XXI, Castlegate Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia  - June 23-25th, 1995.

        Guests:  Kevin Sorbo ("Hercules"); Claudia Christian ("Ivanova" from
Babylon 5) and Dwight Schultz ("Barclay" on ST:NG/ "Murdock" on A-Team).

        AFF information (voice) number: (404) 507-7000 (no collect calls,
please) or call Starbase Atlanta BBS at (404) 270-1373..

--- CNet/3
 * Origin: Inside OUT BBS (404) 325-8476 - Atlanta, GA (1:133/1063)

 Msg  : 207 of 322
 From : Alisanne Fleitman                   1:107/955       .cź 11 .žķ 95 09:02

RL> I sometimes think I enjoy watching these shows MOST when it is
RL> with my kids.

I like watching with Kassy too.  My favorite shows also include Babylon 5 and
Lois & Clark which havn't interested Kassy at all.  I think the reason that
Earth2 was such a favorite of hers was they had two kids on the show. She didn't
like the episodes that didn't feature the kids at all.

           ** Alisanne **

 * Origin: Self Help BBS * Elizabeth NJ * 908-289-3981 (1:107/955)

 Msg  : 208 of 322
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .cź 11 .žķ 95 15:56
 To   : Phill Ash
 Subj : Crosspost
 Quoth Phill Ash, "Nevermore".

 PA> On the note (pardon the pun) of Highlander, what ever happened to Phil
 PA> Akin (?) the guy from whom MacLeod bought the dojo?  I was wondering
 PA> whether "retro-continuity" might fit him in as a Watcher...

     At the moment, he's in Les Mis on broadway.

     Jack Butler

... Cthulhu:  Living the life of R'lyeh...
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 209 of 322
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .cź 11 .žķ 95 15:57
 To   : Phill Ash
 Subj : More Crosspost
 Quoth Phill Ash, "Nevermore".

 >You know you've been watching too much Highlander when you listen
 >to  the song "Dust in the Wind" on the radio and you get all misty
 >about Tessa over a year later...

 PA> or listen to "Princes of the Universe" and wonder where the
 PA> extra lyrics came from...


     Jack Butler

... "Let's pretend I hurt you and move on..." -- Dr. Forrester
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 210 of 322
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .īķ 12 .žķ 95 06:17
 To   : Jeff Kovach
 Subj : Crosspost
 Quoth Jeff Kovach, "Nevermore".

 JB> You know you've been watching Highlander too much when you hear
 JB> a song by The Who come on the radio, and you think it's too bad they
 JB> can't record any new stuff since their lead singer got killed.

 JK> Who?  Don't you mean Queen?

     No, I mean The Who.  Roger Daltrey played Hugh FitzCairn, an immortal
friend of MacLeod's who was killed by Kallas.

     Jack Butler

... "More powerful than a locomotive..."
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 211 of 322
 From : Jim Cushing                         1:123/75        .īķ 12 .žķ 95 12:08
 To   : Brian Henderson
 Subj : Re: B5 Ripoff: Ds9

 EE> If the WB Network had even one decent show, they might be doing
 EE> better. If the PTEN shows were pulled from syndication and moved to
 EE> the WB Network, they'd have a bunch of shows with pre-built
 EE> audiences that could then be seen in something resembling "prime
 EE> time" - it would probably be a win all around.

 BH> Considering that UPN is cancelling every show they have except Voyager
 BH> and DS9,

 Sorry Brian DS9 is syndicated and therefore UPN has no control over it.

 BH> I'd say that *BOTH* networks need some serious help.

 Amen to that although UPN is giving Legend a "second" chance on the 12th
 after Voyager.

 BH> Other than B5, I watch nothing on UPN,

 You stated earlier that UPN is cancelling every show except Voyager. Don't
 you mean you watch B-5 on the UPN affilate?

 and I watch absolutely nothing on

 BH> Warner.
 BH> ___
 BH> X RM 1.3  X Eval Day -8 X Hard DISK? Gee lady, I misunderstood you.

 BH> -!- Maximus 2.02
 BH>  ! Origin: The Belching Dragon Inn & Tavern (1:207/241)

... Miracle Software, Inc. 'If it works, it's a Miracle!'
--- Blue Wave/RA v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin:  Weyr Galifrey - Memphis, TN  +1.901.685.0017 (1:123/75)

 Msg  : 212 of 322
 From : Jim Cushing                         1:123/75        .īķ 12 .žķ 95 12:08
 To   : Brian Henderson
 Subj : Re: B5 Ripoff: Ds9

 BH> I'll agree, although both LIS and BG had "adult" fans. Let's face it,
 BH> who are the majority of ST fans? Kids!

 Kids! Not likely Brian!

 BH> That's why Paramount flaunted T&A  all over the screen during TNG,
 BH> because they were aiming at their audience. That doesn't necessarily mean
 BH> that TNG or LIS or BG were necessarily aimed at a "kid" audience, those
 BH> were simply the audiences that they garnered. Even today, the vast majority
 BH> of Star Trek fans are  males under the age of 16.

 Get real! If what you say is true then I guess you believe that shows like
 Three's Company and Charlie's Angels were created for and viewed by the
 "kid" audience. I don't know about you but when I was 16(a loonngg time ago)
 the last thing I wanted to do was to watch TV.

 BH> It demonstrated that a sf show could be successful. Unfortunately,
 BH> there was too much drek between 1970 and 1987. The audience always
 BH> existed, there was simply nothing worth watching. Had a Babylon-5 or
 BH> something similar come along during that time, it would have made it
 BH> because it was a good show, not because TNG made it possible.

 Your missing the key word "Syndication"! When TNG proved that SF did not
 have to be shown on network to be successful it opened doors for shows
 like B-5, Highlander, Forever Knight. TNG had that built in audience that
 "helped" it succeed. B-5 would not have been syndicated if not for the
 success of TNG.

 BH> Unfortunately, after TNG hit the screen, far too many studios were
 BH> afraid to put their own space show up against a successful show.

 I would that in at least 90% of the country B-5 and DSN do NOT battle
 head to head in the ratings war.

... "There can be only One!" Connor McCloud.   'Highlander'
--- Blue Wave/RA v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin:  Weyr Galifrey - Memphis, TN  +1.901.685.0017 (1:123/75)

 Msg  : 213 of 322
 From : Jim Cushing                         1:123/75        .īķ 12 .žķ 95 12:08
 To   : Ecarey
 Subj : Re: BABYLON 5 (PTEN)

 Ec> Compared to where Trek was at this point in its history, B5 is doing
 Ec> quite well, so quitcherbellyachin'.

 Well said Elizabeth!

... There IS intelligent life in the universe... It ignores us...
--- Blue Wave/RA v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin:  Weyr Galifrey - Memphis, TN  +1.901.685.0017 (1:123/75)

 Msg  : 214 of 322
 From : Jeff Schlenker                      1:288/19        .īķ 12 .žķ 95 23:16
 To   : Frank Glover
 Subj : Re: ST-Generations

-=> Frank Glover was overheard speaking to Crah <=-

 Cr>  Thanks! Strange that the rental places will have it before it's on
 Cr>  the shelf to
 Cr>  buy. Kinda supports pirating copies, doesn't it?

 FG> I agree. I thought it was kind of strange, too. Usually rental and
 FG> retail are simultaneous....

Here's my theory....  They sell it first to the rental stores for an
ungodly price... say 99 dollars.  Then they can later sell it at
large for a more reasonable price of 24.95 or less.

Jeffrey A. Schlenker               jeff.schlenker@lake-city.com

... "In God we trust.  All others we monitor..." - Naval Intelligence
___ TagDude 0.87 [Unregistered]
--- < Sig-It > v3.00 by Brandon S. Bell

--- Blue Wave/Max v2.12
 * Origin: LakeCity BBS * V34/4 Gigs Watertown SD 605 886-0849 (1:288/19)

 Msg  : 215 of 322
 From : Phill Ash                           1:275/160       .ņp 13 .žķ 95 08:11
 To   : Greg Mcneil
 Subj : Re: Out to sea...
.TID: GE 1.11+

>Hey, just don't get lost trying to Find:

>1. A BT Punch.
>2. Batteries for sound powered phones.
>3. Relative bearing grease. -yes, there is such a thing, but it has to
>   be speicaly ordered from supply.
>4. Food for the captain's gold fish.
>5. That Red, White, and Blue bouy, that has the ships mail in it.

You left out two of my favorites:
 6. Portable Pad-Eye Puller
 7. Gig-line

Your pal:  PhlAsh
... Always borrow money from a pessimist; he doesn't expect to be repaid.
 * PhlAshMail 1.0 *
~~~ ReneWave v1.00.wb2 (unregistered)
--- GEcho 1.11+
 * Origin: * The Beast's Lair * (804)425-1618 * Va Beach VA * (1:275/160)

 Msg  : 216 of 322
 From : Phill Ash                           1:275/160       .ņp 13 .žķ 95 08:11
 To   : Jeff Kovach
 Subj : Crosspost
.TID: GE 1.11+

>     You know you've been watching Highlander too much when you hear
>a song by The Who come on the radio, and you think it's too bad they
>can't record any new stuff since their lead singer got killed.

>To which Jeff Kovach replies...
>Who?  Don't you mean Queen?

        Roger Daltry (lead singer for The Who) was decapitated by

Your pal:  PhlAsh
... An insane student learns strange lessons.
 * PhlAshMail 1.0 *
~~~ ReneWave v1.00.wb2 (unregistered)
--- GEcho 1.11+
 * Origin: * The Beast's Lair * (804)425-1618 * Va Beach VA * (1:275/160)

 Msg  : 217 of 322
 From : Phill Ash                           1:275/160       .ņp 13 .žķ 95 08:12
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : Crosspost
.TID: GE 1.11+

>Regarding listening to The Who and thinking their lead singer got
>killed.  I didn't know about this.  Please enlighten me as to the
>situation?  Is it to do with Queen?

        I think you went way over some people's heads on that one, Jack!

Your pal:  PhlAsh
... Cardinal Fang! Fetch...THE COMFY CHAIR!
 * PhlAshMail 1.0 *
~~~ ReneWave v1.00.wb2 (unregistered)
--- GEcho 1.11+
 * Origin: * The Beast's Lair * (804)425-1618 * Va Beach VA * (1:275/160)

 Msg  : 218 of 322
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .ņp 13 .žķ 95 12:06
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : Vorlon Immortality
In a message of , Jeff Hancock scribed:

 JK>> *************Minor Spoiler Warning******************
 JK> JH>> Still?
 JK>> Yep...  You never know who's not seen the episode in
 JK>> question yet, so it makes sense to do so...

 JH> We're not going to have a repeat of the debate from over on
 JH> SF, are we?

     No, Jeff... I hadn't intended to. :)  I guess we can dispense with the
spoiler warning here, but if someone objects to their *not* being a spoiler
warning, I'll send them to you, ok? 

 JK> JH>> BTW, I thought the next episode was supposed to be _The
 JK> JH>> Long, Twilight Struggle_, which was being hyped as one
 JK>> The next *new* episode is going to be _The Long, Twilight
 JK>> Struggle_, but it won't be airing in North America now until
 JK>> some time in October. PTEN has decided to hold off on the
 JK>> final four

 JH> So I've been hearing... Expletive deleted.

     Well, things could be worse, you know...the series has been renewed, so
there will be a third season of BABYLON 5.  The good news is the episodes may be
shown a bit earlier, but there is also the possibility now that the Brits and
Euros won't see the last four episodes until August or September.  Just talk,
for the moment, as far as I know.

 JH> Not that it's an original thought, but this is stupid.

     Quite a few of us agree with this sentiment.  Won't do much to influence
the folks at PTEN, I don't think. :(

 JH> Not only do they tick off B5 fans, but that also means that
 JH> those four episodes will only get one airing (not counting
 JH> the same-week repeats in many areas), and people who miss
 JH> them or get turned on to the show later will miss what appear
 JH> to be some of the more important (arc-wise) shows of the
 JH> season - just like _Babylon Squared_ and _Chrysalis_.

     Yep, pretty much the same thing, imo.  The worst thing is that PTEN has
said that the reason they won't show episodes from the first season is that they
don't want to confuse people about the Sinclair/Sheridan command of the station.
Since JMS has said that major new characters will be introduced in the third
season, it's a good bet that second season shows won't be repeated for the same
reason that PTEN used to not want to show first season episodes in repeat.
Maybe we'll have to wait until the series is in syndicated re-release. :)

 JK>> Meantime, the Brits and Europeans will see the four episodes
 JK>> when they were scheduled to air - in the June/July slot. :(

 JH> Okay, two questions... Is it possible a letter-writing
 JH> campaign would do any good, and do you know anyone in Europe
 JH> with an NTSC-compatible VCR who could send you tapes of
 JH> them . . . ?

     Well, before I answer this, see my comments above on this matter.  As for
the first question, I doubt that a letter-writing campaign would influence PTEN
one way or the other, but it might convince them to show the episodes a bit
earlier than October.  Or not...  They're thinking in terms of the sweeps in
October and November, and as I mentioned before, the segue into the third season
of B5.

     As for the second question, I know a lot of people in Britain, but most of
them aren't using the NTSC-compatible formats.  PAL is the common video over
there, and that's what they'll be recording in.  Unless they're willing to help
out the poor American cousins and go out of their way to help us all out. :)

 JK>> No way to know...but we don't know all that much about them.
 JK>> We know that they are at least 12,000 years old and that
 JK>> they were old when the other First Ones, such as the Vorlons,
 JK>> were young.

 JH> Race-wise, but I'm talking about those Shadows with Morden,
 JH> and if they personally would have fought in the wars or have
 JH> any experience leading them to believe that Kosh is one of
 JH> the First Ones.

     Who knows?  We don't really know what the Shadows look like proper yet;
heck we don't even know anything about Shadow biology or chemistry at all, so
how can we talk about their ages?  The fact that they pre-date the Vorlons as a
race must count for something of course, but we don't know enough about them at
this point.

 JH>  They must have a suspicion at the least, unless those
 JH> particular Shadows don't know diddley about those ancient wars.
 JH> Wouldn't the very name "Vorlons" tip them off? ;-)

     Not if the actual name of Kosh's race is one that they have abandoned in
order to keep themselves safe from the Shadows for now.  "Vorlon" might be the
name they call themselves as camouflage, and serves a similar purpose to the
encounter suit that presumably, all Vorlons wear.

 JK> JH>> and why no one walks into them by accident.
 JK>> Probably because they're phased. :)

 JH> Is this just guessing, or has JMS confirmed this? Could be,
 JH> it would certainly explain how Morden gets around in crowded
 JH> situations (unless they can fly, too).

     No, Joe hasn't confirmed this.  But I've been of the opinion that the
Shadows have phasing capability for a long time now, ever since we first saw the
Shadow ship in combat as a matter of fact.  Some of the evidence seems to
confirm this, some doesn't.  Just another mystery, one of many, surrounding the
Shadows. :)

 JH> Something else I was thinking of... Sinclair's Rangers and
 JH> Delenn both know about the Shadows, and know that the others
 JH> know; and Delenn knows about Morden and the Shadows, so it
 JH> would seem reasonable to assume that there is a Ranger or
 JH> two keeping an eye on Morden.

     While that's possible, knowledge is a dangerous thing. :)  JMS has said
that there have been Rangers on the station for a while now, and that every
episode since "TCoS" has had at least one Ranger somewhere in it.

 JH>  To that end, the last time I watched _ItSoZ_, during the
 JH> meeting in the Zocalo I was watching the background for
 JH> anyone who appeared to show even the slightest interest in
 JH> Morden... but, no luck. Either JMS hasn't considered this,
 JH> or just didn't put it in...

     Well, I'm in the middle of making tapes for a friend of mine; he wants a
complete set of B5 tapes, so I'm working on the first season stuff, but when I
get around to watching some of the later episodes again, I may keep my eyes
peeled for things.

If wishes were horses, beggars would be shoveling manure.

--- GoldED/2 2.42.G0614
 * Origin: JohnK's OS/2Warp Point - Ottawa, Ontario (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 219 of 322
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .ņp 13 .žķ 95 12:22
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : Vorlon Immortality 1.1
In a message of , Jeff Hancock scribed:

 JK> JK>>> that the Ancient Ones have learned, about how to cloak
 JK> JK>>> themselves from the Shadows knowing who they are,
 JK> JH>> Hmmm, good point. I wonder if the encounter suit is also
 JK> JH>> part of that protection, perhaps generating a scrambler
 JK> JH>> field
 JK>> This would certainly seem to be the case, given that the
 JK>> Shadows in "Signs and Portents" attempted to get through
 JK>> the suit to see what

 JH> Well, the cloaking could be entirely mental instead of just
 JH> physical through the suit, is what I meant.

     I'm not sure about this.  If you remember from "The Gathering," Lyta
Alexander couldn't scan Kosh with the suit relatively closed, and she speculated
that it was shielded.  That possibly implies the Vorlon suit is partially
organic, that the Vorlons have some sort of psi shielding (which makes sense,
given their racial age), or something like that.  While the suit might not be
totally effective against the Shadows, given they are older than the Vorlons,
that doesn't mean the latter are more technologically advanced than the Vorlons,
but this does appear to be the case.

 JK>> was inside.  That's how Kosh's encounter suit got damaged,
 JK>> although it's obvious now that the Shadow allies of Morden
 JK>> didn't manage to penetrate Kosh's disguise.  If they had,
 JK>> the war with the Shadows would have started in deadly
 JK>> earnest by now.

 JH> The thing is, it just makes me wonder why the Shadows were
 JH> ruthlessly curious enough to reveal themselves in some fashion
 JH> if they weren't suspicious enough already to make it almost a
 JH> moot point.

     It could be they were curious about the Vorlons, specifically about Kosh,
I suppose.  In "Signs and Portents" it seemed to me that Kosh was the only
ambassador that Morden hadn't approached, and no matter what others say on the
matter, he was somewhat afraid of Kosh to begin with.  Perhaps something
instinctive, who knows?

 JH>  Given what the Shadows with Morden _ought_ to know about
 JH> the ancient wars (one would think he would have contacts who
 JH> would know enough to watch for things the agent wouldn't
 JH> notice, unless Morden was given that kind of information as
 JH> part of the recruitment), it just seems as if they should have
 JH> a very good unconfirmed suspicion of who Kosh really is.

     Perhaps, but maybe not.  We don't really know enough about either species
at this point to guess, although one would think that when the Vorlons are
revealed as one of the First Ones, things will intensify.  Perhaps it's the
revelation of what the Vorlons are near the end of this season that will cause
the Shadows to commence the war in earnest.

 JK> JH>> Say, how does this tie in with _The Gathering_?
 JK>> No one knows, Jeff...at least no one other than JMS...and
 JK>> he ain't talking. 

 JH> So speculate... thoughts are still free, so far. ;-)

     Well, the first thing that comes to mind is the attempted assassination of
Kosh in "The Gathering."  We don't know whether the assassination attempt was
real or not, but I'm inclined to believe it was.  Someone, presumably whoever
set up the assassination attempt, had to have know exactly *what* was inside the
encounter suit, since they knew how to poison Kosh and knew what to use to
poison Kosh.  Make of that what you will, I think.

 JK> JH>> I can't remember exactly what happened, but wasn't a
 JK> JH>> telepath involved? And didn't the doctor who saw Kosh go
 JK> JH>> to the Rim, where he could run into Shadows?
 JK>> There were actually three people involved.  The doctor,
 JK>> Benjamin

 JH> Thanks for the refresh. How did Lyta scan Kosh through the
 JH> suit, unless she's more powerful than Talia?

     She didn't.  Kosh opened the suit, allowing Lyta to make physical contact
with him (and I still maintain that she saw what was in the encounter suit as
well), and that's how she was able to scan him.

 JK>> Laurel Takashima, the second-in-command, was involved in
 JK>> the assassination attempt up to her neck, and she was the
 JK>> staff member who was transferred out to the Rim (this was
 JK>> something that JMS said in posts and the like); a lot of us
 JK>> believe that she'll be back as a Shadow agent before the
 JK>> story is finished.

 JH> Sounds almost too coincidental, except that it's not too
 JH> unreasonable to "sentence" someone to a distant post where
 JH> you won't have to deal with them again (hopefully)... still,
 JH> there could be a contact in Earthdome who knew she'd make a
 JH> good Shadow operative... or she already was and was just
 JH> going to the Rim to report and receive a new assignment.

     That's one possibility.  Someone in C&C let the Narn one-man pod that
brought the Minbari assassin onto the station through.  Someone arranged it that
Del Varner, a man with five convictions for tech-running in the EA, managed to
arrive on the station and not get busted by security.  Someone blanked out the
computer records on the problem with the transport tube that Sinclair had while
on the way to the docking bay to meet Kosh on his arrival. There's a few more
points here that could be made against Takashima as well.

If wishes were horses, beggars would be shoveling manure.

--- GoldED/2 2.42.G0614
 * Origin: The Point Away From Home (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 220 of 322
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .ņp 13 .žķ 95 12:35
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : Vorlon Immortality 2
In a message of , Jeff Hancock scribed:

 JK> JH>> Surprised? I don't remember Morden seeming that
 JK> JH>> surprised, he was as confident as ever.
 JK>> Watch the episode again, Jeff, if you can. :)  Morden was

 JH> That one I can't, although I did see it a few times.

     Hmmm... oh well...

 JK>> surprised to see the Vorlon the first time and hid from him
 JK>> in one of the off-shoot tunnels from the docking bays when
 JK>> Kosh returned to the

 JH> I remember that scene, more or less, just not that he looked
 JH> all that surprised.

     I guess it's really a matter of interpretation about the whole sequence,
isn't it?  I thought he was somewhat surprised, and Joe has said that the
Shadows who are always with Morden tried to open the suit to find out what was
inside.  That's how the suit got damaged.

 JK>> He avoided Kosh for most of the episode, and the final
 JK>> confrontation

 JH> Was there anything else in the show aside from that and the
 JH> final encounter to suggest that Kosh was trying to find
 JH> Morden, or that Morden was trying to avoid Kosh? I thought we
 JH> only saw them those two times.

     That's right...but the evidence in the two sequences is clear.  The first
time, Morden is avoiding Kosh as he comes down the hallway by going into the
side tunnel very quickly and quietly.  The second time, Morden confronts Kosh by
Kosh's design, not Morden's.

 JK>> with Kosh was the latter's doing, not Morden's idea. JMS
 JK>> has said that it was the Shadows that are always with Morden
 JK>> that attacked Kosh, not Morden personally, and that they
 JK>> were the ones who damaged the encounter suit.

 JH> I wonder when this will be "officially" revealed in the show.

     I suspect that this may be revealed when we learn, in flashback, about the
encounter between Kosh and Morden in "SaP."

 JH> You may not have thought that highly of _ItSoZ_ because most
 JH> of it were things you had already figured out or had heard
 JH> comments about from JMS, but there are undoubtedly fans
 JH> without those contacts who hadn't put the pieces together in
 JH> that way.

     Oh, I suspect that's true.  But the hints about Morden's origins have been
around since he first showed up in "SaP"; it's just a matter of fans paying
attention (something that has to be done in this series, because of all the
continuity and on-going plots) to what occurred in the past.  Comments made by
characters also help in this regard...

 JK> JH>> Which point exactly, that the Shadows were always with
 JK> JH>> Morden, that the Shadows attacked Kosh, or that the
 JK> JH>> knowledge was plundered before the attack? I'm not sure
 JK> JH>> which part of your statement was confirmed.

 JK>> Joe confirmed that the Shadows are always with Morden
 JK>> (which was confirmed by Delenn in "In the Shadow of
 JK>> Z'ha'dum"), and that it was the Shadows that attacked Kosh
 JK>> and damaged the encounter suit in "Signs and Portents."

 JH> Okay... you did say "latter", but it still seemed a bit
 JH> ambiguous.

     Yeah, I can see that it might have sounded somewhat ambiguous in
retrospect.  At least, we've got this one cleared up now.  Sort of like the
business with Delenn's bit about Kosh being Vorlon and the Vorlons being one of
the First Ones in "ItSoZ."  It seems a lot of the folks who saw the story got
confused about whether Kosh was the last of the Vorlons and all that.

 JK>> Morden's knowledge being taken by Kosh is the only
 JK>> explanation of how Kosh could have known what happened
 JK>> to the Icarus, and it's something that explains the
 JK>> sequence that we saw in "ItSoZ"; the perspective we seem
 JK>> to have is that of Morden, if you watch it more critically.

 JH> True, and yet... The first scene of the Icarus flyby could
 JH> not have been Morden, unless they'd spaced him ;-), the next
 JH> scene was a pan sideways of the Icarus crew unloading and
 JH> setting things up; it seems unlikely that Morden would have
 JH> been walking sideways and watching the ship instead of
 JH> exploring the planet, and then finally the exploration scenes
 JH> with the lights and the uncovering of the Shadow could very
 JH> well have been his POV.

     The earlier scenes you mention could have been through a Shadow pov,
either from an orbiting facility or from a Shadow sentry of some sort.  Just my
guess, at this point.

 JK> JK> JH>>> But not everything was from Morden's POV...
 JK> JK>>> The vision of the events of the Icarus landing on
 JK> JK>>> Z'ha'dum were not all from Morden's view, but it's also
 JK> JK>>> likely that a Shadow viewpoint was also part of that -
 JK> JK>>> something perhaps that is part

 JK> JH>> Hmmm.... But if the Icarus woke up the Shadows on the
 JK> JH>> surface of Za'ha'dum, then how could a Shadow ship have
 JK> JH>> been in space to watch the Icarus before it landed?

 JK>> Perhaps it wasn't a Shadow ship.  Perhaps it was an automated
 JK>> system that the Shadows, once awake, could have awareness of.
 JK>> Perhaps it was a Vorlon or other First Ones orbital scanning/
 JK>> surveillance device. Who knows?

 JH> Possibly, possibly. I would favor the automated Shadow system
 JH> for the flyby; if the Vorlons were involved you would think
 JH> they would have done something to prevent the humans from
 JH> awaking the Shadows.

     While this is a valid point, one of the things you have to remember is
that the Vorlons don't tend to interfere in all things.  We've seen this over
and over in the series, and perhaps it has more to do with the cyclical nature
of the universe and history.  I get the impression that it was just a matter of
time before *someone* woke the Shadows again...it's ironic that it's the humans
who did it, and it's even more ironic perhaps that the Vorlons are still around
to help the lesser, newcomer races deal with them again.

 JH>  The pan of the ship unloading could have been from an awake
 JH> Shadow, perhaps after Morden (or whomever) had found it and
 JH> thus shown out of chronological sequence.

     Good thinking.  One possibility that I'd not considered.

I love the whirling of the dervishes.

--- GoldED/2 2.42.G0614
 * Origin: The Point Away From Home (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 221 of 322
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .ņp 13 .žķ 95 12:49
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : Vorlon Immortality 2.1
In a message of , Jeff Hancock scribed:

 JH> There's no need for Morden to have provided those images,
 JH> since we're assuming the Shadows implanted the memories of
 JH> the flyby and the ship unloading in his head then they could
 JH> have added memories of the first person to see and wake the
 JH> Shadow.

     A valid point.  I suspect that the Shadows do provide some of their more
trusted agents - of which Morden certainly appears to be one - with a lot of
information and a lot of memories.  This could be part of his arrangement.

 JH> On the other claw, this could be partially memories that Kosh
 JH> took from the _Shadows_, not Morden;

     Another good point, and certainly an intriguing possibility.  That would
mean that Kosh is a lot stronger than we've been led to believe, but it could
have been due to the element of surprise that the Shadows with Morden
experienced.  Kosh pounced, at the right moment, of course. :)

 JK> JK>>> Shadows and their agents are telepathically linked (I
 JK> JK>>> refuse
 JK> JH>> Telepathically, perhaps... but whatever it is, I don't
 JK> JH>> think they're always in contact. While Morden is in
 JK> JH>> custody, you can see him doing something which would
 JK> JH>> seem to suggest he's making contact with the Shadows.

 JK>> True.  And yet, go back to "Chrysalis"... that's the episode
 JK>> where he's sitting comfortably and the Shadows are on
 JK>> either side of him talking to him.  He's not communing or
 JK>> meditating in that sequence to contact them.  It strikes me
 JK>> that his actions in "ItSoZ" while in custody was a blatant
 JK>> attempt to get Sheridan to see the Shadows.

 JH> How do you figure that?

     Call it a gut instinct.  There's the sequence right near the end, when (I
think it was) Sheridan is regarding the screen, and Morden looks straight at
him...and smiles that malicious smile of his.  He *knew* exactly what was going
on, I think...

 JH> He couldn't have known Sheridan was watching, or would know
 JH> what to look for...

     See my thoughts above. :)

 JH> My guess is that when he did what he did, it was basically
 JH> a signal saying "okay, we can talk now" and during Chrysalis,
 JH> they were already talking.

     I don't agree with you here at all.  Just my impressions of the sequence...
And I'm inclined to think there's more to Morden than we even know at this

 JK> JH>> Curiously enough, it looks as if he's making a triangle
 JK> JH>> with his fingers... What if he has one of those Minbari
 JK> JH>> widgets, or perhaps the Minbari got them from the Vorlons
 JK> JH>> or Shadows in some

 JK>> We don't really know what the triangular symbol with his
 JK>> hands was, but perhaps it's something from Shadow and other
 JK>> First Ones religions that has been adopted by the Minbari
 JK>> (and perhaps other races).  I doubt very much that he has a
 JK>> triluminary...

 JH> Perhaps. Why would you doubt that? I mean, is it like
 JH> something that can only be used by Minbari, or only for the
 JH> Forces of Good , or some other such restriction?

     Well, it has struck me that it's uses to this point have been associated
with Light, and that's something that the Shadows and Morden seem to have
avoided.  I suspect that the triluminary may have been something handed down to
the Minbari by the "Vorlons" during the last skirmish with the Shadows some
1,000 years ago.  Just a guess on my part, of course.

 JK> JK>>> Actually the time of Valen and the Grey Council is about
 JK> JK>>> 1,000 years ago, which fits in with the business of the
 JK> JH>> Sorry, I was unclear. Obviously Minbari aren't told just
 JK> JH>> because they joined the Grey Council, since then she
 JK> JH>> would have known for longer than three years.
 JK>> While this is possible, it also represents the fact that
 JK>> Delenn had only been on the Grey Council for the last three
 JK>> to five years or so, a recent recruit (in Minbari terms),
 JK>> perhaps.

 JH> Ummm... Delenn was with the Grey Council during the Earth-
 JH> Minbari war over ten years ago, proposed courses of action,
 JH> and interviewed prisoners. Does that sound like the actions
 JH> of a "recent recruit", Minbari or no?

     Oops...   Something I'd forgotten about in all
the other detail we've been discussing.  Hmm...

I love the whirling of the dervishes.

--- GoldED/2 2.42.G0614
 * Origin: The Point Away From Home (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 222 of 322
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .ņp 13 .žķ 95 12:59
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : Vorlon Immortality 2.2
In a message of , Jeff Hancock scribed:

 JK>> that Valen balanced the Council with three from each caste
 JK>> suggests that he felt that there was merit to having the
 JK>> religious, warrior, and worker caste viewpoints in all
 JK>> matters - something that the current Council seems to have
 JK>> forgotten perhaps.

 JH> I find it slightly odd that the Minbari are acting quite as
 JH> hostile as they are. Aside from the Dark Star, they didn't
 JH> suffer any real casualties, did they?

     Not as far as we know.  The casualties fo the E-M war have only been
really mentioned from the pov of the Humans, although we know that they lost a
rather large force when Sheridan did his thing with the Black Star.

 JH> Aside from the insult of being told to surrender when they
 JH> had beaten us, which is obviously still a fairly big deal, it
 JH> seems a bit odd that they're so sensitive about war casualties.
 JH> Kind of as if the E-M war was their Vietnam, except it wasn't.

     Perhaps, but the Minbari went to war for religious reasons, given what had
occurred to the previous Minbari leader during the initial contact between the
two races.  Sure, the Minbari Religious caste stopped the war, but didn't tell
the Warrior and Worker castes *why*.  Those two castes must have felt humiliated
by the surrender to Earth when they were on the brink of victory. That would
certainly keep some of the hostility, if not hatred, alive.

 JK>> impression that Neroon's mind was totally closed, once he
 JK>> learned about humans having Minbari souls, and hence the
 JK>> reason for the surrender to Earth.  While he might still
 JK>> know of the coming great evil and all, his own biases and
 JK>> dislike of the Humans, evidenced in the stories that he's
 JK>> appeared in, would prevent him from desiring or even wanting
 JK>> the Humans' aid.

 JH> Assuming again that the soul theory is correct, or has JMS
 JH> confirmed it?

     No, just a guess on my part.  Joe hasn't really said all that much about
this, but if the soul theory were a deliberate falsehood on the part of the
Minbari, I don't think Joe would admit it at this time.  Still, what does the
Minbari soul theory do when it comes to Delenn?  Does she still have a Minbari
soul or not?

 JK> JK>>> John Vornholt posted a message noting that the next book
 JK> JK>>> in the series, his _Blood Oath_ (dealing with the Narns)
 JK> JK>>> won't be out
 JK> JH>> Considering what I keep hearing about them, doesn't sound
 JK> JH>> like it'll be a loss.
 JK>> I suppose not.  Still, it would be nice to have some new B5
 JK>> fiction to read during the six-month drought between new
 JK>> episodes, now wouldn't it?  I guess the comics will have to
 JK>> serve during this time... *sigh*

 JH> Well, they'll serve for me... finally got back on Voices.
 JH> Thinking about it, I don't think it's so bad that most of it
 JH> will be on Earth; after all one of the reasons for the comic
 JH> was said so that they could show parts of the B5 universe that
 JH> they couldn't afford to do on the show, and Earth should be
 JH> much the same. The show can't cover *everything*, after all.

     This is certainly what one would think, right? :)  The comics have been a
lot more entertaining and informative, as far as I am concerned, than the
novels.  But this is something that I think is much harder to do with the
novels.  John Vornholt and JMS both said that the third novel has been delayed
because of the corrections and modifications that had to be made to it, likely
based on the Narn lore and canon.  _Voices_ was an entertaining read, imo, but
I'll never think of the book as canon.

 JH> I don't suppose you can get a copy of the full JMS/Claudia
 JH> interview that was in the letter column to #7, could you?
 JH> Great stuff there. Oh, and if you could get that GIF... 

     I haven't got my copy of the seventh issue of the comic, yet, but I know
the interview you're referring to.  If Nicolai is willing, I'll post the whole
thing here on the echo...but it'll be some nine or so posts in length, iirc.

I love the whirling of the dervishes.

--- GoldED/2 2.42.G0614
 * Origin: The Point Away From Home (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 223 of 322
 From : Marc Zingarelli                     1:226/110       .ņp 13 .žķ 95 14:30
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : Highlander Novels
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  92-0004
JACK BUTLER was overheard talking in "Joe's" about Highlander Novels and

JB>     Okay, here's the scoop.  The first Highlander novel, "The Element of
JB>Fire" by Jay Henders, will be out around October.  The second novel,
JB>"Scimitar" by Ashley McConnell, will be released after that.

Another thing to wait through a boring summer for!  Thanks for the info



 * OLXWin 1.00a * "I'm a lawyer." "Honest?" "No, the usual kind."

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: The Computer Room-Pickerington, Oh (614)861-8377  (1:226/110.0)

 Msg  : 224 of 322
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .ņp 13 .žķ 95 18:55
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : Vorlon Immortality 3
In a message of , Jeff Hancock scribed:

 JK>> There's been all kinds of speculations, Jeff...things
 JK>> about angels, and the like - but Joe has said that only
 JK>> one person has actually guessed the truth about the Vorlons.
 JK>> And he wouldn't say who...

 JH> Hmmmm...did he say anything else, such as that the person
 JH> had said it on the usenet conference?

No, not really.  But given that the stuff he says on GEnie, CIS, and other
places usually filters down to the usenet level, it could have been anyone. That
said, I believe that it may have been someone on Usenet.  But folks have been
posting about B5 since "The Gathering" came out, and it could have been someone
way back in late 1993 or early 1994.

 JH> You could work it in reverse and review all the ideas
 JH> posted and eliminate all the ones that multiple people have
 JH> suggested or agree with. ;-)

     No way, Jeff...I'd have to go through all the mail that has been posted in
the rasftvb5 and other newsgroups for at least two years.  Not for love, but for
money, maybe... :)

 JH> Anyway, judging by the #7 lettercol, we will know in October.

     Joe's been saying this for a while now, Jeff.  Actually, he said this when
he discussed the final eight episodes (before we knew about the October delay
and all).  You really should get back on the B5 Echo regularly, if nothing else.

 JK> JK>>> we don't know all that much about some of the races,
 JK> JK>>> although there have been hints in the medical episodes
 JK> JK>>> about physiologies
 JK> JH>> About how they would recognize Kosh as an ancient one?
 JK> JH>> I'm not following. You mean it's something physical?

 JK>> I suspect so.  Remember Kyle's reaction to Kosh in "The
 JK>> Gathering"? There's also the bit that was posted here from
 JK>> the scene

 JH> Not really.  But I don't get what you're saying here... I
 JH> don't mean how Kosh looks, you suggested that alien
 JH> physiologies had something to do with how they would recognize
 JH> Kosh as a First One, or something like that... I'm still not
 JH> sure what, and I think a vital quote got cut out somewhere
 JH> along the way (must not have seemed vital at the time).

     Nope, no quotes got cut.  My whole point here is that, contrary to popular
opinion, I don't think Kosh is going to be an angel or any sort of religious
figure.  Something that Dr. Kyle saw (and possibly Lyta Alexander saw) when he
looked into the Vorlon's encounter suit - about the Vorlon's physiological
appearance - is important to the discovery/revelation of what Kosh looks like.
But I'm in the dark as much as anyone else as to taking a guess as to what Kosh
looks like and what the important physiological trait might be.

 JK>> that was cut from the 2-hour movie, where Kyle talks to
 JK>> Laurel Takashima, and tells her that he's "been changed"
 JK>> by what he saw. Something to think about.

 JH> Not as badly as Delenn. ;)

     True, but Delenn's transformation comes from religious belief, I think,
and a firm committment to Valen's prophecy.  Whatever she saw in Kosh influenced
the decision, but it's also possible that Kosh may well have manipulated Delenn.
He's certainly done a lot of manipulating in the series so far. :)

 JH> I just don't see how they're going to show Kosh and have us,
 JH> the viewing audience, immediately undergo some form of
 JH> revelation and understand what all the puzzle pieces
 JH> concerning Kosh throughout the series to date add up to,
 JH> without falling back on some form of cliche or being totally
 JH> confusing and not providing those answers.

     I just hope that most of the folks won't be disappointed in what Kosh is,
given the hype that's leading up to this revelation.  Personally, I hope it's
something that is very science fiction-y.

 JK> JK>>> "Confessions and Lamentations" had one of these as well,
 JK> JK>>> in a Lousy joke, though...
 JK> JK>>> Do you suppose this is the homeworld that JMS said
 JK> JK>>> would be destroyed? I thought it would be that of a
 JK> JK>>> major race.
 JK>> Yes, the Markab homeworld is the one that was meant by
 JK>> Joe.

 JH> I sense a discussion between you and Chris very shortly. ;-)

     Actually, there doesn't have to be a discussion between me and Chris about
this at all.  Since I posted the original message to you on this one, I've had
time to think about what Joe has said in the past and about the whole Markab
plague business.  The Markab are *not* the major race that Joe meant.  The Narn

 JK>> nice touch, a rather brutal kind of lesson, and something that
 JK>> most of the fans weren't expecting.  As for the Markab being a
 JK>> "major

 JH> A little foreshadowing might have been nice... as it is, it
 JH> almost seems more of an AIDS parable than anything else.

     Personally, I thought it was something of an AIDS parable, but I think in
actual fact it relates more to the Black Death kind of thing.  That killed
three-quarters of the population of Europe when it struck, and the death of the
Markab species struck a chord in the same fashion for me.

 JK>> race" or not, who knows what they might have accomplished
 JK>> during the series? Their legends spoke of the Shadows and
 JK>> their servants, so perhaps the plague wasn't an "accident
 JK>> of nature" at all. :)

 JH> Hey now, let's not get TOO paranoid about 'em! Now, back to
 JH> my theory about how the Shadows are behind Bureau 13...

     *chuckle*  hehe  Yeah, there's that element of paranoia that strikes, but
with B5 you can't help it. :)  It was just a thought that crossed my mind,
simply because there's now a de-populated world that has all sorts of potential.

 JK> JH>> While I'm thinking of it, someone mentioned the
 JK> JH>> number 2.5 showing up in B5 a number of times, do you
 JK> JH>> suppose it's also a coincidence that both station
 JK> JH>> captions happen to share the creator's first and last
 JK> JH>> initials? ;)
 JK>> I'm not sure I understand what you mean here...

 JH> Jeff Sinclair.
 JH> John Sheridan.
 JH> J.M. S.
 JH> ^    ^ Notice a trend? It's as if the captain character is
 JH> his alter-ego.

     The reason I didn't understand what you meant here was because you wrote
"caption" in place of "captain" in the above... :)  That said, Joe has said
numerous times that there's no coincidental about it and that it wasn't
deliberate on his part.

 JH> Speaking of which, do you know if JMS has ever appeared in
 JH> the series as a background actor?

     Nope, Joe has never appeared in the series because he feels that he's not
photogenic enough and because he doesn't do that sort of things on series that
he writes and produces.  Ron Thornton and a couple of the other folks have
appeared in the series before, however.

We'd give you a part my love, but you'd have to play the fool.

--- GoldED/2 2.42.G0614
 * Origin: JohnK's OS/2Warp Point - Ottawa, Ontario (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 225 of 322
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .ņp 13 .žķ 95 19:20
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : Vorlon Immortality 3.1
In a message of , Jeff Hancock scribed:

 JK> JK> JK>>>> with Kosh's earlier talk with Sheridan about
 JK> JK> JK>>>> teaching and preparing him "to fight legends."
 JK> JK> JH>>> Yes, but what legends exactly?
 JK> JK>>> The legends are the Shadows, obviously.  Since they are
 JK> JH>> Yes, but... They'd be our legends too, and what legends
 JK> JH>> are there on Earth of anything like the Shadows?

 JK>> One never knows, does one?  I could have said "Only the
 JK>> Shadow(s) know"... but that would have been rather tacky
 JK>> of me. 

 JH> Yes, it would have been.

     :)  And I wouldn't do something like that. :)

 JH> Guess I'll just have to assume that they're legends of B5's
 JH> Earth, and not ours, without getting too generic. At least
 JH> Za'ha'dum wasn't brimstone and fire pits.

     Now *that* would have been tacky. :)  Mind you, I was half expecting
something like the mines of Moria or some such, and it was sort of like that.
Very evil feel, very evil looking place, and very sad.  As for the legends part,
I've got to agree on this one...that's pretty much my take on it.

 JK>> Yes, similar enough to the legends of other races, that
 JK>> there is a very large grain of truth here.  No different
 JK>> than some of the legends that we see on Earth.  All cultures
 JK>> have vampire legends of some sort, faeries are common to
 JK>> quite a few cultures (even if the nature and shape of
 JK>> faeries differs), dragons in Eastern tales, and the like.

 JH> True, true... but I'd like to see how the Shadows fit in
 JH> with *our* legends, if there is any equivalancy.

     And once we learn more about the Shadows, you may get your wish about
this.  There's just so much going on in the B5 storyline that we don't know, and
the Shadows are a large part of this right now.

 JH> Even allowing for differences, such as the difference between
 JH> dragons of one story or another, what do the Shadows resemble
 JH> other than just "demons" or "devilspawn"?

     That's not enough? :)  But as for dragons, I'm not talking about stories
here, I'm talking about cultures.  Sure, dragons (as the example) have
similarities between all cultures in the folklore, but there are differences -
sometimes vast ones.  There's a biiiiiiiig difference between cultural tales and
mere stories.

 JK> JK>>> I don't think so.  The Shadows that we saw in "ItSoZ"
 JK> JK>>> didn't appear to be spider-like to me at all.
 JK> JH>> Then what do you think they look like? I dunno, I see
 JK> JH>> the eyes, the legs, the shape, and think spider.
 JK>> I'm not going to comment on what they look like at this
 JK>> point.

 JH> What do you mean, you won't comment?

     Exactly that. :)

 JH> If you were going to describe the Shadows to someone, what
 JH> would you say? Without going into some convoluted "cross
 JH> between a" description, "spider" is the closest (although
 JH> still a good bit off) animal I can think to compare them to.

     I would have to say, assuming I was going to say anything, that they
reminded me of a cross  between a spider and a preying mantis.  But my
original thoughts on the Shadows when they first appeared with their ships was
more octopoidal.  Whereas Kosh's ship struck me more as squid-like.  However, I
prefer Joe's description of the Shadows - they're spider-like, but not spiders.

 JK>> Suffice it to say, I have a distinct theory about the
 JK>> Shadows.  And the creature we saw on Z'ha'dum didn't
 JK>> appear to be spider-like at all, like I said. :)

 JH> So let's hear it, then. Or are you waiting for it to be
 JH> revealed so you can say "I knew that"? ;)

     Nope, I'm not waiting for that at all.  Suffice it to say, that I just
don't want to get into a long, drawn-out argument about this when we have a good
four months before seeing anything new in B5.

We'd give you a part my love, but you'd have to play the fool.

--- GoldED/2 2.42.G0614
 * Origin: JohnK's OS/2Warp Point - Ottawa, Ontario (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 226 of 322
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .ņp 13 .žķ 95 19:29
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : Vorlon Immortality 3.2
In a message of , Jeff Hancock scribed:

 JK> JH>> Someone needs to update the Logbook, then.
 JK>> Personally, the Logbook is a wonderful thing, but it's
 JK>> based on supposition and assumptions made by the writer.

 JH> What else, if there's no author contact? At least with B5
 JH> there is, for a change.

     The fact that there is author contact means that changes and modifications
should be made to it on a constant basis.  That's been my experience with other
things of a similar nature.  Heck, the B5 files that I created are constantly
undergoing change.  The only stuff that isn't are the episode guides and reviews
(of the ones that are complete).

 JK>> hasn't updated the thing, or that he didn't pay attention
 JK>> to what Joe said about this (if the writer has access to
 JK>> Internet/GEnie at all) is another matter.  But if you're
 JK>> going to do something like the Logbook, then you've got to
 JK>> update it once per season, so...

 JH> So you think this will be fixed next time around?

     I should hope it would be.  And more often than once per season.  Probably
twice per year, if nothing else.

 JK> JH>> Let's hope so, and while they're at it, when does JMS say
 JK> JH>> we'll hear from Draal again?
 JK>> Later this season, Jeff. 

 JH> *This* season? Unveiling of Kosh *and* Draal *and* some other
 JH> unspecified "ohmigosh" happenings in only what appear to
 JH> possibly be the four most important episodes so far that due
 JH> to the total idiocy of corporate sponsorship are only going to
 JH> be shown once four months from now? Say it ain't so.

     It's so, Jeff, it's so... *sigh* :<  The only good news right now is that
the Brits and Euros aren't going to see it until after the Americans do.  A
minor consolation, I suppose. :)

 JK> JK> JK>>>> I wouldn't be surprised to find something totally
 JK> JK> JK>>>> predictable underneath the Vorlon encounter suit.
 JK> JK> JH>>> I suppose he'll look like the classic cliche of God?
 JK> JK>>> Nope, not like God or an angel.  That's been the
 JK> JK>>> consensus on some of the B5 echoes and newsgroups, and
 JK> JK>>> to be honest with you,
 JK> JH>> What was the consensus, that Kosh would, or wouldn't?
 JK>> That Kosh would look like an angel or God, but since
 JK>> Joe's said that only one person got it right, well... ;)

 JH> Well what, you're waiting to find out it'll be you? ;)

     Nope, I wasn't even on Usenet at that time. :)

 JH> So what's your predictable, yet almost totally overlooked
 JH> hypothesis?

     Nice try, but no cigar. :)  Frankly, I just don't think Kosh is going to
be something like a predictable figure out of religion or some such.  That would
be kind of silly, given the science fiction nature of B5, for one thing; for
another, the business about the angels and all would tie in to the Minbari soul
business I suspect, and that would be too much coincidence - sort of like giving
Sinclair the connection to the Shadows as well.

 JK>> Could be.  I don't personally think so, since that
 JK>> doesn't seem to make sense within the context of the First
 JK>> Ones, and Joe's a bit more subtle than that, imo.

 JH> I'd prefer it if he'd just use the brick method on this one. ;)

     He can't use the brick method on this one, Jeff, simply because there's
been so much hype and all around this element of the series that a lot of fans
are likely to be very disappointed with the outcome, regardless.

 JH> Well, as you will know from the online chat, Joe has said
 JH> that "the story will be told", in one form or another.

     Yeah, there is that. :)  Even if we don't know what he means by it, or
what form it might take.  Personally, I don't know whether it would effectively
come across in novels or comics or whatever medium...tv is where it's at,
although I could see films.  However, he'd need a backer for that.

 JH> ...the top syndicated shows, and B5 wasn't even on the top
 JH> twenty.  Granted it's doing reruns, but still... How does it
 JH> usually rank?

     JMS has said, iirc, that B5 ranks consistently in the top ten syndicated
shows, and that it's been in the better half of that circle for long periods of
time during first-run episodes.  But don't quote me on that - it's been a long
time since I've seen a ratings post from him.

We'd give you a part my love, but you'd have to play the fool.

--- GoldED/2 2.42.G0614
 * Origin: JohnK's OS/2Warp Point - Ottawa, Ontario (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 227 of 322
 From : Gloria Darcy                        1:124/8107      .ņp 13 .žķ 95 19:58
 To   : Pamela Crossett
 Subj : HighLander, The Series
Hi Pamela!  I must have missed that!  I don't recall Jack hinting that some
regulars wouldn't be back.  I'm glad, too, that Amanda survived Kallas.  I've
always liked her character.  She has spunk and is fun-natured and a good
side-kick for Duncan.  She brings out his fun side, too, I think.  I hate
summertime!  I always have to wait so long for the season opener of my fave
shows like the Highlander, and the X-Files.  And boy, were we left hanging on
the X-Files BIG TIME!  Man!


--- Maximus/2 2.02
 * Origin: Palindrome WriterNet [Fiction&Non] (1:124/8107)

 Msg  : 228 of 322
 From : Gloria Darcy                        1:124/8107      .ņp 13 .žķ 95 20:01
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : Crosspost
Oh!  Thanks for clearing up that Roger Daltrey question.  You're right, of
course, as you always are!  Our Highalnder Guru.  What would we do without you?


--- Maximus/2 2.02
 * Origin: Palindrome WriterNet [Fiction&Non] (1:124/8107)

 Msg  : 229 of 322
 From : Gloria Darcy                        1:124/8107      .ņp 13 .žķ 95 20:02
 To   : John Kahane
 Subj : Earth 2/So Long
Oh.  You already knew it was cancelled?  I didn't.  I heard here after the fact
that it had been cancelled.  Haven't had much time for the BBS boards lately now
that I'm working 2 jobs.  Yeah, it kind of left me numb, too, only because I
didn't really know if Devon was dead or not.  I didn't like that ending very


--- Maximus/2 2.02
 * Origin: Palindrome WriterNet [Fiction&Non] (1:124/8107)

 Msg  : 230 of 322
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .ņp 13 .žķ 95 20:21
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : Re: Torres in Faces

MJ>  And suppose half the crew decides they *want* to stay?  After all,
MJ>  why
MJ>  spend most of your life in a starship risking death by accident,
MJ>  attack or simple failure of systems that aren't being maintained
MJ>  properly (because they *can't* be) when you'll only get back home
MJ>  after 70 years anyhow?  Why not stay on a very pleasant, friendly
MJ>  world and build a new life there?
MJ>  How does Janeway and the command crew handle this?  Do they lock

   I suppose they stay. No ship can handle a sufficently large defection. One
might try the kind of minimal crew modifications that Scotty did in ST:III, but
that requires virtually nothing going wrong in the meantime, no suprises,
nothing. (Kirk expected to take The Enterprise with only McCoy to the Genesis
planet, beam up Spock's body, and go to Mt Selaya on Vulcan. He didn't count on
his senior officers accompanying him, and couldn't anticipate the Klingon
presence out there. The engagement with them was more than the automations
could, or were expected to handle...and, as you say, Voyager may have to do the
whole 70 year trip.)

   I would want to keep trying to get home, but you can't forec that desire on
those who may have given up. One civilization already enticed them to stay, and
those who obtained their technology without authorization also already showed
Janeway that she doesn't have the luxury of normal disciplinary procedures out

   You win, show ends.


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 231 of 322
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .ņp 13 .žķ 95 20:26
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : Re: ST: The Next Generation

MJ>  Well, since I think 24th century medicine should be vastly more
MJ>  effective than it appears to be, I'm willing to let them slide on
MJ>  that
MJ>  one.  (But they're good questions nonetheless.)

   Agreed. For one, control of the aging process will come *well* before that,
and possibly in time for some of us today.

   But, since all we have to work with are 20th Century actors who *do* age, I
suppose one has to accept it for now. (Still, a 140 year old Leonard McCoy
suggests *some* advancement, though not much....)


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 232 of 322
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .ņp 13 .žķ 95 22:51
-> Asimov had politics, but they weren't an extension of today. More what we
-> might see in the future. I've done the same thing with my series and used a
-> "what if" approach to today's social problems. What if we passed such and
-> such a law? What would be the impact upon society and what kind of problems
-> might arise because of such a law? That's a central theme to

Hi Tom!

I enjoyed your replies to my messages.  You have interesting ideas and you
articulate them with great precision.

By the way, in the quote above, you refer to "my series."  Are you an author?
Pardon me if I've missed your work.  Please fill me in if you do write books,
stories, or articles.  I'd be keen to read more of your work!


Robert Lidgren

--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 233 of 322
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .ņp 13 .žķ 95 22:53
-> Heh! I've got my own SF series in the works and although it is
-> considerably different from Earth 2 (or Trek, for that matter), there are a
-> lot of complex social issues around. There are a lot of politics in the
-> story, and those that come to realize what is happening find ways to work
-> the system to their advantage... Of course, I wouldn't have to write SF to
-> tell that story today - there's enough of that already happening.

Greetings Tom!

Well, SHUT MY MOUTH WIDE OPEN!  I read the answer to my own question in this
message from you!  It sounds like a series of novels I must read.  Have they
been published yet?


Robert Lidgren
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 234 of 322
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .ņp 13 .žķ 95 23:05
Hi Nicole!

You said:


-> I guess I'm 58? and don't forget to add the 60 or so people in the Earth2
-> fido echo, as well as the rather sizeable (hundreds) group on AOL, and the
-> groups of similar sizes on GEnie, Prodigy, Delphi, Compuserve and the
-> Usenet, (alt.tv.earth2) as well as the WWW pages (4 run by MCA, and 5
-> fan-run pages) which are being visited rather frequently. I can't believe
-> everything that's been going on as far as Earth 2 is concerned. Earth 2
-> stuff is everywhere on the nets.


Well, I am embarrassed to admit I was ignorant or Earth 2 comments in these
"OTHER" areas.  Thankyou for filling me in!


As I type, MY tv is on over my shoulder.  A&E is presenting a documentary on
the propaganda techniques of Joseph Goebbels.  The horrors are harder to take
now that I have quite a bit more life-experience under my belt and a family of
my own.

Science fiction has frequently used the Nazi era as a good metaphor for
dissecting facsist and dictatorial societies in the future.  What is so
alarming is that thousands, if not millions, of people were "taken in" by the
emotional night time Nazi rallies, the use of "heroic" symbols and salutes from
the Roman Empire, and the use of FILM to manipulate the emotions of the public.

It reminds me of the cliche that still maintains power:  "All it takes for evil
to triumph is for enough 'good people' to do NOTHING."


Robert Lidgren

--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 235 of 322
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .ņp 13 .žķ 95 23:17
-> What happened to the good ole days when shows were given a chance.  I
-> remember a little sitcom called Cheers (my favorite of all time) that, in
-> it's first season, was near the bottom in the ratings.  We all know what
-> happened to that show, now don't we.  :)

BRAVO!!  Well done!

Gee, that's a damn fine example of just what we want to happen now!

May I also be so bold and give another powerful example??

Thirty years ago, or so, a TV network cancelled Star Trek.  Look what can
happen when there is enough fan support.  Not only didn't the Star Trek
universe nor Roddenberry's philosophy die out but it's still thriving TODAY.
Now, it may have its detractors and even I sometimes worry about fans, perhaps,
fixating on it too much, nevertheless it HAS SURVIVIED and THRIVES because our
sense of a very real human propensity.  We crave SOME sense that the future is
a place where we will find hope, improvement and human beings not just simply
"surviving" but progressing towards some better way to live.

I think the "Cyberpunk" novels and films have a quality which is sometimes
disappointing.  They are so bloody dark!  Living on earth seems to be
transformed into a VERY LOW common denominator.  Strife, drug abuse, a
PERMANENT UNDERCLASS, heros who are mostly anti-heros, young people who seem to
have no role models other than gang leaders, etc., etc.  I don't mean to say
all we want is some sugar-coated, Pollyanna view of the future but for goodness
sake, let's strive for something better, something uplifting and something
which makes us greater than we are in 1995 with the Bosnia Conflict as an
archetype for what may be ahead!


Robert Lidgren

--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 236 of 322
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .ņp 13 .žķ 95 23:44
 To   : ALL
 Subj : Earth 2 Cross Post

While reading REC.ARTS.SF.TV I came upon the following message.
It contains ideas re: resurecting Earth 2, or at least the address for the
Earth 2 e-mail Newsletter.  Check it out if this is of interest to you:


Date: 06-13-95 (01:43)              Number: 18168 of 18170 (Refer# NONE)
  To: ALL
From: gc3@infinet.com, George Cifrancis
Subj: Re: UPN May Pick Up E2 !!!

Newsgroups: alt.tv.earth2
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.tv
From: gc3@infinet.com (George Cifrancis)
Subject: Re: UPN May Pick Up E2 !!!
Date: 12 Jun 1995 19:16:49 GMT
Organization: InfiNet
Message-ID: <3ri3r1$iuc@horus.infinet.com>

AniMaAmin (animaamin@aol.com) wrote:

: After every E2 episode, I write a nice E-mail letter to NBC thanking them
: for airing it. I also ask them to please continue to show reruns through
: the summer... and also ask them to reconsider their cancellation. It
: doesn't hurt to "make nice" and perhaps we will AT LEAST get our reruns,
: continue to build our viewer base, and attract more folks to our letter
: writing campaign. Here are the NBC addresses (peebeeone is Preston
: Beckman, FYI):

: peebeeone@aol.com
: viewersv@nbc.com
: viewersv@corpcomm.nbc.com

Well I just got the new TV Guide here in Columbus, Ohio and they are showing
2 episodes of Fresh Prince at 7pm (the normal slot for E2). They are still
showing ShitQuest at 8pm though.  I'd hate to say it, but it looks like
we won't be seeing Earth 2 anymore.  8-(

George C.

EARTH 2 Foundations
|   George Cifrancis III        Programmer/Analyst/System Administrator     |
|   Columbus, Ohio USA          Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation        |
|   gc3@infinet.com             MIS - Wide Area Network Support (AT&T/SUN)  |
|             My Web Page:      http://www.infinet.com/~gc3/                |
|   My Jessica Steen Page:      http://www.infinet.com/~gc3/steen.html      |


--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 237 of 322
 From : Boris CDuke                         2:463/2.22      .óį 17 .žķ 95 21:39
 To   : Like&Lee
 Subj : Zelazny IS DEAD!
Ļīēāīėž ńåįå āūńźąēąņü ķåģåš˙ķūå ļščāåņńņāč˙ Like&Lee!

A sad day for all science fiction fans.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 16 Jun 1995 07:20:07 EST
To: cstu@loc.gov

Washington Post, Fri. morning: Roger Zelazny died  June  16th  of
complications from cancer.

    Žßßß Ń ķåģåš˙ķūģč,
    ŽŻŪŪ īščń

--- GoldED 2.41+

 * Origin: Imagineering (2:463/2.22)

 Msg  : 238 of 322
 From : Boris CDuke                         2:463/2.22      .ņp 20 .žķ 95 23:13
 To   : All
 Subj : zelazny
* Forwarded by Boris CDuke (2:463/2.22)
* Area : NETMAIL001 (GEcho Netmail)
* From : Boris CDuke, 2:463/2.22 (Āņp Čžķ 20 1995 23:12)
* To   : Like&Lee
* Subj : zelazny
Ļīēāīėž ńåįå āūńźąēąņü ķåģåš˙ķūå ļščāåņńņāč˙ Like&Lee!

> Here are some additional details. Zelazny died last night of from liver
> malfunction which was the result of colin cancer. He apparently did not
> tell anyone that he had cancer except for a few close friends and family.
> The condition had been in remission until recently.
>                                       Austin
>                                    adridge@panix.com

 * Origin: Imagineering (2:463/2.22)

 Msg  : 239 of 322
 From : Brian Henderson                     1:207/241       .åņ 15 .žķ 95 15:46
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : B5 Reruns???

FE> Do you mean videotaped copies of programs that air in England in
FE> August?

Yes we do. Converted from PAL to NTSC (there are people there with
multi-format machines) who would be happy to send us copies after they

 X RM 1.3  X Eval Day 1 X "You're the computer...YOU tell me where the file is!"

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The Belching Dragon Inn & Tavern (1:207/241)

 Msg  : 240 of 322
 From : Brian Henderson                     1:207/241       .åņ 15 .žķ 95 15:48
 To   : David Johnston
 Subj : B5 Ripoff: Ds9

DJ> Actually Babylon 5 is slowly starting to get on my nerves.
DJ> Apparently by the time the series is over, Earth will be a full
DJ> blown dictatorship. This is not the direction I would prefer.  I
DJ> would at least like to see some signs of opposition developing
DJ> against the trend.

Who has ever said that?!?!? In fact, much the opposite is likely. Earth
is, as we are discovering, a full-blown dictatorship *NOW* under the
power of Bureau 13 and Psi-Corps. The President is just a puppet,
involved in the murder of his predecessor, but who runs the government
with an iron hand.

If anything, we'll see Bureau 13 and Psi-Corps fall before the end of
the series.

 X RM 1.3  X Eval Day 1 X My favorite mythical creature? An honest attorney.

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The Belching Dragon Inn & Tavern (1:207/241)

 Msg  : 241 of 322
 From : Brian Henderson                     1:207/241       .åņ 15 .žķ 95 15:50
 To   : Jim Cushing
 Subj : B5 Ripoff: Ds9

JC> Sorry Brian DS9 is syndicated and therefore UPN has no control over
JC> it.

UPN is an arm of Paramount, hence Paramount, which controls both, can
certainly cancel Voyager and DS9 as they wish. Unlike Warner, which is
very segmented, Paramount is an overbody which directly controls all
arms of the company. Warner is set up like parallel companies, each
competing with one another (which is why Babylon-5 will never appear on
WBN, since WBN and PTEN are in direct competition with one another).

JC> You stated earlier that UPN is cancelling every show except Voyager.
JC> Don't you mean you watch B-5 on the UPN affilate?

Correction, UPN is cancelling (almost) every Paramount show, the
exception now possibly being Legend. If they were cancelling everything,
we wouldn't have news, etc.

 X RM 1.3  X Eval Day 1 X Unicorns aren't nearly as mythical as virgins.

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The Belching Dragon Inn & Tavern (1:207/241)

 Msg  : 242 of 322
 From : Brian Henderson                     1:207/241       .åņ 15 .žķ 95 15:54
 To   : Jim Cushing
 Subj : B5 Ripoff: Ds9

JC> Get real! If what you say is true then I guess you believe that
JC> shows like Three's Company and Charlie's Angels were created for and
JC> viewed by the "kid" audience. I don't know about you but when I was
JC> 16(a loonngg time ago) the last thing I wanted to do was to watch

Nevertheless, in every demographics I've ever seen for TNG, and I would
assume the same goes for Voyager (but perhaps not DS9), the majority of
fans are assumed to be teenage males. The second largest segment are
males, aged 16-35. In both cases, it appeals almost exclusively to a
male audience, mostly a young male audience.

What the heck would Three's Company and Charlie's Angels have to do with
Star Trek?

JC> Your missing the key word "Syndication"! When TNG proved that SF did
JC> not have to be shown on network to be successful it opened doors for
JC> shows like B-5, Highlander, Forever Knight. TNG had that built in
JC> audience that "helped" it succeed. B-5 would not have been
JC> syndicated if not for the success of TNG.

And I'll agree with you here, since TNG pretty well invented first-run
syndcation. However, the original statement was that TNG opened the
door for *TELEVISION SCI-FI*, which is patently false.

 X RM 1.3  X Eval Day 1 X I shot JFK and all I got was this lousy t-shirt

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The Belching Dragon Inn & Tavern (1:207/241)

 Msg  : 243 of 322
 From : Brian Henderson                     1:207/241       .åņ 15 .žķ 95 15:57
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Babylon 5 (Pten)

FE> According to the latest TV Guide, B5 didn't even rank in the top 120
FE> shows this season... What gives?

Check the syndicated listings.

 X RM 1.3  X Eval Day 1 X "Help me, Dave - I can't run under Windows." H.A.L.

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The Belching Dragon Inn & Tavern (1:207/241)

 Msg  : 244 of 322
 From : Brian Henderson                     1:207/241       .åņ 15 .žķ 95 15:58
 To   : Ecarey
 Subj : Babylon 5 (Pten)

EE> And that last is the critical point, of course. B5 isn't being
EE> specially put-upon; it's just a new show in a category the industry
EE> doesn't understand all that well, that hasn't had Trek's three
EE> decades yet to build its audience and \convince\ Warner to lavish
EE> money on it the way Paramount lavishes money on Trek.

Considering that Paramount has made their name and fortune on Star Trek,
something that Warner simply hasn't done, it is only understandable.
Star Trek is Paramount's cash cow.

EE> Remember, B5 has only just come to the end of its second season.  At
EE> the end of ITS second season, Trek was \cancelled\ and saved only by
EE> the unprecedented enthusiasm of its fans.  And in its third season,
EE> it was given a lousy time-slot and starved for funds.

Very true. Now that B5 has been officially renewed for season three,
and will be receiving, from what I understand, a substantial increase in
cash flow from Warner, we'll have to see what they do with it. Outside
of Star Trek, B5 is the only sci-fi show to have made it this far in 20

 X RM 1.3  X Eval Day 1 X Reality is whatever remains when you stop believing in

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The Belching Dragon Inn & Tavern (1:207/241)

 Msg  : 245 of 322
 From : Brian Henderson                     1:207/241       .åņ 15 .žķ 95 16:01
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Cancellations

FE> Does this mean Legend is gone, too?

Legend was cancelled, but UPN has decided to give it a second chance to
redeem itself.

In the same vein, Sliders, which had been cancelled, has been given a
reprive as a mid-season replacement next year.

 X RM 1.3  X Eval Day 1 X "Go In Peace. Sin No More! I'm Outta Here!" - Joel,

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The Belching Dragon Inn & Tavern (1:207/241)

 Msg  : 246 of 322
 From : Brian Henderson                     1:207/241       .åņ 15 .žķ 95 16:02
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Star Trek

FE> The examples you gave both deal with militarism. Have you ever
FE> thought that Gene Roddenberry may not have wanted his concept to be
FE> associated with war-mongering? So, this may not be a matter of the
FE> 'universe never changing', but rather the long-term emphasis being
FE> placed on peaceful solutions to crises...

Didn't both of these examples come up after GR died? If so, what
difference does it make? Roddenberry was riding a pipe dream if he
thought that humanity would suddenly stop fighting and participating in
wars, as TNG showed quite clearly.

There are other examples, however. Take the first season episode of TNG
in which the heads of Starfleet were taken over by those alien
parasites. The episode left you thinking "where are the rest of them,
and do they still pose a threat?" yet TNG dropped that plotline like a
hot rock.

 X RM 1.3  X Eval Day 1 X "I got Sammy Davis eyes" - Crow on Eye Creature, MST3K

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The Belching Dragon Inn & Tavern (1:207/241)

 Msg  : 247 of 322
 From : Brian Henderson                     1:207/241       .åņ 15 .žķ 95 16:06
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : B5 Renewed!

FE> I always thought that given the choice, JMS could NOT turn down an
FE> opportunity to cash in on his own product. I don't blame him. If I
FE> had a popular property and could earn some money off it, I wouldn't
FE> hesitate. I think what makes this look bad is that prior to the
FE> offer, JMS took such a hard line against franchising B5. He now
FE> looks a bit hypocritical...

JMS has never, EVER said that there will be no marketing of B5 material,
only that the show will drive the marketing, not the marketing driving
the show. Star Trek has had to introduce too many new characters and
ships simply because Matchbox or whoever is chomping at the bit to make
more toys and action figures.

Everything that will bear the label for B5 goes past JMS' desk. If he
doesn't okay it personally, it doesn't get made.

 X RM 1.3  X Eval Day 1 X "Think How Disturbing THAT Would Be! Ahhhh!" - Joel,

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The Belching Dragon Inn & Tavern (1:207/241)

 Msg  : 248 of 322
 From : Brian Henderson                     1:207/241       .åņ 15 .žķ 95 16:13
 To   : Robert Lidgren
 Subj : B5 Vs St              1/

RL> 3.  A sufficiently "likeable" nature that we didn't ENTIRELY hate
RL> the guy.

Actually, what Khan had that no other Star Trek villain had was a
*MOTIVE*! He had an understandable, and probably correct reason for
feeling and acting like he did. Far too often, Star Trek has decided
that the good guys have to wear white hats so we'll know who they are
when this simply doesn't happen in real life.

Who is good and who is bad most often depends on whose side you're on.

 X RM 1.3  X Eval Day 1 X "She survived, now she's gotta be in the film" - Crow,

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The Belching Dragon Inn & Tavern (1:207/241)

 Msg  : 249 of 322
 From : Brian Henderson                     1:207/241       .åņ 15 .žķ 95 16:17
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Babylon 5 (Pten)

FE> Just guessing, but it seems obvious to me that JMS is not going to
FE> let the B5 comics or novels advance the main storyline of B5: The TV
FE> Series.

JMS has already said that the novels and comics exist to both flesh out
the storyline with details not necessary to the main arc, and to go off
and tell new stories in the B5 universe.

FE> Last season, because of this episode, I speculated that Kosh's
FE> people were "energy beings", but then I was reminded that they do
FE> need an artificial "environment" inside B5, and that Kosh had
FE> actually been poisoned in one episode, both of which seem to imply
FE> more than an energy being is inside that encounter suit...

Unless, as has been suggested, Kosh does these things to lead people
off-track. Was he really poisoned, or was he simply testing mankind?
Does he need that environment and the suit, or does he use them for
concealment?  Only time will tell...

 X RM 1.3  X Eval Day 1 X "My name is Crow. I'm a Pisces" - Crow as beatnik,

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The Belching Dragon Inn & Tavern (1:207/241)

 Msg  : 250 of 322
 From : Brian Henderson                     1:207/241       .åņ 15 .žķ 95 16:29
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Voyager Nose Diving?

FE> I have given it a chance. I taped all of the first 9 episodes, and
FE> will keep them in my collection. Since then, the quality has
FE> nosedived, and the writers seem content to rehash old themes.

Well, I'll agree with the last half. I watched the premiere movie, and
was so disgusted by the end that I turned off the tape and erased it.

FE> I have never expected a "continuing" story in any Star Trek. In
FE> fact, that is proving a major disadvantage for diehard B5 fans who
FE> have now been told that they won't have any more of the B5 story
FE> until next October. If this show hadn't been a continuing story, it
FE> would have been much easier to accept a major postponement, but to
FE> have 4 episodes postponed 4 months when you were expecting them now,
FE> is almost too much to bear, especially considering we won't even see
FE> the 2nd season "finale" this season!

Tell that to the trekkies who were whining all summer about Best of Both
Worlds. It isn't easy doing without a show you love, especially since
you have some reason to look forward to the new episodes.

 X RM 1.3  X Eval Day 1 X "Sail on, Servo!  I love a robot with panache!" -

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The Belching Dragon Inn & Tavern (1:207/241)

 Msg  : 251 of 322
 From : Brian Henderson                     1:207/241       .åņ 15 .žķ 95 16:31
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Who To Write To For B5

FE> RY>to B5 watchers!  Converse with JMS on GEnie, CIS or Delphi!

FE> Or the internet at straczynski@genie.geis.com...

Or on Usenet on rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.

 X RM 1.3  X Eval Day 1 X "Oh sweet Information Super Highway" - Crow, MST3K

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The Belching Dragon Inn & Tavern (1:207/241)

 Msg  : 252 of 322
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .åņ 15 .žķ 95 18:36
 To   : Pamela Crossett
 >tb> "While skinny dipping Pamela Crossett was talking to Mark Jones."
 >tb> "Could you people PLEASE put spoiler alerts in your messages!  DAMMIT!"
 > Tammy,
 > i'm sorry, but what is a spoiler alert? i will certainly put one in
 > my future messages if you could clarify what it is. AND what it is
 > for.
 > thanks.
 > and sorry for my ignorance.

A spoiler alert is a warning that there's a "spoiler" in the post, followed by
enough lines of blank screen to push the actual spoiler far enough down that the
person reading the post can read the spoiler warning without reading the
spoiler, and DECIDE if they want to read the spoiler.

A "spoiler" is something which reveals a important plot information about a
book, film, or episode of a television show.

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 253 of 322
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .åņ 15 .žķ 95 18:55
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : B5 RENEWED!
 > Far as I can tell, his objection is just to putting out "any old
 > crap"
 > JUST for merchandising. If he was putting in new ships and new races
 > just to create action figures and playsets, or if he was making
 > multiple
 > spinoff series with no real point to them other than to sell more
 > product, then that would be hypocritical.

Of course, RIGHT NOW, he wouldn't be able to \sell\ "multiple spinoff series",
whether there was a point to them or not.  It's easy to be virtuous when nobody
is trying to tempt you.

RIGHT NOW, B5 has an awful lot of ancillary merchandise - books, comic books,
Micromachines, caps, jackets - and it has only just come to the end of its
second broadcast season. This much merchandise this soon is just not believable,
unless the merchandising plan was developed in parallel with the series
production plan.

And if there really is good quality control [a theory NOT supported by the
sloppiness of the novels, or the complaints I've seen here and elsewhere about
the comics], that would argue even more strongly for the plans having already
been \in place\ when the series first aired. You don't \get\ good control on a
rush job.

 > If the fans are asking for this kind of material, well...

JMS has carefully cultivated the demand.

Which is not, after all, \sinful\.  He's doing this for living, after all, NOT
out of a self-sacrificing desire to give his all for quality SF on television.
However much he wants to do \that\, TOO, he won't get to \continue\ doing it if
B5 doesn't turn a respectable profit.  And there's no reason why he SHOULDN'T
make money off of producing good entertainment.

But it does make the desperate attempts to make B5 marketing look Pure and
Noble, while characterizing Trek marketing [which really did develop out of fan
demand \first\, including widespread fan infringement on Paramount's Trek
trademark] as wicked money-grubbing, look rather silly.

And it's not JMS we see those foolish attempts from, either.

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 254 of 322
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .åņ 15 .žķ 95 19:01
 To   : Frank Eva
 > JK>     The really neat thing is that the business with the Markabs
 > is
 > JK>not the "decimation of a major race's homeworld" that JMS has
 > been
 > JK>hinting at for a while.  Looks like the dying hasn't even started
 > JK>yet.
 > Why do you say that? Couldn't it still be the Markabs that JMS was
 > talking about when he said we'd see the "decimation of a major
 > race's
 > homeworld"?

Over on rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5, JMS has said that the death of the Markabs
\isn't\ the "decimation of a major race's homeworld" that he's promised.

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 255 of 322
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .åņ 15 .žķ 95 19:06
 To   : Frank Eva
 > BB>He's never quite come out and said, "The B5 novels bite the wax
 > BB>tadpole." But he's sure danced up to the edge of saying that; it
 > BB>sounds like the deal he ended up with there is not the deal he
 > BB>thought he had, and any hypothetical future books are going to be
 > BB>written by people _he_ picks, rather than assigned to him by the
 > BB>publisher.
 FE> I don't care who he picks to write them, if he doesn't allow them to
 > advance the storyline in any way...

Frank, B5 would be DEAD as a tv show, if it became necessary to go scurrying
after the comics and the novels just to be able to follow the storyline. So
unless you want to kill the series, this is silly complaint.

 > BB>point of the TV show is that it should stand on its own - people
 > BB>shouldn't _have_ to get anything but the show to follow the major
 > BB>developments. We are fortunate in having secondary media that
 > affect
 > BB>the show at all: compare the Trek novels and comics, with their
 > BB>total disconnection from the show.
 FE> This is an UNfortunate consequence of there being a 5 year story
 > "arc",
 > which is something trek never had. Trek novelists had leeway to make
 > good original sci-fi stories. All we get from B5 novelists is 'cloak
 > and
 > dagger' and 'murder-they-wrote'.

This isn't what the people who've written Trek novels say [and I know one of
them extremely well, and others more casually.  The Trek novel writers all say
that the restrictions are extreme, often silly, and subject to change without

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 256 of 322
 From : Brian Henderson                     1:207/241       .åņ 15 .žķ 95 22:18
 To   : All
 Subj : St Vs. B5
Just wanted to throw in something from JMS on the ST vs. B5 thread.
This was originally posted on Compuserve, FYI.

Subj:  What --Persecuted??!!            Section: Babylon 5
  To:  Thursday, June 08, 1995 6:15:00 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#234870

     You have to step back and look at this from Paramount's
perspective. For 27 years, they've had a lock on space-based SF.
A monopoly.  They could point to all the other space-SF series
which went by the boards quickly, and say, "See, we've lasted, so we
MUST be better."

     If even ONE other show in this genre not only lasts, but
*succeeds*, then ST isn't the Only One anymore; it's just one of
two, or three, or more shows set in this genre.  It isn't
unique (fiscally) anymore, and thus they are afraid they'll lose
some of its marketability, the franchise will weaken.  If you wanted
something from our future, in space, then for 27 years you had only
one place to go: Trek.

     They're *terrified* of losing or softening their franchise.
They're aware that support for DS9 is, in general, fairly soft;
 Voyager is still getting its sea legs, and they don't want
anyone else coming up alongside and blindsiding them.

     For our part, we have never responded in kind.  When we
formed the B5 softball team, playing other shows, we happily
told the folks at ST that we'd love to play them sometime.
Thus far, no response.  Can't imagine why.


 X RM 1.3  X Eval Day 1 X (horrified) No! Not the Knights who say Ni!

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The Belching Dragon Inn & Tavern (1:207/241)

 Msg  : 257 of 322
 From : Tom Huber                           1:115/477       .˙ņ 16 .žķ 95 23:12
 To   : Kay Shapero
 Subj : What if
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.11  94-0102

KS>Speaking of which, have you read STEEL BEACH by John Varley?  Takes a
  >number of really impressive "what ifs" and has a great time exploring 'em.
  > (Got the doggondest first sentence, too. :->)

I'll ad that one to my list, Kay. I've heard some good things about this
story from other people, so I'll have to grab a copy.

KS>Things like "what if - people could and did change sex with about the ease
  >of rhinoplasty?" or "what if - technic humanity was kicked off the Earth
  >and had to survive in the rest of the solar system?" and the effect on
  >society of these changes.

Oooh. I am starting to see some stories in there... Thanks for the


--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.11
 * Origin: StarSpawn BBS, A MidWest FurNet BBS 616-983-1834  (1:115/477.0)

 Msg  : 258 of 322
 From : Starwolf                            1:163/214       .óį 17 .žķ 95 01:56
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : David vs TREK

JH>Wrtr o stf: I'm not really interested in writing for those series at
JH>            this point.

Pity.  B-5 has more depth in some ways, but TREK has a more richly
established universe.  He's proven he can have a wonderful time in that
locale and take us along for the pleasant ride.

 * SLMR 2.1a * Get rid of the middleman:  abolish the provinces"  'Wolf

--- Maximus 2.01wb
 * Origin: Land of Ill Repute (1:163/214)

 Msg  : 259 of 322
 From : Starwolf                            1:163/214       .óį 17 .žķ 95 01:57
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : B5 Reruns???

FE>IMO, this seems like a really BAD move... It is going to incense diehard
FE>B5 fans who were expecting 4 more eps this season...

On the other paw, maybe this will mean four LESS reruns NEXT season.  I
certainly wouldn't mind that.

 * SLMR 2.1a * "My doctor warned me it was bad to laugh so much" - Wolf

--- Maximus 2.01wb
 * Origin: Land of Ill Repute (1:163/214)

 Msg  : 260 of 322
 From : Jeff Schlenker                      1:288/19        .óį 17 .žķ 95 03:28
 Subj : Re: EARTH 2/SO LONG

-=> ROBERT LIDGREN was overheard speaking to JEFF SCHLENKER <=-

 -> What happened to the good ole days when shows were given a chance.  I
 -> remember a little sitcom called Cheers (my favorite of all time) that, in
 -> it's first season, was near the bottom in the ratings.  We all know what
 -> happened to that show, now don't we.  :)

 RL> BRAVO!!  Well done!
 RL> Gee, that's a damn fine example of just what we want to happen now!

Thanx, I do what I can.

 RL> May I also be so bold and give another powerful example?
 RL> Thirty years ago, or so, a TV network cancelled Star Trek.  Look what

<<<<<<<<<<<<< Bobbited for Brevity >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Let us also not forget that NBC gave Star Trek THREE YEARS, before they
axed it...  What would have happened had Star Trek premiered today?  I
was unborn at the time, so I don't know, but how much better were ST's
ratings compared to Earth2?  I would guess they weren't better.

Jeffrey A. Schlenker               jeff.schlenker@lake-city.com

... Mr. Worf, fire at will.... NO, NO, NOT COMMANDER RIKER!!!
___ TagDude 0.87 [Unregistered]
--- < Sig-It > v3.00 by Brandon S. Bell

--- Blue Wave/Max v2.12
 * Origin: LakeCity BBS * V34/4 Gigs Watertown SD 605 886-0849 (1:288/19)

 Msg  : 261 of 322
 From : Myra I Fox                          1:123/10        .óį 17 .žķ 95 05:22
 To   : John Kahane
 Subj : BABYLON 5 (PTEN)
 |------------------|John Kahane wrote:

JK>That is not true information.  The negotiations for the renewal
JK>of B5 had a lot to do with individual stations, policies concerning
JK>re-runs, and other stuff.  While the series could have been cancelled,
JK>true, there were a *lot* of people who fought to keep it on the air.

I like hearing that!  B5 is one of the few things I watch anymore and it
is good to know that there are others who like it enough to fight to see
the entire cycle of the show.

I watch only 4 shows now and they are all at least marginally sf or
fantasy  :-)   Babylon 5, Highlander, Kung Fu: The Legend Continues and
the X Files.

I'll just keep an eye out here in the echo to see if there are any new
shows coming out I might want to check out .

JK>I hold a cup of wisdom, but there is nothing within.

... The usefulness of the cup is the space within.
... How can you taste my wine if you don't first empty your cup?

... "I'm paying off karma at a vastly accelerated rate" - Ivanova.
 * Tag-X Pro v1.20 *
--- RA/FD/FMail.98
 * Origin: The Electric Fox - Memphis,TN  1-901-327-1008 (1:123/10)

 Msg  : 262 of 322
 From : Myra I Fox                          1:123/10        .óį 17 .žķ 95 06:20
 |------------------|Robert Lidgren wrote:

RL>This is a strnage request but certainly within the bounds of SFFAN.
RL>Can anyone tell me of a source for the recording Brett Spiner (DATA)
RL>did called "OLD YELLOW EYES?"  Apparently it is a collection of songs

I have seen it in Star Tech's catalog... PO Box 456
                                         Dunlap TN 37327

... "You are right, sir; I *do* tend to babble." - Data
 * Tag-X Pro v1.20 *
--- RA/FD/FMail.98
 * Origin: The Electric Fox - Memphis,TN  1-901-327-1008 (1:123/10)

 Msg  : 263 of 322
 From : David Johnston                      1:342/14        .óį 17 .žķ 95 10:41
 To   : Jason Cathcart
 Subj : Mmpr : The Movie
-> Any one else think that it will be totally crappy?

By comparison with what?  It can't be worse than the show.

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
 * Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)

 Msg  : 264 of 322
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .óį 17 .žķ 95 14:18
 To   : J Hulley-Miller
 Subj : Vorlon Immortality /2
On , J Hulley-Miller wrote the following to John

 JH> Monday June 05 1995 10:41, John Kahane wrote to Jeff Hancock:
 JK>>>> John Vornholt posted a message noting that the next book

 JH> Posted where ? Tnx.

     John Vornholt posted the message on CompuServe about a three weeks ago or
so, if I remember correctly.  I was quite disappointed in this, since I thought
that the third novel was going to be out in July.

Out in the garden, there's half of a heaven.

--- GoldED/2 2.42.G0614
 * Origin: JohnK's OS/2Warp Point - Ottawa, Ontario (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 265 of 322
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .óį 17 .žķ 95 14:20
 To   : J Hulley-Miller
 Subj : B5 TAPES?
On , J Hulley-Miller wrote the following to Frank

 >>FE> Well, the videotapes of the first season of B5

 JH> A post on internet from JMS said that there are no plans at
 JH> the moment. He was surprised by this...

     The most recent post I've seen from Joe on this is that he's looking into
the matter of videotape availability.  We should hear back from him on this in
about a month or so...

It's a plank in me eye, with a camel who's trying to get through it.

--- GoldED/2 2.42.G0614
 * Origin: JohnK's OS/2Warp Point - Ottawa, Ontario (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 266 of 322
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .óį 17 .žķ 95 14:23
 To   : Bruce Baugh
 Subj : Roger Zelazny, 1937-1995
In a message of , Bruce Baugh scribed:

 BB> According to George R.R. Martin on GEnie this afternoon,
 BB> Roger Zelazny died today of liver failure, the result of an
 BB> extended bout with cancer. This was apparently not the first
 BB> time he'd been close to death.

     Oh, dear...this really makes me sad. :)  Zelazny was one of my favourite
writers, and to hear of his death has made this day somewhat bleaker.  My
condolences to Roger Zelazny's family on their loss.  May Zelazny's spirit walk
the patterns of Amber for eternity.


--- GoldED/2 2.42.G0614
 * Origin: JohnK's OS/2Warp Point - Ottawa, Ontario (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 267 of 322
 From : Patrick Thoms                       1:229/510       .cź 18 .žķ 95 00:04
 To   : Robert Lidgren

RL>Can anyone tell me of a source for the recording Brett Spiner (DATA)
 >did cal "OLD YELLOW EYES?"  Apparently it is a collection of songs and
 >one of the tracks features back-up from some of the other cast-members
 >of Star Trek:  T Next Generation.

I have the tape. Good music too! I heard he's done another one. The
jacket doesn't contain any info on where you can get it or other's but
I'm sure I remember seeing the tape advertised either in Starlog or the
Star Trek Fan Club mags. They also had the soundtrack to the movies and
some of the episodes for TNG. I currently just have "Encounter at
Farpoint" and "The Best of Both Worlds" soundtracks on tape and an
excellent CD called STAR TREK: The Astral Symphony.
 ž OLX 2.1 TD ž Shh! Be vewy vewy quiet! I'm hunting wuntime ewwors!
--- FidoPCB v1.4 [ff238/x]
 * Origin: OnLine Now  Thunder Bay  ON, Canada (807)-345-1531 (1:229/510)

 Msg  : 268 of 322
 From : Jeff Schlenker                      1:288/19        .cź 18 .žķ 95 03:27
 To   : All
 Subj : DS9 Season 4
According to TV Guide, some changes are in order for DS9 this fall.
Some tidbits from Trek honcho Rick Berman.

The new season will launch with a two-hour premiere, where a new cast
member will be introduced.  Berman couldn't reveal any details about
him/her/it but he could "tell you that there will be a slight alteration
in the premise of the show that I think is going to be terrific."

When asked if he could just give a hint, he said, "Ok.  How can I put
this in a way that will let me sleep tonight?  The delicate treaty that
has existed between the Federation and the Klingon Empire... is about to
unravel.  And that's just for starters."

Hmmmm, sounds interesting.

Jeffrey A. Schlenker               jeff.schlenker@lake-city.com

... Die Hard: The Next Generation
___ TagDude 0.87 [Unregistered]
--- < Sig-It > v3.00 by Brandon S. Bell

--- Blue Wave/Max v2.12
 * Origin: LakeCity BBS * V34/4 Gigs Watertown SD 605 886-0849 (1:288/19)

 Msg  : 269 of 322
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .cź 18 .žķ 95 05:33
 To   : All
 Subj : Crosspost
     This one was just too humorous to pass up.

                     Gee Let's Get Out of Character

     Just wanted to complain, in a huge way!
     I would like to begin by saying that Kallas started out, in episodes
prior to Finale, as the most kick ass villian bar-none.  He would toy with
Duncan and all around him in a very intelligent way.  He would have killed
Dawson just for fun, killed Amanda and still used her for bait and much more.
Instead the writers decided that it was CHEEZ-TIME give some canned villian
sayings, and give him flashes of incredible stupidity.

     Next, three words:    Amanda's Boob Job.  She leaves for a while and
come back looking like she had to buy some new bras and such. (Not really a
complaint, just a comment.)

     Methos:  not much to say here except for a guy that has lived thousands
of years he can do some rather doofy things.  The doofy things that Methos
does could be excused if he were Richie.

     That watcher, I can't remember his name starts with a V?, you know who,
the black guy who decked Dawson.  What a moron.  He is driving toward Kallas
and shooting at him, knowing that he is an immortal.  He finally gets Kallas
on the ground, DROPS HIS GUN, gets out of the car, looks at Kallas laying on
the ground and thinks "I need something sharp" and IGNORES THE SWORD next to
Kallas.  Duh there is an ax behind me I will go get it!  His stupidity has
already killed him nuffsaid.

     Well here is another goodun':  Let's see, if I were part of a secret
society like the Watchers and created a database, I think I might just
require a PASSWORD.  And don't tell me they would not know how!  That
database was more than just a few linked tables, it looked pretty good.
And don't say access, you still would need more than just a do it yourself
book and a clue.


     There wasn't a name on this... just a INet ID which contained no part
of the poster's name.

     Jack Butler

... "If it came down to just us, would you take my head?" -- MacLeod
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 270 of 322
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .cź 18 .žķ 95 06:07
 To   : All
 Subj : Crosspost
     From:  Use-White Wolf
     By:  David Johnston 
     Subject:  Project Twilight

     There was indeed talk of having Darren McGavin come on, *in character*,
and meet Mulder.  However, apparently they're having problems with names,
etc.  Somebody owns the copyright on Carl Kolchak and unless they can deal
with that person or group, they can't use him on X-Files.


     Anybody out there hear anything about this?  Is this rumor for real?
If so, I think the idea is too cool for school, myself.  I've always been
a Kolchak fan...

     Jack Butler

... "You should *always* carry protection." -- Fox Mulder
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 271 of 322
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .cź 18 .žķ 95 06:44
 To   : All
 Subj : Kilmer as Batman
     Warner Brothers has already announced that both Val Kilmer and Chris
O'Donnell have signed to make further Batman films after this one.  Nicole
Kiddman has also stated that she would welcome the opportunity to do another
     The only problem I can see is a villain shortage.  Right quick they
are going to run out of "recognizable" villains for Batman to fight.  All the
villains who became "name recognizable" by way of the 60's TV show (the
Joker, Penguin, Riddler, Catwoman) have been done (and most have been killed
off in the movies).  So, that leaves the other names in the Rogues Gallery,
the ones that Batman fans like myself have no problems recognizing, but
that non-comic-readers who like the Batman films don't know from Adam.
     Still, I have some ideas.  I've long since retired the original wish
list I posted oh so many years ago, but Dustin Hoffman as The Mad Hatter,
Helena Bonham Carter as Poison Ivy, Alan Rickman as Maxie Zeus, Wesley Snipes
as the Black Spider, Lance Henrikson as Ra's Al Ghul, Michael Biehn as
Deadshot, and Patrick Stewart as Mister Zero would all do as villains.
Also, I think John Goodman would do well as The Ventriloquist.

     Jack Butler

... "Was that over the top?  I can never tell..." -- The Riddler
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 272 of 322
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .cź 18 .žķ 95 06:45
 To   : All
 Subj : Batman Forever Review
     I may, or may not, discuss spoiler material in this review.  As I
have only thought about things to talk about and not actually written the
thing out, I can't tell yet.  If you haven't seen it, and don't want to take
the chance, now is the time to move on to the next message.
     Everybody else, the elevator is going down.

     Well, the first thing that comes to mind when I think of this movie is
Good Stuff.  I'm still a fan of the original (less so the second), but this
is the film the first one should have been.  More action, less moping.  Now,
I know a lot of you are going to say things like "that wasn't moping, that
was character development".  Bull.  That was moping.  I'm a writer; I know
what character development smells like, and that just wasn't it, back in
the first film.
     Not that they do too much character development in the third film... 
But still, it felt good.  Finally we see a Batman who is Billy-Badass on
the hand-to-hand arena, just like he is supposed to be.  This Batman uses
his head for more than a target, too.  Not that Burton's Batman was written
as an idiot, but we get to *see* him using his noodle in this one.
     So, action... great.  Character usage... great... except for Dick
Grayson/Robin.  Granted, he only comes in half-way through the film, and
isn't the star of the show anyway, but geez, guys.  He pops in and out like
a piece of bread in a toaster oven.  Either decide to use him or *don't*.
One thing I am glad they did with Robin was let him be more than "the Boy
Hostage"... not that he doesn't get used as one, anyway.    But when
Two-Face pops up, says something smart (what was it... oh yeah... "Looking
for us?") and Robin immediately beats the hell out of him, I cheered.  And
so did a lot of others.
     Tommy Lee Jones does a really great job as Two-Face.  He actually stands
up to Jim Carrey as the Riddler.  The aura of boiling insanity covered by
a thin veneer of absolute psychosis works well.  (I loved that one scene
during the attack on Wayne Manor... Two-Face flipping the coin, over and
over, exasperated because it keeps coming up heads.)
     Carrey does a good job, but I had a slight problem with his character.
Does it seem to anyone else that he played the Riddler in some other movie?
I dunno... but his Riddler, as written, seems awefully similar to several
other characters he's played in the past.  Frenetic, not all there, and
absolutely intent on pulling some of the wierdest bodily contortions
possible.   Wait, I recognize it now.  Carrey's stand-up act.  Anyway, I
still liked what he did with the character; just as obsessive as Bruce Wayne,
but in an entirely different manner about an entirely different subject.
     Let's see, what else.  Can we say "choppy editing", boys and girls?
One second, Batman is rescuing Dick from being turned into dog food by a
street gang, the next he's walking away from Dick in the Batcave.  Oops!
     One last thing:  what the heck is up with this "kill the supervillain"
nonsense!  First, the Joker, then the Penguin, then Two-Face!  Hello, McFly!
Ever consider that you may want to bring one or two of them back for a

     Well, those are all the comments I have.  See the movie if you haven't.
See it again if you have.  This one, more than the other two, was a comic
book on film.

     Jack Butler

... "Riddle me this, riddle me that.  Who's afraid of the big black bat?"
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 273 of 322
 From : Gary Tincher                        1:372/57        .cź 18 .žķ 95 09:34
 To   : Jason Cathcart
 Subj : MMPR : The Movie

 -=> Quoting Jason Cathcart to All <=-

 JC> @MSGID: 1:134/134.0 2fe1b63c
 JC> Any one else think that it will be totally crappy?

I'm not a fan but from what I saw on TV.. it looks as if they got
a buget this time.


... Catch the Blue Wave!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- QScan/PCB v1.17b / 01-0389
 * Origin: Dazed & Confused BBS - 8 Nodes/24 CD's - 803-873-5797 (1:372/57)

 Msg  : 274 of 322
 From : Gary Tincher                        1:372/57        .cź 18 .žķ 95 09:34
 To   : Bruce Baugh
 Subj : Roger Zelazny, 1937-1995
Yea, I'll miss him too.. loved the amber series..

Did you read his Delvish the Damned series?


... Catch the Blue Wave!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- QScan/PCB v1.17b / 01-0389
 * Origin: Dazed & Confused BBS - 8 Nodes/24 CD's - 803-873-5797 (1:372/57)

 Msg  : 275 of 322
 From : Cameron Macdonald                   1:229/436       .cź 18 .žķ 95 09:59
 To   : Daniel Renaud
 Subj : Re: X-Files
On Thu 15-Jun-1995 23:38 , Daniel Renaud wrote:

DR> Hi everybody,
DR>              I'm looking for the complete first 2 seasons of X-files.  So
DR> does anyone have them and be willing to copy them for me.
DR> I'm from Hull, Quebec  Canada (near Ottawa), but would be willing to paid
DR> for postage if I have to get the tapes from someone out of town/country.
DR> Thanks

I have just about every one of them on tape...  I live just a bit east of
Toronto.  Let me double check what I have here again...

--- CNet/3
 * Origin: Daily Planet BBS   10 Lines o' Fun   (905)436-6509 (1:229/436)

 Msg  : 276 of 322
 From : Bruce Baugh                         1:105/290.50    .cź 18 .žķ 95 10:48
 To   : All
 Subj : Wormholes in Reality?
On (16 Jun 95) David Johnston wrote to Rumble...

 DJ> No--he--hasn't! If we had a workable FTL theory that would be
 DJ> the biggest news since the atomic bomb. Oh, I suppose you
 DJ> could explain transporters as a macrocosmic extension of
 DJ> quantum tunneling, but just because Hawking is a Star Trek
 DJ> fan doesn't mean that it is solidly, or even shakily related
 DJ> to our best understanding of the concepts of physics. He just
 DJ> does what everyone else does and suspends disbelief.

Just to blow your mind, check the following out from GEnie. And note
that Landis, Benford, and Cramer are all practicing physicists as
well as sf writers. This is their "day job", as it were.

First Science Fiction & Fantasy
 Category 27,  Topic 11
 Message 608       Thu Mar 30, 1995
 G.LANDIS1 [Geoffrey]         at 21:58 EST

The following press-release is from UC Irvine.


In an article published March 15, 1995 in the scientific journal Physical
Review, science fiction writers Gregory Benford, Geoffrey A. Landis, Robert L.
Forward and John G. Cramer, with co-authors Matt Visser and Michael Morris,
argue that the search for dark matter in the universe could be expanded to
include exotic forms of dark matter such as wormholes, topological connections
between separated regions of space-time that might be described as "subways to
the stars."

The article, "Natural Wormholes as Gravitational Lenses," explains one theory
underlying the possible existence of such objects and describes the
gravitational lensing "signature" that might enable us to detect them. The
proposal stems from a workshop on relativity and quantum mechanics sponsored
 by NASA.

"A 'wormhole' is a theoretical object permitted by Einstein's theory of
general relativity, where distant regions of space are connected by a
shortcut," says Landis, a scientist at NASA's Lewis Research Center in
Cleveland, OH, as well as an award-winning science-fiction author. "Such
wormholes could have been created in the distant past, in the time just
following the 'big bang' that created the universe.  What we discovered at the
workshop was that if such wormholes did exist, they could be detected by the
bending of light due to gravity, an effect known as the 'gravitational lens.'"

"Several research groups currently are using telescopes to monitor
gravitational lensing events to search for massive compact halo objects
(MACHOs) that have positive mass.  They want to count these objects because
they could explain the vast amount of dark matter in our galaxy, or perhaps
the whole universe," Benford explains.  Gregory Benford is a professor of
physics at the University of California Irvine, and also a highly-regarded
science fiction writer.

"So far, these experiments are not surprising anyone. They're turning up a
reasonable amount of possible dark matter, but nothing that's going to solve
the dark matter problem.  But we believe that by paying just a little more
attention, by analyzing the MACHO search data for evidence of what we like to
call GNACHOs (Gravitationally Negative Anomalous Compact Halo Objects),
there's a chance to make a really profound discovery."

Wormholes provide one possible way to create astronomical objects of negative
mass, according to theoretical calculations by Matt Visser, professor of
physics at Washington University in St. Louis, Mo., and a co- author of the
article. "Wormholes, although allowed by the theory of relativity, are
theoretically unstable," says Landis.  "However, at the time of the formation
of the universe in the big-bang, wormholes could have been stabilized by loops
of negative mass cosmic string.  If so, they would still be here, and it is be
worthwhile to look for them.  If we find one, the implications are enormous."

"According to theory, either end of a wormhole can swallow mass, ejecting it
out the other end," said Benford.  "But a wormhole mouth in a dense region of
matter swallows mass faster than its other end, if that end is in a sparse
region.  Mass emerging from an end curves space-time oppositely. it's as
though the end loses mass, finally reducing to zero mass and then to negative.
Gravitationally, that negative end looks like a negative mass, maybe even a
large, stable one."

Expanding the current Optical Gravitation Lensing Experiment (OGLE) a
collaborative project between the Warsaw University Observatory, Carnegie
Observatory and Princeton University Observatory to search for these and other
possible negative mass objects would be relatively simple, said Benford.  This
is because GNACHOs, if they exist, provide a distinctive light enhancement
profile when passing between us and distant stars.  This resembles the
twinkling of starlight in the Earth's atmosphere.

"Ordinary mass causes the sudden brightening of a star image, exerting a
gravitational refraction on the light, like a focusing lens," said Benford.
"Ordinary mass causes a single peak in brightness because it focuses the
light, but negative matter deflects the light rays, creating a shadowed umbra
region where light from the source is extinguished.  At the edges of the umbra
the light rays accumulate to form what's called a caustic, giving a very large
increase in light intensity in two visible peaks of brightness."

All but one of the microlensing events observed by the OGLE project thus far
exhibited the single brightness peak associated with ordinary matter. However,
one event, OGLE #7, has exhibited very unusual light variations.

"So far this event which shows a double hump brightness peak has been
attributed to a binary star, which are common," said Benford.

"While it very well may be a binary star, the double peak also is similar to
the signature we've predicted for a GNACHO.  Therefore, I don't think we
should just assume it's got to be binary and brush it off.  If we look in
greater detail, we just might find that it's an entirely different object."

What would it mean if we were to discover a wormhole?

"A wormhole is like a subway to the stars; a method of going places that are
spatially very distant instantaneously, and without contradicting the theory
of relativity.  You go in one end and you pop out somewhere else in the
galaxy, or maybe in another galaxy," said Benford.

"Finding one would completely change our view of how galaxies form, because it
would mean that wormhole transport of mass from one part of the universe to
another has been a significant evolutionary factor.  It would mean that space-
time is intimately connected in a way we didn't know; that the whole universe
is knitted together and that's a profound result."

But whether or not we find a wormhole, it's the search that's important, said

"The chances of negative mass wormholes being common are slim and nobody's
going to get funded to go out and look for wormholes but the chance to find
one as a bonus with data from existing dark matter experiments is enticing,"
he said.

"Our goal is to say `Let's see if we can make an observation.'  Because there
are still lots of mysteries in the universe, and we shouldn't take for granted
that we know what's in it."


Thus indeed do many things come to pass...

... Don't tell me you're nervous about a little ritual purification?

--- PPoint 1.92
 * Origin: The Home Trepanning Club (1:105/290.50)

 Msg  : 277 of 322
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .cź 18 .žķ 95 16:58
 To   : J Hulley-Miller
 Subj : Highlander Scedule
 Quoth J Hulley-Miller, "Nevermore".

 JH> I'm still incredibly annoyed about this, if they dont finally reveal
 JH> Clark's identity to Lois... :(

     They will.  She's known in the comic book for a couple of years now.
Its about time they do so on the television show, I think.

     Jack Butler

... "The less time I have to spend with real attorneys, the better."
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 278 of 322
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .cź 18 .žķ 95 17:16
 To   : David Little
 Subj : Star Wars
 Quoth David Little, "Nevermore".

 DL> Sherman, set the wayback machine for 1977.

 DL> If you CAN remember, there were several times rumors abounded
 DL> about Star Trek making a comeback. They tried, fell apart.

     I remember all the hoopla about "Trek Phase II", and I was as skeptical
then as I am now.

 DL> Will he back down? NO!! It would be a PR nightmare for
 DL> LucasFilm if he did that. The reputation of the afforementioned
 DL> companies would go down the tubes. Why would he lie about something
 DL> like this when it would cost him everything?

     I disagree.  Lucas could very easily simply shut up about future Star
Wars films and the hullabaloo would die out.  Quietly, slowly, but it would
die.  And no one would ever say a thing.
     Why should they?  Its been 20 years (nearly, anyway) since the original
film.  There is an entire generation of science fiction fans to whom Star
Wars was *not* a "sudden phenomenon".  Give you a good example of what I
mean:  I played Star Wars for my nephew Bradley (who is 15 and hadn't seen
any of the Star Wars films).  His reaction:  "Pretty neat, but the effects
could have been better..."
     *These* kids are soon going to be the primary market target for science
fiction.  They have no earthly idea of what Star Wars is, or meant to *us*
in terms of being science fiction fans.

     Jack Butler

... "There's an interesting Chinese curse..." -- Kim
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 279 of 322
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .cź 18 .žķ 95 17:32
 To   : Brian Henderson
 Subj : B5 Ripoff: Ds9
 Quoth Brian Henderson, "Nevermore".

 BH> Trekkies don't support anything that isn't Trek, so Paramount can
 BH> either  produce the Star Trek Network, or try producing something that
 BH> people  want to watch.  Any bets on which one they'll try first?

     What a typically arrogant, Brian-Hendersonian thing to say.  And what,
pray tell, about the thousands of "Trekkies" (your word) who are supporting
your precious object of worship by watching *it* also?

     Jack Butler

... "You're obsessed with this thing, aren't you?" -- Dr. McCoy
... "I don't think you're quite ready for the asylum yet." -- Dr. Franklin
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 280 of 322
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .cź 18 .žķ 95 17:35
 To   : Brian Henderson
 Subj : B5 Ripoff: Ds9
 Quoth Brian Henderson, "Nevermore".

 BH> I watched the new DS9 last night that had Sisko, Kira, Dax and Bashir
 BH> going back in time.  What a  waste of an hour! Come on, a brain-damaged
 BH> chimpanzee could write a  better episode.

     Well, since *presumably* you are more intelligent that a brain-damaged
chimpanzee, let's see you write a better Trek episode.

     Jack Butler

... "The Death Star will be in range in 5 minutes."
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 281 of 322
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .cź 18 .žķ 95 17:37
 To   : David Johnston
 Subj : Re: St: The Next Generati

DJ>  -> Agreed. For one, control of the aging process will come *well*
DJ>  -> before that, and possibly in time for some of us today.
DJ>  It isn't that easy to beat entropy.  We might have immortality in 400
DJ>  years, but it wouldn't be by totally stopping the aging process of
DJ>  the
DJ>  human body.  That would take a lot longer to master.  Then again, so
DJ>  will FTL travel.

   I'd have to disagree. Life in general is a battle against entropy, one merely
(!) has to intervene in ways that give us a better chance. It'll still require
energy from all the usual biological sources, just making better use of it than
nature does by herself. It'll happen more or less early in the next century (and
not an all-at-once breakthrough, just a number of advances that attack all the
different changes, the sum total of which we call aging.

   As for FTL travel, I feel in my gut it'll happen, and there's some very weak
evidence to support me, but since it requires the universe to work in ways that
we don't know for sure (and may not at all) I'd have to assign a big fat
question mark as to when that might happen. Anywhere between next week, and the
end (whatever that may be) of the universe....


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 282 of 322
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .cź 18 .žķ 95 18:14
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : Re: ST: The Next Generation

MJ>     And would you *really* bet serious money that Paramount doesn't
MJ>  someday cast a *new* set of actors for the further adventures of
MJ>  Kirk,
MJ>  Spock, Scotty and Co.?
MJ>     I wouldn't.  Paramount would do it in a hearbeat if they thought
MJ>  they could make money at it.  And while many fans would accuse them
MJ>  of
MJ>  heresy and apostasy and all sorts of other crimes against
MJ>  nature...that happened with ST:TNG too.  But it was still a big

   But that's just it. I think Paramount knows full well that the characters are
so closely associated with the actors, that any attempt to pass someone else off
would *not* be well met, and that does indeed translate into money if it keeps
enough people out of theaters. Trek fans won't like it, others will be merely

   Even on TV they don't usually (outside of soaps) put a new actor in an
existing role. We even joke about the old Darrin vs. the new Darrin of
Bewitched. (The Rosanne episode that introduced Sarah [geeze, forgot her last
name!] in place of Lecy Goranson as Becky did in jokes at the end about this.

   The only exception would be if you did stories about the youthful experiences
of these characters (say, a movie version of the trek novel `Best Destiny'), as
has successfully been done with Indiana Jones. (*also* a Paramount property)


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 283 of 322
 From : David Mohorn                        1:275/102       .cź 18 .žķ 95 19:39
 To   : Louis Keser
 Subj : Re: Highlander, The Movie
LK>PC> thank god Connor McLeod is the lead, and not Duncan - that's something t
  >PC> confused me at first. I just assumed they got another actor for the seri
  >PC> (and was I glad, I like Adrian Paul much better than Christopher Lambert
  >PC> although I do have to admit he (Lambert) grows on me.

LK>    I disagree, the show is more confussing than the movies ever were.  And
  >Connor is better than Duncan.  The movies are relatively simple, if you
  >exclude the second one as the third does.  As close as I could figure out
  >Connor=Duncan.  I guessed they changed the name when it became a series.  If
  >you saw the first movie, Connor has had alot of ID (ex. Russel Nash).

If you would have watched the series pilot, you would have seen Connor
McCleod.  He has also appeared in another episode too.


 ž QMPro 1.53 ž C++ programmers are classy.
 * Origin: SelectiveSourceVirginiaBeach,VA 804 471 6776 (1:275/102) (1:275/102)

 Msg  : 284 of 322
 From : Nick Lawrus                         1:369/121       .īķ 19 .žķ 95 11:38
 To   : Bruce Baugh
 Subj : Roger Zelazny, 1937-1
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  [Eval]

 BB> According to George R.R. Martin on GEnie this afternoon, Roger
 BB> Zelazny died today of liver failure, the result of an extended bout
 BB> with cancer. This was apparently not the first time he'd been close
 BB> to death.

 BB> Zelazny wrote his fair share of schlock - I doubt I'll ever forget
 BB> Corwin's heart leaping within him in "an almost Proustian joy" in
 BB> one of the Amber books. But at his best, he was more or less the
 BB> definitive Sense Of Wonder artist. Certainly his influence is large
 BB> and real, and he'll be missed.

WOW!!  That's a stunner......

I read the Amber books as a kid and loved them.  Then I read some of his
more mature works and loved them.....

Then hated some of his juvenile crappy stuff.....

But I'll miss his meter and I agree with the Sense of Wonder statement.
He was one writer who had a sense of poetic prose.....


___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: The Data Center BBS  (1:369/121.0)

 Msg  : 285 of 322
 From : Tony Trujillo                       1:280/9         .īķ 19 .žķ 95 13:00
 To   : Robert Lidgren
.TID: GE 1.11+

 RL> By the way, I have a copy of Wiiliam Shatner's record from years ago.
 RL> It's a real hoot and includes his "classic" rendition of "Rocketman."

Dear lord, don't tell me he did a cover of the old Elton
John tune!


... "We are all powerful!!  We are SERVOCROWATION!!"
--- Via Silver Xpress V4.02B03 SW01177
 * Origin: South of the River - Overland Park KS - (913)642-7907 V.* (1:280/9)

 Msg  : 286 of 322
 From : Bill Hedrick                        1:282/26        .īķ 19 .žķ 95 15:31
 To   : Brian Henderson
 Subj : B5 Ripoff: Ds9
In a message dated 06-08-95 BRIAN HENDERSON wrote to RICHARD YAMAGATA:

 BH> Trekkies don't support anything that isn't Trek, so Paramount can

hmmm excuse me if this seems taken out of context, but I consider myself a
Trekkie, and I love B5, X-Files, enjoy L&C and have a broad range of
enjoyments in SF as well as real-life . Perhaps your view of what a
'trekkie' is is more limited than that of mine? BTW, I am a member of 2 Trek
fan clubs and with few exceptions the members have at least as broad  tastes
as I do. Many of them can also read 


 -> Alice4Mac 2.5d3 E QWK Eval:27Dec94

--- RA 1.11+/GEcho 1.02+
 * Origin: Sci-Fi BBS * Rosemount, MN * HST/DS * (612)423-7358 (1:282/26)

 Msg  : 287 of 322
 From : Marc Zingarelli                     1:226/110       .īķ 19 .žķ 95 16:36
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : Kilmer as Batman
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  92-0004
Jack Butler was overheard talking to All,
about Kilmer as Batman, in "Joe's Place" and said:

JB>     Warner Brothers has already announced that both Val Kilmer and Chris
JB>O'Donnell have signed to make further Batman films after this one.  Nicole
JB>Kiddman has also stated that she would welcome the opportunity to do another
JB>     The only problem I can see is a villain shortage.  Right quick they
JB>are going to run out of "recognizable" villains for Batman to fight.  All th
JB>villains who became "name recognizable" by way of the 60's TV show (the

But you forgot Mr Freeze?  And the rest of the motley cast.  I do like your
suggestions by the way.  Or how about a remake of the original batman movie
where all the villains got together?



 Circleville Fire Department
 Local 1232
 Internet:  marc.zingarelli@tcr.com

 * OLX 1.52 * 9 out of 10 men who tried camels went back to women.

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: The Computer Room-Pickerington, Oh (614)861-8377  (1:226/110.0)

 Msg  : 288 of 322
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .īķ 19 .žķ 95 23:00
Good one!

And besides that, it would have a tough time being a better picture.  The
second and third Mad Max films were much more than just blood-fests.
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 289 of 322
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .īķ 19 .žķ 95 23:05
 Subj : B5 RIPOFF: DS9
-> Quoth Brian Henderson, "Nevermore".
-> BH> Trekkies don't support anything that isn't Trek, so Paramount can BH>
-> either  produce the Star Trek Network, or try producing something that BH>
-> people  want to watch.  Any bets on which one they'll try first?
->    What a typically arrogant, Brian-Hendersonian thing to say.  And what,
-> pray tell, about the thousands of "Trekkies" (your word) who are supporting
-> your precious object of worship by watching *it* also?
->    Jack Butler

Well done Jack!  It's fine to criticize ..Trek.  However, when anyone
stereotypes hundreds of thousands like this it demonstrates a certain lack of
analysis and common sense.  The idea that "Trekkies" (cute but pretty useless
term) only support Star Trek incarnations flies in the face of the barest
rudiments of logic.
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 290 of 322
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .īķ 19 .žķ 95 23:08
->    Still, I have some ideas.  I've long since retired the original wish
-> list I posted oh so many years ago, but Dustin Hoffman as The Mad Hatter,
-> Helena Bonham Carter as Poison Ivy, Alan Rickman as Maxie Zeus, Wesley
-> Snipes as the Black Spider, Lance Henrikson as Ra's Al Ghul, Michael Biehn
-> as Deadshot, and Patrick Stewart as Mister Zero would all do as villains.
-> Also, I think John Goodman would do well as The Ventriloquist.

Gee, what a good list.  Now, is there a spot for Letterman and Keanu Reeves
somewhere in here?
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 291 of 322
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .īķ 19 .žķ 95 23:12
->    From:  Use-White Wolf
->    By:  David Johnston 
->    Subject:  Project Twilight
->    There was indeed talk of having Darren McGavin come on, *in character*,
-> and meet Mulder.  However, apparently they're having problems with names,
-> etc.  Somebody owns the copyright on Carl Kolchak and unless they can deal
-> with that person or group, they can't use him on X-Files.
->    ************************************************************
->    Anybody out there hear anything about this?  Is this rumor for real?
-> If so, I think the idea is too cool for school, myself.  I've always been a
-> Kolchak fan...

For a really weird and wonderful addition, how about Agent Cooper from Twin
Peaks making an appearance?  Two FBI agents investigating the "strange.?"

Could Scully stomach that?
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 292 of 322
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .īķ 19 .žķ 95 23:15
->    Methos:  not much to say here except for a guy that has lived thousands
-> of years he can do some rather doofy things.  The doofy things that Methos
-> does could be excused if he were Richie.
->    That watcher, I can't remember his name starts with a V?, you know who,
-> the black guy who decked Dawson.  What a moron.  He is driving toward Kallas
-> and shooting at him, knowing that he is an immortal.  He finally gets Kallas
-> on the ground, DROPS HIS GUN, gets out of the car, looks at Kallas laying on
-> the ground and thinks "I need something sharp" and IGNORES THE SWORD next to
-> Kallas.  Duh there is an ax behind me I will go get it!  His stupidity has
-> already killed him nuffsaid.
->    Well here is another goodun':  Let's see, if I were part of a secret
-> society like the Watchers and created a database, I think I might just
-> require a PASSWORD.  And don't tell me they would not know how!  That
-> database was more than just a few linked tables, it looked pretty good. And
-> don't say access, you still would need more than just a do it yourself book
-> and a clue.
->    ***************************************
->    There wasn't a name on this... just a INet ID which contained no part
-> of the poster's name.
->    Jack Butler

These cross-posts are very interesting.  Thanks for sharing them with us!!
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 293 of 322
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .īķ 19 .žķ 95 23:17
 To   : MYRA I FOX
-> RL>Can anyone tell me of a source for the recording Brett Spiner (DATA)
-> RL>did called "OLD YELLOW EYES?"  Apparently it is a collection of songs
-> I have seen it in Star Tech's catalog... PO Box 456
->                                        Dunlap TN 37327

Thanks Myra!  I had a hunch this info. might be "out there" somewhere.

--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 294 of 322
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .pä 14 .žķ 95 23:40
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : Sliders - Bathroom? Wash
On (10 Jun 95) Jeff Hancock wrote to Mark Jones...

 MJ> Yeah! Like space-dock sized replicators powered by a ring of
 MJ> matter-antimatter reactors. Build a starship, get it fully
 MJ> equipped, fully provisioned, fully crewed. Slide it into the
 MJ> replicator dock and scan it. File the data away.
 JH> And how are the crewmember's families going to deal with having dozens
 JH> of duplicate relatives?  There goes security shot straight to
 JH> hell.

It's better than having *dead* relatives, eh?  But if that's a
consideration, you could use volunteers who have no families.  In a
culture the size of the Federation, that shouldn't be too
tough--remember, you only need enough such "orphans" to crew *one*

Even better, though--staff the ship with Klingons.  Their loved one
would probably think it was just KEEN than Uncle ArgleBargle is the
captain of a *score* of warships!  (And would be pleased as punch to
know that he'd get the chance to die a warrior's death not once--but
countless times!)

 JH> Besides which, if they can't replicate a lung, how do they replicate
 JH> people? ;)

Well...that's the point, really.  Given the transporter and the
replicator (which are apparently two different versions of the same
basic technology), they *should* be able to replicate not just lungs,
but whole persons.  Which means, they'd have immortality of a sort.
It wouldn't matter how many times you killed Wesley Crusher, until and
unless you tracked down and destroyed *every* single copy of his
transporter trace, he'd pop up again.

But they don't want to deal with that, so The Powers That Be decreed
that it can't be done.  I, on the other hand, find the whole notion
fascinating and would love to see someone run with it.

 MJ> When the Borg come calling, send them a message: "Crunch all you
 MJ> want. We'll make more!" Turn out starships as fast as you can
 MJ> cycle them through the airlock!
 JH> Somehow this strikes me as having as much effect as raindrops hitting
 JH> the sidewalk.

Perhaps.  But then again, perhaps *enough* ships could have stopped
the Borg.  Or convinced them that the Federation was a prize not worth
the effort.  Or, the very least, kept them busy long enough for the
Federation to come up with something that *would* stop the Borg.
(After all, why settle for just *one* Einstein when you can replicate
him wholesale and get lifetimes of productive thought in just a year
or two?)

 JH>  * Crazy-J * "I feel your pain"? Nah, more like "I feel you're paying"

All too true....

... "He was starting to annoy me, so I gave him another try at reincarnation."

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: HQ of World Domination, Inc. (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 295 of 322
 From : David Johnston                      1:342/14        .˙ņ 16 .žķ 95 01:18
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : St: The Next Generation
-> And would you *really* bet serious money that Paramount doesn't
-> someday cast a *new* set of actors for the further adventures of
-> Kirk, Spock, Scotty and Co.?

Depends on the time limit.  Kirk would be a problem though, since
Shatner wasn't a character actor, and anyone imitating his distinctive
style would seem odd at best and probably laughable.

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
 * Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)

 Msg  : 296 of 322
 From : David Johnston                      1:342/14        .˙ņ 16 .žķ 95 01:24
 To   : Frank Glover
 Subj : Re: St: The Next Generati
-> MJ>  Well, since I think 24th century medicine should be vastly more
-> MJ>  effective than it appears to be, I'm willing to let them slide
-> on MJ>  that
-> MJ>  one.  (But they're good questions nonetheless.)
-> Agreed. For one, control of the aging process will come *well*
-> before that, and possibly in time for some of us today.

It isn't that easy to beat entropy.  We might have immortality in 400
years, but it wouldn't be by totally stopping the aging process of the
human body.  That would take a lot longer to master.  Then again, so
will FTL travel.

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
 * Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)

 Msg  : 297 of 322
 From : David Johnston                      1:342/14        .˙ņ 16 .žķ 95 01:30
 To   : Rumble
 Subj : B5 Vs St              1/2
-> Heh! What about Steven Hawkings making science understandable!? He is
-> considere to be the smartest man who ever lived, and he preferes Trek
-> to B5. He has found

How do you know?  Yes, he's a big trek fan but I haven't heard anything
about his opinion of B5.

-> out how lots of things on Trek shows could work like phasers, warp
-> drive and transporters to name a few.

No--he--hasn't!  If we had a workable FTL theory that would be the
biggest news since the atomic bomb.  Oh, I suppose you could explain
transporters as a macrocosmic extension of quantum tunneling, but just
because Hawking is a Star Trek fan doesn't mean that it is solidly, or
even shakily related to our best understanding of the concepts of
physics.  He just does what everyone else does and suspends disbelief.

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
 * Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)

 Msg  : 298 of 322
 From : David Johnston                      1:342/14        .˙ņ 16 .žķ 95 01:35
 To   : Frank Eva
 Subj : Star Trek
-> The examples you gave both deal with militarism. Have you ever
-> thought that Gene Roddenberry may not have wanted his concept to be
-> associated with war-mongering? So, this may not be a matter of the
-> 'universe never

If he didn't want his concept associated with war-mongering, he
shouldn't have put the Klingons in there.  For that matter, he probably
should have set his series on a little unarmed exploratory ship as
opposed to a big battle wagon.

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
 * Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)

 Msg  : 299 of 322
 From : Tom Huber                           1:115/477       .åņ 15 .žķ 95 23:11
 To   : Tony Limbert
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.11  94-0102

TL>You can find a copy of the story in the anthology "REEL FUTURES", along
  >with the original stories for [digging book up] ...

Thanks for this information. I'll look for the book.


--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.11
 * Origin: StarSpawn BBS, A MidWest FurNet BBS 616-983-1834  (1:115/477.0)

 Msg  : 300 of 322
 From : Tom Huber                           1:115/477       .åņ 15 .žķ 95 23:16
 To   : Robert Lidgren
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.11  94-0102

RL>By the way, in the quote above, you refer to "my series."  Are you an author
  >Pardon me if I've missed your work.  Please fill me in if you do write books
  >stories, or articles.  I'd be keen to read more of your work!

The novel(s) are unpublished as of yet, but several short stories have
appeared in electronic publications, and I know one or two escaped to
the internet (with my permission). I've been busy of late with a move,
an addition to our household, and work, so I haven't done a lot to get
the novel or shorts into mainstream SF magazines and books.

The first novel is finished, but I'm thinking I want to make another
pass (no no! don't do that, just publish the d**n thing!). The second
novel is almost complete (roughly 95% written), and the rest of the
series has the links and major continuations already written within
their plotlines.

Unlike what Frank Herbert did with Dune, I've plotted out the entire
Star Spawn series, and have written the beginning and ending of each
novel, plus major sequences that used characters or events from a
previous book. Each story stands by itself, but the entire series is a
lot like Babylon 5 - there is a much larger plot that involves all the

Some of my readers have been so bold as to tell me that the stories are
equal to that which is being published today. I'm not sure if I fully
agree, since I think I've got a ways to go before I feel comfortable
with that kind of comparison. Now if I end up with a Hugo, I might feel

The best,

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.11
 * Origin: StarSpawn BBS, A MidWest FurNet BBS 616-983-1834  (1:115/477.0)

 Msg  : 301 of 322
 From : Dan Kachoogian                      1:107/953       .˙ņ 16 .žķ 95 21:59
 To   : James Walton
 Subj : Re: Garden State Science Fiction Conspiracy Update
*** Quoting James Walton to Dan Kachoogian ***

JW> Not a literary group?  Gasp!  ;-)
JW> In our group we have people we belong to other groups which are
JW> not strictly literary.  The library setting is just cheaper and
JW> easier.
JW> Quite a few of our meetings resemble indoor picnics.  We
JW> sometimes even remember to discuss the months topic!
JW> Do you people have a monthly newsletter or fanzine?

At the moment, no. However, I have been sending out updates to people who have
expressed interest. Mostly to try and bring in some more people... Those who
have, thus far, been (cowardly, I mean UNABLE) to attend our meetings.


If you'd like to be on my list of people who receive updates, lemme know.


 * Origin: The Juice Bar BBS (908) 298-0764 (1:107/953)

 Msg  : 302 of 322
 From : Tony Trujillo                       1:280/9         .óį 17 .žķ 95 14:42
 To   : K.c. Jones
 Subj : Re: Sliders Continuity
.TID: GE 1.11+

 TT>> replacement OR by another network. I'm not counting SLIDERS
 TT>> out yet but I'm crossing my fingers that it will slide back
 TT>> onto television in the future.
 KJ>  Let's all hope that it will. It would be really rotten if the network
 KJ>  left us with the cliffhanger unresolved.

Well, I don't really think they could lose Mallory and
thought I would have been more concerned with the ending
if Wade had been shot.

... Diplomacy: Saying "nice doggy"...until you find a rock.
--- Via Silver Xpress V4.02B03 SW01177
 * Origin: South of the River - Overland Park KS - (913)642-7907 V.* (1:280/9)

 Msg  : 303 of 322
 From : Michael Lynn                        1:393/7         .óį 17 .žķ 95 07:41
 To   : Bruce Baugh
 Subj : Re: Roger Zelazny, 1937-1995
        Damn, Zelazny and Stephen R. Donaldson are my two favorite authors, what
a real shame.
--- CNet/3
 * Origin: The Bard's Tavern Denton, TX (817)243-5110 USR 28.8   (1:393/7)

 Msg  : 304 of 322
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .˙ņ 16 .žķ 95 12:00
 To   : Rumble
 Subj : B5 Ripoff: Ds9
 Quoth Rumble, "Nevermore".

 Ru> I have heard that when B5 and DS9 do battle DS9 always wins in the
 Ru> rating game. I'm not surprised either.

     Means nothing.  "Most Popular" does not automatical equate with "Best".

     Jack Butler

... "I'm pleased you are enjoying yourself." -- Tuvok
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 305 of 322
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .˙ņ 16 .žķ 95 12:09
 To   : Rumble
 Subj : BABYLON 5 (PTEN)
 Quoth Rumble, "Nevermore".

 Ru> B5 almost got cancelled this year, so I would not call that good.

     Even if it had, this also means nothing.  Plenty of shows have been
cancelled despite the fact that they are excellent programs.  As I said in
my previous message to you, "most popular" does not equate with "best", and
all ratings indicate is popularity.
     If you need proof of this, I offer examples such as "American
Gladiators" and "Price is Right", both being shows geared toward the
country's lowest common denominator.  Both are doing very well in the

     Jack Butler

... "It is greatness that comes from a mystery." -- Chiun
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 306 of 322
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .˙ņ 16 .žķ 95 12:06
 To   : Frank Glover
 Subj : ST: The Next Generation
 Quoth Frank Glover, "Nevermore".

 FG> But, since all we have to work with are 20th Century actors who
 FG> *do* age, I suppose one has to accept it for now. (Still, a 140 year
 FG> old Leonard McCoy suggests *some* advancement, though not much....)

     I was under the impression that Picard was somewhere in his 60's or
70's.  If so, this points to a lessening of the aging process.

     Jack Butler

... "Hello, Cousin Sven... Say something intelligent..." - Ren Hoek
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 307 of 322
 From : Jack Butler                         1:363/309       .˙ņ 16 .žķ 95 14:49
 To   : Marc Zingarelli
 Subj : Highlander Novels
 Quoth Marc Zingarelli, "Nevermore".

 JB> Okay, here's the scoop.  The first Highlander novel, "The Element of
 JB> Fire" by Jay Henders, will be out around October.  The second novel,
 JB> "Scimitar" by Ashley McConnell, will be released after that.

 MZ> Another thing to wait through a boring summer for!  Thanks for the
 MZ> info


     Jack Butler

... "And you were doing so well..." -- Doc Zimmerman
--- FMail 0.98a
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando FL -=- 407-277-7530 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 308 of 322
 From : Kay Shapero                         1:102/524       .óį 17 .žķ 95 09:46
 To   : Bruce Baugh
 Subj : What if
On , Bruce Baugh (1:105/290.50) wrote to Kay Shapero:

 BB>hurry up with the next book in the sort-of trilogy STEEL BEACH
 BB>begins. I heard him read the first chapter of it a couple years
 BB>ago - it's narrated by a member of an acting troupe touring the Oort
 BB>cloud facilities, and is, if anything, even funnier than the
 BB>first chapter of STEEL BEACH.

Another one?  Oh Goodie!!  :->

At least STEEL BEACH finally got me to get around to reading OPHIUCHI HOTLINE -
for some reason I had it but had never read it.  Silly me.

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 309 of 322
 From : Steve Martin                        1:271/285       .óį 17 .žķ 95 06:40
 To   : Christian Lacoste
Big Brother caught Christian Lacoste & J.T. Smith crimespeaking about

 CL> Bonjour chez vous ! -- sorry, I don't know The Prisoner's ritual
 CL> welcome/goodbye sentence in english 'cause I saw the series in French.
 CL> Quite normal if you consider I *am* French.

"Be seeing you."  I don't know how "Bonjour chez vous" translates into
English, but it looks like "Good day (something)."  "Be seeing you"
carries a little bit of an implied threat that the Prisoner *will* be
sticking around...

... We French persons outwit you a second time...
--- Blue Wave/QBBS v2.12
 * Origin: From Trekkies & from B5ers who hate Trek save us! (1:271/285.0)

 Msg  : 310 of 322
 From : Phill Ash                           1:275/160       .óį 17 .žķ 95 08:43
 To   : Kavin Kishor
 Subj : Xavier St. Cloud and the Quickening
.TID: GE 1.11+
 Phill Ash nasally exhaled his coffee upon hearing this:

>It's possible...
>Over the course of the past few seasons, we've seen some
>"fine-tuning" on Mac's reception of "the buzz" (I still prefer
>the term "Harkening"!).  Early on, he was aware of approaching
>Immortals, but now he can (more or less) identify their source
>direction.  Connor was able to identify those Immortals that
>he'd previously encountered, while the Kurgan was able to
>identify those whom he'd never met (by name!).

>Actually I nifty thing that the series has started doing is
>make each Immortals "harkening" have aparticular soundclip.  Methos has
>a an odd chanting to his buzz that lasts for a bit.  An the immortal
>whose master Duncan killed also had a different type of buzz than
>his mentor.

        I'd be interested to know if this was seen as "a neat idea" by
        the producers...or if they are trying to convey the
        "fine-tuning" idea...

łANATśō:  Pres. PETSA (people for the ethical treatment of synthetic animals)
... An insane student learns strange lessons.
 * DeathMail (ver ü.1) *
~~~ ReneWave v1.00.wb2 (unregistered)
--- GEcho 1.11+
 * Origin: * The Beast's Lair * (804)425-1618 * Va Beach VA * (1:275/160)

 Msg  : 311 of 322
 From : Chris Baugh                         1:105/290.5     .óį 10 .žķ 95 14:07
 To   : Jeff Ewart
 Subj : WorldCon in LA/96
On (02 Jun 95) Jeff Ewart wrote to All...

 JE> I'm planning to going to LA for the '96 WorldCon and was wondering if
 JE> anybody had suggestions on what else to do while there

Try the TRAVEL echo!

... My computer has cables... so why can't it get HBO?

--- PPoint 1.92
 * Origin: "Bother," said Pooh (1:105/290.5)

 Msg  : 312 of 322
 From : Chris Baugh                         1:105/290.5     .óį 10 .žķ 95 16:19
 To   : Ecarey
On (03 Jun 95) Ecarey wrote to Cmcdonough...

 E > Oh, that's too easy. Has anyone here not seen FORBIDDEN PLANET
 E > a hundred times?

I haven't seen it that many times!

... Kinescope - used for locating family or 'kin'.

--- PPoint 1.92
 * Origin: "Bother," said Pooh (1:105/290.5)

 Msg  : 313 of 322
 From : Chris Baugh                         1:105/290.5     .óį 10 .žķ 95 16:33
 To   : Judy Hayes
 Subj : Paramount going Broke?
On (08 Jun 95) Judy Hayes wrote to All...

 JH> Sheesh.....but they still managed to start their own
 JH> network.....talk about "Creative Accounting".....

For more about Creative Accounting than you can stand, look for the
book about Art Buchwald's suit concerning "Coming To America."  (I
don't recall the title or author's name, but it was written by
Buchwald's attorney.)

... "Hark! I must hasten after them, for I am their leader."

--- PPoint 1.92
 * Origin: "Bother," said Pooh (1:105/290.5)

 Msg  : 314 of 322
 From : Chris Baugh                         1:105/290.5     .óį 10 .žķ 95 16:38
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : Counselor Troi
On (03 Jun 95) Mark Jones wrote to Gamin Davis...

 MJ> I'll also agree that Starfleet has "security procedures". And
 MJ> I'll laugh even longer and louder if you argue that they are
 MJ> reasonable or effective.

Well, they do have security officers stationed on the bridge, and
the officers listen for the Captain's orders and start to carry them
out.  Of course, it would be more effective if they added a
procedure for *finishing* the actions commanded by the Captain.

... If you want to learn about paranoids, follow one around.

--- PPoint 1.92
 * Origin: "Bother," said Pooh (1:105/290.5)

 Msg  : 315 of 322
 From : Chris Baugh                         1:105/290.5     .óį 17 .žķ 95 15:38
 To   : Jason Cathcart
 Subj : MMPR : The Movie
On (16 Jun 95) Jason Cathcart wrote to All...

 JC> Any one else think that it will be totally crappy?

No, I don't believe that the voices of revenge are best carried to
the fields alone.

Oh, whoops, I thought you were talking about MMPI, the movie.

... Send Lawyers, Guns and Money!

--- PPoint 1.92
 * Origin: "Bother," said Pooh (1:105/290.5)

 Msg  : 316 of 322
 From : Chris Baugh                         1:105/290.5     .óį 17 .žķ 95 15:49
 To   : Dkimmel
 Subj : BABYLON 5 (PTEN)
On (12 Jun 95) Dkimmel wrote to Frank Eva...

 D > Among syndicated dramatic series, B5 ranked sixth for the season.

What were the top 5?

... I knew Pat Pending BEFORE he invented all that stuff

--- PPoint 1.92
 * Origin: "Bother," said Pooh (1:105/290.5)

 Msg  : 317 of 322
 From : Chris Baugh                         1:105/290.5     .óį 17 .žķ 95 15:58
 To   : Seth Horne
 Subj : bABYLON5
On (12 Jun 95) Seth Horne wrote to All...

 SH> Yo everyone...How exactly does the Jumpgate technology work, I
 SH> mean, doesn't it bend space or something? Also, did they every
 SH> describe the specification of those phat star furies?? They
 SH> said that B5 was only 5 miles long. The inside views, when you
 SH> look out their windows, look so unrealistic. And when you look
 SH> out at the whole view, it doesn't even look 2 miles long.
 SH> Shouldn't a station like that be important and big? And what is
 SH> that planet it is orbiting around?

You haven't been watching that long, have you?  Here's some
information to fill you in on the background of this fine series so
that you can enjoy it more.

Earlier episodes showed us that a jump point is a transition between
normal space and hyperspace.  When a ship enters the jump point, it
leaves normal space to enter hyperspace.  Once in hyperspace, it
travels a short distance to get to another jump point, that lets it
return to normal space.  Some large ships can create their own jump
points, while all smaller and less well equipped ships must rely on
gates - permanent installations in normal space providing access to

This is quite different than Star Trek's version of a warp field,
which is indeed supposed to enable the ship to travel through normal
space at very high speed.  In Star Trek, although a ship at warm is
invisible to slower observors because, of course, the ship's going
faster than light, it is detectable, and identifiable by sensors.
In contrast, B5 indicates that human technology can identify the
presence and rough size (mass) of vehicles about to emerge from
hyperspace, but not that the ships can be identified unless they
send a message.  While we know that jump technology was provided to
humans by the Centauri, we don't know who originated it, nor if
other races have more sophisticated types of sensors.

The inside of the large sphere at the docking end of B5 is hollow,
with artificial lighting and hydroponic fields inside.  The
ambassadors and senior staff have some of the rare rooms with a
view into this area.  What, exactly, would you expect to see that
would "be more realistic" for the interior or would look "important
and big" on the exterior shots?  The views are all generated by
mathematical modeling, based on a complete description of the
station's design, of the field of view, perspective angles, and
lighting (including lens flares) that a camera would see if it was
there.  The look is different from the results of the miniature
animation routinely used in Star Trek, but B5 is probably more
accurate at depicting the interaction of spaceships, as the computer
system allows the creation of shots with no up or down, and with
camera moves throughout a range of several miles.  (In Trek, often
the dialogue says that ships are a reasonable distance apart, but
the models have to be shown as though they were right next to each
other because of space limitations in the miniature photography

As for the importance of the station, I'm not sure in what manner
you expect an important station to look different.  Would you have
preferred an elegantly terraced marble structure in the style of the
UN building?  Dialogue in the series has often emphasized the
importance of B5 to peaceful relations, diplomacy and trade, and the
government's refusal to adequately fund its very expensive
operations in the midst of growing isolationist sentiment at home.
In the opinion of many fans, B5 is to be commended for realistically
portraying socialogical and political problems in the implementation
of grand dreams, and for its theme that increasing technology and
alien contact do not necessarily, by themselves, change either human
nature or society for the better.  This is yet another contrast with
Trek, which of course is relentlessly optimistic that people can
work together to solve their problems and create a better society by
being part of idealistic organizations (like Starfleet).  Neither
approach is neccessarily better or worse, but there's certainly a
place for both types of themes in modern literature, and B5 may be
more relevant to today's concerns, in the same way Trek obviously
tapped 60's idealism.

The planet is in "neutral space" and is not supposed to be located
in our solar system.  This has also been explained in many of the
episodes.  The site survey team thought this was a dead planet; it
turned out to have some suprises, but is apparently not a threat.
This subject was detailed in full as it was the plot of an earlier

I haven't seen the word "phat" before.  These ships are not
described in "every" episode, but a great deal of information has
been provided about them in several of the shows.  They aren't
designed for use in atmosphere, because they don't have aerodynamic
features, but they're very efficient for space travel - and
highly maneuverable in combat, or for grappling - because the
thrusters at the tips of the wings can fire indepently along three
axes of rotation.  This has also been demonstrated in many episodes.

I suspect you may be new not only to B5, but also to thorough
reviews and discussions of SF in the online medium.  Thanks for
jumping in, and I hope my comments provide some context that will
increase your understanding and enjoyment of this fun and
fascinating series.

--- PPoint 1.92
 * Origin: "Bother," said Pooh (1:105/290.5)

 Msg  : 318 of 322
 From : Chris Baugh                         1:105/290.5     .óį 17 .žķ 95 16:28
 To   : Dkimmel
 Subj : B5 TALK
On (10 Jun 95) Dkimmel wrote to Frank Eva...

 D > I hope they can schedule this better next season so the season
 D > finale actually runs in the spring.

Am I the only person who doesn't mind the postponement?  July is a
good time to do other things, and we avoid a summer cliff-hanger.

... Don't use commas, which aren't necessary.

--- PPoint 1.92
 * Origin: "Bother," said Pooh (1:105/290.5)

 Msg  : 319 of 322
 From : James Walton                        1:129/260       .cź 18 .žķ 95 03:30
 To   : Dan Kachoogian
 Subj : Re: Garden State Science Fiction Conspiracy Update

JW>> Do you people have a monthly newsletter or fanzine?

 DK> At the moment, no. However, I have been sending out updates to people
 DK> who have expressed interest. Mostly to try and bring in some more
 DK> people... Those who have, thus far, been (cowardly, I mean UNABLE) to
 DK> attend our meetings.

I am interested in seeing how you keep people interested in coming back yo
meetings, etc.  In our club we bring in speakers sometimes, such as space
shuttle scientists, writers, etc.  No program appeals to everybody, so there
are some members who never attend meetings. (But they complain anyway.)

We even put on a Covention every year.  (Such fun.)

--- Via Silver Xpress V4.00 SW12427
 * Origin: ConFluence '95 goes to Mars! (1:129/260)

 Msg  : 320 of 322
 From : Chris Carter                        1:105/302.23    .óį 17 .žķ 95 04:20
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : Vorlon Immortality

 JH> I still think he'll have a face, though. ;-)

The real reason for the encounter suit is to hide a very large, very
embarrasing, wart.

 JH> So, when are we going to hear again from that race Ivanova ...
 JH> diplomatically dealt with from _Acts of Sacrifice_?

The next time the representative of that race gets a woody.

 JH> And considering that John Kahane said that the Marcab WAS the
 JH> homeworld to be destroyed this season, why haven't I seen a
 JH> thread between you and him discussing it?

That's because I know the real answer.  This matter does not require
a debate.

*** Insertion of 30 lines of spoiler space.  Unless you are Jeff
Hancock, or suicidal, don't read any further. ***

 JH> Prime choice is the Narn, considering how the war is going and
 JH> that it's been fore-Shadowed.

You're right.  This has been revealed as a spoiler for one of the
last four episodes of this season, in rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.

Chris - carter@teleport.com

--- cPoint v2.17/FreeWare
 * Origin: Carter's Conspicuous Consumption (1:105/302.23)

 Msg  : 321 of 322
 From : Chris Carter                        1:105/302.23    .óį 17 .žķ 95 04:11
 To   : David Johnston
 Subj : B5 Ripoff: Ds9

 DJ> Apparently by the time the series is over, Earth will be a
 DJ> full blown dictatorship. This is not the direction I would
 DJ> prefer.  I would at least like to see some signs of opposition
 DJ> developing against the trend.

General Hague and Co. aren't enough for you, eh?

Chris - carter@teleport.com

--- cPoint v2.17/FreeWare
 * Origin: Carter's Conspicuous Consumption (1:105/302.23)

 Msg  : 322 of 322
 From : David Johnston                      1:342/14        .īķ 19 .žķ 95 12:05
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : Vorlon Immortality
-> DJ>However, Morden's encounter with Kosh probably "enlightened" the
-> DJ>Shadows about just what the Vorlons really are...assuming they
-> didn't DJ>already know.
-> That's what I've suspected, yet the Shadows aren't starting a new
-> offensive.

We have been told that the Shadows were defeated through striking too
soon the last time.  Now they are being more cautious and gathering
their forces more completely, as well as operating through pawns.  What
the Vorlons truly seem to wish to avoid, is Shadow knowledge that the
Terrans are catching on so that the Shadows don't eliminate the humans.

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
 * Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)

 Msg  : 1 of 158
 From : Gloria Darcy                        1:124/8107      .pä 14 .žķ 95 21:19
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : HighLander, The Series
I think it's just disgusting that your channel is going to drop Highlander.  Let
us know how things turn out if you decide to pursue your plans to contact the
Highlander producers, etc.  We got lucky that the channel that usually ran
Highalnder that's being taken over by FOX is not running it anymore, but another
local channel has taken over.  Thank God!  We absolutely have a Highlander
withdrawal panic attack if we can't see it once a week!


--- Maximus/2 2.02
 * Origin: Palindrome WriterNet [Fiction&Non] (1:124/8107)

 Msg  : 2 of 158
 From : David Johnston                      1:342/14        .ņp 20 .žķ 95 00:01
 To   : Chris Carter
 Subj : B5 Ripoff: Ds9
-> DJ> Apparently by the time the series is over, Earth will be a DJ>
-> full blown dictatorship. This is not the direction I would DJ>
-> prefer.  I would at least like to see some signs of opposition DJ>
-> developing against the trend.
-> General Hague and Co. aren't enough for you, eh?

Not really.  I'd like to see someone protesting out loud instead of just

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
 * Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)

 Msg  : 3 of 158
 From : David Johnston                      1:342/14        .ņp 20 .žķ 95 00:04
 To   : Frank Glover
 Subj : Re: St: The Next Generati
-> DJ>  -> Agreed. For one, control of the aging process will come
-> *well* DJ>  -> before that, and possibly in time for some of us
-> today. DJ>
-> DJ>  It isn't that easy to beat entropy.  We might have immortality
-> in 400 DJ>  years, but it wouldn't be by totally stopping the aging
-> process of DJ>  the
-> DJ>  human body.  That would take a lot longer to master.  Then
-> again, so DJ>  will FTL travel.
-> I'd have to disagree. Life in general is a battle against entropy,
-> one merely (!) has to intervene in ways that give us a better chance.

And that would extend the human lifespan, but I understood control to
mean stabilisation into an endless natural lifespan and that should take
a lot longer than the kind of time frame in question.

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
 * Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)

 Msg  : 4 of 158
 From : David Johnston                      1:342/14        .ņp 20 .žķ 95 00:37
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : Vorlon Immortality 2.1
-> Here's a Q for you: How did Delenn and Kosh know that Sheridan had
-> Morden in custody?

Perhaps Delenn is monitoring the Centauri diplomatic communications.

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
 * Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)

 Msg  : 5 of 158
 From : David Johnston                      1:342/14        .ņp 20 .žķ 95 00:45
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : Kilmer As Batman
->    The only problem I can see is a villain shortage.  Right quick
-> they
-> are going to run out of "recognizable" villains for Batman to fight.
-> All the villains who became "name recognizable" by way of the 60's TV
-> show (the Joker, Penguin, Riddler, Catwoman) have been done (and most
-> have been killed

The cartoon has popularised a few more villains so they can probably get
by.  However, I do have to point out that Two-Face had the kind of death
that villians regularly return from in the comics.

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
 * Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)

 Msg  : 6 of 158
 From : David Johnston                      1:342/14        .ņp 20 .žķ 95 00:48
 To   : Steve Wiser
 Subj : H20 Wrld=thunderdome+h2o
-> RL> I think the premise is that, due to Global Warming, the earth is
-> virtually RL> covered with water and there exist a number of
-> "floaties" that vie for RL> domination but beyond that I don't know
-> too much about the plot. RL>
-> Why would a ThunderDome on water cost so much?  I don't think
-> the original with Mel Gibson cost very much.

It costs a lot because building sets on water, BIG sets on water is an
expensive proposition.  So is filming underwater.  So is having one of
your boats sink.

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
 * Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)

 Msg  : 7 of 158
 From : Steve Wiser                         1:264/417       .ņp 20 .žķ 95 19:08
 To   : Jeff Young
 Subj : Re: bABYLON5
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  94-2151

JY>  SH> And what is that planet it is orbiting around?

Its neutral territory and the planet is call Epsilon Three.
No, its not Minbari own, although a Minbari was chosen by
the caretaker to be his replacement. Apparently the master
brain of the planet has now a Minbari, one of Delenns
favorite  teachers. An old race that has gone on apparently
has left a weapons cache for the future of the universe and
this is it.  The new caretaker now has the control of the
planet and can look out over the universe(at least that's
what he said he could do from the planet below).

Has anyone seen the post that the writer/producer has stated
that is the most complete analysis yet of the B5 arc?  I have
it from the internet if anyone would like me to cross-post it
here.  There are two post that JMS complimented.

Steve Wiser

 * KWQ/2 1.2g * Bablyon Five, the best of Televison...

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: The Richmond Connection, Richmond, VA  804-740-2186  (1:264/417.0)

 Msg  : 8 of 158
 From : Steve Wiser                         1:264/417       .ņp 20 .žķ 95 19:38
 To   : Bill Bottke
 Subj : JMS compiled messages [6/
.SPLIT: 22 Jun 95 08:57:52 @264/417     16    01/02 +++++++++++
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  94-2151

BB> From: bottke@organpipe.uug.arizona.edu (Bill Bottke )
BB> =================================================================
BB> Comments, questions, or additional information should be sent to:
BB> Bill Bottke  (E-mail: bottke@lpl.arizona.edu)
BB> *** Note:  This is *really* the last one for a few weeks.  I mean it
BB>            this time!
BB> =================================================================

BB>      The warrior caste was subdued by the coming of Valen, who brought
BB> the law about not killing other Minbari, and formed the Grey Council.  The
BB> Rim is the edge of known space.  The absolute bottom/rim gravity in B5 is
BB> about 1.2 G; the C&C gravity is about 1/3rd G.

BB>                                                                       jms
BB>      If something happens to me...nobody gets the notes.  The whole POINT
BB> is that this is a personal story, told out of a personal vision.  So if
BB> you want to see this story finished, it behooves y'all to keep my sorry
BB> ass alive for the next 3 years.
BB>                                                                  jms
BB> : In your opinion, knowing what you know now, with no obligation to
BB> : stay, what is the probability that you will still be on this newsgroup
BB> : one year from now if:
BB> : 1) Nothing changes
BB> : 2) This newsgroup is moderated
BB> : 3) This newsgroup is moderated and a .creative newsgroup is also
BB> :    formed.
BB> : 4) This newsgroup is moderated and an unmoderated newsgroup is formed
BB> :    (much like the alt group, story ideas frowned upon)
BB> : Jay Denebeim
BB>      I imagine that the odds of my continuing are pretty much the same
BB> for options 2 through 4; option 1 will eventually cause a problem, I
BB> think, the way things are going.  While the group was of resaonable
BB> size, it was easier to influence things; with the mammoth increase in
BB> membership, and the increase in plot speculation, eventually the limit
BB> on what I can afford to be exposed to will have to be hit.
BB>                                                                     jms
BB> :   wrote:
BB> : >     The warrior caste was subdued by the coming of Valen, who brought
BB> : >the law about not killing other Minbari, and formed the Grey Council.  T


BB> : Holy Valen! So the warrior caste has been ticked off for 1,000 years.  No
BB> : wonder they're so scary.  They've held a grudge against Valen for that
BB> : long. Now all their scoffing at the prophecy and the religious caste
BB> : makes sense.  Personally, I think these guys killed Dukhat to ruin
BB> : Valen's prophecy  -- Revenge motivation (of course the humans could have
BB> : gotten VERY lucky and I'm wrong).
BB> : Delenn refuses to help the Children of Time because someone interfered
BB> : with Minbari religion and the results have caused her and her people to
BB> : avoid doing so to others.  Valen is said to return.
BB> : So 1,000 years ago, how did Valen do his coming and going?  I'm beginning
BB> : to seriously wonder is this Valen guy was a Minbari at all.  Someone
BB> : subduing a violent caste sounds like manipulation.  And those prophecies
BB> : do hint at more knowledge than the Minbari had at that time.  Of course
BB> : he could be a Minbari with powerful friends so he could maintain control
BB> : and reign in the warrior caste AND set up the new Minbari government.  Or
BB> : he could be powerful himself.  Perhaps he had the help of three
BB> : triluminaries; I'm sure their powers, creatively applied, could go a long
BB> : way.
BB> : Christopher Novosad
BB>      Christopher: save this message of yours and keep it at hand going
BB> into the second season, around the 10th episode or so.
BB>                                                                  jms
BB>      (sigh...I meant third season, wrote second...still dealing with
BB> the renewal.)
BB>      Whether one becomes religious, warrior or worker caste is something
BB> that arises early on, not through birth or genetics, but what you are
BB> called to do, or feel called to do.  If you believe that you are calleed
BB> to the religious life, you go to that part for a time, a few years, and
BB> that is determined by you and to a certain extent, others.  If you seem
BB> not suited toward that, they may work with you to find what you are more
BB> suited for (and perhaps you felt *expected* to be called a certain way,
BB> but that's not really where you're best suited).
BB>                                                              jms
BB>      We'll see Minbar at least once in year three, perhaps more.
BB>                                                                       jms

BB>      No, the last ep of this season wasn't per se a cliffhanger, though it
BB> does tip over a few things, so it flows from 222 to 301 fairly smoothly.
BB>                                                                    jms

BB> :    I recently had an opportunity to go back and watch some episodes.  The
BB> : name of the particular episode escapes me, but it is where the Shadowship

BB> : attack the Narn outpost.  In it the perspective of the camera sweeps
BB> : around, zooms through the protruding spines on the ships and we see the
BB> : shadows firing on the outpost on the planet below.
BB> :    I watched it on a friends large TV with stereo pumped and I must say,
BB> : as I've said before, that one scene qualifies in my mind as a true piece
BB> : of art.
BB> :    This is indicative of the CGI FX for the entire show.  Not only are yo

BB> : using this new technology to take care of FX for the show, but you seem t

BB> : be pushing its potential, not settling for traditional, straight shots --
BB> : making sure those of us in the audience can get that rush of awe and
BB> : wonder we look for in sf (both in the FX and in the epic proportions of
BB> : the storyline.
BB> :    I would just like to extend my congratulations and thanks to you and
BB> : the people who worked on that scene and others: I consider something like
BB> : that an achievement equal to that of any great artist.
BB> : Tudor Lewis
BB>      Thanks.  That scene in "Coming of Shadows" is one of my favorites;
BB> it does, as you say, convey that sense of wonder which is one of my main
BB> goals with this show.
BB>      Until "The Long Twilight Struggle," nothing else has come close to
BB> that scene for me.  But there's some stuff in there that finally manages
BB> to surpass it.  Just gorgeous and scary and awe-inspiring.
BB>                                                                   jms

BB>      Of course we're going to find out more about why the shadows are
BB> doing and what they want; it'd be kinda pointless otherwise, no?
BB>                                                                  jms

BB> : If the Minbari prophecies regarding humans go all the way back to Valen a


BB> : the founding of the Grey Council, why did the Grey Council endorse the
BB> : Earth-Minbari war as they did?  The Minbari certainly gave all appearance

BB> : of planning to wipe us clean off the galactic map (although this is of
BB> : course open to question).  At any rate, it seems that they should have be


BB> : leary of interfering with whatever destiny we're supposed to have in stor


BB> : as a war of that scale could surely do.
BB> : Steven M.
BB>       There was the prophecy, but they didn't know specifically to which
BB> race it pertained until much later.
BB>                                                                      jms

BB> Subj:  Initials                         Section: Babylon 5
BB>   To:  Tuesday, June 13, 1995 1:22:03 AM
BB> From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#239120
BB>  >> Is it just a coincidence that Jeff Sinclair, John Sheridan
BB> and Joe Straczynski all have the same initials? <<
BB>      Probably not.
BB>                                                       jms
BB> Subj:  <>-Spoiler          Section: Babylon 5
BB>   To:  Wednesday, June 14, 1995 2:50:18 AM
BB> From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#240268
BB> >>Talia Winters is either getting killed off or thrown in jail
BB> back on earth.  She is the one who tried to kill Kosh at very
BB> beginning of show.  In real life, the actress who plays her and
BB> the actor that plays Garabaldi are engaged!!!  The shadows
BB> attack the Narn home world and do major damage.  Vir is getting
BB> killed off.I wonder if their sources are reliable.
BB> We will see..............<<
BB>      I'd say overall that's the most breathtakingly jumbled
BB> batch of half-rumors and quarter-truths I've seen.  You can
BB> disregard, oh, 98% of it.
BB> Subj:  Why B5 on TV?                    Section: Babylon 5
BB>   To:  Wednesday, June 14, 1995 11:15:17 PM
BB> From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#241212
BB>      Any time I come up with a story, I try to look around
BB> to determine where it would work best.  This one *felt*
BB> like it belonged to TV.
BB>      More than that, though...I went into this looking to
BB> create a saga for TV.  It wasn't so much coming up with the
BB> story, and realizing it was a TV saga, as it was, "Nobody's ever
BB> done a multi-year science fiction saga for television.
BB> As a thought-experiment, can I come up with something that
BB> would work in this medium?"  This led me to the structure that
BB> became Babylon 5.
BB>                                                        jms
BB> Subj:  B5's Military Metaphor           Section: Babylon 5
BB>   To:  Wednesday, June 14, 1995 11:15:15 PM
BB> From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#241211
BB>      As I responded in private mail, I'm drawing upon a number
BB> of military influences in the show; some from WW I, in the Great
BB> War and how WW I sort of slid into WW II; some tactical and
BB> strategic elements of WW II military; and some of the political
BB> elements that went into the Vietnam and Korean conflicts.
BB> Actual tactics and battles will vary; there's a major battle
BB> setpiece in a later episode that uses more contemporary and
BB> futuristic elements such as long-distance (thousands of
BB> kilometers) tactics, interceptors and the like.
BB>      Also as I noted in email...I just learned today from someone
BB> high up in military PR in Washington that Babylon 5 is very popular
BB> with many branches of the military.  They call it a "force multiplier"
BB> (morale booster) for naval and air force and ground troops (apparently
BB> the show gets shipped out to bases and to carrier/battleship groups).
BB> It's also very popular with many folks in the Pentagon and the Secret
BB> Service.  (In one case, the Secret Service apparently did an analysis
BB> of one of our episodes as an exercise in character analysis of
BB> military persons under high-stress situations.)  The Flying Tigers
BB> have also been very supportive of the show, even allowing us to use
BB> their symbol in the series.
BB>                                                       jms

BB> Subj:  B5 Military                      Section: Babylon 5
BB>   To:  Thursday, June 15, 1995 10:25:12 PM
BB> From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#242354
BB>      Vorlons/Shadows at the top of the force, Minbari after,
BB> Centauri, with Humans and Narns not that far apart.
BB>      Er...what was the suggestion again...?
BB>                                                       jms
BB> -------------------------------------------------------------------
BB> **************************************************************************
BB> ***** sorso@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu **** "Every silver lining has a cloud." *****
BB> **************************************************************************
BB> What follows is a pair of analyses of two major aspects of the
BB> *Babylon 5* story arc that have recently coalesced in my mind.  To
BB> some extent they are independent and could have been typed up as
BB> separate posts; however, if the first analysis is right, it would
BB> also come into play as an argument for what I advance in the second
BB> analysis.  Accordingly, I'm putting both together here.  Apologies
BB> if the length of this post proves inconvenient. (And apologies of
BB> another sort.  At this writing I am a few hundred miles from my
BB> PC, which means (a) I have to write this without the software that
BB> lets me bounce back and forth between the text I'm writing and the
BB> Lurker's Guide to check my memory of plot details, and (b) I have
BB> to type using a keyboard that seems to have been manufactured by
BB> the makers of the Yugo.  If there are factual slips, I trust they
BB> will be minor ones that do not preclude the main line of argument;
BB> and if I don't purge this post of all its typos before I transmit
BB> it, bear with me.)
BB> I.  The Unified Field Theory of Conspiracies
BB> A few weeks ago, in a post that referred to the abundance of
BB> conspiracies in the Babylon 5 universe, I half-jokingly suggested
BB> we needed a Unified Field Theory of Conspiracies to simplify
BB> keeping track of things.  Okay, consider the following paranoid
BB> possibility for an UFTC:  All the calamitous problems lately are
BB> the work of the Shadows.
BB> Could the influence of the Shadows really be so pervasive?  Let's
BB> consider what evidence is available, taking it species by species:
BB>   EARTH:  The Earth Alliance is afflicted by three conspiracies of
BB>   note--(1) the Clark Administration's accession by means of
BB>   assassination and its impletmentation of a number of  distressing
BB>   measures aimed to enhance its political control; (2) the dirty
BB>   tricks operation being run by the group known as Bureau 13; and (3)
BB>   the rogue element in Psi Corps's leadership engaged in a eugenics
BB>   campaign to develop more powerful telepaths.  It's been fairly
BB>   clear for some time that Psi Corps is the common thread to these
BB>   conspiracies.  Garibaldi's treacherous aide Jack gave Garibaldi
BB>   the same salute ("Revelations") that Bester gave in "Mind War."

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: The Richmond Connection, Richmond, VA  804-740-2186  (1:264/417.0)

 Msg  : 9 of 158
 From : Steve Wiser                         1:264/417       .ņp 20 .žķ 95 19:38
 To   : Bill Bottke
 Subj : 2 JMS compiled messages [6/
.SPLIT: 22 Jun 95 08:57:52 @264/417     16    02/02 +++++++++++
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  94-2151

BB>   That establishes a link between the Corps and the Clark faction--
BB>   a link for which there is other evidence we haven't seen, to judge
BB>   by the suspicions that General Hague voiced in "All Alone in the
BB>   Night."  The Corps is also linked to Bureau 13 by the woman we
BB>   know as "Thirteen"--i.e., the woman who managed the conspiracy
BB>   seen in "Spider in the Web."  Thirteen is a telepath, and Psi
BB>   Corps's records have been doctored to list her as dead, thereby
BB>   providing cover for her to drop out of sight and manage things
BB>   from the San Diego wasteland.  Where do the Shadows come in?
BB>   For that you have to refer to the current four-part story now
BB>   unfolding in the Babylon 5 comics (synopses available through the
BB>   Lurker's Guide). It's becoming quite clear that there is some
BB>   kind of Shadow presence on Mars, and Mars is also the site of a
BB>   top-secret Psi Corps base.  Indeed, it's evidently a base where
BB>   skulduggery takes place--that's where Bester was interrogating his
BB>   prisoner to lethal effect in the outset of "A Race Through Dark
BB>   Places."  I'm increasingly skeptical that Morden is the only
BB>   human with whom the Shadows have been working.
BB>         ASIDE:  If this is right, then the current debate over who
BB>         the traitor on B5 will turn out to be takes on a whole new
BB>         twist.  The comic series shows the Shadow-minions on Mars
BB>         capable of mind-control over humans.

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: The Richmond Connection, Richmond, VA  804-740-2186  (1:264/417.0)

 Msg  : 10 of 158
 From : Steve Wiser                         1:264/417       .ņp 20 .žķ 95 20:10
 To   : All
 Subj : JMS compiled messages [6/
.SPLIT: 22 Jun 95 08:57:52 @264/417     18    01/02 +++++++++++
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  94-2151

BB> From: bottke@organpipe.uug.arizona.edu (Bill Bottke )
BB> =================================================================
BB> Comments, questions, or additional information should be sent to:
BB> Bill Bottke  (E-mail: bottke@lpl.arizona.edu)
BB> *** Note:  This is *really* the last one for a few weeks.  I mean it
BB>            this time!
BB> =================================================================

BB>      The warrior caste was subdued by the coming of Valen, who brought
BB> the law about not killing other Minbari, and formed the Grey Council.  The
BB> Rim is the edge of known space.  The absolute bottom/rim gravity in B5 is
BB> about 1.2 G; the C&C gravity is about 1/3rd G.

BB>                                                                       jms
BB>      If something happens to me...nobody gets the notes.  The whole POINT
BB> is that this is a personal story, told out of a personal vision.  So if
BB> you want to see this story finished, it behooves y'all to keep my sorry
BB> ass alive for the next 3 years.
BB>                                                                  jms
BB> : In your opinion, knowing what you know now, with no obligation to
BB> : stay, what is the probability that you will still be on this newsgroup
BB> : one year from now if:
BB> : 1) Nothing changes
BB> : 2) This newsgroup is moderated
BB> : 3) This newsgroup is moderated and a .creative newsgroup is also
BB> :    formed.
BB> : 4) This newsgroup is moderated and an unmoderated newsgroup is formed
BB> :    (much like the alt group, story ideas frowned upon)
BB> : Jay Denebeim
BB>      I imagine that the odds of my continuing are pretty much the same
BB> for options 2 through 4; option 1 will eventually cause a problem, I
BB> think, the way things are going.  While the group was of resaonable
BB> size, it was easier to influence things; with the mammoth increase in
BB> membership, and the increase in plot speculation, eventually the limit
BB> on what I can afford to be exposed to will have to be hit.
BB>                                                                     jms
BB> :   wrote:
BB> : >     The warrior caste was subdued by the coming of Valen, who brought
BB> : >the law about not killing other Minbari, and formed the Grey Council.  T


BB> : Holy Valen! So the warrior caste has been ticked off for 1,000 years.  No
BB> : wonder they're so scary.  They've held a grudge against Valen for that
BB> : long. Now all their scoffing at the prophecy and the religious caste
BB> : makes sense.  Personally, I think these guys killed Dukhat to ruin
BB> : Valen's prophecy  -- Revenge motivation (of course the humans could have
BB> : gotten VERY lucky and I'm wrong).
BB> : Delenn refuses to help the Children of Time because someone interfered
BB> : with Minbari religion and the results have caused her and her people to
BB> : avoid doing so to others.  Valen is said to return.
BB> : So 1,000 years ago, how did Valen do his coming and going?  I'm beginning
BB> : to seriously wonder is this Valen guy was a Minbari at all.  Someone
BB> : subduing a violent caste sounds like manipulation.  And those prophecies
BB> : do hint at more knowledge than the Minbari had at that time.  Of course
BB> : he could be a Minbari with powerful friends so he could maintain control
BB> : and reign in the warrior caste AND set up the new Minbari government.  Or
BB> : he could be powerful himself.  Perhaps he had the help of three
BB> : triluminaries; I'm sure their powers, creatively applied, could go a long
BB> : way.
BB> : Christopher Novosad
BB>      Christopher: save this message of yours and keep it at hand going
BB> into the second season, around the 10th episode or so.
BB>                                                                  jms
BB>      (sigh...I meant third season, wrote second...still dealing with
BB> the renewal.)
BB>      Whether one becomes religious, warrior or worker caste is something
BB> that arises early on, not through birth or genetics, but what you are
BB> called to do, or feel called to do.  If you believe that you are calleed
BB> to the religious life, you go to that part for a time, a few years, and
BB> that is determined by you and to a certain extent, others.  If you seem
BB> not suited toward that, they may work with you to find what you are more
BB> suited for (and perhaps you felt *expected* to be called a certain way,
BB> but that's not really where you're best suited).
BB>                                                              jms
BB>      We'll see Minbar at least once in year three, perhaps more.
BB>                                                                       jms

BB>      No, the last ep of this season wasn't per se a cliffhanger, though it
BB> does tip over a few things, so it flows from 222 to 301 fairly smoothly.
BB>                                                                    jms

BB> :    I recently had an opportunity to go back and watch some episodes.  The
BB> : name of the particular episode escapes me, but it is where the Shadowship

BB> : attack the Narn outpost.  In it the perspective of the camera sweeps
BB> : around, zooms through the protruding spines on the ships and we see the
BB> : shadows firing on the outpost on the planet below.
BB> :    I watched it on a friends large TV with stereo pumped and I must say,
BB> : as I've said before, that one scene qualifies in my mind as a true piece
BB> : of art.
BB> :    This is indicative of the CGI FX for the entire show.  Not only are yo

BB> : using this new technology to take care of FX for the show, but you seem t

BB> : be pushing its potential, not settling for traditional, straight shots --
BB> : making sure those of us in the audience can get that rush of awe and
BB> : wonder we look for in sf (both in the FX and in the epic proportions of
BB> : the storyline.
BB> :    I would just like to extend my congratulations and thanks to you and
BB> : the people who worked on that scene and others: I consider something like
BB> : that an achievement equal to that of any great artist.
BB> : Tudor Lewis
BB>      Thanks.  That scene in "Coming of Shadows" is one of my favorites;
BB> it does, as you say, convey that sense of wonder which is one of my main
BB> goals with this show.
BB>      Until "The Long Twilight Struggle," nothing else has come close to
BB> that scene for me.  But there's some stuff in there that finally manages
BB> to surpass it.  Just gorgeous and scary and awe-inspiring.
BB>                                                                   jms

BB>      Of course we're going to find out more about why the shadows are
BB> doing and what they want; it'd be kinda pointless otherwise, no?
BB>                                                                  jms

BB> : If the Minbari prophecies regarding humans go all the way back to Valen a


BB> : the founding of the Grey Council, why did the Grey Council endorse the
BB> : Earth-Minbari war as they did?  The Minbari certainly gave all appearance

BB> : of planning to wipe us clean off the galactic map (although this is of
BB> : course open to question).  At any rate, it seems that they should have be


BB> : leary of interfering with whatever destiny we're supposed to have in stor


BB> : as a war of that scale could surely do.
BB> : Steven M.
BB>       There was the prophecy, but they didn't know specifically to which
BB> race it pertained until much later.
BB>                                                                      jms

BB> Subj:  Initials                         Section: Babylon 5
BB>   To:  Tuesday, June 13, 1995 1:22:03 AM
BB> From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#239120
BB>  >> Is it just a coincidence that Jeff Sinclair, John Sheridan
BB> and Joe Straczynski all have the same initials? <<
BB>      Probably not.
BB>                                                       jms
BB> Subj:  <>-Spoiler          Section: Babylon 5
BB>   To:  Wednesday, June 14, 1995 2:50:18 AM
BB> From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#240268
BB> >>Talia Winters is either getting killed off or thrown in jail
BB> back on earth.  She is the one who tried to kill Kosh at very
BB> beginning of show.  In real life, the actress who plays her and
BB> the actor that plays Garabaldi are engaged!!!  The shadows
BB> attack the Narn home world and do major damage.  Vir is getting
BB> killed off.I wonder if their sources are reliable.
BB> We will see..............<<
BB>      I'd say overall that's the most breathtakingly jumbled
BB> batch of half-rumors and quarter-truths I've seen.  You can
BB> disregard, oh, 98% of it.
BB> Subj:  Why B5 on TV?                    Section: Babylon 5
BB>   To:  Wednesday, June 14, 1995 11:15:17 PM
BB> From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#241212
BB>      Any time I come up with a story, I try to look around
BB> to determine where it would work best.  This one *felt*
BB> like it belonged to TV.
BB>      More than that, though...I went into this looking to
BB> create a saga for TV.  It wasn't so much coming up with the
BB> story, and realizing it was a TV saga, as it was, "Nobody's ever
BB> done a multi-year science fiction saga for television.
BB> As a thought-experiment, can I come up with something that
BB> would work in this medium?"  This led me to the structure that
BB> became Babylon 5.
BB>                                                        jms
BB> Subj:  B5's Military Metaphor           Section: Babylon 5
BB>   To:  Wednesday, June 14, 1995 11:15:15 PM
BB> From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#241211
BB>      As I responded in private mail, I'm drawing upon a number
BB> of military influences in the show; some from WW I, in the Great
BB> War and how WW I sort of slid into WW II; some tactical and
BB> strategic elements of WW II military; and some of the political
BB> elements that went into the Vietnam and Korean conflicts.
BB> Actual tactics and battles will vary; there's a major battle
BB> setpiece in a later episode that uses more contemporary and
BB> futuristic elements such as long-distance (thousands of
BB> kilometers) tactics, interceptors and the like.
BB>      Also as I noted in email...I just learned today from someone
BB> high up in military PR in Washington that Babylon 5 is very popular
BB> with many branches of the military.  They call it a "force multiplier"
BB> (morale booster) for naval and air force and ground troops (apparently
BB> the show gets shipped out to bases and to carrier/battleship groups).
BB> It's also very popular with many folks in the Pentagon and the Secret
BB> Service.  (In one case, the Secret Service apparently did an analysis
BB> of one of our episodes as an exercise in character analysis of
BB> military persons under high-stress situations.)  The Flying Tigers
BB> have also been very supportive of the show, even allowing us to use
BB> their symbol in the series.
BB>                                                       jms

BB> Subj:  B5 Military                      Section: Babylon 5
BB>   To:  Thursday, June 15, 1995 10:25:12 PM
BB> From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#242354
BB>      Vorlons/Shadows at the top of the force, Minbari after,
BB> Centauri, with Humans and Narns not that far apart.
BB>      Er...what was the suggestion again...?
BB>                                                       jms
BB> -------------------------------------------------------------------
BB> **************************************************************************
BB> ***** sorso@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu **** "Every silver lining has a cloud." *****
BB> **************************************************************************
BB> What follows is a pair of analyses of two major aspects of the
BB> *Babylon 5* story arc that have recently coalesced in my mind.  To
BB> some extent they are independent and could have been typed up as
BB> separate posts; however, if the first analysis is right, it would
BB> also come into play as an argument for what I advance in the second
BB> analysis.  Accordingly, I'm putting both together here.  Apologies
BB> if the length of this post proves inconvenient. (And apologies of
BB> another sort.  At this writing I am a few hundred miles from my
BB> PC, which means (a) I have to write this without the software that
BB> lets me bounce back and forth between the text I'm writing and the
BB> Lurker's Guide to check my memory of plot details, and (b) I have
BB> to type using a keyboard that seems to have been manufactured by
BB> the makers of the Yugo.  If there are factual slips, I trust they
BB> will be minor ones that do not preclude the main line of argument;
BB> and if I don't purge this post of all its typos before I transmit
BB> it, bear with me.)
BB> I.  The Unified Field Theory of Conspiracies
BB> A few weeks ago, in a post that referred to the abundance of
BB> conspiracies in the Babylon 5 universe, I half-jokingly suggested
BB> we needed a Unified Field Theory of Conspiracies to simplify
BB> keeping track of things.  Okay, consider the following paranoid
BB> possibility for an UFTC:  All the calamitous problems lately are
BB> the work of the Shadows.
BB> Could the influence of the Shadows really be so pervasive?  Let's
BB> consider what evidence is available, taking it species by species:
BB>   EARTH:  The Earth Alliance is afflicted by three conspiracies of
BB>   note--(1) the Clark Administration's accession by means of
BB>   assassination and its impletmentation of a number of  distressing
BB>   measures aimed to enhance its political control; (2) the dirty
BB>   tricks operation being run by the group known as Bureau 13; and (3)
BB>   the rogue element in Psi Corps's leadership engaged in a eugenics
BB>   campaign to develop more powerful telepaths.  It's been fairly
BB>   clear for some time that Psi Corps is the common thread to these
BB>   conspiracies.  Garibaldi's treacherous aide Jack gave Garibaldi
BB>   the same salute ("Revelations") that Bester gave in "Mind War."

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: The Richmond Connection, Richmond, VA  804-740-2186  (1:264/417.0)

 Msg  : 11 of 158
 From : Steve Wiser                         1:264/417       .ņp 20 .žķ 95 20:10
 To   : All
 Subj : 2 JMS compiled messages [6/
.SPLIT: 22 Jun 95 08:57:52 @264/417     18    02/02 +++++++++++
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  94-2151

BB>   That establishes a link between the Corps and the Clark faction--
BB>   a link for which there is other evidence we haven't seen, to judge
BB>   by the suspicions that General Hague voiced in "All Alone in the
BB>   Night."  The Corps is also linked to Bureau 13 by the woman we
BB>   know as "Thirteen"--i.e., the woman who managed the conspiracy
BB>   seen in "Spider in the Web."  Thirteen is a telepath, and Psi
BB>   Corps's records have been doctored to list her as dead, thereby
BB>   providing cover for her to drop out of sight and manage things
BB>   from the San Diego wasteland.  Where do the Shadows come in?
BB>   For that you have to refer to the current four-part story now
BB>   unfolding in the Babylon 5 comics (synopses available through the
BB>   Lurker's Guide). It's becoming quite clear that there is some
BB>   kind of Shadow presence on Mars, and Mars is also the site of a
BB>   top-secret Psi Corps base.  Indeed, it's evidently a base where
BB>   skulduggery takes place--that's where Bester was interrogating his
BB>   prisoner to lethal effect in the outset of "A Race Through Dark
BB>   Places."  I'm increasingly skeptical that Morden is the only
BB>   human with whom the Shadows have been working.
BB>         ASIDE:  If this is right, then the current debate over who
BB>         the traitor on B5 will turn out to be takes on a whole new
BB>         twist.  The comic series shows the Shadow-minions on Mars
BB>         capable of mind-control over humans.

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: The Richmond Connection, Richmond, VA  804-740-2186  (1:264/417.0)

 Msg  : 12 of 158
 From : John Kahane                         1:163/198.5     .ņp 20 .žķ 95 16:41
 To   : Brian Henderson
 Subj : B5 Merchandise
On , Brian Henderson wrote the following to Frank

 FE>> I always thought that given the choice, JMS could NOT turn
 FE>> down an opportunity to cash in on his own product. I don't
 FE>> blame him. If I had a popular property and could earn some
 FE>> money off it, I wouldn't hesitate. I think what makes this
 FE>> look bad is that prior to the offer, JMS took such a hard
 FE>> line against franchising B5. He now looks a bit hypocritical...

 BH> JMS has never, EVER said that there will be no marketing of
 BH> B5 material, only that the show will drive the marketing, not
 BH> the marketing driving the show.

     And I, for one, applaud this decision on his point.  Marketing should not
drive the show, as you point out, but there are those out there - no matter what
the tv series and whether it's sf or not - who will want merchandise for their
favourite series.  Joe has kept the merchandising tasteful for BABYLON 5 to this
point, and I believe this is a good idea.  No matter what the critics say about

Music made for pleasure, music made to thrill.

--- GoldED/2 2.42.G0614
 * Origin: JohnK's OS/2Warp Point - Ottawa, Ontario (1:163/198.5)

 Msg  : 13 of 158
 From : Bruce Baugh                         1:105/290.50    .ņp 20 .žķ 95 17:41
 To   : Jeff Hancock
 Subj : Babylon 5 (PTEN)
On (18 Jun 95) Jeff Hancock wrote to Frank Eva...

 JH> That episode was written by PAD, and we don't know how much
 JH> input JMS had in the events therein. All we know is that PAD
 JH> gave him the opportunity, and he spaced the bear. ;) The
 JH> final scene where Sheridan wants it "all off the station" may
 JH> have been PAD, may have been JMS, we don't know where PAD let
 JH> him "have his say".

According to both JMS and PAD, actually, the spacing the bear was
JMS. So was the moment of perfect beauty.

... Are atmospheric conditions favorable for aviating porcines?

--- PPoint 1.92
 * Origin: The Home Trepanning Club (1:105/290.50)

 Msg  : 14 of 158
 From : Rumble                              1:163/436       .pä 21 .žķ 95 12:08
 To   : Ecarey
 Subj : BABYLON 5 (PTEN)
Did you know how many people watch TOS of star trek? 20 million people! Its just
that for a network show it was considered bad. But for syndication it is a

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: Coven's Den (613)746-3584=650+ Echoes & 5+ Gigs (1:163/436)

 Msg  : 15 of 158
 From : Tony Trujillo                       1:280/9         .ņp 20 .žķ 95 12:05
 To   : Jack Butler
 Subj : Re: Kilmer as Batman
.TID: GE 1.11+

 JB> films don't know from Adam. Still, I have some ideas.  I've long since
 JB> retired the original wish list I posted oh so many years ago, but
 JB> Dustin Hoffman as The Mad Hatter, Helena Bonham Carter as Poison Ivy,
 JB> Alan Rickman as Maxie Zeus, Wesley Snipes as the Black Spider, Lance
 JB> Henrikson as Ra's Al Ghul, Michael Biehn as Deadshot, and Patrick
 JB> Stewart as Mister Zero would all do as villains. Also, I think John
 JB> Goodman would do well as The Ventriloquist.

I'd love to see them use Poison Ivy in a Bat-movie!

BTW: John Goodman would make an excellent KING TUT! ;^)

... Stranded at the Shell station on the Information Superhighway
--- Via Silver Xpress V4.02B03 SW01177
 * Origin: South of the River - Overland Park KS - (913)642-7907 V.* (1:280/9)

 Msg  : 16 of 158
 From : Wayne Crow                          1:3602/477      .pä 21 .žķ 95 10:06
 To   : Keith Stokes
 Subj : CONGO
KS>Did anyone else like it?   I just got back from seeing it with a
  >group of about 20 people. Overall, the group gave it a 6 on a 1-10

  I saw the previews of "Congo". I thought it was pretty cool. I think
I'll go see it next week. Hope I ain't wasting my money.

Internet: wayne.crow@the-matrix.com
FIDO: Wayne Crow@1:3602/477

 * QMPro 1.53 * WILDCAT! BBS ž QmodemPro ž Off-Line Xpress: Perfection!

--- TriToss (tm) Professional 1.0 - (Unregistered)
 * Origin: Adventure Sports BBS-McCalla,Al. (205)477-4214 (1:3602/477.0)

 Msg  : 17 of 158
 From : Jeff Hancock                        1:3600/7        .ņp 20 .žķ 95 20:58
 To   : Ecarey
 Subj : B5 RENEWED!

EC>>races just to create action figures and playsets, or if he was
EC>>making multiple spinoff series with no real point to them other than
EC>Of course, RIGHT NOW, he wouldn't be able to \sell\ "multiple spinoff
EC>series", whether there was a point to them or not.  It's easy to be
EC>virtuous when nobody is trying to tempt you.

It was just an example. ;)

EC>RIGHT NOW, B5 has an awful lot of ancillary merchandise - books,
EC>comic books, Micromachines, caps, jackets - and it has only just come
EC>to the end of its second broadcast season. This much merchandise this
EC>soon is just not believable, unless the merchandising plan was
EC>developed in parallel with the series production plan.

This soon? Considering the time involved in running out the season, I
certainly would not go that far. Considering publishing time, the books
were probably planned fairly early, and the comic was probably planned
once it was clear they were going to get renewed for the second season,
the other items were probably arranged then as well. If it had died at
the end of the first season, I don't think we'd be seeing more than the

Are these jackets especially made, or is it just stitching a logo patch
on an existing jacket? Caps and shirts are hardly something that takes
two years to bring to market. (and I never did get the cap I ordered)

EC>And if there really is good quality control [a theory NOT supported
EC>by the sloppiness of the novels, or the complaints I've seen here and
EC>elsewhere about the comics], that would argue even more strongly for
EC>the plans having already been \in place\ when the series first aired.
EC>You don't \get\ good control on a rush job.

IF they had been in place that early, two years for the start of the
show or three years for the premiere, that would most certainly NOT be a
"rush job" as you propose. Now if they didn't start getting into real
mechandising until the second season was a go, THEN that would support
your theory of it being a rush job, otherwise they had plenty of time to
get it right.

EC>> If the fans are asking for this kind of material, well...
EC>JMS has carefully cultivated the demand.

Yep, he did that all right. He produced a TV show that attracted a fan
base which then wanted other products related to the show. What a
sinister and dastardly plan that is, how DARE he create something that
others would want to show they enjoy by wearing T-shirts and buying
Micro Machines.

EC>But it does make the desperate attempts to make B5 marketing look
EC>Pure and Noble, while characterizing Trek marketing [which really did
EC>develop out of fan demand \first\, including widespread fan
EC>infringement on Paramount's Trek trademark] as wicked money-grubbing,
EC>look rather silly.
EC>And it's not JMS we see those foolish attempts from, either.

I think the point is that Trek seems to merchandise nearly *everything*,
in many cases what seems to be some rather inferior merchandise. How
much control they have over that I don't know, but considering that it's
Paramount I would think they have at least the _potential_ for more
control over it than JMS does. Word is that JMS has to personally
approve everything, but if there's product in the warehouse and he's
looking at a loss, how are we to know if he really has a choice in the
matter? Whereas Paramount would have the clout and the choice, but
wouldn't care.

For the books, at least that's being fixed now, whether he could change
it earlier is unknown. For the comics, I don't know if he has any
control over what creative team they assign to it or not. For the other
products... are you dissatisfied with the quality?

Now if we start seeing Sheridan action figures and Starfury toys with
"real light-up laser cannon and action-sounds" and Babylon 5 playsets
with "Ejecting Command Chair", then I'd agree it'd gone to hell in a
 * Crazy-J * I got moderated once for *Lurking* in that conference!

--- SLMAIL v3.5C  (#1540)
 * Origin: Robotech ž Lake City's Music*Demo BBS ž [904] 758*9477 (1:3600/7)

 Msg  : 18 of 158
 From : Jim Cushing                         1:123/75        .īķ 19 .žķ 95 16:28
 To   : Louis Keser
 Subj : Re: Highlander, The Movie (3)

 LK> I disagree, the show is more confussing than the movies ever were.

 I disagree, I started watching the series half way through the second season
 and I find it better than the movies. I don't know how you can say that the
 series is more confusing when you have 1 and 3 basically the same movie just
 the villian has been changed to Kane. I won't even get into H-2

 LK> And  Connor is better than Du