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Demon's Souls |#19| Final
Demon's Souls |#18| Old King Allant
Demon's Souls |#17| Penetrator

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read one or the other together. Actually, I still have a few
older PTerry books to get to so I have plenty of time. :^)

 MI> I am not sure if that is what it was, but it was just a short little
 MI> book not as involved as the other Discworld books.  But, who could
 MI> resist a book with Rincewind and the Luggage?

You know...sometimes even Pterry can't resist a horrible
pun...in either _TCoM_ or _TLF_ Pterry described Luggage
giving Rincewind a look that could only be described as
wooden...this of course is a horrible pun but it make me
laugh out loud. At least he does it with style unlike some
other authors we could mention but I don't want to start a
flamewar! :^)

 TT>> It's always nice to support the local smaller stores...never
 TT>> hurts to keep the money "in town".
 MI> And the personal touch that the local stores have makes it worth
 MI> while.

We have a small bookstore that opened about 2 miles away
from my house and I always try to throw a little business
their way...however with the price of new paperbacks it gets
harder and harder. I've been wanting to buy a copy of the
new MAN-KZIN WARS book but it's $5.99! ACK! I'm sorry...I
love series but I find that I'm hard pressed not to buy it
at that price. :^(

... "Dr. McCoy. Will you do the very great honor of eating my shorts?"
--- Via Silver Xpress V4.02B03 SW01177
 * Origin: South of the River - Overland Park KS - (913)642-7907 V.* (1:280/9)

 Msg  : 65 of 185
 From : Todd Sullivan                       1:202/720.3     .cę 14 .íâ 96 17:20
 To   : J.T. Smith
 Subj : nuclear safety
While substituting for Q, J.T. Smith took extreme delight in saying to Chip
Griffin, "You'll do anything I say?"  Chip quailed when the words "nuclear
safety" were uttered.

 JTS>  Never kid yerself.  NOTHING is impossible.  Murphy's law has a way of
 JTS>  catching up w/ ye.  Improbable I might grant, but never impossible.
 JTS>  (Impossible just means it takes a wee bit longer to do.

Then how is it that the USS Nautilus had absolutely no mishaps in her 31 year
career?  I'll tell you:  Nuclear power, when watched over carefully with a
rigorous operating structure, is safer than most anything else available.
Murphy can't stop careful planning and execution unless someone drops the ball

 JTS>  Anything can burn.  Including water.  Ye heat up H2O enough, ye'll
 JTS> cause the hydrogen and oxygen to seperate.  Hydrogen can explode, and
 JTS> oxygen will
 JTS>  fuel that explosion.  I know a guy who was in the coast guard.
 JTS> Watched a bucket of water literally explode.  2H2O can, and when heated
 JTS> enough, will break down into H2 and O2.  (Now if I could only remember me
 JTS> chemistry lectures on the mathmatics i could post them.)

The temperatures necessary to cause water to disassociate are not possible in
pressurized water or even boiling water reactors.  As for hydrogen peroxide,
that stuff is dangerous to begin with; it was used as an oxidizer for rockets.

 JTS>  Bar the bang.  Look at the water that they're having to cyphon off
 JTS> into the
 JTS>  atmosphere from TMI.  BTW, did I forget to mention that it's
 JTS> radioactive?
 JTS>  Well guess what, it is!  No thanks.  I can think of more fun ways to
 JTS> die.

The building's still standing, and you get more from medical X-rays than you
would in a year at the site.  As for radioactive, so's the sun.

 JTS>  Nuc power isn't the best.  There is always better.  Fossil fuels
 JTS> aren't it
 JTS>  either as 1) they're a very limited resources, and 2) they're known
 JTS>  polutants.

If they're better, where's the rush for solar, wind, temperature gradient,
tidal, etc. methods?  Nobody wants to do them just yet, from what I've read and
heard.  It's better to use what we have (nuclear) than be forced into it when
the petoleum run out.

Todd Sullivan

... Spellcheck, then run Politically Correct V1.1, then post? (y/N)

-*- ASTG 1.9

--- Spot 1.3a Unregistered
 * Origin: Todd's Spot in the Continuum (1:202/720.3)

 Msg  : 66 of 185
 From : Phill Ash                           1:275/160       .ōp 16 .íâ 96 02:09
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : Nuclear
.TID: GE 1.11+

 PA> er... The most common human mutation over the past 30 or so years
 PA> has not been very beneficial to the specie as a whole.
 PA> It's called "cancer"

 MJ> Do you know of any reputable medical authority which actually
 MJ> considers cancer a mutation--rather than a disease?  I don't.

        I've never actually seen an SR-71 either.

 MJ> Certainly cancers can be one of the results of exposure to
 MJ> dangerous levels of radiation.  That doesn't make it a mutation;

        Neither is radiation the sole cause of mutation.

 MJ> mutations don't occur in a single organism anyhow (comic book mutants
 MJ> aside).  From what I know of them, cancers seem more and more to the
 MJ> be result of an interaction between environmental factors and
 MJ> genetics.  Like many other diseases, you may be more or less likely to
 MJ> develop a cancer based on your genetic heritage--but environmental
 MJ> (and possibly behavior) influences can influence whether it actually
 MJ> occurs.
 MJ> And I believe cancers have been around for a very long time.  But
 MJ> no doubt the vast majority of cancers throughout history went
 MJ> undiagnosed.  Or misdiagnosed.

        I think you're overlooking the fact that not all mutations are
        beneficial to a specie.  Furthermore, they are developed at the
        genetic level.

        Albinism is a common enough mutation and, though we don't
        actively attempt to breed it out of the human strain, we
        actively encourage it in the higher rodentia.

        There is always mutation.  What the specie does with the
        mutation is what determines it's benefit.  Cancer serves to
        weed-out the genetically inferior.  Cells are regenerated
        incorrectly and, if the remainder of the body isn't strong
        enough, the cancer spreads to kill the body.  Genetic Suicide.

        It's not a disease per se.  You can't catch it.  Smoking doesn't
        cause it (ref: George Burns).  Certain substances facilitate its
        growth, but radiation, like asbestos doesn't guarantee cancer.

From the Office of the DeathMaster General
 ū Ųystertags v1.1 ū Don't turn your back:  Keep her out of danger
~~~ ReneWave v1.01 [NR]
--- Smile :)
 * Origin: * The Beast's Lair * (804)498-3070 * Va Beach VA * (1:275/160)

 Msg  : 67 of 185
 From : Phill Ash                           1:275/160       .ōp 16 .íâ 96 02:09
 To   : David Johnston
 Subj : Nuclear
.TID: GE 1.11+
From astride a Pale Horse, ųANATúô heard...

 -> DJ> Nope.  Merely more adapted to it's present environment.

 ->       er...
 ->       The most common human mutation over the past 30 or so years has
 ->       not been very beneficial to the specie as a whole.
 ->               It's called "cancer"

 DJ> Cancer isn't a mutation.  It's a replication error.

        Isn't that sort of like saying "it's not a car, it's a Buick" ?

From the Office of the DeathMaster General
... Bodies and bikes beyond repair - Smell of oil and gas in the air
 * Ųystertags v1.1 *
~~~ ReneWave v1.01 [NR]
--- Smile :)
 * Origin: * The Beast's Lair * (804)498-3070 * Va Beach VA * (1:275/160)

 Msg  : 68 of 185
 From : Brion Lienhart                      1:213/700.2     .åō 11 .íâ 96 09:29
 To   : Tommy Kellerman
 Subj : Re: Cybersex
On Sun Jan 07, Tommy Kellerman said to Michael Harper:

 MH>  Kristen Cloke is the dark-haired beauty who plays Vansen on Space:
 MH>  Above & Beyond. There's something about her that makes me want to grab
 MH>  her and run into the woods...

 -TK>And what would happen in there...?     =)

She would pull out the bayonet she got for christmass and eviscerate him.

--- QM v1.31
 * Origin: Ministry of Peace - Carson City, NV (1:213/700.2)

 Msg  : 69 of 185
 From : Brion Lienhart                      1:213/700.2     .åō 11 .íâ 96 09:36
 To   : Chip Griffin
 Subj : Re: nuclear BS
On Mon Jan 08, Chip Griffin said to Brion Lienhart:

BL> and type of radiation. IIRC, for lead and gamma radiation it's 4 inches.
BL> I.E. if you stick 4" of lead between you and some radiation if you have 100
BL> rem on the unshielded side, you'll only have 10 rem on the other side, 8"
BL> and you'll only have 1 rem.

 -CG>I seem to recall it is 2" for lead.  Water was 10" I think.

Whatever. I got out of the Navy in 1985.

--- QM v1.31
 * Origin: Ministry of Peace - Carson City, NV (1:213/700.2)

 Msg  : 70 of 185
 From : Owen E. Oulton                      1:243/45        .îí 15 .íâ 96 23:01
 To   : Nicolai Shapero
 Subj : Re: nuclear BS

 CG>Gamma is a particle wave similar to light (but higher energy and
 CG>different wave length).  Your microwave emits these to cook your food.

 NS> I thought that microwaves used a somewhat different range of the
 NS> electromagnetic spectrum.  As in, radio band?

Looking through a few references, and doing a few conversions (Geez, why isn't
all this stuff on the same page of the same book, and using the same
measurements?  MegaHertz and metres and Angstroms, oh MY!  I'm sure I'll hear
about it if I got the math wrong...):

Microwaves are electromagnetic waves with a wavelength of less than 10m,
especially those betweem 1mm and 300mm.  Microwave ovens specifically use a
wavelength of 122.4mm (2450MHz).
The radio frequency band uses wavelengths between 1mm and 100,000m.
Gamma rays have a wavelength between 0.0000000005 and 0.000000145 mm.

Microwaves ARE in the radio frequency band.  They are most certainly not Gamma


--- Maximus 2.01wb
 * Origin: Pandora's Box, Ottawa, Ont. 613-829-1209 (1:243/45)

 Msg  : 71 of 185
 From : Shawn Merrow                        1:3407/14       .ōp 16 .íâ 96 13:37
 To   : Samantha Dobbs
 Subj : Re: Space: Above & Beyond

-> So who you like in the show? I like McQueen!!
-> Sam...

So far perty much everyone. I think they have put together a good cast.
THough Cooper is one of my favorites. Are their any specfic episoed you
would like to discuss.

--- QScan/PCB v1.16b / 01-0024
 * Origin:  (1:3407/14)

 Msg  : 72 of 185
 From : Shawn Merrow                        1:3407/14       .ōp 16 .íâ 96 13:53
 To   : All
 Subj : Star Trek Comics
DC and Marvel are merging in the end of Feburary. I've heard this will
play havoc with their regular title and a lot will be cancealed. Does
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