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Brutal combat in Swordsman VR!
Swords, Blood in VR: EPIC BATTLES in Swordsman!
Demon's Souls |#15| Dragon God
Demon's Souls |#14| Flamelurker

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Rambler's Top100
Ęîíôåđåíöčč - SFFAN Âåņü ōåęņō 5859.38 Kb

ėāé 1995 - ņåíō˙áđü 1996

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1 ... 261 262 263 264 265 266 267  268 269 270 271 272 273 274 ... 500
On (12 Jan 96) Bianca Wesslak wrote to Mark Jones...

 MJ> I'd say: yes, it is still sick. Because you're engaging a taste
 MJ> for inflicting misery on others--even if those others don't
 MJ> exist. I'd also defend your right to do it since no *real* person
 MJ> is being harmed. But I wouldn't care to associate with you much.

 BW> But how would you know that he particpated in twisted virtual
 BW> sex? Haven't you ever had any violent thoughts. This here would
 BW> be the perfect arena to act them out without getting criminally
 BW> prosecuted, being guilty. Perfect to do when you are truly ticked
 BW> off. We all have a dark and twisted areas in our psyche's, this
 BW> would be a good therapy without having to pay high exorbiant
 BW> fee's at a psychotherapist office.

Obviously, I wouldn't know he was practicing vivisection on virtual
human subjects...unless I found out.  And if I found out, I'd be
appalled.  I wouldn't try to stop him--it *is* all make-believe, after
all--but the simple fact that he *enjoyed* torturing make-believe
victims would worry me.

I don't know that it would be good therapy, though.  I think of
therapy as being aimed at improving someone's mental health.  This
kind of virtual sadism might help him function normally in the real
world, but I don't know that it would be therapeutic.  (Sort of like
an adulterous spouse confining his sexual antics to the virtual
reality parlor.  Yes, its true that he isn't *actually* sleeping with
anyone but his wife, but...he isn't being really monogomous either.)

 BW> someone's imagination. Haven't you ever wished someone a cruel
 BW> and unusual punishment? If so are you not then participating in
 BW> sadistically tomenting behavior??

Does wishing bone cancer on someone count?

Yes, we can get into a very gray area here.  Where do we draw a line
between simply imagining something and acting it out in virtual
reality?  I think we'd all draw the line in different places--one of
the reasons I wouldn't draw a *legal* line at all.

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: Folcroft Sanitarium (hsmith@cure.com) (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 95 of 185
 From : David Durgee                        1:109/458       .pä 17 .íâ 96 10:18
 To   : Ken Mayes
 Subj : Re: nuclear bs
.TID: InterEcho 1.14 6E011108
In a message dated 01-1596, Ken Mayes said to Barton Paul Levenson:

KM>        The fact that the nuclear industry still pushes for more and more
KM>reactors despite losses in the billions tells me that there is someone
KM>somewhere making a killing figuratively if not literally.

The losses you speak of are due to the endless paperwork and needless delays
and research and tests imposed upon building the plant in the first place.
Nuclear technology is well developed and understood in all areas, there is
no need for many of the ridiculous regulatory requirements placed upon them.
If you don't believe me on this, take a look at europe where a much greater
part of their power is nuclear generated.  Their nuclear industry is not
bound by the endless red tape we have before a nuclear plant comes on-line.

Hysteria on the part of anti-nuclear activists out to build a name for
themselves at our expense is the cause of most of our outrageous expenses in
building additional nuclear power plants in this country.  What we need here
is more nukes and less kooks!

 * MR/2 2.22 NR * Deja moo: The feeling you've heard all this bull before.

--- InterEcho 1.14
 * Origin: The Shoreline BBS  - (301) 946-2771 - Silver Spring, MD (1:109/458)

 Msg  : 96 of 185
 From : Robert Siemborski                   1:2604/214      .ōp 16 .íâ 96 20:45
 To   : Chris Ogniben

 >  I think Nowhere Man stinks, and that is why i don't watch it

Why?  The most recent episode (1-15) was execellent.  If that keeps up it looks
like a great second season.

- Rob -

--- SLMAIL v4.5a  (#1409)
 * Origin: Bits 'N Bytes BBS - Leonia, NJ - (201) 346-1661 - 28.8k Connections!

 Msg  : 97 of 185
 From : Christian Raven                     1:393/7         .ōp 16 .íâ 96 18:20
 To   : Frank Glover

FG> CR>  that teaches us that these are sick.  I'm not going to sit here and
FG> CR>  seriously condone sexual sadism, but if it's all part of the male
FG> CR>  psyche then perhaps crimes could be prevented through VR sex, eh?
FG>    Or explored as a psychiatric tool. (It's already been applied to  treat
FG> those with a fear of heights.)
FG>    Or...as a conditioning/brainwashing tool. Which brings us back to
FG> Brainstorm, and a Next Generation episode where the Romulans captured
FG> Geordi, and fed him selected inputs through his Visor connections....

  yes... and that brings up an intersting idea... not about virtual sex, but
consider this: if all we are is the sum of our memories (which is debatable),
then it would be possible, with the aid of virtual sensory equipment, to bring
up a newborn child in a virtual world, thereby controlling who and what he will
become... which leads us to.. what if that has already been accomplished?
--- CNet/3
 * Origin: The Bard's Tavern Denton, TX (817)243-5110 USR 28.8   (1:393/7)

 Msg  : 98 of 185
 From : Marco Catalano                      2:2802/152.3    .˙ō 12 .íâ 96 12:29
 To   : Trevor Pack
 Subj : X-files
Hello Trevor!

Monday January 08 1996, Trevor Pack writes to Marco Catalano:

 TP> My favorite episode is the one about voodoo. Did you see the one about
 TP> killer cochroaches? TTYL\

Not yet, Trevor.
We're running a little behind with the show here, so perhaps the next week or

Do you remember the episode "Ice" ?
It was the one in wich M&S went to a scientific research station at the ice cap.
The scientist all went beserk because of these organisms, wich grew inside their
brains and drove them mad.

It was an early episode.

Greetings from Marco

... Bug updates, Usual result: two new bugs...

--- FMail/386 1.02
 * Origin: Co-Sysyop Rakker BBS. Capelle, The Netherlands (2:2802/152.3)

 Msg  : 99 of 185
 From : Nicolai Shapero                     1:102/524       .ōp 16 .íâ 96 06:46
 To   : Chris Thurman
 Subj : Science Fiction
On , Chris Thurman (1:141/415) wrote to Nicolai Shapero:

 CT>Listen up buddy, what I wrote concerned science fiction, and it
 CT>was a hell of a lot more interesting that anything else that was
 CT>being posted.  I understand that this is not the dating game, but
 CT>I wrote something that people like to read, not "do you like star
 CT>trek, what do you think spock's middle name is."  That garbage
 CT>put me to bed, if you don't want the dating game then livin up
 CT>your boring science fiction talk!

If that's your attitude, take it somewhere else.  You just earned a 90 day
suspension.  If you post to this conference again before 1 May (allowing for net
lag) the suspension will become permanent.

-- Nicolai Shapero, Moderator of the SFFAN echo

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 100 of 185
 From : Nicolai Shapero                     1:102/524       .ōp 16 .íâ 96 06:48
 To   : Chris Thurman
 Subj : Re: Science Fiction
On , Chris Thurman (1:141/415) wrote to Frank Glover:

 CT>bulletin.  I was playin a joke on him so mind your own business.

This sort of behavior is not acceptable in this conference.

-- Nicolai Shapero, Moderator of the SFFAN echo

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 101 of 185
 From : Nicolai Shapero                     1:102/524       .ōp 16 .íâ 96 06:51
 To   : Chris Myers
 Subj : Re: Star Trek - up and co
On , Chris Myers (1:2613/313@) wrote to Nicolai Shapero:

 CM>I've been disappointed the last couple weeks that Voyager was
 CM>rerun and
 CM>I missed DS9.

This week had a new episode of ST:VOYAGER.  Not bad, though the "punchline" (if
you will) was telegraphed.  I just wish they'd get better writers for the show.

-- Nicolai Shapero, the Mad Russian Sysop of StormGate Aerie

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 102 of 185
 From : Nicolai Shapero                     1:102/524       .ōp 16 .íâ 96 06:56
 To   : All
 Subj : Msg 0 of 3: Rules
What follows is an abbreviated version of the rules for SFFAN:

Discussions of SF Fandom, Trek, Media, Who, Anime, and any literary
SF topic are "in bounds".  Related technical discussions are also
allowed, but if they go too far afield, ye moderator reserves the
right to shut down the topic at any time without further warning.
Fantasy, by the by, is on topic.  Keep the comments clean and above
the belt -- personal attacks are unacceptable (remember though, that
to attack an idea is NOT the same as attacking the holder of that

Commercial messages (anything that solicits money) are OFF TOPIC.

The moderator reserves the right to add new rules as the situation

Violators of rules may be warned in netmail, will be warned in the
echo, and are subject to suspension of SFFAN echomail priviledges
if they refuse to comply with the echo rules.  Sysops who refuse to
police their users (or themselves) on this echo are subject to
having their feeds cut without warning -- yes, I do hold sysops to
a higher standard.  A list of users and sysops on probation and
suspension is included in the detailed rules, which are posted
at roughly one month intervals.

The word of the moderator is the word of god.  Once the edict is
issued, please take any further comments and/or discussions to netmail.
This is not a democracy.  In the event of my disappearance of early
demise, my wife Kay Shapero will take my place.  If both of us
disappear without having time to appoint an heir to the echo, you
will likely have to fight it out with the FidoNet bureaucracy...

-- Nicolai Shapero, Moderator of SFFAN

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 103 of 185
 From : Nicolai Shapero                     1:102/524       .ōp 16 .íâ 96 06:56
 To   : All
 Subj : Msg 1 of 3: Rules
                  Rules for SFFAN (Message 1 of 3)

This humble (?) individual, also  known as the moderator of the SFFAN
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(×ōîáû ęîėėåíōāđčč âņåãäā īîäīčņûâāëčņü Âāøčė čėåíåė, ėîæåōå įāđåãčņōđčđîâāōüņ˙ â Ęëķáå ÷čōāōåëåé)
Ęîėėåíōāđčč (9)
