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Brutal combat in Swordsman VR!
Swords, Blood in VR: EPIC BATTLES in Swordsman!
Demon's Souls |#15| Dragon God
Demon's Souls |#14| Flamelurker

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any one know if this will effect DC Star Trek line. Any information will
be appricated.

--- QScan/PCB v1.16b / 01-0024
 * Origin:  (1:3407/14)

 Msg  : 73 of 185
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .cę 14 .íâ 96 23:18
 To   : Christian Raven
On (12 Jan 96) Christian Raven wrote to Mark Jones...

 MJ> I'd say: yes, it is still sick. Because you're engaging a taste
 MJ> for inflicting misery on others--even if those others don't
 MJ> exist. I'd also defend your right to do it since no *real* person
 MJ> is being harmed. But I wouldn't care to associate with you much.
 CR>   On the other hand, I've noticed that alot of men have these
 CR> "sadistical, psychotic" desires... perhaps it is simply our society
 CR> that teaches us that these are sick.  I'm not going to sit here and
 CR> seriously condone sexual sadism, but if it's all part of the male
 CR> psyche then perhaps crimes could be prevented through VR sex, eh?

   Maybe so.  Note that I am *not* referring to bondage games or S&M
of the sort a lot of people enjoy.  That's not my cup of tea, but as
long as everyone involved is there by choice, its fine with me.  I was
writing specifically about *true* sadism.

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: Folcroft Sanitarium (hsmith@cure.com) (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 74 of 185
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .cę 14 .íâ 96 23:25
 To   : J.T. Smith
 Subj : nuclear safety
On (10 Jan 96) J.T. Smith wrote to Chip Griffin...

 JS> Bar the bang. Look at the water that they're having to cyphon off
 JS> into the atmosphere from TMI. BTW, did I forget to mention that
 JS> it's radioactive? Well guess what, it is! No thanks. I can think
 JS> of more fun ways to die. Nuc power isn't the best. There is
 JS> always better. Fossil fuels aren't it either as 1) they're a very
 JS> limited resources, and 2) they're known polutants.

What about the water?  HOW radioactive is it?  And for how long?

The everyday environment is measurably radioactive.

As for better sources of energy--name one.  One that is doable with
today's technology, at commercially-acceptable prices, and which can
generate the sort of immense power we need.

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: Folcroft Sanitarium (hsmith@cure.com) (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 75 of 185
 From : Todd Sullivan                       1:202/720.3     .ōp 16 .íâ 96 11:13
 To   : David Johnston
 Subj : Nowhere Man
While substituting for Q, David Johnston took extreme delight in saying to
Stephen Adams, "You'll do anything I say?"  Stephen quailed when the words
"Nowhere Man" were uttered.

 ->> he showed any signs of recognition. I know a few people who WON'T
 ->> watch the show because it makes them feel uneasy; like they see too
 ->> much of themselves in the Tom Veil character!

 DJ> Do you know anyone who just balks at the utter implausibility of what
 DJ> is going on?

As I recall, the same premise was used in "`Crocodile' Dundee 2", and it worked
there.  Different emphasis and conclusion, but essentially the same.

And how implausible can Nowhere Man be to people who see a conspiracy in
anything that happensor has happened.  Recall /JFK/?  /Above/ /The/ /Law/?

Todd Sullivan

... These knights aren't bad once you get the hard shell off 'em.

-*- ASTG 1.9

--- Spot 1.3a Unregistered
 * Origin: Todd's Spot in the Continuum (1:202/720.3)

 Msg  : 76 of 185
 From : Todd Sullivan                       1:202/720.3     .ōp 16 .íâ 96 11:17
 To   : Jon Helis
 Subj : nuclear
While substituting for Q, Jon Helis took extreme delight in saying to Chip
Griffin, "You'll do anything I say?"  Chip quailed when the words "nuclear" were

 -=>> Quoting Chip Griffin to David Durgee <=-

 DD>> What this country needs is more nukes and fewer kooks.

 CG>> Thank you, you have restored my faith in the sanity of people in
 CG>> general!  You are exactly correct.  The biggest problem with nuclear
 CG>> power in this country is the ignorance of the average American when it
 CG>> comes to the dangers etc of nuclear power.

 JH> Have you ever read any books by Dr. Helen Caldicott?  Her books
 JH> tell of what will happen in a nuclear war.  I read one in
 JH> highschool 12 years ago, it frightened me.

For the last time, nuclear power and nuclear weapons are *NOT* one and the same
thing.  Where does this insane fear of anything nuclear come from, amd when do
people with that phobia demand we put out the sun because it runs on nuclear

Todd Sullivan

... "We kill many Pawnee, when they steal our reheasal copies of
     `Reluctant Debutante'."

-*- ASTG 1.9

--- Spot 1.3a Unregistered
 * Origin: Todd's Spot in the Continuum (1:202/720.3)

 Msg  : 77 of 185
 From : Todd Sullivan                       1:202/720.3     .ōp 16 .íâ 96 11:24
 To   : Chris Ogniben
 Subj : Democracy?
While substituting for Q, Chris Ogniben took extreme delight in saying to
Nicolai Shapero, "You'll do anything I say?"  Nicolai quailed when the words
"More faves..." were uttered.

 CO>    There isn't anything else other than Democracy.. So there is no
 CO> change, unless you want to go to communism, which i don't care if we
 CO> do.

FidoNet is not a democracy, no matter what you might think.  It's not socialism,
either (get your political terminology straight before you make comparisons).
The Moderator is the undisputed authority; if not, nobody could have an
intelligent discussion, nor would anything happen but endless flames and
name-calling.  If you don't like it, your options are:

1)  Get with the program;
2)  Leave.

Simple, Nes't-ce pas?

(Sorry, Nicolai, but he's not only wrong, he's ignorantly wrong)

Todd Sullivan

... "I never knew so young a body with so old a head." --Shakespeare

-*- ASTG 1.9

--- Spot 1.3a Unregistered
 * Origin: Todd's Spot in the Continuum (1:202/720.3)

 Msg  : 78 of 185
 From : Jon Helis                           1:3800/25       .îí 15 .íâ 96 00:55
 To   : All
 Subj : Re: JMS Stuff 12/12  [1/4
 * Originally By: Jon Helis
 * Originally To: Mark Millington
 * Originally Re: Re: JMS Stuff 12/12  [1/4
 * Original Area: BABYLON5 - Ba
 * Forwarded by : Blue Wave v2.12

 -=> Quoting Mark Millington to All <=-

 MM> * Originally By: Dirk Loedding
 MM> * Original Area: ILink (Babylon 5)

 >>> Part 1 of 5...

 >First, some GEnie posts:

 >General comments:
 MM> Glenn: regarding residuals...you would, of course, be quite
 MM> correct IF B5 was going into regular syndication after it's finished.
 MM> But it's going to TNT.  See, in regular broadcast syndication, your
 MM> residuals are a percentage of your original payment.  In cable, it's a
 MM> percentage of what the cable network paid for the show.  So as an
 MM> example...if my Murder, She Wrote episodes were playing in broadcast
 MM> syndication, my first payment would be about $14,000, second about
 MM> $10,000, then it drops until you get to about $500 then it kinda stays
 MM> there.  Instead, M,SW was sold to USA.   You know what my first
 MM> residual  was there?  $24.  And it goes down from there, to where the
 MM> WGA doesn't  even bother collecting them anymore, 'cause you're looking
 MM> at a couple  of dollars here and there.
 MM> The problem is that the WGA allowed huge discounts for cable, back
 MM> when it was just starting...and hasn't corrected this now that cable
 MM> is  HUGE.  And who gets screwed?  Us.
 MM> jms

The writers are getting screwed bigtime for all the work they
did.  I think the viewers are too.  I contacted my local cable
company, TCI, and found I would have to pay $26/month for basic
cable, plus $20 for installation.  In my area, all 7 networks
are available on over the air TV, with pretty good reception.
If JMS is getting so little and and I'm going to have to pay so
much, where is the money going?  The viewers are paying more to
get the programming while those who poured alot of work into
them are getting less, why?  I cast my vote by, instead of
giving $46 to TCI, I gave $27 to Radio Shack for a set of rabbit
ears for the top of my TV that were on sale.  It's going to get
to the point where if you want more than talk shows and
infomercials, you're going to have to pay a bunch of corporate
fat cats for it.  America's system of free TV is going down the
tubes unless we the viewers do something about it, like
boycotting cable, dishes, etc., or just turning our TVs off
altogether and getting online.

My 2 cents.

... "He who can follow his own will is a king." Ä Irish Proverb
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- PCBoard (R) v15.22/M 10
 * Origin: * DataCom BBS - Baton Rouge, La. -  (504)275-2605 - @dcbbs.com *

 Msg  : 79 of 185
 From : Jon Helis                           1:3800/25       .îí 15 .íâ 96 01:32
 To   : Channon Lang
 Subj : Re: B5 -- Coincidence?

 -=> Quoting Channon Lang to Jeff Hancock <=-

 CL> From a dark bottomless pit,Jeff Hancock screamed up to Star Hawk about
 CL> B5 -- Coincidence?..

 CL> Did you ever see the TV shows of "Hitchhiker's Guide"? What a
 CL> classic!
 CL> Channon

I've seen it several times, and you're right, it is a classic.

Have you ever heard the radio version of it?  That's a real
classic too!

... Treaspassers will be shot first...interrogated later.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- PCBoard (R) v15.22/M 10
 * Origin: * DataCom BBS - Baton Rouge, La. -  (504)275-2605 - @dcbbs.com *

 Msg  : 80 of 185
 From : Jon Helis                           1:3800/25       .îí 15 .íâ 96 01:44
 To   : Dean Sweatman
 Subj : Re: New Orleans Vision Sh
Great Con Report!

I did enjoy the Con, but it could have been more efficiently
run, like you said.  According to the Sunday Times Picayune,
1200 people went through that Saturday.

I had a chance to visit with Mark Goddard and David Prowse at
their tables.  Goddard told me that he had hoped to do a B5
episode last season, but wasn't able to due to other
commitments.  That would have been nice to see.

I had hoped to meet some fans from the Baton Rouge area, but
didn't find anyone.  Better luck next time I guess.

Keep in touch.


Jon Helis
aka Number Six

... "Hey, Rocky!  Watch me pull Dean outta my hat!"
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- PCBoard (R) v15.22/M 10
 * Origin: * DataCom BBS - Baton Rouge, La. -  (504)275-2605 - @dcbbs.com *

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