--- WM v3.10/93-0747
* Origin: Plain Brown Wrapper BBS-Cresskill NJ.(201)569-6685 (1:2604/309)
Msg : 4 of 185
From : Eric Reinholt 1:2604/309 .cę 14 .íâ 96 11:36
To : Chris Ogniben
Subj : dead games
On 01-10-96 CHRIS OGNIBEN wrote to ALL...
CO> Hey is anyone watching Dead Games in here, and if your a fan, and
CO> seen all the new episodes till now. Let's hook up in here and start
CO> talking about it.
Um, I think that's "Deadly Games" you want there, Chris.
I'm afraid I don't watch it, myself.
** Eric **
* OFFLINE 1.54 * IHIWHDT - "I Hate It When He Does That"
--- WM v3.10/93-0747
* Origin: Plain Brown Wrapper BBS-Cresskill NJ.(201)569-6685 (1:2604/309)
Msg : 5 of 185
From : Eric Reinholt 1:2604/309 .cę 14 .íâ 96 17:20
To : Frank Swarbrick
Subj : Prisoner movie
On 01-11-96 FRANK SWARBRICK wrote to ALL...
STOP! (Which was also the name of a proposed movie which
McGoohan was hoping to produce around the time of the end of
"The Prisoner.")
FS> Dunno if anyone's posted this yet... I read an article in the paper
FS> today that said that Patrick MacGoohan has signed on to write and
FS> produce a motion picture based on his old tv series The Prisoner. He
FS> won't play the main character, but he may play another role.
I'm afraid that no matter how this pans out, McGoohan will
always remain both Johnny Drake and Number Six to me!
FS> Personally, I'm not sure how well the show would translate to the
FS> modern silver screen, but with MacGoohan (is that right?) being
FS> responsible for it there's certainly hope. We shall see...
Modern screen? With the success of tribute/spin offs like
"Nowhere Man" and "Babylon 5"? It seems that there's more of
"us" out there than I would have thought. I hope it does
justice to the original. The Prisoner most definitely
influenced how I thought about such concepts as "The
Individual" and "Self-Identity."
** Eric **
* OFFLINE 1.54 * First Sinclair, now Vir. Does Minbar orbit a black hole?
--- WM v3.10/93-0747
* Origin: Plain Brown Wrapper BBS-Cresskill NJ.(201)569-6685 (1:2604/309)
Msg : 6 of 185
From : Chris Thurman 1:141/415 .cę 14 .íâ 96 13:50
To : Nicolai Shapero
Subj : Science Fiction
Listen up buddy, what I wrote concerned science fiction, and it was a hell of a
lot more interesting that anything else that was being posted. I understand
that this is not the dating game, but I wrote something that people like to
read, not "do you like star trek, what do you think spock's middle name is."
That garbage put me to bed, if you don't want the dating game then livin up your
boring science fiction talk!
--- Maximus 3.01
* Origin: The Wacko Board (1:141/415)
Msg : 7 of 185
From : Chris Thurman 1:141/415 .cę 14 .íâ 96 13:53
To : Frank Glover
Subj : Re: Science Fiction
The reason I didn't put the area code is because if you don't live in Ct. then
don't call him. I don't think that you should worry about what I wrote unless
you're gay. Of course he didn't want his number plastered up, I said that when
I wrote the bulletin. I was playin a joke on him so mind your own business.
--- Maximus 3.01
* Origin: The Wacko Board (1:141/415)
Msg : 8 of 185
From : Chris Carter 1:105/290.23 .cę 14 .íâ 96 10:54
To : Mark Jones
Subj : Nuclear
On (12 Jan 96) Mark Jones wrote to Phill Ash...
MJ> And I believe cancers have been around for a very long time.
MJ> But no doubt the vast majority of cancers throughout history
MJ> went undiagnosed. Or misdiagnosed.
Absolutely. And besides, it's so much easier to say, "A pox be upon
you!" rather than, "A carcinogeous melanoma be upon you!" ;~)
Chris - carter@teleport.com
... "Pneumatic Tire is rounding into shape."
--- PPoint 2.00
* Origin: Grid Epsilon Coords. 105x290x23 (1:105/290.23)
Msg : 9 of 185
From : Frank Swarbrick 1:104/825 .˙ō 12 .íâ 96 18:35
To : Channon Lang
Subj : Re: Good Ole Riker...
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12 92-0022
On 01-11-96 05:26 my Very Good Friend Channon Lang said:
CL> From a dark bottomless pit,The Raven screamed up to Robert Lidgren
CL> about Good Ole Riker.....
TR> He guested on a recent episode of "Lois and Clark", as well as
TR> having directed half a dozen episodes of DS9, Voyager, L&C, and a bunch
TR> of other shows. He also regularly does voice work for Disney's
TR> "Gargoyles" cartoon series.
CL> I thought that was his voice....I don't usually get the chance to
CL> read credits for anything anymore....I do good to even get to watch
CL> the shows with my 8 months old these days. I think I have also seem
CL> Frakes and his wife together on Deadly Games as well.
Ummm, I think you mean Lois & Clark. I've seen every DG episode so
far, and no sign of Frakes that I can recall... Though I wouldn't be
the least bit surprised to see him at some point. After all, we've
seen Brent Spiner, LaVar Burton and Dwight Schultz on it.
... No one can hear when you're Screaming in Digital!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
* Origin: The Bailey Information Exchange BBS, 28.8k v.fc (1:104/825.0)
Msg : 10 of 185
From : Otto Cordray 1:106/1393 .cę 14 .íâ 96 10:35
To : Don Dellmann
Subj : nuclear BS
The word "economics" was mentioned in this discussion. Good.
In architecture school several profs taught me that just about anything can
be built competently and safely IF the builders are willing to spend the money.
My experience in the engineering industry (power plants, though not nuclear)
says that the builders generally are NOT willing to do that.
Just to keep somewhat on topic, a quote from the movie "Capricorn One" applies.
Hal Holbrook (playing a NASA exec) says,"The good folks over at ConAmalgamate
made a little too much profit. We found out that it [the life support system
on the Earth-to-Mars spaceship] wouldn't work." (That may not be word for word,
but its close.)
Aside from my anti-executroid feelings, there's another important factor. The
lifespan of the parts that actually physically generate the electricity
(rotors, turbines, etc.) is shorter than the rest of the plant. However, I
have heard that some new developments have been made in that area.
--- Maximus/2 2.01wb
* Origin: The Round Table, BBS of Gulf Coast Mensa * 922-1393 (1:106/1393)
Msg : 11 of 185
From : Todd Sullivan 1:202/720.3 .ķá 13 .íâ 96 20:35
To : Steven Sullivan
While substituting for Q, Steven Sullivan took extreme delight in saying to me,
"You'll do anything I say?" I quailed when the words "NUCLEAR BS" were uttered.
SS> Agreed and seconded. To bring the subject back on topic, Heinlein
SS> makes
SS> the same point in a story where a woman becomes president. (My
SS> apologies, the name of the short escapes me.) As an addendum, "JW",
SS> look up the number of people suffering from smog in LA right now, or
SS> towards _Blowups Happen_. I'm a proponent of nuclear power; it's hard
SS> to envisage a future where there isn't nuclear power, and the way to
SS> get
SS> to SAFE nuclear power is to work our way through the pitfalls of unsafe
SS> nuclear power.
I don't recall the story, either, but you're right about the points made.
My slant is from being a Navy Nuclear Power candidate back in 1980. I *know* we
can have safe reactors; Admiral Rickover demanded nothing less for his subs.
Todd Sullivan
... Choose your Taglines carefully; they tell others a lot about you.
-*- ASTG 1.9
--- Spot 1.3a Unregistered
* Origin: Todd's Spot in the Continuum (1:202/720.3)
Msg : 12 of 185
From : Todd Sullivan 1:202/720.3 .ķá 13 .íâ 96 20:40
To : Jhereg
Subj : elfquest
While substituting for Q, Jhereg took extreme delight in saying to Longhair,
"You'll do anything I say?" Longhair quailed when the words "elfquest" were
Lo>> There's more EQ out there now then there ever has been. Enjoy.
J> Like Barton, wasn't aware there was this much still out here in this
J> day and age. Is this all drawn and written by the Pini's or are they
J> done by other folks.
What was mentioned before is. Last I heard, Marvel Comics was doing an EQ
comic, and the Pinis were keeping a close watch, or were being consulted
Todd Sullivan
... This sentense contains three errurs.
-*- ASTG 1.9
--- Spot 1.3a Unregistered
* Origin: Todd's Spot in the Continuum (1:202/720.3)
Msg : 13 of 185
From : Todd Sullivan 1:202/720.3 .ķá 13 .íâ 96 20:43
To : Bill Clements
While substituting for Q, Bill Clements took extreme delight in saying to All,
"You'll do anything I say?" All quailed when the words "NUCLEAR" were uttered.
BC> Most of the discussion in this thread; and resulting
BC> threadlets; was addressed in "Fusion Without Ex-Lax" first
BC> published in "GALAXY" October 1976 (C)opyright by UPD Publishing
BC> Corporation Inc. and reprinted in "A STEP FARTHER OUT" (C)opyright
BC> 1979 by Jerry Pournelle, Ph.D..
BC> Acquire this book; READ IT COVER TO COVER; then address
BC> any further questions, comments, etc., to Dr. Pournelle.
Doctor Pournelle has no worries from me; I was simply trying to dispel several
incorrect perceptions about fission.
Either way, we can't rely on things as they are now; the good thing about
science fiction is that we're being told that it doesn't have to stay as things
Todd Sullivan
... Beware of the Splut!
-*- ASTG 1.9
--- Spot 1.3a Unregistered
* Origin: Todd's Spot in the Continuum (1:202/720.3)