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май 1995 - сентябрь 1996

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 CG> is best for the world.  With the given technology we have today,
 CG> nuclear power is the BEST "bang-for-the-buck" bar NONE!

 Bar the bang.  Look at the water that they're having to cyphon off into the
 atmosphere from TMI.  BTW, did I forget to mention that it's radioactive?
 Well guess what, it is!  No thanks.  I can think of more fun ways to die.
 Nuc power isn't the best.  There is always better.  Fossil fuels aren't it
 either as 1) they're a very limited resources, and 2) they're known

--- Blue Wave v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin: The Cereal Port BBS (OS/2) Rindge,NH 603-899-3335 (1:132/152)

 Msg  : 174 of 225
 From : Michael Harper                      1:123/10        .ят 12 .нв 96 22:41
 To   : Frank Glover
 Subj : Nuclear

 -=> Over coffee and beignets, Frank Glover told Mark Jones all about

  Nuclear mahooha...

 FG> Ever seen the Twilight Zone episode with Burgess Meredith as a man
 FG> who simply wished to be left alone to read? Then he finds himself the
 FG> only survivor of a nuclear attack, but the libraries are intact?
 FG> Then he breaks his glasses....?

 _Time Enough At Last_, iirc. One of the best TZ episodes ever. Almost
 heartbreaking. He's at this library, with piles of books that he's
 wanted to read forever, and he slips. His glasses hit the ground.
 Crunchtinkle. Why, this is Hell, nor am I out of it...

... "Aye, that way goes the game." -- Shakespeare
--- RA/FD/FMail
 * Origin: The Eclectic Fox -- Memphis, TN 901-327-1008 (1:123/10)

 Msg  : 175 of 225
 From : John Mcgill                         1:123/10        .уб 13 .нв 96 00:25
 To   : Michael Harper
 Subj : tv and sf

 -=> Quoting Michael Harper to John Mcgill <=-

 JM> Say, isn't this also the same hack who wrote _E.T._?
 MH> God, no. _E.T._ was written by Melissa Mathison, Harrison Ford's
 MH> wife. Chris Columbus wrote a number of things before he got into
 MH> directing, but that wasn't one of them. I think he wrote _The
 MH> Goonies_, and I know he wrote _Heartbreak Hotel_. IMNSHO, somebody

You're right of course.  I swear I remember a young Christoper Columbus
writning some Spielberg flick which was a heck of a lot more meaningful
than "Goonies".


... Science fiction is more than spaceships and rayguns.
--- RA/FD/FMail
 * Origin: The Eclectic Fox -- Memphis, TN 901-327-1008 (1:123/10)

 Msg  : 176 of 225
 From : Gary Warren                         1:382/92.7      .уб 13 .нв 96 10:10
 To   : All
 Subj : Cancellation of FOREVER KNIGHT (fwd.)
 Copied from FILM by Gary Warren (1:382/92.7)
[Because of my ire about USA Network's abrupt cancellation of FOREVER KNIGHT,
I thought I'd forward this little goody I received from the Internet
SCRNWRIT (screenwriters) discussion list.  As requested in the Disclaimer,
I am crossposting this in its entirety, so be patient and skip down to
the nitty gritty.  --glw--]

From KaseyC@DISCOPY.COMSat Jan 13 09:43:52 1996
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 1996 14:28:00 PST
From: Kasey Chang 
Reply to: Screen Writing Discussion List 
To: Multiple recipients of list SCRNWRIT 
Subject: Re: Was Forever Knight cancelled?


   So if you get spoiled, don't come runnin' to me!

*** DISCLAIMER ***    Mr. Data's Data (c) 1996  Jay Badenhoop

    News reproduced from magazines and club newsletters listed in the
"Sources" section of "Mr. Data's Data" is not meant to in any way
infringe on the copyrights of those publications or the original films
and television series covered herein.  "Mr. Data's Data" can be
downloaded for private use only.  Information herein can be paraphrased
in other newsletters/publications - provided the author's name and the
list of original sources is included - because the information itself
is not copyrighted, but publication of "Mr. Data's Data" or excerpts
thereof in another publication, e.g. newsletter or fanzine, is not
permitted except with the express consent of the author, Jay Badenhoop.
Permission will probably be granted, but please ask.

This column is not to be re-posted on any Usenet or other bulletin board
service or "conference" which the author cannot access.  This is to
avoid public complaints and disputes of information in "Mr. Data's Data"
being aired publicly without the author's knowledge.  The only condition
in which it can be posted to such a board is if the BBS moderator or
poster agrees to forward all comments, complaints, questions, etc. back
to the author.  The news column must also be posted or forwarded in its
entirety including the author's note, list of sources, and disclaimer.

                        Jay Badenhoop
                        The Electron Slayer
                        Keeper of Mr. Data's Data (sf-news@stargame.org)
                        Milwaukee Time Lords/Star Fleet Academy

January 8, 1996

                       Mr. Data's Data #72
    (Belated October 1995 - January 1996 Whopping Great Issue)


    On December 22, FOREVER KNIGHT producer James Parriott reported that
the show has essentially been cancelled with only 10 episodes aired and
16 filmed.  Instigator of the cancellation has been revealed as Kay
Klopovitz, CEO and President of USA Network.  Ironically, Klopovitz was
recently profiled in both "Forbes" and "Broadcasting and Cable"
magazines, which emphasized her "gutsy" and "risk-taking" business
acumen.  As President of USA she is the highest-ranking woman in cable
TV and, ironically, was praised for her decision to spend $250 million
to finance 24 original movies and other television programming over the
next two years, including offbeat series like FOREVER KNIGHT.  (For more
on USA Network, see "Cable and TV News".)  Ratings for FOREVER KNIGHT
have been very poor on both syndicated stations and USA Network, where
the show airs Mondays at 10 PM opposite CHICAGO HOPE.  It has averaged
70th out of 98 syndicated shows for which ratings are determined.
"Forever Knight will not be back for a fourth season," said Parriott,
and added, "USA has elected not to pick us up for the remainder of this
season.  Don't bother to write - it's a done deal.  This effectively
kills all chances for renewal and places the remaining 6 episodes of
this season in serious jeopardy, as Tri-Star would be stuck with a huge
deficit, and the syndicated market for the show is weak and shows little
promise for  airing this as a first run.  No one is at fault here.  In
show business, these things happen.  Rod Perth, at USA, has been
extremely supportive (he was the guy who originally started it on Late
Night CBS).  But the numbers just didn't come up to their needs...and
that's the end of the story.  ...Thank you for all you have done.
You're the best fans in the world.  Cross your fingers for the rest of
the season..."

    Fans immediately began gearing up for a "Save Forever Knight"
campaign to convince USA and TriStar to complete the season, but were
discouraged by Parriott.  "If you manage to convince the syndicated
stations to insist that Tri-Star complete the contracted 22 episode
order, the shows will have massively reduced budgets.  Instead of
shooting them in 6 or 7 days, we'll have to do them in 3 or 4.  Down and
dirty will be the operative words.  This might happen anyway... and I,
personally, dread it.  We'll be producing cheap shows that we don't want
to make and you don't want to watch.  That's an ugly way to go out."
Though the cancellation was confirmed by USA publicist Brian Schoenfeld,
ironically USA has actually added a third airing of FOREVER KNIGHT on
Tuesday at 9 PM starting with the season premiere and increased
promotion of the show.  Local station representatives appear to still be
unaware of USA's decision; they said the distributor has scheduled six
new episodes (the remaining filmed ones) to start airing the week of
January 13.  They are "Strings", "Fever", "Dead of Night", "Games
Vampires Play", "The Human Factor", and "Avenging Angel", followed by
repeats.  TriStar has not committed whether or not to continue
production on the last 6 episodes, and the plug could be pulled at any
time, though at this point it is likely the new episodes will be aired.
Fans are still urged to write your local station in support of the show,
and write TriStar asking that they syndicate the remaining episodes:
Mr.  John Feltheimer, TriStar/Columbia Pictures TV, 10202 Washington
Blvd., Culver City, CA  90230.  Also send a copy of your letter to
producer James Parriot, Forever Knight, 4063 Redford Avenue, Studio
City, CA 91604.

    More details on two episodes:  "Games Vampires Play" (#315) guest
stars Catherine Bruhier (DUE SOUTH) as a vampire named Rita.  The last
episode filmed (#316) was "Human Factor", in which Deborah Duchene
returns as Janette in a guest role.  Director Geraint Wyn Davies was
able to get her brought back for one episode, which he will be
directing, mostly due to all the letters which the fans have sent in
wanting her back.  Duchene was very touched by all the letters sent in.
This will be a major episode for her, and "have a shocking event", which
fans have speculated could be her demise.  <>  Toronto station CTV
reported that a flying stunt off the end of the Toronto Gardner
expressway for the 3rd season FOREVER KNIGHT episode "Sons of Belial"
worked a little too well.  It was intended that a car driven by a woman
possessed by demons crash through the guard rail and smash on the
concrete below, but the car overshot its intended target before bursting
into flames and scattering the film crew.  <>  One bit of good news:
Mark Banning of GNP Crescendo Records reports that a cassette and CD of
music from FOREVER KNIGHT will be released in February.  It will feature
tracks from composer Fred Mollin as well as vocals by Lori Yates as
heard in "The Raven", Geraint Wyn Davies at the piano, and extracts of
Nigel Bennett as "The Nightcrawler".  <>  Season 1 of FOREVER KNIGHT
just finished in Australia.  Season 2 has been picked up by Network 10;
no info on season 3.  <>  The series also debuted on the UK's Sky One on
4 November.

[P.S. While Parriott seems to be throwing in the towel (with justification!),
I plan to write at least Tristar and USA Network to let them know how
miffed I am about the network ballyhooing about supporting FK, then changing
it into a SILK STALKINGS/HIGHLANDER hybrid, and THEN cancelling it and being
surprised about why it didn't succeed.  But what else can you expect from
a cable company which still runs 10/15-year-old game show repeats in the
afternoons and "pro wrestling" farces in the evenings??  --glw--]

... Blessed are the censors; for they shall inhibit the Earth.

-+- PPoint 1.90
 + Origin: Gary's Bar and Grill! (1:382/92.7)
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