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 Msg  : 120 of 225
 From : Bill Clements                       1:18/230        .pд 10 .нв 96 17:47
 To   : All
        Most of the discussion in this thread; and resulting
threadlets; was addressed in "Fusion Without Ex-Lax" first
published in "GALAXY" October 1976 (C)opyright by UPD Publishing
Corporation Inc. and reprinted in "A STEP FARTHER OUT" (C)opyright
1979 by Jerry Pournelle, Ph.D..
        Acquire this book; READ IT COVER TO COVER; then address
any further questions, comments, etc., to Dr. Pournelle.

--- FLAME v1.1
 * Origin: ANCESTRY TBBS Shadows of forgotten ancestors 941-382-9061 (1:18/230)

 Msg  : 121 of 225
 From : Jhereg                              1:271/285       .pд 10 .нв 96 16:25
 To   : Longhair
 Subj : elfquest
---<<*<<< Longhair dazzled Jhereg with these words of wisdom!! >>>**>>----

 BPL> I was a big elfquest fan in the early '80s, though I haven't seen
 BPL> much of it recently.

 Lo> You haven't been spending enough time in a comics shop. :> There
 Lo> are now several regular monthly or bi-monthly titles. You've got your

 Lo> EQ - Shards (following Cutter, Rayek, Treestump, Strongbow... in their
 Lo> fight to reclaim the palace pieces) - Hidden Years (following
 Lo> Ember, Leetah, Skywise,.... as they preserve the Way by having set up
 Lo> far far away from the Shards group) - New Blood (about to be
 Lo> canceled. Followed Dart, Suntop, Wing....as they went up against some
 Lo> humans and a Messiah-complexed Door) - Blood of Ten Chiefs (tales
 Lo> from the past.) - "Jink" and "Rebels", both set far far in the
 Lo> future. Better than I expected them to be. - also a Kahvi and
 Lo> Two-Spear limited series running.

 Lo> There's more EQ out there now then there ever has been. Enjoy.

 Like Barton, wasn't aware there was this much still out here in this
 day and age. Is this all drawn and written by the Pini's or are they
 done by other folks.

 -=*< Jhereg >*=-

--- GEcho 1.00
 * Origin: From Trekkies & from B5ers who hate Trek save us! (1:271/285.0)

 Msg  : 122 of 225
 From : Earl Green                          1:3822/1        .ет 11 .нв 96 22:30
 To   : All
 Subj : Megaspoiler - EXOGENESIS
  Any reproduction or rebroadcast of the following Nifty 3-D Spoiler
   Warning without the express written consent of Earl Green and the
     commissioner of Major League Baseball is strictly prohibited.

            \                      \
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   \     \     \             BABYLON 5 - "Exogenesis"
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The following is the official Warner Bros. synopsis distributed to PTEN
affiliate stations.  Be warned, it will completely and utterly SPOIL the
ENTIRE episode for you.

Sheridan instructs Ivanova to set up a private meeting with the newly
promoted Lt. Corwin to discovered whether he can help their cause.
Corwin misinterprets her intentions, believing Ivanova is asking him out
on a date.  When the two finally meet, Ivanova discovers Corwin would
not be an ally of the Rangers because of his claim that he would not act
against any orders sent by Earthdome.
   Marcus gets word form one of his informants that the Rangers should
go on a heightened state of alert and pull back from Earth space due to
a gathering of Shadow vessels on the edge of Centauri space.  Marcus
guives instructions to drop a long-ranger scanner in the area of the
build-up.  Meanwhile, Dr. Franklin is baffled upon the discovery of
several people who have died as the result of a small, unknown alien
parasite which lodges itself onto the spinal cord of its victims.
   When Samuel (Eric Steinberg) and Duncan (Aubrey Morris), several of
Marcus's liaisons, disappeared, Franklin and Marcus go to their
downbelow quarters to investigate.  They are surprised to find several
lurkers, including Samuel and Duncan, armed and an unconscious man on
the floor.  Being held captive for their accidental discovery, Franklin
and Marcus learn that the parasite is a way of serving a race known as
the Vindrizi, and by voluntarily accepting the parasite, the person is
actually merging with their race.  For some, like Duncan, it improves
their health; however, for those whose bodies reject it, it's lethal.
   The Bindrizi seek out those who have nothing to look forward to,
namely Lurkers, and give them the gift of life.  By accepting the
parasite, their host bodies are instilled with vast memories of all that
has been seen and touched.  Their mission is to preserve all of these
memories until the inevitable day when all life and knowledge falls into
a new dark age, then all will turn to them and they will be keepers of
the past.
   After Marcus confesses his fondness for Ivanova to Franklin, Samuel
and Duncan take Franklin to a room where a lurker is ill with the
parasite in his spine.  Franklin is ordered to heal him, but he claims
he cannot without the proper medical equipment.  Left alone and fearing
danger, Marcus convinces one of his capturers that his pike is actually
a medical scanner which might be useful to Franklin.  When he talks his
capturer into looking through the pike, the man unknowingly arms it and
knocks himself out.  Then Marcus signals Garibaldi in Franklin's link,
and Garibaldi sends several guards to their aid.  Marcus then finds his
way into the room where Franklin is being held, and together they subdue
their capturers.
   Seeing no other choice and knowing it can never be reattached, Duncan
pulls out the parasite as a show of loyalty, and to convince Franklin in
his belief in the Vindrizi cause.  A convinced Franklin ultimately
accepts the methods and principles employed by the Vindrizi, and
promises to keep them secret, but only under his direct supervision.
Relegated back to what he believe to be his life without purpose, Duncan
leaves Babylon 5.
   Also starring James Warwick as Matthew Duffin, Wiley Small as Jacque
Lee, Kathryn Cressida as Kat, Carrie Dobro as Dr. Harrison and Roger
Rook as Lurker.
       e  <-- Earl Green (earl.green@f1.n3822.z1.fidonet.org) 1:3822/1
       Graphics & animation artist, KPBI Fox 46/15 and KFDF UPN 32/36
       LogBook, LogBook Master Index, LogBook Online Newsletter Editor
 * SLMR 2.0 * Grant her secret wishes, 5 satellites in just one night.

--- QScan/PCB v1.17b / 01-0162
 * Origin: Jackalope Junction 501-785-5381 Ft Smith AR (1:3822/1)

 Msg  : 123 of 225
 From : Earl Green                          1:3822/1        .ет 11 .нв 96 22:30
 To   : All
 Subj : Megaspoiler: MESSAGES...
   /                                       /
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/   //////////          BABYLON 5         /          from Earth"
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     //   /                                                              eg

Be VERY cautious - reading the following will spoil the ENTIRE EPISODE
for you.  This is Warner Bros.' official press release sent to PTEN
affiliate stations.

Senate hearing continue on Earth investigating claims that President
Clark faked an illness which prevented him from boarding Earthforce One
when it exploded, killing President Santiago.  Representatives from
Clark dismiss the allegations as attempts to destabilize the government.
   Marcus rescues Dr. Mary Kirkish (Nancy Stafford) from a group of
assailants attempting to subdue her.  Regaining consciousness, Dr.
Kirkish explains to Sheridan, Ivaniva, Delenn, Marcus, Franklin, Lennier
and Garibaldi that her life is in danger because of information she
knows.  While stationed on Mars conducting an archaeological dig, she
discovered a Shadow ship buried 300 feet below the surface, and
witnessed one of the workers die instantly after touching the ship with
his bare hand.  Following orders to stop digging, Dr. Kirkish recalls
the arrival of a second Shadow ship, which had come to dig out the
discovered vessel.  Threatened by Earth to keep the incident secret, she
and the other archaeologists were assigned by Earth to different worlds
to ensure that nobody spoke to one another.  Garibaldi, who was
stationed on Mars at roughly the same time, confirms that he also
witnessed several unknown alien ships.
   Recently called into a new dig because another Shadow ship was
discovered on Ganymede, Dr. Kirkish uncovers secret government plans to
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