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Ęîíôåđåíöčč - SFFAN Âåņü ōåęņō 5859.38 Kb

ėāé 1995 - ņåíō˙áđü 1996

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1 ... 230 231 232 233 234 235 236  237 238 239 240 241 242 243 ... 500
 To   : The Raven
 Subj : nuclear
From a woman with an overactive imagination.

 -=>what is dresden fill me in.
 PL> It's a shame History classes leave out so much these days...
 TR> It shows us, however, that this person is less than 20 years old.

Actually I am 21, and I did pretty well in my history classes, Dresden
was never mentioned in either current events, world history, am. history1,2
but thanks for filling me in.

... Live long and prosper, but don't let the IRS find out!
--- Blue Wave v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin: The Cereal Port BBS (OS/2) Rindge,NH 603-899-3335 (1:132/152)

 Msg  : 92 of 225
 From : Bianca Wesslak                      1:132/152       .cę 07 .íâ 96 23:51
 To   : Phill Ash
 Subj : nuclear
From a woman with an overactive imagination.

 PA> From astride a Pale Horse, iANATjd heard...

 cool header.  there has to be a story in that somewhere.

 PA> I'm an idealist of the highest order and it's plain to me
 PA> that, due to the advances in medicine and refinement of food
 PA> and fuel, humanity (as a whole) is slowly becoming stupider and
 PA> weaker.
 PA> Honestly speaking, (and think this one *all the way* through)
 PA> what would you do if, when you woke up in the morning, there
 PA> was no electricity - anywhere in the world?

 To be honest, no idea.  buy a lot of candles, then again no electricity
 I'd be out of a job.  Hope someone would teach me how to hunt, probably
 go to a reservation and beg and plead for some lessons.  Probably go find
 cookie a friend of mine with connection to some native americans.  I would
 not mind living the lifestyle.  Oh of course I'd moan and groan for a while
 but then who wouldn't.  What bout batteries.  why would the electricity be
 gone?   Our ancestors did it, I don't see why we couldn't, and by some
 people it is argued that they had more leisure time than we do?  don't
 ask me who, just something I remeber from somewhere.

PA> No.  It depends on how willing you are to share the land with
 PA> others.  Is it easier for you to go out with 10 others and
 PA> grow and harvest corn, or is it easier for you to take the corn
 PA> from another?

actually that can be debated, in my intercuteral communication class that
I took in my freshman year in colledge one of the things that I learned
was that for different people in different cultures space is something
relevant to the culture.  space wise the brazilians, arabics have a much
closer space comfort than say americans.  On the other hand somewhere
someone did a study on mice and over population and violence.   After a while
the mice did a lemming self destruct, they were comparing that to crime in
our society etc.  For me I'd rather harvest with ten others, spares the
workload and offers protection, and is safer.  I mean I may take it from the
others but who says for how long?

 PA> Nope.  Never read any Feist   Howzabout Harry Turtledove's
 PA> "WorldWar" series (book II should be out in paperback soon)...
 PA> 6 months after Pearl Harbor - the Aliens invade.  It's one hell
 PA> of an examination of socio-political standards and their
 PA> positive and negative uses.

 never heard of him, how bout norton and lackey.  Norton especially has a lot
 of books of after the apocalypse civilization.

PA> The Vogons will...
BW> ?????, who art, they???
PA> awwww!
 PA> c'mon!
 PA> Don't tell me you've never heard the radio program,
 PA> read the book, seen the BBC series, heard the album,
 PA> read the "photonovel" of "The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to
 PA> the Galaxy"!!!

nope, read a bit from so long and thanks for all the fish though, that's
something you and J.t. could talk about, he's read the whole series.  Has
the leather bound book and all that.
Your pal:  PhlAsh

 PA> ... Memory will slowly fade.  I lift my eyes and say, "C'mon, take me
 PA> away!" -!-

isn't that supposed to be calgon?

... "42?  7+  million years and all you can come up with is 42?!"
--- Blue Wave v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin: The Cereal Port BBS (OS/2) Rindge,NH 603-899-3335 (1:132/152)

 Msg  : 93 of 225
 From : Tisha Mcgary                        1:350/33        .˙ō 05 .íâ 96 19:06
 To   : Michael Harper
 Subj : Highlander

 NC> from the Kurgan in Highlander, huh?

 MH> Actually, one of my favorite roles for Clancy was that of Rawhide,
 MH> Buckaroo Banzai's right-hand man, in _Buckaroo Banzai_... I watched E2
 MH> mostly for him, on those odd occasions when I watched it at all.

Am I the only one who was seriously put out by the cancellation of that show?

I loved It!!!

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The PYRAMID bbs (1:350/33)

 Msg  : 94 of 225
 From : Trevor Pack                         1:134/125       .îí 08 .íâ 96 17:36
 To   : Marco Catalano
 Subj : X-files
My favorite episode is the one about voodoo. Did you see the one about killer

--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: View of the Rockies 403-291-6721 Calgary AB (1:134/125)

 Msg  : 95 of 225
 From : Longhair                            1:123/569       .îí 08 .íâ 96 20:04
 To   : Barton Paul Levenson
 Subj : elfquest
.TID: GE 1.11+

 -=> And Barton Paul Levenson did express this opinion  to Longhair <=-

 BPL> I was a big elfquest fan in the early '80s, though I haven't seen
 BPL> much of it recently.

   You haven't been spending enough time in a comics shop. :> There are now
several regular monthly or bi-monthly titles. You've got your
 EQ - Shards (following Cutter, Rayek, Treestump, Strongbow... in their fight to
reclaim the palace pieces)
    - Hidden Years (following Ember, Leetah, Skywise,.... as they preserve the
Way by having set up far far away from the Shards group)
    - New Blood (about to be canceled. Followed Dart, Suntop, Wing....as they
went up against some humans and a Messiah-complexed Door)
    - Blood of Ten Chiefs (tales from the past.)
    - "Jink" and "Rebels", both set far far in the future. Better than I
expected them to be.
    - also a Kahvi and Two-Spear limited series running.

   There's more EQ out there now then there ever has been. Enjoy.

... Death called while you were out, so I gave him your pager number.
--- Blue Wave/RA v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin: 9 out of 5 Schizos prefer Lunatic Fringe! 382-LUST (1:123/569)

 Msg  : 96 of 225
 From : Nicolai Shapero                     1:102/524       .îí 08 .íâ 96 06:38
 To   : Michael Rowe
 Subj : X-files
On , Michael Rowe (1:134/125) wrote to Roelof Otten:

 MR>go bite yourself

Strongly suggest that you watch your behavior here, lest your access to this
conference will be "seriously restricted".

-- Nicolai Shapero, Moderator of the SFFAN echo

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 97 of 225
 From : Kay Shapero                         1:102/524       .îí 08 .íâ 96 17:08
 To   : Frank Glover
 Subj : Re: F&SF???
On , Frank Glover (1:2613/477) wrote to Phill Ash:

PA>          All I've seen for the past few weeks is babble about the pros
PA>  & cons of nuclear power...
 FG>   Oh it's still somewhere between those postings. (I kinda
 FG>expect Nicolai to clamp down any time now....)

So did I but he seems to have joined the party...  Now if we want to take a
skiffy slant, there's always Heinlein's "Blowups Happen" which iirc has little
if anything to do with the technical side of modern atomic power or even most of
the theory, but is still a most entertaining tale of coping with catastrophe at
high speed.

And for that matter, though the disaster in Leslie Fish's song "The Day It Fell
Apart" is a non-nuclear related steam explosion (as opposed to Chernobyl which
was a nuclear-related steam explosion), it's an interesting exposition on coping
when emergency and law conflict.  In case you're unfamiliar with it, a doctor at
a small town plant chooses expediency over law, saves a lot of lives in
consequence and then has to run for it.  She's given permission to post her
works to the net, so I may transcribe it on here sometime.

And as for pros and cons, if those "professionals" at Chernobyl who stupidly
shut down ever last safety feature had survived the experience, I daresay they'd
be convicts by now...  :/

... Galileo held hostage - Day 21

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 98 of 225
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .ķá 06 .íâ 96 20:51
 To   : ALL
Recently, I read comments from one member who complained that some
messages lacked substance.  Here's my attempt to rectify this to
a degree.

I am reposting information, in detail about this week's episode of

All comments between "BEGIN REPOST" "END REPOST" below COME from the
NOWHERE MAN web site at:


This week's episode was a repeat:



Veil is astonished when he's maneuvered into a haven for the
"Disenfranchised", but steadfastly refuses to assimilate into
this strange community.

After getting a job in small town photo shop, Tom is stunned
to glimpse a picture of his wife Alyson as he processes a customers
film. He frantically pursues that customer to question where she shot
the picture, but the chase lands him in New Phoenix, a haven for the
disenfranchised and community of people who have for one reason
or another, lost their identity at the hands of the mysterious enemy,
in "Nowhere Man".

Bruce Greenwood stars as Thomas Veil. Saxon Trainor
stars as Dierdre Coltrera, Stephen Meadows as Paul.

The episode was written by Lawrence Hertzog
and directed by Tom Wright.

Comments by Lawrence Hertzog on "Paradise on Your Doorstep"

I suppose I'll hear from "The Prisoner" fans about this one. Hard to see
"New Phoenix" and not think about the Village. But there's something
different here - The folks in New Phoenix are on Tom's side - or at
they claim to be.

It opens some interesting questions about just what is our side and just
who decides to be "on it." More importantly, I believe that the episode
opens a fundamentally troublesome question: How often do we become
the very thing that we oppose? And how easy is it to rationalize this
behavior because - when we're doing it, it's "okay" because it's well
motivated (read "it's us").

We seem to be living in a day and age where "having a good reason"
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