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        think that's right...it's been so long since I dealt with them!)
        that has a nice mail-order catalog.

 JH> Can/should this be used over latex appliances as well as store bought
 JH> pre-fabricated headpieces?


Your pal:  PhlAsh
 ž PhlAshMail 1.0 ž Seven screaming Diz-Busters should go the route and die
~~~ ReneWave v1.01 [NR]
--- Smile :)
 * Origin: * The Beast's Lair * (804)498-3070 * Va Beach VA * (1:275/160)

 Msg  : 54 of 225
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .óį 06 .ķā 96 13:57
 To   : Lawrence E Dunlap
 Subj : Re: Botched seaQuest

LE>     The global scientific consensus is that no possible sets
LE>  developed
LE>  confederation of developing nations *can* be as advanced as 1995
LE>  United
LE>  States in the 2030's on Terra without generating such suffiicent
LE>  pollution that it would kill us off in about ten years were every
LE>  such
LE>  nation to receive such a level of technollgy/pollution capacity at
LE>  the
LE>  same time.

   You *could* be right about this, though I have my doubts....

LE>     Secondly, no nation will be able to build massive submersibles or
LE>  spacecraft without global cooperation, because the resources
LE>  necessary
LE>  for those gigantic ships would come from the resource production
LE>  streams
LE>  which would service individual national needs, making that projection
LE>  of
LE>  seaQuest particularly unlikely given the current millieu of nation
LE>  states jostling for scarse resources in some areas even as recently

   Why?  SeaQuest can't mass much more than several of today's ballistic missile
subs. Why should she be any more resource-depleting than the construction of a
supertanker or two? And any spacecraft we can build in the next few decades
can't involve any more raw materials than a couple of wide-bodied jets.
Development is where the real money is spent, and as I said, SeaQuest's
replacement is a *known* design, not unlike shuttle Challenger's replacement
Endevour. (Another craft that's roughly a 747's worth of aluminum.)


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 55 of 225
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .óį 06 .ķā 96 14:38
 To   : Tisha Mcgary
 Subj : Re: Startrek Voyager

TM>  Does anyone know what tribe Chacotay is a member of?  Or where I can
TM>  find out?

   I don't think they were ever specific. Either that, or they made up a tribe.
Maybe someone else here knows better.


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 56 of 225
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .óį 06 .ķā 96 14:41
 To   : Phill Ash
 Subj : Re: F&SF???

PA>          Doesn't anyone talk about Science Fiction & Fantasy
PA>  anymore???
PA>          All I've seen for the past few weeks is babble about the pros
PA>  &
PA>          cons of nuclear power...

   Oh it's still somewhere between those postings. (I kinda expect Nicolai to
clamp down any time now....)


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 57 of 225
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .óį 06 .ķā 96 14:53
 To   : Bianca Wesslak
 Subj : Re: nuclear BS

BW>   TR> Who?  Greenpeace?  ROFL!  I worked for them for a while, until I

BW>   positive, who are the ROFL?  As for burying info which hurts their

   ROFL: a common electronic message expression meaning `Rolling On the Floor,

   Also, Coal burning can add to global warming, and leaves a mildly toxic ash
to be disposed of. Hydroelectric means flooding a valley somewhere. (and what if
it breaks?) I like solar photovoltaic systema, but I know some pretty nasty
stuff (like arsenic) is involved in its production.

   Nothing's perfectly safe.


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 58 of 225
 From : Elizabeth H. Penrose                1:129/26        .cź 07 .ķā 96 06:14
 To   : Phill Ash
 Subj : Personal Favorites.

 MW> The hardest thing I
 MW> think is to blend the edges. In front of the
 MW> mirror it'll look all
 MW> good, then after about an hour, the stuff on
 MW> the applications dries
 MW> to a different color than the stuff on the skin. :-(

How did they do it on the Twilight Zone's "Eye of The Beholder"?

--- Maximus 3.00
 * Origin: SoundingBoard, Pittsburgh PA (1:129/26)

 Msg  : 59 of 225
 From : David Johnston                      1:342/14        .īķ 08 .ķā 96 11:32
 To   : Phill Ash
 Subj : Nuclear
->       I'm an idealist of the highest order and it's plain to me that,
->       due to the advances in medicine and refinement of food and
-> fuel,
->       humanity (as a whole) is slowly becoming stupider and weaker.

Nope.  Merely more adapted to it's present environment.

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
 * Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)

 Msg  : 60 of 225
 From : Nicole Wilson                       1:271/266       .īķ 08 .ķā 96 01:36
 To   : Robert Lidgren

RL>Now, what I'd like to know is more about the story line to date.

RL>1.  Who is this group which seems to want to use any method to get at
RL>    Tom's film and his diary?

No one knows, I've watched this since the beginning and I have two
ideas.  1. a corporation or 2. a government...the US or another one or
possibly even the so-called One World Government conspieracy.

RL>2.  Am I correct in concluding that, at one time, Tom Veil was placed in
RL>    an insane asylum by this group in an effort to coerce him into
RL>    cooperating?

Yes, shortly after the first incedent, where his wife dissapeared in the
resturant in Ep. 1.

RL>3.  Is there anything else in Tom's set of negative that the "group"
RL>    seems to want to get from him?

As far as I know, no, but I only saw one negative closely, he cut them
apart and mailed them all over the country in plain manilla envelopes.

RL>4.  What role, if any has his wife played in this conspiracy.  I.E. do
RL>    you get the impression she is some innocent victim too or is she
RL>    part of the process of "taking out" Tom Veil?

Sometimes I think she has a part in this, but mostly I think she's
innocent. She played along once, when he was in the institution, she
said that she thought it would help him get out.

The whole story reminds me faintly of an episode J. Micheal Straczinski,
(pardon me if I misspelled his name.), wrote for The Twilite Zone.
In which this man lived an Ozzie & Hariet existance, until he noticed a
video camera, after a while he realized his life was being broadcast as
a TV show, once that happened he was fired, lost his house, and his wife
left him. As she walked out the door she said, I was provided by the TV
company, I only stayed with a loser like you because I was getting paid
a pretty penny, no thanks to you I've lost my job.

RL>5.  At any point in the series, has there appeared ANYONE who is playing
RL>    an on-going supporter for Tom?  If there has not, he really IS up to
RL>    his a** in "alligators!" 

Yes, there have been three, a man in the assylum,(more on him in a
minute) his father, and a character played by Dean Stockwell.

The man in the asylum, possibly tom's best chance for freedom, was
killed by the bad guys once they found out he was telling tom what was
going on. See, Tom isn't the only person scr*wed by these people,
this guy was too, as he was about to help tom, the killed him in his
sleep. He told tom something important, but I forgot what it was.
                                      Ciao, Nicole
 ž OLX 2.2 ž America was not discovered by Americans, shame on them.

--- QScan/PCB v1.16b / 01-0765
 * Origin: Olympus BBS, Newport News Va. 804-595-0117 (1:271/266)

 Msg  : 61 of 225
 From : Chris Ogniben                       1:2604/568      .cź 07 .ķā 96 12:03
 To   : Don Bach
 Subj : Star Trek

  I am a trek fan, not a long term one.  But, i seen most of TOS and
all the movies.  I seen all of STTNG and all off Voyager, DS9.. So, i
am a big trek fan.  And, i will always be one, since i love sci fi

--- WM v3.11/93-0947
 * Origin: Waterside BBS - NJ - (201) 641-5375 28.8k  (1:2604/568)

 Msg  : 62 of 225
 From : Chris Ogniben                       1:2604/568      .cź 07 .ķā 96 12:08
 To   : Darre Luallen
 Subj : ST Voyager

  I think people that are trek fans, should stop complaining about the
technobabble.  And have gripe with everything you see.  It is pretty
obvious that when people that just came out of the star fleet academy
are all new to most of what goes on.  And they are well trained.  Most
of the main characters of Voyager, Ds9, and STTNG and the movies.  All
come from areas that they got tons of experience in.. And all seem to
know a lot of things, more than other people.. They only have problems,
in understanding to something that they don't understand, or something
that is new to them.  But, i don't think there is anything wrong, tos
see that most of them have good ideas to get out of problems, and to do
things quickly, than to act dumb.  So, i have no problems with what i
see, i think it's all part of where the characters were, before they
came onto the show, and most characters were very exerienced to what is
to be done and said.

--- WM v3.11/93-0947
 * Origin: Waterside BBS - NJ - (201) 641-5375 28.8k  (1:2604/568)

 Msg  : 63 of 225
 From : Tommy Kellerman                     2:205/356       .cź 07 .ķā 96 03:26
 To   : Robert Lidgren
In a message dated 30-Dec-95 13:09:00, Robert Lidgren wrote:

 RL> Something HAS GONE WRONG when the concept of virtual sex rears its
 RL> head (no pun intended)...  Seems to me that virtual sex is a
 RL> non-starter...sort of like virtual chocolate!

 RL> I don't think so!

 RL> Interacting with people face-to-face has got to be better than
 RL> EXCLUSIVELY meeting people on the Internet or the Fido Net.

 RL> Virtual sex - does it lead to virtual families...?
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