Well, maybe you should think of Virtual Sex more as a complement to
telephone sex, but much more real and more private.
Of course there's always difference between that and the real thing...
And for no other purpose than sheer pleasure.
I'm convinced it's possible to do this today, but expensive and hi-tech
equipment is required... You'd have to wear some kind of body-suit to
simulate human touch, but an alternative method could be plugging in your brain
into the computer directly, through bio-tech devices, putting you
to a dream-like stage, like some form of "suggested dreaming".
Are there really any corporations working on this...?
/// -Tommy K.- \\\
--- Xenolink 1.0 Z.3, EmacsXL.4
* Origin: NoLimit, Furudal +46-258-10071 (2:205/356)
Msg : 64 of 225
From : Tommy Kellerman 2:205/356 .cę 07 .íâ 96 03:28
To : Michael Harper
Subj : Re: Cybersex
In a message dated 28-Dec-95 23:48:44, Michael Harper wrote:
MH> -=> Over coffee and beignets, Mark Jones told Michael Harper all about
MH> Cybersex...
MH> Agreed. But the ones I want to get my lustful paws on are Kristen
MH> Cloke and/or Marie Marshall...
MJ> Uhhmmm....who? Never heard of them.
MH> Kristen Cloke is the dark-haired beauty who plays Vansen on Space:
MH> Above & Beyond. There's something about her that makes me want to grab
MH> her and run into the woods...
And what would happen in there...? =)
/// -Tommy K.- \\\
--- Xenolink 1.0 Z.3, EmacsXL.4
* Origin: NoLimit, Furudal +46-258-10071 (2:205/356)
Msg : 65 of 225
From : Tommy Kellerman 2:205/356 .cę 07 .íâ 96 21:08
To : All
Subj : V
Hiya All!
Does anyone know how many episodes of "V" that are available?
In Sweden they've shown about twelve, but I suspect
there are more available.
I'd like to purchase some PAL-standard VHS tapes, if any around... ?
/// -Tommy K.- \\\ * May Every Year Be Better Than The Last *
--- Xenolink 1.0 Z.3, EmacsXL.4
* Origin: NoLimit, Furudal +46-258-10071 (2:205/356)
Msg : 66 of 225
From : Boris CDuke 2:463/2.22 .åō 11 .íâ 96 02:10
To : Rudy Hardy
Subj : Space: Above & Beyond Episode List Wanted
Hi Rudy!
RH> Does someone have the episode list of the series "Space: Above &
RH> Beyond". Thanks in advance.
I would appreciate to get one as well.
RH> Good Bye,
Bestest, Boris
* Origin: Imagineering (2:463/2.22)
Msg : 67 of 225
From : Phill Ash 1:275/160 .ōp 09 .íâ 96 09:30
To : Robert Lidgren
Subj : F&SF???
.TID: GE 1.11+
RL> Don't despair, the people here are generally a pretty nifty and
RL> well-eductaed group with a very wide range of interests. Just drop
RL> your subject with something of substance to comment upon and I think
RL> you will be very pleasantly surprised. Cheers,
True... so, how do you like Philly this year? =)
No really...
Have *you* heard anything confirming or denying the return of
And to pick-up on a thread from a while back...
What kinds of worlds should the Sliders encounter????
Your pal: PhlAsh
ū Ųystertags v1.1 ū Home isn't pretty. Ain't no home for me
~~~ ReneWave v1.01 [NR]
--- Smile :)
* Origin: * The Beast's Lair * (804)498-3070 * Va Beach VA * (1:275/160)
Msg : 68 of 225
From : Judy Hayes 1:154/40 .pä 10 .íâ 96 07:19
To : Phill Ash
Subj : Re: Personal Favorites.
->Quoshara grinned at Phill and said, "Personal Favorites.? No problem!"
PA> Paint the appliance with Kryolan "Rubber Mask Grease Paint"
PA> and the skin with an appropriate BenNye color on a
PA> well-moisturized foundation.
JH> Thanks!
JH> Should I be able to find the Rubber mask paint in the same place I buy
JH> my stage makeup?
PA> Around here, the place to go is Dr. Bob's Theatricity.
PA> There's a place in NYC called Paramount Theatrical Supplies (at
PA> least I think that's right...it's been so long since I dealt
PA> with them!) that has a nice mail-order catalog.
Errr....maybe I just should have asked - "Is it easily available?" VA is a
little bit too far for me to go.
... Of course I'm sane. The voices tell me so.
* Origin: Anonymous BBS -=- Non plus Ultra -=- 414-251-2580 (1:154/40)
Msg : 69 of 225
From : Darre LuAllen 1:3637/1 .ōp 09 .íâ 96 10:46
To : Sean Cooper
Subj : Re: Star Trek
On 12-31-95 Sean Cooper wrote to Michael Harper...
RE: Re: Star Trek
BY: Michael Harper to Aaron Turon on Tue Dec 26 1995 11:58:36
-=> Over coffee and beignets, Aaron Turon told Everyone
-=> all about Star Trek
This message gets around.
AT> Does ANYONE out there like Star Trek?
AT> Please respond!
MH> astonishing Babylon 5. The days when Trek was the only sf series worth
MH> watching are long gone.
MH> I love Babylon 5.
SC> Well, I kinda' like X-Files, B5 sucks and Alien Nation is
SC> okay...I guess..
To start: I'm a B5 fan(atic)... you aren't going to convert me, however...
I'd like for you to support your statement: B5 sucks.
I'm not going to flame you, but I'd love to hear why you dislike this
show. Let's talk. ;>
Darre LuAllen
Puttin' on the
Listening Ears
* OFFLINE 1.56 * C:\DAMSEL.EXE crosslinked with DISTRESS.COM...RESCUE?
--- Maximus/2 3.01
* Origin: Cumberland BBS TN 615/526-3347 V34 (1:3637/1)
Msg : 70 of 225
From : Joel Ranger 1:256/105 .ōp 09 .íâ 96 10:44
To : Robert Siemborski
> I missed the start of this thread, but I enjoy Nowhere Man as well...
> I missed the first episode (both times it aired) and I'm kicking myself
> for it. My friend told me several things were set up in that episode
> (the breaking glasses, and the cigar/pencil thing).
Yeah, I like the cigar plot....of course, now anytime he sees someone
doing it, he automatically distrusts them....
I also missed the pilot the first time it was on....programmed my VCR
wrong....luckily, I have a friend that taped it so I got to see it...
When it starts repeating them again, I am really going to have to tape
In your opinion, how long do you think they should/can keep the current
plot going? How long is Tom going to be on the run, always looking out
for 'Them'?
... Mynocks... yeah, chewin' on the power cab#%#*(^@*!... NO CARRIER
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- FLAME v1.1
* Origin: Certa Cito. Lanark County, Ontario. 613-264-8114 (1:256/105)
Msg : 71 of 225
From : Nicolai Shapero 1:102/524 .ōp 09 .íâ 96 07:52
To : Jackson Raster
Subj : Re: More faves...
Guess what? Another rant like the last one, and you get a ninety day
suspension. I'm not in the mood for games, fellow.
-- Nicolai Shapero, Moderator of the SFFAN echo
--- msged 2.06
* Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)
Msg : 72 of 225
From : Chip Griffin 1:320/301 .îí 08 .íâ 96 13:51
To : The Raven
Subj : Re: nuclear
On 01/08/96 (@13:48:40) The Raven typed:
TR> You aren't thinking it through. Put the collectors in orbit. Several
TR> of them, placed at the right spots, and you never have the problem of
TR> overcast days or the sun not shining. Have the collectors convert the
TR> light into microwaves, beam the microwaves to large antennas on the
TR> surface, then convert the microwaves to electricity. Simple. Large
TR> initial investment which pays for itself very quickly.
Actually I had thought it through! You just added TWO more conversions into
the process which will make it MUCH less efficient. In Nuclear power we
consider ~30% efficiency pretty good and I think you will have less efficiency
then that! Besides, on the scale necessary to be useful you would need to
make MEGAWATTS of power and beam it through the atmostphere ... what about
airplanes? What if one should pass through that airspace? What about
lifeforms (ie birds)? We're talking crispy critters here!
de Chip [N1MIE] President of TRAUG quarry@q.continuum.net
--- MacKennel 2.2.1
* Origin: The Quarry: 860-889-6427 -- Amateur Radio & Mac User (1:320/301.0)
Msg : 73 of 225
From : Chip Griffin 1:320/301 .îí 08 .íâ 96 14:02
To : James Woodcock
Subj : re: nuclear safety
On 01/08/96 (@13:52:29) James Woodcock typed:
MD> Nuclear power is the most cost-effective and nearly the safest.
JW> Until it fucks up...look under 'Chernobyl' or 'Three Mile Island'
I don't think you get it. I work on a site with three nuclear units. At
least two of them have gone over 1 BILLION MEGAWATT-HOURs. That is enough
between the two for over 30 years of power for Connecticut not counting the
other unit on our site, the one on the CT river, the two in Massachusetts, and
the one in New Hampshire. With the hundreds of units around the world there
are probably hundreds of thousands of hours of operation without an incident.
Browns-Ferry, TMI, Chernobyl and others helped us all learn some valuable
lessons. As far as the US goes, a Chernobyl-style incident is IMPOSSIBLE!
Due to the inherent instability and danger of their design they were a
disaster waiting to happen. Lets just say that while graphite (their
moderator, necessary for all nuclear reactors) will burn, ours (water) won't!
The bottom line is that don't let the fact that all we get is bad press over a
few small (and fewer not so small, with one biggie) incidents ... don't let
that convince you that nuclear power isn't what is best for the world. With
the given technology we have today, nuclear power is the BEST
"bang-for-the-buck" bar NONE!
de Chip [N1MIE] President of TRAUG quarry@q.continuum.net