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Ęîíôåđåíöčč - SFFAN Âåņü ōåęņō 5859.38 Kb

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1 ... 236 237 238 239 240 241 242  243 244 245 246 247 248 249 ... 500
 To   : Frank Glover
 Subj : nuclear
.TID: GE 1.11+

 FG> Along that line, (understand that I haven't read it yet, just
 FG> skimmed in a bookstore) Kevin Anderson and Doug Beason have a new
 FG> novel  involving a not-fully-tested oil-eating microbe for cleaning up
 FG> spills.  Turns out the bug is hardier and better able to survive in
 FG> nature than  expected, spreads, and begins to destroy *all* petroleum
 FG> (and, I  *think* some petroleum derived products) it ends up in. You
 FG> can imagine  results similar to your scenario.

        THat was done in a Destroyer book in the early '80s!

Your pal:  PhlAsh
 ū Ųystertags v1.1 ū Your green tree mantle from which these things derive
~~~ ReneWave v1.01 [NR]
--- Smile :)
 * Origin: * The Beast's Lair * (804)498-3070 * Va Beach VA * (1:275/160)

 Msg  : 133 of 225
 From : Tisha Mcgary                        1:350/33        .ōp 09 .íâ 96 18:03
 To   : Frank Glover
 Subj : Re: Startrek Voyager

 FG>    I don't think they were ever specific. Either that,
 FG> or they made up a tribe. Maybe someone else here knows
 FG> better.

        I KNOW they've never mentioned it.  I have re-watched episodes 1 thru
14.  I was just hoping I could contact one of those dedicated Trekers who have
books and logs and scripts and inside info...probably even the producers phone
number... to help me on this one.
        Thanks for the reply tho, It's good to see someone listening.


--- Maximus 2.02
 * Origin: The PYRAMID bbs (1:350/33)

 Msg  : 134 of 225
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .ōp 09 .íâ 96 17:26
 To   : J.T. SMITH
-> Well, I can think of instances where it wouldn't be such a bad thing.
-> I mean, there are people that I wouldn't mind sleeping with, but if I
-> did, me fiance would kill me.  OTOH, in the virtual realm, ye could
-> experiment and nae anyone would get hurt.  Only an idea.  (Besides,
-> in the same vein, ye could possibly experiment with ideas that ye've
-> always wanted to try but are socially unacceptable.  In this realm,
-> what other people don't know canna hurt ye.)

Well put but I'm not really interested in virtual sex.  The real thing
is better INMHO.  I'm not interested in Virtual Ebola Viri either - nor
the real kind either.  I do think virtual TRAVEL would be really nifty
though.  I'd love to take a trip on the Space Shuttle and the virtusal
form might be neat.  I'd also like to rappel down the side of the
Matterhorn, shoot the rapids of the Colorado River and dive down into an
active volcano - all neat virtual experiences.  Somehow a virtual "kiss"
would lose much in translation - same as a virtual hug.  However, for
the permanently disabled I can see good reasons for further exploration!

Cheers and thanks for sending me your message.  I enjoyed your ideas.

--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 135 of 225
 From : Don Dellmann                        1:154/40        .˙ō 12 .íâ 96 05:14
 To   : Bianca Wesslak
 Subj : nuclear BS
While tripping merrily through the mail, Bianca Wesslak was overheard

 DD> control it, and the methods they use are criminal, in fact felonious,
 DD> by the laws of every civilized nation in the world.
 BW> I cannot and will not believe such a statement.  Do they attack you?
 BW> Who are most of their attacks aimed at, If I am not mistaken, they
 BW> are aimed at corporations.  As for their methods, in a weird way I
 BW> kinda agree with them.  Those trees and plants out there are
 BW> beautiful entities. They need to be protected.

Spiking a tree so the logger is badly injured when he hits it with his
chainsaw is not striking against a corporation, it's a felonius attack on
an individual.  Destroying the livlihood of an entire state is not an
attack against a corporation, it's an assault on PEOPLE.

The loggers are doing more to protect the forests with selective cutting
and replanting than they are "destroying" them.  Because of the efforts
of the logging companies, there are more acres of forest in the US today
than there were when Columbus arrived (according to the US Forest Service).

 BW> maybe put some turbines floating in the gulf stream or something, the
 BW> force of ocean currents could maybe turn those things.  It would have
 BW> to be safe guarded against, and safe guarded for the animals currently
 BW> still able to live in the worlds oceans.

There are environmentally safe ways to generate electricity, they're just not
economically feasible.  Nuclear is the cleanest and safest technology we have
available today that can be deployed on a large enough scale to meet our
energy needs.

 BW> believe in the old ways would.  Chief seattle would.  I'm pretty sure
 BW> they're are other ecclectic people,  especially the native tribal
 BW> people who still utilize their old ways.

The "native Americans" had a whole continent, one of the richest in the world
in natural resources, and they didn't do anything with it.

Good stewardship of resources means using them, and exploiting them wisely.
Allowing the land to "lie fallow" and run wild is NOT good stewardship.


... Exercise your right to arm and keep bears!
 * Origin: Anonymous BBS -=- Non plus Ultra -=- 414-251-2580 (1:154/40)

 Msg  : 136 of 225
 From : Denis Lamy                          1:167/420       .îí 08 .íâ 96 08:21
 To   : Trevor Pack
 Subj : X-files
<** Le 06-Jan-96, TREVOR PACK disait Å ALL: **>

TP> Did anybody see the one on killer cockroaches? Want to talk about it.

Let's just say that Bambi made quite an impression on Scully that made her
show some feeling for Mulder.

Au plaisir de vous lire,

Denis Lamy
Trois-Rivieres (Quebec, Canada)
 * VbReader 3.0 #67 * Un Trou Noir, c'est la ou Dieu divisa par "0"...
--- FidoPCB v1.5 beta-'e'
 * Origin: Innovatron, St-Boniface, QC (819)535-9072 (1:167/420)

 Msg  : 137 of 225
 From : Nicolai Shapero                     1:102/524       .åō 11 .íâ 96 06:43
 To   : Chris Thurman
 Subj : Science Fiction
On , Chris Thurman (1:141/415) wrote to All Girls:

 CT>If any girls are looking for a guy who like science fiction then
 CT>call on your phone, not the modem, ***-**** and ask for Mike.  He

Ahem.  This is not the international date conference.  This is the SFFAN
conference.  And while it has been said that "anything that two fen do is
fanac", I do believe that you are pushing the envelope more than a trifle.

Please restrict such postings to other conferences.

Thank you for your cooperation,

-- Nicolai Shapero, Moderator of the SFFAN echo

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 138 of 225
 From : Nicolai Shapero                     1:102/524       .åō 11 .íâ 96 06:46
 To   : Chip Griffin
 Subj : Re: nuclear
On , Chip Griffin (1:320/301) wrote to The Raven:

 CG>then that!  Besides, on the scale necessary to be useful you
 CG>would need to
 CG>make MEGAWATTS of power and beam it through the atmostphere ...
 CG>what about
 CG>airplanes?  What if one should pass through that airspace?  What
 CG>lifeforms (ie birds)?  We're talking crispy critters here!

No, you are not talking about crispy critters.  Broadcast power has already been
tested (JPL, quite a few years ago).  The beam is spread out enough that there's
not a serious problem with birds, animals or planes.

-- Nicolai Shapero, the Mad Russian Sysop of StormGate Aerie

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 139 of 225
 From : Nicolai Shapero                     1:102/524       .åō 11 .íâ 96 06:54
 To   : Chip Griffin
 Subj : Re: NUCLEAR paradox?
On , Chip Griffin (1:320/301) wrote to Chris Baugh:

CB> Fusion is much less safe than fusion?

 CG>Ooops.  Fusion is MUCH less safe than FISSION (at least with what
 CG>we know

Since we haven't GOT controlled fusion yet, we really don't know enough to judge
which would be really safer.  The long term unpleasant effects of using fusion
might be fewer than fission (less waste, potentially).

-- Nicolai Shapero, the Mad Russian Sysop of StormGate Aerie

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 140 of 225
 From : Nicolai Shapero                     1:102/524       .åō 11 .íâ 96 06:56
 To   : Chip Griffin
 Subj : Re: nuclear BS
On , Chip Griffin (1:320/301) wrote to Bianca Wesslak:

 CG>Gamma is a particle wave similar to light (but higher energy and
 CG>wave length).  Your microwave emits these to cook your food.

I thought that microwaves used a somewhat different range of the electromagnetic
spectrum.  As in, radio band?

-- Nicolai Shapero, the Mad Russian Sysop of StormGate Aerie

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 141 of 225
 From : Nicolai Shapero                     1:102/524       .åō 11 .íâ 96 06:53
 To   : Chip Griffin
 Subj : Re: NUCLEAR
On , Chip Griffin (1:320/301) wrote to The Raven:

 CG>waste?  How many solar panels?  With how much land taken?  How

Another factor to consider on solar panels. Manufacturing those toys is not
free...it costs materials AND ENERGY.  What is the "break even" point on a
panel, wrt energy expenditure?

-- Nicolai Shapero, the Mad Russian Sysop of StormGate Aerie

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 142 of 225
 From : Kay Shapero                         1:102/524       .åō 11 .íâ 96 10:51
 To   : Chip Griffin
 Subj : Re: nuclear BS
On , Chip Griffin (1:320/301) wrote to The Raven:

TR> very simple. Reactor cores don't explode.  Period.  They can have a
TR> catastrophic meltdown, they can have radioactive coolant leaks, but

they do

TR> not go up in a cascade of nuclear fire a'la a nuclear bomb.  They

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1 ... 236 237 238 239 240 241 242  243 244 245 246 247 248 249 ... 500
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