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 CG>Actually I can think of one example where you are wrong, and

 CG>days) too fast or something and had a "steam explosion".  All

How's that a counter example?  Your very post indicates that you know the
difference between a steam explosion (which is mechanical in nature and can
happen in just about any kind of power plant that uses hot water) and a nuclear
explosion, which is what the Raven appears to have been talking about.

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 143 of 225
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .åō 11 .íâ 96 22:09
 To   : Bianca Wesslak
 Subj : Re: nuclear BS

BW>   BW>   TR> Who?  Greenpeace?  ROFL!  I worked for them for a while,
BW>  until I
BW>   FG> ROFL: a common electronic message expression meaning `Rolling On
BW>   FG> the
BW>  Floor, Laughing.'
BW>   When it was first posted I thought it was an acronym for something?

   And so it is. It's just not an organization. (Watch for the list of acronyms
to be posted here now and then. Most of it is primairily SF oriented, some are
general net expressions.)

BW>   FG> Also, Coal burning can add to global warming, and leaves a
BW>  mildly
BW>   did I say I was for coal burning?  I don't remember typing anything
BW>  for it?

   You didn't. I was making the point that even non-nuclear sources of energy
all have their drawbacks and hazards.

BW>  toxic ash to be disposed of. Hydroelectric means flooding a valley
BW>   FG>
BW>  somewhere. (and what if it breaks?)
BW>   Not all the time, Niagra falls isn't flooding a valley.  That's why
BW>  I said
BW>   niagra.  I was meaning hydroelectric via river falls.

   But most hydropower does come from dams. There aren't that many useable
waterfalls. (It would even be possible to use *all* the water flowing down the
Niagara River for hydropower, but that would destroy the scenic/tourist value of
the falls. More is diverted in winter than summer when it's less noticable. I
know whereof I speak. I'm 90 miles from it, and go there at least once a year
for the Contradiction SF convention, and other reasons. Rochester also has
limited hydropower of its own, plus coal and nuclear generation.)

BW>   I like solar photovoltaic
BW>   FG> systema,
BW>  but I know some pretty nasty stuff (like arsenic) is
BW>   FG> involved in its
BW>  production.
BW>   that's is one of it's bad sides granted but I like it a lot better
BW>  than
BW>   a lot of current methods.

  So do I, but again it does involve hazardous materials in its production
(Which can be dangerous *forever.* Even plutonium *eventually* decays into
something less dangerous.) And has limited use in areas like mine where there's
a greater likelyhood of cloud cover, than, say, Arizona.)

   Again, nothing is perfectly safe. And some risks are more subtle (or
unconsciously accepted) than others. I don't dwell on the fact that my car
carries enough gasoline to turn me into toast, I just drive carefully....


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 144 of 225
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .åō 11 .íâ 96 22:30
 To   : Chris Thurman
 Subj : Re: Science Fiction

CT>  If any girls are looking for a guy who like science fiction then call
CT>  on your phone, not the modem, 386-0660 and ask for Mike.  He is an

   I'm not planning to call the guy (who may not want his number plastered on an
international Fidonet echo anyway), but you realize you didn't supply an area


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 145 of 225
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .åō 11 .íâ 96 22:40
 To   : Mark Jones

MJ>  fiancee might be just as angry about your virtual infidelities as
MJ>  she'd be about a flesh-and-blood tryst.  Possibly more so--she
MJ>  probably can safely assume that no matter how much you drool over
MJ>  [insert starlet of your choice here], the chances of your actually
MJ>  sleeping with her in reality are pretty slim.  If she's available on
MJ>  a
MJ>  $19.95 rental disk, though....

   You know, we've seen plenty of hints of this in Star Trek's
holodecks/holosuites. Remember the attempt to do an unauthorized scan of Major
Kira so as to incorporate her into a scenario for one of Quark's customers? Or
when that warpdrive engineer learned that Geordi had used a construct of her to
help solve a previous problem (and she jumped to the wrong conclusion as to just
what the problem was?).

  Or a remark in anger from Wesley; "At least I don't have to get my women in
the holodeck!" And there's Barclay's former addiction....

   Me, I can see it now; "Computer, run program `Madonna1, version 3."


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 146 of 225
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .åō 11 .íâ 96 22:42
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : Re: Nuclear

MJ>  the planet with better-suited descendents.  (I don't know about
MJ>  anyone
MJ>  else, but *I* need glasses.  And I'd be dead if not for the existence

   Ever seen the Twilight Zone episode with Burgess Merideth as a man who simply
wished to be left alone to read? Then he finds himself the only survivor of a
nuclear attack, but the libraries are intact?

   Then he breaks his glasses....?


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 147 of 225
 From : Ken Mayes                           1:393/7         .˙ō 12 .íâ 96 07:35
 To   : All
 Subj : Re: nuclear BS
        To me one of the greatest dangers of nuclear power is over dependence on
it. We already rely far too heavily on it.

        The law of averages say that eventually there will be a major accident
here in the U.S. Not like the little one at TMI, but a big Chernobyl style
release of radiation. A full meltdown...not a partial melt down but a full blown
explosion destroying the containment building and many others around it. When
that happens, public opinion will turn so far against nuclear. People that now
don't give a hoot one way or the other will become rabidly anti-nuclear once the
full impact of such an event hits their pocket book. I'm talking the expenses of
relocating millions of people, refugee camps, the resultant economic collapse
and the geniune fear of the unknown which will pervade the populace.
        Protests at nuclear plants jumped after TMI. After an event of this
magnitude...and again the law of averages dictate that one will eventually
happen...many plants will literally be stormed and workers killed by angry mobs.
No senator or representative in his or her right mind will publicly advocate
nuclear power in such a public opinion enviroment. The government will be forced
to either shut down the nuclear industry or face a possible revolt. Guess which
they'll choose. That's when the over-dependence will come into play. Shut those
reactors down and you shut down the economy. We're talking major economic
depression here. Mark my words. One major accident...kiss our way of life
goodbye. The US will be lucky to emerge at the the level of a third world

Just my thoughts on the subject...

--- CNet/3
 * Origin: The Bard's Tavern Denton, TX (817)243-5110 USR 28.8   (1:393/7)

 Msg  : 148 of 225
 From : Jo De Man                           2:291/1102.10   .pä 10 .íâ 96 19:59
 To   : Star Hawk
 Subj : Weber
Hello Star!

07 Jan 96, Star Hawk writes to Jo De Man:

 [>> Jo De Man [> Heard his next book (inheriters of the empire or
 [>> something like that) is in this series (sounds good)


 [>> Jo De Man [> Any idea when it will be out ? (the sooner the
 [>> better)
 SH>      Nope! No idea at all [sorry this is so late, been busy with other
 SH> matters and let my mail pile up].

From what I hear, it'll be out in march (www site baen books).

        Bye ! ,
Fidonet         : 2:291/1102.10

... Wie leeft van compileren, sterft van de bugs.
--- FMail/386 1.02
 * Origin: Meulebeest BBS: It's life Jim, but not as we know it (2:291/1102.10)

 Msg  : 149 of 225
 From : Kevin Ahearn                        1:109/104       .˙ō 12 .íâ 96 19:42
 To   : Frank Glover

 FG>    Me, I can see it now; "Computer, run program `Madonna1, version 3."

Madonna?  YEEEEEESH.  For your sake, I hope the program crashes...

--Kevin, waiting for "Cameron Diaz 2.1" (version 1 will probably be full of

--- Maximus/2 3.01
 * Origin: ShanErin (1:109/104)

 Msg  : 150 of 225
 From : Dennis Rayburn                      1:3664/7        .åō 04 .íâ 96 22:36
 To   : All
 Subj : Open Letter to Trekdom
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  94-0324
To the national leaders of all Star Trek Organizations, I greet you.

For years, each of our organizations have been in existence, working for
the preservation, enjoyment, and fun of our specific part of Trek

One noticeable thing has been missing over the years:  communications and
cooperation between our respective groups.

Each of you are aware as I am, that there are issues on the horizon that
separately, we would not be heard, but together, in an united front, we
could be a voice for those who would not be heard individually.

Therefore, to open a channel for dialogue between organizations, I want
to personally invite you to meet with me at MidSouth Con in Memphis, TN,
March 22-24.  The purpose of this get together will be to open up
communications and to explore the possible formation of a "Trek Fan
Council".  This council, which would be comprised of one representative
from each organization, would serve as a sort of United Nations, where
all groups would retain their individual identities and freedoms.  The
difference would be that the Council would serve as a combined voice of
fandom in Trek related matters, and as the channel of communications
between our respective groups.

The recent Treaty of Peace between the Romulan Star Empire, the Western
Fleet of Klingon Assault Group, the Klingon Imperial States, and the
United Federation of Planets, Internationale', as well as private
contacts between myself and some of you has shown a clear interest in
this project.

I invite and urge you to join me in Memphis in March, to explore these
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