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Brutal combat in Swordsman VR!
Swords, Blood in VR: EPIC BATTLES in Swordsman!
Demon's Souls |#15| Dragon God
Demon's Souls |#14| Flamelurker

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Rambler's Top100
Ęîíôåđåíöčč - SFFAN Âåņü ōåęņō 5859.38 Kb

ėāé 1995 - ņåíō˙áđü 1996

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opportunities, meet and get to know your counterparts in Trekdom, and
together, let's work for the betterment of Trekdom as a whole.

I realize that some of you may not be able to personally attend.  If
this is the case, please feel free to appoint and send a representative
to the meeting.

If you are interested, please feel free to email me at any of the
addresses below.

In service to Trekdom,

Rev. Dennis Rayburn
President, UFPI

Internet:  phoenix@stinger.com

Snail Mail:  UFPI
             P. O. Box 1515
             Paris, TN 38242
 * TLX v3.30 * UFPI Headquarters, Sector 001

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: Light and Life BBS - Paris, TN 901-642-3884  (1:3664/7.0)

 Msg  : 151 of 225
 From : Joel Ranger                         1:256/105       .˙ō 12 .íâ 96 19:25
 To   : Robert Lidgren
> No, I missed the Stockwell episodes but did read up about them at the
> NOWHERE MAN web site.  I would like to see more of him.  I remember
> him as an actor with great craftsmanship.  He would be a great
> assistance to Tom as he treks across the U.S.  Heck, why not let Tom

If I remember the episode though...Tom turns in Dean at the end, so that
he'll want to go on living

> venture up into my country, Canada - not a bad idea.  And consider
> this:  X-Files is filmed in and around Vancouver, B.C. in Canada and
> Sliders and Highlander has been filmed here as well.

Canada....now there's an idea....maybe "they" wouldn't like stomping
through the deep, frozen wilderness that Canada is ....he'd be
perfectly safe up here....

> Once again, it is the writing, the character development and the
> growth, the chalenges, and the evolution of the series which will make
> or break NOWHERE MAN.

I hope it doesn't break it....I am really starting to enjoy it....almost
as much as I enjoyed watching "The Prisoner"...

> BTW:  I think there is a NOWHERE MAN site either on FidoNet or on
> the Internet.  When I track it down again, I'll post a general
> message to "ALL" about it.

If you do find one, let me know....



... Revenge is best served in microwavable cookware.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- FLAME v1.1
 * Origin: Certa Cito. Lanark County, Ontario. 613-264-8114 (1:256/105)

 Msg  : 152 of 225
 From : Eric Coleman                        1:221/1050      .pä 03 .íâ 96 14:14
 Subj : Re: Good Ole Riker...

 RL> He always struck me as an actor who took on his role in STTNG
 RL> with great earnest and a zest for life.  Has anyone seen or heard
 RL> anything else about Frakes?

        He also does a voice for the cartoon Gargoyles.

... If we don't stop censorship now, we're ÛÛÛÛÛked.
--- Blue Wave/Max v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin: Five Guys BBS (1:221/1050)

 Msg  : 153 of 225
 From : Donald Sohn                         1:109/369       .ķá 13 .íâ 96 00:39
 To   : Denis Lamy
 Subj : X-files

 DL> <** Le 06-Jan-96, TREVOR PACK disait Å ALL: **>
TP> Did anybody see the one on killer cockroaches?
TP> Want to talk about it.

 DL> Let's just say that Bambi made quite an impression
 DL> on Scully that made her
 DL> show some feeling for Mulder.

She was quite jealous.  Scully IS the only woman in Mulder's life besides his
mother you know.

--- Maximus/2 3.01
 * Origin: UFOria (Clifton, VA) 703-803-6420 (1:109/369)

 Msg  : 154 of 225
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .pä 10 .íâ 96 18:13
 To   : Bianca Wesslak
 Subj : nuclear
On (07 Jan 96) Bianca Wesslak wrote to Phill Ash...

 BW> To be honest, no idea. buy a lot of candles, then again no
 BW> electricity I'd be out of a job. Hope someone would teach me how
 BW> to hunt, probably go to a reservation and beg and plead for some
 BW> lessons. Probably go find cookie a friend of mine with connection
 BW> to some native americans. I would not mind living the lifestyle.
 BW> Oh of course I'd moan and groan for a while but then who
 BW> wouldn't. What bout batteries. why would the electricity be gone?
 BW> Our ancestors did it, I don't see why we couldn't, and by some
 BW> people it is argued that they had more leisure time than we do?

Why would the electricity be gone?  Maybe it just "went away".  (The
novel ARIEL describes such a situation--a very good fantasy story,

The problem with your plan--learning to hunt and hang out on a
reservation--is that about 200,000,000 other people will be having
much the same idea.  And the land can't possibly support even a tiny
fraction of that many.  Remember--the native american population was
*tiny* compared to what we have today, and they had all of the
completely undeveloped continent to hunt.  Large tracts of the
continent are now buried under concrete or cut up into farmland or
suburbs and thus unsuitable for supporting the game that might support
YOU (and me and everyone else).

It may be that some hunter/gatherer cultures had more leisure time
than we do--and then again, maybe they didn't.  But if they did, it
was because they had very lush, very productive land to forage from.
Most primitives didn't.  That kind of land was limited; most had to
work harder on less fertile lands just to survive.

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: Folcroft Sanitarium (hsmith@cure.com) (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 155 of 225
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .pä 10 .íâ 96 18:20
 To   : Emilio Ares
 Subj : X-files
On (09 Jan 96) Emilio Ares wrote to Trevor Pack...

 EA> What did you think about the "cockroaches as robot explorers from
 EA> space" theory? A logical and relatively inexpensive method of
 EA> exploration and/or military reconnasaince. What kind of
 EA> impression would we be making if this was a preliminary study
 EA> prior to joining the Galactic Union or something?

Or something.  I just finished DRAKON (the new Draka novel by S. M.
[STEVE] Stirling).  One of the technologies you encounter in this
novel is just that--robot "cockroaches" used for espionage.  When the
Draka and the Samothracians both have four hundred years worth of
nanotech and bio-engineering to work with, the limits are...broad.
The spyroaches are one of the simpler devices employed in the story.

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: Folcroft Sanitarium (hsmith@cure.com) (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 156 of 225
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .åō 11 .íâ 96 23:28
 To   : Bianca Wesslak
 Subj : nuclear BS
On (09 Jan 96) Bianca Wesslak wrote to Don Dellmann...

 DD> Their political agenda is to control our country the way they
 DD> want to control it, and the methods they use are criminal, in
 DD> fact felonious, by the laws of every civilized nation in the
 DD> world.
 BW> I cannot and will not believe such a statement. Do they attack
 BW> you? Who are most of their attacks aimed at, If I am not
 BW> mistaken, they are aimed at corporations.

And since when does committing a felony against a corporation make it
less of a felony?

 BW> That is why I said niagra. Maybe wind is not reliable but it can
 BW> be used in conjunction with geo thermal, solar, and
 BW> hydroelectric. And I am pretty sure there has got to be a way to
 BW> make electric power in which we are so bleeping dependent on in
 BW> conjunction with the enviroment. Going back to the upper
 BW> schematic, when those turbines move, they have in them a magnet
 BW> do they not which when turning makes electricity. I'm sure if we
 BW> had a bunch of people thinking of safe, and enviromentally sound
 BW> ways to make it they could come up with something. I don't know
 BW> maybe put some turbines floating in the gulf stream or something,
 BW> the force of ocean currents could maybe turn those things. It
 BW> would have to be safe guarded against, and safe guarded for the
 BW> animals currently still able to live in the worlds oceans.

We've already put hydroelectric power plants on most of the available
watercourses.  As for wind and solar and geothermal--there simply
isn't ENOUGH of it to power our civilization.  A high-tech
civilization requires vast amounts of energy, and the only available
sources concentrated enough to do the job are fossil fuels and nuclear

 BW> all my major hunting in stores. And if I was to huddle in my cave
 BW> I darn well would use fire, caves are not cold, they have a
 BW> consistent temp, year round. They are also humid and have rock
 BW> and sand and stuff, not easy to have an out of control fire in
 BW> there. I was using fire as a metaphor.

Caves can be *very* cold sometimes.  And ask submariners about the
danger of fire in "nonflammable" areas like steel submarines....

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: Folcroft Sanitarium (hsmith@cure.com) (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 157 of 225
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .˙ō 12 .íâ 96 18:46

I couldn't agree more.  One need not be fed sit-com "PABLUM" all the
time.  Heck, even X-Files makes you "pay-attention!"  I think TV
executives frequently UNDERESTIMATE the intelligence of the public.
Some of us WANT TO BE CHALLENGED.  Some of us want to have to think
about stories and mull them over and, yes, even discuss them for more
than 30 seconds.

Tom Veil is in a situation that evolves and we are not certain just hwat
is coming up mext.  I cannot usually precit just what will happen next
nor what the next episode will entail.  On top of that I LIKE the fact
that it hasn't become a show which is SUPER POPULAR.  When that happens,
it seems to take some of the mystique out of the series (some not all).

Don't worry that you Dad has different tastes.  That's fine too.  Never
put-down others who may not appreciate things you do.  It may be
DISAPPOINTING but it doesn't make others cretins.

For example, I am not a huge SPORTS FAN - never have been. I do watch
the odd NHL hockey game, CFL or NFL football game, some basketball but
hardly any.  I always watch tennis when it comes to Wimbledon and The
U.S. Open.  Moreover, I get a kick out of figure skating.  However,
people do LIVE for sport and that's okay with me.  I just won't stay
inside on Sundays watching back-to-back football.  However, I will watch
X-Files and NOWHERE MAN and some DS9 and Voyager.  I'll even take in
Murphy Brown or Frasier when the mood strikes as well as Seinfeld.
Different tastes for different people and for different times.

My Dad and I used to watch The Prisoner religiously when it was first
broadcast (we got hooked right off).  Ergo, I still like seeing re-runs.

I am always HOPEFUL when new science fiction or fantasy series appear
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