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Swords, Blood in VR: EPIC BATTLES in Swordsman!
Demon's Souls |#15| Dragon God
Demon's Souls |#14| Flamelurker
Demon's Souls |#13| Storm King

Äđķãčå čãđû...

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Rambler's Top100
Ęîíôåđåíöčč - SFFAN Âåņü ōåęņō 5859.38 Kb

ėāé 1995 - ņåíō˙áđü 1996

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1 ... 322 323 324 325 326 327 328  329 330 331 332 333 334 335 ... 500
old students who are drop-outs from the comprehensive schools
because they lacked the money to pay high school tuition.  The
school attempts to teach each boy and girl a skill or trade
suitable to earning a living in this small English speaking West
African country.  The school is GROSSLY INADEQUATE and the
facilities and equipment used in the instructional process are
either antiquated, in poor repair, or non-existent.  (For
example, a computer class was using an early model of the WANG
Word Processor.  We have gotten rid of this, and now use a single
IBM 286 in a class with ten students.)

     F A C E S seek thirty computers (and additional components,
listed below) to be used for instructional purposes in its
adopted school in The Gambia.  These computer materials may be
old or out of date as any materials will be useful (i.e. 286 or
386 computers/laptops, old versions of software etc.).  It is
hoped that the computers can be shipped in time to be installed
and dedicated on May 18th (the dedication date of the computer

     Computers (30) preferably laptops
          (they are less expensive to ship)
     Printers (10-15)
     Any assorted other hardware
     (cables, mice, scanners, modem/fax cards, etc.)
     (preferably useful educational and wordprocessing materials)

     F A C E S will also establish a media and instructional
technology center at the Presidential Award Scheme School.  All
kinds of technical equipment, normally used in American Schools
are needed here.  Especially needed, in addition to the
computers, are copiers, film and slide projectors and a number of
other items (listed below) to improve the quality of the
instruction process.  At present, there is none of the equipment
which we take for granted, to assist the teachers in the
educational process.  We therefore plan to present the school
with the following equipment to be used by teachers, students and
administrators to achieve the goals of the school.  The
Instructional Technology Center will be housed in the library,
and have available for school use, the following:

     Overhead projector(s)         Tape recorder(s) / player(s)
     VHS VCR(s) and monitor(s)     Audio tape player(s)
     8mm film projector(s)         Fax machine (administrative)
     Slide projector(s)            Opaque projector(s)
     Film strip projector(s)       Transparency machine(s)

     Additionally, financial assistance with shipping costs (for
the above items and the computers)is also needed.

     F A C E S is a 501(C) (3) organization and donations are tax
deductible to the extent permitted by law.  Donations to
F A C E S will be acknowledged with a letter that can be used for
tax purposes, and the items given, once reconfigured will be shipped
to The Gambia to improve the quality of the learning experiences
for West African children.

     On behalf of F A C E S, Inc. and the children who will
benefit from your donations, thank you.  For more information on
F A C E S and its programs, contact Dr. Manuel H. Pierson at
(313) 861-0119 (voice) or (313) 862-5747(fax).  For information
on donating any of the above equipment contact David Schumaker at
(810) 280-1900 ext. 6257 (voice) or (810) 280-1456 (fax) or
E-mail David Schumaker at michelle@rust.net

... I have a dream .. C:> 937498127857679023 bytes free
--- JMail-G 2.80a
 * Origin: Holiday Magic*Southfield,Mi*HST/DS*810-552-8605 (FIDONET 1:120/125)

 Msg  : 54 of 106
 From : Marc Zingarelli                     1:226/110       .åō 08 .åâ 96 08:42
 To   : The Raven
 Subj : Highlander
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  92-0004

TR>     Because of my recent disk crash, I no longer have my Immortals list
  >from the series.  If anyone has a copy of it, could you please send me a
  >copy?  I'd greatly appreciate it.

Ah so that's where you've been hiding.  I found rysher's web page and
noticed that they have an upcoming show schedule.  The last 5 and the
first episode of next season are TBA.  Does this mean we have a 5th season?


 Lt. Marc Zingarelli
 Local 1232
 Circleville Fire Department

 * OLX 1.52 * Misspelled?  Impossible.  My modem is error correcting.

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: The Computer Room-Pickerington, Oh (614)861-8377  (1:226/110.0)

 Msg  : 55 of 106
 From : Jerry Van Kooten                    2:280/901.37    .åō 08 .åâ 96 07:34
 To   : Elizabeth H. Penrose
 Subj : The Guide and it's Incarnations...
Hi Elizabeth,

Quoting  to  (04-Feb-96, 06:01:08)


 EHP> Hitchhiker's Guide.  Now if I could only set them up   . . .

You've got the 'hints' file as well?

See you,

--- Terminate 3.00/Pro
 * Origin: I'm only kidding. We're going to die after all. -- FP (2:280/901.37)

 Msg  : 56 of 106
 From : Channon Lang                        1:130/809       .ķá 10 .åâ 96 02:46
 To   : Frank Glover
 Subj : Re: Star Trek
.TID: GE 1.11+
From a dark bottomless pit,Mark Jones screamed up to Frank Glover about Star

 FG>    This would be interesting. She also seemed to know a fair amount
 FG> about Data. (espically for someone not originally part of Starfleet)
 FG> How much information on his construction is in the `public domain'
 FG> since his discovery, and likely to be in Voyager's databases? I would
 FG> wonder about the availability of materials, but Data himself almost
 FG> succeeded at building an android with his capability or greater (Lol),
 FG> with resources available on the Enterprise. And in semi-secrecy at
 FG> that.

 Actually, if you really want to nit-pick, B'Lanna was originally Star
 Fleet...remember she attended the Acadamy before she got fed up and quit...


... URA Redneck if: Your wife's job requires her to wear an orange vest.
--- MachoEcho 0.5ņ
 * Origin: The State of Confusion * Arlington Tx * 817-274-1920 * (1:130/809)

 Msg  : 57 of 106
 From : J.T. Smith                          1:132/152       .ķá 03 .åâ 96 12:13
 Subj : .
Contact has been made.

 CO>    For your information, that one Nuculear power planet is enough to
 CO> wipe out about a 1000 or more people if it explodes.  So, i think it
 CO> would be best to keep the number limited for these types of plants to
 TS> And for your information, you're as ignorant of nukes as any fool out
 TS> there.

 And ye should know as ye're one of the biggest, yes? D)

 TS> Nicolai declared this off-topic.  Drop it now.

 Ye're certainly one to talk.  Look who keeps yapping about it.

... "Metal of good old days not so good." - Swoop, Autobot
--- Blue Wave v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin: The Cereal Port BBS (OS/2) Rindge,NH 603-899-3335 (1:132/152)

 Msg  : 58 of 106
 From : J.T. Smith                          1:132/152       .åō 08 .åâ 96 18:28
 To   : Bill Clements
Contact has been made.

 JS> BC> `Fusion Without Ex-Lax' first published in `GALAXY'
 JS> BC> October 1976 (C)opyright by UPD Publishing Corporation
 JS> BC>  Inc. and reprinted in `A STEP FARTHER OUT' (C)opyright
 JS> BC> 1979 by Jerry Pournelle, Ph.D..  This was written in
 JS> BC> 1976, and is still true today.  How's that for a half
 JS> BC> life?  I implore all readers following this thread, and
 JS> BC> all resultant threads, PLEASE read `A STEP FARTHER OUT'
 JS> BC> and add it to your Pro-Nuclear Arsenal!
 JS> Nah.
 BC> Obviously contact has _NOT_ been made!

 Correction, having an open mind nae means that just anyone can change it.
 I've seen enough of nuclear power to know that I will never be pro-nuc.
 Period.  End of discussion.

 ----------------------------TRANSMISSION TERMINATED-------------------------

--- Blue Wave v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin: The Cereal Port BBS (OS/2) Rindge,NH 603-899-3335 (1:132/152)

 Msg  : 59 of 106
 From : Kim Wheat                           1:271/285       .˙ō 09 .åâ 96 12:19
 To   : Channon Lang
 Subj : Star Trek
---<<*<<< Channon dazzled Buc Wheat with these words of wisdom!! >>>**>>----

 KW> Hi Chris,
 KW> You're talking to the 'expert' in foot-in-mouth disease-ism!! :>
 KW> But as a famous person once sprouted, "It takes a great man to admit
 KW> he overstepped his lip!" 

 KW> Enjoy yourself, Chris!!

 KW> Kim :)

 CL> Hi Kim!!! I didn't realize you were in this echo too!! Nice to see a
 CL> familiar name!!! I think Chris has already swallowed his
 CL> foot...there's not much we can do about him...

 Hi Channon!! 

   Sure, been here for years....just not as active on the TV/Movie
 side of the house as I am with the book side, is all! :>

   I've watched Chris since his first msg....and have started looking
 into card shops for this really, really large sympathy card for
 Nicolai!  She has the patience of a saint, she does!! :)

 CL> Now, back on topic....Whatd'ya think of B5 last night??? Did you
 CL> watch VOYAGER--the new one, that is...?

 Btwn you and John Kahane, who keep telling me that B5 HAS gotten better
 since season 1, I've been meaning to check it out. Wasn't til this
 week, Thursday in fact, that I finally looked through the whole TV
 guide and discovered that it's no longer on Sundays, but now on
 Wednesdays. So if I remember next Wed. I'll check it out and see if
 I can tolerate the acting. :>

 As for V'ger....nope....forget it....can't take any of them. Plots
 are stupid, Janeway should be courtmartialed, and keep waiting for
 a superior captain w/ a superior ship to blown V'ger outta the
 spaceways!  (But then again, I felt that way with TNG when it
 first started, being one of them "Nothing can replace Kirk & Company"
 fanatics....I got better!) 

 Kim :)

--- GEcho 1.00
 * Origin: From Trekkies & from B5ers who hate Trek save us! (1:271/285.0)

 Msg  : 60 of 106
 From : Kim Wheat                           1:271/285       .˙ō 09 .åâ 96 11:48
 To   : Christian Raven
 Subj : Aggression
---<<*<<< Christian dazzled Buc Wheat with these words of wisdom!! >>>**>>----

 TR>  CR>  i agree, assertiveness is far superior to raw agression in the
 TR>  CR>long term.  however, in order to gain the respect of your crew so
 TR>  CR>that they will trust your assertations, you must show some degree
 TR>  CR>of fearlessness, true compassion, and strong will.

 TR>      And none of these traits requires agression to be combined in an
 TR> effective leader, or have you forgotten Mohandas K. Ghandi?

 CR> huh?  what did that have to do with what i just said?  in fact, how
 CR> was what you just said any different from what i said?

 Uh....2 sentences compared to 4?????
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