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Stoneshard |#1| The Birth of a Pyromancer!
Demon's Souls |#19| Final
Demon's Souls |#18| Old King Allant
Demon's Souls |#17| Penetrator

Äđķãčå čãđû...

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Ęîíôåđåíöčč - SFFAN Âåņü ōåęņō 5859.38 Kb

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1 ... 323 324 325 326 327 328 329  330 331 332 333 334 335 336 ... 500

 (fishing here...sorry....back to my corner) 

 Kim :)

--- GEcho 1.00
 * Origin: From Trekkies & from B5ers who hate Trek save us! (1:271/285.0)

 Msg  : 61 of 106
 From : Kim Wheat                           1:271/285       .˙ō 09 .åâ 96 11:52
 To   : Christian Raven
 Subj : Women
---<<*<<< Christian dazzled Buc Wheat with these words of wisdom!! >>>**>>----

 CR> perhaps you are right there... women are not, scientifically
 CR> speaking, a different species than man.  however, they ARE
 CR> intrinsically and generally different in many, many ways, both
 CR> psychologically and physically.  this is quite obvious, as (a) there
 CR> has never been a female president in the leading country of the world,

 uh...Margret Thatcher? Oh, sorry...guess UK ain't a leading country
 of this world.

 CR> and (b) there has NEVER been a female weight-lifter even NEARLY as
 CR> strong as a male.  women are physically weaker, and mentally less
 CR> rational, the latter which could be obviously argued to a
 CR> standstill... although there are many signs of this.

 Sheesh, you are one brave dude, dude!

 Kim :)

--- GEcho 1.00
 * Origin: From Trekkies & from B5ers who hate Trek save us! (1:271/285.0)

 Msg  : 62 of 106
 From : Todd Sullivan                       1:202/720.3     .åō 08 .åâ 96 16:29
 To   : Chris Baugh
 Subj : syzygy
While substituting for Q, Chris Baugh took extreme delight in saying to me,
"You'll do anything I say?"  I quailed when the words "syzygy" were uttered.

 TS>> A syzygy is...

 CB> Thanks.

You're welcome.

In astrology, conjunctions are times of a gathering of power or of change; a
syzygy is even rarer, and points to more power or more change, good or bad.

Todd Sullivan

... "The gods have their own rules." --Ovid

-*- ASTG 1.9

--- Spot 1.3a Unregistered
 * Origin: Todd's Spot in the Continuum (1:202/720.3)

 Msg  : 63 of 106
 From : Todd Sullivan                       1:202/720.3     .åō 08 .åâ 96 17:01
 To   : Frank Glover
 Subj : Star Trek Generations
While substituting for Q, Frank Glover took extreme delight in saying to Chris
Ogniben, "You'll do anything I say?"  Chris quailed when the words "Star Trek
Generations" were uttered.

 CO>>  seemed as if the enterprise did go through a bit of refit, since a
 CO>>  of things looked different.  I don't know if it was the holodeck that
 CO>>  Data and Picard were in to view the star maps.  But, i thought it was
 FG>    The Stellar Cartography room is a set built for the movie, but I
 FG> think we can consider it to simply be apart of the ship we haven't seen
 FG> before.
 FG>    I think we can assume there will be an Enterprise-E...one wonders what
 FG> it will look like?

Seems to me the ship we say leaving orbit was a possibility.  In the TNG Tech
Manual, the next class is the Nova; one might assume that was it, or another new

Todd Sullivan

... "A man should be jailed for telling lies to the young."
     --Lillian Hellman

-*- ASTG 1.9

--- Spot 1.3a Unregistered
 * Origin: Todd's Spot in the Continuum (1:202/720.3)

 Msg  : 64 of 106
 From : Todd Sullivan                       1:202/720.3     .åō 08 .åâ 96 17:06
 To   : Darre LuAllen
 Subj : Bs!!
While substituting for Q, Darre LuAllen took extreme delight in saying to me,
"You'll do anything I say?"  I quailed when the words "Bs!!" were uttered.

 TS>> think I'm stupid enough to just sit still and take
 TS>> something I can avoid, or not take your sorry @$$ out at
 TS>> 100 yards?  Besides, you postulated an unfair fight; what
 TS>> makes you think *any* fight is fair?  It's not, and you'd
 TS>> do well th remember that when you threaten anyone.  Talk to
 TS>> a Marine that way--to his face--and he'll wipe the floor
 TS>> with you without thinking about it.
 DL>  Depends upon the Marine.  Most would just snipe him at 500 yds and
 DL>  be done with it.  I must commend you on your patience.  Personally,
 DL>  I would be all over him for such comments (although logically, I know
 DL>  that it would accomplish nothing).

  He's been a thorn in everyone's side from day one of his arrival. This
bit of his was the final straw.

Todd Sullivan

... "Each of us bears his own Hell." --Virgil

-*- ASTG 1.9

--- Spot 1.3a Unregistered
 * Origin: Todd's Spot in the Continuum (1:202/720.3)

 Msg  : 65 of 106
 From : Phill Ash                           1:275/160       .åō 08 .åâ 96 11:17
 To   : Judy Hayes
.TID: GE 1.11+

 JH> Phil....what "studies" are you referring to?  I know of many places
 JH> where this "just ain't so".  Women are still making less money than men
 JH> in  comparable jobs.

        That's why I hate inputting that sort of thing... I never keep
        articles laying around!  It was from an article in 'Time' or
        'Business Weekly'.

 PA> Meanwhile, 2-income families became the "elite" and in the
 PA> Great American Spirit of "Keeping Up With the Joneses", a
 PA> family eventually required 2 incomes in order to maintain the
 PA> status of "middle class".

 JH> My husband and I began with 2 jobs when we got married.  Then he went
 JH> to school and worked part time and I worked full time.  All through
 JH> this time we made ends meet - barely.  After he got a good full time
 JH> job, we had children....we both *need* to work to have a decent place
 JH> to live in an area that has a good public school system.  The area we
 JH> live in has public schools that are considered the best in the state -
 JH> however, in order to live here we pay much higher rent and other
 JH> things.  If we moved to  a cheaper area we would probably wind up
 JH> sending our kids to a private  school - no savings there.  So "keeping
 JH> up with the Joneses" is not a  prime motivation for us....nor is it for
 JH> many middle class families.

        Sure, it is!  If you're not so concerned about maintaining the
        financial 'status quo' then surely one of you could take a few
        years off from the workforce and practice homeschooling your
        kids.  Chances are, they'd be better off for it!

 PA> This led to the rise of non-familial child-care which now
 PA> pervades our society.  Children are being forced to interact
 PA> socially with children of various race, religion and national
 PA> origin; thus causing confusion with regards to social mores
 PA> and ethics.

 JH> You think having your children exposed to a variety of backgrounds is
 JH> a *bad* thing?  My children enjoy learning about other cultures and are
 JH> facinated by their differences....I wouldn't call them confused.

        There was a 3 year-old in England back in '93 who enjoyed
        interacting with older children.  When his mother took him to a
        mall, he walked away with 2 10 year-olds.  Becoming bored with
        him, the 10 year-olds led him down by the railroad tracks and
        smashed his skull in with a rock.  His body (or the remains
        thereof) was found 3 weeks later.

 PA> Without a father-figure, youths of the 70's and 80's became
 PA> teens of the 80's and 90's who, in some instances, actually
 PA> believe that it's alright to impregnate a woman and never
 PA> interact with her again.  These "hit & runs" are founded in a
 PA> belief that a father is not necessary because "I turned out ok
 PA> without a father".

 JH> You equate going to non-familial child-care with not having a father
 JH> figure? Or am I misunderstanding you?

        You didn't catch the "in some instances" 

 JH> And that, a child who has no "at home" father-figure will become an
 JH> unwed or at least, unresponsible teen parent?

        From '69 to '75, I had no father-figure... and I'm not a raging
        sociopath (much ).  Since my divorce, I have joint custody of
        my son (3 years old) and he spends the majority of his days with
        me, while spending the evenings with his mother.

 JH> Children who are raised properly and given a good set of values should
 JH> be  able to apply those values to their own lives no matter whether
 JH> they  recieved them from one or both parents.

        Is a 'lone' parent *really* equipped to perform that function?
        No.  The Day-care industry is proof of that.

 PA> This is probably one of the primary reasons Roddenberry chose
 PA> to have families aboard the Enterprise-D.  As Crusher avers in
 PA> "When the Bough Breaks", human are at their fiercest when
 PA> their children are threatened.  Or so we hope for the Future.

 JH> True....but what does this do with women wanting to become men?

        (shhh!  I'm trying to keep it 'on-topic'!!! )

        btw... I found the Alcone Paramount Theatrical Supplies catalog
        that I told you about before.  The addresses are as follows:

        Mail-Order Warehouse            Retail Store
        Alcone L.I.C.                   Alcone N.Y.C.
        5-49 49th Ave                   235 W. 19th St
        Long Island City                New York City
        NY, 11101                       NY, 10011
        tel. 718-361-8373               tel & fax 212-633-0551
        fax. 718-729-8296

                They have divided their catalogs, so you'll want to
                specify either "Make-Up Supply" or "Technical Supply"

Your pal:  PhlAsh
... Spirit singing, a song of the ages. Depend on today, like father's honor
 * Ųystertags v1.1 *
~~~ ReneWave v1.01 [NR]
--- Smile :)
 * Origin: * The Beast's Lair * (804)498-3070 * Va Beach VA * (1:275/160)

 Msg  : 66 of 106
 From : Phill Ash                           1:275/160       .åō 08 .åâ 96 11:17
 To   : The Raven
 Subj : Highlander
.TID: GE 1.11+

 TR> Because of my recent disk crash, I no longer have my Immortals
 TR> list from the series.  If anyone has a copy of it, could you please
 TR> send me a copy?  I'd greatly appreciate it.

        You want it NetMail or via InterNet?

Your pal:  PhlAsh
... I'm graduating in one more term, because I haven't any time to burn
 * Ųystertags v1.1 *
~~~ ReneWave v1.01 [NR]
--- Smile :)
 * Origin: * The Beast's Lair * (804)498-3070 * Va Beach VA * (1:275/160)

 Msg  : 67 of 106
 From : John Crawford                       1:221/1050      .cę 04 .åâ 96 00:23
 To   : Chris Ogniben
 Subj : Re: X-files
         I agree.  By the way, my friend got her computer now, so she might
write to you.  See ya.

--- Maximus/2 2.02
 * Origin: Five Guys BBS (1:221/1050)

 Msg  : 68 of 106
 From : Kay Shapero                         1:102/524       .˙ō 09 .åâ 96 11:28
Īđåäûäķųā˙ ņōđāíčöā Ņëåäķūųā˙ ņōđāíčöā
1 ... 323 324 325 326 327 328 329  330 331 332 333 334 335 336 ... 500
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Ęîėėåíōāđčč (9)
