Absolute agreement, though there are still quite a few high quality
shows out there.
... No one can hear when you're Screaming in Digital!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
* Origin: The Bailey Information Exchange BBS, 28.8k v.fc (1:104/825.0)
Msg : 36 of 106
From : Nicolai Shapero 1:102/524 .pä 07 .åâ 96 21:12
To : Chris Ogniben
Subj : Re: nuclear BS
This subject has been declared off-topic. It was declared off topic some time
ago by yours truly. There has been MORE than enough time for you to have seen
that posting.
This is the third rules violation from you in less than two weeks. Are you
trying for a record?
-- Nicolai Shapero, Moderator of the SFFAN echo
--- msged 2.06
* Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)
Msg : 37 of 106
From : Nicolai Shapero 1:102/524 .pä 07 .åâ 96 21:14
To : Chris Ogniben
Subj : Re: nuclear BS
On , Chris Ogniben (1:2604/568) wrote to Chip Griffin:
CO> Anyone using a Apple computer, is a moron.
Chris, the next post of yours that I see after the 10th of this month that has
this sort of statement in it will prompt me to fire off a netmail message to
your sysop suspending your echomail access to this conference for six months.
You have been warned.
-- Nicolai Shapero, Moderator of the SFFAN echo
--- msged 2.06
* Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)
Msg : 38 of 106
From : Anne Swasey 1:2613/477 .åō 08 .åâ 96 13:24
To : Christian Raven
Subj : Re: Star Trek
Re: women`s roles. Women have been prohibited from hunting, etc. not because of
their fragility, but because of the status & power that comes as a result of
successfully accomplishing these pursuits. Men have carved out their own
territory, not physical but social and put up restrictions that specifically
exclude women. Even when women excell they are not included in the history.
I fyou do not believe me, check this out yourself ! For ex. there was a woman
in the Revolutionary war who rode many more miles and DIDN`T get captured like
Paul Revere did, and even I forgot her name. BUT... she did exist & did do the
task. You may ask for motive ??!! Well, aside from the fact that the
prevailing philosophy for *most* humans has always been that there is not enough
pie, so the more restrictions on everyone else, the more left for the privileged
few - After men had codified land ownership & inheitance laws, they wanted to
make sure that the offspring was in fact theirs, so in order to do this, they
had to strip away all power of choice from women. Women were chattel property,
owned LITERALLY not figuritively, first by their fathers then by their husbands.
They could not make any decisions that were legally or otherwise binding , could
not own property, be paid compensation for work they did ( their husbands or
fathers got the money), or even decide who they would marry. If they HAD any
choices, it was a boon granted to them but who ever owned them. In this
conditon, HOW could you possibly expect them to accomplish anything??? Even,
education was forbidden in most cases. If you allow someone, ANYONE, to acheive
status thenyou cannot totally control them.
Therefore, you do not allow them to do anything that would gain them status in
the eyes of society. If you think I am exaggerating, consider the CHASTITY
BELT. It was a large heavy piece of iron NOT the nice little chain mail bikini
that you saw in Robin Hood, Men in Tights. Many women died as a result of
infection from having these torture devices on their bodies for months &
possibly years while their husbands went off to war. Just imagine trying to do
the normal bodily functions with this on. NEXT, example. Have you ever heard of
female genital fibrilation ? Is is being practiced right here in this country
by muslims (primarily) & africans. They basically, cut off the girls clitoris &
labia & sew everything closed, including the vagina, except for a small opeing
thru which to eliminate. This is a practice limited to a small group of people.
It is quite widespread, in the arab, african & southeast asian countries.
Again, it is a guarantee than the women have no sexual feelin & there will be
faithhful after marriage & (they are cut open when married) that they are
virgins when married.
If this is not control, for the sake of control, I don`t know what is. Right
now, some of our brave senators & congresswomen are putting up a bill to allow
political refugee status to womenn who have run from this procedure in their
countries. These horrors are not done in hospitals and many girls& women die of
Needless, to say - If we cannot even keep parts of our own bodies - how do you
expect us to excell in other things!! The fact that many of us haven`t is a
testimony to successful repression!!
The fact that a few of us have, is a testimony to our bravery & abilities.
... GIVE: Support the helpless victims of computer error.
--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
* Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)
Msg : 39 of 106
From : Gerry Normandeau 1:163/430 .ōp 06 .åâ 96 18:13
To : All
Subj : The Twelve Monkies
Hi all. I have a real brain buster for you. I have recently
watched the movie The Twelve Monkies. And I must say it was
another winner from our friend Terri Gillium.
What I want to ask is, does anyone out there remembur the
name of the movie that this film is based on? I remembur seeing
it a long time ago on TVO's Magic Shadows with Elwy Yost. Now this
dates me for those who remember! :)
The film was from France. It was filmed as a series of still
photos with a naration. All I can remembur is that it began
with a little boy witnesing a runnung man being shot down, Then
for some reason war brakes out, and the world is destroyed excep
for a handfull of survivors. The hero of the film, who was the
boy at the begining is scent back in time to try and stop what
happened but like in the Twelve Monkies is shot down in front of the
little boy he was. And ashe dies the movie ends.
If any one can remembur this movie and its name please let me know!
Thanks All!
Gerry Normandeau \ Nexis >> Fido Address-1:163/115
... Ever get the feeling your guardian angel is laughing at you?
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Watership Down BBS, Kanata , ON (1:163/430)
Msg : 40 of 106
From : Carnage 1:163/403 .pä 07 .åâ 96 17:58
To : Tim Stackpool
Subj : Re: X-Files & E.T.
hey i love that show they call the X-files, hey does anyone agree with
me that Scully is a babe, man, every show, is just amazing, oh man,
she's as hot as that baywatch chick, oh that's another somewhat crappy
show, i mean, i followed one of their saving procedures, and i nearly
killed someone
--- FidoPCB v1.5 beta-'j'
* Origin: Akasha's Bubble Bath & Magic Potion Emporium (1:163/403)
Msg : 41 of 106
From : Frank Glover 1:2613/477 .åō 08 .åâ 96 20:41
To : Chris Ogniben
Subj : Re: Star Trek
CO> Are you stupid or something? It's pretty obvious that you don't
CO> realize that Data could be a historical event in Voyager's computers,
CO> where B'
CO> ellanna could access it, since she is very into tech. Or because she
CO> met Data, or because she just knew about him as like everyone else
CO> does. So, you probably are to stupid to realize that.
Excuse me, but is the word *polite* anywhere in your volcabulary?
It doesn't necessairily follow that detailed information on Data would happen
to exist in the standard databases of the average Federation starship. Espically
as he resisted efforts to disassemble him for analysis (see Next Generation
episodes "The Measure of a Man" and "Lol.") It's possible that she heard of him
(he is the only android in Starfleet presently), but *no one* outside of Noonian
Sung knows too much about the design of his brain.
The Federation in general, and Starfleet in particular are very large
concerns. An android with the status of crewperson is certainly noteworthy, but
in a universe where other kinds of androids and artificial intelligences are
nothing new, it isn't earth shattering, everybody-knows-this news. What you the
viewer knows, isn't necessairily common knowledge (like the Talos-4 affair) in
that Universe.
So I submit it was a reasonable question.
--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
* Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)
Msg : 42 of 106
From : Frank Glover 1:2613/477 .åō 08 .åâ 96 20:45
Subj : Re: X-FILES
RL> BTW, I have heard from some people that they hate it when we get a
RL> Mulder
RL> "voice-over." What do you think? I kind of like it because
RL> voice-overs are
RL> the only way to get DIRECTLY inside a character's thinking/feeling
RL> processes.
I think it's a good idea as well. It would be interesting to hear a Scully
voice-over sometime, if the episode was a particularly moving one for her.
--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
* Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)
Msg : 43 of 106
From : Frank Glover 1:2613/477 .åō 08 .åâ 96 21:04
To : Chris Ogniben
Subj : Re: nuclear BS
CO> Anyone using a Apple computer, is a moron. Is a person that lacks
*I use an Apple //e, a machine that's already an orphan, regardless of what
happens to Apple computer as a whole!* (Albiet with a hardware card that
emulates an XT.)
Have you a kind word for *anyone?*
--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
* Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)
Msg : 44 of 106
From : Frank Glover 1:2613/477 .åō 08 .åâ 96 21:13
To : Christian Raven
Subj : Re: Star Trek
CR> psychologically and physically. this is quite obvious, as (a) there
CR> has never been a female president in the leading country of the
CR> world, and (b) there has NEVER been a female weight-lifter even
Umm, has someone told Margaret Thatcher this? Or does England count as