To : Chris Ogniben
Subj : Re: Human nature?
(Very depressing [though with an element of truth] summation of the worst in
human behavior mostly deleted)
CO> since
CO> them laws and people that do care of the future are just not going to
CO> do enough to save the destruction of this planet.
How do you get out of bed in the morning?
There's always hope. (One of the things the SF genre shows is that even in
unplesant futures, humans can overcome adversity...and themselves. This was
certainly part ov Gene Roddenberry's vision. Even in the "Genesis 2" concept
[which never got beyond a pilot film], he wanted to show that there was hope for
humankind, even in a post-nuclear world...)
We seem farther from pushing "the button" now than any time since nuke
weapons were made. If you could remember timeslike the Cuban Missile Crisis (I
was only eignt, but had a pretty good idea of what was happening, andwhat
*could* happen.) you'd consider the current situation *very* hopeful....
--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
* Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)
Msg : 15 of 106
From : Frank Glover 1:2613/477 .ōp 06 .åâ 96 21:56
To : Chris Ogniben
Subj : Re: Star Trek Generations
CO> it
CO> seemed as if the enterprise did go through a bit of refit, since a
CO> lot
CO> of things looked different. I don't know if it was the holodeck that
CO> Data and Picard were in to view the star maps. But, i thought it was
CO> a
CO> different room on board the enterprise to view all the stars and
CO> solar
CO> systems that exist out there to track that nexus thing. But, anyways
The Stellar Cartography room is a set built for the movie, but I think we can
consider it to simply be apart of the ship we haven't seen before.
I think wecan assumethere will be an wonders what it will
look like?
--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
* Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)
Msg : 16 of 106
From : David Little 1:106/7315 .îí 05 .åâ 96 10:27
To : Chris Ogniben
Subj : Star Wars Novelizations
-=< Chris used the Jedi Mind Trick on me! >=-
CO> As far as i know about Star Wars. I don't understand how it could
CO> have survived, ever since the three movies that started the star wars
CO> craze got me and many others to enjoy it.
Cause it's a classic story. A young hero grows up and learns his true
self. A rogue listens to his heart and joins the cause. The black knight
betrays his king to save his son. It's a story that will never die!
CO> I mean, at least they could
CO> have done was run a television series to keep star wars alive, till
CO> the new movies.
NO!! Looks whats going on with Star Trek now!
CO> I hate the idea, that i have to turn on my stinking
CO> tv, and watch those same three movies again and again.
Go get the THX remastered trilogy won't be
complaining then!
CO> And the funny
CO> part is that, since it's sci fi, that it seems to not look like the
CO> eighties at all. But, you can tell with the hair cuts and crap.
Yeah, Lando was REAL fashionable!!
CO> But,
CO> i understand that reading the books is a good idea, to keep the star
CO> wars adeventures rolling along, but, those books are totally full of
CO> it. Since who's to know if they are ever going to use what you read in
CO> the next few movies. I mean unless you know that the book is actually
CO> going to follow star wars events that then i would read it, but, if
CO> it's just so you can read something and say oh wow, though it was just
CO> from the mind of the writer and not the person that created the show,
CO> that i wouldn't bother reading it, since it doesn't have any relation
CO> to what really happens in star wars.
Think of them as officially published fan fiction!
-=The DoLittle 8-)=-
... "It's totally bogus." - Wakko
--- FreeMail & Blue Wave/DOS v2.21
* Origin: The Wizard's Realm ** (713) 946-7315 ** (1:106/7315)
Msg : 17 of 106
From : Nicolai Shapero 1:102/524 .ōp 06 .åâ 96 07:08
To : Chris Ogniben
Subj : Space: Above & Beyond Epi
On , Chris Ogniben (1:2604/568) wrote to Rudy Hardy:
CO>episode run off, since you probably are just a pathetic fool that
CO>his years mixed up.
Chris, if this doesn't stop quite soon, I am going to pull the plug on your
access to this conference.
Do I make myself perfectly clear?
-- Nicolai Shapero, Moderator of the SFFAN echo
--- msged 2.06
* Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)
Msg : 18 of 106
From : Nicolai Shapero 1:102/524 .ōp 06 .åâ 96 07:09
To : Chris Ogniben
Subj : UFO
On , Chris Ogniben (1:2604/568) wrote to Chris Baugh:
CO> I still think that you people, are morons to think that UFO's
CO>real. I mean, people and the human race, can take drugs or
If you can't be nice, I will make sure that you can't post or read this
-- Nicolai Shapero, Moderator of the SFFAN echo
--- msged 2.06
* Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)
Msg : 19 of 106
From : Kay Shapero 1:102/524 .ōp 06 .åâ 96 09:59
To : Chris Ogniben
Subj : Re: Babylon 5's sex scene
On , Chris Ogniben (1:2604/568) wrote to Channon Lang:
CO> Hey if there is a new episode tomorrow night for Babylon 5. I
CO>like for someone to inform me, like give me a little info, as to what
There was a new episode last week. There is another new episode this week.
There will also be a new episode next week, and the week after. You may want to
subscribe to the BABYLON 5 echo, since there are periodic announcements of what
comes up next. In general, assume 4-5 new episodes, followed by 4 or so reruns,
followed by 4-5 more.
We pause for a brief rummage through the files... Here's the most recent list
of new episodes to appear before old ones turn up again. If you missed last
week's, you've missed the first (pity - it ranges from the alarming to the
hilarous; frequently simultaneously! Try and catch it in the subsequent
Voices of Authority
Dust to Dust
Messages From Earth
Point Of No Return
... Quick, Garibaldi - the Flit!
--- msged 2.06
* Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)
Msg : 20 of 106
From : Kay Shapero 1:102/524 .ōp 06 .åâ 96 10:12
To : David Johnston
Subj : Dangerous Babes
On , David Johnston (1:342/14) wrote to Chris Ogniben:
DJ>Yes, she does. For the same reason all grim and brooding
DJ>characters need a sidekick. Not for the help they give, but because
DJ>otherwise you might go through entire episodes without the character
DJ>saying a word, or just about.
And of course sidekicks are invaluable as people to explain things to that the
hero knows, but the audience doesn't.
... "I'm a comedy sidekick! It's not going to work!"
--- msged 2.06
* Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)
Msg : 21 of 106
From : Kay Shapero 1:102/524 .ōp 06 .åâ 96 10:12
To : Don Dellmann
Subj : Books
On , Don Dellmann (1:154/40) wrote to Mark Jones:
DD>I don't bother with the blurb. I open the book at random, read
DD>one page. If I want to turn the page, I buy the book.
I've tried that with mixed results - I can think of two books I carefully
avoided because I picked them up, opened them at random, and found a scene
wherein the protagonist commits a major atrocity. I do wish however there had
been some other way to find out about the major atrocity without reading it...
(Oddly enough, despite the fact that it's hard to find a section where a
protagonist *doesn't* commit a major atrocity, I actually enjoyed GRUNTS so I
guess it's partly the difference between serious fiction, and sick humor.)
... "Well, it *is* an imperfect universe." -- G'Kar
--- msged 2.06
* Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)
Msg : 22 of 106
From : Darre LuAllen 1:3637/1 .pä 07 .åâ 96 10:03
To : Todd Sullivan
Subj : Bs!!
On 02-02-96 Todd Sullivan wrote to Chris Ogniben...
CO> Dude, you are a big loser. Because, you think that having a
CO> backbone is going to change anything. Let me give you a little tip,
CO> when you got a race of lifeforms trying to take over your planet. and
CO> they have the ability to slice through your body and your strong
CO> backbone as you put it. That you are gonna die like a wimp.
TS> As for fighting, if you can't talk, you hit. Perfect way of proving your
TS> point, if it has to do with strength alone. What makes you
TS> think I'm stupid enough to just sit still and take
TS> something I can avoid, or not take your sorry @$$ out at
TS> 100 yards? Besides, you postulated an unfair fight; what
TS> makes you think *any* fight is fair? It's not, and you'd
TS> do well th remember that when you threaten anyone. Talk to
TS> a Marine that way--to his face--and he'll wipe the floor
TS> with you without thinking about it.
Depends upon the Marine. Most would just snipe him at 500 yds and
be done with it. I must commend you on your patience. Personally,
I would be all over him for such comments (although logically, I know
that it would accomplish nothing).
TS> Your idea that we're even worth bothering with to an
TS> interstellar empire is ludicrous; we're barely worth
TS> noticing, provided we don't blow ourselves up in the next decade or
TS> two.
TS> Get real!
I can think of three reasons, all bad: 1) Cheap (read slave) labor,
2) free land (like they couldn't find a better planet), and 3) food
(remember the original "V" TV movies?)
Sorry for butting in.
Darre LuAllen
White Knight in
Black Cape and Boots
* OFFLINE 1.56 * "That's entertainment." - Vlad the Impaler.
--- Maximus/2 3.01