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Swords, Blood in VR: EPIC BATTLES in Swordsman!
Demon's Souls |#15| Dragon God
Demon's Souls |#14| Flamelurker
Demon's Souls |#13| Storm King

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Ęîíôåđåíöčč - SFFAN Âåņü ōåęņō 5859.38 Kb

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1 ... 315 316 317 318 319 320 321  322 323 324 325 326 327 328 ... 500
---<<*<<< Chris dazzled Buc Wheat with these words of wisdom!! >>>**>>----

 CO> True, it's just a tv show, and not reality.  I know that.  And your
 CO> right, but there is a few people that can get on your nerves and you
 CO> need to say something.  But, perhaps i could do a little more thinking
 CO> before i explode onto another person.  But, that happens rarely.
 CO> Anyways, your right upon everything you said, and i will remember it
 CO> next time when i talk to someone about a topic.

 Hi Chris,
   You're talking to the 'expert' in foot-in-mouth disease-ism!! :>
 But as a famous person once sprouted, "It takes a great man to admit
 he overstepped his lip!" 

   Enjoy yourself, Chris!!

 Kim :)

--- GEcho 1.00
 * Origin: From Trekkies & from B5ers who hate Trek save us! (1:271/285.0)

 Msg  : 280 of 285
 From : Phill Ash                           1:275/160       .ķá 03 .åâ 96 08:30
 To   : Robert Lidgren
.TID: GE 1.11+

 -> yes... alot of people (especially women) would like to change centuries of
 -> evolution in just a few decades, but it's not so easy.  my personal work as
 -> a tatoo artist has proven to me that the female sex is striving to the
 -> extreme to become male.  sometimes i laugh... but i always give them their
 -> tat's.  i

 RL> 1.  How on earth does getting a tatoo in ANY WAY imply women want to
 RL>    be men?

        That's not what he said.

 RL> 2.  If you have evidence or a "gut feeling" for this do share
 RL>    your thoughts.

        It could be a reflections of the attitudes expressed by those
        (male & female) that he has tattooed.

 RL> 5.  Yes, women want legal equality and political equality.  They want
 RL>    equal pay for equal work.  They want to be respected just like men
 RL>    want to be respected.
 RL> 6.  They want to have career opportunities open to them.

        You're generalizing.  I've met several "wimmin" who long for a
        complete reversal of 1960's roles.

 RL> 9.  In traditional times men brought up their sons in the ethnic
 RL>    and cultural traditions of their society.  I wonder why men have
 RL>    often reneged on this responsibility.  However, I don't believe
 RL>    that women's emancipatiuon caused all of this in any way.

        Bull.  As recently as the 1960's, children of either sex were
        primarily reared by "stay at home" mothers who, generally, had
        been reared to be (and do) exactly that.  Since the so-called
        Sexual Revolution, "Liberated" women sought employment outside
        of the home.

        While some of these women left the work-force temporarily (or
        permanently) to have children, some chose to continue working.
        Recent studies have shown that women who have continued working
        earn the same pay (or better) as compared to that of their male

        Meanwhile, 2-income families became the "elite" and in the Great
        American Spirit of "Keeping Up With the Joneses", a family
        eventually required 2 incomes in order to maintain the status of
        "middle class".

        This led to the rise of non-familial child-care which now
        pervades our society.  Children are being forced to interact
        socially with children of various race, religion and national
        origin; thus causing confusion with regards to social mores and

        Without a father-figure, youths of the 70's and 80's became
        teens of the 80's and 90's who, in some instances, actually
        believe that it's alright to impregnate a woman and never
        interact with her again.  These "hit & runs" are founded in a
        belief that a father is not necessary because "I turned out ok
        without a father".

        Thsi is probably one of the primary reasons Roddenberry chose
        to have families aboard the Enterprise-D.  As Crusher avers in
        "When the Bough Breaks", human are at their fiercest when their
        children are threatened.  Or so we hope for the Future.

 RL> Like it or not, welcome to the new reality - but it ain't
 RL> true that most women want to be men INMHO!

        Let us hope. 

Your pal:  PhlAsh
 ū Ųystertags v1.1 ū I can't see no reason to put up a fight
~~~ ReneWave v1.01 [NR]
--- Smile :)
 * Origin: * The Beast's Lair * (804)498-3070 * Va Beach VA * (1:275/160)

 Msg  : 281 of 285
 From : Brion Lienhart                      1:213/700.2     .ķá 03 .åâ 96 09:10
 To   : Otto Cordray
 Subj : Not Darth
On Thu Feb 01, Otto Cordray said to Frank Glover:

 FG>    So if anyone does show up, hope it's Michael Renne,
 FG>    and not Darth Vader

 -OC>...or the Vogons :).

Gort, Vader barada nikto.

--- QM v1.31
 * Origin: Ministry of Peace - Carson City, NV (1:213/700.2)

 Msg  : 282 of 285
 From : Todd Sullivan                       1:202/720.3     .˙ō 02 .åâ 96 17:02
 To   : Nicolai Shapero
 Subj : Meek/weaklings
While substituting for Q, Nicolai Shapero took extreme delight in saying to me,
"You'll do anything I say?"  I quailed when the words "BS!!" were uttered.

 NS> Re humans being such weaklings:
 NS> "The meek shall inherit the Earth.  The rest of us are going to the
 NS> stars!"

I prefer the one Heinlein posited through Lazarus in /Number/ /of/ /the/
/Beast/: "The meek shall inherit the earth, in lots three by six feet."

If we don't go to the stars, that's how it's likely to be, and I need more space
than that.

Todd Sullivan

... "I won't be 400 for another four months." --Duncan MacLeod

-*- ASTG 1.9

--- Spot 1.3a Unregistered
 * Origin: Todd's Spot in the Continuum (1:202/720.3)

 Msg  : 283 of 285
 From : Todd Sullivan                       1:202/720.3     .˙ō 02 .åâ 96 17:05
 To   : Chip Griffin
 Subj : Electricity
While substituting for Q, Chip Griffin took extreme delight in saying to Nicolai
Shapero, "You'll do anything I say?"  Nicolai quailed when the words "nuclear"
were uttered.

 NS>> power transmission through conventional power grids too...

 CG> Yes, I know that.  I-squared R losses ... I know them well ... I once
 CG> worked and trained as an electrician ...

Tally ho, Sparky. :^)

Todd Sullivan, fmr EM3, USS Saratoga

... Creationist's Law:  You only lose arguments to liberal fascists.

-*- ASTG 1.9

--- Spot 1.3a Unregistered
 * Origin: Todd's Spot in the Continuum (1:202/720.3)

 Msg  : 284 of 285
 From : Todd Sullivan                       1:202/720.3     .˙ō 02 .åâ 96 17:12
 To   : Chris Ogniben
 Subj : BS!!
While substituting for Q, Chris Ogniben took extreme delight in saying to me,
"You'll do anything I say?"  I quailed when the words "BS!!" were uttered.

 CO>    Dude, you are a big loser.  Because, you think that having a
 CO> backbone is going to change anything.  Let me give you a little tip,
 CO> when you got a race of lifeforms trying to take over your planet.  and
 CO> they have the ability to slice through your body and your strong
 CO> backbone as you put it.  That you are gonna die like a wimp.  Since

You remind me of most Christians; proving an incorrect postulate through
circular logic.

As for fighting, if you can't talk, you hit.  Perfect way of proving your point,
if it has to do with strength alone.  What makes you think I'm stupid enough to
just sit still and take something I can avoid, or not take your sorry @$$ out at
100 yards?  Besides, you postulated an unfair fight; what makes you think *any*
fight is fair?  It's not, and you'd do well th remember that when you threaten
anyone.  Talk to a Marine that way--to his face--and he'll wipe the floor with
you without thinking about it.

Your idea that we're even worth bothering with to an interstellar empire is
ludicrous; we're barely worth noticing, provided we don't blow ourselves up in
the next decade or two.

Get real!

Todd Sullivan

... "The cost of liberty is less than the price of repression."
     --William Du Bois

-*- ASTG 1.9

--- Spot 1.3a Unregistered
 * Origin: Todd's Spot in the Continuum (1:202/720.3)

 Msg  : 285 of 285
 From : Jeff Hancock                        1:3600/7        .˙ō 02 .åâ 96 23:07
 To   : Robert Siemborski
 Subj : Babylon 5

RS>>The line was given away in the B5 magazine.
RS>These things exist? GIMMIE GIMMIE GIMMIE GIMMIE! ;-)

Yes, the much rumored B5 magazine does indeed exist. However, the store
here only had one copy and it's mine. ;)

Look around. You may have to do a lot of looking, especially now, but
maybe it's still around.

 * Crazy-J * RL=Vcc2/2PO, and this little piggy hit the ionosphere....

--- SLMAIL v3.5C  (#1540)
 * Origin: Robotech ū Lake City's Music*Demo BBS ū [904] 758*9477 (1:3600/7)

 Msg  : 1 of 106
 From : Frank Swarbrick                     1:104/825       .îí 05 .åâ 96 23:56
 To   : Chris Baugh
 Subj : weird tv
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  92-0022
On 02-02-96  19:56 my Very Good Friend Chris Baugh said:

 CB> Would you include weird comedy?

 TS> Can't say. The shows you mentioned are comedy to begin with,
 TS> just taken to extremes. Python might qualify by its premise,
 TS> but just barely.

 CB> So you're looking for just plain weird shows, presented in a serious
 CB> manner, apparently without irony?

Well...I was the one who started it, so I'll answer.  I don't say they
have to be absoluely serious and without irony, but I was definately
not looking for comedy shows.  Sorry...


... No one can hear when you're Screaming in Digital!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: The Bailey Information Exchange BBS, 28.8k v.fc  (1:104/825.0)

 Msg  : 2 of 106
 From : Todd Sullivan                       1:202/720.3     .îí 05 .åâ 96 20:45
 To   : Chris Ogniben
 Subj : Star Wars Novelizations
While substituting for Q, Chris Ogniben took extreme delight in saying to David
Little, "You'll do anything I say?"  David quailed when the words "Star Wars
Novelizations" were uttered.

 CO>    As far as i know about Star Wars.  I don't understand how it could
 CO> have survived, ever since the three movies that started the star wars
 CO> craze got me and many others to enjoy it.  I mean, at least they could
 CO> have done was run a television series to keep star wars alive, till the

That was tried with Logan's Run.  Lasted all of 1, maybe 2 seasons. Abyssmal

Todd Sullivan

... "Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else."
Īđåäûäķųā˙ ņōđāíčöā Ņëåäķūųā˙ ņōđāíčöā
1 ... 315 316 317 318 319 320 321  322 323 324 325 326 327 328 ... 500
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