Msg : 208 of 285
From : Dean Sweatman 1:396/1030 .åō 01 .åâ 96 14:40
To : All
Subj : Jerry Segal
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12 93-0696
* Crossposted from: PRIVATEInter
This message will be crossposted to a number of Fido echos and
Internet news groups. Sorry but there are some that will feel
that this news is important.
I was reading some inter-net traffic this morning that stated
that Jerry Segal (one of the creators of Superman and other
credits not listed to save space) died Monday morning. Can this
be confirmed?
Also mentioned was the death of Burne Hogarth (artist of the
Tarzan Newspaper strip in days gone by and other credits not
listed) died either Sunday or Monday. Can this be confirmed?
In checking other news groups and Fido Echos I do not find the
traffic that I would think that events of this nature would
spawn so I am wondering if the information is correct or if the
hit that comics fandom takes with this news has stunned us so
badly that the shock has yet to wear off.
... Dean Sweatman in his continuing & relentless quest toward Fugheadednes
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.20 [NR]
--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
* Origin: Black Tower BBS! (1:396/1030.0)
Msg : 209 of 285
From : Michael Harper 1:123/10 .pä 31 .íâ 96 20:12
To : Chris Ogniben
Subj : Dangerous Babes
-=> Tossing back another tequila, Chris Ogniben told Michael Harper about
Dangerous Babes...
CO> Do you people have anything else you may want to talk about, for
CO> Space Above and Beyond. For one thing, I havn't been able to find
CO> much being discussed in any other forums, other than a networked sci fi
CO> conference. But, let's see who else is in here, that are fans of
CO> Space Above and Beyond, and let's talk about a few things. Like
CO> episodes we liked, and stuff that may make interesting discussions
CO> started.
I may not be able to do too much messaging for a bit, Chris. The new
job is taking a lot of my goofoff time and diverting it to more
profitable areas. When I get home at night, the last thing I want to do
is sit down in front of this thing and answer mail. I intend to do as
much as possible on my days off, but I'm gonna have to cut back on a
lot of things.
... The trouble with being a god is that you've got no one to pray to.
--- RA/FD/FMail
* Origin: The Eclectic Fox -- Memphis TN (901)327-1008 (1:123/10)
Msg : 210 of 285
From : Michael Harper 1:123/10 .pä 31 .íâ 96 20:12
To : Chris Ogniben
Subj : Dangerous Babes
-=> Tossing back another tequila, Chris Ogniben told Michael Harper about
Dangerous Babes...
CO> Hey watch it with the language here. But, since we are on the
CO> subject of talking about dangerous woman. What about XENA - WARRIOR
CO> PRINCESS.. She is one hot babe, and one that could really kick your
CO> butt. I sure would like to take her on a date, or to get to know her
CO> better, maybe even marrying her, and raise a family. But, the point
CO> is, she is a tough one also.
Very true. I seem to remember reading someplace that Lucy Lawless is
already married. From the moves, I'd say that she's got a fair amount
of martial arts training. And yes, she is a majorly hot and and
dangerous babe.
... "Kissing girls is a goodness. It beats hell out of card games."
--- RA/FD/FMail
* Origin: The Eclectic Fox -- Memphis TN (901)327-1008 (1:123/10)
Msg : 211 of 285
From : Michael Harper 1:123/10 .pä 31 .íâ 96 20:12
To : Brad Morgan
Subj : Foundation Again
-=> Tossing back another tequila, Brad Morgan told Christopher O'conor about
Foundation Again...
CO->I've only read the trilogy, so I can't help. But, for the record, Star
CO->Wars has NINE parts, not six. (Three trilogies - one before "A New
CO->Hope", one after "Return of the Jedi")
BM> Why can't I find the other 6 books? Back when the earth was cooling,
BM> when the initial Star Wars came out, I remember seeing all 9 books in
BM> the bookstore, but I haven't been able to find the 1st or 3rd trilogy
BM> since...I have checked books in print off and on during the years, but
BM> still, no books...I'm starting to wonder if I was hallucinating way
BM> back then...
Because the others haven't been done yet. There were the three original
SW novelizations, Splinter Of The Mind's Eye, and the Han Solo and
Lando Calrissian trilogies, but until the recent SW novels by Tim Zahn,
Kevin Anderson and everybody else, the only written material was that
stuff. Give them a little time; it'll be here. I think Lucas is working
on getting the script and other stuff together for the next film. I
sure hope so.
... Story, time and place -- these are the essentials. --Cordwainer Smith
--- RA/FD/FMail
* Origin: The Eclectic Fox -- Memphis TN (901)327-1008 (1:123/10)
Msg : 212 of 285
From : Nicolai Shapero 1:102/524 .pä 31 .íâ 96 06:50
To : Barton Paul Levenson
This subject has been declared off-topic for the next 90 days. Please post no
further messages to this thread.
Thank you for your cooperation,
-- Nicolai Shapero, Moderator of the SFFAN echo
--- msged 2.06
* Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)
Msg : 213 of 285
From : Nicolai Shapero 1:102/524 .pä 31 .íâ 96 06:53
To : Todd Sullivan
Subj : BS!!
Re humans being such weaklings:
"The meek shall inherit the Earth. The rest of us are going to the stars!"
-- Nicolai Shapero, the Mad Russian Sysop of StormGate Aerie
--- msged 2.06
* Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)
Msg : 214 of 285
From : Flemming Norup 2:238/108.26 .pä 31 .íâ 96 17:21
To : Star Hawk
Subj : elfquest
.MOOD: Singing and dancing :-D
Hi Star Hawk, hope you are having a nice day
27-Jan-96 23:48:39, Star Hawk wrote to Chris Myers
Subject: elfquest
SH> http://www.elfquest.com.
Sounds interresting.....
SH> Hey, EQ - Happy Birthday! Let's party!
The sincerest regars from Denmark too........
SH> Richard A. Pini
Maybe YOU could do something about the inavailability of EQ in Denmark?
-=> Yours sincerely, Flemming Norup <=-
........ a VERY big Fan
--- Terminate 3.00/Pro
* Origin: CoSysOp pÆ TREKANTENS PC Line - 75911234 - 24Hrs (2:238/108.26)
Msg : 215 of 285
From : Otto Cordray 1:106/1393 .åō 01 .åâ 96 20:21
To : Dean Sweatman
Subj : Siegel & Hogarth
I read about Siegel this morning in the Houston Chronicle and I heard about
Hogarth this weekend on the radio (although the report I heard credited him with
being the creator of Tarzan, not just doing the comic strip.)
--- Maximus/2 3.01
* Origin: The Round Table, BBS of Gulf Coast Mensa * 922-1393 (1:106/1393)
Msg : 216 of 285
From : Chip Griffin 1:320/301 .cę 28 .íâ 96 10:57
To : Brion Lienhart
Subj : Re: nuclear BS
On 01/28/96 (@10:56:28) Brion Lienhart typed:
BL> Whatever. I got out of the Navy in 1985.
I joined the Navy in Jan 1985 ... and served dutifully til 5/1/1993 ...
de Chip [N1MIE] President of TRAUG quarry@q.continuum.net
--- MacKennel 2.2.1
* Origin: The Quarry: 860-889-6427 -- Amateur Radio & Mac User (1:320/301.0)
Msg : 217 of 285
From : Chip Griffin 1:320/301 .cę 28 .íâ 96 11:05
To : David Johnston
Subj : Re: Nuclear Bs
On 01/28/96 (@11:02:08) David Johnston typed:
DJ> -> Greenpeace IS a TERRORIST organization, their methods prove it!
DJ> A terrorist organisation is one which kills noncombatants in an attempt to
DJ> throw fear into the general public and the political leadership. When did
DJ> Greenpeace do this?
I disagree whole heartedly. Here's what Webster has to say about TERRORISM:
n: The systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion
That would make anyone who uses said methods to be a TERRORIST. Given this
definition I think Greenpeace aptly fits the definition of a TERRORIST
organization. They use fear to try and coerce corporations and government
agencies to submit to their view of reality including such things as whaling
and nuclear issues.
de Chip [N1MIE] President of TRAUG quarry@q.continuum.net
--- MacKennel 2.2.1
* Origin: The Quarry: 860-889-6427 -- Amateur Radio & Mac User (1:320/301.0)
Msg : 218 of 285
From : Chip Griffin 1:320/301 .cę 28 .íâ 96 11:11
To : Nicolai Shapero
Subj : Re: nuclear
On 01/28/96 (@11:10:33) Nicolai Shapero typed:
NS> through to be useful. Oh, and by the by, there's a fair amount of loss in
NS> power transmission through conventional power grids too...
Yes, I know that. I-squared R losses ... I know them well ... I once worked
and trained as an electrician ...
de Chip [N1MIE] President of TRAUG quarry@q.continuum.net
--- MacKennel 2.2.1
* Origin: The Quarry: 860-889-6427 -- Amateur Radio & Mac User (1:320/301.0)
Msg : 219 of 285
From : Chip Griffin 1:320/301 .cę 28 .íâ 96 11:17
To : J.T. Smith
Subj : Re: nuclear
On 01/28/96 (@11:16:06) J.T. Smith typed:
JS> Negative. I used to live right near the bloody place. It was in the
JS> Morning Call, and several other papers local to the area. If I could get
JS> me hands on the dates, I would. Found out about this when I was a
So what you are saying is that you are foolish enough to believe what you
read/hear in the mass media?
As a member of an organization that is routinely victimized (no exaggeration
here) by local newspapers I can attest that usually only the smallest fraction