CO> episodes. If i were FOX, i would air Sliders on Thursday night at 8
CO> pm. Since there really isn't anything else to watch on thursday
CO> night, other than a thursday night prime movie, on HBO, at 9 pm. This
If Fox aired Sliders on Thurdays at 8:00 they would up against NBC's award
winning comedy line-up. Not smart unless they want Sliders to
CO> way, Voyager is on monday. Tuesday is Deadly Games, and Wednsday is
CO> SeaQuest, Thursday Sliders and Friday's Strange Luck and X files. ANd
OK, let's see...Deadly Games - hasn't this been canceled? SeaQuest -
definitely canceled. Voyager - OK but could use some work (Nowhere Man is
better). You didn't mention Babylon 5 or Space:Above and Beyond or Star
Trek Deep Space 9 or Highlander. Do you have anything against these shows?
CO> i am a big fan of the show strange luck, and looking to talk about
CO> some of the past episodes with anyone else who is a fan of it. And i
CO> don't want FOX to get rid of Strange Luck, which is as good as X-Files,
Strange Luck is good but I don't think it's as good as X-Files.
CO> to put in Sliders. If they do that, i would be very angry at all the
CO> slider fans out there.
Why? The people who like Sliders all like X-Files, too, more than likely.
I know I do.
... A good bookshop is just a genteel Black Hole that knows how to read.
--- GEcho 1.11+
* Origin: The Transporter Room - Online Doom! - 704/567-9513 (1:379/1)
Msg : 150 of 285
From : Emilio Ares 1:379/1 .ōp 30 .íâ 96 21:24
To : Chris Ogniben
Subj : Re: X-files
.TID: GE 1.11+
-=> Quoting Chris Ogniben to Emilio Ares <=-
CO> Though it was a very interesting idea, for aliens to use bugs as
CO> little robots to observe earth, that i find it to be stupid idea also.
CO> Since, it deals with bugs, why not just use something else, like a
CO> bird, or a bigger animal.
Ah, but you don't see the beauty of using bugs in this type of a mission.
1) You don't notice these things very often.
2) They can get places and see things birds or bigger animals can't.
... -=>> My other sentient killing machine is a BOLO <<=-
--- GEcho 1.11+
* Origin: The Transporter Room - Online Doom! - 704/567-9513 (1:379/1)
Msg : 151 of 285
From : Emilio Ares 1:379/1 .ōp 30 .íâ 96 21:24
To : Frank Glover
.TID: GE 1.11+
-=> Quoting Frank to Christian Raven on 14 Jan 96 15:06:07
concerning VIRTUAL SEX<=-
CR> that teaches us that these are sick. I'm not going to sit here and
CR> seriously condone sexual sadism, but if it's all part of the male
CR> psyche then perhaps crimes could be prevented through VR sex, eh?
FG> Or explored as a psychiatric tool. (It's already been applied to
FG> treat those with a fear of heights.)
FG> a conditioning/brainwashing tool. Which brings us back to
FG> Brainstorm, and a Next Generation episode where the Romulans captured
FG> Geordi, and fed him selected inputs through his Visor connections....
It also brings in A Clockwork Orange where Alex is conditioned to become
violently ill in response to violence and violent impulses.
... Kzinti Diplomatic Corps - Let's do lunch
--- GEcho 1.11+
* Origin: The Transporter Room - Online Doom! - 704/567-9513 (1:379/1)
Msg : 152 of 285
From : Emilio Ares 1:379/1 .ōp 30 .íâ 96 21:24
To : Jon Helis
.TID: GE 1.11+
-=> Quoting Jon to Frank Glover on 14 Jan 96 11:18:00
concerning VIRTUAL SEX<=-
JH> Has anyone ever read a Ray Bradbury story called "The Veldt?"
JH> An adaptation of it appeared in the film "The Illustrated Man."
A VERY good adaptation of the story.
JH> This story told of a children's playroom in which fantasies
JH> would appear. The parents let the children spend all their time
JH> in this room, where they would fantasize about lions devouring
JH> the parents who wouldn't let them do what they wanted to.
JH> That's another part of the story I won't go into for those of
JH> you who haven't read it.
JH> This room, which was like a crude holodeck, substituted for the
JH> real world. It would show any image you wanted, simply by
JH> thinking it. The parents, by letting them spend all their time
JH> in this room, let this room become the parents. In the end,
JH> when they tried to stop it, the damage had already been done.
This makes one think, doesn't it? What are we using as substitute parents
in our present day and age? How many of us parents are guilty of letting
our children sit in front of the television set or a video game for hours
at a time? How much time do we spend reading with our children or playing
some of the board games we used to play as children ourselves? Is it any
surprise that our society is the way it is?
The problem is that when I read what I wrote above, I accuse myself of the
same things. I'm just as guilty of this as anyone else. The difference is
that I AM trying to change the situation. Realizing that a problem exists
is always the first step in any solution.
I'm off my soapbox now.
JH> ... "Never fear answers. Only fear running out of questions." Ivanova
This goes along with ...
... "You live and learn, or you don't live long." -- Heinlein
--- GEcho 1.11+
* Origin: The Transporter Room - Online Doom! - 704/567-9513 (1:379/1)
Msg : 153 of 285
From : Emilio Ares 1:379/1 .ōp 30 .íâ 96 21:24
To : Chris Ogniben
Subj : Re: X-files
.TID: GE 1.11+
-=> Quoting Chris to Chris Bach on 19 Jan 96 06:34:33
concerning X-files<=-
CO> And as for Weird science, apparently i never got
CO> hooked to that series. I mean, i just like real quality sci fi stuff,
CO> and i think the weird science show is not real good quality sci fi
CO> show. And, that is why i don't watch it.
I agree with you here. Weird Science is not a quality SF show. I don't
think it's supposed to be a quality SF show. It's just another adolescent
fantasy fulfillment show that abound on the networks.
Speaking of good quality SF, what have you read in the genre? What authors
do you enjoy?
I prefer Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle, and Robert Heinlein mostly though I
have read quite a few others. It mostly depends on the story though
(doesn't it always?).
... To kidnap a Kzin is probably a mistake.
--- GEcho 1.11+
* Origin: The Transporter Room - Online Doom! - 704/567-9513 (1:379/1)
Msg : 154 of 285
From : Brion Lienhart 1:213/700.2 .ōp 30 .íâ 96 11:16
To : Frank Swarbrick
Subj : weird tv
On Sat Jan 27, Frank Swarbrick said to Nicolai Shapero:
-FS>As for Weird Science, isn't that a comedy? I've never watched it
-FS>(other than the original movie). It looks so, well...stupid.
Yes, it's a comedy, and yes it's stupid. That doesn't mean it's bad though. I
like it anyway.
--- QM v1.31
* Origin: Ministry of Peace - Carson City, NV (1:213/700.2)
Msg : 155 of 285
From : Brion Lienhart 1:213/700.2 .ōp 30 .íâ 96 11:26
To : Kay Shapero
Subj : Books
On Sat Jan 27, Kay Shapero said to Frank Glover:
FG> Just for my curiosity, have you read (and if so, what did you
FG>think of) David Brin's `Glory Season?"
-KS>Haven't read it yet. I think it's in the TRQ, but can't check at the
-KS>moment. I'm still reading Mary Gentle's GRUNTS at the moment. I
-KS>recommend it as an antidote to one too many Tolkien-rip-off generic
-KS>fantasies.. :-> Mind you, it contains characters who, for the most
-KS>part, you'd be quite happy to sling into the abyss and put a lid on
I second the nomination of _Glory Season_. Have you read _Brightness Reef_ yet?
It's obviously the first book of a series, but I liked it anyway. Ends on a
major cliff-hanger.
As for _Grunts_ I guess I haven't read too many Tolkien-rip-off generic
fantasies, because I didn't care for it at all. I generally try to avoid the
TROGFs, I can usually tell by the covers. When it mentions the lowly farmboy on
a quest for the ceramic nose-flute of Agamoto to save the universe, I give it a
miss. That's the main reason I passed on David Eddings books for so long.
--- QM v1.31
* Origin: Ministry of Peace - Carson City, NV (1:213/700.2)
Msg : 156 of 285
From : Ecarey 1:101/230 .îí 29 .íâ 96 07:16
To : Christian Raven
CR>KS> So maybe they've stopped using the silly definitions to define real liv
CR>KS> people, as opposed to theoreticaly abstracts? Heck, I can give orders
CR>KS> and I'm female (!) and heterosexual (!!) and not even trying to be a ma
CR>KS> (!!!). Wouldn't want to, really - not that men are bad necessarily (I'
CR>KS> married to one), but I'm perfectly happy with the sex I've got.
CR> perhaps they have... and perhaps woman as a general species are becoming m
CR>and more independant and assertive as they evolve.
Women aren't a species. They are the females of the same species men are
the males of.
CR>my entire argument is based
CR>on the fact that throughout history, probably almost to the beginning of man
CR>(no matter what your religion), woman have been child-bearers. now, i'm not
CR>trying to be sexist (although reading my last message i can understand how y
CR>might feel that way), but that's the way it was. in fact, it wasn't until
CR>quite recently that women began to take on some of the roles of their male
CR>counterparts. so the way i see it, you can't destroy that much evolved
CR>instinct in just a few decades... most likely, it will take quite a long tim
Your knowledge of history is limited and inaccurate. Women bear the
children, but in most cultures, women have had to be able to exercise
power and authority. Most "primitive" cultures have elders of both sexes
who are important in making decisions for the group as a whole. In more
technologically advanced cultures, women have often _in practice_ run
the households theoretically ruled by their husbands, while their
husbands were away doing other things - such as fighting the wars, or
dancing attendance on appropriate monarchs. This meant running the
_entire_ household, the male servants and tenant farmers as well as the
And most cultures have tossed up at least a few female rulers and even
warriors, even when the laws were theoretically very much against it.
CR> i agree, assertiveness is far superior to raw agression in the long term.