CO> Hello!!!!!!! Apparently you seem to be more stupider than i
CO> thought. Since, i just finished replying to you, to how much of a
CO> scumbag you are for attacking janeway. And now you make another reply
CO> to a person in here, stating that you like janeway. Get a stinking
CO> life you stupid idiot. Since, apparently you don't even see that your
CO> the biggest hypcrypt scumbuck and a bigger loser in this conference.
Look, maybe you need to get your facts straight before you start throwing
around really thought out insults like that. I don't know what message you
are talking about. Me attact Janeway? Prove it. You might have read a quote
from someone else, but I don't recall EVER saying anything about that
particular character in VOYAGER. Besides, what if I did? Who are you to
judge anyone in such a manner. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, whether
it stay constant or not. People change as well as opinions.
Kinda like that old adage: "Judge not, lest ye me judged."
As for me liking Janeway, I think it's a character that is wonderfully strong
and is one of the redeeming qualities of ST:VOYAGER. The characters are
the biggest quality of the show. I even like the actress in other T.V. shows
that she has done. I was excited to find that she would be playing the
character of the captain.
Now, first of all Hypcrypt, is spelled hypocrit. Secondly, maybe you need
to re-evaluate your lifestyle if the only thing you have to do is throw
around needless insults such as those.
Sorry, you behaved this way. I was kinda enjoying our conversations. If
you think you can talk and converse in a civilized manner, I would like
to continue them.
... Oxymoron: Press Release.
--- MachoEcho 0.5ņ
* Origin: The State of Confusion * Arlington Tx * 817-274-1920 * (1:130/809)
Msg : 82 of 285
From : Channon Lang 1:130/809 .cę 28 .íâ 96 05:02
To : Chris Ogniben
Subj : Re: X-files
.TID: GE 1.11+
From a dark bottomless pit,Chris Ogniben screamed up to Channon Lang about
CO> you don't know where they have been before. But, maybe your right
CO> about the factor going down to an area, where bugs love it, which is
CO> the tropics. I bet it would be hard to really live around all them
CO> bugs down there, but, the only reason taht people are afraid of the
CO> insects, and their world. Since that they are different from us,
CO> without having organs that we use in order to be alive. I just always
CO> wonder how insects can be alive, without a beating heart, and
CO> breathing lungs. It's just part of being interested in finding those
CO> answers in bugs. But, hey did you see in that episode that hot looking
CO> chick, that enjoyed learning about cock raoches.. I bet she must not
CO> have a life with men, to be busy with studing those dirty bugs.
Unfortunatly, I couldn't bring myself to watch the episode, so I don't know
about the girl you are talking about.
I do have to agree with you on the insect physiology....makes you wonder if
it's not a better system. I mean, look how long roaches have been around.
And nothing seems to kill the little buggers.
... I live in a world of my own, but you're welcome to visit.
--- MachoEcho 0.5ņ
* Origin: The State of Confusion * Arlington Tx * 817-274-1920 * (1:130/809)
Msg : 83 of 285
From : Channon Lang 1:130/809 .cę 28 .íâ 96 05:02
To : Robert Siemborski
Subj : Re: Babylon 5's sex scenes
.TID: GE 1.11+
From a dark bottomless pit,Robert Siemborski screamed up to Channon Lang about
Babylon 5's sex scenes..
RS> @PATH: 2604/214 269 2 104 270/101 396/1 130/1008 509 35
> Well, I know this much....I'm tired of reruns!!!!
> When are they gonna do something new?
RS> This week is the last of the re-runs with: Passing through Gesoname
RS> (spelled wrong, of course). That's the one where the Black Rose
RS> killer rediscovers his other (better? ) half.
I dunno....I kinda liked his evil side. You know, I wonder if that would
be a better punishment. Everyone else knowing who you are and not telling.
RS> After that, it's new episodes with the one with the funniest line in
RS> the series to date, blah, blah.... Supposed to be a BIG arc episode.
RS> It's about time.
I'll definatly have to watch it tomorrow night! Can hardly wait!
... Sometimes I'm so obscure, even *I* don't know what I meant!
--- MachoEcho 0.5ņ
* Origin: The State of Confusion * Arlington Tx * 817-274-1920 * (1:130/809)
Msg : 84 of 285
From : Channon Lang 1:130/809 .cę 28 .íâ 96 05:02
To : Rod Mammitzsch
Subj : Re: canadian stuff
.TID: GE 1.11+
From a dark bottomless pit,Rod Mammitzsch screamed up to Channon Lang about
canadian stuff..
CL> Hubby and I went to Toronto for part of our Honeymoon trip. Do they
CL> still
CL> take you to Jupiter? It was nice traveling to another planet for a
CL> Honeymoon.
CL> And to think we were just gonna stop in Niagra Falls....
RM> Yes I think they still have that trip...they also have a
RM> "laser tag" game down there as well. Niagra Falls is nice but Jupiter
RM> is better! :)
What a ride that was!!!! We still have the tickets. Someday we're gonna
go back. Hubby's relative's live in Buffalo. Heck, if I get that close, I'm
DEFINATLY gonna do that again....
Hubby would probably like the laser tag, too...
... When all else fails play dead. (the Possum Lodge motto)
--- MachoEcho 0.5ņ
* Origin: The State of Confusion * Arlington Tx * 817-274-1920 * (1:130/809)
Msg : 85 of 285
From : Channon Lang 1:130/809 .cę 28 .íâ 96 05:02
To : Chris Carter
Subj : Your perfect repremand
.TID: GE 1.11+
From a dark bottomless pit,Chris Carter screamed up to Chris Ogniben about
CC> 1) Mr. Ogniben, start *quoting* messages. Since conversations in
CC> this echo do not occur in real time, context can be lost when you
CC> don't quote pertinent text from the message you're replying to. To
CC> be quite honest, I don't recollect making the joke you accuse me of
CC> making. Perhaps if you'd quoted it back to me, I'd know what the
CC> Hell you were talking about.
CC> 2) The only reason I'm answering this message is because it was
CC> addressed directly to me. In general, I ignore your messages,
CC> primarily because of the reason stated in the previous paragraph.
CC> It has become evident that merely ignoring you will be inadequate.
CC> Hence, I'll introduce you to my twit filter.
CC> *plonk* (For those who just joined our program, "plonk" is the
CC> sound of someone hitting a killfile or twit filter.)
CC> To all others who may read this message, I apologize; not for the
CC> comments I allegedly made in regard to cancer, (my sign) but for the
CC> contents of this post.
I normally would not respond to past such as this, but I feel I must at
least thank you for the message. Since I was also one that he pointed
his finger at, I'm glad someone *plonked* him.
... There's an old droid saying: 001100101101001010001110
--- MachoEcho 0.5ņ
* Origin: The State of Confusion * Arlington Tx * 817-274-1920 * (1:130/809)
Msg : 86 of 285
From : Scott Royall 1:106/357 .cę 28 .íâ 96 10:58
To : Mark Jones
Subj : Dangerous Babes
Thursday January 25 1996 23:25, Mark Jones wrote to Jon Helis:
MJ> Hey--don't you be disparaging Gabrielle! I like her. As a rule, I
MJ> find sidekicks annoying, but I like Gabrielle for two reasons.
MJ> 1. She's not *just* comic relief. She actually does some good once
MJ> in a while.
MJ> 2. She's mighty cute (in a different way than Xena).
I'll roger that. There's something about Gabrielle I find endearing. She's
cute and spunky, sorta like my first ex.
FAX: 713-556-5464
--- GoldED/2 2.50+
* Origin: 713-556-5464 (1:106/357)
Msg : 87 of 285
From : J.T. Smith 1:132/152 .ķá 27 .íâ 96 12:24
To : Bill Clements
Contact has been made.
BC> `Fusion Without Ex-Lax' first published in `GALAXY' October 1976
BC> (C)opyright by UPD Publishing Corporation Inc. and reprinted in
BC> `A STEP FARTHER OUT' (C)opyright 1979 by Jerry Pournelle, Ph.D..
BC> This was written in 1976, and is still true today. How's that
BC> for a half life? I implore all readers following this thread,
BC> and all resultant threads, PLEASE read `A STEP FARTHER OUT' and
BC> add it to your Pro-Nuclear Arsenal!
... Profanity: The language all programmers know.
--- Blue Wave v2.12 [NR]
* Origin: The Cereal Port BBS (OS/2) Rindge,NH 603-899-3335 (1:132/152)
Msg : 88 of 285
From : David Durgee 1:109/458 .cę 28 .íâ 96 09:26
To : Chris Ogniben
Subj : Re: nuclear bs
.TID: InterEcho 1.14 6E011108
In a message dated 01-2696, Chris Ogniben said to David Durgee:
CO> For your information, that one Nuculear power planet is enough to
CO>wipe out about a 1000 or more people if it explodes.
Explosion is NOT possible for a nuclear power plant. Power plants are NOT
build like bombs just waiting to explode. You should regard the person who
told you that a nuclear reactor could explode as completely ignorant of the
topic and utterly unreliable in anything related to the field.
CO>So, i think it would be best to keep the number limited for these types
CO>of plants to be running. Since the danger is still there, no matter if
CO>the risks are there or not.
ALL activities have an element of risk. You risk being struck and killed by
a meteorite when you walk around outdoors, as only one case of such a death
has ever been documented your chances of it occurring is infinitesimal. All
methods of generating power entail their own hazards, but you need to look
at the bigger picture. I suggest you check your local library for "The
Health Hazards of NOT Going Nuclear" written by someone who actually works
in the field. If you take all things into account from mining the resources
necessary to the actual generation of power you will find that nuclear power
is significantly less hazardous to all involved than any other method of
power generation. This includes coal, oil, hydroelectric and solar methods
of generation.
CO>The point is, when you are dealing with nuclear power, it's going to be
CO>very risky to keep it all in line. Because if something bad happens,
CO>it's on your head for wanting to have more plants.