>proof that no star ship can go warp 10. And i also would like to see
>the reason why again. Since i know this is going to shut up all those
>people that been stating that it was possible to go warp 10 and faster.
But acording to the STTNG Technical Manual, it takes infinate energy (by the TNG
standards) to go Warp 10, so the episode shouldn't even be possible. The
technical manual even goes far enough to say that even Q can't achieve warp 10.
I think that someone should have the writer check his Technical Manual, or are
the scales for Voyager different from the warp scales in TNG?
However, in TOS, The enterprise did go Warp 14.5 in one episode. That is
mentioned in the Technical Manual. But it said that the scale had been changed
since then.
It's there for anyone to see.
- Rob -
--- SLMAIL v4.5a (#1409)
* Origin: Bits 'N Bytes BBS - Leonia, NJ - (201) 346-1661 - 28.8k Connections!
Msg : 45 of 285
From : Rod Mammitzsch 1:250/1066 .åō 25 .íâ 96 17:24
To : Channon Lang
Subj : Re: canadian stuff
CL> RM> the show! After all isn't the CN tower in the opening credits!
CL> Hubby and I went to Toronto for part of our Honeymoon trip. Do they
CL> still
CL> take you to Jupiter? It was nice traveling to another planet for a
CL> Honeymoon.
CL> And to think we were just gonna stop in Niagra Falls....
Yes I think they still have that trip...they also have a "laser tag"
game down there as well. Niagra Falls is nice but Jupiter is better! :)
--- Xenolink 1.981
* Origin: The Phantasmagoria - Horror, SF & Fantasy since 1987 (1:250/1066)
Msg : 46 of 285
From : Owen E. Oulton 1:243/45 .˙ō 26 .íâ 96 14:15
To : Bianca Wesslak
Subj : nuclear
BW> But if it was an all out loss of electricty, which was the actual question
BW> what would it matter if it was commercial or non commercial electricity???
Bianca, the situation you posit shows that you have as little understanding of
electricity as you do of nuclear power.
The only way you could have a total, non-restorable, loss of electricity would
be if there were a fundamental change in the laws of physics. In this case,
everyone would be dead, since life itself is an electrochemical process.
Now, can we *ALL* drop this bloody stupid debate and get back to discussing SF?
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Pandora's Box, Ottawa, Ont. 613-829-1209 (1:243/45)
Msg : 47 of 285
From : Frank Swarbrick 1:104/825 .åō 25 .íâ 96 20:17
To : Rudy Hardy
Subj : Space: Above & Beyond Epi
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12 92-0022
On 01-14-96 19:25 my Very Good Friend Rudy Hardy said:
RH> Hello Frank,
RH> Thanks for your SAAB episode listing. Just another question: is it a
RH> good series? I mean, are the episodes so cool that these Morgan & Wong
RH> wrote for The X-Files?
In my opinion, no. The M&W X-Files eps are far superior to anything
that SAAB has done. I think this is less the result of poor writing
than it is that with the premise of Space it's harder to come up with
interesting stories. Actually, I think it's more that it's harder to
make the characters interesting. All of them seem to be much too
cliche. It seems to be getting better, though. I'm certainly not
saying that good stories can't be written for the show. There have
been some pretty good ones, just not most of them. We'll see...
... The Truth Is Out There -- The X-Files
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
* Origin: The Bailey Information Exchange BBS, 28.8k v.fc (1:104/825.0)
Msg : 48 of 285
From : Frank Swarbrick 1:104/825 .åō 25 .íâ 96 20:19
To : Brion Lienhart
Subj : weird tv
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12 92-0022
On 01-23-96 16:06 my Very Good Friend Brion Lienhart said:
BL> On Sat Jan 20, Frank Swarbrick said to All:
BL> [ ... ]
-FS>The X-Files (1993- ) [3]
-FS>The [new] Outer Limits (1994- ) [2]
-FS>VR.5 (1995) [1]
-FS>Nowhere Man (1995- ) [1]
-FS>American Gothic (1995- ) [1]
-FS>Anyway, what other "weird" tv shows are out there?
BL> Is there some reason you left off Strange Luck?
Brain lapse? Honestly, I just didn't think of it at the time I made
the list. I would have to say that it definately belongs.
... Let them eat static!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
* Origin: The Bailey Information Exchange BBS, 28.8k v.fc (1:104/825.0)
Msg : 49 of 285
From : Glenn Shaheen 1:3600/7 .ōp 23 .íâ 96 18:24
To : Kay Shapero
Subj : Star Trek
KS>Which I find very hard to believe - no matter how you tilt the axis,
Unless it's like Venus, which has an almost constant surface temperature
of 455 degrees Celsius due to the greenhouse effect.
* OLX 2.2 * Is infinity odd or even?
--- SLMAIL v3.5C (#1540)
* Origin: Robotech ū Lake City's Music*Demo BBS ū [904] 758*9477 (1:3600/7)
Msg : 50 of 285
From : Jeff Hancock 1:3600/7 .åō 25 .íâ 96 21:25
To : Kay Shapero
Subj : Babylon 5
KS> RS> Something that Ivonova says in Sheriden's bedroom is supposed to
KS> RS>be really funny. Take that for what you will.
KS>Especially if it's any better than "Either we had one hell of a hull
The line was given away in the B5 magazine.
It's a paraphrase of a well-known Trek line.
Even without a full description of the circumstances, I can assure you
it is "really funny". ;-)
* Crazy-J * "Fatal error 6 occurred while trying to report error 6."
--- SLMAIL v3.5C (#1540)
* Origin: Robotech ū Lake City's Music*Demo BBS ū [904] 758*9477 (1:3600/7)
Msg : 51 of 285
From : STEPHEN ADAMS 1:377/77 .pä 24 .íâ 96 14:43
.TID: GE 1.2
On 01/18/96 at 17:03, ROBERT SIEMBORSKI uttered these words to STEPHEN ADAMS:
"NOWHERE MAN," which prompted this discussion:
Hello Robert...
RS> >If all of this speculation does indeed come true, then I'd rather see
RS> >the writers and producers of Nowhere Man either conclude the series, or
RS> >take it where they can continue on with the quality they've put out so
RS> >far; either in syndication or, perhaps, another network such as WB.
RS> I hate it when a series ends suddenly without a good final ending of
RS> its overall arc. Example: Quantum Leap. I hope that they don't cut
RS> B5 too soon either.
From what I've read, we won't have to worry about B5 for a while. All
indications show that Warner Brothers has picked up B5 for its fourth
Besides, I think that some producers, when told that their series
*won't* be picked up again, purposefully leave the conclusion in
suspension. That way, if there's enough of a call by the audience to see
a logical conclusion, they could try to make big bucks by creating one
on the big screen. It seemed to have worked for Paramount with Star
Steve Adams Internet: sfxerzf@scfn.thpl.lib.fl.us
January 24, 1996 stephen.adams@bandit-bbs.com
14:51 ET wl-sadams-blb@society.com
* RM 1.3 * Eval Day 49 *
--- WC!/IM!/GE-PRO1.20!
* Origin: Longbow BBS! Tampa, FL (813)961-3653 USR V.34+ DS (1:377/77)
Msg : 52 of 285
From : The Raven 1:363/309 .åō 25 .íâ 96 05:29
To : Christian Raven
Subj : Star Trek Sexism
CR> yes... alot of people (especially women) would like to change
CR> centuries of evolution in just a few decades, but it's not so easy.
Please don't take this the wrong way, as I mean no offense by it, but
are you for *real*? This opinion of yours fits neatly in the "full of it"
Jack Butler
... I haven't lost my mind; it's backed up on tape somewhere!
--- Blue Wave/DOS v2.20 [NR]
* Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando, FL -=- 407-679-6561 (1:363/309)
Msg : 53 of 285
From : The Raven 1:363/309 .åō 25 .íâ 96 05:36
To : Ecarey
Subj : TV AND SF
LED> You point out one glaring difference between US and British TV,
LED> that some foundational degree of culture was present when their
LED> networks started. The American networks tried to rise above the poor
LED> breeding of the typical American.
> But don't forget, for every BBC Shakespeare production, there were half
> a dozen sitcoms that were just as brainless as anything we have here.
And in some cases worse. As bad as some of the American "jiggle
comedies" were, nothing on American television could compare to "Benny Hill"
for sheer lowbrow comedy.
Ec> It's rarely apparent _at the time_ which bits of contemporary culture
Ec> are going to be lastingly valued; we make a mistake in believing we can
Ec> pass final judgment on what's being produced now, and expect to be more
Ec> right past generations of cultural pundits were about the products of
Ec> _their_ era.
As my mother says, "Always remember that Van Gogh and Mozart both died
Ec> The truth is, we have no idea what may survive from our own time to be
Ec> regarded as "high culture" by future generations, and the assumption
Ec> that _nothing_ will is pure pseudo-sophisticated snobbery firmly
Ec> grounded in ignorance of what was popular and what not, and how
Ec> _present_ classics were regarded, by earlier generations.
Heh. An image just came to me, from "Demolition Man". The oldies
station played "minitunes", which were once advertising jingles of the late
20th Century.
Jack Butler
... No cause is so right that one cannot find a fool following it.
--- Blue Wave/DOS v2.20 [NR]
* Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando, FL -=- 407-679-6561 (1:363/309)
Msg : 54 of 285
From : The Raven 1:363/309 .åō 25 .íâ 96 05:46
To : Bianca Wesslak
Subj : Survival Skills
> Where in the world did you get the above statement from me saying I'd beg
> some native americans for survival lessons?
You are making two *very* prejudicial statements here. First, that