those Merry Marvel Mutants. Excelsior!
--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: Pandora's Box, Ottawa, Ont. 613-829-1209 (1:243/45)
Msg : 22 of 285
From : Phill Ash 1:275/160 .åō 25 .íâ 96 09:42
To : Jerry Van Kooten
Subj : .ystertags...
.TID: GE 1.11+
JVK> Browsing through a lot, I mean a /lot/ of messages, I was pressing the
JVK> Delete key too quickly, when I say two dots on a capital O. That can
JVK> only mean one thing...
PA> ū Ųystertags v1.1 ū And this is what my friends all mean by Del Rio's
PA> song
JVK> Yes! The BŲC... I know, wrong area, but could you please tell me what
JVK> the Ųystertags v1.1 is? Any other BŲC interests (tapes, maybe)?
Ôystertags is a tagline file that I worked-up over the Xmas
doldrums... I took every lyric to every BŲC song ('cept "Wings of
Mercury") and formatted 'em into 70character taglines. It's
version 1.1 because I'm still going back through and correcting
the spelling errors and all. I think there're about 1500 tags
in the file (70k). If ya got an Internet address, I'll zing you
a copy.
Lessee... I've got just about everything they've put out except
"Live NY '72", Buck's solo album "Flat Out" and Joey's new
group's self-titled "Brain Surgeons". I also don't have the
*latest* compilation set (not 'Cult Classics', the newer
one...), but I do have the "Bad Channels" soundtrack and the
"Live '76" cd and video.
My handle on the Beast's Lair is "Thanatos" from (of course)
"The Reaper" and I'm teaching my 3year-old son to sing
"Godzilla" in the shower.
Any other questions? =)
... Pay me. I'll be your surgeon... I'd like to pick your brain
* Ųystertags v1.1 *
~~~ ReneWave v1.01 [NR]
--- Smile :)
* Origin: * The Beast's Lair * (804)498-3070 * Va Beach VA * (1:275/160)
Msg : 23 of 285
From : Karen Rodgers 1:202/1313 .åō 25 .íâ 96 14:37
To : Trevor Pack
Subj : X-files
-=> Quoting Trevor Pack to Marco Catalano <=-
TP> yeah, i saw that one it was cool. tonight they are showing the one
TP> with a genetic sewer monster fron Russia.
Is that one from second season? I'm an occational X-Files watcher, and am
not entirely sure of the timeline.
... Catch the Blue Wave!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
--- GrayQwkMail 2.1
* Origin: Written Worlds BBS - 619.697.4073 (1:202/1313)
Msg : 24 of 285
From : Chris Ogniben 1:2604/568 .pä 24 .íâ 96 12:31
To : Channon Lang
Subj : Re: X-files
Well i will admit, that even insects bug me also. There is always
that feeling, when a bug walks into your room, and is a cock roach. Or
a spider, or flies. Now flies i am not afraid of. But, they are
disgusting boucning off your head as they fly around the room, since
you don't know where they have been before. But, maybe your right
about the factor going down to an area, where bugs love it, which is
the tropics. I bet it would be hard to really live around all them
bugs down there, but, the only reason taht people are afraid of the
insects, and their world. Since that they are different from us,
without having organs that we use in order to be alive. I just always
wonder how insects can be alive, without a beating heart, and breathing
lungs. It's just part of being interested in finding those answers in
bugs. But, hey did you see in that episode that hot looking chick,
that enjoyed learning about cock raoches.. I bet she must not have a
life with men, to be busy with studing those dirty bugs.
--- WM v3.11/93-0947
* Origin: Waterside BBS - NJ - (201) 641-5375 28.8k (1:2604/568)
Msg : 25 of 285
From : Chris Ogniben 1:2604/568 .pä 24 .íâ 96 12:34
To : Frank Swarbrick
Holy cow, your right. VR 5 is like not around. They got rid of
MANTIS and VIPER remember those? And now they got rid of
SEAQUEST!!!!!! It makes sense, since every other week i am waiting to
see another episode of the new SEAQUEST. And now all i get is just
other junk. And i hear from you that it's been cancelled. Well, all i
can say is that, it was going to happen sooner or later.
--- WM v3.11/93-0947
* Origin: Waterside BBS - NJ - (201) 641-5375 28.8k (1:2604/568)
Msg : 26 of 285
From : Chris Carter 1:105/290.23 .åō 25 .íâ 96 03:45
To : Chris Ogniben
Subj : Nuclear
On (23 Jan 96) Chris Ogniben wrote to Chris Carter...
CO> I just find this to be a very disturbing conversation.
You mean the one under the subject 'nuclear,' right?
CO> Since you people are laughing about this. Cancer is a very
CO> serious disease, and you are both in the same world as we are,
CO> to face this disease. And to make fun of people, using this
CO> disease, or to make fun of the people that suffer from this
CO> deadly disease, that you are both not human, since you are
CO> treating people without respect.
An interesting flame. Not entirely original, but interesting.
CO> And i think you should apologize to everyone in here, and to
CO> those people that suffer from this illness, to make up for
CO> what you said here.
So unlike thousands of comedians who make jokes at the expense of
others, I must be held to a particular standard.
Is it because you think I'm the producer of the X-Files, or merely
because you may be possessed of a 'holier than thou' complex?
I have two things to say following on the heels of the quoted rant
1) Mr. Ogniben, start *quoting* messages. Since conversations in
this echo do not occur in real time, context can be lost when you
don't quote pertinent text from the message you're replying to. To
be quite honest, I don't recollect making the joke you accuse me of
making. Perhaps if you'd quoted it back to me, I'd know what the
Hell you were talking about.
2) The only reason I'm answering this message is because it was
addressed directly to me. In general, I ignore your messages,
primarily because of the reason stated in the previous paragraph.
It has become evident that merely ignoring you will be inadequate.
Hence, I'll introduce you to my twit filter.
*plonk* (For those who just joined our program, "plonk" is the
sound of someone hitting a killfile or twit filter.)
To all others who may read this message, I apologize; not for the
comments I allegedly made in regard to cancer, (my sign) but for the
contents of this post.
Chris -
... "If you're a camel, you soon learn to put up with anything."
--- PPoint 2.00
* Origin: Grid Epsilon Coords. 105x290x23 (1:105/290.23)
Msg : 27 of 285
From : David Johnston 1:342/14 .åō 25 .íâ 96 00:09
To : Chris Ogniben
Subj : Nuclear
-> No your wrong big time. We wouldn't be able to clobber them. Not
-> if they were like the Gem Hadar in STAR TREK. So, beleive me, the
It isn't physical strength that provides such beings with an advantage.
--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
* Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)
Msg : 28 of 285
From : David Johnston 1:342/14 .åō 25 .íâ 96 00:58
To : Chris Ogniben
Subj : Megaspoiler - Exogenesis
-> I don't understand why people post SPOLIER's in here, if they thing
-> that anyone else would want to find out things, way before the new
-> episode shows up. It would probably be best for everyone, to just
-> not talk about anything for the upcoming new episodes of any sci fi
-> series, until you all seen it.
Bad news. No matter how long you wait, there is never any guarantee
that all people will have seen it. More to the point, I like to read
about and discuss an episode right after I've seen it, and this is not
--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
* Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)
Msg : 29 of 285
From : David Johnston 1:342/14 .åō 25 .íâ 96 01:03
To : Tommy Kellerman
Subj : Ufo
-> Tonight, about 6 P.M. CMT (Central Meridian Time) I was on my way
-> home from the bus-station when I noticed a strange-looking "star" in
-> the curtain of night. No clouds were about, and no moon shone.
-> Imagine a bright star, like Venus, and triple the brightness.
-> This was the object I saw. It hovered on about 400 meters and was
-> about 4 km away. I haven't seen anything quite like it. No airplane
-> or heli could turn and accelerate like this thing! I felt like I was
-> in an episode of the X-Files or something! Completely weird. But
-> there was no camera around. And no, I was NOT under any kind of
-> influence, for anybodys info.
First of all, you didn't tell what city you saw it in. As for what you
saw, I've got to point something out:
If it looked like a star, there is no way at all that you could
estimated how far it was away, except by guessing based on it's apparent
movement. Given the instant acceleration you describe, it sounds like
some kind of reflection or diffraction in the atmosphere.
--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
* Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)
Msg : 30 of 285
From : Marco Catalano 2:2802/152.3 .ōp 23 .íâ 96 19:27
To : Trevor Pack
Subj : X-files
Hello Trevor!
Friday January 19 1996, Trevor Pack writes to Marco Catalano:
TP> yeah, i saw that one it was cool. tonight they are showing the one with a
TP> genetic sewer monster fron Russia.
Was that an early show, Trevor?
I can remember something about a monster that escaped from a Russian ship.
The ship carried nuclear waste from Chernobyl, and caused some weird mutation.
There was a guy, I think a sewage-worker, that got bit by this thing. And he got
infected and died, but not before a little monster bursted out of his stomach!
Reminded me of Alien.
Greetings from Marco
... NO! Don't pick up that pho%^*#)@!)* NO CARRIER
--- FMail/386 1.02
* Origin: Outpost 173, near Borg territory. (2:2802/152.3)
Msg : 31 of 285
From : Frank Glover 1:2613/477 .åō 25 .íâ 96 21:02