MJ> Or something. I just finished DRAKON (the new Draka novel by S.
MJ> M. [STEVE] Stirling). One of the technologies you encounter in
MJ> this
EA> Can you send a list of the novels in this series? S.M.Stirling is
EA> a good writer and I've the entire "The General" series.
MARCHING THROUGH GEORGIA (about the Draka conquest of Russia during
that timeline's version of World War II).
UNDER THE YOKE (about the Draka consolidation of Europe following the
war in the first book).
THE STONE DOGS (about events leading up to the final conflict between
the Domination of the Draka and the Alliance).
DRAKON (A Draka winds up in 1996 New York by accident, and begins
working to open a gate so the Draka can move in and take over).
Steve also reports (on GEnie) that he's signed a contract for UNTO US
A CHILD IS BORN, a sequel to DRAKON. He may also write a prequel
about the Draka timeline's version of World War ONE.
I hope this helps.
--- PPoint 1.78
* Origin: Folcroft Sanitarium (hsmith@cure.com) (1:105/302.47)
Msg : 74 of 285
From : Mark Jones 1:105/302.47 .ōp 23 .íâ 96 23:58
To : Ecarey
Subj : TV AND SF
On (20 Jan 96) Ecarey wrote to Michael Harper...
E > The fact that we're cherry-picking British culture....
E > The immense world-wide popularity of _American_ cultural products is
E > steadfastly ignored, or treated as an act of aggression on _our_ part.
E > However, although you've noticed its popularity world-wide, I note
E > that you _haven't_ asked yourself why, if it's so inferior, it
E > nevertheless manages to speak so effectively to such a wide variety of
E > people in so many different cultures....
E > The advertisers sponsor the most _popular_ programs available, or else
E > the most popular with the demographic they're interested in reaching.
E >
E > A large part of the problem here is simple snobbery, and an
E > unrealistic estimation of what the "common man" of _prior_ generations
E > was doing for entertainment....
E > The truth is, we have no idea what may survive from our own time to be
E > regarded as "high culture" by future generations, and the assumption
E > that _nothing_ will is pure pseudo-sophisticated snobbery....
Thanks for a great post! It bears repeating--so I repeated some of
it. There is a scene in Star Trek IV that I like. Kirk is explaining
to Spock how he learned to swear in 20th century style. He explains
that it was in "all the literature of the period--Jacqueline Susann,
Harold Robbins." Spock replies, "Ah--the giants."
It was funny, and the audience laughed at the notion that the 23rd
century would look back at our century and pick THEM as literary
giants. But stranger things have happened. A number of books on
writing make the same point. Not all popular writers are great; but
all great writers are popular.
--- PPoint 1.78
* Origin: Folcroft Sanitarium (hsmith@cure.com) (1:105/302.47)
Msg : 75 of 285
From : Mark Jones 1:105/302.47 .åō 25 .íâ 96 23:15
To : Tommy Kellerman
Subj : Cybersex
On (18 Jan 96) Tommy Kellerman wrote to Brion Lienhart...
TK> BL> She would pull out the bayonet she got for christmass and
TK> eviscerate him.
TK> BL> 8-(:-)
TK> Hmmmmm... Such words give me the creeps! (Ssshhhhake) :-C
TK> Well, you could always make a buck as a choir-boy afterwards... :-)
Uhmm...no he couldn't. Being eviscerated is much worse (more
lethal) than being castrated, which is what I think you meant. Being
castrated wouldn't be any fun...but you'd probably survive it. Being
eviscerated means leaving your internal organs all over the floor....
--- PPoint 1.78
* Origin: Folcroft Sanitarium (hsmith@cure.com) (1:105/302.47)
Msg : 76 of 285
From : Mark Jones 1:105/302.47 .åō 25 .íâ 96 23:25
To : Jon Helis
Subj : Dangerous Babes
On (15 Jan 96) Jon Helis wrote to Chris Ogniben...
CO> Hey watch it with the language here. But, since we are on the
CO> subject of talking about dangerous woman. What about XENA -
CO> WARRIOR PRINICESS.. She is one hot babe, and one that could
CO> really kick your butt. I sure would like to take her on a date,
CO> or to get to know her better, maybe even marrying her, and raise
CO> a family. But, the point is, she is a tough one also.
JH> Agreed about Xena. I can appreciate and respect a strong woman,
JH> unlike her ditzy sidekick. I know, all heroes need sidekicks,
JH> right?
Hey--don't you be disparaging Gabrielle! I like her. As a rule, I
find sidekicks annoying, but I like Gabrielle for two reasons.
1. She's not *just* comic relief. She actually does some good once
in a while.
2. She's mighty cute (in a different way than Xena).
--- PPoint 1.78
* Origin: Folcroft Sanitarium (hsmith@cure.com) (1:105/302.47)
Msg : 77 of 285
From : ROBERT LIDGREN 1:134/10 .ķá 27 .íâ 96 09:50
Subj : X-FILES
-> RL> American Gothic RL> Nowhere Man RL> Strange Luck
-> RL> I wonder which ones will survive the on-going "shake-down?"
-> Hmm, I like all three. But of the three I'd be least sad to see Strange
-> Luck gone. Still, I'd rather see all of them survive.
It was the one where Scully and Mulder investigate the Satanic-Cult allegations
in ths small town during the planetary conjunction.
Mulder: We are but visitors on this rock, hurtling through time
and space at 66,000 miles an hour tethered to a burning
sphere by an invisible force in an unfathomable unverse.
This, most of us take for granted while refusing to
believe these forces have any more affect on us that a
butterfly beating its wings half-way around the
world. Or that two girls born on the same date, at the
same time, in the same place might not find themselves
the unfortunate focus of similar unseen forces, converging
like the planets themselves into burning pin-points of
cosmic energy whose absolute gravity would threaten to swallow
and consume everything in its path. Or maybe the answer lies
even further from our grasp.
These were the words spoken by Fox Mulder near the end of the episode
which seem strangely sombre considering the hilarity and "fun" which
Chris Carter wrote into this script. The sparring between Mulder and
Scully reached new heights and Scully's jealousy even reached the point
where she complained to Mulder about being "ditched" by him when he went
off another female detective to so some "investigating" on their own.
I have read masses of messages from the X-Files digest on this episode and
the responses were mixed but, gee, it was an entertaining addition to the
X-Files canon! Even the quips about who should "drive" had me LOL.
BTW: I liked your additions to my idea about an epsiode cross-over.
You are correct in concluding they probably will never happen but
the conjecturing shows where some of our loyalites are and how
we find comfort in, somehow, seeing "links" between the various
fantasy "worlds" these shows create.
--- PCBoard 15.2
* Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)
Msg : 78 of 285
From : The Raven 1:363/309 .ķá 27 .íâ 96 08:16
To : John Arnold
Subj : nuclear BS
JA> Yaka Mountain Nevada.
JA> Rocky Flats.
JA> I got some of the info on these two mixed I think.
JA> Both were weapons plants. Rocky flats for making & Yaka Mountain for
JA> disassemblely of weapons.
JA> RF has the Putonium stored in plastic drums on site and there was 62
JA> pounds of it found through out the plants air system...
JA> Doesn't say safe operation to me...
Doesn't surprise me, but my point, and I do have one, is that the Three
Mile Island nuclear power plant... I'm going to repeat that last part since
it seems none of the anti-nuclear crowd can remember this part... the Three
Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant did not explode.
In point of fact, the reactor core of not *ONE* reactor has ever
exploded. Given competent technicians, equipment in a decent state of
repair, and intelligent diligence, there are no accidents at power plants
that aren't the result of blind, stinking bad luck.
JA> Is seems silly to me to process more of this stuff when there doesn't
JA> seem to be an agreed way to safely store the crap alreadly laying
JA> around...
I can see this well enough, but all of the problems you've mentiond are
not a natural result of nuclear power, but rather the result of human error,
greed, and cost-cutting. In other words, preventable problems.
Jack Butler
... Only the stupidest calves chose their own butcher.
--- Blue Wave/DOS v2.20 [NR]
* Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando, FL -=- 407-679-6561 (1:363/309)
Msg : 79 of 285
From : David Johnston 1:342/14 .ķá 27 .íâ 96 00:00
To : Frank Glover
Subj : Re: Star Trek Comics
-> DJ> For one week, as part of the crossover, 12 issues will be
-> printed DJ> under
-> DJ> the "Amalgam" imprint. It will include "Bruce Wayne, Agent of
-> DJ> Shield",
-> DJ> "Super-Soldier", "Spider-Boy", "JLX", and "Doctor Strangefate",
-> along DJ> with other concepts hybridised between the two companies.
-> Not the one I had in mind. What I read of involved the heroes as we
-> know them, with several different one-on-one encounters, and definite
-> winners and losers.
Same one.
--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
* Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)
Msg : 80 of 285
From : Shawn Merrow 1:3407/14 .ķá 27 .íâ 96 16:44
To : Chris Ogniben
Subj : Re: Space: Above & Beyond
-> Hey i would like to discuss a few episodes upon this subject, since
-> i seen all the episodes.
What did you think of "Who Moniters the Birds", I thought it was kind
of nice to find out more about Coope early life. They sure were hard
on the in-vitros.
--- QScan/PCB v1.16b / 01-0024
* Origin: (1:3407/14)
Msg : 81 of 285
From : Channon Lang 1:130/809 .cę 28 .íâ 96 05:02
To : Chris Ogniben
Subj : Re: Star Trek
.TID: GE 1.11+
From a dark bottomless pit,Chris Ogniben screamed up to Channon Lang about Star