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Ęîíôåđåíöčč - SFFAN Âåņü ōåęņō 5859.38 Kb

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As I noted above "something bad happens" all the time.  Nuclear power
results in the fewest "bad" things happening to us as a people.

CO>I think right now the amount of running nuclear power plants that we have
CO>in this country is enough.  And i sure won't want to live near by one.
CO>And all the other plants that we use to provide the energy that we use
CO>everyday, is good enough for the energy needs we need everyday and night.

Your fears are the result of misinformation.  You should totally discount
anything you hear related to this topic from whoever has been feeding you
this line of baloney as utterly without basis in reality.  Our demand for
power is ever increasing as our population and industrial base grows.  This
requires additional plants to be built to provide this additional power
necessary to sustain our civilization.  The best choice from a logical
standpoint is a nuclear plant.  The hysterical reaction of the victims of a
deliberate campaign of misinformation has resulted in a virtual maze of
unnecessary regulation and red tape slowing such a process to a crawl.  This
has forced utilities to use existing plants of all types at or in some cases
beyond their normal range of operation at reduced efficiency and higher risk
and to build additional coal fired plants whose environmental impact is much
worse than that of a nuclear plant.

In conclusion I would suggest you carefully examine the credentials of those
whom you rely upon for information.  Keep in mind that expertise in one
field does not carry over into others.  A botanist has knowledge of plants
and their development and usage.  He would know the impacts of radiation
poisoning on plants.  He would have not the foggiest idea of how a nuclear
power plant operates, what measures are taken to prevent escape of
radioactive materials into the environment, what the probability of such and
event would be or how they would disperse if such an event were to occur.

Ignorance is a correctable condition, but it requires effort on the part of
the one who wishes to escape from it.  Someone once said "It ain't what we
DON'T know that can hurt us, its what we DO know that's wrong that will hurt
us!"  You need to correct this condition in your own life in the area of
nuclear energy.  Now that you are alerted to this condition in this area I
suggest you also reevaluate your knowledge in other areas to guard against
misinformation that can lead to problems in those areas as well.

 * MR/2 2.22 NR * "I think not", said the liberal, and no one was surprised.

--- InterEcho 1.14
 * Origin: The Shoreline BBS  - (301) 946-2771 - Silver Spring, MD (1:109/458)

 Msg  : 89 of 285
 From : Kay Shapero                         1:102/524       .ķá 27 .íâ 96 18:43
 To   : Frank Glover
 Subj : Books
On , Frank Glover (1:2613/477) wrote to Kay Shapero:

 FG>   Just for my curiosity, have you read (and if so, what did you
 FG>think of) David Brin's `Glory Season?"

Haven't read it yet.  I think it's in the TRQ, but can't check at the moment.
I'm still reading Mary Gentle's GRUNTS at the moment.  I recommend it as an
antidote to one too many Tolkien-rip-off generic fantasies.. :->  Mind you, it
contains characters who, for the most part, you'd be quite happy to sling into
the abyss and put a lid on it.

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 90 of 285
 From : David Little                        1:106/7315      .ķá 27 .íâ 96 13:14
 To   : Don Dellmann
 Subj : star wars holiday special
-=< Don used the Jedi Mind Trick on me! >=-

 RT> SPECIAL??????????? I really want to see it cause it has the first
 RT> apperance of everyones favorite interplanetary assain !!!!!!!!!BOBA
 RT> FETT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 RT> PLEASE respond if you can help.
 RT> thanx
 DL> Since there was no official release on to video, the only
 DL> place you can get it is probably a bootleg copy at a con somewhere. I'd
 DL> shy away from it if I were you...it's not a good show!
 DD> I have an LP "Christmas In The Stars" (RSO RS1-3093, 1980).
 DD> The only person actually from the films that appears is Anthony
 DD> Daniels as C3PO.  This is the LP with the minor hit "What Do You Get A
 DD> Wookie For Christmas (when he already has a comb)".

        You get him a matchin brush!! I have it and LOVE it!!!

 DD> My question is, is there any connection between this album and the TV
 DD> special?

        None whatsoever...but the LP is can bring quite a catch in the
collector's market. I would love for it to hit CD!

                                        -=The DoLittle 8-)=-

... "Bother!" said Pooh, as he found out that Christopher Robin was Vader.

--- FreeMail & Blue Wave/DOS v2.21
 * Origin: The Wizard's Realm ** (713) 946-7315 ** (1:106/7315)

 Msg  : 91 of 285
 From : David Little                        1:106/7315      .ķá 27 .íâ 96 17:13
 To   : James Walton
 Subj : Star Wars Novelizations
-=< James used the Jedi Mind Trick on me! >=-

 JW> No, you NEVER saw those other six books because Lucas never allowed
 JW> them to be written.  He wrote the original Star Wars novel from an
 JW> idea he had, to get money to finance his movie.  (I read that novel a
 JW> full 2 years before the movie came out.)

        You couldn't have considering the novelization wasn't released till
after the movie came out and Lucas didn't even write it. Alan Dean Foster
ghost wrote the novel. Lucas explains this in "Skywalking".

    .  A  .
 .d8  Y8Y  8b.         -=The DoLittle 8-)=-
 888   8   888    Star Wars, The Role Playing Game
 888b.d8b.d888            Play By E-Mail
 `88888888888'  Game Master and Useless Trivia Guru
   `"Y888P"'        dolittle@frappy.brewich.com

... "I'm ready for anything" - Luke Skywalker
--- FreeMail & Blue Wave/DOS v2.21
 * Origin: The Wizard's Realm ** (713) 946-7315 ** (1:106/7315)

 Msg  : 92 of 285
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .cę 28 .íâ 96 02:46
 To   : Chris Ogniben
 Subj : Re: X-files

CO>  bugs.  But, hey did you see in that episode that hot looking chick,
CO>  that enjoyed learning about cock raoches..  I bet she must not have a
CO>  life with men, to be busy with studing those dirty bugs.

   It's a dirty job, but *sonbody's* got to be an entymologist.

   Seriously, one's professional life and passions need have little to do with
one's personal life. (Morticians, I'm sure, go out and party like anyone else.)
And I notice Bambi got a noticeable response out of the otherwise cool


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 93 of 285
 From : Glenn Shaheen                       1:3600/7        .åō 25 .íâ 96 18:08
 To   : Frank Glover
 Subj : Star Trek

FG>   Maybe I missed something all along, but isn't Captain Janeway actually
FG>married to that guy?

FG>   Frank

        Fiance I thought.

 * OLX 2.2 * You with the pen!  Let's see your dramatic license!

--- SLMAIL v3.5C  (#1540)
 * Origin: Robotech ū Lake City's Music*Demo BBS ū [904] 758*9477 (1:3600/7)

 Msg  : 94 of 285
 From : Kim Wheat                           1:271/285       .cę 28 .íâ 96 08:51
 To   : Chris Ogniben
 Subj : Star Trek
---<<*<<< Chris dazzled Buc Wheat with these words of wisdom!! >>>**>>----

 In a way, Chris, it's nice to see at least ONE V'ger fan.

 CO> The writing for Voyager is not bad.  I have not had one complaint

 Writing might not be...now if they could find some 'actors' to speak
 the lines, they might have something worth watching.

 CO> since the series started.  And you know why?  Because i respect the
 CO> entertainment quality that Paramount and their writer's are putting
 CO> into each episode of Voyager.  There has been times where i may need

 Your level of quality must be slightly lower than normal folks. But
 that's okay, Chris! If you enjoy the show, that's great! You just have
 to realize that this echo is for the 'discussion' of SF mediums, and
 you will see both sides of the coin. Calling people scumbags, etc,
 really isn't going to 'win' folks to your side, too much...so you might
 want to tone down the msg just a tad and try a more intellectual
 approach in your discussions.

 People who read your msgs to Channon and Christain, after the laughter
 fit passed, might see why you and V'ger get along so well. :>

 Just remember, Chris, it's /just/ a TV show. Let's keep it in
 prospective and enjoy ourselves.

  Kim :)

--- GEcho 1.00
 * Origin: From Trekkies & from B5ers who hate Trek save us! (1:271/285.0)

 Msg  : 95 of 285
 From : Samantha Dobbs                      1:229/610       .˙ō 26 .íâ 96 12:46
 To   : Shawn Merrow
 Subj : Re: Space: Above & Beyond
I LOVED it!! It was very dark and we got to see his background!

Samantha Dobbs

--- CNet/3
 * Origin: The Neutral Zone...(1:229/610.0)

 Msg  : 96 of 285
 From : Samantha Dobbs                      1:229/610       .˙ō 26 .íâ 96 12:46
 To   : Marco Catalano
 Subj : Re: Space: Above & Beyond
It gets MUCH better!!!

Samantha Dobbs

--- CNet/3
 * Origin: The Neutral Zone...(1:229/610.0)

 Msg  : 97 of 285
 From : Samantha Dobbs                      1:229/610       .˙ō 26 .íâ 96 12:50
 To   : Rene Nieuwenhuizen
 Subj : Re: Space: Above & Beyond
Hi Rene!

I hated the show when it started!! It was on the same time as 60Minutes! Now I
don't give a **** if I miss 60 Minutes. S:AAB is great!! I am on two mailing
lists called Space-L and JMDG-l JM is for fans of James Morrison. I even got his
email address! He is very sweet. (And yes I AM kissing butt!) I hear some of the
cast read the alt and news bases!

Samantha Dobbs

--- CNet/3
 * Origin: The Neutral Zone...(1:229/610.0)

 Msg  : 98 of 285
 From : Donald Sohn                         1:109/369       .îí 29 .íâ 96 00:09
 To   : Tim Stackpool
 Subj : Re: X-Files & E.T.
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