Forgive the spelling as I tried to make notes as I watched the show.
I _think_ I've got the info about each place right but it might be a bit
mixed up...
Yaka Mountain Nevada.
Rocky Flats.
I got some of the info on these two mixed I think.
Both were weapons plants. Rocky flats for making & Yaka Mountain for
disassemblely of weapons.
RF has the Putonium stored in plastic drums on site and there was 62
pounds of it found through out the plants air system...
Doesn't say safe operation to me...
YA is was a Pantex site for storage for 70,000 tones of waste? Putonium?
I'm not sure which it was now. MLAS...
Its stored in 40 year old bunkers made to hold normal weapons...
Storage is in the form of 440 drums per bunker...
This site was hit by a minor earthquake in 1992 and is under the main
flight path for a local air base...
Not the smartest setup?
One of the sites has had 7.5 billion spent on it for clear up that
hasn't even scratched the surface of the problem...
Then there is a site at Carsberg?
Near old oil fields this site is 2,000 feet underground and has ten
miles of tunnels. Two rooms have collapsed so far and the site costs
280 million a year to maintain. This is a clean site at the moment
as they can't get the waste moved in for some reason.
Is seems silly to me to process more of this stuff when there doesn't
seem to be an agreed way to safely store the crap alreadly laying
Can it be used in reactors in any way?
Seems silly to have 1,000s of tones of Plutonium sitting in bunkers
while more Uranium is mined and processed for feul rods...
If the reactors are so safe why not use it?
--- Maximus/2 3.00
* Origin: Decadence BBS (3:632/103)
Msg : 130 of 143
From : John Arnold 3:632/103 .pä 17 .íâ 96 18:15
To : Mark Jones
Subj : nuclear
Hi Mark,
>Because you are a *de facto* proponent of continued fossil fuel use,
>since solar and wind power simply CAN'T SUPPORT a high-tech industrial
>civilization. The energy simply isn't available. So unless you
>propose to decimate the human population and go back to seventeeth
>century population and energy consumption levels, you DO support
>fossil fuel use (and all the deaths and illness it entails). There
>are no alternatives except fossil fuels or nuclear power.
The thing that get me is that Solar CAN BE used for home use...
And it is't used as much as it should be. Solar hot water can cut up to
65% off power needed to heat water... If every house had solar hot
water services how much less fossil feuls would need to be burnt to
make electricity? The same could be done for home lighting...
Even if it only generates enough power for a few light per home it still
going to cut 1,000s of tones of foossil fuels per year...
Solar isn't the answer. Nothing is the answer.
Its got to be done in a way to limit the damage we do to the world.
The world is fighting back and we'll lose. Look at the number of people
with asma these days. It gets higher every year. We're slowly killing
our selves... We can't store nuclear waste safely. We shouldn't
be adding to it... Sure we'll live ok but what about our grandchildren
and their grandchildren? Or is it just a case of bugger them as long
as I can live well? Some one said something about solar costing too
much to use on a large scale... Too much to setup solar satalites
and ground collector sites... How much when compared to the cost of
storing nuclear waste?
>You were trying to pretend that the destruction of Hiroshima and
>Nagasaki was on a par with what would happen in a nuclear power plant
>accident. And that simply isn't the case.
No its not by a long shot...
How long will it be before the area around Ch is safe for
people to come back to their homes and eat food grown in their gardens?
A shit load longer that it was the people of Hiroshima & Nagasaki I'll
>The city was about as thoroughly destroyed as then-current
>conventional weapons could possibly accomplish. My point was that
>Dresden was as thoroughly annihilated as Nagasaki or Hiroshima--and
>that the dead were just as dead.
With the same rate of birth defects as the others two?
--- Maximus/2 3.00
* Origin: Decadence BBS (3:632/103)
Msg : 131 of 143
From : John Arnold 3:632/103 .åō 18 .íâ 96 09:43
To : Ken Mayes
Subj : Re: nuclear BS
>once the full impact of such an event hits their pocket
>book. I'm talking the expenses of relocating millions of
>people, refugee camps, the resultant economic collapse and
>the geniune fear of the unknown which will pervade the
> Protests at nuclear plants jumped after TMI. After an event of
> this
>magnitude...and again the law of averages dictate that one
>will eventually happen...many plants will literally be
>stormed and workers killed by angry mobs. No senator or
>representative in his or her right mind will publicly
>advocate nuclear power in such a public opinion enviroment.
>The government will be forced to either shut down the
>nuclear industry or face a possible revolt. Guess which
>they'll choose. That's when the over-dependence will come
>into play. Shut those reactors down and you shut down the
>economy. We're talking major economic depression here. Mark
>my words. One major accident...kiss our way of life
>goodbye. The US will be lucky to emerge at the the level of
>a third world nation.
Not likely to happen.
People don't like nuclear and would screem and shout to have to plants
shut down. A week without power and they would be at the gates
demanding they turn the plants back on.... People are too soft these
days and wouldn'r live without their TV, washing machine, dishwasher,
etc., etc....
The power generated by other means would all have to go into keeping
industry going. Even they there would be a huge drop in the standard of
living... People will not except the drop. If they're told what it
will mean to their standard of living if the plants shut down most of
them would go away bitching about the goverment and blame it all on them
but wouldn't demand the plants be closed down... Housing near them
might become really cheap but they would keep running....
--- Maximus/2 3.00
* Origin: Decadence BBS (3:632/103)
Msg : 132 of 143
From : Jerry Van Kooten 2:280/901.37 .ōp 23 .íâ 96 19:12
To : Otto Cordray
Subj : The Guide and it's Incarnations...
Hi Otto,
Quoting to (21-Jan-96, 21:53:58)
JVK>> The CDs contain the original radio broadcasts, twelve in total. The LPs
JVK>> were recorded separately, and have a slightly altered story line. And,
JVK>> as I have never ever heard these LPs... who has got (tape) copies???
OC> I've never heard the LPs. The big difference (so I'm told) is that lots
OC> of the music (Pink Floyd, etc. which had been used either totally without
OC> permission or without authorization for sale of copies of the broadcasts)
OC> was replaced with other stuff. I used to see copies of them in non-chain
That's the first thing I ever heard about the LPs besides the news of
their existance. You actually /see/ them once in a while in a record
store. No chance here, I'm afraid.
OC> record stores occasionally, though usually too overpriced (at least for
OC> my budget.)
What is 'overpriced'? I think I have about the same interpretation of
the word, but I mean of course, what /is/ the price?
OC> I'm more interested in the radio broadcasts. I caught most of them back
OC> in 1987 (the NPR station at Texas A&M played them) but I've misplaced the
OC> tapes that I made.
Shame, listening the radio shows I like almost better than reading the books.
I can do you some copies of the CDs, which contain all radio original
broadcasts (that's what they tell you of course, but I don't see any
reason to doubt that). It's six tapes (twelve episodes). One episode
is slightly over 30 minutes, but I think it will fit on all 60-minutes
tapes. Let me know what you think. Maybe netmailing our addresses to
exchange tapes?
Have you heard about 'HHG - The Radio Shows'? They transcribed all the
radio shows, and added lots of fun notes, and included all the lines
that had to be cut out of the broadcast due to time limitations.
See you,
--- Terminate 3.00/Pro
* Origin: I'm only kidding. We're going to die after all. -- FP (2:280/901.37)
Msg : 133 of 143
From : Bianca Wesslak 1:132/152 .îí 22 .íâ 96 16:49
To : Chip Griffin
Subj : Re: nuclear
From a woman with an overactive imagination.
CG> Batteries are a STORAGE facility. It's like a tank of water ... if
Yes I know that, that's why I was asking why all electricity would be gone
batteries hold electricity. Then again maybe I should've asked bout
BW> Wave v2.12 [NR] ! Origin: The Cereal Port BBS (OS/2) Rindge,NH
CG> BTW I am originally from near Keene, NH ... know where Walpole is?
nope don't live in new hampsher(for some reason can't remember how to spell
that state.) got hold of cereal port from my fiance who went to college
in that area.
CG> Did you know there is a safe Nuclear power plant operating near where
CG> you are! Vermont Yankee has a fairly good reputation in the industry.
I live in the blast radias of seabrook. Like I said before, I just don't
like the idea of nuke energy. INMHO not worth the risk.
... Madness takes it's toll - Please have correct change.
--- Blue Wave v2.12 [NR]
* Origin: The Cereal Port BBS (OS/2) Rindge,NH 603-899-3335 (1:132/152)
Msg : 134 of 143
From : Bianca Wesslak 1:132/152 .îí 22 .íâ 96 16:49
To : Chip Griffin
Subj : Re: nuclear BS
From a woman with an overactive imagination.
CG> Yes they do. They block sites so people can't go in to work. They
CG> attack submarines trying to board them illegally. We were taught in
CG> the Navy to use hoses to keep them away, but if necessary we had
CG> weapons (only a LAST resort).
CG> They aim at corporations, but they effect us all. You can't imagine
CG> the level of security we have at our site (bomb detectors, metal
CG> detectors, fences, motion sensors, cameras, etc etc etc) in large part
CG> due to Greenpeace (and terrorists to a smaller degree).
cG> Greenpeace IS a TERRORIST organization, their methods prove it!
The methods that I am most familiar with in greenpeace are with the
pacific northwest. I was looking at their motivation to use those methods
those are what I agree with. They also have other methods basically buying
mineral, developmental and other rights to peoples lands, which are legal.
We at least have security to keep unwanted people away, who we deem a
threat, the enviroment doesn't. To me earth is a living entity, with