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Rambler's Top100
Ęîíôåđåíöčč - SFFAN Âåņü ōåęņō 5859.38 Kb

ėāé 1995 - ņåíō˙áđü 1996

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1 ... 281 282 283 284 285 286 287  288 289 290 291 292 293 294 ... 500
 > time, but the fact that so many people catch cancer (not sure about
 > the right syntax) is because most other diseases are under control
 > so they don't kill us. That gives cancer more time to get us.

Develop. One develops cancer. The replication errors that cause cancer have
themselves a variety of potential causes, very few of which are believed to be
due to infectious elements. [Feline leukemia is one example of a cancer that
_is_ caused by a virus, and there's a vaccine for it.]

Cancer is a set of replication errors  at the genetic level, destroying the bits
that tell the cell to die after a certain number of replications. Sometimes,
those replication errors are caused by radition; sometimes, they  occur
spontaneously. This _is_ mutation. It's not that different in principle from the
spontaneous mutation that can produce hemophilia in a family that has not
previously carried the hemophilia gene.  The principle practical difference is
that many forms of cancer take many years to develop, whereas hemophilia
expresses itself as soon as the gene is present in a male infant.

Dislike of the term "mutation" here to describe cancer seems to be founded on
the mistaken belief that "mutations" must be caused by radiation, and that
therefore mutations are a reasonable basis for opposing nuclear power plants.
That's not the case. Mutations _can_ be caused by radiation, but they also occur
spontaneously, all the time - look at the speed with which viruses change.

But your basic point, that cancer isn't new; it just has more time to develop in
more people because we're not dying of something else first anymore, is quite

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 85 of 143
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .ķá 20 .íâ 96 07:18
 To   : Bianca Wesslak
 >PA> Hmmm.... The High-ASCII must not be translating.  It's
 >PA> supposed to be the Greek spelling of "Thanatos", but the theta,
 >PA> omega and sigma aren't coming across...
 >  What or who is Thanatos??

The Greek god of death.

Where did you go to school?

 >PA> Well, realistically speaking, you'd probably run out of
 >PA> ammunition before the looters finish ransacking your pantry...
 >  what ammunition, I don't own a gun.  The only thing close to that
 > would
 >  be a modified toy pellet gun my fiance has.

Then you'd be defenseless, in a world grown very dangerous.

 > What makes you so sure
 > any
 >  looters would hit my home and not some supermarket??

The looters will hit whatever is convenient to hit. They won't just hit one
place, they won't do it just once, and there won't be just one group of looters.
Supermarkets would be an obvious target, but by the same token, there'd be a lot
more competition for them. You, alone and unarmed in your home, would have less
to steal, but you'd be a much easier target. Most likely, they'd take what you
have, and kill you for not having more.

 > Where in the
 > world
 >  did you get the above statement from me saying I'd beg some native
 >  americans for survival lessons??  Ya got me stumped.

Bianca, since you appear to have _zero_ survival skills, like many and probably
most people who've lived their whole lives in a technologically advanced
culture, you'd be begging _someone_ for survival skills, for sure.

Take a look at your own tagline:

 > ... "Vegetarian": Indian word for "lousy hunter".

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 86 of 143
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .ķá 20 .íâ 96 07:20
 To   : Bianca Wesslak
 >MJ> Why would the electricity be gone?  Maybe it just "went away".  (The
 >MJ> novel ARIEL describes such a situation--a very good fantasy story,
 >MJ> too.)
 >  I don't know, ask phlash, he's the one that came up with the
 > scenario.

Bianca, the suggestion arose because you had expressed opposition to/disapproval
of _all_ of the means of generating electricity that can possibly produce enough
to support our current high-tech culture.

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 87 of 143
 From : Dkimmel                             1:101/230       .ķá 20 .íâ 96 07:22
 To   : Ecarey
 Subj : TV AND SF
EC>Think about the implications of the fact that Jane Austen is one of the hott
EC>new writers in the tv & movie business these days, responsible for PERSUASIO
EC>this means is that people are perfectly happy to watch movies and tv shows
EC>based on some of the enduring classics of English-speaking culture - which i
EC>turn, in their own day, were only "light entertainment".

EC>The same is true of Shakespeare, and modern movie productions such as HENRY
EC>RICHARD III, and OTHELLO - I mean, of course, _including_ the part about
EC>Shakespeare having been "light entertainment", not high culture, in his own

EC>The truth is, we have no idea what may survive from our own time to be regar
EC>as "high culture" by future generations, and the assumption that _nothing_ w
EC>is pure pseudo-sophisticated snobbery firmly grounded in ignorance of what w
EC>popular and what not, and how _present_ classics were regarded, by earlier

Now THERE'S a scary thought.  It's the late 21st century, and the
cultural mavens are reviving what they consider the most enduring
legacies of the late 20th century: the works of Benny Hill and Jim
Carrey.  (Proposal for a Ph.D. thesis: "Moe Howard, Jerry Lewis and
other precursors to the Carrey masterpieces.")

Be afraid.  Be VERY afraid.

 * SLMR 2.1a * He looks like a young Jabba the Hutt.

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 88 of 143
 From : Jason Lang                          1:105/34        .ķá 20 .íâ 96 05:39
 To   : Chris Ogniben
 Subj : X-files and the roach problem
Only problem is that the roaches WERN'T killing people... Okay, mabie the
Exterminator in the begining, mabie if you streach it, the guy who had the heart

        `sides, who said Mulder was wrong about the Insect probes? he DID find a
METAL cockroach exoskeliton. That hardly sounds like a normal bug to me. (then
again, mabie that explains why they don't die. Step on them, poison them, Use
explosives, and they just scurry away...:)

--- Maximus/2 3.01
 * Origin: The Abomination (1:105/34)

 Msg  : 89 of 143
 From : Frank Swarbrick                     1:104/825       .cę 21 .íâ 96 21:25
 To   : Chris Ogniben
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  92-0022
On 01-18-96  13:47 my Very Good Friend Chris Ogniben said:

 CO> Excuse me, are you guys fans of Strange Luck, and seen all the new
 CO> episodes.  If i were FOX, i would air Sliders on Thursday night at 8
 CO> pm.  Since there really isn't anything else to watch on thursday
 CO> night, other than a thursday night prime movie, on HBO, at 9 pm.  This
 CO> way, Voyager is on monday.  Tuesday is Deadly Games, and Wednsday is
 CO> SeaQuest, Thursday Sliders and Friday's Strange Luck and X files.  ANd
 CO> i am a big fan of the show strange luck, and looking to talk about
 CO> some of the past episodes with anyone else who is a fan of it.  And i
 CO> don't want FOX to get rid of Strange Luck, which is as good as X-Files,
 CO> to put in Sliders.  If they do that, i would be very angry at all the
 CO> slider fans out there.

Hate to break it to you, but SeaQuest has been cancelled.  So it looks
like Wednesdays are open for you there.  But you have to remember,
some FOX show has to be cancelled first before Sliders can go

I like Strange Luck well enough, but it's kind of boring at times.
Still, I don't want to see it cancelled.  I'm still mad that they
cancelled VR.5!


... No one can hear when you're Screaming in Digital!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: The Bailey Information Exchange BBS, 28.8k v.fc  (1:104/825.0)

 Msg  : 90 of 143
 From : Frank Swarbrick                     1:104/825       .cę 21 .íâ 96 21:33
 To   : Chris Bach
 Subj : X-files
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  92-0022
On 12-20-96  14:40 my Very Good Friend Chris Bach said:

 ->       I thought the other days roach episode was pretty darn cheesy,
 -> kind of like one of those old "B" 50s movies where they threw various
 -> neat-o effects in to help scare the audience. Every now and then
 -> there is a good one, but they are slacking off.

 CB> To be even more recent, I thought x-files really slacked off
 CB> when they showed that sewer alien-like predator episode again. It's
 CB> old and they've played it almost 3 times already! It was a bit of a
 CB> slacker to begin with as well, I wasn't impressed. They have excellent
 CB> shows now and then and excellent season premieres, but they do, like
 CB> you said, slack off on occasion...

Personally, I've always liked "The Host," but I agree with you that
they didn't need to show it again.  I just wish they'd re-show "Deep
Throat," which is I believe the only episode I haven't seen.

As for "War of the Coprophages", the one with the roaches, I loved it.
You may noticed that Darin Morgan wrote that one, as well as "Humbug"
(the circus episode) and "Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose" (the psychic
who knew how people would die).  Definately the three funniest
episodes, and three of the best as well.  They're definately a little,
shall we say, different than your average X-File ep., but I love the
change of pace.

I think I could agree that sometimes they "slack off," but honestly I
think it's only in comparision to their other great episodes.
Sometimes they're just too good for their own good.  I watched the
first season episode "Roland" when it repeated in December.  Most fans
will say it's only an average episode, and I agree, but I liked it a
lot.  About the only X eps that I really don't like are "GenderBender"
and "Shapes" (first season), and "The List" (third season).  Oh, and I
wasn't too big on "Firewalker" (second season).


... No one can hear when you're Screaming in Digital!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: The Bailey Information Exchange BBS, 28.8k v.fc  (1:104/825.0)

 Msg  : 91 of 143
 From : STEPHEN ADAMS                       1:377/77        .îí 22 .íâ 96 14:40
.TID: GE 1.2
On 01/19/96 at 18:29, CHRIS MYERS uttered these words to STEPHEN ADAMS:
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1 ... 281 282 283 284 285 286 287  288 289 290 291 292 293 294 ... 500
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