To : Chris Ogniben
.TID: GE 1.11+
From a dark bottomless pit,Chris Ogniben screamed up to Emilio Ares about
CO> Excuse me, are you guys fans of Strange Luck, and seen all the new
CO> episodes. If i were FOX, i would air Sliders on Thursday night at 8
CO> pm. Since there really isn't anything else to watch on thursday
CO> night, other than a thursday night prime movie, on HBO, at 9 pm. This
CO> way, Voyager is on monday. Tuesday is Deadly Games, and Wednsday is
CO> SeaQuest, Thursday Sliders and Friday's Strange Luck and X files. ANd
CO> i am a big fan of the show strange luck, and looking to talk about
CO> some of the past episodes with anyone else who is a fan of it. And i
CO> don't want FOX to get rid of Strange Luck, which is as good as X-Files,
CO> to put in Sliders. If they do that, i would be very angry at all the
CO> slider fans out there.
Hey! Now that's a great idea!....Let's nominate you for FOX program manager!
... People didn't hit you over the head with farmhouses back home. (WA)
--- MachoEcho 0.5ņ
* Origin: The State of Confusion * Arlington Tx * 817-274-1920 * (1:130/809)
Msg : 60 of 143
From : Channon Lang 1:130/809 .îí 22 .íâ 96 03:05
To : Chris Ogniben
Subj : Re: Star Trek
.TID: GE 1.11+
From a dark bottomless pit,Chris Ogniben screamed up to Channon Lang about Star
CO> which episode was this, of TREK or Babylon 5, that had the aliens
CO> engaged in this sex scene that made you laugh that you just stated
CO> there.
Well, you see, I'm a newbie when it comes to B5, so I don't know how to
answer your question. I've only seen that particular episode once, so I'm
really not much help. I'm sure someone around here knows which one I was
talking about...
... I tried being reasonable once. I didn't like it!
--- MachoEcho 0.5ņ
* Origin: The State of Confusion * Arlington Tx * 817-274-1920 * (1:130/809)
Msg : 61 of 143
From : David Little 1:106/7315 .ķá 20 .íâ 96 22:58
To : Ron Taylor
Subj : star wars holiday special
-=< Ron used the Jedi Mind Trick on me! >=-
RT> Does anybody out there have a tape of THE STAR WARS HOLIDAY
RT> SPECIAL??????????? I really want to see it cause it has the first
RT> apperance of everyones favorite interplanetary assain !!!!!!!!!BOBA
RT> FETT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RT> PLEASE respond if you can help.
RT> thanx
Since there was no official release on to video, the only place you
can get it is probably a bootleg copy at a con somewhere. I'd shy away from it
if I were's not a good show!
-=The DoLittle 8-)=-
... "Just a sec, Brain, I think I'm finally getting somewhere!" -- Pinky
--- FreeMail & Blue Wave/DOS v2.21
* Origin: The Wizard's Realm ** (713) 946-7315 ** (1:106/7315)
Msg : 62 of 143
From : David Little 1:106/7315 .ķá 20 .íâ 96 23:00
To : Christopher O'Conor
Subj : Star Wars Trilogy of Trilogies
-=< Christopher used the Jedi Mind Trick on me! >=-
BW>Should you read the one(s) before it even
BW>though they were written after or even though they take place before
BW>should you read them after? (kinda like the Star Wars movies, even
BW>though all six will be out one of these days you should still watch
BW>parts 4, 5, and 6 first.)
CO> I've only read the trilogy, so I can't help. But, for the record,
CO> Star Wars has NINE parts, not six. (Three trilogies - one before "A
CO> New Hope", one after "Return of the Jedi")
Actually, Lucas has restated there's only 6 parts to the trilogy. He
explains in an interview in the THX remastered release.
-=The DoLittle 8-)=-
... Oxymoron: Press Release.
--- FreeMail & Blue Wave/DOS v2.21
* Origin: The Wizard's Realm ** (713) 946-7315 ** (1:106/7315)
Msg : 63 of 143
From : ROBERT LIDGREN 1:134/10 .cę 21 .íâ 96 14:48
-> !! I just finished watching the most recent episode of American
-> Gothic, and WOW! do I like this show! Up to this point it's been
-> good, interesting, creepy, etc. but tonight's episode (called
-> "Inhumanitas") was awesome. For one thing, it was wonderful to see
-> Sheriff Buck actually scared. He may be the star, but you just love
-> to see him lose.
That was a FIRST wasn't it? This improves the dynamics of the show
because antagonists who simply never show any fear or insecurities don't
wash all that well. When Sheriff Buck realized that things were getting
a bit farther out of his control than he had anticipated things really
started to heat up in that episode.
American Gothic
Nowhere Man
Strange Luck
I wonder which ones will survive the on-going "shake-down?"
--- PCBoard 15.2
* Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)
Msg : 64 of 143
From : ROBERT LIDGREN 1:134/10 .cę 21 .íâ 96 14:26
To : ALL
A simple request this time re: NOWHERE MAN -->
The broadcast time and day seem to have changed. I used to pick it up
on my feed from Spokane, Washington Saturday nights. Can anyone tell me
where they have moved the show now. It was reempted and then went off
the Sat. sched.
I'm in Canada but get most of the U.S. networks from Spokane via cable.
Thanks for your help!
--- PCBoard 15.2
* Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)
Msg : 65 of 143
From : ROBERT LIDGREN 1:134/10 .cę 21 .íâ 96 14:38
To : ALL
Some time ago there was talk of a cross-over episode between X-Files and
Picket Fences. I was wondering, what do you think about a link
somehwere along the line between X-Files and Nowhere Man?
Now Nowhere Man is certainly not YET ain the same "league" as X-Files
but I wonder if anyone else has pondered the similarities. Who knows,
maybe the conspirators in Nowhere Man are simply a less-competent
off-shoot of the people who tend to make Mulder's and Scully's lives
"interesting" (sort of a "second string!")
People disappear with little or no explanation in both series.
The mood of paranoia is common.
For some reason, neither set of protagonists are killed off despite
numerous opportunities to do so.
The inclusion of Paranormal phenomenon is present in both series.
Tom Veil is more of a "loner" but does get aid from people from time to
time - perhaps the Dean Stockwell character might be brought in more
It's just a thought but I see some POTENTIAL for a cross-over episode
even though I realize these things happen pretty rarely and the
producers and networks would have to have some good reason for taking
such a chance.
--- PCBoard 15.2
* Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)
Msg : 66 of 143
From : David Little 1:106/7315 .cę 21 .íâ 96 14:13
To : Brad Morgan
Subj : Foundation Again
-=< Brad used the Jedi Mind Trick on me! >=-
CO->BW>Should you read the one(s) before it even
CO->BW>though they were written after or even though they take place before
CO->BW>should you read them after? (kinda like the Star Wars movies, even
CO->BW>though all six will be out one of these days you should still watch
CO->BW>parts 4, 5, and 6 first.)
CO->I've only read the trilogy, so I can't help. But, for the record, Star
CO->Wars has NINE parts, not six. (Three trilogies - one before "A New
CO->Hope", one after "Return of the Jedi")
BM> Why can't I find the other 6 books? Back when the earth was cooling,
BM> when the initial Star Wars came out, I remember seeing all 9 books in
BM> the bookstore, but I haven't been able to find the 1st or 3rd trilogy
BM> since...I have checked books in print off and on during the years, but
BM> still, no books...I'm starting to wonder if I was hallucinating way
BM> back then...
That's because the 1st trilogy has not even been written and there
is no 3rd trilogy.
-=The DoLittle 8-)=-
... STAR WARS FIDONET ECHO...Star Wars Prequels 1998, 2000, 2002
--- FreeMail & Blue Wave/DOS v2.21
* Origin: The Wizard's Realm ** (713) 946-7315 ** (1:106/7315)
Msg : 67 of 143
From : Frank Glover 1:2613/477 .cę 21 .íâ 96 23:26
To : Channon Lang
Subj : Re: Star Trek
CL> Besides if she's a lesbian....that might come as a real surprise to
CL> her
CL> BOYFRIEND she left back on Earth, right?
Maybe I missed something all along, but isn't Captain Janeway actually
married to that guy?
--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
* Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)
Msg : 68 of 143
From : Kay Shapero 1:102/524 .cę 21 .íâ 96 09:38
To : Christian Raven
Subj : Charles Darwin
On , Christian Raven (1:393/7@fido) wrote to Frank Glover:
CR>consider the actual meaning that Evolution has... charles darwin
CR>would lead us to believe that we are ourselves machines, in a
CR>sense. simply machines with one innate feature seperating us
CR>from the computers we now use... the feature of creating and
CR>solving problems which have not been inputted into our minds...
You're reading more into The Origin of Species than is there - all Darwin did
was describe a process by which new species come into existance from other
species, based on, in effect, selective breeding. The latter generally the
result of the action of the environment on the individuals; those with character
traits most likely to enable them to survive were more likely TO survive and
thus leave more offspring. While Darwin spoke mostly of natural environmental
variations, these can also be manmade, something stockbreeders have known for a
long time. (No, they generally don't create new species, but the time scale
isn't long enough. The process is visible enough.) Sure, the process makes no
reference to the individual. Twasn't the subject! This no more means the