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Ęîíôåđåíöčč - SFFAN Âåņü ōåęņō 5859.38 Kb

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1 ... 272 273 274 275 276 277 278  279 280 281 282 283 284 285 ... 500
 To   : Michael Harper
 Subj : tv and sf

MH>.ED> The American networks tried to rise above the poor breeding of
MH>.ED>the typical American.

MH>But don't forget, for every BBC Shakespeare production, there were half
MH>a dozen sitcoms that were just as brainless as anything we have here.
MH>The British and Europeans aren't the paragons of culture you'd like to
MH>think; ten years ago, I saw a Scots folk band called the Tannahill
MH>Weavers here. During the course of their show, they lamented the fact
MH>that they were missing _Dallas_. At the time, it was a national
MH>obsession in Britain and Europe.
MH> Origin: (1:123/10)

   Correct. And Britian's system seems better able to rule their
elected officials as well as many of their own kind, though.

MH>.ED> My father's generation fought WWII, his brothers fought Korea and
MH>.ED> Vietnam so *this* kind of Baby Boomer could be free to be such a low
MH>.ED> breed of life *just* described?

MH>Yes. We need Joe Average the sheetrock worker and Steve Ordinary the
MH>auto mechanic as much or more than we do the Sagans and Hawkings of
MH>this world. Somebody has to do the work. It's not his fault that the
MH>country he lives in is about twentieth in educational standards, and
MH>possibly lower in literacy.

   My issue about that wasn't literacy, was loyalty to cohesive
relationships that lead him to resist committing behavioral and
relational treason in his lifestyle.

   Joe Average's education and ethical literacy doesn't help him
understand fidelity to integrity nor how his treasonous choices in the
lifestyle you described compute as a capacity to share intellectual
coherence as a voter when leaders ask him to compute how governmental
programs actually cost everyone like himself a share of his own/her own
money to make those programs useful and shareable by all past a
particular point of merit and need.

MH>Do you know who the most literate people in the world are? Oil riggers.
MH>Especially the ones on platforms and on towboats. They read everything,
MH>and read it again, and then read it to each other.

   I wasn't aware of that facet of oil riggers' recreational lifestyle.

MH>.ED> Any civilized 21st Century culture cannot exist with such poorly
MH>.ED> bred citizens of this level of ethical values and literacy in the
MH>.ED> sciences as portrayed by the composite man just presented here.

MH>Blame the schools and the government. While you're at it, blame the
MH>people who let the schools and government get into such a state. We're
MH>the barbarians, son. We've planted the seeds of our own destruction.
MH>It's up to us to do something about it.

   Accurate in part for all. Please note my remarks about behavioral
treason. It applies to edcuational and governmenbtal leadership decay.

MH>.ED> For one thing, in democracies such a man must be currently literate
MH>.ED> in the sciences to effectively vote intelligently on scientific
MH>.ED> issues. *This* kind of a vacuum brained man would vote in a tyranny!
MH>He's a sleeping dragon, Lawrence. If something should rouse him, the
MH>Common Man will strike out with terrifying force.

   Excellent point. But remember he may have to vote restrictions
pertainin to global warming as it affects him personally. *This* kind of
person can make those hard decisions, correct?

MH>.ED> You're suggesting--impuigning!--that civlilized intelligent life
MH>.ED> isn't preponderant in our country because popular media has cultivated
MH>.ED> empty-minded life to prevent any critical thinking about nonrenewable
MH>.ED> consumer products to protect easy profit margins.

MH>Yes. Because no one ever lost money underestimating the intelligence of
MH>the average human. And this planned obsolesence/lowbrow culture has
MH>been spoonfed to us for years.

   Can such a economic system endure the gap between opportunities
created by defective edcucations that is widened by proflagate increases
of new technologcial instruments and applicances into everyday life???

   Can such a population of educationally defective indivivduals be
supported during the aging of the Baby Boomers??

MH>.ED> Why does my gut suspect a educated and ethical population might
MH>.ED> not buy so much nonrenewable consumables or docilely accept this level
MH>.ED> of mediocrity in entertainment?

MH>The audience isn't the problem. The execs and the sponsors are the
MH>problem. The government is a major problem when it comes to
MH>nonrenewables. Read _Fallen Angels_ by Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle and
MH>Michael Flynn. Then get back to me on nonrenewable resources.

   Hmmm. Time to pay off my library card fine!

MH>.ED> What is your thinking about any good SF finding a place in mass
MH>.ED> market media with the declining educational sharpness that you've just
MH>.ED> highlighted? To say nothing of the survival of a educationally
MH>.ED> literate television system in the US?

MH>Not much chance, I'm afraid. . .But as long as television depends on
MH>corporate sponsors, quality will be mediocre at best. The occasional
MH>bright spot like B5 will be rare, and cherished by those of us who know
MH>something good when they see it. The rest of the world will keep
MH>watching reruns of Full House...

   So will I as well.

MH>... Drop out of school before your mind rots and go to the library. -Zappa

   Which Zappa said that? Frank or Moon Umit? Consider it stolen!

Lawrence E Dunlap
* UniQWK #5136* Drop out of school before your mind rots and go to the library.

--- Alexi/Mail 2.02b (#10000)
 * Origin: Computer Living F'n BBS-Houston, TX 713-444-2927 (1:106/2927)

 Msg  : 11 of 143
 From : Jon Glenn                           1:396/1030      .cę 21 .íâ 96 02:21
 To   : Stephen Adams
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  93-0696
Stephen posts in the sunlit world he believes is reality...

 SA> to think that Tom may act like he's just following someone else's plan
 SA> (the  unknown Insider's), feeling trapped at times. Tom will almost
 SA> *have* to use  the clues provided by, and play by the rules of, The
 SA> Insider (another  reason to my "yes" answer to one of your above
 SA> questions), or run the risk of
 SA> being turned in (by The Insider) as Grayson's (?) murderer.
 SA> Interesting character, this Tom Veil: paranoid man seeking revenge
 SA> under the  possible threat of blackmail.   :)

              Then again, the picture may hold nothing at all. This insider
needed a tool to start killing his way to the top. Along comes this photo of
US troops doing something that they're not supposed to. "Bingo" says the
insider, "I'll just make this poor shmuck's life hell so that he'll be
looking for payback. Then I start giving him just enough info start icing my
compitition." On the other tentacle, the insider might be a mole from another
group who's trying to bring down the first one. Same basic scenario, but a
different motavation for the insider. We still don't know how many
Conspiracies there are. For example, the military academy with all those
Hitler Youth could have been run by a rival group who were wondering just
what is so important about the negatives, while the evil food corp is owned
by the hidden village who claimed that they weren't "THEM". I suspect that
the fun is only beginning.....


... ESCHATON.SYS Found. Immanentize? (Yes/No/Quit/Fnord)?
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: Black Tower BBS!  (1:396/1030.0)

 Msg  : 12 of 143
 From : Christian Raven                     1:393/7         .ķá 20 .íâ 96 18:32
 To   : Stephen Adams
 Subj : Re: Nowhere Man

SA> CR> I'm curious to know if anyone has any ideas on just who this might be,
SA> CR> because *personally* I think that it's going to end up being his wife,
SA> CR> and that the entire "hidden agenda" (the name of the picture which was
SA> CR> stolen from him) idea was merely a part of some bigger, hidden agenda.

SA> I'll have to think about *that* one. I'm certainly not saying that she's
SA> not
SA> a possibility, but I haven't even considered *her* as anything more than a

SA> minion of The Conspiracy.

   well you have to consider this.. we've seen too much of her action for her to
be just a paid off or scared off conspirator... remember the episode where Tom
was sent to the insane asylum?  There was a part which showed her talking to the
head psyche... there have also been other scenes involving her in what appears
to be more than just a one-show deal... we'll see..
--- CNet/3
 * Origin: The Bard's Tavern Denton, TX (817)243-5110 USR 28.8   (1:393/7)

 Msg  : 13 of 143
 From : Jon Foster                          1:153/7019      .ķá 20 .íâ 96 03:03
 Subj : Good Ole Riker...
.TID: FastEcho 1.45a UNREG

rl > He always struck me as an actor who took on his role in
rl > STTNG
rl > with great earnest and a zest for life.  Has anyone seen or
rl > heard
rl > anything else about Frakes?

Well, he's directing a new CD ROM where you are a Starfleet cadet and part of
your training to go to the Klingon Homeworld to learn about their culture,
does the voice of Xanatos (sp?) on Gargoyles, been on an episode of Wings,
and will be appearing on an upcoming episode of Voyager.

 * Origin: * T.S. * New Westminster, B.C. * Lady 8i8's Playground * (1:153/7019)

 Msg  : 14 of 143
 From : Tim Stackpool                       3:712/505       .åō 18 .íâ 96 02:27
 To   : Tommy Kellerman
 Subj : Re: V

 -=> Quoting Tommy Kellerman to All <=-

 TK> Hiya All!

 TK> Does anyone know how many episodes of "V" that are available?

 TK> In Sweden they've shown about twelve, but I suspect
 TK> there are more available.

 Tommy I'll try to find out. (I know there was at least two seasons here)
    Where in Sweden are you?

 Hej do


... All I need is a Wave and a board to surf it on.
--- Blue Wave/Max v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin: Sydney PC Users Group Mail Exchange (3:712/505)

 Msg  : 15 of 143
 From : Tim Stackpool                       3:712/505       .åō 18 .íâ 96 02:29
 To   : Donald Sohn
 Subj : Re: X-Files & E.T.

 -=> Quoting Donald Sohn to All <=-

 DS> Did anyone see the short story that Entertainment Tonight had on
 DS> Gillian Anderson and David Duchovney posing for Rolling Stones?  I
 DS> think it's just for Australia though.  :(
 DS> Anybody from Australia?

 Never saw the story on ET
 But we have that edition of Rolling Stone.
 Is that what you want?

 Regards Tim

... Who is General Failure and why's he reading my hard disk?
--- Blue Wave/Max v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin: Sydney PC Users Group Mail Exchange (3:712/505)

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