Msg : 16 of 143
From : John Arnold 3:632/103 .ōp 16 .íâ 96 10:25
To : The Raven
Subj : nuclear
> -=>what is dresden fill me in.
PL>> It's a shame History classes leave out so much these days...
> It shows us, however, that this person is less than 20 years old.
Under 20?
Hell we were never told anything about it at school...
I didn't hear about it until I found Slaughterhouse-Five...
We covered more old English history than we did WW1 or 2 at school.
I don't know what the high schools were like covering history, but
I think Techical school history at my school was much the same from
class to class, teacher to teacher...
Maybe you need to update that to less than 30 years old?
--- Maximus/2 3.00
* Origin: Decadence BBS (3:632/103)
Msg : 17 of 143
From : Todd Sullivan 1:202/720.3 .ķá 20 .íâ 96 13:01
To : David Johnston
Subj : Nuclear, electricity and survival
While substituting for Q, David Johnston took extreme delight in saying to Mark
Jones, "You'll do anything I say?" Mark quailed when the words "Nuclear" were
->> I was responding to a statement that, if electricity vanished, she
->> would go live on a reservation and hunt for her food.
DJ> OK... Wait, I still don't get it. Her strategy would in fact seem to
DJ> be the best one to encourage personal survival, even if many others
DJ> would try to do the same thing. What's your point?
If you want a chilling idea about what would really happen if it all went away,
read Pat Frank's "Alas, Babylon". It makes the point that not everyone caould
or would be able to make the transition, and that the predators would still be
Todd Sullivan
... I'm a Zen nudist--I'm naked in my own mind.
-*- ASTG 1.9
--- Spot 1.3a Unregistered
* Origin: Todd's Spot in the Continuum (1:202/720.3)
Msg : 18 of 143
From : Todd Sullivan 1:202/720.3 .ķá 20 .íâ 96 13:07
To : Chris Ogniben
Subj : X-files and insects
While substituting for Q, Chris Ogniben took extreme delight in saying to Emilio
Ares, "You'll do anything I say?" Emilio quailed when the words "X-files" were
CO> Though it was a very interesting idea, for aliens to use bugs as
CO> little robots to observe earth, that i find it to be stupid idea also.
CO> Since, it deals with bugs, why not just use something else, like a
CO> bird, or a bigger animal.
Complexity and economics come to mind, even for advanced technology.
Insects have simpler behavioral patterns, and are much smaller. Several million
of them is batter than a much more complex organism; birds are probably the
limit, and their purpose is intelligence gathering. Not to say that more
advanced probes aren't possible, but you need to find out what else is there
before you invest your time and effort.
There was an article in Scientific American about an insect-like robot called
"Attila" that was made along the lines of insects, all based on simple
stimulus/response programming. It made sense, and it's in the realm of today's
technology. I think that was the point that was being made.
Todd Sullivan
... Politically incorrect and DAMNED proud of it!!!
-*- ASTG 1.9
--- Spot 1.3a Unregistered
* Origin: Todd's Spot in the Continuum (1:202/720.3)
Msg : 19 of 143
From : Todd Sullivan 1:202/720.3 .ķá 20 .íâ 96 13:08
To : Christian Raven
Subj : Star Trek Sexism
While substituting for Q, Christian Raven took extreme delight in saying to
David Johnston, "You'll do anything I say?" David quailed when the words "Star
Trek" were uttered.
DJ>> That's really quite an idiotic statement. Giving orders is not a
DJ>> defining characteristic of masculinity.
CR> really? then what is? femininty is just the opposite, and before
CR> you go plundering into a losing argument, you should scan the
CR> definition in your webster's... submissiveness, not agression, is one
CR> of the "defining characteristics" as you so well put it, of the
CR> feminine behavioral pattern.
Barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen, eh? And just what century do you think
you're living in?
You might like that kind of woman, but most children want everything their way,
too. I prefer a partner, not a slave.
Todd Sullivan
... "You are not ready for immortality." --Kosh
-*- ASTG 1.9
--- Spot 1.3a Unregistered
* Origin: Todd's Spot in the Continuum (1:202/720.3)
Msg : 20 of 143
From : Brad Morgan 1:342/63 .˙ō 19 .íâ 96 10:15
To : Chris Thurman
Subj : Science Fiction
CT->If you want the area code for Mike and are willing to pay long distance th
CT->call 203-386-0660.
I was kidding....I have no desire to call anywhere LD...
Ā SIG 3.0 [NR] Ā I'll bet on whoever is playing Calgary...I'll be rich!!!
* SLMR 2.1a * Hey Look! it's the Wit Brothers: Half, Dim and Nit!
--- Renegade v10-05 Exp
* Origin: The Ferret Farm BBs -403-457-3396- (1:342/63)
Msg : 21 of 143
From : Brad Morgan 1:342/63 .˙ō 19 .íâ 96 10:15
To : Frank Glover
Subj : Re: Star Trek Comics
FG->SM> DC and Marvel are merging in the end of Feburary. I've heard this
FG-> There's a major crossover series coming, but actually merging? Not
FG->to my knowledge.
FG-> Frank
They have been doing crossovers for at least 20
yrs...Superman/Spiderman, for starters...
Ā SIG 3.0 [NR] Ā Press all the keys at once to continue...
* SLMR 2.1a * A hen tomorrow is more valuable than an egg today.
--- Renegade v10-05 Exp
* Origin: The Ferret Farm BBs -403-457-3396- (1:342/63)
Msg : 22 of 143
From : Brad Morgan 1:342/63 .˙ō 19 .íâ 96 10:15
To : Christopher O'conor
Subj : Foundation Again
CO->BW>Should you read the one(s) before it even
CO->BW>though they were written after or even though they take place before
CO->BW>should you read them after? (kinda like the Star Wars movies, even
CO->BW>though all six will be out one of these days you should still watch
CO->BW>parts 4, 5, and 6 first.)
CO->I've only read the trilogy, so I can't help. But, for the record, Star
CO->Wars has NINE parts, not six. (Three trilogies - one before "A New
CO->Hope", one after "Return of the Jedi")
Why can't I find the other 6 books? Back when the earth was cooling,
when the initial Star Wars came out, I remember seeing all 9 books in
the bookstore, but I haven't been able to find the 1st or 3rd trilogy
since...I have checked books in print off and on during the years, but
still, no books...I'm starting to wonder if I was hallucinating way back
Ā SIG 3.0 [NR] Ā It'shardtobecreativewhenyouonlyhave62characterstoworkwith
* SLMR 2.1a * "Is there any lawyers around?" <> "Anymore?"
--- Renegade v10-05 Exp
* Origin: The Ferret Farm BBs -403-457-3396- (1:342/63)
Msg : 23 of 143
From : David Johnston 1:342/14 .ķá 20 .íâ 96 00:44
To : Chris Ogniben
Subj : Nuclear
-> Hey i never knew that i would meet someone else on here, that would
-> share the same opinion. Yes the human race, apparently seems to be
I don't. You misunderstood what I said.
-> share the same opinion. Yes the human race, apparently seems to be
-> getting stupider, and weaker. I think the human race is always week,
It's difficult at best to measure stupidity. But do you really think
that we are significantly more stupid than say, the inhabitants of
Europe during the 9th century?
-> a human feel as if he was strong. I think against any alien lifeform
-> that has a different type of body, would show that if they wanted to
-> take us, it would be easy for them, since we are a weak racfe.
If any race tried to take out humanity by relying on superior physical
strength alone, we'd clobber them.
--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
* Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)
Msg : 24 of 143
From : David Johnston 1:342/14 .ķá 20 .íâ 96 00:46
To : Christian Raven
Subj : Re: Star Trek
-> DJ> That's really quite an idiotic statement. Giving orders is not a
-> DJ> defining characteristic of masculinity.
-> really? then what is? femininty is just the opposite, and before
-> you go plundering into a losing argument, you should scan the
-> definition in your webster's... submissiveness, not agression, is one
-> of the "defining
Nonsense. My grandmother gives orders like nobodies business, but that
doesn't make her a man, nor is she attempting to be one. It's just what
Chiefs of Nursing at major hospitals do. Not all men give orders. In
fact most men don't.
--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
* Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)
Msg : 25 of 143
From : David Johnston 1:342/14 .ķá 20 .íâ 96 01:03
To : Frank Glover
Subj : Re: Star Trek Comics
-> SM> DC and Marvel are merging in the end of Feburary. I've heard
-> this
-> There's a major crossover series coming, but actually merging? Not
-> to my knowledge.
For one week, as part of the crossover, 12 issues will be printed under
the "Amalgam" imprint. It will include "Bruce Wayne, Agent of Shield",
"Super-Soldier", "Spider-Boy", "JLX", and "Doctor Strangefate", along
with other concepts hybridised between the two companies.
--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
* Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)
Msg : 26 of 143
From : Kay Shapero 1:102/524 .ķá 20 .íâ 96 11:15
To : Christian Raven
Subj : Re: Star Trek
On , Christian Raven (1:393/7@fido) wrote to David Johnston:
DJ> That's really quite an idiotic statement. Giving orders is not a
DJ> defining characteristic of masculinity.
CR> really? then what is? femininty is just the opposite, and
CR>before you go plundering into a losing argument, you should scan
CR>the definition in your webster's... submissiveness, not