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individual is unimportant than a geology text describing the long term effects
of plate tectonics means that individual earthquakes are unimportant.

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 69 of 143
 From : Kay Shapero                         1:102/524       .cę 21 .íâ 96 09:38
 To   : Don Dellmann
 Subj : PKD
On , Don Dellmann (1:154/40) wrote to Frank Glover:

 FG> And more to your point is `Total Recall.' What indeed if youcould
 FG> submerge an old personality and set of memories under a new one...and

 DD>Which sounds suspiciously like a 1966 Phillip K. Dick short story
 DD>"We Can Remember It For You Wholesale"

Total Recall was based loosely on the story - though they left out the wilder

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 70 of 143
 From : Otto Cordray                        1:106/1393      .îí 22 .íâ 96 21:29
 To   : Chris Myers
 Subj : Re: Star Trek

CR>DJ> -> I must have some problems with my terminal, I
CR>DJ> -> almost thought you said
CR>DJ> -> "good" and "ST:Voyager" in the same sentence.  The captain is a
CR>DJ> -> woman, trying to be a man.  Now if she were a
 CM> lesbian (which... who knows?)

I hate to say this, but a friend of mine ruined Voyager for me. Before I ever
saw an episode of it he said that the Captain sounded like Jane Curtin's
Conehead character. When I got around to seeing an episode, that was indelibly
etched in my thoughts. Though Janeway is really only slightly nasally, I keep
thinking of Mrs. Conehead. I throw myself on the mercy of trekdom.


--- Maximus/2 3.01
 * Origin: The Round Table, BBS of Gulf Coast Mensa * 922-1393 (1:106/1393)

 Msg  : 71 of 143
 From : Kay Shapero                         1:102/524       .îí 22 .íâ 96 13:23
 To   : Christian Raven
 Subj : Re: Star Trek
On , Christian Raven (1:393/7@fido) wrote to Kay Shapero:

 CR>wasn't until quite recently that women began to take on some of
 CR>the roles of their male counterparts.  so the way i see it, you
 CR>can't destroy that much evolved instinct in just a few decades...
 CR>most likely, it will take quite a long time.

It would, were that the problem.  But believe me, raising children is not a task
for those with an instinctual problem with being in charge or giving orders. :->
No such thing exists (or we wouldn't have women interested in such things to
begin with.)  What does exist is the fact that males are generally bigger than
females so can physically dominate, and that nobody operates in a vaccuum,
completely unaffected by their own culture.  Given historians, anthropologists
and the like influenced by the assumption that male achievement is the most
important, they will study history and other cultures from the point of view of
the male, and dismiss the female as secondary.  Which produces warped results
when local society involves a male's portion and a female's portion, each
independantly run by the members thereof and interacting as a group.

Mankind is capable of a good deal of societal variety, precisely because we have
so few real instincts.

 CR>  i agree, assertiveness is far superior to raw agression in the
 CR>long term.  however, in order to gain the respect of your crew so
 CR>that they will trust your assertations, you must show some degree
 CR>of fearlessness, true compassion, and strong will.

None of which requires aggression - you're confusing your terms.  Take a look at
such historical figures as Florence Nightengale, or Dickie Chapelle.

 CR>  i agree with your last paragraph, and feel that with all the
 CR>newness of an unexplored quadrant, couldnt they come up with
 CR>something better?  i did like the most recent episode featuring
 CR>the silver-alloy robots, however.

Not bad, though they were a bit hamhanded about the Message.  They're learning.

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 72 of 143
 From : Kay Shapero                         1:102/524       .îí 22 .íâ 96 20:38
 To   : Christian Raven
 Subj : Re: Star Trek Sexism
On , Christian Raven (1:393/7@fido) wrote to Todd Sullivan:

 CR>easy.  my personal work as a tatoo artist has proven to me that
 CR>the female sex is striving to the extreme to become male.
 CR>sometimes i laugh... but i always give them their tat's.  i don't

How does doing tattoos make you think that women are trying to be men?  Let me
guess - the progression

a) Tattoos are for men.
b) women are coming to get tattoos.
c) women are trying to be men.

And while c follows logically from postulates a and b, since postulate a is
faulty, so is your conclusion.

I'm sorry you feel threatened, but retreating into that particular fantasy world
then broadcasting it is mostly going to get you the horselaugh in a gathering of
SF fans (well.. maybe not the John Norman fans. :->).  Relax, lad, you'll never
make it as a biologist or anthropologist, but good tattoo artists are important

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 73 of 143
 From : Elizabeth H. Penrose                1:129/26        .ķá 20 .íâ 96 09:36
 To   : Frank Swarbrick
 Subj : Re: Good Ole Riker...
The credits of Gargoyles go by too fast to see more than a few voices, though I
look for Ed Asner's name.  Quick attribution is a minor irritation of
high-priced air space.  Sports is a major irritation.

--- Maximus 3.01
 * Origin: SoundingBoard, Pittsburgh PA (1:129/26)

 Msg  : 74 of 143
 From : Elizabeth H. Penrose                1:129/26        .ķá 20 .íâ 96 09:47
 To   : David Johnston
 Subj : Re: Tv And Sf
I like brainless entertainment -- I _loved_ Jumanji!  But how well does
Hollywood entertain?  In the bad old days of the 1950's, if you wanted a
"movie", you watched the product:  glossy TV and movies, the dying serial, the
glorious Warner Brother cartoons.  If you wanted something serious (if you lived
in a large city), you could seek out a foreign movie house and see Felini,
"Forbidden Games", Sanjait Ray.  Nowadays there are still a few, rare serious
movies, and not necessarily at the art houses.  But where's the entertainment?
A few TV shows, one or two movies, and a lot of pretty film/video with no
entertainment value.  The "echoers" (surely that isn't the right term!) praise a
few recent shows, but mostly treasure the good movies and television of the
     I'm not nostalgic.  I don't like the racism and sexism of past product, and
the studio system was crippling.  I just don't think there's much I'd want to
see at a matinee.

--- Maximus 3.01
 * Origin: SoundingBoard, Pittsburgh PA (1:129/26)

 Msg  : 75 of 143
 From : Don Dellmann                        1:154/40        .ōp 23 .íâ 96 04:56
 To   : Kay Shapero
 Subj : Virtual Reality
While tripping merrily through the mail, Kay Shapero was overheard

 FG>   And more to your point is `Total Recall.' What indeed if
 FG>youcould submerge an old personality and set of memories under a
 FG>new one...and the new one upon learning of this, still seeks to
 FG>preserve his own identity? (If you saw the movie, the scene where
 FG>Arnie's character is pursuaded that all his experiences prior to,
 FG>and on Mars were the virtual experience he'd asked for [and even

 KS> And if you think that was strange, read the Philip K. Dick short story
 KS> on which it was (very loosely) based "We Can Remember It For You
 KS> Wholesale".  As will surprise nobody familiar with Dick, it's far
 KS> weirder than the movie dared to get. :->

I thought I was the only one to notice that .

... HEINLEINEKIN'S: The Strange Beer in a Strange Can
 * Origin: Anonymous BBS -=- Non plus Ultra -=- 414-251-2580 (1:154/40)

 Msg  : 76 of 143
 From : David Johnston                      1:342/14        .îí 22 .íâ 96 00:07
 To   : Brad Morgan
 Subj : Foundation Again
-> CO->BW>Should you read the one(s) before it even
-> CO->BW>though they were written after or even though they take place
-> before CO->BW>should you read them after? (kinda like the Star Wars
-> movies, even CO->BW>though all six will be out one of these days you
-> should still watch CO->BW>parts 4, 5, and 6 first.)
-> CO->I've only read the trilogy, so I can't help.  But, for the
-> record, Star CO->Wars has NINE parts, not six.  (Three trilogies -
-> one before "A New CO->Hope", one after "Return of the Jedi")
-> CO->Opus
-> Why can't I find the other 6 books? Back when the earth was cooling,
-> when the initial Star Wars came out, I remember seeing all 9 books in
-> the bookstore, but I haven't been able to find the 1st or 3rd trilogy
-> since...I have checked books in print off and on during the years,
-> but still, no books...I'm starting to wonder if I was hallucinating
-> way back then...

The other Star Wars books, such as Splinter of the Mind's Eye, and the
Han Solo and Lando Calrissian books were not versions of the still
awaited other 6 planned parts to the Star Wars series of films.

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/100
 * Origin: Freddy's Place - Edm. AB - 28.8K (403) 456-4241 (1:342/14)

 Msg  : 77 of 143
 From : Todd Sullivan                       1:202/720.3     .cę 21 .íâ 96 17:32
 To   : Don Dellmann
While substituting for Q, Don Dellmann took extreme delight in saying to Frank
Glover, "You'll do anything I say?"  Frank quailed when the words "VIRTUAL SEX"
were uttered.

 FG>> ripped off...er, *borrowed* in a recent ST:Voyager episode where the
 FG>> Doctor is having similar things happen to him...)

 DD> Which sounds suspiciously like a 1966 Phillip K. Dick short story
 DD> "We Can Remember It For You Wholesale"

Total Recall was based on Dick's story; is says so (in small print) in the
credits.  Another story used in many places.

Todd Sullivan

... Your Punishment:  You Must Join the Windows Workgroup For a Year!

-*- ASTG 1.9

--- Spot 1.3a Unregistered
 * Origin: Todd's Spot in the Continuum (1:202/720.3)

 Msg  : 78 of 143
 From : Todd Sullivan                       1:202/720.3     .cę 21 .íâ 96 17:36
 To   : Chris Ogniben
 Subj : nuclear BS
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