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 CR>agression, is one of the "defining characteristics" as you so
 CR>well put it, of the feminine behavioral pattern.

So maybe they've stopped using the silly definitions to define real live people,
as opposed to theoreticaly abstracts?  Heck, I can give orders and I'm female
(!) and heterosexual (!!) and not even trying to be a man (!!!).  Wouldn't want
to, really - not that men are bad necessarily (I'm married to one), but I'm
perfectly happy with the sex I've got.

Of course if you think it takes agression (as opposed to assertion) to give
orders, you're going to have problems anyway.  Far better to be backed up by the
respect of those taking the orders than by raw force.  That way they're more
likely to be followed when something happens to the force. Also, you're more
likely to get accurate answers to your questions instead of whatever the other
party thinks you want to hear.

My problem with Voyager is not the captain (though I do find myself wishing
they'd found an actress that not only looked a bit like Katherine Hepburn, but
could ACT like her in movies like The African Queen).  It's the scriptwriting,
the Trecknobabble of Impressive Proportions, and the general "ah, who cares,
it's Science Fiction" attitude that leads to things like confusing the event
horizon of a black hole with some sort of energy shell you can poke cracks in.

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 27 of 143
 From : Kay Shapero                         1:102/524       .ķá 20 .íâ 96 22:00
 To   : Frank Glover
 Subj : Virtual Reality
On , Frank Glover (1:2613/477) wrote to Christian Raven:

 FG>   And more to your point is `Total Recall.' What indeed if
 FG>youcould submerge an old personality and set of memories under a
 FG>new one...and the new one upon learning of this, still seeks to
 FG>preserve his own identity? (If you saw the movie, the scene where
 FG>Arnie's character is pursuaded that all his experiences prior to,
 FG>and on Mars were the virtual experience he'd asked for [and even

And if you think that was strange, read the Philip K. Dick short story on which
it was (very loosely) based "We Can Remember It For You Wholesale".  As will
surprise nobody familiar with Dick, it's far weirder than the movie dared to
get. :->

... I took the road less travelled...And fell in a hole.

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 28 of 143
 From : Kay Shapero                         1:102/524       .ķá 20 .íâ 96 22:01
 To   : Glenn Shaheen
 Subj : Re: Star Trek
On , Glenn Shaheen (1:3600/7) wrote to Christian Raven:

 GS>for what
 GS>I've seen Vulcan is all the same climate)

Which I find very hard to believe - no matter how you tilt the axis, getting
every part of the planet to have exactly the same solar exposure every day is
impossible.  At best, you can point the axis perpendicular to the sun and
parallel to the orbit, in which case each point gets the same treatment as
everything else at its latitude, but the tropics are still going to get more
than the poles.  And the difference in incoming energy is going to have an
effect on the temperature at the ground, and that is going to create weather.
At any rotation - even if the thing is tidally locked with the sun so it doesn't
rotate with respect to it at ALL, you still get this effect.

Now it may well be all desert - all that requires is less water than Earth has,
and correspondingly less vegetation, but there's considerable difference here
between, say, the Sahara, the Gobi, and the Mojave, all deserts.

Of course it's a common error in a lot of SF - I recall with fondness the time
Poul Anderson made this point by having Chee Lan kvetch about her hotel room's
climate conditioning being set for the wrong part of her homeworld "They've
booked me into the northern continent and it's bloody cold!"

Ah well, I rather like the black Vulcan if for no other reason than it's about
time we had a race of aliens who didn't all look essentially alike, even to
outsiders.  Humans don't; why would anything else?

... Galileo held hostage - Day 33

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 29 of 143
 From : Kay Shapero                         1:102/524       .ķá 20 .íâ 96 22:03
 To   : Channon Lang
 Subj : Babylon 5
On , Channon Lang (1:130/809) wrote to Robert Siemborski:

 RS> If you liked that one, be on the lookout for what jms called the
 RS> "funniest scene to date on the series" in the first of the new block
 RS> of episodes. Something that Ivonova says in Sheriden's bedroom is
 RS> supposed to be really funny.  Take that for what you will.

 CL> Hmmm, now THAT could be interesting....

Especially if it's any better than "Either we had one hell of a hull breach last
night, or you snore."  :->

... "Who ARE you!!!" "I may or may not be Garibaldi. First, who are YOU?"

--- msged 2.06
 * Origin: StormGate Aerie/West LA Netmail Hub/HST (1:102/524)

 Msg  : 30 of 143
 From : Chris Myers                         1:2613/313      .˙ō 19 .íâ 96 16:23
 To   : Star Hawk
 Subj : elfquest
WARP Graphics is the Pini's company that originated Elfquest.  I
followed them from issue #1 although I have not kept up.  Life is funny
that way.  I really enjoyed their work.

--- QScan/PCB v1.17b / 01-0406
 * Origin: Knight Moves - Rochester,NY 716-865-2106 (1:2613/313)

 Msg  : 31 of 143
 From : Chris Myers                         1:2613/313      .˙ō 19 .íâ 96 18:29
 To   : Stephen Adams
Okay, I give up.  I (pardon me) have never heard of the show "Nowhere
Man" Is it on Fox or one of the other cable stations.  Everyone talks
about it so fondly, I'd like to take a look at it.

 SA>RS> SA>Personally, I hope the the producers DON'T change the


SA>RS> I didn't know they were planning on changing it.

SA>Hopefully, they aren't. What I was originally implying was that since
SA>the show is being shown on the fledgling UPN network, that there could
SA>come a time when UPN's execs decide that Nowhere Man needs to have
SA>bigger ratings in order to stay in the schedule.

SA>There are rumors flying around that Paramount might be considering
SA>scrapping ST:DS9 and throwing all of its resources into ST:Voyager.
SA>Why? In order to bolster the ratings of Voyager, which happens to be
SA>the keystone show for UPN. If Voyager stumbles, then it is likely that
SA>UPN would be on shaky ground. UPN may then try to stabilize itself with
SA>shows that appeal more to the mass-market audiences. I just hope that
SA>they don't try to turn Nowhere Man into one of those mass-market, no-
SA>brainer (IMHO) shows.

SA>If all of this speculation does indeed come true, then I'd rather see
SA>the writers and producers of Nowhere Man either conclude the series, or
SA>take it where they can continue on with the quality they've put out so
SA>far; either in syndication or, perhaps, another network such as WB.


SA>January 15, 1996   08:37 ET
SA> * RM 1.3  * Eval Day 40 * Internet Email:  stephen.adams@bandit-bbs.com

SA>---  WC!/IM!/GE-PRO1.20!
SA> * Origin: Longbow BBS! Tampa, FL (813)961-3653 USR V.34+ DS (1:377/77)

 * OLX 2.1 TD * Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic

--- QScan/PCB v1.17b / 01-0406
 * Origin: Knight Moves - Rochester,NY 716-865-2106 (1:2613/313)

 Msg  : 32 of 143
 From : Chris Myers                         1:2613/313      .˙ō 19 .íâ 96 18:29
 To   : Christian Raven
 Subj : Re: Star Trek
I don't think the problem with ST: Voyager is because the captain is a
woman or that there is a black vulcan with an Indian Commander.  I
think most of the problem is mediocre writing.  The story lines
have been weak and don't show much imagination.  Some of them have
seemed like rework jobs of the original series.  On the whole, I have to
say I like the characters and I especially like Kathryn Janeway.  I just
wish the writers would give her something more interesting to do rather
than walking the same old beaten paths.

CR>GS> EA>Star Trek,yes, in all its incarnations except Voyager. They

need to CR>GS> hir CR>GS> EA>some writers.

CR>GS>         VOYAGER?!?!!?! I think Deep Space 9 is the one who needs to get
CR>GS> some writers. Voyager is actually pretty good.

CR>  I must have some problems with my terminal, I almost thought you said "goo
CR>and "ST:Voyager" in the same sentence.  The captain is a woman, trying to be
CR>man.  Now if she were a lesbian (which... who knows?) I might be able to tak
CR>it.  But give me a break.. a black vulcan, an indian commander (whom I think
CR>should be captain, he's a decent actor, at least), and a female captain... w
CR>I must have missed the episode where Oprah Winfrey and Spock were involved i
CR>more than just a mind meld... or was it Guinan?  Anyway I'm just waiting for
CR>the episode where the chinese/japanese engineer guy discovers his
CR>homosexuality.  Give me a break.  I think UPN started another show which giv
CR>us some info on where Voyager is going.  Hint: Thomas Veil...
CR>                                                     ..c.raven
CR>--- CNet/3
CR> * Origin: The Bard's Tavern Denton, TX (817)243-5110 USR 28.8   (1:393/7)

 * OLX 2.1 TD * Press "+" to see another tagline.

--- QScan/PCB v1.17b / 01-0406
 * Origin: Knight Moves - Rochester,NY 716-865-2106 (1:2613/313)

 Msg  : 33 of 143
 From : Tony Trujillo                       1:280/9         .ķá 20 .íâ 96 16:00
 To   : Channon Lang
 Subj : Re: Tom Holt & PTerry
.TID: GE 1.11+

 MI>> I am reading "Who's Afraid of Beowulf?" now.
 TT>> I wish I could find my copy. It's around here somewhere but
 TT>> I can't seem to locate it.
 CL>  Now that was one book I really enjoyed....If I remember correctly, I
 CL>  did alot of giggling...

TALLER? I thought EST was a better attempt...or at least I
thought it was funnier than the other two. I've been meaning
to read more Holt but you can't hardly find his books in the
new books stores. So far the only two I've found locally

... It's a cookbook! It's a cook...hey! That looks delicious!
--- Via Silver Xpress V4.02B03 SW01177
 * Origin: South of the River - Overland Park KS - (913)642-7907 V.* (1:280/9)

 Msg  : 34 of 143
 From : Tony Trujillo                       1:280/9         .ķá 20 .íâ 96 16:52
 To   : Judy Hayes
 Subj : Re: "Who" knew.
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