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Ęîíôåđåíöčč - SFFAN Âåņü ōåęņō 5859.38 Kb

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1 ... 287 288 289 290 291 292 293  294 295 296 297 298 299 300 ... 500
 conscious thought, and so are her creatures, all of them!  There has to
 be some motivation behind terrorists and if we can find why they are so
mad at us, then we are closer to a solution.  In some coutries terrorists
are heroes.

 CG> -!- MacKennel 2.2.1
 CG>  ! Origin: The Quarry: 860-889-6427 -- Amateur Radio & Mac User
 CG> (1:320/301.0)

... "Cult" is what the big church calls the little church.
--- Blue Wave v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin: The Cereal Port BBS (OS/2) Rindge,NH 603-899-3335 (1:132/152)

 Msg  : 135 of 143
 From : Bianca Wesslak                      1:132/152       .îí 22 .íâ 96 16:49
 To   : Frank Glover
 Subj : nuclear
From a woman with an overactive imagination.

 BW>  Besides it's the only plan that I can think of.  The fall of
 BW>  electricity
 BW>  has on upside, a lot of the bombs that the military controls, won't
 BW>  be
 BW>  able to be set off.
 FG> Being military systems, they don't depend on the commercial power

grid, either. Just as well. It would make the National Guard useless

 FG> in

power-disrupting disasters, otherwise.

 FG> Frank

But if it was an all out loss of electricty, which was the actual question
what would it matter if it was commercial or non commercial electricity???

... Just some extemporaneous personal communication.
--- Blue Wave v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin: The Cereal Port BBS (OS/2) Rindge,NH 603-899-3335 (1:132/152)

 Msg  : 136 of 143
 From : Bianca Wesslak                      1:132/152       .îí 22 .íâ 96 16:49
 To   : Christian Raven
 Subj : Star Trek
From a woman with an overactive imagination.

 CR> @MSGID: 1:393/7@fido 30ff2449
 DJ> -> I must have some problems with my terminal, I almost thought you said
 DJ> -> "good" and "ST:Voyager" in the same sentence.  The captain is a
 DJ> -> woman, trying to be a man.  Now if she were a lesbian (which... who
 DJ> -> knows?) I might be able to take
DJ> That's really quite an idiotic statement.  Giving orders is not a
 DJ> defining characteristic of masculinity.
CR> really?  then what is?  femininty is just the opposite, and before
 CR> you go plundering into a losing argument, you should scan the
 CR> definition in your webster's... submissiveness, not agression, is one
 CR> of the "defining characteristics" as you so well put it, of the
 CR> feminine behavioral pattern.

Who wrote the webster dictionary??  What is the culture surrounding
when the editions are put out.  Gender and how it is viewed and defined is
a very complex, and subtle area.  also who  were the people to define
masculinity and femininty.  As a woman I will admit I am passive, but I am
also extremely aggressive.  I have met many men who are passive as well.
Are you so defined by what you term to be masculinity.  do you alway's
act aggresive.  Don't you have caring emotions?  Don't you love??

     Why would the captain have to be lesbian for you to buy her standing
 up for herself and acting powerful.  NOT all lesbians are butches.
I say she was acting feminine by being a mother figure as well.  How many
people does she have to worry about?  Make sure is safe?  Dicipline?

... Dream back the bison, sing back the swan.
--- Blue Wave v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin: The Cereal Port BBS (OS/2) Rindge,NH 603-899-3335 (1:132/152)

 Msg  : 137 of 143
 From : Don Dellmann                        1:154/750       .pä 24 .íâ 96 22:09
 To   : Frank Swarbrick
 Subj : weird tv
.TID: FastEcho 1.45a 8060
While tripping merrily through the mail, Frank Swarbrick was overheard

 FS> I'm a big fan of "weird" tv shows and am trying to make a list of
 FS> shows that fit.  I've tried to list the years they aired and how many
 FS> seasons (or seasons so far).  Any corrections welcome.

 FS> So far I have the following:

 FS> The Twilight Zone (195?-196?) [??]
 FS> The Outer Limits (1963?-1964?) [2]

If your BBS carries "Memories", you may want to ask this question over
there, we have a few habitues who have reference material that can give you
exact data on all the shows you mention (years/stars/even what network they
were on).

... Security, confine Ensign Swarbrick to the brig.
 * Origin: *YOPS ]I[* 3.1 GIG * RA/FD/FE RADist * Milwaukee, WI (1:154/750)

 Msg  : 138 of 143
 From : Boris CDuke                         2:463/2.22      .˙ō 26 .íâ 96 00:50
 To   : Jerry Van Kooten
 Subj : Red Dwarf / TNG crossover
Hi Jerry!

 JK >>  DL>> REDTREK.ZIP     29K     Red Dwarf meets the next generation
 JK >>  DL>> SMEG_GEN.ARJ    25K     Dwarf Trek - The Smeggy Generation

 JVK> Same price to call from Holland :-)

Could you uuencode it into 6-8kb pieces and send to me?

 JVK> My address is 2:280/901.37

 JVK> See you,
 JVK> Jerry

Bestest, Boris

 * Origin: Imagineering (2:463/2.22)

 Msg  : 139 of 143
 From : Frank Swarbrick                     1:104/825       .îí 22 .íâ 96 19:29
 To   : Robert Lidgren
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  92-0022
On 01-21-96  14:48 my Very Good Friend Robert Lidgren said:

 -> !!  I just finished watching the most recent episode of American
 -> Gothic, and WOW! do I like this show!  Up to this point it's been
 -> good, interesting, creepy, etc. but tonight's episode (called
 -> "Inhumanitas") was awesome.  For one thing, it was wonderful to see
 -> Sheriff Buck actually scared.  He may be the star, but you just love
 -> to see him lose.

 RL> That was a FIRST wasn't it?  This improves the dynamics of the show
 RL> because antagonists who simply never show any fear or insecurities
 RL> don't wash all that well.  When Sheriff Buck realized that things were
 RL> getting a bit farther out of his control than he had anticipated things
 RL> really started to heat up in that episode.

Glad to see another fan!  And you're exactly right.

 RL> American Gothic
 RL> Nowhere Man
 RL> Strange Luck

 RL> I wonder which ones will survive the on-going "shake-down?"

Hmm, I like all three.  But of the three I'd be least sad to see
Strange Luck gone.  Still, I'd rather see all of them survive.


... Did I mention we're federal agents?
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: The Bailey Information Exchange BBS, 28.8k v.fc  (1:104/825.0)

 Msg  : 140 of 143
 From : Frank Swarbrick                     1:104/825       .îí 22 .íâ 96 23:00
 To   : All
 Subj : Nowhere Man/Prisoner
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  92-0022
Heh heh.  Tonight's episode, "Heart of Darkness," had another Prisoner
tribute/referance.  Veil and others joined a kind of militia group,
and as recruits were given numbers to replace their names.  Veil was,
of course, Number 6!

Great episode, BTW.  One of the best so far.


... Someone's at the door...
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: The Bailey Information Exchange BBS, 28.8k v.fc  (1:104/825.0)

 Msg  : 141 of 143
 From : Todd Sullivan                       1:202/720.3     .ōp 23 .íâ 96 13:19
 To   : Chris Baugh
 Subj : LA water
While substituting for Q, Chris Baugh took extreme delight in saying to Nicolai
Shapero, "You'll do anything I say?"  Nicolai quailed when the words "LA water"
were uttered.

 CB> not come across any references to the aquaduct requiring electrical
 CB> pumping, but I have seen references to its being a gravity feed
 CB> system.  If you could point out a way I could go directly to the
 CB> source for information about the use of electricity in the aquaduct,
 CB> I'd enjoy learning that information.

You need not look it up.  For concrete, palpable evidence, a trip to the
Altamont Pass (Interstate 5) should do it.  There are a number of pumping
stations along the California Aqueduct to lift northern water over the pass and
deliver it to the San Fernado Valley.  An interesting sight, at the very least.

Oh, these pumping stations use electricity, as do those from the Colorado River
end of the Aqueduct.

Todd Sullivan

... Politically Correct:  He's metabolically challenged, Jim.

-*- ASTG 1.9

--- Spot 1.3a Unregistered
 * Origin: Todd's Spot in the Continuum (1:202/720.3)

 Msg  : 142 of 143
 From : Shawn Merrow                        1:3407/14       .ōp 23 .íâ 96 17:47
 To   : Samantha Dobbs
 Subj : Re: Space: Above & Beyond

-> I would love to talk about ALL or any of them!! If you want I have a
-> e-mail address... ac050@freenet.durham.org

Thanks for giving me youre E-Mail address, though the bad part is I
temoraly have no E-Mail access. What do you think about the episode
were Cooper did the assination mission?

--- QScan/PCB v1.16b / 01-0024
 * Origin:  (1:3407/14)

 Msg  : 143 of 143
 From : Richard Sarner                      1:271/236       .pä 24 .íâ 96 10:25
 To   : Anders Danebo
 Subj : Re: Babylon 5
.TID: GE 1.11+
In a message to All <01-21-96 10:03> Anders Danebo wrote:

AD=> Anybody know where i can get a complete episode list over the
AD=> Babylon 5 series..And a similar list with episode descriptions...

If you have Internet access look at ftp.hyperion.com, I could see about placing
the files online at Journey of the Sorcerer, but it will take some time. Not to
mention a very long distance call.


--- GEcho 1.11+
 * Origin: THE TIME MACHINE (804)599-6401 TRAVEL THE PORTALS! (1:271/236)

 Msg  : 1 of 285
 From : Robert Siemborski                   1:2604/214      .ōp 23 .íâ 96 07:20
 To   : Stephen Adams

 >Another thought just came into my little mind... :) Perhaps we're seeing a
 >shift in the focus of Tom's character. Instead of seeing him running around
 >a man gripped with paranoia, could we be seeing him bent on taking

YES!  It seems that he has become definitaveally more agressive in the past 2

- Rob -

--- SLMAIL v4.5a  (#1409)
 * Origin: Bits 'N Bytes BBS - Leonia, NJ - (201) 346-1661 - 28.8k Connections!

 Msg  : 2 of 285
 From : Darren Lovatt                       2:201/190       .ōp 23 .íâ 96 22:21
 To   : Jerry Van Kooten
 Subj : Red Dwarf / TNG crossover
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1 ... 287 288 289 290 291 292 293  294 295 296 297 298 299 300 ... 500
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