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Ęîíôåđåíöčč - SFFAN Âåņü ōåęņō 5859.38 Kb

ėāé 1995 - ņåíō˙áđü 1996

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1 ... 325 326 327 328 329 330 331  332 333 334 335 336 337 338 ... 500
 To   : Channon Lang
 Subj : Computer Hitchhiker
It was zapped when the computer went down.  I know nothing more.  Barton Paul
Levenson (who has roughly the same connection to me as Jack Benny's
vault-keeper) promises to reinstate it when I'm done with my paper.

--- Maximus 3.01
 * Origin: SoundingBoard, Pittsburgh PA (1:129/26)

 Msg  : 74 of 106
 From : Barton Paul Levenson                1:129/26        .˙ō 09 .åâ 96 21:18
 To   : Bill Clements
This topic has been ruled out of bounds by the moderator.

My degree is University of Pittsburgh 1983.  You know, the one where Cohen
teaches nuclear engineering.

--- Maximus 3.01
 * Origin: SoundingBoard, Pittsburgh PA (1:129/26)

 Msg  : 75 of 106
 From : Channon Lang                        1:130/809       .ķá 10 .åâ 96 21:34
 To   : Kim Wheat
 Subj : Re: Star Trek
.TID: GE 1.11+
From a dark bottomless pit,Kim Wheat screamed up to Channon Lang about Star

 KW> Hi Channon!! 

 Thank you...it's always nice to get a hug...

 KW> Sure, been here for years....just not as active on the TV/Movie
 KW> side of the house as I am with the book side, is all! :>

 So, you have your house divided up between Movies and Books...Hmmmm, and
 to think I have mine divided up between computers and child, although,
 the child is beginning to take over there too...

 KW> I've watched Chris since his first msg....and have started looking
 KW> into card shops for this really, really large sympathy card for
 KW> Nicolai!  She has the patience of a saint, she does!! :)

 Well, she's put up with ALOT more than I would have...and to think I'm a
 sysop too...

 CL> Now, back on topic....Whatd'ya think of B5 last night??? Did you
 CL> watch VOYAGER--the new one, that is...?

 KW> Btwn you and John Kahane, who keep telling me that B5 HAS gotten
 KW> better since season 1, I've been meaning to check it out. Wasn't til
 KW> this week, Thursday in fact, that I finally looked through the whole
 KW> TV guide and discovered that it's no longer on Sundays, but now on
 KW> Wednesdays. So if I remember next Wed. I'll check it out and see if
 KW> I can tolerate the acting. :>

 Well, if you want to know the truth, I have only recently started watching
 it. Like, real recent...maybe since right before Christmas, that's it.

 KW> As for V'ger....nope....forget it....can't take any of them. Plots
 KW> are stupid, Janeway should be courtmartialed, and keep waiting for
 KW> a superior captain w/ a superior ship to blown V'ger outta the
 KW> spaceways!  (But then again, I felt that way with TNG when it
 KW> first started, being one of them "Nothing can replace Kirk & Company"
 KW> fanatics....I got better!) 

 Yeah, I know what you mean. I was that way about TNG, too. My dad still
 refuses to watch DS9, but somehow he tolerates V'ger. I keep trying to
 give V'ger the benefit of the doubt. But, to tell you what, if they don't
 start doing MUCH better, I'll have to finally write it off. Actually, I
 like Janeway, but the writers need to really start working...maybe get
 some writers from TNG or something...or start totally new...who knows.

... "Bother", said Pooh, as Kirk beamed him down in a red shirt
--- MachoEcho 0.5ņ
 * Origin: The State of Confusion * Arlington Tx * 817-274-1920 * (1:130/809)

 Msg  : 76 of 106
 From : Chris Carter                        1:105/290.23    .ķá 10 .åâ 96 06:05
 To   : Christian Raven
 Subj : Star Trek Sexism
On ( 7 Feb 96) Christian Raven wrote to Robert Lidgren...

 CR> i dont care what else anyone has to say, if you want to argue with
 CR> what i just said, i'm not even going to bother to reply, because i
 CR> know that it is factual.

A mind, like a parachute, must be open in order to function.

I wonder if the sound of someone hitting my twit filter is much like the
sound of someone hitting the ground after falling 10,000 feet?


Chris - carter@teleport.com

... If less is more, than nothing is everything.

--- PPoint 2.00
 * Origin: Grid Epsilon Coords. 105x290x23 (1:105/290.23)

 Msg  : 77 of 106
 From : Chris Carter                        1:105/290.23    .ķá 10 .åâ 96 06:10
 To   : Nicolai Shapero
 Subj : Star Trek Generations
On (08 Feb 96) Nicolai Shapero wrote to Frank Glover...

 FG> I think wecan assumethere will be an Enterprise-E...one
 FG> wonders what it will look like?

 NS> We've already seen what it's going to look like...remember ALL
 NS> GOOD THINGS?  (Three nacelles, yet...)

The vessel in "All Good Things" was the Enterprise-D, after a major
refit.  You'll remember Adm. Riker's comments to the effect of,
"bringing her out of mothballs," or something.  Also, the third nacelle
is recognizably a retrofit.  Look at its mounting.

If another ST film is made following the events in "Generations," I
imagine the Enterprise-E will have a configuration similar to the
standard main hull / secondary hull / twin-nacelle design that has
always been the paradigm for starships called 'Enterprise.'  Still, a
few new wrinkles will be added...

But please, NO articulated warp nacelle mounts!

Chris - carter@teleport.com

... "If it's the Captain's Mess, let him clean it up!"

--- PPoint 2.00
 * Origin: Grid Epsilon Coords. 105x290x23 (1:105/290.23)

 Msg  : 78 of 106
 From : Barton Paul Levenson                1:129/26        .ķá 10 .åâ 96 07:02
 To   : Christian Raven
 Subj : Re: Star Trek Sexism
I said "individuals."  Group differences really are irrelevant.  Your mentally
retarded individual would not pass the tests to be a starship Captain.  But
everyone should have a right to take the tests.  The situation in the last
episode of the third season of the original, where women per se were not allowed
to command starships, is immoral.  (And also showed a serious failure of
imagination on Gene Roddenberry's part.)  Even if most women couldn't make the
grade, some might.  The question is not, should women be allowed to command a
starship?  The question is, should Jane be allowed to command starship?  Should
Bob?  Should Alice?

--- Maximus 3.01
 * Origin: SoundingBoard, Pittsburgh PA (1:129/26)

 Msg  : 79 of 106
 From : Barton Paul Levenson                1:129/26        .ķá 10 .åâ 96 07:13
 To   : Christian Raven
 Subj : Re: Star Trek
No women have ever been President of a major nation?  I assume you don't count
India (Indira Gandhi), Pakistan (Benazir Ali Bhutto), Denmark (Gro Haarlem
Brundt), Israel (Golda Meir) or Great Britain (Margaret Thatcher) as major

And aside from Presidents and PMs, have you never heard of Zenobia of Palmyra?
Eleanor of Aquitaine?  Joan Darc?  Julia Domna?

As to women being less rational than men, "less rational" measured how?

There are indeed real differences between men and women, but they have nothing
to do with the stereotypes you list.  Mostly it's in reproductive physiology.
Women average about 5% lower upper body strength but have greater endurance.
None of these give any rational reason for treating women (or men) as
second-class citizens.

--- Maximus 3.01
 * Origin: SoundingBoard, Pittsburgh PA (1:129/26)

 Msg  : 80 of 106
 From : Barton Paul Levenson                1:129/26        .ķá 10 .åâ 96 07:17
 To   : Christian Raven
 Subj : Re: Star Trek Sexism
"Far less workload than men?"  Not at all.  Different work.  In hunter-gatherer
societies, the women typically gather while the men hunt.  Gathering is by FAR a
more physically strenuous job; try it some time.  I have.  And try lugging a
baby around with you all day.

What you know just ain't so.

--- Maximus 3.01
 * Origin: SoundingBoard, Pittsburgh PA (1:129/26)

 Msg  : 81 of 106
 From : Elizabeth H. Penrose                1:129/26        .ķá 10 .åâ 96 09:57
 To   : Todd Sullivan
 Subj : Replies
"You remind me of most Christians" . . .  Apart from the prejudice ("You remind
me of most Blacks . . .") why is this here?  The comment is not applied to an SF
topic.  I am prickly, but then I count myself with "most Christians" in my
essential characteristic; I worship Jesus Christ.  I don't believe tI would
generalize in the way you have; I hope I wouldn't.

--- Maximus 3.01
 * Origin: SoundingBoard, Pittsburgh PA (1:129/26)

 Msg  : 82 of 106
 From : Tommy Kellerman                     2:205/356       .îí 05 .åâ 96 20:24
 To   : Jerry Van Kooten
 Subj : Re: V
In a message dated 22-Jan-96 21:31:37, Jerry Van Kooten wrote:

 JVK> Hi Tommy,

Yo Jerry!

 JVK> Quoting  to  (18-Jan-96, 02:27:18)
 JVK> Subject: 
 TK>> Does anyone know how many episodes of "V" that are available?
 TK>> In Sweden they've shown about twelve, but I suspect
 TK>> there are more available.

 JVK> I've seen the shows on English and Dutch TV. They both showed two series,
 JVK> and I remember they both comprised of about six episodes.

Yep. The same way it went in Sweden, but the SVT got cheap on us.. AARGH!
According to a friend of mine in the U.S. there are at least another six
episodes available which I also would like to see, but since none of the
Nordic channels haven't bought any broadcasting rights, I might as well look
at the Moon...

Have a nice day!

/// -Tommy K.- \\\

--- Xenolink 1.0 Z.3, EmacsXL.4
 * Origin: NoLimit, Furudal +46-258-10071 (2:205/356)

 Msg  : 83 of 106
 From : Tommy Kellerman                     2:205/356       .îí 05 .åâ 96 20:41
 To   : David Johnston
 Subj : Ufo
In a message dated 25-Jan-96 01:03:00, David Johnston wrote:

 DJ> -> Tonight, about 6 P.M. CMT (Central Meridian Time) I was on my way
 DJ> -> home from the bus-station when I noticed a strange-looking "star" in
 DJ> -> the curtain of night. No clouds were about, and no moon shone.
 DJ> -> Imagine a bright star, like Venus, and triple the brightness.

- cut -

 DJ> First of all, you didn't tell what city you saw it in.  As for what you
 DJ> saw, I've got to point something out:
 DJ>    If it looked like a star, there is no way at all that you could
 DJ> estimated how far it was away, except by guessing based on it's apparent
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