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 JH> where this "just ain't so".  Women are still making less money than men
 JH> in  comparable jobs.
 PA> That's why I hate inputting that sort of thing... I never keep
 PA> articles laying around!  It was from an article in 'Time' or
 PA> 'Business Weekly'.

Oh, those....2 magazines run by men... |-D

 PA> Meanwhile, 2-income families became the "elite" and in the
 PA> Great American Spirit of "Keeping Up With the Joneses", a
 PA> family eventually required 2 incomes in order to maintain the
 PA> status of "middle class".

 JH> My husband and I began with 2 jobs when we got married.  Then he went
 JH> to school and worked part time and I worked full time.  All through


 JH> up with the Joneses" is not a  prime motivation for us....nor is it for
 JH> many middle class families.

 PA> Sure, it is!  If you're not so concerned about maintaining the
 PA> financial 'status quo' then surely one of you could take a few
 PA> years off from the workforce and practice homeschooling your
 PA> kids.  Chances are, they'd be better off for it!

Ha, ha, ha!  You've got to be kidding!  My poor children....I want them to be
well educated.  I know my own limitations and I really don't think I'd make
a very good teacher.  I'm a good mom and am very good at teaching them values
and common sense but as far as English (well, maybe English would be okay),
History, and Mathmatics (especially mathmatics) goes there is *no way* that
I am up to it.

 PA> This led to the rise of non-familial child-care which now
 PA> pervades our society.  Children are being forced to interact
 PA> socially with children of various race, religion and national
 PA> origin; thus causing confusion with regards to social mores
 PA> and ethics.
 JH> You think having your children exposed to a variety of backgrounds is
 JH> a *bad* thing?  My children enjoy learning about other cultures and are
 JH> facinated by their differences....I wouldn't call them confused.
 PA> There was a 3 year-old in England back in '93 who enjoyed
 PA> interacting with older children.  When his mother took him to
 PA> a mall, he walked away with 2 10 year-olds.  Becoming bored
 PA> with him, the 10 year-olds led him down by the railroad tracks
 PA> and smashed his skull in with a rock.  His body (or the remains
 PA> thereof) was found 3 weeks later.

But Phil, this has nothing to do with exposing children to a variety of
backgrounds in a controlled school environment.

 PA> Without a father-figure, youths of the 70's and 80's became
 PA> teens of the 80's and 90's who, in some instances, actually
 PA> believe that it's alright to impregnate a woman and never
 PA> interact with her again.  These "hit & runs" are founded in a
 PA> belief that a father is not necessary because "I turned out ok
 PA> without a father".
 JH> You equate going to non-familial child-care with not having a father
 JH> figure? Or am I misunderstanding you?
 PA> You didn't catch the "in some instances" 
 JH> And that, a child who has no "at home" father-figure will become an
 JH> unwed or at least, unresponsible teen parent?
 PA> From '69 to '75, I had no father-figure... and I'm not a
 PA> raging sociopath (much ).  Since my divorce, I have joint
 PA> custody of my son (3 years old) and he spends the majority of
 PA> his days with me, while spending the evenings with his mother.

I'm glad you and your ex have worked out such an equitable arrangement. 

 JH> Children who are raised properly and given a good set of values should
 JH> be  able to apply those values to their own lives no matter whether
 JH> they  recieved them from one or both parents.
 PA> Is a 'lone' parent *really* equipped to perform that function?
 PA> No.  The Day-care industry is proof of that.

In what way?  You're saying that because a child goes to day care that a
lone/single parent is unable to teach them good moral values?  I wouldn't
send my child into a Day Care environment where I did not feel that they
would teach my child the same type of values that I stressed at home.  It
would not be a resonable or responsible act.

 PA> This is probably one of the primary reasons Roddenberry chose
 PA> to have families aboard the Enterprise-D.  As Crusher avers in
 PA> "When the Bough Breaks", human are at their fiercest when
 PA> their children are threatened.  Or so we hope for the Future.
 JH> True....but what does this do with women wanting to become men?
 PA> (shhh!  I'm trying to keep it 'on-topic'!!! )

Oooooops, too late.  

 PA> btw... I found the Alcone Paramount Theatrical Supplies
 PA> catalog that I told you about before.  The addresses are as
 PA> follows:
 PA> Mail-Order Warehouse            Retail Store
 PA> Alcone L.I.C.                   Alcone N.Y.C.
 PA> 5-49 49th Ave                   235 W. 19th St
 PA> Long Island City                New York City
 PA> NY, 11101                       NY, 10011
 PA> tel. 718-361-8373               tel & fax 212-633-0551
 PA> fax. 718-729-8296

 PA> They have divided their catalogs, so you'll want to
 PA> specify either "Make-Up Supply" or "Technical Supply"

Thanks, pal!  I'll have to send for them both. Even though I may never use the
technical one, I'd like to have it for reference.  Do they charge for their


... Blessings never come in pairs; misfortunes never come alone.
 * Origin: Anonymous BBS -=- Non plus Ultra -=- 414-251-2580 (1:154/40)

 Msg  : 5 of 284
 From : The Raven                           1:363/309       .ķá 10 .åâ 96 15:28
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : Bred to Conquer
"This just in from our Moscow bureau..."

 MJ> I read the first one.  Actually, I hacked my way through it with a
 MJ> machete (or that's how it felt) because the premise was entertaining.
 MJ> But the *writing*....
 MJ> I had a phase when I really enjoyed ADF's novels--but not any more.

     Well, to each his own... I have the same exact reaction to a bunch of
writers, and have been called on it by folks here and around more than once.
(You should have seen the reaction people had to my opinions on Tolkein...
you'd have thought I took a dump on the Mona Lisa.)

     Jack Butler

... "The cost of liberty is less than the price of repression."
--- Blue Wave/DOS v2.20 [NR]
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando, FL -=- 407-679-6561 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 6 of 284
 From : The Raven                           1:363/309       .ķá 10 .åâ 96 15:32
 To   : Christian Raven
 Subj : Female Leaders
"This just in from our Moscow bureau..."

 CR> this is quite obvious, as (a) there has never been a female president in
 CR> the leading country of the world

     Tell that to Queen Victoria.  No, I suppose she wasn't a "president", but
she led her country at a time when it was *the* superpower.  The *only*
     While we are at it, let's mention Catherine the Great, Queen Anne, Queen
Boddicia, Indira Ghandi, Margaret Thatcher, and Corazon Aquino.  All female
leaders, all heavy influences on their cultures and their countries.

     You and your anachronistic "ideals" went south a long, long time ago.

     Jack Butler

... "Facts are stupid things." -- Ronald Reagan
--- Blue Wave/DOS v2.20 [NR]
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando, FL -=- 407-679-6561 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 7 of 284
 From : Aaron Turon                         1:137/2         .cę 11 .åâ 96 08:09
 To   : All
 Subj : Star Trek
Is anyone out there? Please talk o\to me about Star Trek!

--- Opus-CBCS 1.73a
 * Origin: Chipper Clipper * Scott me up beamy! * 941-745-56 (1:137/2.0)

 Msg  : 8 of 284
 From : Kevin Ahearn                        1:109/104       .cę 11 .åâ 96 21:49
 To   : Channon Lang
 Subj : Re: Our good moderator

 KW> I've watched Chris since his first msg....and have started looking
 KW> into card shops for this really, really large sympathy card for
 KW> Nicolai!  She has the patience of a saint, she does!! :)

 CL>  Well, she's put up with ALOT more than I would have...and to think I'm a
 CL>  sysop too...

Pardon me for butting in, but I felt it necessary to point out that Nicolai is
actually a he.  :)


--- Maximus/2 3.01
 * Origin: ShanErin (1:109/104)

 Msg  : 9 of 284
 From : The Raven                           1:363/309       .åō 08 .åâ 96 02:46
 To   : Marc Zingarelli
 Subj : Adding to the List
  "This just in from our Moscow bureau..."

 MZ> Where ya' been hiding?  Noticed on the highlander website that they
 MZ> are listing episodes in september (though the last 4 and the september
 MZ> episodes are listed TBA).  Does this mean we get a 5th season.

     Its beginning to look like it.  I've seen the same things.

     Jack Butler

... ebius tagline. This is a moebius tagline. This is a mo ...
--- Blue Wave/DOS v2.20 [NR]
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando, FL -=- 407-679-6561 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 10 of 284
 From : The Raven                           1:363/309       .åō 08 .åâ 96 02:58
 To   : Owen E. Oulton
 Subj : BS!!
  "This just in from our Moscow bureau..."

 OEO> "What'd he say?"
 OEO> "He said a Greek shall inherit the Earth."
 OEO> "Did anyone happen to catch his name?"
 OEO> "Oh, no, it was the MEEK!  The meek shall inherit the Earth.
 OEO> "Oh, that's nice, nobody ever does anything for them."

     "Was that `blessed are the cheesemakers'?

     Jack Butler

... Exercise your right to arm and keep bears!
--- Blue Wave/DOS v2.20 [NR]
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando, FL -=- 407-679-6561 (1:363/309)

 Msg  : 11 of 284
 From : The Raven                           1:363/309       .åō 08 .åâ 96 12:18
 To   : Nicolai Shapero
 Subj : Nuclear
"This just in from our Moscow bureau..."

 NS> Humans are generalists.  Specialization is for insects.  Any
 NS> individual species may be better than us at one thing; we're better
 NS> than just about every other species at all things.  As you pointed out
 NS> -- which species are endangered...

     Watched something that keyed me into this last night, "The Last Feast of
the Crocodiles", a National Geographic special.  There was a scene where a
baboon had dug himself a water pit and was guarding it, but was backed away
from it by an antelope.
     I could't help but think that if it had been a chimp, the chimp would
have grabbed the stick lying not four feet away and wacked the antelope until
it went away.
     Boy, it's a wonderful thing to be a higher primate with a 747 brain...

     Jack Butler

... Je suis Marxiste, tendance Groucho.
--- Blue Wave/DOS v2.20 [NR]
 * Origin: Forethought BBS -=- Orlando, FL -=- 407-679-6561 (1:363/309)
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