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Excellant post (on damming-up one's mind).

--- Maximus 3.01
 * Origin: SoundingBoard, Pittsburgh PA (1:129/26)

 Msg  : 23 of 284
 From : Kim Kelley                          1:3822/1        .cę 11 .åâ 96 09:51
 To   : Frank Glover
 Subj : Re: X-FILES

FG-->RL>  Something's up
FG-->RL>  here - further evolution in their characters.  I liked it despite the

FG-->   I'm inclined to agree with this. I just (and I mean minutes ago) watche
FG-->the next episode involving the gargoyles, and I get the hint of at least
FG-->Scully's concern for Mulder going somewhere beyond the professional. (Not
FG-->toward the `L' word now mind you, but somewhere beyond.) The nature of the
FG-->plot made it impossible to tell if his feelings are growing in any way,
FG-->   Frank

FG-->--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
FG--> * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)


--- QScan/PCB v1.17b / 01-0162
 * Origin: Jackalope Junction 501-785-5381 Ft Smith AR (1:3822/1)

 Msg  : 24 of 284
 From : Kim Kelley                          1:3822/1        .cę 11 .åâ 96 09:51
 To   : Robert Lidgren
 Subj : Re: X-FILES

FG-->   I'm inclined to agree with this. I just (and I mean minutes ago) watche
FG-->the next episode involving the gargoyles, and I get the hint of at least
FG-->Scully's concern for Mulder going somewhere beyond the professional. (Not
FG-->toward the `L' word now mind you, but somewhere beyond.) The nature of the
FG-->plot made it impossible to tell if his feelings are growing in any way,

eXcuse me?  I just thought that I'd join in the confab, if I might?

Did either of you see the 2-9 episode that is to be continued?  This one
has truly kept me on the edge of my seat wondering exactly "what" is
inhabiting all these people.  With the black "roling" eyes, the mystery
is even more powerful, because that's all that is evident until "it"
explodes into radiation.  It appears, to me, that "it" is "getting back"
at someone.

 * OLX 2.1 TD * Love your enemies!!! It drives 'em NUTS!!!!!

--- QScan/PCB v1.17b / 01-0162
 * Origin: Jackalope Junction 501-785-5381 Ft Smith AR (1:3822/1)

 Msg  : 25 of 284
 From : Anders Danebo                       2:201/190       .cę 11 .åâ 96 15:07
 To   : Chris Ogniben
 Subj : Cybersex

-=> Quoting Chris Ogniben to Mark Jones <=-

 CO> You people are sick, morons that don't have a life to be talking
 CO> this crap in here.  This is the science fiction conference, and not
 CO> the cybersex conference, so if you want to continue this blabber in
 CO> here, your gonna pay dearly.

Do you really have to make every comment personal and offensive...I've only
seen 2 messages from you that i remember and both of them where p & o..
Try explaining to people if you have a problem..Don't give them names and
act a little sensible..Everybody has a right to like what they like, but
i agree that cybersex doesn't belong here..And making threats only makes
you look like a fool(no offence)...

... (Ice rocks hit the hull)  "Captain, we are being hailed."
--- GEcho 1.00
 * Origin: =:Detroit Rock City:= Stockholm, Sweden  +46-8-870055 (2:201/190)

 Msg  : 26 of 284
 From : Anders Danebo                       2:201/190       .cę 11 .åâ 96 15:11
 To   : Bianca Wesslak
 Subj : Cybersex

-=> Quoting Bianca Wesslak to Chris Ogniben <=-

 BW> From a woman with an overactive imagination.

 BW> What is it about cybersex that can't be considered scifi.  Example of
 BW> my point the holodeckts in star trek.  Science fiction covers a big
 BW> area, some of it sexual.  Also you are not the moderator here, you have
 BW> no power over what is being said.  Your own actions leave much to be
 BW> desired, no offense.

I belive the SciFi conference is ment to be used for serious Science Fiction
discussions and one can not get serious when sex is involved..If one wants
sex (cyber or not) then why not just get some..To talk about it is only
boring and non interesting...THink about it and you will know what i mean..

... #1 Hit on the Borg Top 40: Borg in the USA.....
--- GEcho 1.00
 * Origin: =:Detroit Rock City:= Stockholm, Sweden  +46-8-870055 (2:201/190)

 Msg  : 27 of 284
 From : Darre LuAllen                       1:3637/1        .îí 12 .åâ 96 08:41
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : Bs!!
 On 02-08-96 Mark Jones wrote to Darre LuAllen...

 DL>  Sorry for butting in.

 MJ> Don't apologize--that's what the echo is for!

 Thanks.  I just wanted to be polite.  This thread was getting a little
 heated, so I thought to tread lightly.

 TS> Your idea that we're even worth bothering with to an
 TS> interstellar empire is ludicrous....

 DL> I can think of three reasons, all bad: 1) Cheap (read slave)
 DL> labor, 2) free land (like they couldn't find a better planet),
 DL> and 3) food (remember the original "V" TV movies?)

 MJ> Cheap labor?  I don't think so.  Interstellar travel is probably going
 MJ> to be exceptionally difficult--especially if FTL never pans
 MJ> out--no matter how advanced your technology is.  If you've got the
 MJ> industrial base to build a fleet of interstellar warships, you can
 MJ> probably build a robotic (or at least highly mechanized) economy.  You
 MJ> won't *need* aliens for brute labor.

 True.  You would have to assume that their robotics technology has kept up
 with their drive tech.  Otherwise,... Of course, it also depends upon the
 moral ethics of the alien race (being alien and all that).  If they have a
 hang up with creating what might be considered mechanical beings, then
 grabbing slaves would be cheap. I'm not assuming AI's here, just a religious
 paradox sort of like what can be seen here with Genetic Engineering.
 Besides, they might just *like* having slaves.

 MJ> Land might be the one valuable commodity--especially if it turns out
 MJ> that all the sentient beings in the universe require *same* sort of
 MJ> environment (i.e., earthlike).  The only way to get more of it would
 MJ> be to discover it (subjugating or exterminating the natives, if any)

 MJ> or to build it, either by terraforming unsuitable worlds or building
 MJ> colonies in space from scratch.

 I agree completely.  In fact, subjugating the populace would give them
 some good, old fashioned cheap labor.  (Yes, I realize that would be a
 secondary consideration to coming here.)

                                       Darre LuAllen

 I think so Brain, but me and Delenn?  I mean, what would the children look
 * OFFLINE 1.56

--- Maximus/2 3.01
 * Origin: Cumberland BBS TN 615/526-3347 V34 (1:3637/1)

 Msg  : 28 of 284
 From : Jim May                             1:251/9         .îí 12 .åâ 96 14:46
 Subj : Re: Star Trek Generations
 -=> Quoting Nicolai Shapero to Frank Glover <=-

 NS> -- Nicolai Shapero, the Mad Russian Sysop of StormGate Aerie

  This would make a great title and idea for an EP story. Any
  thoughts on writing one?

... The rooster may crow, but the hen delivers.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- EzyQwk V1.10 01fa00fa
 * Origin: Programmer's Corner BBS, Halifax, NS(v32b/v42b) (1:251/9)

 Msg  : 29 of 284
 From : Chris Myers                         1:2613/313      .ķá 10 .åâ 96 23:03
 To   : Jon Roth
 Subj : Re: Nowhere Man

-> The show annoyed me because there is only so much suspension of

disbelief that a person can come up with.        Anyone with even a
smatering of computer/modem knowledge (e.g. anyone reading thiscould
have done a better job portraying the internet.--- CNet/3

-> * Origin: Gnome's Guest Room BBS - (408)554-6689 (1:143/254)

Well, heck, I never believed anyone could really be sucked into VR
through a telephone connection, but I was willing to suspend that
disbelief because I like the characters and the way they interacted with
each other on VR5 the same as I liked the episode of Nowhere Man.  It's
only a story, like lets pretend and if you are not willing to suspend
disbelief and go along for the sake of escapism than you won't enjoy it.
 However, in the case of sitcoms, I know people are really that stupid
and I don't find it entertaining.


--- QScan/PCB v1.17b / 01-0406
 * Origin: Knight Moves - Rochester,NY 716-865-2106 (1:2613/313)

 Msg  : 30 of 284
 From : Chris Myers                         1:2613/313      .ķá 10 .åâ 96 23:14
 To   : Kim Wheat
 Subj : Women

-> CR> psychologically and physically.  this is quite obvious, as (a)
-> there CR> has never been a female president in the leading country of
-> the world,
-> uh...Margret Thatcher? Oh, sorry...guess UK ain't a leading country
-> of this world.
-> CR> and (b) there has NEVER been a female weight-lifter even NEARLY
-> as CR> strong as a male.  women are physically weaker, and mentally
-> less CR> rational, the latter which could be obviously argued to a
-> CR> standstill... although there are many signs of this.
-> Sheesh, you are one brave dude, dude!

Yes, he is indeed a brave dude.  Granted, men may be phyically stronger,
but the Y chromasome certainly doesn't make them mentally
superior--different does not necessarily mean superior.  There is the
school of thought that two X chromasomes are superior to an X and a Y
chromasome.  Afterall, a pair beats one of a kind--at least in poker.

But don't get me wrong.  Men are beautiful, wonderful creatures and I
have adored them.  But do I want to be one?  Hell no!


--- QScan/PCB v1.17b / 01-0406
 * Origin: Knight Moves - Rochester,NY 716-865-2106 (1:2613/313)

 Msg  : 31 of 284
 From : Todd Sullivan                       1:202/720.3     .cę 11 .åâ 96 17:38
 To   : Nicolai Shapero
 Subj : Star Trek Generations
While substituting for Q, Nicolai Shapero took extreme delight in saying to
Frank Glover, "You'll do anything I say?"  Frank quailed when the words "Star
Trek Generations" were uttered.

 NS> On , Frank Glover (1:2613/477) wrote to Chris Ogniben:

 FG>>   I think wecan assumethere will be an Enterprise-E...one
 FG>> wonders what it will look like?

 NS> We've already seen what it's going to look like...remember ALL GOOD
 NS> THINGS?  (Three nacelles, yet...)

That was a refitted Enterprise-D, Nicolai;  after Generations, we know that
Īđåäûäķųā˙ ņōđāíčöā Ņëåäķūųā˙ ņōđāíčöā
1 ... 333 334 335 336 337 338 339  340 341 342 343 344 345 346 ... 500
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