won't be a possibility, or at least it's highly unlikely.
Todd Sullivan
... "The wave of the future is coming and there is no way to fight it."
--Anne Lindbergh
-*- ASTG 1.9
--- Spot 1.3a Unregistered
* Origin: Todd's Spot in the Continuum (1:202/720.3)
Msg : 32 of 284
From : Kim Wheat 1:271/285 .îí 12 .åâ 96 11:33
To : Channon Lang
Subj : Star Trek
---<<*<<< Channon dazzled Buc Wheat with these words of wisdom!! >>>**>>----
CL> Thank you...it's always nice to get a hug...
Found them on sale and bought up a /bunch/ of um! :>
KW> Sure, been here for years....just not as active on the TV/Movie
KW> side of the house as I am with the book side, is all! :>
CL> So, you have your house divided up between Movies and Books...Hmmmm,
CL> and to think I have mine divided up between computers and child,
CL> although, the child is beginning to take over there too...
Well, hon....you should have come to us first, on the kid issue. I
have two boys that I'd happily ship them up to your place for a spell...
sorta as a 'test run', so to speak! You could've seen that
the baby stage is a piece of cake....it's the 'teen' years that
take the toll! Unfortunately, it's too late now!
KW> I've watched Chris since his first msg....and have started looking
KW> into card shops for this really, really large sympathy card for
KW> Nicolai! She has the patience of a saint, she does!! :)
CL> Well, she's put up with ALOT more than I would have...and to think
CL> I'm a sysop too...
Hah! There's always one! :)
Re: B5
CL> Well, if you want to know the truth, I have only recently started
CL> watching it. Like, real recent...maybe since right before Christmas,
CL> that's it.
Will be watching the new episode on Wednesday and I'll let you know.
Re: V'ger
CL> Yeah, I know what you mean. I was that way about TNG, too. My dad
CL> still refuses to watch DS9, but somehow he tolerates V'ger. I keep
CL> trying to give V'ger the benefit of the doubt. But, to tell you what,
CL> if they don't start doing MUCH better, I'll have to finally write it
CL> off. Actually, I like Janeway, but the writers need to really start
CL> working...maybe get some writers from TNG or something...or start
CL> totally new...who knows.
Is it me, or are the Klingons turning into wimps??? I mean, I
always knew Worf was a puff....but in the last DS9 episode, Kira
whips their butts???!! What the heck is going on in the Empire??!
These are the dudes that sit around in pubs and knock each other out
with their heads....for FUN, even!!! I tell ya....if I was that
"warrior", I'd not have the hon-hok-a's to walk around that ship with
head held high!! Tis truly a dark time for the ol' Empire!
Saw the next episode V'ger previews....heart beat when up when I
heard the clip where Janeway sez, "Start the self-destruct sequance."
But I imagine my luck ain't THAT good! :>
Kim :)
... From Trekkies & from B5ers who hate Trek save us!
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: From Trekkies & from B5ers who hate Trek save us! (1:271/285.0)
Msg : 33 of 284
From : Karmin St.jean 1:321/309 .ōp 30 .íâ 96 22:05
To : Channon Lang
CL> Hitchhiker's Guide---the radio series on tape.
CL> What kind of problems are you having setting it up?
CL> Channon
I successfully set up the Guide but its the only one I did successfully
set up and I forgot how I did it now. :( :(
* SLMR 2.1a * Romulans-- Vulcans with an Attitude!
--- FLAME v1.1
* Origin: Final Approach BBS - Spfld, MA (413)783-5853 (1:321/309)
Msg : 34 of 284
From : Frank Glover 1:2613/477 .îí 12 .åâ 96 22:27
To : Tommy Kellerman
Subj : Re: Alien threats?
TK> Yes, we have the intelligence and the body required to reach out into
TK> the galaxy, but wouldn't this make us a powerful ally, instead of the
TK> enemy?
Or a *potential* threat.
It wouldn't have to be anything we did. Aliens could be xenophobic, too.
TK> FG> If they should happen to believe in the Hicks/Ripley
TK> philosophy ("Nuke
TK> FG> em' from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."), then we're
TK> done. And
TK> FG> indeed, even when we *do* gain a major interstellar travel
TK> capability
TK> FG> (and all the tech it implies), there's always a possibility of
TK> running
TK> FG> into someone who will outclass us. It's just that right now,
TK> we're dog
TK> FG> meat for anyone capable of coming here, if it came to that.
TK> Nuke us? Why would they? We are a quite peaceful race, living in a
TK> world which still has blue oceans and fertile agricultural areas. If
TK> they nuked us they wouldn't have the living world of today before
TK> them, just a sterile lifeless rock. I don't know, but I don't think
TK> this is their purpose.
Um, history and current events don't speak well for the peacefulness of the
human race, but be that as it may....
Their reply may be; "So what?"
It's very important that anyone following this thread understand that I think
our first contact, in all likelyhood *will* be with benign, non-aggressive
beings. I simply suspect they far outnumber the `bad guys.' However, I also
never believed the argument that violent, aggressive races will destroy
themselves before acheiving interstellar travel, either. So there's a small but
non-zero chance that there are such beings somewhere out there, and their
reasons for hostility may not be easily comprehended by us...or have reasons all
too much like human behavior. Couple it with the technology that comes with
interstellar travel, and it would be a force we'd almost certainly be unable to
resist. (Even if, as has been mentioned, the beings in question are physically
weaker than ourselves. But I would expect little hand-to-(whatever appendage)
combat.) Think of all the reasons humans have ever made war, and think of a few
more. Those reasons may motivate some small minority of whatever number of
intelligences may exist out there. We should not develop a paranoia of our own,
just be mindful of all the possibilites.
So as I said before, I both believe and hope the first visitors are more like
Michael Renne (`The Day the Earth Stood Still') or E.T. the Extraterrestrial.
than Darth Vader or Beserkers. Guys like Carl Sagan are convinced the former
*must* be so. I'm only convinced it is *probably* so.
--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
* Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)
Msg : 35 of 284
From : Frank Glover 1:2613/477 .îí 12 .åâ 96 22:36
To : Frank Swarbrick
Subj : Re: X-FILES
FS> FG> I think it's a good idea as well. It would be interesting to
FS> hear a
FS> FG> Scully voice-over sometime, if the episode was a particularly
FS> moving
FS> FG> one for her.
FS> Well, actually I can. Scully did a voiceover at the end of "End
FS> Game," the second part of the alien shapeshifter assassin episode.
FS> She was talking about how it was that technology, medicine and
FS> science
FS> saved Mulder (after he was left in the freezing in the arctic). It
FS> was really used to justify how she could remain a sceptic after all
FS> she had seen. I know she's done others as well.
You're right. I remember that one now....
--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
* Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)
Msg : 36 of 284
From : Frank Glover 1:2613/477 .îí 12 .åâ 96 23:04
To : Chris Ogniben
Subj : BS!!
CO> our planet. And that is, the factor that we humans are the worst
CO> forms
CO> of life in the entire universe. Number one factor is that we attack
Umm, you must have access to something I greatly wish the rest of had:
knowledge of the existence and nature of intelligent life elsewhere in the
universe. How else can you know that?
We need to clean up our act, it's true. It's also possible to be *worse* than
--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
* Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)
Msg : 37 of 284
From : Frank Glover 1:2613/477 .îí 12 .åâ 96 23:09
To : Chris Ogniben
Subj : Re: Cybersex
CO> adult forum, would be better off than to bring them in here, where
CO> all
CO> the gonna get, is people telling how stupid they are.
So far, I've only heard *you* do this....
I dare say we've treated the subject reasonably discretly. Human motivations
and drives will be the same, even in the posession of increasingly advanced
technology. Sex is surely a major human drive, and movies like Brainstorm and
The Lawnmower Man (from which this thread started) show some possible
ramifications...not all of them good. That's what SF, in part, is for.
--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
* Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)
Msg : 38 of 284
From : Frank Glover 1:2613/477 .îí 12 .åâ 96 23:17
To : Owen E. Oulton
Subj : Re: Star Trek Generations
OE> The above is one of the most persistantly misunderstood passages put
OE> into print. The Nova Class is a preliminary design study for a
OE> starship class which won't even be designed for several decades.
OE> That the E-E *might* be of the class was based on the idea that the
OE> E-D would not need to be replaced until then. Of course, since it
OE> was destroyed, it needs to be replaced a lot earlier than
OE> anticipated. However, it's a pretty good bet that it won't be a Nova
OE> Class.
Agreed. Besides, at least two other Galaxy-class ships have been lost (Yamato
and Odyssey). I have to assume that Starfleet would simply replace them with new
Galaxy-class ships (with perhaps some minor upgrades, like that dilithium
assembly Geordi has spoken of), simply to keep up whatever strength is deemed
necessary. (Espically with possible threats from the Klingons and the Gamma
Quadrant...or a return of the Borg.)
I would now guess they'd go that route, just as Kirk was given a new ship of
the same class....
--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
* Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)
Msg : 39 of 284
From : Mark Jones 1:105/302.47 .ķá 10 .åâ 96 00:49
To : Keith Stokes
Subj : Independence Day