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Swords, Blood in VR: EPIC BATTLES in Swordsman!
Demon's Souls |#15| Dragon God
Demon's Souls |#14| Flamelurker
Demon's Souls |#13| Storm King

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Rambler's Top100
Ęîíôåđåíöčč - SFFAN Âåņü ōåęņō 5859.38 Kb

ėāé 1995 - ņåíō˙áđü 1996

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 FG> originally part of Starfleet) How much information on

 OEO> Torres was originally part of StarFleet.  She completed most of
 OEO> StarFleet Academy before leaving and becoming a Maquis.  She's also had
 OEO> a year of reading up on StarFleet engineering in order to do her job as
 OEO> Chief Engineer, so it's not too surprising for her to be aware of Data.

In "Caretaker," as well as in "The Cloud," we found out that
Torres had attended Starfleet Academy, but was thrown out.
After that, she joined the Maquis.  I don't remember what she
did to get expelled, but she apparently was a good student in
some areas.  According to her file, one of her professors
offered to back her if she chose to reapply to the academy.

... "Fidonet is about communications.  Tell your friends."
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- PCBoard (R) v15.22/M 10
 * Origin: * DataCom BBS - Baton Rouge, La. -  (504)275-2605 - @dcbbs.com *

 Msg  : 47 of 284
 From : Jon Helis                           1:3800/25       .˙ō 02 .åâ 96 16:50
 To   : Dean Sweatman
 Subj : Messages
I have been posting, not in volume, but posting. 3 messages
went out of here on January 27 and 5 January 29, and 2(including
this one) on February 2(tonight), have you seen them?

My messages are getting out, because I have seen replies to
them.  Look under the titles "Dangerous Babes," "Nowhere Man,"
or "Space: Above and Beyond."  I haven't received any replies
from the New Orleans(396) area, but I have heard from as far
away as New Jersey and Canada.  I just hope there isn't a
net problem in your area.

I'm sending this message through Email and on SFFAN.  It's going
out tonight(February 2), please let me know when you receive
each copy.  There maybe some delay getting from here to there.

Catch ya later...

Number Six

... We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- PCBoard (R) v15.22/M 10
 * Origin: * DataCom BBS - Baton Rouge, La. -  (504)275-2605 - @dcbbs.com *

 Msg  : 48 of 284
 From : Jon Helis                           1:3800/25       .ķá 03 .åâ 96 05:26
 To   : All
 Subj : Space:Above and Beyond
Who saw Space:Above and Beyond on Sunday?

I'm curious as to the opinions of the new opening sequence, with
McQueen giving a speech about the war and being Invitro.  I
think it's pretty good, of course, I think McQueen is one of the
best on the show.  As for the other great characters, I'm tossed
up between Vansen and Hawkes as my other favorite.

Write Back!

... Modem.... A deterrent to phone solicitors.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- PCBoard (R) v15.22/M 10
 * Origin: * DataCom BBS - Baton Rouge, La. -  (504)275-2605 - @dcbbs.com *

 Msg  : 49 of 284
 From : Jon Helis                           1:3800/25       .ķá 03 .åâ 96 07:50
 To   : Frank Glover
 Subj : Re: X-FILES

 -=> Quoting Frank Glover to Robert Lidgren <=-

 RL>  BTW, I have heard from some people that they hate it when we get a
 RL>  Mulder
 RL>  "voice-over."  What do you think?  I kind of like it because
 RL>  voice-overs are
 RL>  the only way to get DIRECTLY inside a character's thinking/feeling
 RL>  processes.
 FG> I think it's a good idea as well. It would be interesting to hear a
 FG> Scully voice-over sometime, if the episode was a particularly moving
 FG> one for her.
 FG> Frank

She did a segment congratulating "America's Most Wanted" on it's
400th capture last weekend.  She said something along the lines
of '400 captures and not one vampire or alien, come on, get with
the program.'

I found it rather amusing.

... To boldly go where no sane man has any business.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- PCBoard (R) v15.22/M 10
 * Origin: * DataCom BBS - Baton Rouge, La. -  (504)275-2605 - @dcbbs.com *

 Msg  : 50 of 284
 From : Jon Helis                           1:3800/25       .ķá 03 .åâ 96 09:18
 To   : Dean Sweatman
 Subj : Star Trek:Voyager
That Con report you wrote was last month was pretty good.  Did
you ever get any repsonses to it?

... Enter any 12-digit prime number to continue.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- PCBoard (R) v15.22/M 10
 * Origin: * DataCom BBS - Baton Rouge, La. -  (504)275-2605 - @dcbbs.com *

 Msg  : 51 of 284
 From : Jon Helis                           1:3800/25       .ķá 03 .åâ 96 12:02
 To   : All
 Subj : Hurricon
 * Originally By: Dean Sweatman
 * Originally To: Jon Helis
 * Originally Re: Hurricon
 * Original Area: EMail
 * Forwarded by : Blue Wave v2.12

@TO     :jon.helis                                                   N
@FROM   :dean.sweatman@btower.com                                    N
@UMSGID :<9602090847324163@btower.com>                               N
@From dean.sweatman@btower.com  Fri Feb  9 08:00:36 1996
@Received: from tetsuo.communique.net (Tetsuo.Communique.Net []) by
altmail.holonet.net with ESMTP
@ id IAA04045; Fri, 9 Feb 1996 08:00:36 -0800
@Received: (from btower@localhost) by tetsuo.communique.net (8.6.12/8.6.12) id
JAA59508 for jon.helis@dcbbs.com; Fri, 9 Feb 1996 09:59:15 -0600
@Received: by btower.com (wcGATE v4)
@ id 37244W Fri,  9 Feb 1996 13:47:32 GMT
From: dean.sweatman@btower.com (Dean Sweatman)
Subject: Hurricon
Date: Fri,  9 Feb 1996 11:18:00 GMT
@Message-Id: <9602090847324163@btower.com>
@Organization: Black Tower BBS!, NEW ORLEANS, La.
@To: jon.helis@dcbbs.com

 * Originally By: Jo Peshek
 * Originally To: Dean Sweatman
 * Originally Re: Hurricon
 * Original Date: 02-06-96  11:51
 * Original Area: S_F_LITERATU
 * Forwarded by : Blue Wave/DOS v2.20

 DS> Have a safe trip...

Had.  We left Slidell at about 7:30 pm and were on the
foyer at San Destin Beach Hilton (love Hiltons) at
1:30.  The drive isn't that long, but it was soup-
foggy when we hit the beach area at Pensacola.  Coming
back was much faster and easier, left at 4 pm, got
home at 9:30 with one meal stop (Captain D's for Long-
John-Silveresque fish NOT dipt in cornmeal batter. Yum.
Say, did you know there is a Captain D's in Gulfport?
I JUST FOUND OUT!!  :>  ) and one thaw-out hot cocoa

 DS> ...will be looking forward to your con-comments
 DS> upon your return.

Errrr.  (...if you can't say something nice, shut up?)
Oh, well, I suppose.  The scheduled BN guests, Clive
Barker and P.J. Farmer weren't there.  Peter Beagle
did manage to make it; a VERY nice man with a lot to
say (good thing too, being 1/3 of the bill but having
to carry the thing all by himself).  Several N.O. fen
showed up, including Robert Nagel, Sam Hill (Slidell
actually) and Frank ? (managed dealers room at Coast-
Con).  And a nice Steve from N.O.  And we got to visit
with dealers we'd met at other cons and made new
friends too.

Okay, that was the good news.  The rest of it is a major
bitch session.  :(  Altho there were oodles of people
running around with concom badges, the concom consisted
of one person, "Steve." Asking a question, any question,
elicited the response, "Gee, you'll have to ask Steve."
variously phrased, "Umm, Steve knows about that, you'll
have to ask him."  And if you did ask Steve, his
response was usually "10 minutes." no matter what the
question was.  :)  <--forced.

Con failures:  Programming frequently was moved from room
to room but no signs were posted stating any changes.
(Ask Steve.)  Programs often just didn't occur.  Event
times and places were changed without public notice where
a quickly scrawled sign would have helped (Ask Steve.),
events often failed to come off at all.  The word finally
went out Saturday evening that no, there wouldn't be a
Hospitality room, up to that time, it was "10 minutes"
away.  The con started at noon Friday, badges and programs
weren't available until late Friday evening, but also
always "10 minutes" away.  When the programs did appear,
there was no layout for the convention, no map.
Condsidering that the main programming took place in the
"boardroom" and there were *two* boardrooms in the hotel,
this lent to the general confusion.  Another hastily
scrawled sign would have alleviated this problem too. The
actual boardroom had seating for 12.  I managed to find a
Peter Beagle panel *once*.  I also caught up with the art
auction, which was 3 hours off schedule and included the
charity auction which was supposed to take place the
previous day.  Are we having fun yet?

From our (Dealers) POV:  Steve had the plans for the
dealer's room arrangement in his head, and altho we were
told we could start setting up at 8 am we didn't get our
tables until 11, and the con started at noon?  Steve felt
the state should have contacted him about the sales tax
situation so we didn't know how much or if to charge
sales tax until about 5 pm Friday (5 hours after I
informed him that no, HE was supposed to contact the tax
authorities, not the other way around).  We had no badges
either.  There were no rules posted anywhere for the
dealers room, nobody checking badges, no security.  And
altho there were empty tables IN the dealers room proper,
they allowed dealers to set up in the hall outside the
room creating the view that the hall was the entire
dealers room.  Folks who stumbled upon the rest of us
commented frequently, "Gee, I didn't even know you were
here."  Since there were no rules for the room, we found
ourselves in the position of asking a bunch of gamers
who decided to occupy two of the empty tables to stop
setting their cokes on our bookshelves, please don't sit
on the bookshelves, please don't block our display, etc.,
etc.  I won't mention the torrential downpour all day
Friday, but will mention that we were supposed to have
access to the loading dock, per Steve, but not per the
hotel, apparently.  A local game dealer who has a
permanent storefront said his store did a better
business than he did at the con, and this with a
concentrated population of gamers AT the con. (Hurricon
is a gaming con, but so is CoastCon and we sell *lotsa*
books at CoastCon).

On the other hand:  Our room was GORGEOUS!!  The view
of the ocean was GORGEOUS.  The sound of the pounding
surf was wonderful!!  And the Hilton gave us these
neat little Hilton Charge Cards...  :>  Aw, I'm a
sucker for a good hotel.  The hotel and staff made
Hurricon bearable.  The elevators, some of which were
under repairs, still worked well (aside from the fact
that masses of people checked out at 11 am daily and
tied up the elevators then).  The weather was awful.
Ooh, we went to dinner out of the hotel Saturday night
and I got slapped in the face by a windchill that was
reported at 0 degrees.  It hurt.  :(

Now, will I ever willingly go back to a Hurricon? Not
me, buddy.  Not unless they *really* get their act
together (or hold it at the San Destin Beach
Hilton...)  :>

We parked the cats at Animal Care Unlimited in Lacombe,
they were all fine and healthy when we picked them up
Monday.  AND Porsche got a bath over the weekend.  Now,
back to the daily grind.  Next, CoastCon in March.
Īđåäûäķųā˙ ņōđāíčöā Ņëåäķūųā˙ ņōđāíčöā
1 ... 336 337 338 339 340 341 342  343 344 345 346 347 348 349 ... 500
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Ęîėėåíōāđčč (9)
