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SCP 017: "Shadow" Person
SCP 090: Apocorubik's Cube
SCP 249: The random door
Demon's Souls |#15| Dragon God

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Ęîíôåđåíöčč - SFFAN Âåņü ōåęņō 5859.38 Kb

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--- RA/FD/FMail
 * Origin: The Eclectic Fox -- Memphis TN  (901)327-1008 (1:123/10)

 Msg  : 99 of 284
 From : Ecarey                              1:101/230       .ōp 13 .åâ 96 10:19
 To   : Barton Paul Levenson
 > I said "individuals."  Group differences really are irrelevant.
 > Your mentally retarded individual would not pass the tests to be a
 > starship Captain.  But everyone should have a right to take the
 > tests.  The situation in the last episode of the third season of the
 > original, where women per se were not allowed to command starships,
 > is immoral.  (And also showed a serious failure of imagination on
 > Gene Roddenberry's part.)  Even if most women couldn't make the
 > grade, some might.  The question is not, should women be allowed to
 > command a starship?  The question is, should Jane be allowed to
 > command starship?  Should Bob?  Should Alice?

Note that during the third season of TOS, Roddenberry wasn't much involved with
Trek. In an attempt to get out of the killer time slot Trek had been moved to,
he said that he'd step down from active involvement if they didn't move it back,
and when they refused, he stuck to his guns. By late third season, we're not
seeing Roddenberry's work.

Remember, Roddenberry was responsible for Number One in the first pilot, "The
Cage". _That_ was not a woman who thought starship command was out of her reach.

--- FLAME v1.0
 * Origin: Withouta Net - Drop In Anytime! - 617/846-5416 (1:101/230)

 Msg  : 100 of 284
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .ōp 13 .åâ 96 23:14
 Subj : X-FILES
-> Did either of you see the 2-9 episode that is to be continued?  This one has
-> truly kept me on the edge of my seat wondering exactly "what" is inhabiting
-> all these people.  With the black "roling" eyes, the mystery is even more
-> powerful, because that's all that is evident until "it" explodes into
-> radiation.  It appears, to me, that "it" is "getting back" at someone.

I sure did!  Wow!  What an episode.  Even the production values were nearly
motion picture quality on this one!

I'm sure Mulder is certain this entity which "hops" from person to person must
be an alien force.  Imagine the bewilderment of the "victims!"  The lady will
wake up in a men's room in Hong Kong and have no memory of what she had been
doing or how she got there.

The episode also seems to point toward the growing estrangement between Mulder
and Scully they seem to be going somehwat "sparate" ways despite working on
cases "together." I wonder how it will all pan out.  AND, how did Mulder know
that Krycek shot his father?  Was it that reflection in the bathroom mirror?
Many loose ends to tie up and certainly that little swine Krycek will be back
to create more hell for Mulder down the line.
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 101 of 284
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .ōp 13 .åâ 96 23:21
 To   : ALL
 Subj : "Q" on VOYAGER
This is it!  The week in which "Q" appears on Star Trek:  Voyager.  Has anyone
head anything at all about the CONTENT of the show?  All I've heard is that "Q"
is going to appear and, I assume, "Let the fun begin!"  He certainly seems to
have a secure future as a character in the many Star Trek incarnations.  I
wonder if he'll also make an appearance in the next STTNG movie.  Has anyone
heard anything about what's up with the new movie?

I'll be very thankful for any input here.  I feel like I've been marooned and
"cut off" from the latest news re: these subjects.

Thanks in advance from a friendly Canadian!


| Robert Lidgren \\\|/// * THE INNER SANCTUM | * The Old Viking      |
|                ( o o ) * Writer, Teacher   | * Seeker of the Truth |
| =========o00o====(_)====o00o=======================================|
| e-mail me at------------> robert.lidgren@bbs.logicnet.com          |
| My Personal Web Site----> http://www.logicnet.com/robert.lidgren   |
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 102 of 284
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .ōp 13 .åâ 96 23:28
 Subj : X-FILES
-> I'm inclined to agree with this. I just (and I mean minutes ago)
-> watched the next episode involving the gargoyles, and I get the hint of at
-> least Scully's concern for Mulder going somewhere beyond the professional.
-> (Not toward the `L' word now mind you, but somewhere beyond.) The nature of
-> the plot made it impossible to tell if his feelings are growing in any way,
-> though.

Based on what happened in last Friday's episode involving the French research
vessel, the "Alien" hop-from-body-to-body force and Mulder's relatively solo
adventures, I would say that their relationship is definately in a "low" state
despite residual concern for each other.  It all seemed to have started in the
Episode in the town during "Planetary Conjunction" and seems to have
deteriorated since then.

True, they are working on cases "together" but since that wild and crazy
episode dealing with the Satanic Cult allegations things have not looked very
rosy in the Mulder/Scully partnership.  I know Scully still cares deeply for
Mulder but Mulder does seem to have gone off on a tangent and the destination
is unclear.  What a huge change from the season opener when they couldn't have
been a "tighter" pair unless romance was a result!  Now the sin wav is
certainly at a low ebb.


--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 103 of 284
 From : Channon Lang                        1:130/809       .åō 15 .åâ 96 05:29
 To   : Karmin St.jean
.TID: GE 1.11+
From a dark bottomless pit,Karmin St.jean screamed up to Channon Lang about THE

 CL> Hitchhiker's Guide---the radio series on tape.

 CL> What kind of problems are you having setting it up?

 KS> I successfully set up the Guide but its the only one I did
 KS> successfully set up and I forgot how I did it now. :( :(

 Ah, sorry I missed it the first time....If I were there, I'd help you...


... Send Monopoly Money to your Favorite TV Evangelist
--- MachoEcho 0.5ņ
 * Origin: The State of Confusion * Arlington Tx * 817-274-1920 * (1:130/809)

 Msg  : 104 of 284
 From : Channon Lang                        1:130/809       .åō 15 .åâ 96 05:29
 To   : Kim Wheat
 Subj : Re: Star Trek
.TID: GE 1.11+
From a dark bottomless pit,Kim Wheat screamed up to Channon Lang about
 Star Trek..

 CL> Thank you...it's always nice to get a hug...

 KW> Found them on sale and bought up a /bunch/ of um! :>

 So where do you get yours? On sale, I mean.

 CL> So, you have your house divided up between Movies and Books...Hmmmm,
 CL> and to think I have mine divided up between computers and child,
 CL> although, the child is beginning to take over there too...

 KW> Well, hon....you should have come to us first, on the kid issue. I
 KW> have two boys that I'd happily ship them up to your place for a
 KW> spell... sorta as a 'test run', so to speak!  You could've seen
 KW> that the baby stage is a piece of cake....it's the 'teen' years that
 KW> take the toll!  Unfortunately, it's too late now! 

 My mother insists that I'm having too much fun with her (Anna, my baby).
 She says I'm not nervous enough to be a first time mother....:)

 KW> Re: B5

 CL> Well, if you want to know the truth, I have only recently started
 CL> watching it. Like, real recent...maybe since right before Christmas,
 CL> that's it.

 KW> Will be watching the new episode on Wednesday and I'll let you know.

 I missed the one Wednesday...did you see it?...Actually, I thought it was
 on Sunday....or are you talking about DS9?

  KW> Re: V'ger

 CL> Yeah, I know what you mean. I was that way about TNG, too. My dad
 CL> still refuses to watch DS9, but somehow he tolerates V'ger. I keep
 CL> trying to give V'ger the benefit of the doubt. But, to tell you what,
 CL> if they don't start doing MUCH better, I'll have to finally write it
 CL> off. Actually, I like Janeway, but the writers need to really start
 CL> working...maybe get some writers from TNG or something...or start
 CL> totally new...who knows.

 KW> Is it me, or are the Klingons turning into wimps??? I mean, I
 KW> always knew Worf was a puff....but in the last DS9 episode, Kira

  whips their butts???!! What the heck is going on in the Empire??!

 KW> These are the dudes that sit around in pubs and knock each other out
 KW> with their heads....for FUN, even!!! I tell ya....if I was that
 KW> "warrior", I'd not have the hon-hok-a's to walk around that ship with
 KW> head held high!!  Tis truly a dark time for the ol' Empire!

 YEAH! I'm glad someone else see's it too! I figured it was because Worf
 was raised with humans...I gave him that much benefit of the doubt....but
 here lately, those Klingons are nothing but wussies....I'm willing to bet
 that even Quark could take one out...without cheating...

 KW> Saw the next episode V'ger previews....heart beat when up when I
 KW> heard the clip where Janeway sez, "Start the self-destruct sequance."
 KW> But I imagine my luck ain't THAT good! :>

 I kinda liked it....I thought the computer arguing with itself was pretty
 funny. The next one is the one that I think will be interesting....The
 return of Q and all...And Jonathan Frakes is appearing too....


... "He looks more like a grocer than a burglar." - Bombur
--- MachoEcho 0.5ņ
 * Origin: The State of Confusion * Arlington Tx * 817-274-1920 * (1:130/809)

 Msg  : 105 of 284
 From : Channon Lang                        1:130/809       .åō 15 .åâ 96 05:29
 To   : Jon Helis
 Subj : Re: Star Trek
.TID: GE 1.11+
From a dark bottomless pit,Jon Helis screamed up to Channon Lang about Star

 KW> first started, being one of them "Nothing can replace Kirk & Company"
 KW> fanatics....I got better!) 
 CL> Yeah, I know what you mean. I was that way about TNG, too. My dad
 CL> still refuses to watch DS9, but somehow he tolerates V'ger. I keep
 CL> trying to give V'ger the benefit of the doubt. But, to tell you what,
 CL> if they don't start doing MUCH better, I'll have to finally write it
 CL> off. Actually, I like Janeway, but the writers need to really start
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