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Demon's Souls |#14| Flamelurker
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Rambler's Top100
Ęîíôåđåíöčč - SFFAN Âåņü ōåęņō 5859.38 Kb

ėāé 1995 - ņåíō˙áđü 1996

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On (08 Feb 96) Keith Stokes wrote to Nicolai Shapero...

 KS> NS>There's supposed to be a new movie coming out Real Soon Now,
 KS> NS>title INDEPENDENCE DAY about first contact.  Unpleasant first
 KS> NS>contact.  (Clip showed a government building in Wash. DC
 KS> NS>being blown to flinders...)
 KS> The last time that I saw a trailer for this one(about a month ago),
 KS> it said "coming this summer."

   I saw the trailer for Independence Day just today (I went to see
Broken Arrow--SEE IT!).  According to the trailer I saw, it opens July

   As for the movie itself...I dunno.  It had some cool effects.  HUGE
mucking shadows sliding across immense tracts of land (it reminded me
of the happy-face ship in HEAVY METAL).  Then you got watch some kind
of flaming wall o'death blasting down a city street, flinging cars
around like toys and vaporizing hapless pedestrians.  Then you saw a
death ray explode the White House.
   Nothing much else.  No hint of what the aliens are like (aside from
obviously hostile), nor even whether we ever see them.  Nor, despite
the tagline ("Independe Day--the day we start fighting back!"), do I
see any plausible way we COULD fight back.  They've got the high
ground, superior technology and have already apparently located our
centers of government and annihilated them.

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: Folcroft Sanitarium (hsmith@cure.com) (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 40 of 284
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .îí 12 .åâ 96 01:18
 To   : Tommy Kellerman
 Subj : Alien threats?
On ( 5 Feb 96) Tommy Kellerman wrote to Frank Glover...

 TK> Nuke us? Why would they? We are a quite peaceful race, living in a
 TK> world which still has blue oceans and fertile agricultural areas. If
 TK> they nuked us they wouldn't have the living world of today before
 TK> them, just a sterile lifeless rock. I don't know, but I don't think
 TK> this is their purpose.

   Why would they nuke us?  Why *wouldn't* they nuke us?  I can think
of a number of reasons for them to nuke us.

1.  They're an alien form of life.  They can't use our environment
(and therefore have no compunctions about destroying it), but consider
us a potential threat--we might get out and compete with them for
resources.  So they eradicate us.

2.  We are unwilling and/or unable to worship their god(s).  Maybe we
find their religion silly.  Maybe we *can't* perform the proper
rituals of worship because we don't have the physiology required.  In
any case, our failure to worship is an unforgiveable sin--so they nuke
us out of existence.

3.  We occupy a planet they can't use (they require a different
environment), but which an enemy race *could*.  So they destroy the
planet (and us) to prevent the enemy from using it.  [This is an old
and hallowed technique here on earth during warfare....]

4.  We are violating any number of potential religious, political,
economic or social taboos--or are failing to comply with any number of
religious, political, economic or social customs.  And they find our
behavior absolutely unforgiveable.  So they eradicate us.

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: Folcroft Sanitarium (hsmith@cure.com) (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 41 of 284
 From : Jon Helis                           1:3800/25       .îí 29 .íâ 96 21:26
 To   : Chris Ogniben
 Subj : Re: Dangerous Babes

 -=> Quoting Chris Ogniben to Jon Helis <=-

 CO> I seen every episode since this series ever started.  But, i have
 CO> to admit, that i may forget a few things.  Since i just watch the
 CO> episode, and want to talk about it then move on.  But, i do remember
 CO> the episode that you are talking about.  Where Hawks founded a family
 CO> member, his sister.  Who was also an invetro.  But, with the rebellion
 CO> that they had to shut down the life support in the invetro area,
 CO> killing off his sister.  He was only able to see who she was, and what
 CO> she looked like.  But, otherwise i guess he lost the only family
 CO> member he would have had.  One thing is for sure, and that was it was a
 CO> good episode.  The one that i liked was the one where there was this
 CO> comet, and Vansen and the other's on baord the transport used the comet
 CO> in order to move them back into an area that they were rescued.  It was
 CO> one of my favorite episodes.  I really like the idea of what they did
 CO> with this new series.  But, there is still a lot more to learn of the
 CO> chigs, since i havn't been able to see a straight face, if there is
 CO> one, other than helmets and green guts.

That episode just aired this week.  It wasn't a bad episode at
all, we got to learn more about the Inveteros.

The comet episode was good too.  I was skeptical of the show
when I first heard about it, but liked it when it started up.
We need to learn a little more about the Chigs though.  They did
an episode about the A.I.s, and have shown that there is some
kind of alliance between the two.

All in all, it's a great series, it hasn't tried to copy Star
Trek, it's gone off on its own and done quite well.

... We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- PCBoard (R) v15.22/M 10
 * Origin: * DataCom BBS - Baton Rouge, La. -  (504)275-2605 - @dcbbs.com *

 Msg  : 42 of 284
 From : Jon Helis                           1:3800/25       .îí 29 .íâ 96 21:31
 To   : Samantha Dobbs
 Subj : Re: Space: Above & Beyond

 -=> Quoting Samantha Dobbs to Rene Nieuwenhuizen <=-

 SD> Hi Rene!

 SD> I hated the show when it started!! It was on the same time as
 SD> 60Minutes! Now I don't give a **** if I miss 60 Minutes. S:AAB is
 SD> great!! I am on two mailing lists called Space-L and JMDG-l JM is for
 SD> fans of James Morrison. I even got his email address! He is very sweet.
 SD> (And yes I AM kissing butt!) I hear some of the cast read the alt and
 SD> news bases!

 SD> Samantha Dobbs
 SD> ac050@freenet.durham.org
 SD> samantha.dobbs@adra.gryn.org

I like James Morrison's character of McQueen.  McQueen is like
half commanding officer, half big brother to his people.
However, he still faces the prejudice from others because he is
a "tank."

Has Morrison done any other shows or films?

... Tribble + Q = Energizer Bunny
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- PCBoard (R) v15.22/M 10
 * Origin: * DataCom BBS - Baton Rouge, La. -  (504)275-2605 - @dcbbs.com *

 Msg  : 43 of 284
 From : Jon Helis                           1:3800/25       .îí 29 .íâ 96 23:37
 To   : Paul Goverts

 -=> Quoting Paul Goverts to Jon Helis <=-

 -=> Quoting Jon Helis to Chris Myers <=-

 JH> Nowhere Man airs on the United Paramount Network(UPN), the same
 JH> outfit that airs Star Trek:Voyager.  The show comes on after
 JH> Voyager on Monday nights.  I don't know if it is aired on any
 JH> non-UPN stations like Voyager is.  Check your listings for it.

 PG> Yes, it is.  Our local FOX affialite has been running many of the UPN
 PG> programs as well.  Only problem is they show nowhere man like at
 PG> 12:30AM on Sunday nights...  STVOY they show in the evenings on the
 PG> weekend though.

I know what that's like.  I enjoy watching DS9, even more so
since this season has gotten more interesting, with the addition
of Michael Dorn and other things.

Our local NBC affiliate airs the show Sunday nights at 11.
Unfortunately, I have to be at work Monday morning at 7:45 a.m.!
 I end up having to tape the show, which isn't always easy,
since if sports airs on NBC, the show is delayed.  With football
season over, your FOX affiliate probably won't delay Nowhere Man

... Even our best footage won't stop them! - Crow T. Robot
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- PCBoard (R) v15.22/M 10
 * Origin: * DataCom BBS - Baton Rouge, La. -  (504)275-2605 - @dcbbs.com *

 Msg  : 44 of 284
 From : Jon Helis                           1:3800/25       .îí 29 .íâ 96 23:39
 To   : Frank Glover

 -=> Quoting Frank Glover to Frank Swarbrick <=-

 FG> @MSGID: 1:2613/477 31059916

 FS>  As for VR.5, I don't remember mentioning it in my message (you really
 FS>  should use quotes), but it only lasted a few months in the spring of
 FS>  1995.  A shame, because it was getting interesting, but the first few
 FS>  episodes were pretty bad and lost most of the possible fan base...
 FG> I keep hoping that they'll come back with a special or two and tie
 FG> up loose ends, like Alien Nation has. But, as you say, it didn't run
 FG> long enough to get anything like Alien Nation's base of fans.

Alien Nation only ran for one season, that was enough to build
up the fan base.  How long did VR5 run?

... I call things as I see them; If I didn't see them, I make them up!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- PCBoard (R) v15.22/M 10
 * Origin: * DataCom BBS - Baton Rouge, La. -  (504)275-2605 - @dcbbs.com *

 Msg  : 45 of 284
 From : Jon Helis                           1:3800/25       .îí 29 .íâ 96 23:49
 To   : Barton Paul Levenson
 Subj : Re: weird tv

 -=> Quoting Barton Paul Levenson to Frank Swarbrick <=-

 BPL> Don't forget the wonderful, thoughtful British import, UFO, which took
 BPL> an absurd premise and made some spectacular TV SF out of it.  It took
 BPL> place ten years in the future, in (gasp) 1980!  When there would be a
 BPL> base on the Moon and intelligent robot spacecraft in Earth orbit.  I
 BPL> haven't seen it on the air in years, alas.

A few months ago, U.F.O was running on the Sci-FI Channel a few
months ago(I don't get it now, so can't say if it still is).  I
thought it was a good series too.  The premise was hard to
swallow, but the episodes I saw weren't too bad.  The show is
out on home video now, I saw copies on sale at a Con recently.
These were commercially made, not bootlegs as far as I could
tell(They were in factory boxes).

It was Gerry and Sylvia Anderson's first live action series
after doing supermarionation for so long.  After this series
came thier most famous series, Space:1999.

... "Ed, Go see who's at the door" -Last words RUSTY & EDIE's
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- PCBoard (R) v15.22/M 10
 * Origin: * DataCom BBS - Baton Rouge, La. -  (504)275-2605 - @dcbbs.com *

 Msg  : 46 of 284
 From : Jon Helis                           1:3800/25       .˙ō 02 .åâ 96 16:08
 To   : Owen E. Oulton
 Subj : Re: Star Trek

 -=> Quoting Owen E. Oulton to Frank Glover <=-

 OEO> @MSGID: 1:243/45.0 31101fc6
 FG>    This would be interesting. She also seemed to know a
 FG> fair amount about Data. (espically for someone not
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