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Swords, Blood in VR: EPIC BATTLES in Swordsman!
SCP 017: "Shadow" Person
SCP 090: Apocorubik's Cube
SCP 249: The random door

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Źīķōåšåķöčč - SFFAN Āåńü ņåźńņ 5859.38 Kb

ģąé 1995 - ńåķņ˙įšü 1996

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1 ... 339 340 341 342 343 344 345  346 347 348 349 350 351 352 ... 500
 To   : The Raven
 Subj : Adding to the List
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  92-0004
THE RAVEN was overheard talking in "Joe's" about Adding to the List and

TR>  "This just in from our Moscow bureau..."

TR> MZ> Where ya' been hiding?  Noticed on the highlander website that they
TR> MZ> are listing episodes in september (though the last 4 and the september
TR> MZ> episodes are listed TBA).  Does this mean we get a 5th season.

TR>     Its beginning to look like it.  I've seen the same things.

I also noticed that they are rebuilding the website this month some
time.  One might ask, why bother if you ain't gonna renew.

The highlander goddess purchased the second season (was there any
doubt).  And I just finished the episode where Tessa gets killed.  I
can't believe they cut the part where Richie comes back to life in the
U.S.  Do we get ripped of or what?!


Internet:  marc.zingarelli@tcr.com

 * OLXWin 1.00b * Happiness is...Barney and a belt-fed weapon

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: The Computer Room-Pickerington, Oh (614)861-8377  (1:226/110.0)

 Msg  : 73 of 284
 From : Phill Ash                           1:275/160       .ņp 13 .åā 96 11:11
 To   : Judy Hayes
.TID: GE 1.11+
From astride a Pale Horse, łANATśō heard...

 PA> That's why I hate inputting that sort of thing... I never keep
 PA> articles laying around!  It was from an article in 'Time' or
 PA> 'Business Weekly'.

 JH> Oh, those....2 magazines run by men... |-D

        But if it ran in "Cosmopolitan" it'd be all right? 

 PA> Sure, it is!  If you're not so concerned about maintaining the
 PA> financial 'status quo' then surely one of you could take a few
 PA> years off from the workforce and practice homeschooling your
 PA> kids.  Chances are, they'd be better off for it!

 JH> Ha, ha, ha!  You've got to be kidding!  My poor children....I want
 JH> them to be well educated.  I know my own limitations and I really don't
 JH> think I'd make a very good teacher.  I'm a good mom and am very good at
 JH> teaching them values and common sense but as far as English (well,
 JH> maybe English would be okay), History, and Mathmatics (especially
 JH> mathmatics) goes there is *no way* that I am up to it.

        Bah!  By the time they've reached levels with which you have
        difficulty, you will have taught them how *to learn* with only
        minimal guidance from yourself.  Teaching children to learn is
        one of the major stumbling blocks of the US educational system.

 PA> There was a 3 year-old in England back in '93 who enjoyed
 PA> interacting with older children.  When his mother took him to
 PA> a mall, he walked away with 2 10 year-olds.  Becoming bored
 PA> with him, the 10 year-olds led him down by the railroad tracks
 PA> and smashed his skull in with a rock.  His body (or the remains
 PA> thereof) was found 3 weeks later.

 JH> But Phil, this has nothing to do with exposing children to a variety
 JH> of  backgrounds in a controlled school environment.

        Controlled school environment:  A situation in which children
        are educated based on their maturity and current achievement

        Day-schools and their like too often have the tendency to allow,
        and in some cases force, children to interact outside of their
        peer groups.  The establishment of a "peer identity" is a vital
        part of the development of esteem and self-esteem.

 PA> Is a 'lone' parent *really* equipped to perform that function?
 PA> No.  The Day-care industry is proof of that.

 JH> In what way?  You're saying that because a child goes to day care that
 JH> a lone/single parent is unable to teach them good moral values?  I
 JH> wouldn't send my child into a Day Care environment where I did not feel
 JH> that they would teach my child the same type of values that I stressed
 JH> at home.  It would not be a resonable or responsible act.

        Ah!  *You* feel that that would be unreasonable and
        irresponsible, but (by virtue of the fact that you have
        successfully wielded the computer technology necessary to carry
        on this discourse) you are a few notches above the 'status quo'.

        The sad truth of the matter is that there are those who assume
        that because an establishment is "licensed", said establishment
        is going to assume *ALL* the educational responsibility for the

 JH> Thanks, pal!  I'll have to send for them both. Even though I may never
 JH> use the technical one, I'd like to have it for reference.  Do they
 JH> charge for their catalogues?

        $10-15, I think... I just rang them the other day to have a
        price-list sent.  They're apparently using the same catalogs
        that they'd issued in '88(!)

Your pal:  PhlAsh
 ž Łystertags v1.1 ž this monster:  industry
~~~ ReneWave v1.01 [NR]
--- Smile :)
 * Origin: * The Beast's Lair * (804)498-3070 * Va Beach VA * (1:275/160)

 Msg  : 74 of 284
 From : Glenn Shaheen                       1:3600/7        .cź 11 .åā 96 10:40
 To   : Nicolai Shapero
 Subj : Star Trek Generations

NS>We've already seen what it's going to look like...remember ALL GOOD
NS>THINGS?  (Three nacelles, yet...)

        But in All Good Things it was the Enterprise-D we saw, if you
do recall.
 * OLX 2.2 * Primordial soup for dinner again?

--- SLMAIL v3.5C  (#1540)
 * Origin: Robotech ž Lake City's Music*Demo BBS ž [904] 758*9477 (1:3600/7)

 Msg  : 75 of 284
 From : Chris Carter                        1:105/290.23    .ņp 13 .åā 96 05:43
 To   : Frank Glover
 Subj : Star Trek Generations
On (11 Feb 96) Frank Glover wrote to Chris Carter...


 CC> imagine the Enterprise-E will have a configuration similar to


 FG> Or maybe the path of least resistance. The next Galaxy-class ship
 FG> off the line....

This would work too.

 FG> But maybe with Voyager's bio-pack computers, rather than the older
 FG> isolinear stuff.

A substantial improvement, if only to allow for more possibilities for
weird technobabble problems/solutions to problems.

 FG> Voyager-class ships seem too small for the kind of long duration
 FG> missions the Enterprise does.

I wouldn't say that.  Any size of ship that has adequate capacity to be
self-sufficient should do.  It may even be possible that too big a
vessel could be a detriment, if that means having a large crew consuming
more power, edibles, etc.

Chris - carter@teleport.com

... Tagline Schmagline!!??!

--- PPoint 2.00
 * Origin: Grid Epsilon Coords. 105x290x23 (1:105/290.23)

 Msg  : 76 of 284
 From : Chris Carter                        1:105/290.23    .ņp 13 .åā 96 05:47
 To   : James Walton
 Subj : Star Wars Novelizations
On (12 Feb 96) James Walton wrote to Chris Carter...

 JW> I have a first edition copy of "Splinter of the Mind's Eye" too.

I don't know how much that might be worth, but at a guess, not much.

 JW> The problem is, I don't buy to collect and sell.  I buy to read
 JW> and enjoy. So I might find out how much this book is worth, but I
 JW> will never sell.

Agreed.  Real collectors don't speculate.

Chris - carter@teleport.com

... A full belly makes Mama happy, not a white shirt!

--- PPoint 2.00
 * Origin: Grid Epsilon Coords. 105x290x23 (1:105/290.23)

 Msg  : 77 of 284
 From : Chris Carter                        1:105/290.23    .ņp 13 .åā 96 05:54
 To   : Nicolai Shapero
 Subj : Star Trek Generations
On (11 Feb 96) Nicolai Shapero wrote to Chris Carter...

 NS> I thought that it was supposed to be Enterprise E.  I don't
 NS> remember the comment by Riker, so I'll obviously have to dig out
 NS> the tape and play it again.

Upon further thought, the comment Adm. Riker made was more like unto,
"When you're and Admiral, they'll let you have any ship you want, so..."

Hope this helps...

Chris - carter@teleport.com

... "Have you got a Fricasseeing Rabbit License?"

--- PPoint 2.00
 * Origin: Grid Epsilon Coords. 105x290x23 (1:105/290.23)

 Msg  : 78 of 284
 From : Chris Baugh                         1:105/290.5     .īķ 12 .åā 96 18:02
 To   : The Raven
 Subj : Female Leaders

 TR> While we are at it, let's mention Catherine the Great, Queen
 TR> Anne, Queen Boddicia, Indira Ghandi, Margaret Thatcher, and
 TR> Corazon Aquino. All female leaders, all heavy influences on
 TR> their cultures and their countries.

Don't forget Kay Shapero, next in line for the SF_FAN throne! 

--- PPoint 1.98
 * Origin: - (1:105/290.5)

 Msg  : 79 of 284
 From : Aaron Turon                         1:137/2         .ņp 13 .åā 96 18:13
 To   : Everone
 Subj : Hello!?
Hello! Is anyone out there? Please send me a mesage(don't know if that's spelled
right :)!
Bye!  ;)

--- Opus-CBCS 1.73a
 * Origin: Chipper Clipper * Scott me up beamy! * 941-745-56 (1:137/2.0)

 Msg  : 80 of 284
 From : Timothy H. Willis                   1:306/32        .cź 11 .åā 96 21:51
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : Re: Alien threats?
* Mark Jones spies Frank Glover and flips the safety off... *

 MJ> On (03 Feb 96) Frank Glover wrote to Mark Jones...

 FG>    But extraterrestrials who can come here, by definition are at least
 FG> as intelligent as us, with technology superior to ours, since we are
 FG> presently incapable of interstellar flight. There may be borderline
 FG> cases like that in `Footfall' where we have a chance (and a little
 FG> luck), but otherwise we would clearly survive at *their* sufferance.

 MJ> No argument.  But the moron in question seems to think that any
 MJ> aliens who come knocking on our door will *necessarily* be physically
 MJ> stronger (by a wide margin) than we are.  Which is a load of steaming
 MJ> ****, frankly.  Nobody knows.
 MJ> That any aliens who can cross interstellar space to kick sand in
 MJ> our faces will be more advanced scientifically than we are I don't
 MJ> dispute.  We can't do it.  If they can, obviously they've learned
 MJ> something we don't know yet.

 Hi Mark... quite a while since I posted to you...

    Have you by any chance read Harry Turtledove's "World War:" Saga?
(Three books so far, two in pb, and the third just out in hb.)  It's a tale
of alien invasion in 1942, right when WW-2 was getting nice and hot.  It's
a pretty good example of so-called superior aliens invading and ending up
like the dog that just bit someone on their wooden leg... and the peg-legged
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1 ... 339 340 341 342 343 344 345  346 347 348 349 350 351 352 ... 500
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