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Ęîíôåđåíöčč - SFFAN Âåņü ōåęņō 5859.38 Kb

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 PA> system.

Well, I must say that *you* have much more faith in me than I do.  My daughter
is only in 4th grade and she's already losing me at some points.  Plus, she's
been dianosted as possibly have ADD....I'm not sure I would have the patience
to teach her if she *was* paying attention. I do know my limitations and am
aware of how much it would take.

 PA> There was a 3 year-old in England back in '93 who enjoyed
 PA> interacting with older children.  When his mother took him to
 PA> a mall, he walked away with 2 10 year-olds.  Becoming bored
 PA> with him, the 10 year-olds led him down by the railroad tracks
 PA> and smashed his skull in with a rock.  His body (or the remains
 PA> thereof) was found 3 weeks later.

 JH> But Phil, this has nothing to do with exposing children to a variety
 JH> of  backgrounds in a controlled school environment.
 PA> Controlled school environment:  A situation in which children
 PA> are educated based on their maturity and current achievement
 PA> levels.

 PA> Day-schools and their like too often have the tendency to
 PA> allow, and in some cases force, children to interact outside of
 PA> their peer groups.  The establishment of a "peer identity" is a
 PA> vital part of the development of esteem and self-esteem.

Then again, if a child is forced to be restricted to one little peer group
just think of all the wonderful experiences she/he could be missing out on.

 PA> Is a 'lone' parent *really* equipped to perform that function?
 PA> No.  The Day-care industry is proof of that.

 JH> In what way?  You're saying that because a child goes to day care that
 JH> a lone/single parent is unable to teach them good moral values?  I
 JH> wouldn't send my child into a Day Care environment where I did not feel
 JH> that they would teach my child the same type of values that I stressed
 JH> at home.  It would not be a resonable or responsible act.

 PA> Ah!  *You* feel that that would be unreasonable and
 PA> irresponsible, but (by virtue of the fact that you have
 PA> successfully wielded the computer technology necessary to
 PA> carry on this discourse) you are a few notches above the
 PA> 'status quo'.
 PA> The sad truth of the matter is that there are those who assume
 PA> that because an establishment is "licensed", said
 PA> establishment is going to assume *ALL* the educational
 PA> responsibility for the child.

This is true....I tend to forget that not all parents are quite so...well, I
really don't want to use the word "responsible" (It makes me sound awfully
pretentious...not to mention like a [gasp] grownup).  And if I hear someone
tell me one more time, "Well, my parents did that to me as a kid and *I*
turned out alright." I'm gonna HURL!!

 JH> Thanks, pal!  I'll have to send for them both. Even though I may never
 JH> use the technical one, I'd like to have it for reference.  Do they
 JH> charge for their catalogues?

 PA> $10-15, I think... I just rang them the other day to have a
 PA> price-list sent.  They're apparently using the same catalogs
 PA> that they'd issued in '88(!)

Oooooh, *real* up-to-date.  |-)


... Off-topic? Er...I know we started out on-topic...Wonder what happened.
 * Origin: Anonymous BBS -=- Non plus Ultra -=- 414-251-2580 (1:154/40)

 Msg  : 115 of 284
 From : Paul Goverts                        1:2613/135      .pä 14 .åâ 96 14:07
 To   : Jon Helis
-=> Quoting Jon Helis to Paul Goverts <=-

 JH> Our local NBC affiliate airs the show Sunday nights at 11.
 JH> Unfortunately, I have to be at work Monday morning at 7:45 a.m.!
 JH> I end up having to tape the show, which isn't always easy,
 JH> since if sports airs on NBC, the show is delayed.  With football
 JH> season over, your FOX affiliate probably won't delay Nowhere Man
 JH> anymore.

No, 12:30 was the NORMAL time they were showing Nowhere man....  But i
can't seem to find it anymore, they keep switching the schedules


... New Steel-Belted Trojans - for the active Klingon male!
___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.21

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/M 10
 * Origin: Wise BBS - Irondequoit, NY (1:2613/135)

 Msg  : 116 of 284
 From : Jeroen Jacobs                       2:292/506.26    .cę 11 .åâ 96 15:35
 To   : All
 Subj : Hello !
.TID: FastEcho 1.45a UNREG
Yow All !! Where the hell are you ??

I'm Jeroen Jacobs and new on this area.I read a few messages, and I must say
it's very interesting (although I don't understand what women rights have to do
SF ?? ).

I live in Belgium....that's in Europe (in case you didn't know).

And these are my favorite SF-series:

- the X files.
- Star Trek : Deep Space 9
- Star Trek : The Next Generation
- Star Trek : Voyager
- The Outer Limits

Well, that's it for today...

If you have any questions, just ask ! :-)

Greetings from The Prince of Darkness,



...Borger King. Have it our way. Your way is irrelevant.

--- GoldED 2.50+ / PGP 2.6.1
 * Origin: co-sysop 80x86 BBS -= 015 24 48 57 =- (2:292/506.26)

 Msg  : 117 of 284
 From : Boris CDuke                         2:463/2.22      .îí 19 .åâ 96 02:06
 To   : Jeroen Jacobs
 Subj : Hello !
Hi Jeroen!

 JJ> I'm Jeroen Jacobs and new on this area.I read a few messages, and I must
 JJ> say it's very interesting (although I don't understand what women rights
 JJ> have to do SF ?? ).

Umghu... Welcome aboard.

 JJ> I live in Belgium....that's in Europe (in case you didn't know).

Really? What is it Europe? Never heard before.

 JJ> And these are my favorite SF-series:

 JJ> - the X files.
 JJ> - Star Trek : Deep Space 9
 JJ> - Star Trek : The Next Generation
 JJ> - Star Trek : Voyager
 JJ> - The Outer Limits

I would recommend to try B5 and Red Dwarf (these two are my favourites).

 JJ> Well, that's it for today...

Better tell what's going on in SF in Belgium in general. There'll be a
convention soon in Belgium (I'm not sure will it be Beneluxcon).

 JJ> If you have any questions, just ask ! :-)

What's better Pepsi and Computer or Coke and Bike?

 JJ> Greetings from The Prince of Darkness,

Bestest, Boris

 * Origin: Imagineering (2:463/2.22)

 Msg  : 118 of 284
 From : Pavel Viaznikov                     2:5020/185.9    .cę 18 .åâ 96 02:09
 To   : Gerry Normandeau
 Subj : The Twelve Monkies
Hi there, Gerry!

Tuesday February 06 1996 18:13, Gerry Normandeau wrote to All:

 GN> Hi all. I have a real brain buster for you. I have recently
 GN> watched the movie The Twelve Monkies. And I must say it was


 GN> name of the movie that this film is based on? I remembur seeing
 GN> it a long time ago on TVO's Magic Shadows with Elwy Yost. Now this
 GN> dates me for those who remember! :)
 GN>  The film was from France. It was filmed as a series of still
 GN> photos with a naration. All I can remembur is that it began
 GN> with a little boy witnesing a runnung man being shot down, Then
 GN> for some reason war brakes out, and the world is destroyed excep
 GN> for a handfull of survivors. The hero of the film, who was the
 GN> boy at the begining is scent back in time to try and stop what
 GN> happened but like in the Twelve Monkies is shot down in front of the
 GN> little boy he was. And ashe dies the movie ends.
 GN>  If any one can remembur this movie and its name please let me know!

 - As far as I know, that was "Runway" (meaning the takeoff strip) by Crys
Marker, dated 1962. Sorry, I am not very sure of the original name since I saw
the movie several years ago and in Russian (in "Illusion", the Moscow old
theatre. I know how it was called by the synchro-translator - and that was the
"Takeoff strip" (the movie begins and ends on the airfield), but I am not sure
of the original name of the film). I still remember those stills: the death of
Paris, with evaporating, still by still, Tour d'Effel; and that future where we
only can see faces covered with big spectacles or masks, and very interesting
light effects.
Did this help?
                                          Yours, Pavel

--- ifmail v.2.8
 * Origin: God bless you, merry gentlemen! (2:5020/185.9)

 Msg  : 119 of 284
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .åō 15 .åâ 96 20:24
 To   : Jon Helis

JH>   FG> I keep hoping that they'll come back with a special or two and
JH>  tie
JH>   FG> up loose ends, like Alien Nation has. But, as you say, it didn't
JH>  run
JH>   FG> long enough to get anything like Alien Nation's base of fans.
JH>  Alien Nation only ran for one season, that was enough to build
JH>  up the fan base.  How long did VR5 run?

   Hmm. Eight episodes or so? I think that's pretty close.....


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 120 of 284
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .åō 15 .åâ 96 20:28
 To   : Owen E. Oulton
 Subj : Re: Star Trek Generations

OE>   FG>    BTW, having just wacthed ST: Generations this afternoon, does
OE>  anyone
OE>   FG> know who the older gentelman was who played the
OE>   FG> Enterprise-B's communications officer? He *looked* for
OE>   FG> allthe world like former astronaut Pete Conrad (who

OE>  Yep.  He's identified as Com Officer, and was played ny Thomas
OE>  Kopache.

   Great! Thanks!


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 121 of 284
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .åō 15 .åâ 96 21:08
 To   : Owen E. Oulton
 Subj : Re: Star Trek Sexism

OE>   BPL> The situation in the last episode of the third season of the
OE>  original,
OE>   BPL> where women per se were not allowed to command starships, is
OE>  immoral.
OE>   BPL> (And also showed a serious failure of imagination on Gene
OE>  Roddenberry's
OE>   BPL> part.)
OE>  Gene wasn't really involved with the show at all at that point.  Gene
OE>  had had a woman as XO of the Enterprise in his original pilot -
OE>  remember Number One?  Since the XO of a ship succeeds to command if

   Yep. NBC wanted him to dump her, and `the guy with the ears.' He was at least
able to keep Spock.

   Still, it's a shame we didn't actually see a woman commanding a Federation
starship (`The Enterprise Incident' shows that Romulans have no qualms!) until
the opening scenes of Star Trek IV.
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