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Demon's Souls |#19| Final
Demon's Souls |#18| Old King Allant
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your intellectual position.  Oh well, as you say, you are "not going to argue."
I understand, it's difficult to argue when there is so little SUBSTANCE to your
argument.  I don't mind that you disagree - it's meaningless.  Most people here
at least back up what they have to say and let the chips fall.

"Far less workload" eh?  Ever check out what "work" your own mother has done in
her lifetime?  Sheesh!

I would say that, overall, the workload for men and women has been equivalent
and certainly pound-for-pound women SEEM to do more.

I am not minimizing the contributions of men one iota by saying this - it has
been a giant one but not always all that constructive - you don't often see
wars and battles being orchestrated by women, do you.  Somehow, I don't think
there were very many women "running" Adolph Hitler's HOLOCAUST either - no, an
example of "Men's work!"

I think I still detect thinly-veiled mysogyny.
--- PCBoard 15.2
 * Origin: 32 lines 40 Gig BBS, Realtime InterNet SLIP (403)299-9900 (1:134/10)

 Msg  : 93 of 106
 From : Chris Ogniben                       1:2604/568      .ōp 06 .åâ 96 11:41
 To   : Todd Sullivan
 Subj : BS!!

  Well one thing is for sure, is that our real enemy is ourselves.  And
that our future only shows that death is going to knock at our door, as
the planet dies away.  And i like to talk about something, and not
compare us humans to alien lifeforms that have the drive to take over
our planet.  And that is, the factor that we humans are the worst forms
of life in the entire universe.  Number one factor is that we attack
each other, and we kill off wild animals and kill animals at will to
feed ourselves.  Of course there is a difference.  One is survival, and
the other one is for profit.  But, none the less we are a brutal race,
and the military shows it, where men and women are trained to kill and
to survive.  And during the times that we live in, i say not to take
that training away from them, since it is wrong.  But, i know that if
you take our race and put it up with other life forms of race that
exist out there, i can assure you that the human race is crap, and
everything else is worth living.  I mean, i think that we just evolued
from whatever we were in the past, and became more like what we were in
the past.  Stupid, savage killers that no matter which people choose to
unleash the savageness and kill one or more people, that all the people
have the ability to kill another.  With a weapon or with their fists.
And that is why being a human, is just saying to the universe of space,
i am crap, but, i am alive and have to live with it.

--- WM v3.11/93-0947
 * Origin: Waterside BBS - NJ - (201) 641-5375 28.8k  (1:2604/568)

 Msg  : 94 of 106
 From : Chris Ogniben                       1:2604/568      .ōp 06 .åâ 96 11:43
 To   : Kay Shapero
 Subj : Cybersex

  Let's just say that i don't agree with certain people that have to
bring in topics, exspecially about cybersex.  I mean, at least they
could  have talked about it in a more civil manner.  Where they don't
view women as objects and slabs of meat.  The point here is, that we
are talking about virtual reality, and i have nothing against talking
about it in here.  But, to bring in discussions that may belong to an
adult forum, would be better off than to bring them in here, where all
the gonna get, is people telling how stupid they are.

--- WM v3.11/93-0947
 * Origin: Waterside BBS - NJ - (201) 641-5375 28.8k  (1:2604/568)

 Msg  : 95 of 106
 From : Mark Jones                          1:105/302.47    .åō 08 .åâ 96 14:10
 To   : Darre LuAllen
 Subj : Bs!!
On (07 Feb 96) Darre LuAllen wrote to Todd Sullivan...

 DL>  TS> Your idea that we're even worth bothering with to an
 DL>  TS> interstellar empire is ludicrous....

 DL> I can think of three reasons, all bad: 1) Cheap (read slave)
 DL> labor, 2) free land (like they couldn't find a better planet),
 DL> and 3) food (remember the original "V" TV movies?)
 DL>  Sorry for butting in.

Don't apologize--that's what the echo is for!

Cheap labor?  I don't think so.  Interstellar travel is probably going
to be exceptionally difficult--especially if FTL never pans
out--no matter how advanced your technology is.  If you've got the
industrial base to build a fleet of interstellar warships, you can
probably build a robotic (or at least highly mechanized) economy.  You
won't *need* aliens for brute labor.

Land might be the one valuable commodity--especially if it turns out
that all the sentient beings in the universe require *same* sort of
environment (i.e., earthlike).  The only way to get more of it would
be to discover it (subjugating or exterminating the natives, if any)
or to build it, either by terraforming unsuitable worlds or building
colonies in space from scratch.

--- PPoint 1.78
 * Origin: Folcroft Sanitarium (hsmith@cure.com) (1:105/302.47)

 Msg  : 96 of 106
 From : Owen E. Oulton                      1:243/45        .ķá 10 .åâ 96 13:48
 To   : Nicolai Shapero
 Subj : Re: Star Trek Generations

 FG> I think wecan assumethere will be an Enterprise-E...one wonders what it
 FG> will look like?

 NS> We've already seen what it's going to look like...remember ALL GOOD
 NS> THINGS?  (Three nacelles, yet...)

Nope, sorry, that was the E-D in an alternate future where it hadn't been
destroyed.  Check the scene where it zooms upward through the wreckage of the
Klingon ship it has just destroyed - NCC-1701-D is clearly marked on the hull.


--- Maximus 2.01wb
 * Origin: Pandora's Box, Ottawa, Ont. 613-829-1209 (1:243/45)

 Msg  : 97 of 106
 From : Todd Sullivan                       1:202/720.3     .˙ō 09 .åâ 96 16:41
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : Alien threats?
While substituting for Q, Mark Jones took extreme delight in saying to Frank
Glover, "You'll do anything I say?"  Frank quailed when the words "Alien
threats?" were uttered.

 FG>>    But extraterrestrials who can come here, by definition are at least
 FG>> as intelligent as us, with technology superior to ours, since we are
 FG>> luck), but otherwise we would clearly survive at *their* sufferance.

 MJ>     No argument.  But the moron in question seems to think that any
 MJ> aliens who come knocking on our door will *necessarily* be physically
 MJ> stronger (by a wide margin) than we are.  Which is a load of steaming
 MJ> ****, frankly.  Nobody knows.
 MJ>     That any aliens who can cross interstellar space to kick sand in
 MJ> our faces will be more advanced scientifically than we are I don't

I most of the movies along those lines (War of the Worlds, Earth Vs the
Flying Saucers), all the attackers have had highly-advanced technology, but
had physical problems dealing with our environment, either biological or
through our own refusal to go quietly.

The point has always been superior technology, but some flaw stopped them.
I can't see Chris' point, as he's as ignorant as we are, but--apparently--
refuses to see that.

Todd Sullivan

... "He who knows others is wise;
    He who knows himself is enlightened." --Lao-Tzu

-*- ASTG 1.9

--- Spot 1.3a Unregistered
 * Origin: Todd's Spot in the Continuum (1:202/720.3)

 Msg  : 98 of 106
 From : Frank Swarbrick                     1:104/825       .ķá 10 .åâ 96 16:12
 To   : Frank Glover
 Subj : Re: X-FILES
.TID: WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12  92-0022
On 02-08-96  20:45 my Very Good Friend Frank Glover said:

 RL>  BTW, I have heard from some people that they hate it when we get a
 RL>  Mulder
 RL>  "voice-over."  What do you think?  I kind of like it because
 RL>  voice-overs are
 RL>  the only way to get DIRECTLY inside a character's thinking/feeling
 RL>  processes.
 FG> I think it's a good idea as well. It would be interesting to hear a
 FG> Scully voice-over sometime, if the episode was a particularly moving
 FG> one for her.

Scully often does voiceovers.  I can't think of any in particular off
hand, but then I can't think of any Mulder voice overs off hand

Well, actually I can.  Scully did a voiceover at the end of "End
Game," the second part of the alien shapeshifter assassin episode.
She was talking about how it was that technology, medicine and science
saved Mulder (after he was left in the freezing in the arctic).  It
was really used to justify how she could remain a sceptic after all
she had seen.  I know she's done others as well.


... There was a fish...in the percolator.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12
 * Origin: The Bailey Information Exchange BBS, 28.8k v.fc  (1:104/825.0)

 Msg  : 99 of 106
 From : Michael Baker                       1:108/430       .cę 11 .åâ 96 00:04
 To   : All
 Subj : files
.TID: FastEcho 1.40 8380
The Dead Zone at Has one of the Largest Sci-FI file areas you've ever seen!.
..tons of sound files, gifs, programs, 1960's themes ect. There are a couple
of ways you can get these files:

           1. Call at 513-521-0705 and log on using " Guest " as your
           name/handel...then " Guest " again for the password.
           2. Freq " SF " for a file list of all the SF files, then freq
           the " filename " to receive the files you want.

 we are updating these files weekly and you should call/freq regularly to
 get any updates, and if there is anything you want send me a message and
 I'll look for the file for you.

          The Dead Zone

... "Did the table do something to offend you, Worf?" - Troi
--- Blue Wave v2.12
 * Origin: The Dead Zone " Earth2..B5..Startrek..Dr Who.." (1:108/430)

 Msg  : 100 of 106
 From : Owen E. Oulton                      1:243/45        .ķá 10 .åâ 96 19:00
 To   : All
 Subj : Highlander 2: The Sickening
While at a video store the other day, I noticed a Director's Cut of Highlander
2: The Quickening, labeled Renegade Version.  It supposedly has 16 minutes that
was cut from the theatrical release of The Sickening.  Has anyone seen this
version, and is it worth looking at?  Does it turn The Sickening into anything
remoptely resembling a watchable movie?


--- Maximus 2.01wb
 * Origin: Pandora's Box, Ottawa, Ont. 613-829-1209 (1:243/45)

 Msg  : 101 of 106
 From : Owen E. Oulton                      1:243/45        .ķá 10 .åâ 96 19:07
 To   : Todd Sullivan
 Subj : Star Trek Generations
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