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Demon's Souls |#19| Final
Demon's Souls |#18| Old King Allant
Demon's Souls |#17| Penetrator

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OC>  The other part: even with it legal, if ol' Mr. Steelworker is
OC>  unemployed
OC>  and he's hooked he'll end up doing anything to "plug in".

   I don't know...this isn't quite like a chemical dependancy (unless hormones
count!). No job, no electricity or data access. It would be like trying to steal
time on a flight simulator. You can't exactly get this from your dealer on the


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 29 of 187
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .īķ 25 .åź 95 19:26
 To   : Jon Glenn
 Subj : Re: Sorry for eavedropping ..

JG>   MJ> Now *this* I'm willing to buy.  A steam explosion, or something
JG>   MJ> similar, is plausible.  But the claim of a nuclear blast was
JG>   MJ> ludicrous.
JG>            Doesn't make much difference for the poor shmucks downwind
JG>  of the
JG>  blast, though....

   They could (if those responsible didn't suppress the info) still have some
time to evacuate. A suprise nuclear detonation doesn't give you that.

   Of course you don't have to use radioactives for the same effect. Consider
Bophal. Or that African (?) lake some years back that *naturally* released a
toxic gas....


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 30 of 187
 From : Frank Glover                        1:2613/477      .īķ 25 .åź 95 19:27
 To   : Aaron Turon
 Subj : Re: Star Trek

AT>  Does ANYONE out there like Star Trek?
AT>  Please respond!

   Plenty of Trek fans here. Discuss any part of the series/movies you want.


--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
 * Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)

 Msg  : 31 of 187
 From : KEN DAVIS                           1:2624/610      .åņ 21 .åź 95 12:06
 To   : Dan Kachoogian
 Subj : Seaquest 2032
.TID: FastEcho 1.45 8217
While lurking about unseen, Dan Kachoogian spake thusly to Shawn Merrow:

 DK> *** Quoting Shawn Merrow to All ***

 SM> Seaquest 2032 has been cancealed. No reason known.
 SM> Posilbly killed by the Nelsons. Recomnd kill the
 SM> Nelson family. For crimes aginst the science
 SM> fiction audieance.
 DK> Couldn't be that they ran out of plots, could it?

 Maybe they ran out of viewers? Or maybe when they end this season they
 can't figure out another impossible ending, so they will just leave the
 sub destroyed. Just like they did the show. :)

--- Blue Wave/RA v2.20 [NR]
 * Origin: The World's End BBS 914-298-0158 (1:2624/610)

 Msg  : 32 of 187
 From : Paul Browning                       1:3621/14       .īķ 25 .åź 95 09:45
 To   : Harold Groot
 Subj : Re: SF Comedy

HG> PB> Love that Quark!!!  Still can't track it down tho...  Want all the
HG> PB> episodes to the series...  That and Man From Atlantis...

HG>Last time I saw Quark, it was playing on the Comedy Channel, not the
HG>Sci-Fi Channel.  Back-to-back with Captain Nice.  I taped some of them.

You did?  They make GREAT Christmas gifts! (Heavy hint!!!)  Heheheh...
Yeah, There were only something in the neighborhood of 8 episodes total.
You got an internet email address?

Mine is: Badger@compu.net

I would LOVE to trade you for some of those...  Got any sci-fi you're
looking for???  I've got quite a bit...


 ž SLMR 2.1a ž
--- CNet/3
 * Origin: Niflheim! 615.551.9904 Clarksville TN... (1:3621/14)

 Msg  : 33 of 187
 From : Darre LuAllen                       1:3637/1        .ņp 26 .åź 95 13:25
 To   : Lyndon Soerensen
 Subj : Favorites
 On 12-20-95 Lyndon Soerensen wrote to Darre LuAllen...

 DL> Okay, when you're not slogging through an Anthony novel, what do you
 DL> prefer to read?  Personally, I'll try to read about anything.  In

 LS>  Hmmm.  Rather a tough question.  I s'pose I could best answer this by
 LS> saying that I prefer to read anything I haven't read b4.  If I look at
 LS> my library of books on the opposite side of my room, I see Heinlein,
 LS> Vonnegut, Bradbury, Herbert, Delaney, King, Robinson (Spider),

 LS> Ellison and a whole bunch more that I won't bore you with.

 Quite a few good authors listed above.  I've been considering reading some
 Ellison and Robinson.  I had a room mate who was fanatic about both.
 Unfortunately, he was killed in a car accident a year or so ago.  I don't
 remember what he use to read.  Perhaps you have a few suggestions as to
 what would be a good read.

 DL> past,  I have read Ray Bradbury, Kurt Vonnegut, RAH, Mercades Lackey,
 LS>                                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 LS> I've only read some of Lackey, but I was impressed with what I read.
 LS> BTW, it's _Mercedes_.

 DL> A.C. Clarke  R.A. Salvatory (I think that's right), Randell Garrett,
 LS>                   ^^^^^^^^^
 LS> Salvatore

 Oops.  I'm writing this during my breaks at work, so I don;t have immediate
 access to my library.  Actually, I'm surprised I didn't misspell more.
 I was also impressed by Lackey.  I've read some of her "modern magic/elves
 in the modern world" stories.  I really like what I read.  I have not
 attempted to read her medieval fantasies.  I just haven't had a desire to.
 A friend read one of her books and got upset because of how she handled a
 same sex relation between two characters.  This had no bearing on me, except
 to make me curious about how she handled it.  My friend is sometimes a
 little quick to judge.  Now he won't read anything by her, even when I tell
 him the stories are good and have no same sex liaisons in them.

 DL> I   cannot remember.  I'm also a fan of Poe and Lovecraft.
 LS>                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 LS> So am I.  _Ia_, _Ia_, _Cthulhu_ _ftagn_!   :)

 Poe re-invented the short story.  He may have never have written any
 Science Fiction (I'm not sure.  Been a strange X-mas break.), but he
 did do some fine horror-fantasy pieces.  Lovecraft was just a demented
 little wierdo who wrote some of the most disturbing horror stories ever.
 The scientific detachment with which he writes helps to underscore the
 fear the characters feel.  He also leaves quite a bit to the imagination.
 Frankly, my own mind can come up with more frightening creatures than any
 writer or Hollywood-type could ever.  Goes the same for almost everyone.
 We know what scares us better than anyone.  That's the way it should be

 DL> stick with it.  As I stated before, Anthony was just too involved for
 DL> me.  But that was just  one book that I tried.  I suppose that if I
 DL> try another, then I might fare  better.  The book I tried was the
 DL> first in the Adept series (assuming I'm  not confusing my authors).

 LS> The adept series was ok.  The only series of his that I haven't read was
 LS> TAROT.  Did you know he also wrote some horror novels?

 I had no idea.  Are you suggesting them to me?  If so, what are they?
 Would you suggest any other books?

                                              Darre LuAllen
                                              Just another pretty face
 * OFFLINE 1.56 * Assumption is the mother of all screwups...

--- Maximus/2 3.00
 * Origin: Cumberland BBS TN 615/526-3347 V34 (1:3637/1)

 Msg  : 34 of 187
 From : Steven Sullivan                     1:289/34        .īķ 25 .åź 95 12:39
 To   : Todd Sullivan
TS> MD>> Nuclear power is the most cost-effective and nearly the safest.

TS> JW>  Until it ***ks up...look under 'Chernobyl' or 'Three Mile


TS>Chernobyl, yes; TMI, no.  Not once did the reactor core become exposed to
TS>open air at TMI.  Comparing water to graphite moderated reactors is as bad
TS>as comparing apples and oranges; little if any coresponedence.

TS>If nuclear power was so god-awfully dangerous, how do you explaing the
TS>success of the US Navy's submarines?  Don't say dumb luck; you've no
TS>knowledge, other than what those rags have mis-represented; I was involved.

Agreed and seconded.  To bring the subject back on topic, Heinlein makes
the same point in a story where a woman becomes president.  (My
apologies, the name of the short escapes me.)  As an addendum, "JW",
look up the number of people suffering from smog in LA right now, or the
death toll of "yellow fog" (caused by the coal burning plants) in
Britain in the 18th and 19th centuries.  Power comes at a cost, and
although SF can apprise us of POTENTIAL costs, it IS occasionally
inaccurate.  To reference Heinlein again, albeit years earlier, point JW
towards _Blowups Happen_.  I'm a proponent of nuclear power; it's hard
to envisage a future where there isn't nuclear power, and the way to get
to SAFE nuclear power is to work our way through the pitfalls of unsafe
nuclear power.
(This message brought to you from a coal burning town 60 miles from the
Kingdom of Callaway, home of the country's best nuclear power plant.)


--- FLAME v1.1
 * Origin: Holy Bytes, it's The Batboard TBBS - (314) 446-0475 (1:289/34)

 Msg  : 35 of 187
 From : Eugeny V Marinin                    2:5020/194.9    .åņ 21 .åź 95 23:20
 To   : All
 Subj : Alien 4 Info Wanted!
 * Forwarded from "RU.VIDEO"
 * Originally by Eugeny V. Marinin
 * Originally to All
 * Originally dated 21 Dec 1995, 23:03


SUBJ! Who knows about it more then 'Yes. Will!'? :)

With Best Regards,
    Eugeny V. Marinin

--- GEcho 1.02+
 * Origin: °±²¦ From Euge Muad'Dib ¦²±° (2:5020/194.9)

 Msg  : 36 of 187
 From : ROBERT LIDGREN                      1:134/10        .ņp 26 .åź 95 09:54
 To   : ALL

I've just discovered the series Nowhere Man starring Bruce Greenwood as
the "man on the run," Tom Veil.

Thomas Veil is a photojournalist who was married to woman named Allyson.
He has black and white photos that someone wants very badly.  In the
episode I just saw:  "The Incredible Derek," Tom encounters a youngster
with psychic abilites who seemingly has the power to delve into other's
lives and becomes upset by frightening images and words.  Tom found the
boy while on a trip to a town out in "the boonies" where he was trying
to track down an old U.S. Army HumVee(sp?) vehicle which had the licence
plate numbers of the one he documented in his photgraphs.

BTW:  The negative which seems to be "central" to this episode shows
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