MJ> for centuries. If such a thing existed, we wouldn't have a
MJ> radioactive waste problem--it would still be inside the reactor,
MJ> generating power!)
Granted, but the stuff we use does have a strong half life, it becomes
even deadlier when re use it.
MJ> Total up the number of people ever killed by black lung disease (and,
MJ> to be fair, by mining accidents, cave-ins, drowning, gas explosions in
MJ> the mines, etc etc) vs the number of people killed by uranium
MJ> contamination. Betcha I know which number is higher--even if you
MJ> limit the black lung deaths to the same number of years we've been
MJ> fooling with uranium....
have I at any point in time sponsored fossil fuels, I'm talking about
radiation not the rich but limited fossil fuel industry, why do people seem
to scream at me statistics of black lung, and coal miner deaths etc etc.,
besides of which radiation is a very subtle thing, and can show it side
effects years later.
MJ> Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not nuclear power accidents. They were
MJ> destroyed by WEAPONS. Ditto for Navy swimmers on our side at the
MJ> time. Friendly fire casualties. It happens. Would you be any
MJ> happier with the abysmal casualties in those two cities if they'd been
MJ> incinerated by saturation bombing with incendiaries (like Dresden)?
I was using them to point out the problem with radiation, BTW, what is dresden
fill me in. Actually I would not be happier with the incendiaries, either
If agent orange is one of them, we are still facing problems with that
incident from vietnam. I believe cancer, birth defects and a lot of other
nasty stuff still go on.
... Slaying foul maidens and rescuing fair dragons!
--- Blue Wave v2.12 [NR]
* Origin: The Cereal Port BBS (OS/2) Rindge,NH 603-899-3335 (1:132/152)
Msg : 63 of 187
From : Frank Glover 1:2613/477 .åō 28 .åę 95 21:55
To : Eric Reinholt
Subj : Re: Gibson
ER> I'm trying to remember a movie where they touched upon Virtual
ER> Sex . . . uh . . . "Brainstorm" I think.
That's the one. Lawnmower Man would qualify, too.
ER> Showed one ill effect of being hooked up into a Virtual Loop of
ER> orgasm being a palsy. Kind of a Virtual MS.
Too much of a good thing, it seems....
--- QuickBBS 2.80 GoldBase (Zeta-1)
* Origin: The Matrix Data Bank BBS, Rochester, Ny (1:2613/477)
Msg : 64 of 187
From : Piotr W. Cholewa 2:484/10.6 .åō 21 .åę 95 20:49
To : Mark David
Subj : nuclear
Hi Mark,
following up a message from James Woodcock:
RL> I tend to look even more seriously at solar power, wind power and tidal
RL> power as nifty alternatives too. Giant HYDRO projects simply won't fill
MD> Solar and wind power have been attempted in large-scale and they are
MD> failures.
JW> Solar power has been used in parts of Australia for some
JW> years now, and it is quite successful. Wind power is
JW> growing slowly as the technology improves, tidal power is a
JW> long way behind but moving up fast.
Last summer in Holland I've seen HUGE number of windmills (no joking - the new
ones, consisting only of a column, three blades and sort of generator). They
were working OK. Sure, in Holland they have a very convenient landscape for that
sort of thing.
MD> Nuclear power is the most cost-effective and nearly the safest.
JW> Until it fucks up...look under 'Chernobyl' or 'Three Mile
JW> Island'
Sorry, but AFAIK they were not "technique" failures, but rather design errors.
Chernobyl is a human error.
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: PWC entry (2:484/10.6)
Msg : 65 of 187
From : Piotr W. Cholewa 2:484/10.6 .åō 21 .åę 95 20:55
To : Steen Christensen
Subj : books
Hi Steen,
Steen Christensen wrote in a message to David Hilling:
SC>> Julian May
DH> Good stuff, huh? I thought for a while I was the only one reading her
DH> work.
SC> No way, I like her books. B.t.w. I had the impression that
SC> it was a man, and not a woman?
She is definitely a woman. I've seen her (signing her books) during '84 Eurocon
in Brighton (in Britain).
--- GEcho 1.00
* Origin: PWC entry (2:484/10.6)
Msg : 66 of 187
From : Don Bach 1:3632/65 .˙ō 29 .åę 95 11:20
To : Aaron Turon
Subj : Star Trek
AT> Does ANYONE out there like Star Trek?
AT> Please respond!
Most definitely! I've loved it ever since my Dad let me stay up late and watch
TOS when it first aired on NBC!
My favorite episode is the "Trouble with Tribbles". When I was studying to be a
civil engineer at Georgia Tech, some of my friends and I saw this episode on TV,
then saw a Star Trek Bloopers clip before the main feature at the Electical
Engineering Auditorium. Since then, I've noticed a general grinning amongst the
cast during that episode. It was really a hard one to do with a straight face.
--- Maximus 2.00
* Origin: No Regrets - Clinton, Mississippi (601)924-8247 9P-5A (1:3632/65)
Msg : 67 of 187
From : Darre LuAllen 1:3637/1 .˙ō 29 .åę 95 15:11
To : Lori Brown
Subj : ST Voyager
On 12-19-95 Lori Brown wrote to Darre LuAllen...
FG> I find that ST:Voyager seems to indulge in technobabble
FG> more than its predecessors do, but not so much that I
FG> can't live with it....
DL> Doesn't it bug you that everyone in a uniform seems to know everything
DL> about everything, and yet everyone is s'pose to be some find of
DL> specialist? They must use some *serious* "sleep teachers" or some
DL> such.
LB> Actually, in the Academy, everyone learns about all ship systems (at
LB> least a basic knowledge) before they specialize in one department
LB> (such as Engineering, etc). So everyone would know how to
LB> run each station and the basics of all ship's operations.
LB> And depending on their past background (ie Janeway was a
LB> science officer I think before being promoted to Capt),
LB> they may have more knowledge in one field than another.
LB> Adm. Lori Anne Brown, CO USS PAEGAN, Region 2, SFI
LB> email: Lori.Brown%274@Satlink.oau.org
Figures a Trek fan would jump on this. Seriously though...
I'm a fan a ST and have been since I was a kid. I just think that
Roddenberry was a bit of a "Pollyanna." The only problem that I have
with the cross training bit is the easy in which security officers and
ship councilors catch on to the Tech-speck. In college, you are suppose
to receive a well-rounded enducation. However, I know of a lot of students
who get lost when I start talking about something as simple as Freshman
Writing. Sure, occasionally they have one of the characters not understand,
so that it can be explained for those of us in the cheap seat.
Yes, Janeway was a science officer. Tuvok is a super-brain Vulcan (who's
wasting himself as a security officer). Torres is a master engineer, who
knows more about Star Fleet tech than the original designers. I'll save
time and not go into any of the others (I'm afraid to attempt the spelling
of some of their names! ) Anyway, I can understand how some of the
ideas can be thrown around. My gripe is at how fast everyone seems to
catch on. I'm a computer programmer by trade. I work with several other
people who have computer degrees in the subject. Yet, I have to spend large
amounts of time explaining what I have in mind for a bit of source code.
This happens to everyone in my office.
Another case of over-education is a scene in DS9. The episode is the one
with Quark and Rom going home to set their mother straight. The subplot had
Sisco introducing himself to Cassidy Yates. In the scene I'm referring to,
O'Brian and Bashir are trying to break into Quark's to get their dart board.
Sisco just looks at the custom built lock Rom had assembled, with Ferengi
know-how and quotes the Security System and Model number. This scene was
played for laughs, but it is indicitive of what I'm talking about.
I'd love to live in a universe like this, and even empathize with those
who loose themselves in the fantasy. (And by no means am I implying that
you are such a person. However, I once was to an extent.) My original
comment was more of a smart elicked statement. So now, I've supported my
statement. And I look forward to your reply. I hope I made sense...
LB> ... Iraqi Bingo: B-52...F-16...A-10...F-18...F-117...B-2...
Been there. Seen that.
Darre LuAllen
Caught in the Act
I'd like to end with a little song and dance...
<2 PHILES ATTACHED--- 1 song and 1 dance>
download using Imagingine, the imaginary dowloader
* OFFLINE 1.56
--- Maximus/2 3.00
* Origin: Cumberland BBS TN 615/526-3347 V34 (1:3637/1)
Msg : 68 of 187
From : Darre LuAllen 1:3637/1 .˙ō 29 .åę 95 15:19
To : Michael Harper
Subj : Quark
On 12-21-95 Michael Harper wrote to Darre LuAllen...
-=> While shaving a goat, Darre LuAllen told Otto Cordray
-=> all about SF Comedy...
Hey... I thought I asked you
to keep that under your hat...
DL> I used to love that show, but no one would acknowledge its existence,
DL> until now. I just thought that I had been hallucinating. Now I
DL> guess it's just a case of "Disco Deprogramming." Didn't the show
DL> have a set of twins? I was five years younger than you when I saw
DL> this show, so my memory is not very trustworthy.
MH> Yep. Trish and Cybil Barnstable, former Doublemint Gum Twins. A bit too
MH> slim for my liking, but still damn cute. God knows what happened to them
MH> after the series ended...
Yep ... I remember having quite a crush on Betty...
Not to mention how I felt about Betty.
MH> Tim Thomerson and Richard Bejamin have both gone on to other, if not
MH> necessarily better, things...
These are two actor that don't even like having Quantom Physic discussed
around them...
"Hey guys... I was in physics class today and learned about the Quark." -
"Oh god..." - T. Thomerson
"We'll *never* live this down..." - R. Benjamin
Yes sir, they just don't make cheese like that anymore. I miss shows like
"Quark" and "Wizards and Warriors."
Darre LuAllen
Regressing to my Youth
* OFFLINE 1.56 * I drank WHAT!?!
--- Maximus/2 3.00
* Origin: Cumberland BBS TN 615/526-3347 V34 (1:3637/1)