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1 ... 202 203 204 205 206 207 208  209 210 211 212 213 214 215 ... 500
 Msg  : 53 of 187
 From : Steven Wesen                        1:271/236       .åō 28 .åę 95 22:01
 To   : Frank Swarbrick
 Subj : Re: Red Dwarf
.TID: GE 1.11+
Ok you asked for it how about Quark??
--- GEcho 1.11+
 * Origin: Time Machine Node 2, Newport News, VA 595-9383 (1:271/236)

 Msg  : 54 of 187
 From : Eric Reinholt                       1:2604/309      .pä 27 .åę 95 07:23
 To   : Frank Glover
 Subj : Niven, Magic & Science
 On 12-25-95 FRANK GLOVER wrote to MARK JONES...

 TR> Sure, a few fools will go anyway.  They die, and the collective
 TR> IQ of the human species increases. Think of it as evolution in
 TR> action.

 MJ> Are you sure it was Niven?  I could have sworn it was Heinlein
 MJ> who suggested this.  (He also suggested a solution for the
 MJ> "insoluble"

 FG>    I know Niven used a line very much like that in `Not Long Before
 FG> The End.' with reference to sorcerers dealing with Conan-type
 FG> swordsmen. (Niven was on the side of the sorcerers.)

 FG>    It even has some relation to this thread, as it suggested that
 FG> magic was a finite, non-renewable resource....

 If I remember correctly, Niven also gave us a few examples of
 'logical' spells, low level magic that did NOT strenuously
 drain the surrounding magic.  One was a coolness spell with a
 tiny demon that did not allow heated molecules into a cave.
 Almost a scientific definition for magic!

 ** Eric **

 * OFFLINE 1.54 * "You make very good sharks, Mr. Garibaldi." - Londo Mollari

--- WM v3.10/93-0747
 * Origin: Plain Brown Wrapper BBS-Cresskill NJ.(201)569-6685  (1:2604/309)

 Msg  : 55 of 187
 From : Eric Reinholt                       1:2604/309      .pä 27 .åę 95 12:18
 To   : Aaron Turon
 Subj : Star Trek
 On 12-24-95 AARON TURON wrote to EVERYONE...

 AT> Does ANYONE out there like Star Trek?
 AT> Please respond!

 Like?  Love!  I've been a Star Trek fan since birth.  At least
 that's what my parents tell me.

 ** Eric **


--- WM v3.10/93-0747
 * Origin: Plain Brown Wrapper BBS-Cresskill NJ.(201)569-6685  (1:2604/309)

 Msg  : 56 of 187
 From : Dan Kachoogian                      1:107/953       .pä 27 .åę 95 14:28
 Subj : Re: Seaquest 2032
*** Quoting KEN DAVIS to Dan Kachoogian ***

KD>  Maybe they ran out of viewers? Or maybe when they end this
KD> season they
KD>  can't figure out another impossible ending, so they will just
KD> leave the
KD>  sub destroyed. Just like they did the show. :)

I think the ship's computer should suddenly become sentient, scare them all into
abandoning ship with threat of a meltdown or something, and then go off on it's
(Oh, wait, this isn't ST:TNG! :-))


 * Origin: The Juice Bar BBS (908) 298-0764 (1:107/953)

 Msg  : 57 of 187
 From : Brion Lienhart                      1:213/700.2     .åō 28 .åę 95 09:27
On Tue Dec 26, ROBERT LIDGREN said to ALL:

 -RL>Has anyone heard ANYTHING about whether SLIDERS might be picked up
 -RL>again?  I've been pre-occupied for the last few months with my ailing
 -RL>Mom but she's out of the hospital now so I have some time to pursue my
 -RL>other interests too.

The last I heard, its supposed to be a mid-season replacement. With my luck,
they'll probably dump Strange Luck to put sliders back on.

--- QM v1.31
 * Origin: Ministry of Peace - Carson City, NV (1:213/700.2)

 Msg  : 58 of 187
 From : Aaron Turon                         1:137/2         .åō 28 .åę 95 07:15
 To   : Dan Kachoogian
 Subj : Star Trek
No, TREK is short for Star Trek.

--- Opus-CBCS 1.73a
 * Origin: Chipper Clipper * Scott me up beamy! * 941-745-56 (1:137/2.0)

 Msg  : 59 of 187
 From : Aaron Turon                         1:137/2         .åō 28 .åę 95 07:18
 To   : All
 Subj : Star Trek Voyager
I liked that episode where Nealix( that's probably spelled wrong, but I don't
know how to spell it) lungs get taken out. There are a lot of other good ones,
so if you know any and would like to discuss with me, just e-mail! thanks :)

--- Opus-CBCS 1.73a
 * Origin: Chipper Clipper * Scott me up beamy! * 941-745-56 (1:137/2.0)

 Msg  : 60 of 187
 From : Bianca Wesslak                      1:132/152       .cę 24 .åę 95 19:25
 To   : Todd Sullivan
 Subj : nuclear BS
From a woman with an overactive imagination.

 TS> Whoa, Cool!  Bianca Wesslak and me are inna cat fight about "nuclear
 TS> BS"!
 BW> From a woman with an overactive imagination.
 TS> That's true, indeed. :^)

 Yeah I know, but it has come in handy;)
 And I distincly said to myself that I would not get into this again.

 TS> TMI had no explosion.  Nuclear fuel is processed differently than
 TS> weapons loads, and uses different isotopes.  No way it can happen

 Than what did happen at three mile Island?????.  Never say Never, nothing
 is ever truly safe.  TRY MURPHY'S LAWS

 TS> The only way that can happen is with weapons fire.

 What about an inside mishap in a nuke sub, I seriously doubt weapons fire
 is the only thing that can hurt a nuke sub, then again they said the Titanic
 was unsinkable.

 TS> You've been reading too many "Bad science fiction" books, going by
 TS> what you've said.  Or people you've talked to who are woefully
 TS> ignorant.  Try finding books by Oppenheimer and others that worked on
 TS> the Manhattan Project.  That'll be a good start.
 TS> Todd Sullivan

 As for the manhattan project, they worked on the A bomb, and I read mostly
 fantasy, and not bad sci fi.  I've also visited a nuclear power plant in
 Maine, I think it's name is yankee something or other.  I do admit to being
 wrong occasionly but my info generally comes from people who have some
 knowledge of what they are talking about.  Besides which, large explosions
 are not the only danger, how bout radiation leaks, how  bout overheated
 water out there killing a fishing industry, etc etc.  nuclear energy is not
 the safest or infalliable energy that there is.

 TS> ... I keep missing Rush Limbaugh.  But with this new laser sight...

The world will be safe again VVVVBG

 TS> -*- ASTG 1.9


... What's all this about hellfire and dalmations?
--- Blue Wave v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin: The Cereal Port BBS (OS/2) Rindge,NH 603-899-3335 (1:132/152)

 Msg  : 61 of 187
 From : Bianca Wesslak                      1:132/152       .cę 24 .åę 95 19:35
 To   : Nicolai Shapero
 Subj : Re: nuclear
From a woman with an overactive imagination.

 BW> Your looking at the present and not the future.  Radiation half
 BW>life takes
 BW> centuries and maybe eons to become stable.
 NS> I would strongly suggest that you study a bit of physics.  Do you even
 NS> have

the vaguest idea of what the half-life of a radioactive isotope

 NS> IS?  The

really nasty radioactive isotopes have short half-lives.

 NS> The isotopes with

extremely long half-lives are not comparitively

 NS> speaking dangerous.  Funny

about that...

 BW>Uranium hurts and
 BW>kills more
 BW> people over time than does black lung.

 Actually I got the half life stuff, that I am using for the nuke power
 plant bs from a nuclear power plant guy, allright.  And believe it or not
 I do know what a half life is.  It is exacly that a half life, that when
 the isotope becomes "stable" The stuff we use in our nuclear plant actually
 half long half live, I beliave from my info about some thousands of years.
 I also remember when still in highschool hearing from a physics professor,
 about half lives.

 NS> Approximately 10,000 people die each year due to our current use of
 NS> fossil

fuels for power and for "getting around" in our nice little IC

 NS> engine

vehicles.  Source of this number?  An NSF study some ten years

 NS> ago and more

that my older brother worked on.  The study did not

 NS> include the lives lost

for mining or transporting fossil fuels, by

 NS> the by.  And take a look at how

long it takes for a restricted

 NS> ecosystem to recover from an oil spill, by

the by...

 BW>... You can twist perceptions, reality won't budge.

Yeah and what about japan and hiroshima and nagashaki, there still being
effected, how about since all the nuke bombs being exploded, and the
unsafety ofnuke power plants, every one born today has a little bit of
plutonium in there lungs, among other things.  Nor have I at any point
gone for fossil fuels in this debate, so you can save the fossil argument, I
also don't think that nuclear enerby is such a good idea either.!!

 NS> Yes.  And knowing the hard realities of physics helps you to make an

informed decision.
 reality is only a perception that humans came up with, it changes to new
 concepts that we decide are right.  Physics is only theory that a bunch
 of people agree upon, not fact, thories.  highschool science fact, and
 definition between theories, facts, and hypothesis.

... The world: A comedy for thinkers and a tragedy for feelers.
--- Blue Wave v2.12 [NR]
 * Origin: The Cereal Port BBS (OS/2) Rindge,NH 603-899-3335 (1:132/152)

 Msg  : 62 of 187
 From : Bianca Wesslak                      1:132/152       .cę 24 .åę 95 19:46
 To   : Mark Jones
 Subj : nuclear
From a woman with an overactive imagination.

 MJ> @MSGID: 1:105/302.47 b11e2920
 MJ> On (20 Dec 95) Bianca Wesslak wrote to David Durgee...

 BW> Your looking at the present and not the future. Radiation half
 BW> life takes centuries and maybe eons to become stable. Uranium
 BW> hurts and kills more people over time than does black lung.
 BW> Point, Nagasaki and hiroshima, those that were not killed by the
 BW> blast died from cancer, exposure and other sickness, also people
 BW> in the navy who were swimming in the ocean during the attack that
 BW> were in our navy. Evidence the book hiroshima.

 MJ> A radioactive substance can be highly radioactive OR it can have an
 MJ> extremely long half-life.  Not both.  (If such a substance did exist,
 MJ> it would be the ideal fuel source--lots of energy output and usable
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